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目 錄 新 高 中 學 制, 新 升 學 階 梯 (New Through-train Study Pathway)... p.2 學 士 學 位 課 程 (Degree)... p.3 副 學 士 先 修 課 程 / 文 憑 課 程 / 中 七 / 香 港 中 學 文 憑 畢 業 生 可 申 請 入 讀 一 年 級, 3 年 完 成 學 位, 毋 須 任 何 銜 接 高 級 文 憑 / 副 學 士 課 程 畢 業 生 可 申 請 銜 接 入 讀 第 二 年 級 高 級 文 憑 課 程 (Higher Diploma)... p.19 適 合 副 學 士 先 修 課 程 文 憑 課 程 香 港 中 學 文 憑 及 中 七 畢 業 生, 為 投 身 專 業 行 業 或 繼 續 升 讀 銜 接 學 位 作 好 充 份 準 備 大 學 基 礎 教 育 文 憑 課 程 (Diploma for University Foundation Studies) 適 合 副 學 士 先 修 課 程 文 憑 課 程 香 港 中 學 文 憑 及 中 七 畢 業 生, 為 繼 續 升 讀 銜 接 學 位 作 好 充 份 準 備... p.29 副 學 士 先 修 課 程 (Pre-Associate Degree)... p.31 適 合 毅 進 課 程 畢 業 生, 香 港 中 學 會 考 取 得 最 少 5 科 及 格 ( 包 括 中 文 及 英 文 達 二 /E 級 ) 或 年 滿 21 歲 的 人 士 ( 課 程 不 招 收 香 港 中 學 文 憑 畢 業 生 ) 文 憑 課 程 (Diploma)... p.35 適 合 毅 進 課 程 畢 業 生, 香 港 中 學 會 考 取 得 最 少 5 科 及 格 ( 包 括 中 文 及 英 文 達 二 /E 級 ), 香 港 中 學 文 憑 考 試 取 得 最 少 3 科 成 績 達 第 二 級 ( 中 文 及 英 文 科 必 須 至 少 達 第 一 級 ) 或 年 滿 21 歲 的 人 士 毅 進 文 憑 課 程 (Yi Jin Diploma) 適 合 中 六 畢 業 生 或 年 滿 21 歲 的 人 士... p.41 應 用 學 習 課 程 (Applied Learning Courses)... p.47 適 合 升 中 五 同 學 選 讀 現 代 化 教 學 支 援 (Sophisticated Teaching Support)... p.52 多 元 化 學 習 活 動 (Various Learning Activities)... p.53 同 學 卓 越 成 績 (Students' Distinguished Achievements)... p.54 獎 勵 學 習 計 劃 (Scholarship and Prize)... p.56

新 高 中 學 制, 新 升 學 階 梯 (New Through-train Study Pathway) 公 開 大 學 全 日 制 學 士 課 程 OUHK's Full-time Degrees 學 院 與 海 外 大 學 合 辦 的 全 日 制 學 士 課 程 Overseas Universities' Full-time Degrees offered by LiPACE 個 別 課 程 可 獲 豁 免 而 入 讀 第 2 年 exemptions available to particular programmes for entry into 2 nd year study 高 級 文 憑 Higher Diploma 大 學 基 礎 教 育 文 憑 Diploma for University Foundation Studies 副 學 士 先 修 課 程 Pre-Associate Degrees 文 憑 課 程 Diplomas 中 學 文 憑 考 試 3 科 成 績 達 第 二 級 ( 中 英 文 達 第 一 級 或 以 上 ) [ 只 適 用 於 文 憑 課 程 ]; 或 中 學 會 考 5 科 及 格 ( 包 括 中 英 文 達 二 /E 級 或 以 上 ); 或 毅 進 課 程 畢 業 生 ; 或 年 滿 21 歲 人 士 Level 2 in 3 HKDSE subjects, with English and Chinese being at Level 1 or above [applicable to diploma programmes only]; or 5 passes in HKCEE (including English and Chinese at Grade E or Level 2); or Graduates of Project Yi Jin; or Mature students aged 21 or above. 毅 進 文 憑 Yi Jin Diploma 中 學 離 校 生 ; 或 年 滿 21 歲 人 士 Secondary School Leavers; or Mature students aged 21 or above. 通 識 教 育 文 憑 Diploma in General Studies 中 學 文 憑 考 試 3 科 成 績 達 第 二 級, 及 中 英 文 達 第 一 級 或 以 上 ; 或 中 學 會 考 5 科 合 格 ( 包 括 中 英 文 達 二 /E 級 或 以 上 ); 或 毅 進 課 程 畢 業 生 ; 或 同 等 學 歷 ( 資 歷 架 構 第 二 級 別 ); 或 年 滿 21 歲 人 士 Level 2 in 3 HKDSE subjects, with Level 1 in Chinese and English; or 5 passes in HKCEE (including Level 2 / Grade E in Chinese and English); or Graduates of Project Yi Jin; or Equivalent qualification (at QF Level 2); or Mature students aged 21 or above. 中 學 文 憑 考 試 1 科 成 績 達 第 三 級 及 其 他 4 科 成 績 達 第 二 級 或 以 上 ( 包 括 英 文 ); 或 2 科 高 考 及 格 ( 或 相 等 數 目 之 高 補 科 目 ) 及 中 學 會 考 5 科 合 格 ( 包 括 中 英 文 達 二 / E 級 或 以 上 ); 或 修 畢 副 學 士 先 修 課 程 或 同 等 學 歷 ( 資 歷 架 構 第 三 級 別 ) 課 程 ; 或 其 他 同 等 學 歷 in 1 HKDSE subjects, and 4 other subjects at Level 2 or above (including English); or Grade E in 2 HKALE A-Level (or equivalent number of AS subjects) and 5 passes in HKCEE (including Level 2 / Grade E in both Chinese and English); or Satisfactory completion of Pre-Associate Degree or an equivalent programme (at QF ); or Other acceptable equivalent qualifications. 3 科 高 考 及 格 ( 或 相 等 數 目 之 高 補 科 目 ) ; 或 中 學 文 憑 考 試 中 文 及 英 文 成 績 達 第 三 級 及 其 他 3 科 成 績 達 第 二 級 或 以 上 ; 或 修 畢 副 學 士 先 修 課 程 或 同 等 學 歷 ( 資 歷 架 構 第 三 級 別 ) 課 程 ; 或 其 他 同 等 學 歷 ( 以 上 是 最 低 入 學 要 求, 請 參 閱 個 別 課 程 的 相 關 入 學 要 求 ) Grade E in 3 HKALE A-Level (or an equivalent number of AS) subjects; or in both English and Chinese, and Level 2 in 3 HKDSE subjects; or Satisfactory completion of a Pre-AD or an equivalent programme (at QF ); or Other acceptable equivalent qualifications. (These are minimum entry requirements. Please refer to specific programmes for their corresponding requirements) 2 升 學 階 梯

