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2014 9 95 119 陸 象 山 學 問 的 詮 釋 學 性 格 一 象 山 的 學 問 風 格 1139-1193 1 2 3 (NSC98-2410-H-001-043- MY2) 1 1992 7 245 2 40 1541 92 3 2008 34 410-95-

4 5 (R. Rorty) (Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature) (normal) (system) (abnormal) (incommensurability) (edification, Bildung) 6 (Gadamer) (therapeutic) (thinking of representation) 4 398 5 1984 3 6 Richard Rorty, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980). 11 2006 6 61-92 24 2013 1 141-168 -96-

7 8 9 7 4-5 8 1994 172-193 9 2008 18-97-

10 11 12 13 14 10 23 275-276 11 36 493 12 1993 13-14 13 36 481 14 482-483 -98-

15 汩 16 17 18 15 499-501 2000 350 16 23 276 17 2000 434 275 18 7 96-99-

1130-1200 19 二 朱 陸 異 同 的 知 行 議 題 及 其 教 法 之 爭 20 1188 19 1988 570 却 2004 1 13 243 246 2004 231-232 20-100-

21 1137-1181 22 (1175) 23 24 25 21 36 491 22 23 36 491 24 34 427 427-428 25 407-101-

26 27 28 26 20 245 27 2003 91 28 1 9 148-102-

29 30 29 35 443 30 440-103-

31 32 31 16 2011 12 205-235 32 35 447-104-

却 33 却 34 35 33 463 34 446 35 556-564 -105-

却 却 36 37 38 却 39 36 54 2002 23 2541 36 494 37 34 400 38 39 4 64 1589-106-

却 40 40 12 160-107-

却 41 (Autonomie) (Heteronomie) (Moralität) 41 35 443-108-

(Legalität) 42 43 42 1 5 85 43 18 2004 188-109-

44 45 三 詮 釋 教 法 中 的 本 體 原 則 及 其 對 認 識 原 則 的 主 導 性 44 2014 25-36 45 2012 543-575 -110-

(Vorverständnis) (Sorge) (Geschichtlichkeit) 46 47 46 21 264 47 35 432-111-

48 脉 49 50 51 52 53 54 48 49 444 50 434 51 435 52 434 53 432 54 34 395-112-

55 56 57 55 56 21 2007 6 65 67 57 34 399-113-

58 59 60 着 61 58 2006 283-286 59 2002 183 60 35 432 61 431-114-

62 62 3 34-35 -115-

四 結 語 -116-

陸 象 山 學 問 的 詮 釋 學 性 格 關 鍵 詞 : 鵝 湖 之 會 尊 德 性 與 道 問 學 先 後 與 本 末 存 有 論 詮 釋 學 詮 釋 學 他 律 -117-

The Hermeneutical Significance of Lu Xiangshan s Doctrine LIN Wei-chieh In this article I examine the hermeneutical significance of Lu Xiangshan s doctrine in three aspects. Firstly, I will demonstrate that Lu s doctrine is premised on the concept that the mind/heart is the (moral) principle. Secondly, I discuss the so-called Goose Lake Conference, where Lu challenged Zhu Xi with some sharp questions. The argument, at heart, is: the principle of epistemology has priority over the principle of subjectivity according to Zhu, but for Lu, the principle of subjectivity reigns supreme. Thirdly, I explore the hermeneutical dimension of the principle of subjectivity to suggest that Lu s famous propositions The Six Classics are my footnotes and The Six Classics interpret me are based on subjectivity. In other words, the I as fundamental mind/heart (benxin) will, in the hermeneutical process, transform into the interpreting I. At this turn, the interpreting I will typically render the complexity of the texts into principles and main ideas, sacrificing the textual nuances. To conclude, we understand Lu s teaching as a kind of ontological hermeneutics, which bears the characteristics of heteronomy. Keywords: the Goose Lake Conference honoring the virtuous nature and following the path of inquiry and study the fundamental and the incidental ontological hermeneutics hermeneutical heteronomy -118-

徵 引 書 目 1992 2003 2002 2006 1984 2000 11 2006 6 61-92 16 2011 12 205-235 2012 2014 1993 2008 1994 2004 1988 24 2013 1 141-168 2004 2002 21 2007 6 1-23 2008 2008 2004 2000 Rorty, Richard. Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980. -119-