Voices from Marginality: The Construction of Gender Identity on Two Bad Girls Lin, Yu-Hsuan Ph.D., Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal Uni

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1970 1

Voices from Marginality: The Construction of Gender Identity on Two Bad Girls Lin, Yu-Hsuan Ph.D., Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University Abstract Traditionally, youth cultural studies have mostly focused on clearly visible features which are mainly related to boys' culture, and therefore ignoring girls' experiences. Besides, some versions of feminism tend to lean toward gender reductionism, failing to account for gender differences within sex categories, and therefore we know very little about diverse female identities. To cast light on multiple versions of gender identity formation, this research applies ethnography on two so called bad girls in Taiwan. This paper investigates their perceptions of gender identities as well as how their gender identities intertwine with class and racial dynamics, thereby simultaneously reproducing and challenging existing social categories. Keywords: youth cultural studies, girls culture, femininity, gender identity, identity formation 2

(Abbott & Wallace, 1990; Brake, 1980; McRobbie & Garber, 1976 ; Wilson, 1978) Learning to Labour Paul Willis (1977) lads (McRobbie, 1978; 1980) (Acker, 1981; Griffin, 1993) Peter McLaren(1998 2003 336) 2003 2 1970 3

McRobbie & Garber, 1976; McRobbie, 1978; Gilligan 1982; Pipher, 1994 Julie Bettie (2003: 35) Reviving Ophelia (1994) Bettie Mary Pipher Bettie femininity Bettie Pipher Bettie practices performances badges of dignity styles Beverley Skeggs (1997) Education and Gender Louise Archer Carole Leathwood (2003) nonsynchrony 1 1 Cameron McCarthy (1988, 1990) 4

1970 1980 (Griffin, 1993: 191) Angela McRobbie Jenny Garber (1976) (Teeny Bopper) (Frith, 1978: 66) McRobbie (1977, 1978) 13-16 Willis McRobbie Celia Cowie Sue Lees (1981: 29) Christine Griffin (1985) Sue Lees (1986, 1993) Claire Wallace (1987) Abbott & Wallace, 1990: 68 1970 Lois Weis (1990) 1980 5

1980 Weis (1990) (femininity) McRobbie 1999: 67 Julie Bettie(2003) Women without Class Bettie (class of origin) 2 (class performance) 3 / / Suki Ali (2003) Miranda 2 3 6

2000 2005 2004 2005 2000 2002 2002 2004 7

4 Mishler(1986) 4 8

(narrativization) 5 930319 5 9

6 2004 14 7 6 7 10

8 8 11

(fixed class taxonomy) 9 9 Bettie (2003: 193-194) (fixed class taxonomy) Bettie 12

(personal identity) (social identity) (Bradley, 1996: 24) (identity formation) (Weis, 1990: 3) (relational identity) 13

14 930318 930507 Bettie (2003)

15 30326 (femininity)



McRobbie (1977, 1978) 10 10 18





(fields) (masculinity) 23


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