大 學 直 通 車 學 士 學 位 課 程 (Degree) 適 合 副 學 士 先 修 / 文 憑 / 中 七 / 香 港 中 學 文 憑 畢 業 生 申 請 報 讀, 入 學 後 可 3 年 完 成 學 位 高 級 文 憑 / 副 學 士 畢 業 生 可 申 請 直 入 第 二 年 課 程 ( 需 符 合 相 關 要 求 ) Art and Design BN009 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Fashion BN010 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Fashion Design, Styling and Promotion BN012 Bachelor of Music with Honours in Popular Music Business and Tourism BN006 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Business Management BN007 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Accounting and Finance Health and Social Sciences BN005 Bachelor of Science with Honours in Psychology BN011 Bachelor of Science with Honours in Environmental and Public Health BN013 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Early Childhood Studies Middlesex University was established in 1878 and obtained its University status in 1992. It is now widely regarded as an excellent international provider of higher education with an outstanding academic credential and highly employable and successful graduates. Since 2000, MU has been rated as "excellent" in all subjects inspected by the UK's Quality Assurance Agency. It has also built a strong reputation as a leading innovator in higher education. Many of its programmes are UK's first and have set the standard for others to follow. Founded in 1896 as the Royal Technical Institute, Salford gained its charter as a University in 1967. In the last government quality assurance inspection, the University's research performed strongly, with 83% being rated as internationally recognized, putting it in the top third of UK institutions. On average 86% of Research in the Faculty of Health & Social Care was judged to be "internationally recognized"; 42% were rated as "world-leading" of "internationally excellent" (4*) in RAE (Research Assessment Exercise) 2008. 學 士 學 位 課 程 3

BN009 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Fashion* BN010 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Fashion Design, Styling and Promotion* Supported by: Programme Duration 3-year full-time consisting of 360 credits of study Medium of Instruction English (teaching, course materials and assessments) Tuition Fee HK$69,300 per year (to be paid by 2 equal installments of HK$34,650) The fees and programme structure are subject to annual review. Discounts are NOT available. Venue Lai King & Kowloon Bay Introduction The fashion design programmes of Middlesex's School of Arts and Education enjoy excellent reputation in the UK. The School has nurtured successful graduates such as Andrew Heather (Creative Director at Givenchy Couture), Richard Gray (world renowned illustrator and art director), Anthony Gammon (celebrity stylist), and many others who set up their own labels (e.g. Boudicca, Ally Capellino, Ashley Isham), work with renowned designers (such as Givenchy, Viktor & Rolf, Margaret Howell), or work for famous brands (e.g. French Collection UK, Chloe, Coldplay). Rasa Abramaviciute, a second year BA Fashion student, has won the 2010 Fashion Awareness Direct competition at London Fashion Week. The Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Fashion programme is designed as a 'classic' Fashion degree, which offers a combination of intensive, aspirational, personal creative development teamed with the best technical practices. The Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Fashion Design, Styling and Promotion programme aims to address the many and varied fields of professional activity centred around what happens to clothes after they have been made, the burgeoning industry in Fashion related design (e.g. styling and art direction, show production, branding and presentation, trend prediction, illustration, the embellishing of fabrics) and the wide range of graphic skills involved in fashion publications including photography and computer generated image. Programme Features Well-established practitioners will be invited for delivering guest lectures; Work experience of approximately 5 weeks duration will be arranged for students during year 2; At the end of the degree study, students will have the chance to exhibit their works at the graduate fashion show; Identical degree award to the UK on-campus study from a university of excellent reputation; Optional Summer Intensive Study at London Middlesex Campus broadens students' understanding in Western culture; Additional modules to enhance students' academic writing and research skills; Full access to OUHK library and e-library, computer labs, learning resource centre and Middlesex's e-library support students' independent learning; and Seminars and adventure training strengthen students' whole-person development. Award A "Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Fashion" (for BN009) / "Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Fashion Design, Styling and Promotion" (for BN010) will be issued by Middlesex University to those who have successfully completed the relevant programmes. * BN009 and BN010 are exempted courses under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (BN009: 452037; BN010: 452036). It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead. 4 學 士 學 位 課 程

