146 9 966-1037 1022 1025 903-960 1126-1193 1127-1206 ca.656-713 ca.834-ca.883 9 th cent. 1 1 9 76 48

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9 145-174 2004 12 * 1022 1025 *

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147 2 1091-1132 3 4 5 1127-1194 6 2 2001 10 717 3 1998 11 1107 4 252 5 1997 12 27-28 6 35

148 9 fl.1211-1249 1094 7 1804 8 9 10 11 1060 12 1108 1518-1593 7 6 8 55 6 33-34 9 333-335 10 11 572-574 12 66 9 351

149 13 楡 14 15 1111-1117 16 17 13 1293 14 1999 12 495 15 1996 163 16 12 719 17 12 352

150 9 18 Olibnum Boswellia Carterit, Birdw Cape Gardafui 19 18 8 9 19 1992 6 314

151 20 B.C.180-157 21 20 5 480 21 1973

9 152 452-536 22 78 22 75 10 193-196

153 23 24 662 25 26 27 28 23 1998 3 4344 24 25 1095 26 12 351 27 1999 9 77 28 27 99

154 9 29 29 15 89

155 30 31 32 33 34 Linalol Linalyl 35 36 Thymelaeaceac Aquilaria sinensis Lour. Gilg A.agllocha Roxburxch Euphorbiceae Excoexaria agallocha L. 37 30 23 4349 31 784 32 62 9 33 1 2 34 753 35 19 254-256 36 2003 8 44-45 37 74 1 308

156 9 38 38 55 3 36

39 40 157 41 42 43 竈 44 39 1997 12 111 40 38 36 41 8 42 15 174 43 9 244 44 1997 12 98 99

158 9 976-983 1049-53 1064-67 缗 1136 缗 45 46 45 22 24-37 46 9566

966 992 1020 1022 47 1037 48 49 50 51 52 53 159 54 47 1998 4 259 48 168 49 1997 12 12 50 343 51 1997 12 15 52 9564 53 50 541 54 9570

160 9 55 992 994 995 999 56 57 58 59 爲 60 61 55 292 56 9566 594 57 637 58 56 12 751 59 627 60 71 1 2127 61 59 627

161 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 62 169-170 63 249 64 39 100 65 11 376 66 80 10 51 67 1999 2 528 68 67 528 69 9 321 323 70 10 11 71 70 5 72 308

162 9 1004 1013 1019 73 爲 74 73 9566 74 50

163 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 1004 1022 75 2428 2429 76 1997 12 3 77 1997 6 485 78 11 79 76 5 80 70 7 81 70 8

164 9 1022 82 1025 83 84 82 61 9 762 83 62 169 84 494 502 503

165 85 86 87 85 10 725 86 11 515 87 457

166 9 88 89 90 88 51 18 89 20 519 90 9

91 92 167 91 27 241 92 9 300 301

9 168

169 枿 羣

170 9

171 5 9 1999 42 1977 1999 1972 1997 1967 1997

9 172 1996 1997 1997 1997 1999 1997 1996 1982 1997 1998 1992 1986 1998 1991 1985 2001 2003 1973

173 Feng Chia Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences pp. 145-174, No.9, Dec. 2004 College of Humanities and Social Sciences Feng Chia University Textual Report of Tien Hsiang Chuan by Ding-Wei Ching-Ming Liu* Abstract Tien Hsiang Chuan (Heaven Fragrance Records) was written by a demoted official, Ding-Wei, stationed in Hainan in the first year of Ching Hsing during the reign of Emperor Jen-Chung of the Sung Dynasty (1022-1025). The records describe detailedly the history of use, districts of production and quality of incense in China and rank its author the first appraiser of garu wood incense establishing not only the standing of Hainan garu wood incense that affected profoundly the charts of incense by many after the Sung and the Yuan Dynasties. Meanwhile, a criterion of appraisal for refreshing and lasting fragrance was formulated by the contemporary literary figures. The records are all the more valuable documentarily than any other books of hand-down copy of many origins when the author had personally visited the places of incense production and it is a rather important literary piece of incense study in the Sung Dynasty. This study begins with the textual research of existing versions of Tien Hsiang Chuan and analyzes the particulars of the contents to know how incenses had been used in the Sung Dynasty. Next, the motive of Ding-Wei s writing of Tien Hsiang Chuan is explored to learn of his recognition of incense from the post of a tribute-tea maker as a transport officer in Fuchien in his earlier days with the experience to add incense in tea, and his later access to the forbidden city and acquired knowledge of the ritual of palace offerings, scientific instruments of Taoism, and the system and * Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of History and Historical Relics, Feng Chia University.

174 9 customary practice of incense in court life. In his old-age demotion to Hainan living in the very land of incense production against his specific seasoned experience of life as well as the political background, the author expresses his unique viewpoints in commentaries and appraisements of garu wood incense in the Tien Hsiang Chuan of his creation. Keywords: Ding-Wei, Tien Hsiang Chuan, Hainan, garu wood incense, Charts of Incense, incense culture