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SL JSH 2019 : SP (1)-1 SP (1)-2 CKD? 1,2 1 2 SP (1)-3 1, SP (1)-4 JSH 2019 CKD SP (2)-1 CKD 30


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24 4. 5. ADAMTS13 VWF von Willebrand 6. 3 6 月 25 日 ( 土 )9:00~11:00 第 2 会場展示棟展示室 1-B 1. 2. C-type Lectin-like Receptor 3. 4. 5. COVID-19 6. up to date 4 6 月 25 日 ( 土 )14:05~16:05 第 2 会場展示棟展示室 1-B 1. nanobody 2. 3. AAV

25 4. AlphaFold 5. 6. 1 6 月 24 日 ( 金 )8:00~8:50 第 1 会場展示棟展示室 1-A ips 2 6 月 24 日 ( 金 )8:00~8:50 第 4 会場展示棟展示室 3-A 3 6 月 25 日 ( 土 )8:00~8:50 第 1 会場展示棟展示室 1-A EVAHEART 学会本部企画 Shosuke Award 6 月 24 日 ( 金 )12:00~12:40 第 1 会場展示棟展示室 1-A Mechanisms of thrombus formation and propagation in atherothrombosis Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Miyazaki Yujiro Asada

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28 3. Basic research on gastrointestinal angiodysplasia associated with cardiovascular diseases with high shear stress New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan / Department of Vascular Biology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan Yasuhiro Suzuki 4. Role of Partial EndMT in carotid artery ligation TARA Center, University of Tsukuba Yoshito Yamashiro SPC 2 Diagnosis and management of thrombotic thrombocytopenia 6 月 24 日 ( 金 )9:00~11:00 第 1 会場展示棟展示室 1-A 1. Understanding why VITT may be more prothrombotic than HIT Professor of Pediatrics, The University of Pennsylvania and The Children s Hospital of Philadelphia Mortimer Poncz 2. Diagnosis and treatment of thrombotic microangiopathy with special reference to thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Department of Blood Transfusion Medicine, Nara Medical University Masanori Matsumoto 3. Diagnosis and treatment of atypical HUS Department of Nephrology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine Shoichi Maruyama 4. Recent topics in hematopoietic stem cell transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TA-TMA) Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Center for Research and Application of Cellular Therapy, Department of Hematology and Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto Japan Yasuyuki Arai SPC 3 Diversity of coagulation factors and coagulation inhibitors, and their new biological roles 6 月 24 日 ( 金 )14:30~16:30 第 3 会場展示棟展示室 3-B 1. Characterization of the coagulability of emicizumab evaluated by comprehensive coagulation function analysis and its application to new therapeutic strategies Department of Pediatrics, Nara Medical University, Nara, Japan Masahiro Takeyama

29 2. Elucidation of anticoagulant function and development of screening method associated with Factor V abnormality Department of Pediatrics, Nara Medical University, Nara, Japan / The Course of Thrombosis and Hemostasis Molecular Pathology, Nara Medical University, Japan Naruto Shimonishi 3. Relationship between the blood coagulation-anticoagulation system and bone remodeling Faculty of Nursing Science, Mie Prefectural College of Nursing Tatsuya Hayashi 4. Gene therapy for congenital protein C deficiency in mice Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kanazawa University, Ishikawa, Japan / Department of Biochemistry, Jichi Medical University School of Medicine, Tochigi, Japan Tomoki Togashi SPC 4 COVID-19 Coagulopathy and thrombosis associated with COVID-19 6 月 25 日 ( 土 )14:05~16:05 第 1 会場展示棟展示室 1-A SBS 1. Simultaneous daily platelet count and presepsin measurement from the time of ICU admission may be useful for predicting in-hospital mortality of patients with severe COVID-19 Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka University Hiroyasu Ishikura 2. Evaluation of coagulation status using clot wave analysis in patients with COVID-19 Department of Anaesthesiology, Tokyo Women s Medical University Adachi Medical Centre, Tokyo, Japan Junko Ichikawa 3. Hemostatic laboratory findings in COVID-19 Department of Hematology, Kanazawa University Hospital Hidesaku Asakura 4. Evidence on the efficacy of anticoagulation in patients with Covid-19 according to severity of illness Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Jichi Medical University Saitama Medical Center Hideto Yasuda

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31 5. Soluble Fibrin Monomer Complex 6. VTE FMC JCHO 企業企画 1 6 月 23 日 ( 木 )12:05~12:55 第 1 会場展示棟展示室 1-A QOL CSL 2 Update 6 月 23 日 ( 木 )12:05~12:55 第 2 会場展示棟展示室 1-B 1. 2. (ITP) 3 6 月 23 日 ( 木 )12:05~12:55 第 3 会場展示棟展示室 3-B Personalized Therapy

32 4 6 月 24 日 ( 金 )12:50~13:40 第 1 会場展示棟展示室 1-A QOL 5 6 月 24 日 ( 金 )12:50~13:40 第 2 会場展示棟展示室 1-B 1. 2. 6 Onco-Cardiology 6 月 24 日 ( 金 )12:50~13:40 第 3 会場展示棟展示室 3-B 1. 2. Onco-Cardiology CAT and beyond / 7 6 月 24 日 ( 金 )12:50~13:40 第 4 会場展示棟展示室 3-A A VIII

33 8 6 月 25 日 ( 土 )12:50~13:40 第 1 会場展示棟展示室 1-A TMA TMA ahus 9 6 月 25 日 ( 土 )12:50~13:40 第 2 会場展示棟展示室 1-B 10 Cardio-Oncology 6 月 25 日 ( 土 )12:50~13:40 第 3 会場展示棟展示室 3-B 1. 2. 11 6 月 25 日 ( 土 )12:50~13:40 第 4 会場展示棟展示室 3-A von Willebrand von Willebrand /KM

34 1 6 月 24 日 ( 金 )8:00~8:50 第 2 会場展示棟展示室 1-B 2 6 月 25 日 ( 土 )8:00~8:50 第 2 会場展示棟展示室 1-B CSL 企業共催企画 coagulopathy complementopathy 6 月 23 日 ( 木 )14:30~16:30 第 3 会場展示棟展示室 3-B 1. TMA DIC 2. (TMA) (ahus) 3. ahus ahus 2022

35 14 Bayer Thrombosis Seminar 6 月 23 日 ( 木 )16:40~18:40 第 1 会場展示棟展示室 1-A 1. 2. 3. A 6 月 23 日 ( 木 )16:40~18:40 第 2 会場展示棟展示室 1-B 1. 2. A 3. A

36 100 6 月 24 日 ( 金 )9:00~11:00 第 2 会場展示棟展示室 1-B 1. 2. 3. CSL Advance QOL Beyond ABR 6 月 24 日 ( 金 )14:30~16:30 第 2 会場展示棟展示室 1-B 1. 2. 3. QOL PRO CSL

37 15 DAIICHI-SANKYO SYMPOSIUM FOR THROMBOSIS UPDATE 6 月 24 日 ( 金 )16:40~19:10 第 1 会場展示棟展示室 1-A 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 月 25 日 ( 土 )9:00~11:00 第 1 会場展示棟展示室 1-A 1. 2. 2017

38 3. von Willebrand 6 月 25 日 ( 土 )14:05~16:05 第 3 会場展示棟展示室 3-B 1. VWD 2. VWF VWD 3.