Admission Policy Entry Requirements for Year 1: Grade E in 3 HKALE A-Level (or an equivalent number of AS) subjects; or in both English and Chinese, and Level 2 in 3 HKDSE subjects; or Satisfactory completion of a Pre-AD or an equivalent programme (at QF ); or LiPACE's FTD15 Diploma in Fashion Design Studies; or LiPACE's Diploma for University Foundation Studies; or Other acceptable equivalent qualifications. Entry Requirements for Year 2 (Year 2 entry is subject to Middlesex University's approval): LiPACE's FTD08 Professional Diploma in Fashion Design; or Associate Degree / Higher Diploma / Advanced Diploma (at QF Level 4) in related disciplines; or Other acceptable equivalent qualifications. English Requirements (Year 1 and Year 2): Grade D or level 3 in HKCEE; or in HKDSE; or Grade E in HKALE; or Score of 6.0 in IELTS; or Score of 550 (paper-based) / 213 (computer-based) / 80 (internet-based) in TOEFL; or Grade C or above in GCSE; or Equivalent qualifications. Compulsory Requirements: A portfolio of works demonstrating skills in drawing, painting, illustration, graphic design and photography, plus a sketchbook. Applicants will also be invited to attend an admission interview. Programme Structure Year 1 2 Year 2 Year 3 BA Honours Fashion BA Honours Fashion Design, Styling and Promotion ENGL4011EF University English I 1 ENGL4011EF University English I 1 ENGL4012EF University English II 1 ENGL4012EF University English II 1 DESN5001EF Introducing Fashion FSH1100 DESN5001EF Introducing Fashion FSH1100 DESN5002EF Fashion Skills One FSH1200 DESN5002EF Fashion Skills One FSH1200 DESN5003EF Fashion Skills Two FSH1300 MART5007EF Visual Communication Workshops 1 VCD1400 DESN5012EF Fashion, Cultural Contexts and Representation FSH1931 DESN5012EF Fashion, Cultural Contexts and Representation FSH1931 EDU4014BF Lifelong Learning Seminars I 1,2 EDU4014BF Lifelong Learning Seminars I 1,2 COMM4001EF Business Communication 1 COMM4001EF Business Communication 1 DESN5011EF Developing Research Proposal in Art and Design 1 DESN5011EF Developing Research Proposal in Art and Design 1 DESN5005EF Developing Fashion FSH2100 DESN5005EF Developing Fashion FSH2100 DESN5006EF Advanced Fashion Skills FSH2200 MART5009EF Visual Communication Workshops 2 VCD2400 DESN5013EF Fashion Cultures FSH2936 DESN5013EF Fashion Cultures FSH2936 EDU4015BF Lifelong Learning Seminars II 1,2 EDU4015BF Lifelong Learning Seminars II 1,2 DESN5008EF Establishing Fashion FSH3200 DESN5008EF Establishing Fashion FSH3200 DESN5009EF Professional Practice in Design 3 FSH3100 DESN5009EF Professional Practice in Design 3 FSH3100 DESN5010EF Critical and Contextual Proposition FNA3930 DESN5010EF Critical and Contextual Proposition FNA3930 EDU4016BF Lifelong Learning Seminars III 1,2 EDU4016BF Lifelong Learning Seminars III 1,2 1. University English I, II, Business Communication and Developing Research Proposal in Art and Design as well as Lifelong Learning Seminars are LiPACE courses provided to students for free. These courses are not considered part of the Middlesex programme. Therefore, results of these courses do not affect students' graduation status at Middlesex. However, a fail grade will be shown on LiPACE transcript and students need to take re-assessment and to pay the fees as appropriate. 2. Full-time students are required to attend 6 sessions (2 hours each) of Lifelong Learning Seminars each year. 學 士 學 位 課 程 5

BN012 Bachelor of Music with Honours in Popular Music* Supported by: Programme Duration 3-year full-time consisting of 360 credits of study Medium of Instruction English (teaching, course materials and assessments) Tuition Fee HK$69,280 per year (to be paid in 2 equal installments each year) The fees and programme structure are subject to annual review. Discounts are NOT available. Venue Sheung Wan & Wan Chai Introduction The new developments in the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) open employment opportunities for different kinds of arts professionals. It is estimated that when the WKCD is established, it requires a manpower of about 5,600 people to work in the District. The popular music industry in Hong Kong has an established reputation and is renowned in the East Asia region. Popular music business offers a challenging and exciting career. The industry requires not only talented singers, but also a large team of professionals who understand music as well as the business management and marketing aspects. In addition, in the past 2 years, pop song singing contests (e.g. "The Voice" organised by the TV station) are very popular in Hong Kong and it has attracted many gifted teenagers to join the competition. As the first and only popular music degree programme in Hong Kong, this programme enables students to develop a deep and comprehensive understanding of popular music context cultural, musicological, industrial, aesthetic and practical, thus preparing them for the challenging and exciting career development. Programme Features The first and only popular music degree programme in Hong Kong; Guest lectures delivered by well-established specialists in the music industry; Selected classes/seminars provided by Middlesex University through online platform; Access to professional facilities and equipments; Identical degree award to the UK on-campus study from a university of excellent reputation; Optional Summer Intensive Study at London Middlesex Campus broadens students' understanding in Western culture; Additional modules to enhance students' academic writing and research skills; Full access to OUHK library and e-library, computer labs, learning resource centre and Middlesex's e-library support students' independent learning; and Seminars and adventure training strengthen students' whole-person development. Award A "Bachelor of Music with Honours in Popular Music" will be issued by Middlesex University to those who have successfully completed the programme. * BN012 is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (BN005: 452172). It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead. 6 學 士 學 位 課 程

Admission Policy Entry Requirements for Year 1: Grade E in 3 HKALE A-Level (or an equivalent number of AS) subjects; or in both English and Chinese, and Level 2 in 3 HKDSE subjects; or Satisfactory completion of a Pre-AD or an equivalent programme (at QF ); or LiPACE's Professional Diploma in Music Marketing and Management; or Other acceptable equivalent qualifications. English Requirements (Year 1): Grade D or level 3 in HKCEE; or in HKDSE; or Grade E in HKALE; or Score of 6.0 in IELTS; or Score of 550 (paper-based) / 213 (computer-based) / 80 (internet-based) in TOEFL; or Grade C or above in GCSE; or Equivalent qualifications. Compulsory Requirements: Applicants should possess appropriate musical skills, knowledge and understanding, and have proven competencies in two or more of the four key areas of the programme - performance, songwriting, musicology (e.g. ethnomusicology, history, analysis or research on music related topics) and the music industry; Applicants will be invited to an audition or interview. Programme Structure (Full-time) 1 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 BMus Honours Popular Music ENGL4011EF University English I 2 ENGL4012EF University English II 2 ARTS5002EF Genres in Popular Music MUS1091 ARTS5003EF Writing about Music & Musicians MUS1072 ARTS5004EF Across the Culture Industry MUS1235 ARTS5005EF The History of Popular Music MUS1092 EDU4014BF Lifelong Learning Seminars I 2,3 English Summer Course 2,4 ENGL5013EF University English III 2 DESN5011EF Developing Research Proposal in Art and Design 2 ARTS5006EF Songwriting & Performance 1 MUS2091 ARTS5007EF Popular Music in the 21st Century MUS2093 ARTS5008EF Music Theory & Analysis MUS2092 ATRS5015EF Applied Music Technologies MUS2056 EDU4015BF Lifelong Learning Seminars II 2,3 ARTS5011EF Songwriting & Performance 2 MUS3091 ARTS5012EF Advanced Popular Music Studies MUS3092 ARTS5013EF Independent Project MUS3055 5 ARTS5014EF Event & Artist Management MUS3072 EDU4016BF Lifelong Learning Seminars III 2,3 1. Programme structure of part-time mode can be found at www.ouhk.edu.hk/lipace/nlp. 2. University English I, II and III, English Summer Course, Developing Research Proposal in Art and Design as well as Lifelong Learning Seminars are LiPACE courses provided to students for free. These courses are not considered part of the Middlesex programme. Therefore, results of these courses do not affect students' graduation status at Middlesex. However, a fail grade will be shown on LiPACE transcript and students need to take re-assessment and to pay the fees as appropriate. 3. Full-time students are required to attend 6 sessions (2 hours each) of Lifelong Learning Seminars each year. 4. Students may apply for taking the intensive English summer course at Middlesex University London campus (cost to be borne by students) during year 1 summer or the University English III at LiPACE. 5. This course includes 24 hours of Lectures, 36 hours of Tutorials. In addition, there will also be 10 hours of individual Supervision. 學 士 學 位 課 程 7

