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BIBLID 0254-4466(2002)20:1 pp. 369-397 20 1 91 6 1931 1931 1932 1945 * 369

370 20 1 1 2 1941 12.30 3 4 1 91 1975.3 56-64 2 19 4 1983 202-211 28 4 1986 156-166 3 12.30 1989 2 59-65 12.30 1996 359-385 4 1992 635-644


372 20 1 1931 5 1933 1937 1938 6 5 1978 434 1931 220,000 1934 63,300 1937 14,900 1940 1,930 6 14 1990 345

373 7 1931 1945 1936 8 9 10 7 12.30 23-24 8 1993 697 28 1989 76 1993 527-278 9 1954 8 20 1954 9 10 1954 9 5 1936 7 6 186 1989 31 33 44 10 1995 23

374 20 1 11 12 1932 13 14 15 1933 5 16 1934 17 11 28 14 12 1 64 13 1944 133 4 1995 101 10-11 1980 20 14 1986 13 20 15 JD14-2-72 60 5 16 JD14-2-72 1934 7 7 D-2-3-0-17 1934 A-1-1-0-21-5 24 4852 1931 9 25 1933 2 1998 1990 167-168 11 18 16 1938 191-192 1933 5 31 17 101

375 18 19 20 21 22 23 18 17 102 1933 4,811 34 4,923 1935 11 4 635-636 19 694-695 20 13 20 21 17 102 22 19 694 23 1931 7 10 1991 72

376 20 1 24 25 1937 1938 3 26 1934 18 27 1938 8 78 200 24 14 1990 653 25 4 115 26 1993 2000.9 3 27 19 696

377 28 29 30 1938 1940 31 1940 11 32 28 17 103-104 29 104 30 102 25 114 19 696 31 722 32 7 72

378 20 1 1941 33 34 1940 105 2,253 35 1941 36 37 38 39 1941 12 12 30 12.30 40 355 33 713-714 7 72 34 31 723-724 128-130 1992 2 31 86-87 33 718 35 25 114 1992 90 4 640 36 31 728 12.30 12.30 37 1954 8 8 443 3 38 28 87 39 3 62 31 730 40 1956 5 31 446 17 104-105 34 12

379 170 41 12.30 42 43 44 45 46 1942 47 41 12.30 1944 6 7 245 290 12.30 210 12.30 509 42 1954 6 27 462 43 1943 10 459-460 44 17 105 41 509 45 33 716-717 46 34 13 47 25 115

380 20 1 48 49 50 51 1943 7 1 52 1944 1 132 53 1944 4 54 55 132 56 48 33 715-716 49 735 50 34 85 116 51 116 52 33 719 53 25 115 713-724 62 27 45 132 54 55 25 117 56 1954 4 15 625-626

381 57 58 1944 5 59 1944 10 60 1945 5 23 5.23 61 62 63 57 1944 651 58 1954 8 23 627-628 59 33 718 4 644 60 1945 4 20 37 674-675 61 20 20-21 25 118 5.23 62 37 63 17 105

382 20 1 1938 64 1935 65 1936 1939 66 20 30 1943 70 1945 300 400 200 67 64 169 65 1993 752-753 66 7 176 67 65 758 12.30 764

383 68 69 70 1941 12 71 72 1941 73 74 75 76 68 65 755 69 65 757 759 50% 70 35 1983 7 323 71 65 757 72 755-756 73 756 74 756-757 75 758 76 759-760

384 20 1 77 1941 12.30 69 78 1942 1945 1945 8 79 8 12 70 80 1940 200 5 81 82 77 759 78 1942 1 4 1 486 488 79 12.30 764 80 1989 7 326-328 81 12.30 1989 2-3 7 173-174 82 78 489

385 83 84 85 86 1939 83 490 84 7 176 85 33 714-715 86 131

386 20 1 87 88 1940 89 90 87 7 38-39 88 41 506-507 89 1942 1 4 1 12.30 2 7 51 90 41 507 7 57

387 1941 5 91 92 1939 1940 12 29 93 91 7 60-65 82-96 169 41 508 92 41 508 93 1942 1 4 1 486-487

388 20 1 1941 9 94 1941 12 30 95 96 97 98 75 150 75 50 25 99 1941 6 17 1943 12 1944 3 15 32 6 100 1940 11 94 7 143 95 3 1976 54-55 41 509 96 4 1989 64 97 49 1997 492 98 96 59-60 99 1990 626 100 90 115

389 101 102 103 1943 10 104 105 106 1940 101 652 102 126 135-136 152 103 170-171 104 100 99 101 105 652 106 33 714-715

390 20 1 107 108 109 110 21 111 112 113 114 115 107 46 14 108 14 109 62 23 28-29 33 717 110 62 29 46 14 111 46 15-16 112 15-16 49-50 113 127 114 62 32-34 1151942 1 4

391 116 1940 1938 LS 1940 1943 117 118 1942 7 119 1 488 116 1942 12 24 768 492 117 1944 652 118 1954 7 5 643 119 33 717

392 20 1 120 121 122 1936 3 123 1938 500 600 50 124 125 1940 2 3 120 10 26 34 121 1954 7 23 654 122 115 123 31 721 124 33 711-712 125 653

393 126 127 128 1936 129 1941 12.30 130 126 31 721 127 1954 7 23 654 128 19 696 129 65 752 130 1954 7 29 472

394 20 1 131 1941 12.30 131 651

395 10 132 133 132 12.30 1944 6 7 379 133 34 132

396 20 1 Internal Resistance: Secret Anti-Japanese Movements under the Manzhou Government in Manchuria Sunyoung Park Abstract This paper analyzes the role of a previously ignored hidden component of the anti-manzhou and Japanese resistance in Manchuria from 1931-45. This resistance came from all strata of Manchurian and Chinese society, including those Chinese living in Japan and permeated all levels of their respective societies-from the working class to powerful elites. The author argues that these people encompassed a distinct group in that they did not recognize the legitimacy of the Manzhou Government and offered neither open resistance nor open cooperation, but rather appeared to lead normal lives under Manzhou control. This hidden resistance organized secret anti-manzhou and -Japanese activities with the purpose of undermining and ousting both powers. In order to understand this internal resistance this paper uses sources such as oral history from those who actively participated in it and its meetings, court confessions, and Guomin Party and Japanese official documents. This paper also attempts to ascertain the impact and effectiveness of those in the Guomin Party and other social elites in secret internal resistance activities, and to evaluate the influence of such activities on Manchurian society. * Sunyoung Park is a professor in the Division of Humanities and Social Science at Pohang University of Science and Technology in Pohang, Korea.

397 Keywords: Manzhou Government, Resistance against Japan, Zhen Yong She (Association of True Courage), Luo Dayu, Incident of December 30, 1941