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% 82. 8% You & Kobayashi % 2007 %

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44 6 Vol.44, No.6 2013 11 OCEANOLOGIA ET LIMNOLOGIA SINICA Nov., 2013 (Argopecten irradians concentricus) * 1 1 2 2 (1. 524025; 2. 524022) 2011 10 2012 4 (Argopecten irradians concentricus),,,,,,,, (P<0.05) Duncan, 180 / ( 30.93mm, 91.00%), 120 / ( 30.84mm, 91.40%),,,, (P<0.05) 60 /, 42.81mm 86.33% 16.75%, 50 /, 42.35mm 84.21% 16.91%,, 60 /,, 177.17g/ 5.03 / 2.33 /, 50 /,, 153.15g/ 4.48 / 2.27 /,, 60 /, 50 / ; ; ; ; ; S968.3 (Argopecten irradians concentricus) (Mollusca) (Lamellibranchia) (Ptermorphia) (Pterioida) (Pectinidae),, (Abbott, 1974), (Argopecten irradians Lamarck) (, 2007b), 20 90, 20 (Barber et al, 1985;, 1998) (Summerson et al, 1990; He et al, 1998; Ana et al, 2012) (, 2007a;, 2012) (Lu et al, 1997;, 2001;, 2010), (, 2003;, 2007c), *, 2009B090300232 ;, 2012NL050 ;, GCZX-A0909, E-mail: :,, E-mail: : 2013-03-06, : 2013-07-12

1558 44,,, (, 7cm, 2 3cm),,,,, (2009) (Patinopecten yessoensis) ; (2009) (Pinctada martensii) ; (2010) 6,,,, 1 1.1 ( 6 ),, 1.2 1.2.1 40, (18.20 2.57)mm (1.21 0.30)g 1cm,, 31cm, 28cm, 10, 12cm 1, 3,, 2011 10 28, 2011 12 17, 50d 表 1 Tab.1 中 培 期 和 养 成 期 墨 西 哥 湾 扇 贝 养 殖 密 度 试 验 设 计 Experimental design of cultured density for A. irradians concentricus in nursery and adult culture stage ( / ) D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 60 120 180 240 300 40 80 120 160 200 20 40 60 80 10 30 50 70, 17,,, 30,, 0.5h,,,,, 4, ph 1.2.2 40, (27.51 3.54)mm (5.23 1.94)g 2.5cm, 1, 3,, 2011 12 18, 2012 4 16, 120, 30,,, 30 ( 30, ),,,,,, 5, 1.3 1.3.1,,, (, 2009) (relative growth rate of shell height, GRH) = 100% (S Ht S H0 )/S H0 ;

6 : (Argopecten irradians concentricus) 1559 (relative growth rate of body mass, GRM) = 100% (M Bt M B0 )/M B0 ; (daily shell height gain, DHG) = (S Ht S H0 )/t; (daily body mass gain, DMG) = (M Bt M B0 )/t; (survival rate, R S ) = 100% (N t / N 0 ) (rate of meat, R M ) = 100% (W Mt / M Bt ), S H0 M B0 (mm) (g); S Ht M Bt ; t (d); N 0 N t ; W Mt (adductor mass) 1.3.2,, (S) 500g 150, 14 /500g, 500g 0.05, 500g 0.05, (CF) 2.7 / [1100g/ (X), 60 / ] 2.3 / [750g/ (Y), 40 / ],,, 0.01 / ;, 320 400, 15kg, 5, 3 : [320 5/(400 30)]/3 = 0.044( /500g), 500g 0.044 [N( / )] : W M (g): W M = M Bt R M, S( /500g): S = 500/W M ; P (g/ ): P = W M N 0 R S, P ( ): P = 14 (S 150) 0.05; V( / ): V = (N 0 R S /S) [14 (S 150) 0.05]; C B ( / ): C B = [(M Bt N 0 R S /500) X] 0.044, (, X = 1100g/ ), C B = [(M Bt N 0 R S /500) Y] 0.044, (Y = 1.5750g/ ); C S ( / ): C S = (N 0 60) 0.01; I( / ): I = V C B C S C F 1.3.3 (M) (SD), SPSS(13.0) (ANOVA), Duncan, (P<0.05) (P<0.01) 2 2.1 2011 10 28, 2011 12 17, 50d; 2011 12 18, 2012 4 16, 120d 2,, 16.1 27.4, 20.2 ; 30.5 37.6, 33.2; ph 8.2 8.3, 8.24; 134.2 173.5cm, 151.5 表 2 Tab.2 中 培 期 和 养 成 期 墨 西 哥 湾 扇 贝 养 殖 海 区 环 境 因 子 Environmental factors of culture sea area for A. irradians concentricus in nursery and adult culture stage (.. ) ( ) ph (cm) 2011.10.28 27.4 32.3 8.3 158.1 2011.11.11 25.5 32.3 8.3 173.5 2011.11.28 18.2 32.3 8.2 151.9 2011.12.17 18.1 34.3 8.2 142.5 2011.12.18 18.1 35.4 8.2 143.0 2012.01.29 16.1 37.6 8.3 140.5 2012.03.09 18.8 30.5 8.2 134.2 2012.04.16 19.5 30.5 8.2 168.3 2.2 3, 180 / (D 3 ), 91.00%, (252.40 m/d) (99.00mg/d), 240 / (D 4 ),, 82.46%, 154.60 m/d 77.60mg/d, D 3 (P<0.05), Duncan, (D 1 D 5 ), (P<0.05) D 1 D 2 D 3, D 3 D 4, (P>0.05), D 1 D 2 (P>0.05), (P<0.05)