BN006 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Business Management* Programme Duration 3-year full-time consisting of 360 credits of study Medium of Instruction English (teaching, course materials and assessments) Tuition Fee HK$61,000 per year (to be paid by 2 equal installments of HK$30,500) The fees and programme structure are subject to annual review. Discounts are NOT available. Venue Lai King Professional Recognition: Introduction Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Business Management aims to offer a rich study of business fundamentals with an emphasis on managerial concepts essential for advancing in the dynamic business environment. The curriculum embeds courses covering a wide range of disciplines, including management, marketing, accounting, communication and law. Case studies based on multinational organizations are conducted as training on critical and analytical thinking as well as problem solving capabilities. Furthermore, various group projects and presentations are designed to develop students' teamwork and leadership skills. The broad foundation provided by this programme should enable students to explore and meet challenges of future career in different business arena. Programme Features Holistic learning experience integrates international and local perspectives which enable students to operate in the global business arena; Students can apply for transferring to Middlesex London or Dubai campus; Identical degree award to the UK on-campus study from a university of excellent reputation; Face-to-face teaching by qualified and experienced local professionals; Optional Summer Intensive Study at London Middlesex Campus broadens students' understanding in Western culture; Additional modules to enhance students' academic writing and communication skills; Full access to OUHK library and e-library, computer labs, learning resource centre and Middlesex's e-library support students' independent learning; and Seminars and adventure training strengthen students' whole-person development. Professional Recognition Graduates may obtain a maximum exemption of 13 papers (out of total 16 papers) for the Graduate Management Accountant (GMA) from the Institute of Certified Management Accountants (ICMA), Australia. Award A "Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Business Management" will be issued by Middlesex University to those who have successfully completed the programme. * BN006 is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (BN006: 451976). It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead. 8 學 士 學 位 課 程

Admission Policy Entry Requirements for Year 1: Grade E in 2 HKALE A-Level subjects and Grade D in 1 HKALE A-Level (or an equivalent number of AS) subject; or Grade E in 1 HKALE A-Level subject and Grade D in 2 HKALE A-Level (or an equivalent number of AS) subjects; or in 5 HKDSE subjects and Level 4 in 1 HKDSE subject; or in 4 HKDSE subjects and Level 5 in 1 HKDSE subject; or in 3 HKDSE subjects and Level 4 in 2 HKDSE subjects; or LiPACE's Diploma for University Foundation Studies; or Other acceptable equivalent qualifications. Entry Requirements for Year 2 (Year 2 entry is subject to Middlesex University's approval): LiPACE's Higher Diploma in Business Management; or Associate Degree / Higher Diploma / Advanced Diploma (at QF Level 4) in business related disciplines; or Other acceptable equivalent qualifications. English Requirements (Year 1 and Year 2): Grade D or level 3 in HKCEE; or in HKDSE; or Grade E in HKALE; or Score of 6.0 in IELTS; or Score of 550 (paper-based) / 213 (computer-based) / 80 (internet-based) in TOEFL; or Grade C or above in GCSE; or Equivalent qualifications. Mathematics Requirements: Grade E / Level 2 in HKCEE; or Equivalent qualifications. Programme Structure (Full-time) 1 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 ENGL4011EF University English I 2 ENGL4012EF University English II 2 ECON5003EF Economics for Management ECS1265 MGT5008EF Organisational Behaviour and Analysis HRM1110 MKT5019EF Principles of Marketing MKT1112 ECON5004EF Quantitative Methods and Applications for Business Management STX1145 EDU4014BF Lifelong Learning Seminars I 2,3 English Summer Course 3,4 ENGL5013EF University English III 2 COMM4001EF Business Communication 2 BUS5003EF Business Context and Strategic Environment MGT2520 ACT5010EF Managerial Finance and Accounting ACC2211 MGT5003EF Operations Management MGT2220 LAW5015EF Law for Business LAW2120 3 EDU4015BF Lifelong Learning Seminars II 2,3 MGT5004EF Strategic Management MGT3170 MGT5005EF Managerial Leadership MGT3150 MGT5006EF Project Management MGT3125 HPM5001EF Services Management MGT3160 EDU4016BF Lifelong Learning Seminars III 2,3 1. Programme Structure of part-time mode can be found at www.ouhk.edu.hk/lipace/babm. 2. University English I, II and III, Business Communication, English Summer Course as well as Lifelong Learning Seminars are LiPACE courses provided to students for free. These courses are not considered part of the Middlesex programme. Therefore, results of these courses do not affect students' graduation status at Middlesex. However, a fail grade will be shown on LiPACE transcript and students need to take re-assessment and to pay the fees as appropriate. 3. Full-time students are required to attend 6 sessions (2 hours each) of Lifelong Learning Seminars each year. 4. Students may apply for taking the intensive English summer course at Middlesex University London campus (cost to be borne by students) during year 1 summer. 學 士 學 位 課 程 9

