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158 () 37 fertilit y policy. However, t here will be big differences between t he age2specific pop ulatio n numbers and t he total pop ulation ; t he


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走 出 单 至 理 的 宿 舍, 曾 倚 城 轻 轻 叹 了 一 口 气, 在 桐 州 大 学, 他 的 名 字 是 彻 底 和 这 个 耿 上 欣 捆 绑 了 老 实 说, 刚 开 始 时, 他 压 根 就 没 有 注 意 到 她, 耿 上 欣 不 是 班 上 最 漂 亮 的, 也 不 是 最 丑


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Abstracts in Engl ish Some observations on the study of the Xixia Dynasty caves at Dunhuang L IU Yuquan ( The Archaeological Research Instit ute of Dunhuang Academy, Lanzho u, Gansu 730000 ) This article analyzes some of questions that have been raised since t he 1980s in t he st udy of Bud2 dhist caves of t he Xixia Dynasty at Dunhuang. The aim is to clarify and to establish a firm basis for t he early resolution of some adverse influences t hat have existed for a long time in Xixia st udies. An interpretation of the representations of the mandala with Va irocana and the Eight great Bodhisattvas at Dunhuang Grottoes ( Part ) L IU Yo ngzeng ( The Archaeological Research Instit ute of Dunhuang Academy, Dunhuang, Gansu 736200 ) Wit hin Buddhist cave - temple art, whet her in t he form of sculpture or mural - paintings, t he motif of t he mandala of Vairocana Buddha in t he center wit h eight great Bodhisattvas on bot h sides was very pop ular and widesp read in bot h India and Tibet. This article gives a comprehensive icono2 grap hical st udy on t he representations of t he mandala, and discusses t he motif in two part s. Here, Part, aut hor has made a caref ully check of related Buddhist canon concerning t he mandala of eight great Bodhisattvas and investigated all of t he existing iconograp hical representations in both India and Tibet, and introduces t he identified examples of t he mandala with Vairocana and eight great Bodhi2 sattvas in the Dunhuang Grottoes. 122