1560 44 Tab.3 表 3 中 培 期 大 板 笼 不 同 养 殖 密 度 组 生 长 和 存 活 参 数 Growth and survival parameters of different cultured density for large plate cage in nursery culture stage D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 S H0 (mm) 18.08 a 2.57 17.98 a 2.32 18.31 a 2.55 18.40 a 2.06 18.27 a 2.79 M B0 (g) 1.20 a 0.27 1.19 a 0.31 1.22 a 0.23 1.25 a 0.20 1.21 a 0.16 N 0 (ind) 60 120 180 240 300 S Ht (mm) 32.41 a 1.01 31.26 a 1.23 30.93 a 0.93 26.13 b 1.07 23.71 b 1.96 M Bt (g) 7.57 a 0.27 6.93 b 0.23 6.17 c 0.12 5.13 d 0.36 4.31 e 0.17 N t (ind) 58.09 3.32 114.15 6.08 163.80 6.75 197.90 4.70 224.58 5.37 GRH(%) 79.25 a 2.28 73.85 b 3.34 68.92 c 2.42 42.40 d 3.76 29.78 e 3.58 GRM(%) 530.83 a 9.16 482.35 b 8.27 405.74 c 8.69 310.40 d 7.85 256.20 e 6.93 DHG( m/d) 286.60 a 6.23 266.40 b 5.56 252.40 c 9.89 154.60 d 9.76 108.80 e 7.21 DMG(mg/d) 127.40 a 5.13 114.80 b 4.63 99.00 c 2.97 77.60 d 3.86 62.00 e 3.12 R S (%) 96.82 a 2.52 95.13 a 3.93 91.00 b 2.42 82.46 c 2.04 74.86 d 1.64 : (P<0.05), (P>0.05) 2.3 4 40 / 200 /,, 120 / (D 3 ), 91.4%, 253.4 m/d 109.4mg/d, D 4 D 5 (P<0.05) Duncan, (D 1 D 5 ), (P<0.05), D 1 D 2 D 3, D 4 D 5, (P>0.05),, D 1 D 2 (P>0.05), (P<0.05) 2.4 5 (20 80 / ),, 60 / (D 3 ), 16%,, D 4 (P<0.05) Duncan, D 2 D 3, Tab.4 表 4 中 培 期 小 板 笼 不 同 养 殖 密 度 组 生 长 和 存 活 参 数 Growth and survival parameters of different cultured density for small plate cage in nursery culture stage D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 S H0 (mm) 18.26 a 2.28 18.33 a 2.65 18.17 a 2.96 17.99 a 1.13 18.39 a 2.15 M B0 (g) 1.25 a 0.20 1.27 a 0.14 1.21 a 0.12 1.20 a 0.06 1.23 a 0.23 N 0 (ind) 40 80 120 160 200 S Ht (mm) 33.57 a 1.11 31.95 a 1.24 30.84 a 1.10 26.11 b 1.79 24.25 b 1.41 M Bt (g) 8.04 a 0.87 7.50 b 0.93 6.68 c 0.52 6.01 d 0.48 5.04 e 0.36 N t (ind) 38.84 2.58 76.40 3.21 109.68 4.32 132.80 4.23 162.80 5.26 GRH(%) 83.84 a 4.74 74.30 b 3.25 69.73 c 2.98 45.14 d 3.59 31.87 e 3.99 GRM(%) 543.20 a 9.29 490.55 b 7.37 452.07 c 8.16 400.83 d 9.28 309.77 e 7.84 DHG( m/d) 306.20 a 7.51 272.40 b 6.76 253.40 c 7.68 162.40 d 8.43 117.20 e 8.97 DMG(mg/d) 135.80 a 9.41 124.60 b 7.55 109.40 c 6.51 96.20 d 5.79 76.20 e 5.32 R S (%) 97.1 a 2.20 95.5 a 2.74 91.4 b 3.31 83.3 c 3.01 81.4 c 3.25