BN007 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Accounting and Finance* Programme Duration 3-year full-time or 4-year part-time consisting of 360 credits of study Medium of Instruction English (teaching, course materials and assessments) Tuition Fee HK$61,000 per year (to be paid by 2 equal installments of HK$30,500) The fees and programme structure are subject to annual review. Venue Lai King Professional Recognition: Introduction In this internationally popular Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Accounting and Finance degree, students will explore finance and management accounting, law, economics, statistics, tax and options including auditing, human resource management, business and related studies. The degree provides vocationally useful and academically rigorous education that prepares students for a graduate career as an accountant. Programme Features Holistic learning experience integrates international and local perspectives which enable students to operate in the global business arena; Students can apply for transferring to Middlesex London or Dubai campus; The programme is widely recognised by professional bodies in the field; Identical degree award to the UK on-campus study from a university of excellent reputation; Face-to-face teaching by qualified and experienced local professionals; Optional Summer Intensive Study at London Middlesex Campus broadens students' understanding in Western culture; Additional modules to enhance students' academic writing and communication skills; Full access to OUHK library and e-library, computer labs, learning resource centre and Middlesex's e-library support students' independent learning; and Seminars and adventure training strengthen students' whole-person development. Professional Recognition The programme is accredited by The Chartered Association of Certified Accountants (ACCA) and The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). Graduates who have successfully completed the required subjects can get exemptions of maximum 9 papers (out of total 14 papers) from ACCA and maximum 6 papers (out of total 15 papers) from ICAEW. In addition, graduates will be exempted from all the 16 papers for the Graduate Management Accountant (GMA) of The Institute of Certified Management Accountants (ICMA), Australia. Graduates will be exempted from all 11 modules for the Foundation Studies and 4 modules (out of 6 modules) for the Level 4 Advanced Studies of the CGA program from the Canadian Certified General Accountants Association of Hong Kong (CGA-HK). Graduates are required to complete 5 more modules of the CGA Study Program plus one coursework module and subject to fulfill the practical working experience requirement in order to be awarded the CGA designation. Award A "Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Accounting and Finance" will be issued by Middlesex University to those who have successfully completed the programme. * BN007 is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (BN007: 451977). It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead. 10 學 士 學 位 課 程

Admission Policy Entry Requirements for Year 1: Grade E in 2 HKALE A-Level subjects and Grade D in 1 HKALE A-Level (or an equivalent number of AS) subject; or Grade E in 1 HKALE A-Level subject and Grade D in 2 HKALE A-Level (or an equivalent number of AS) subjects; or in 5 HKDSE subjects and Level 4 in 1 HKDSE subject; or in 4 HKDSE subjects and Level 5 in 1 HKDSE subject; or in 3 HKDSE subjects and Level 4 in 2 HKDSE subjects; or LiPACE's Diploma for University Foundation Studies; or Other acceptable equivalent qualifications. Entry Requirements for Year 2 (Year 2 entry is subject to Middlesex University's approval): LiPACE's Higher Diploma in Accounting; or Associate Degree / Higher Diploma / Advanced Diploma (at QF Level 4) in accounting and finance related disciplines; or Other acceptable equivalent qualifications. English Requirements (Year 1 and Year 2): Grade D or level 3 in HKCEE; or in HKDSE; or Grade E in HKALE; or Score of 6.0 in IELTS; or Score of 550 (paper-based) / 213 (computer-based) / 80 (internet-based) in TOEFL; or Grade C or above in GCSE; or Equivalent qualifications. Mathematics Requirements: Grade E / Level 2 in HKCEE; or Equivalent qualifications. Programme Structure (Full-time) 1 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 ENGL4011EF University English I 2 ENGL4012EF University English II 2 ACT5004EF Financial Accounting ACC1110 FIN5026EF Managerial Finance ACC1130 ECON5001EF Quantitative Methods for Financial Business STX1120 ECON5002EF Economic Environment ECS1240 EDU4014BF Lifelong Learning Seminars I 2,3 English Summer Course 2,4 ENGL5013EF University English III 2 COMM4001EF Business Communication 2 ACT5005EF Advanced Financial Accounting ACC2120 ACT5006EF Management Accounting ACC2140 LAW5014EF Law for Accountants LAW2118 FIN5027EF Financial Mathematics STX2235 EDU4015BF Lifelong Learning Seminars II 2,3 ACT5007EF Financial Accounting Theory ACC3110 ACT5008EF Taxation ACC3140 FIN5028EF Finance ACC3130 ACT5009EF Auditing ACC3180 EDU4016BF Lifelong Learning Seminars III 2,3 1. Programme Structure of part-time mode can be found at www.ouhk.edu.hk/lipace/baaf. 2. University English I, II and III, Business Communication, English Summer Course as well as Lifelong Learning Seminars are LiPACE courses provided to students for free. These courses are not considered part of the Middlesex programme. Therefore, results of these courses do not affect students' graduation status at Middlesex. However, a fail grade will be shown on LiPACE transcript and students need to take re-assessment and to pay the fees as appropriate. 3. Full-time students are required to attend 6 sessions (2 hours each) of Lifelong Learning Seminars each year. 4. Students may apply for taking the intensive English summer course at Middlesex University London campus (cost to be borne by students) during year 1 summer. 學 士 學 位 課 程 1 1

