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投影片 1


2011 8 95-136 * ** *** Protection or Restriction? Employment Quota Policy and Life Experiences of Persons with Visual Impairment in Labor Market by KUO Feng-Cheng & CHANG Heng-hao Keywords: Employment Quota policy, visually impaired persons, the right to work, discrimination, social model of disability, ableism 2010 7 3 2011 2 21 Received: July 3, 2010; in revised form: February 21, 2011. * NSC 97-2410-H-305-068-MY2 2009 ** 10049 28 5 3 E-mail: pc.yunfeng@gmail.com *** 23741 151 E-mail: henghaoc@mail.ntpu.edu.tw

096 2011 8 33

097 Abstract The Taiwan government has adopted an employment quota policy which has established a fixed quota for employees in both the public and private sectors to hire people with disabilities in order to improve the participation of disabled people in the labor market. This study interviewed thirty-three persons with visual impairments and discussed the impacts of the employment quota system on them. As a result, this study demonstrates that employers usually prefer people with minor impairments and exclude persons with visual impairment. An employment quota policy increases the job opportunities for persons with disabilities; however, without proper support in the work environment, it is still very difficult for people with visual impairment to get into the labor market. When people with visual impairment enter this market, it is not easy to fit in or to keep the job, and in some cases, they are hired to work as a massager for other co-workers. This research suggests that the disability employment policy should not ignore the diversity of disabled persons. From the perspective of a social model of disability, the policy should address the disabling environment in the workplace rather than fixed quotas.

098 2011 8 2008 11 2008 2008 2009 2008 2008 disabling 1991 1 1 1980 6 2 1997 4 23 2007 7 11

099 Kim and Rosenthal 2007 35.18% 17.27% 2008 2009 2007 5% 17.8% 2008 1991 33 2 Social Model of Disability 2 social model of disability

100 2011 8 2003 Oliver 1990 Disability impairment 2006 2008 Shakespeare 2006 Barnes and Mercer 2003 Barnes Oliver Barton 2002 ableism 2009

101 enabling Hahn 1987 1960 3 3

102 2011 8 2003 2007 2004 1990 Americans with Disability Act, ADA 1995 Disability Discrimination Act, DDA 2007 2008 2008 Kim and Rosenthal 2007

103 1960 Katsunori 2008 2008 2006 2003 2008 Heyer 2005

104 2011 8 Heyer 2005 García-Villamisar and Hughes 2007; Sirvastava and Chamberlain 2006 Vilà Pallisera and Fullana 2007 Carroll 1998 2003 Robert Harlan 2006 Robinson 2000 Walford 2004

105 1990

106 2011 8 4 5 Chang 2007 2010 2009 2008 57.92% 24.84% 33.08% 3.9% 15.87% 24.2% 2008 15 20% 24.5% 23.5% 1991 2009 2000 2008 1.2 1.4 4 1990 5 1997

107 10% 13% 2003 2005a 2003 2001 2007 1 2 3 5% 17.8%

108 2011 8 33 2009 2 4 2009 7 8 33 22 49 6 6 1994

109 7 8 1 2 3 7 1981 1997 2006 8 2003

110 2011 8 1. M01 M33 20 30 M33

111 M25 M02 M21 18,000 M30 M30

112 2011 8 M13 M04 M24

113 2. Carroll 1998 M18 M16 M14

114 2011 8 27,000 M29 2005b M08

115 M18 M22 Golub 2006

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119 M15 2. 2005a M33

120 2011 8 M15

121 M18 1. M17

122 2011 8 2009 M03 M06 M33 M18

123 9 M01 M27 M02 9

124 2011 8 M33 [ ]

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136 2011 8 M21 35 M22 38 M23 33 / M24 30 M25 36 M26 35 / M27 24 M28 24 M29 28 M30 33 M31 36 / / / / / / / / / M32 43 / M33 24 /