6 : (Argopecten irradians concentricus) 1561 (P<0.05),, (P>0.05), (P<0.05) 2.5 6 (10 70 / ), 50 / (D 3 ), 42.35cm 21.51g 55.76% 84.21% 16.91%, D 2 (30 / ), (P>0.05), D 4 (P<0.05) (P<0.05), Duncan, D 2 D 3, (P<0.05), (P>0.05), (P<0.05) 2.6 7,, (S), (W M ) (P ), (P ) (V) Tab.5 表 5 养 成 期 大 板 笼 不 同 养 殖 密 度 组 生 长 和 存 活 参 数 Growth and survival parameters of different cultured density for large plate cage in adult culture stage D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 S H0 (mm) 27.23 a 3.45 27.51 a 3.12 27.63 a 3.56 27.46 a 2.53 M B0 (g) 5.13 a 0.36 5.21 a 0.87 5.14 a 0.76 5.19 a 0.62 N 0 (ind) 20 40 60 80 S Ht (mm) 46.42 a 1.37 43.09 b 1.53 42.81 b 1.24 36.27 c 1.52 M Bt (g) 24.07 a 0.96 21.60 b 0.79 20.42 b 0.38 16.01 c 0.63 N t (ind) 18.25 2.57 34.85 4.02 51.80 5.42 60.30 5.72 GRH(%) 70.47 a 3.28 56.63 b 2.17 54.94 b 1.86 43.01 c 1.19 GRM(%) 369.20 a 6.23 314.59 b 5.65 297.28 c 4.63 208.48 d 3.93 DHG( m/d) 159.92 a 6.88 129.83 b 5.23 126.50 b 5.94 73.42 c 4.55 DMG(mg/d) 157.83 a 5.73 136.58 b 5.21 127.33 c 3.91 90.17 d 3.59 R S (%) 91.25 a 2.22 87.12 b 1.56 86.33 b 1.23 75.38 c 1.06 R M (%) 17.53 a 0.12 16.82 b 0.16 16.75 b 0.15 15.01 c 0.12 Tab.6 表 6 养 成 期 小 板 笼 不 同 养 殖 密 度 组 生 长 和 存 活 参 数 Growth and survival parameters of different cultured density for small plate cage in adult culture stage D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 S H0 (mm) 27.57 a 3.78 27.51 a 3.69 27.19 a 3.22 27.25 a 3.67 M B0 (g) 5.33 a 0.24 5.69 a 0.40 5.54 a 0.16 5.50 a 0.19 N 0 (ind) 10 30 50 70 S Ht (mm) 46.83 a 1.30 43.63 b 1.13 42.35 b 1.32 35.18 c 1.88 M Bt (g) 25.79 a 0.29 22.69 b 0.40 21.51 b 0.13 16.78 c 0.14 N t (ind) 9.02 0.41 25.54 1.46 42.11 2.58 50.38 2.61 GRH(%) 69.86 a 2.32 58.59 b 2.22 55.76 b 2.87 29.10 c 2.15 GRM(%) 383.86 a 5.23 298.77 b 4.01 288.27 c 3.93 205.09 d 3.46 DHG( m/d) 160.50 a 3.25 134.33 b 3.67 126.33 c 2.97 66.08 d 2.43 DMG(mg/d) 170.50 a 3.99 141.67 b 3.80 133.08 c 3.51 94.00 d 2.47 R S (%) 90.16 a 3.12 85.13 b 2.58 84.21 b 2.19 71.97 c 1.92 R M (%) 17.64 a 0.27 17.01 b 0.15 16.91 b 0.15 14.83 c 0.11