BN005 Bachelor of Science with Honours in Psychology* In collaboration with: Programme Duration 3-year full-time consisting of 360 credits of study Medium of Instruction English (teaching, course materials and assessments) Tuition Fee HK$63,000 per year (to be paid by 2 equal installments of HK$31,500) The fees and programme structure are subject to annual review. Discounts are NOT available. Venue Lai King Introduction Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour and mental processes. Because of its wide applicability on many aspects of human's lives, the study of psychology is a good preparation for further studies and many professions (e.g. management and marketing, design, health care). In fact many employers are interested in employing graduates of psychological studies and so Psychology is a popular subject in university study. In view of student demand, LiPACE offers the multi-entry Psychology programme in collaboration with the University of Salford for F7, HKDSE and AD/HD graduates. Programme Features Students gain a solid foundation of knowledge of different disciplines of psychology for their further studies; Identical degree award to the UK on-campus study from a university of excellent reputation; Face-to-face teaching by qualified and experienced local professionals; Optional Summer Intensive Study broadens students' understanding in Western culture; Additional modules to enhance students' academic writing skills; Full access to OUHK library and e-library, computer labs, learning resource centre and Salford's e-library support students' independent learning; and Seminars and adventure training strengthen students' whole-person development. Professional Recognition The programme offered in the UK is accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS). At present, BPS does not accredit any courses that are delivered overseas. However, as the programme is identical to the on-campus one, graduates are also eligible to apply for membership with the Hong Kong Psychological Society (HKPS), the British Psychological Society (BPS) and the American Psychological Association (APA) on an individual basis. Award A "Bachelor of Science with Honours in Psychology" will be issued by the University of Salford to those who have successfully completed the programme. Admission Policy Entry Requirements for Year 1: Grade E in 4 HKALE A-Level subjects (or an equivalent number of AS) subjects; or Grade E in 3 HKALE A-Level subjects and Grade D in 1 HKALE A-Level (or an equivalent number of AS) subject; or in 5 HKDSE subjects and Level 5 in 1 HKDSE subject; or in 4 HKDSE subjects and Level 4 in 2 HKDSE subjects; or in 3 HKDSE subjects, Level 4 in 1 HKDSE subject and Level 5 in 1 HKDSE subject; or LiPACE's Diploma for University Foundation Studies; or Other acceptable equivalent qualifications. Entry Requirements for Year 2 (Year 2 entry is subject to University of Salford's approval): Associate Degree / Higher Diploma / Advanced Diploma (at QF Level 4) in psychology related disciplines; or Other acceptable equivalent qualifications. English Requirements (Year 1 and Year 2): Grade D or level 3 in HKCEE; or in HKDSE; or Grade E in HKALE; or Score of 6.0 in IELTS; or Score of 550 (paper-based) / 213 (computer-based) / 80 (internet-based) in TOEFL; or Grade C or above in GCSE; or Equivalent qualifications. * BN005 is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (BN005: 452079). It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead. 12 學 士 學 位 課 程

Programme Structure Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 ENGL4011EF University English I 2 PSYC5056EF Introduction to Research Methods PSYC5057EF Introduction to Developmental Psychology and Social Psychology PSYC5058EF Psychology in Contemporary Contexts ENGL4012EF University English II 2 PSYC5059EF Introduction to Individual Differences PSYC5060EF Introduction to Biological and Cognitive Psychology PSYC5061EF The Science of Psychology EDU4014BF Lifelong Learning Seminars I 2,3 English Summer Course 2,4 ENGL5013EF University English III 2 PSYC5031EF Further Research Methods PSYC5062EF Cognitive Psychology PSYC5033EF Biological Psychology PSYC5038EF Developmental Psychology PSYC5063EF Individual Differences PSYC5064EF Social Psychology EDU4015BF Lifelong Learning Seminars II 2,3 PSYC5043EF Dissertation 4 PSYC5044EF Occupational Psychology 1 PSYC5045EF Psychology of Addictions and Substance Misuse 1 PSYC5046EF Forensic Psychology 1 PSYC5047EF Psychology and Health 1 PSYC5048EF Educational Psychology 1 PSYC5049EF Psychology of Mental Health 1 PSYC5050EF Brain and Behaviour 1 PSYC5051EF Atypical Child Development 1 PSYC5053EF Psychology and global issues of the 21 st century 1 EDU4016BF Lifelong Learning Seminars III 2,3 1. These are optional courses in Salford's on-campus programme. Actual courses to be offered in Hong Kong will vary each year depending on the offerings in the UK. 2. University English I, II, III and English Summer Course as well as Lifelong Learning Seminars are LiPACE courses provided to students for free. These courses are not considered part of the Salford programme. Therefore, results of these courses do not affect students' graduation status at Salford. However, a fail grade will be shown on LiPACE transcript and students need to take re-assessment and to pay the fees as appropriate. 3. Full-time students are required to attend 6 sessions (2 hours each) of Lifelong Learning Seminars each year. 4. For Dissertation, there is a viva voce on top of lecture, tutorial and individual supervision. At the viva voce session, each student will need to verbally present the report for 15-20 minutes. 學 士 學 位 課 程 1 3

BN011 Bachelor of Science with Honours in Environmental and Public Health* Programme Duration 1-year full-time consisting of 150 credits of study (top-up) Medium of Instruction English (teaching, course materials and assessments) Tuition Fee HK$82,000 for the whole programme (to be paid by 2 equal installments of HK$41,000) The fees and programme structure are subject to annual review. Discounts are NOT available. Venue Sheung Wan Professional Recognition: Introduction Since the outbreak of avian flu, human swine flu and SARS epidemic, public health issues have become hot topics of discussion in Hong Kong. There is a heightened awareness in the community about the importance of disease prevention and how community health is inextricably linked to the environment. In order to better coordinate public health policy implementation and to advance specific areas of health concerns such as disease surveillance, food safety monitoring, smoking control, the HKSAR Government has established the Centre for Health Protection, Centre for Food Safety and Tobacco Control Office. These altogether reflect the importance given to public health in the policy agenda. This top-up programme is a professionally accredited degree programme and is designed to train practitioners that meet the core competencies of public health. The purposes of public health include improving health and wellbeing, preventing diseases and ultimately prolonging life and reducing inequalities. The programme provides Associate Degree / Higher Diploma holders with key skills and competences necessary to meet these stated objectives as well as enables students to ultimately apply for registration as a public health practitioners with the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH), UK. Programme Features The only bachelor degree combining environmental sciences and public health in HK; The only environmental health degree programme accredited by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) in HK and China; Identical degree award to the UK on-campus study from a university of excellent reputation; Face-to-face teaching by qualified and experienced local professionals; Additional module to enhance students' English proficiency; Full access to OUHK library and e-library, computer labs, learning resource centre and Middlesex's e-library support students' independent learning; and Seminars and adventure training strengthen students' whole-person development. Professional Recognition The programme is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH), UK: Students can apply for CIEH student membership for free. Graduates can apply for CIEH graduate membership and may seek registration to UK Environmental Health Registration Board as Environmental Health Practitioner (subject to meeting all the requirements of the Board). Award A "Bachelor of Science with Honours in Environmental and Public Health" will be issued by Middlesex University to those students who have successfully completed the programme. * BN011 is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (BN005: 452162). It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead. 14 學 士 學 位 課 程

