( SCI EI SSCI TSSCI EconLit A&HCI ) Lu, Wilbur Bing-Yan, December 2015. Why Do Policy Brokers Matter? A Lesson for Competing Advocacy Coalitions, Jour

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101 /105 : 102 6.816 (4 ) 100 7 99 6 98 5 97 6.67 96 6 95 3 Wilbur Bing-Yan Lu 2014 7? (1990-2014): () (286 ) ISBN 978-957-11-7677-2 2012 12 : : (370 ) ISBN 978-986-6816-08-6 2007 9 : : (294 ) ISBN 978-986-6338-67-0 Lu, Wilbur Bing-Yan, March 2015. The Power of Influencing Policies, or Getting Their Share and More: Interest Groups in Taiwan, in Kuo, Yu-Ying (ed.), Policy Analysis in Taiwan, pp. 95-110, Bristol, UK: Policy Press. ISBN 978-1-44730-830-0 Lu, Wilbur Bing-Yan, May 2014. The Media Power of Manufacturing Policies: The Policymaking Process of Su Hwa Highway in Taiwan, in So, Bennis Wai Yip and Yuang-Kuang Kao (eds.), The Changing Policy-Making Process in Greater China: Case Research from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, pp. 137-154, Oxon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-71130-2 Lu, Wilbur Bing-Yan, Feb. 2009. Taiwan s National Legislature: the Legislative Yuan (1949-2008), in Porsche-Ludwig, Markus and Chin-Peng Chu (eds.), The Political System of Taiwan, pp. 130-157, Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. ISBN 978-3-8329-3863-5 1

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