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72:45-54 (2001) 45 1 I. 2 2 1 2 4682 1 (japonica) (indica) (9) (sticky) (adhesion) (3,8,9) (3,23) (3,5) (6) (20) (4) 1 0528 2

46 4682 (Tai-sen Glutinous Yu 4682, TSWY4682) 1 (Taichung Sen Glutinous 1, TCSW1) (Hung-chueh-chu, HCSW) 2 (Tai-sen Glutinous 2, TSW2) (Kuang-fu-shiang-no, KFSW) 2 (Tainung Sen Glutinous 2, TNSW2) 1998 1999 30 15 cm 10.8 m 2 ( ) (5) 20 1.2 12 (30 1 ml) (Texturometer, Tokyo, Japan) ( ) Fig. 1. Making cooked milled rice with oil. Fig. 2. Making cooked milled rice without oil.

I. 47 Juliano (13) Little et al. (16) KOH 1.3% 1.7% (21) Cagampang et al. (10) 0.13 g 0.14 g (12) 18 mm (18) (Hardness, H) (Stickiness, -H) (Balance, -H/H) (Adhesiveness, A 3 ) (Cohesiveness, A 2 /A 1 ) (Springiness, a 2 /a 1 ) (1) KOH Table 1. Combined analysis of variance for physicochemical properties of different indica waxy rice varieties. Source df GC (0.13) GC (0.14) GT (1.3) GT (1.7) AC Block (Crop) 1 1.50 4.17 0.0000 0.0004 0.0004 Block 1 1.50 0.17 0.0000 0.0004 0.0038 Crop (C) 1 42.67 112.67 0.0017** 0.0938* 0.0004 Variety (V) 5 318.80** 380.27** 1.4577** 5.4104** 0.0064** C V 5 13.47** 17.87** 0.0017** 0.0138** 0.0004 1. GC: Gel consistency. GT: Alkali spreading value. AC: Amylose content. 2. **,* Significance at 0.01 and 0.05 levels of probability, respectively. (14,19) (7,22) (19,22) (21) KOH (21) (2,12)

48 Table 2. Physicochemical properties of different indica waxy varieties for the 1st and 2nd crop seasons. Crop Variety GC(0.13) GC(0.14) GT(1.3) GT(1.7) AC TSWY4682 94.5a 78.0b 4.0b 5.8a 0.15ab TCSW1 86.5b 77.5b 4.0b 5.8a 0.10b 1st HCSW 70.0c 58.0d 3.0d 3.0c 0.20a TSW2 83.0b 72.5c 3.5c 5.6b 0.10b KFSW 94.0a 85.0a 4.8a 5.8a 0.15ab TNSW2 95.0a 86.0a 4.0b 5.8a 0.10b TSWY4682 95.5a 86.0a 4.0c 6.0a 0.15ab TCSW1 93.5a 85.0a 4.0c 6.0a 0.10b 2nd HCSW 73.0c 61.0c 3.0e 3.0c 0.20a TSW2 90.0b 81.0b 3.5d 5.5b 0.10b KFSW 93.0a 84.5a 4.8a 6.0a 0.10b TNSW2 94.0a 85.5a 4.1b 6.0a 0.10b 1. GC: Gel consistency. GT: Alkali spreading value. AC: Amylose content. 2. Values within the column followed by different letters are significantly different (P<0.05). 2 4682 1 2 2 1.7% KOH 2 (2,12) 1.3% KOH 2 1.3% KOH (21) 2 4682 2

I. 49 4682 2 2 1 Table 3. Combined analysis of variance for texture of cooked milled rice with and without oil from different indica waxy rice varieties. Source df H -H -H/H A 3 A 2 /A 1 a 2 /a 1 Block (Crop) 1 0.0721 0.00025 0.000075 0.00010 0.000033 0.000408 Block 1 0.0096 0.00075 0.000133 0.00010 0.000000 0.000833 Treatment (T) 1 0.0444 0.00880* 0.001008* 0.01172** 0.000300 0.000008 Crop (C) 1 0.9185** 0.01435** 0.000675 0.01577** 0.002700** 0.000075 Variety (V) 5 0.6811** 0.04099** 0.003980** 0.05367** 0.004633** 0.000315 T C 1 0.0507 0.00500 0.000533 0.00880* 0.000533 0.000533 T V 5 0.0042 0.00020 0.000058 0.00123 0.000240 0.000223 C V 5 0.0277 0.00525* 0.000695** 0.00173 0.000470 0.000310 T C V 5 0.0104 0.00049 0.000083 0.00192 0.000083 0.000108 H: Hardness. -H: Stickiness. -H/H: Balance. A 3 : Adhesiveness. A 2 /A 1 : Cohesiveness. a 2 /a 1 : Springiness **,*: Significance at 0.01 and 0.05 levels of probability, respectively. Table 4. Texture of cooked milled rice from different indica waxy varieties for the first and the second crop seasons. Crop Variety H -H -H/H A 3 A 2 /A 1 a 2 /a 1 1st TSWY4682 3.170b 0.108c 0.035bc 0.135bc 0.650b 0.808a TCSW1 3.355ab 0.190ab 0.058ab 0.173ab 0.645b 0.810a HCSW 3.313ab 0.133bc 0.043bc 0.080cd 0.683a 0.813a TSW2 2.775c 0.073c 0.025c 0.048d 0.683a 0.823a KFSW 3.540a 0.070c 0.020c 0.040d 0.680a 0.810a TNSW2 3.475a 0.230a 0.068a 0.230a 0.640b 0.805a TSWY4682 2.860c 0.155b 0.058ab 0.113b 0.645bc 0.810a TCSW1 3.025bc 0.143b 0.050b 0.105b 0.633c 0.805a 2nd HCSW 2.878c 0.028c 0.013c 0.013c 0.688a 0.825a TSW2 2.535d 0.015c 0.003c 0.003c 0.655bc 0.808a KFSW 3.460a 0.033c 0.010c 0.018c 0.668ab 0.830a TNSW2 3.210b 0.223a 0.070a 0.238a 0.603d 0.805a 1. H: Hardness. -H: Stickiness. -H/H: Balance. A 3 : Adhesiveness. A 2 /A 1 : Cohesiveness. a 2 /a 1 : Springiness. 2. Values within the column followed by different letters are significantly different (P<0.05).