Admission Policy General Requirements: Associate of Science in Environmental Studies (AScES) of the Community College of City University (CCCU); or Other Associate Degrees, Advanced / Higher / Professional Diplomas (Qualifications Framework Level 4) in environmental field offered by recognised tertiary education institutions; or Other acceptable equivalent qualifications. English Requirements: Grade D or level 3 in HKCEE; or in HKDSE; or Grade E in HKALE; or Score of 6.0 in IELTS; or Score of 550 (paper-based) / 213 (computer-based) / 80 (internet-based) in TOEFL; or Grade C or above in GCSE; or Equivalent qualifications. Programme Structure ENGL5013EF University English III 1 ENVR5002EF Negotiated Learning PRS3392 ENVR5003EF Educating for Health: Evidence and Practice PHC3620 ENVR5004EF Health Promotion PHC3610 ENVR5005EF Applied Environmental and Public Health Strategy PRS3202 ENVR5006EF Dissertation PRS3330 3 EDU4016BF Lifelong Learning Seminars III 1,2 1. University English III as well as Lifelong Learning Seminars are LiPACE courses provided to students for free. These courses are not considered part of the Middlesex programme. Therefore, results of these courses do not affect students' graduation status at Middlesex. However, a fail grade will be shown on LiPACE transcript and students need to take re-assessment and to pay the fees as appropriate. 2. Full-time students are required to attend 6 sessions (2 hours each) of Lifelong Learning Seminars each year. 3. This course includes Research Methods (24 hours), Dissertation Supervision (10 hours) and Viva Voce (5-9 hours, depending on the number of students). In Viva Voce session, each student will need to verbally present the project for 15 minutes. 學 士 學 位 課 程 1 5

BN013 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Early Childhood Studies* Programme Duration 2-year full-time or 3-year part-time consisting of 240 credits of study (top-up) Medium of Instruction English (teaching, course materials and assessments) Tuition Fee HK$61,000 per year (to be paid by 2 equal installments of HK$30,500) The fees and programme structure are subject to annual review. Discounts are NOT available. Venue Sheung Wan Others * This programme may not be recognised by EDB for Kindergarten Principalship. Graduates who wish to apply for Principal positions in Kindergartens may consult EDB or relevant bodies individually. Introduction In the 2006/07 Policy Address of the Chief Executive, the HKSAR Government proposed a subsidy scheme for professional development of kindergarten principals and teachers. Under this initiative, all kindergarten teachers are required to obtain diploma qualification in early childhood education by the year 2011/12, while all newly employed kindergarten principals must possess a degree in the area starting from 2009/10. Since then, the early childhood education field has adopted a professional approach, and pursuing degree study has become the goal of many CE qualification holders. This top-up programme is for those interested in the development, care and education of young children. It is concerned with ideas and practices that are drawn from a wide range of disciplines, including history, psychology, philosophy, sociology and management, all of which contribute to the field of early years. Students are introduced to the study of these distinctive disciplines, within the context of examining early year's services, policies and procedures. All these prepare students for a professional career in the early childhood education field. Programme Features The first and only Early Childhood studies degree conducted in English in Hong Kong; Face-to-face teaching by qualified and experienced local professionals; Identical degree award to the UK on-campus study from a university of excellent reputation; Optional Summer Intensive Study at London Middlesex Campus broadens students' understanding in Western culture; Additional modules to enhance students' academic writing skills; Full access to OUHK library and e-library, computer labs, learning resource centre and Middlesex's e-library support students' independent learning; and Seminars and adventure training strengthen students' whole-person development. Award A "Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Early Childhood Studies" will be issued by Middlesex University to those who have successfully completed the programme. * BN013 is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (BN005: 452161). It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead. 16 學 士 學 位 課 程

Admission Policy General Requirements: LiPACE's FTD07 / DH012 Diploma in Enlightened Early Childhood Education; or Associate Degrees, Advanced / Higher / Professional Diplomas (QF Level 4) in related fields offered by recognised tertiary education institutions. Applicants are required to possess a CE (i.e. Certificate in Early Childhood Education) level qualification recognised by the Education Bureau of HKSAR and fulfil the following English requirements. English Requirements: Grade D / level 3 in HKCEE; or in HKDSE; or Grade E in HKALE; or Score of 6.0 in IELTS; or Score of 550 (paper-based) / 213 (computer-based) / 80 (internet-based) in TOEFL; or Grade C or above in GCSE; or Equivalent qualifications. Programme Structure (Full-time) 1 Year 1 Year 2 ENGL4011EF University English I 2 ENGL4012EF University English II 2 EDU5004EF Working and Researching in Organisations 1 EDU2301 EDU5005EF Education and Equality EDU2305 EDU5006EF Special Needs, Disability and Inclusion EDU2302 EDU5008EF Curriculum Studies 1 EDU2307 EDU4015BF Lifelong Learning Seminars II 2,3 ENGL5013EF University English III 2 EDU5009EF Working and Researching in Organisations 2 EDU3392 4 EDU5011EF Children's Literature EDU3304 EDU5012EF Leadership, Management and Multi-disciplinary Roles in Early Years settings EDU3305 EDU5013EF The Social and Emotional Aspects of Teaching and Learning EDU3307 EDU4016BF Lifelong Learning Seminars III 2,3 1. Programme Structure of part-time mode can be found at www.ouhk.edu.hk/lipace/nlp. 2. University English I, II, III as well as Lifelong Learning Seminars are LiPACE courses provided to students for free. These courses are not considered part of the Middlesex programme. Therefore, results of these courses do not affect students' graduation status at Middlesex. However, a fail grade will be shown on LiPACE transcript and students need to take re-assessment and to pay the fees as appropriate. 3. Full-time students are required to attend 6 sessions (2 hours each) of Lifelong Learning Seminars each year. 4. This course includes Research Methods (22 hours), Guest Lectures (2 hours), Research Report Supervision (10 hours) and Viva Voce. In Viva Voce session, each student will need to verbally present the project for 15 minutes. 學 士 學 位 課 程 1 7

