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1 Truth and Power, Vérité et Pouvoir Michel Foucault Alessandro Fontana, Pasquale Pasquino 18 accumulation of men productive new economy (statement and discourse) Foucault, Michel. Truth and Power. in Power/ Knowledge. pp 109-133, New York: Pantheon Books, 1980. Microfisica del Potere (Turin, 1977), L Arc 70 (1977) 1

science studies (or STS) (practice and process) (representation) / 1950 Lesenko 2 power knowledge Madness and Civilization 3 savoir 4 2 Lysenko, Trotim Denisovich 1898-1976 Michurinism Mendel Dominique Lecourt s Proletarian Science? The Case of Lysenko, NLB, 1977. 3 4 knowledge connaissance savoir connaissance savoir connaissance savoir connaissance Foucault, Michel. 1972. The Archaeology of Knowledge. Translated by A. M. Sheridan Smith. New York: Pantheon Books, P15. 2

5 The Birth of Clinic PCF Duhem 6 Husserl Koyré 7 1955-60 Gulag 8 5 6 Duhem, Pierre Maurice 1861-1916 7 Koyr, Alexandre 8 3

9 Pavlovian 1968 sharpness (discontiunity) Petit Larousse The Order of Things continuist speaking seeing régime 10 9 Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich 1849-1936 1904 10 Merriam-Webster s Collegiate Dictionary r gime: mode of rule or management (examplar) 4

11 statement, énoncé. (govern) (circulate) / discursive régime event L Homme 11 (speech act) nonc nonc 5

/ évènementiel 12 ( great interment ) (level) 13 (relations of force) langue meaning (conflicts) discursivity 12 13 amplitude la port e 6

constitution sovereignty juridical 14 state apparatus Soviet class domination 1968 (mental normalization) wheels of power 14 state apparatus state apparatus apparatus repression Althusser, Louis. 1984. Essays on ideology. London: Verso, pp10-20. 7

constituent subject 15 16 conditions of possibility 17 (objects) (constitution) 18 constitution constituent object (relativisation) (transcendental subject) (ideology) 15 16 17 (conditions of existence) Dreyfus & Rabinow s Michel Foucault (1982), ch.3. 18 (intersubjectivity) (synthesize) (constitute) (constituent subject) The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology (1970), Northwestern Univ., transl by David Carr, Part III, A, section, 49, 53, 54. 8

repression (nostalgia) negative -- positive skeleton-keys effects of truth (productive) (juridical) skeletal 9

social body (economy) sexuality sex 19 sexualising (positive product) juridical schematism 19 (sexuality) (deployment) (sex), 10

(right) molar 20 (superstructural) 21 22 meta-power 20 molar 6*(10 ) 21 passer travers, invest 22 superstructural, meta-power 11

conditioning-conditioned (codify) Clausewitz 23 (warlike domination) (relations of war) (civil society) meta-power meta 23 Clausewitz, Karl Marie Von 1780-1831 12

(disciplinary power) Moheau micro-bodies technology (incorporation) / (accumulation of men) 13

(local struggles) / (organic intellectuals) 24 / 25 universal / / / / 24 (Gramsci) Gramsci s Selections from Prison Notebooks. Eds and transl. by Quintin Hoare & Geoffrey Nowell Smith, International Publishers, 1971, pp.5-14. 25 14

specific -- 1960 Saussure 26 Chomsky 27 Oppenheimer 28 26 Saussure, Fredinand de 1857-1913 27 Chomsky, Noam 1928-- MIT 28 Oppenheimer, Julius Robert 1904-1967 Los Almos 1993, 15

29 1945 30 31 (post-darwinian) Zola 32 29 30 notable juriste-notable 31 32 Zola, Emile 1840-1902 16

(absolute) 1960 (conjuctural struggles) trade union apparatus 33 33 17

-- -- régime of truth general politics -- (specificity) 18

-- (a r égime of truth) (politics of truth) -- -- (hegemony) 34 34 hegemony hegemony Hegemony hegemony consent hegemony 19

(alienated) 35 statement statement 35 1944 vs. 20

18 Clausewitz accumulation of men, invest, productive new economy hegemony, specific intellectual specific specific 21