50 Table 5. Texture of cooked milled rice from different indica waxy rice varieties for the combined two crop seasons. Variety H -H -H/H A 3 A 2 /A 1 a 2 /a 1 TSWY4682 3.015d 0.131b 0.046b 0.124b 0.648c 0.809a TCSW1 3.190bc 0.166b 0.054b 0.139b 0.639c 0.808a HCSW 3.095cd 0.080c 0.028c 0.046c 0.685a 0.819a TSW2 2.655e 0.044c 0.014c 0.025c 0.669b 0.815a KFSW 3.500a 0.051c 0.015c 0.029c 0.674ab 0.820a TNSW2 3.343ab 0.226a 0.069a 0.234a 0.621d 0.805a 1. H: Hardness. -H: Stickiness. -H/H: Balance A 3 : Adhesiveness. A 2 /A 1 : Cohesiveness. a 2 /a 1 : Springiness 2. Values within the column followed by different letters are significantly different (P<0.05). 2 1 2 (12) 4682 2 2 1 4682 2 4682 1 2 1.3% KOH 1.7% (17)

I. 51 (22) (11) (hydration) (15,17) Table 6. Texture of cooked milled rice with and without oil from different indica waxy rice varieties for the first and the second crop seasons. Crop Treatment Variety H -H -H/H A 3 A 2 /A 1 a 2 /a 1 1st 2nd Non-oiled Oiled Non-oiled TSWY4682 3.185a 0.145ab 0.045a 0.205abc 0.655a 0.800a TCSW1 3.280a 0.225ab 0.070a 0.225ab 0.645a 0.805a HCSW 3.260a 0.150ab 0.050a 0.080bc 0.675a 0.800a TSW2 2.690b 0.100ab 0.035a 0.065bc 0.675a 0.820a KFSW 3.395a 0.080b 0.025a 0.050c 0.675a 0.810a TNSW2 3.440a 0.245a 0.070a 0.255a 0.650a 0.810a TSWY4682 3.155bc 0.070b 0.025 b 0.065bc 0.645bc 0.815a TCSW1 3.430ab 0.155ab 0.045ab 0.120b 0.645bc 0.815a HCSW 3.365abc 0.115ab 0.035ab 0.080bc 0.690a 0.825a TSW2 2.860c 0.045b 0.015b 0.030c 0.690a 0.825a KFSW 3.685a 0.060b 0.015b 0.030c 0.685ab 0.810a TNSW2 3.510ab 0.215a 0.065a 0.205a 0.630c 0.800a TSWY4682 2.840c 0.145a 0.050a 0.105b 0.655abc 0.820a TCSW1 3.040bc 0.150a 0.055a 0.105b 0.640bc 0.810a HCSW 2.890c 0.035b 0.015b 0.015c 0.695a 0.820a TSW2 2.495d 0.020b 0.005b 0.005c 0.650abc 0.810a KFSW 3.500a 0.035b 0.010b 0.015c 0.675ab 0.825a TNSW2 3.215b 0.230a 0.075a 0.255a 0.610c 0.815a TSWY4682 2.880bc 0.165ab 0.065a 0.120b 0.635b 0.800c TCSW1 3.010b 0.135b 0.045b 0.105b 0.625bc 0.800c Oiled HCSW 2.865bc 0.020c 0.010c 0.010c 0.680a 0.830ab TSW2 2.575c 0.010c 0.004c 0.002c 0.660ab 0.805bc KFSW 3.420a 0.030c 0.010c 0.020c 0.660ab 0.835a TNSW2 3.205ab 0.215a 0.065a 0.220a 0.595c 0.795c 1. H: Hardness. -H: Stickiness. -H/H: Balance. A 3 : Adhesiveness. A 2 /A 1 : Cohesiveness. a 2 /a 1 : Springiness. 2. Values within the column followed by different letters are significantly different (P<0.05).

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54 Studies on Rice Quality of Indica Waxy Rices 1 I. Texture of Processed Products for Six Varieties Ai-Na Hsu 2 ABSTRACT Texture variation of cooked milled rice with and without oil made from different indica waxy rice varieties were studied. The availability of making processed products was also evaluated. The palatability of processed product was determined by the combined performance of hardness and stickiness, which is balance. Among varieties there is no significant difference in balance of cooked milled rice without oil. While making cooked milled rice with oil, the stickiness that affected the palatable balance was decreased. Because there was significant interaction between crop season and variety, it was necessary to discuss the results by two crop seasons separately. In the first crop, Tainung Sen Glutinous 2 has the best performance, it can widely used in making different processed products of cooked milled rice with or without oil. Next is Taichung Sen Glutinous 1, but only suitable for making cooked milled rice without oil. In the second crop, both Tainung Sen Glutinous 2 and Tai-sen Glutinous Yu 4682 are suitable for making all kinds of processed products from cooked milled rice with or without oil. Taichung Sen Glutinous 1 is the next best variety, but the balance performance of cooked milled rice without oil is better than that of cooked milled rice with oil. Key word: indica waxy rice, texture, processed product. 1 Contribution No. 0528 from Taichung DAIS, COA. 2 Associate Agronomist of Taichung DAIS, COA