高 級 文 憑 課 程 升 讀 大 學 投 身 專 業

升 讀 大 學 投 身 專 業 高 級 文 憑 課 程 (Higher Diploma) 副 學 士 先 修 / 文 憑 課 程 或 中 七 / 香 港 中 學 文 憑 畢 業 生 為 投 身 專 業 行 業 或 繼 續 升 學 作 好 充 份 準 備 的 選 擇 資 歷 架 構 級 別 # QF Level # 資 歷 名 冊 登 記 號 碼 QF Registration Number 登 記 生 效 日 期 * Valid From * 文 化 藝 術 及 設 計 Arts and Design FTD41 室 內 設 計 高 級 文 憑 Higher Diploma in Interior Design 第 4 級 別 Level 4 12/000176/4 01/09/2012 商 業 及 旅 遊 Business and Tourism FTD40 旅 遊 及 款 待 業 高 級 文 憑 Higher Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Studies 第 4 級 別 Level 4 12/000175/4 01/09/2012 陳 穎 蓉 同 學 FTD42 會 計 學 高 級 文 憑 Higher Diploma in Accounting 第 4 級 別 Level 4 12/000179/4 01/09/2012 2010 年 時 裝 設 計 專 業 文 憑 課 程 畢 業 生 現 正 在 本 院 修 讀 Middlesex University "BA (Hons) Fashion" 學 位 課 程 FTD43 商 業 管 理 高 級 文 憑 Higher Diploma in Business Management 第 4 級 別 Level 4 12/000177/4 01/09/2012 健 康 及 社 會 科 學 Health and Social Sciences FTD39 心 理 學 高 級 文 憑 Higher Diploma in Psychology 第 4 級 別 Level 4 12/000174/4 01/09/2012 FTD44 社 會 科 學 高 級 文 憑 Higher Diploma in Social Sciences 第 4 級 別 Level 4 12/000178/4 01/09/2012 FTD38 幼 兒 教 育 高 級 文 憑 Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education 第 4 級 別 Level 4 12/000188/4 06/03/2012 王 凱 蕾 同 學 2005 年 旅 遊 及 酒 店 業 實 務 毅 進 課 程 畢 業 生 2009 年 設 計 學 文 憑 課 程 畢 業 生 現 正 就 讀 室 內 設 計 高 級 文 憑 課 程 開 課 日 期 2012 年 9 月 3 日 # 詳 情 請 瀏 覽 / For details, please visit: www.hkqr.gov.hk * 登 記 持 續 有 效, 直 至 另 行 通 知 Valid until further notice. 張 長 權 同 學 2010 年 設 計 學 文 憑 課 程 畢 業 生 現 正 就 讀 室 內 設 計 高 級 文 憑 課 程 高 級 文 憑 課 程 1 9

Admission Policy Applicants should have: Grade E in 1 HKALE A-Level (or an equivalent number of AS) subject; and - 5 passes in HKCEE including English and Chinese; or - 3 passes in HKCEE plus level 2 or above in English and Chinese; or Level 2 in 5 HKDSE subjects (including English and Chinese); or Satisfactory completion of a Pre- Associate Degree or equivalent programme (at QF ); or Mature applicants who are 21 years of age or above with a minimum of 3 years of working experience will also be considered on a case-by-case basis. Other acceptable equivalent qualifications (including non-local qualifications obtained in or outside HK, or other qualifications / experience deemed to be equivalent). Applicants possessing "Attained / Attained with Distinction" result in an Applied Learning (ApL) subject are deemed to have attained "Level 2 / " respectively in one HKDSE subject, with a maximum of 2 ApL subjects that can be counted for admission purpose. Higher Diploma The 2-year higher diplomas provide students with a broad-based education in individual subject areas and equip them with necessary knowledge and transferable skills for further top-up degree studies and careers at a junior professional level. Programme Highlights Careful designed curricula enable students to integrate theories with practical applications Progressive IT, English and Chinese training prepares students for further degree study and a professional career A wide range of General Education Courses broaden students' horizon and interests in intellectual development Seminars cultivate student's ability to learn how to learn and a spirit of lifelong learning Excellent teaching facilities, online learning platform and award-winning e-library service are available to students Graduates can articulate to overseas universities' top-up (full time or part time) degrees (e.g. BA (Hons) Business Management, BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance) offered through LiPACE and other degrees Higher Diplomas are registered as Level-4 courses under Qualifications Framework (Please visit www.ouhk.edu.hk/lipace/qf for details) Programme Structure Common Core Courses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ENGL4011EF ENGL4012EF ENGL5013EF CHIN4001CF EDU4011BF EDU4012BF University English I University English II University English III Effective Chinese Writing Skills Lifelong Learning Seminars I Lifelong Learning Seminars II Tuition Fee HK$86,000 (Paid in 4 equal installments, $21,500 each) Tuition fees are subject to annual review. Financial Assistance Scheme Students can apply for Non-means-tested Loan Scheme. For details, please visit www.sfaa.gov.hk Scholarship and Prize Please refer to p.56 Application by mail in-person online (www.ouhk.edu.hk/lipace/ftp) Subject Core Courses General Education Courses 12-16 courses Please refer to individual programme structure Depending on individual programme requirements, students are required to choose a maximum of 4 General Education courses (subject to availability of the courses). 1. FIN3003EF 2. COMM4001EF 3. CHIN3001CF 4. DESN3011EF 5. BUS3020EF 6. ACT4025EF 7. BUS3001EF 8. PSYC4014EF 9. PSYC3007EF 10. SOSC3001EF 11. ALAN2001MF 12. ALAN2002MF 13. FIN4029EF 14. PTH3001CF Basic Investment Concepts and Practice Business Communication Effective Chinese Reading and Writing Fashion Design Fashion Retail Business Introduction to Accounting Introduction to Business Introduction to Counselling Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Sociology Japanese I Japanese II Principles of Financial Planning Putonghua in Use 20 高 級 文 憑 課 程