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流年影片——时光台湾 踏向台湾的征程    向往着,向往着,如一匹马儿从缰绳间松脱,心中带着无限憧憬。    想象着,想象着,如一条鱼儿幻想着云上的模样,心中持着无限好奇。    我多曾梦想过这座好似远在天外的小岛,听着那小鲁姐姐的故事。总想去寻找我迷恋的莎莎仔仔。梦中,都有这座福尔摩莎的幻影。    这一次,我终于如愿踏上了去往台北的征程。向着海峡那岸前进,前进。 疯狂的海上之旅    随着宜蘭的海风在头顶拂过,我们乘着这艘环海的游艇,慢慢地驶出了港湾。    伴着马达的加速,碧波荡漾的海面开始变得波


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, ,

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A Talk by the Buddhist Yogi C. M. Chen Written Down by Rev. B. KANTIPALO

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A Brief Introduction to Tantra :A talk given by Guru Yutang Lin, Buddhist Center in Rzeszow, Poland, October 19, 2010\ On Chan and Dzogchen: A talk given by Guru Yutang Lin, Buddhist Center in Rzeszow, Poland, October 19, 2010 On Chan and Tantra:The talk Dr. Lin gave at Chan & Tibetan Kagyu Centre, Warsaw, Poland on October 17, 2010. On Chan:The talk Dr. Lin gave at Kandzeon Sangha Centre, Warsaw, Poland on October 17, 2010. Buddhism as a Way of Life:The talk Dr. Lin gave in Warsaw on October 16, 2010. Talk on Sunyata and Conditional Arising

English Books 1 Diamond Wisdom 6 Paths to the Lotus Pond 2 Sadhana of Bodhisattva Earth Treasure 7 Singing along the Path 3 Universally Responding 8 Boundless 4 The First Steps of Vajrayana 9 Chod in Limitless-Oneness 5 A Golden Ring--An Introduction to Buddhist Meditation 10 Aspects of Impermanence English Booklets 1 Fundamental Essentials 8 Repentance and Reward 2 The Buddhist Practice of Releasing Lives to Freedom 9 A Praising to All the Gods 3 How to Become a Bodhisattva 10 Playing with Health Balls 4 How to Keep Loving in Marriage 11 Chod in Limitless-Oneness 5 A Ritual of Fire Sacrifice to the Green Tara 12 Aspects of Impermanence 6 Impermanence: A Buddhist View of Life 13 The Way to Follow a Guru 7 Tang Poems in New Style

Free from Antagonism Yutang Lin One who learns to become a Buddha should know that Buddhas and Bodhisattvas treat all beings equally With merciful gaze and compassionate mind Thinking only on how to relieve sufferings and beget happiness And lead beings all the way toward and until full enlightenment A Dharma practitioner should know that Interactions with others in daily life activities As well as attitudes and actions taken in treating other beings If they are still mixed with comparisons and retribution Those would be the surfacing of one's grasping Now that one aims at full enlightenment One should be free from antagonism Take the opportunity to reduce and extinguish personal grasping And thereby approach closer to Buddha's path of actions This is mistake that a practitioner could easily commit And also a fine point for reflection on the Dharma path May all Dharma practitioners become able to reflect soon afterwards At every mistake that one has inadvertently made from time to time And thus soon gain steady progresses on the path to full enlightenment Written in Chinese and translated on February 21, 2012 El Cerrito, California

BodhicittaYutang Lin May all beings attain enlightenment soon When we run into people, run into matters No longer how you treated me, nor how I handle you Only concern is the sentient being in front What should I do To help him attain enlightenment soon The world stays the same But our life becomes simple and pure from now on Written in Chinese and translated on October 11, 2007 El Cerrito, California

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