1562 44 表 7 养 成 期 大 板 笼 不 同 养 殖 密 度 组 经 济 效 益 分 析 Tab.7 Analysis of economic benefits of different cultured density for large plate cage in adult culture stage D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 N 0 ( / ) 20 40 60 80 S( /500g) 118.50 137.62 146.18 203.99 W M (g/ ) 4.22 3.63 3.42 2.40 P (g/ ) 77.01 126.61 177.17 144.92 P ( /500g) 15.58 14.62 14.19 11.10 V( / ) 2.40 3.70 5.03 3.22 I( / ) 0.16 1.23 2.33 0.32 (I), 60 /,, 177.17g/ 5.03 / 2.33 / 2.7 8, (10 70 / ),, (S) 109.91 /500g 200.93 /500g, (W M ) (P ) 4.55 g/ 16.00 /500g 2.49g/ 11.45 /500g (P ) (V) (I), 50 /,, 153.15g/ 4.48 / 2.27 / 10 /,,,, 表 8 养 成 期 小 板 笼 不 同 养 殖 密 度 组 经 济 效 益 分 析 Tab.8 Analysis of economic benefits of different cultured density for small plate cage in adult culture stage D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 N 0 ( / ) 10 30 50 70 S( /500g) 109.91 129.55 137.46 200.93 W M (g/ ) 4.55 3.86 3.64 2.49 P (g/ ) 41.02 98.57 153.15 125.37 P ( /500g) 16.00 15.02 14.63 11.45 V( / ) 1.31 2.96 4.48 2.87 I( / ) 0.44 0.98 2.27 0.46 3 3.1 0.5 1cm 5 7cm,,, 0.5 1cm 1.5cm, 0.5cm ; 1.5cm 1 1.2cm 3cm 1.5cm 40 2.5cm,, 1cm, 2.5 3cm, 2.5 3cm, 2.5cm, (, 2004), 18.20mm 27.51mm, 1cm, 2.5cm, 3.2 ( ) (,, )(, 2007b;, 2008;, 2010, 2011) (, 2011) ( )(, 1991;, 1996;, 1999;, 2004) ( )(, 1991;, 1996;, 2009),,,, 180 / (D 3 ), 91.00%, D 1 (60 / ) D 2 (120 / ), D 4 D 5,, D 3 30.93mm, D 4 (240 / ) D 5 (300 / ), 18.20mm, 180 / 120 /,

6 : (Argopecten irradians concentricus) 1563 3cm, 90%,, D 4 (160 / ) D 5 (200 / ), 120 / 3.3 27.51mm 5.23g, 120,,, (P<0.05),,, 60 / (D 3 ), D 2 (40 / ), (P>0.05), D 4 (80 / ), D 4, 60 /, 10 / 30 /,, 30 / 50 /,,, 85% 17%,, 50 / 70 /,, 14.54% 12.30%, 50 /,, (, 1989;, 1990;, 2005),,,,,, ( H 2 S),,,,,,,,,,,, (, 2000;, 2001),,,,,, (1990),,,,,, 3.4,,,, 500g,,,,,, 60 /,, 177.17g/ 5.03 / 2.33 /,, 60 / 20 / 40 / 80 / 14.56 1.89 7.28 50 /,, 153.15g/ 4.48 / 2.27 /, 30 / 70 / 2.32 4.93, 10 /, 0.44 /,,,, 60 / 50 /,,, 50, 180 /, 30.93mm 91%, 120 / 30.84mm 91.4%,,, 120, 60 /, 42.81mm 86.33% 2.33 /, 50 /, 42.35mm 84.21% 2.27 /,,,,

1564 44,,,,,,,, 1989.., (3): 71 74,, 2001.., 25(2): 18 19,,, 2011.., 30(3): 76 81,,, 1990.., 9(1): 10 13,,, 2007a.., 31(4): 443 451,,, 2007b.., 14(5): 778 785,,, 2007c.., 31(5): 675 681,,, 1996.., 3(4): 60 65,, 2005.., 24(9): 49 51,,, 1998.., 20(4): 91 96, 2004.., 3: 17 18,,, 2009.., 28(6): 68 71,,, 1999.., 6(2): 70 73, 2001.., 3: 23,,, 1991.., 2: 1 2,,, 2003.. ( ), 16(2): 131 135,,, 2010.., 6: 36 39,,, 2010.., 8: 49 50,,, 2012.., 28(20): 131 135,,, 2011. ph., 32(4): 56 61,,, 2010.., 30(1): 2 6,,, 2009.., 5(5): 1 7,,, 2008.., 28(1): 40 43,,, 2000.., 21(3): 77 80 Abbott R T, 1974. American Seashells (2 nd ed.). New York: van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 447 448 Ana L H C, Rochelle D S, Romuald N L et al, 2012. Habitat affects survival of translocated bay scallops, Argopecten irradians concentricus (Say 1822), in lower Chesapeake Bay. Estuaries and Coasts, 35(5): 1340 1345 Barber B J, Blake N J, 1985. Substrate catabolism related to reproduction in the bay scallop Argopecten irradians concentricus, as determined by O/N and RQ physiological indexes. Marine Biology, 87(1): 13 18 He Y C, Zhang F S, 1998. Effect of salinity on embryo and larval development of the southern bay scallop Argopecten irradians concentricus Say. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 16(1): 91 96 Lu Y T, Blake N J, 1997. The culture of the southern bay scallop in Tampa Bay, an urban Florida estuary. Aquaculture International, 5(5): 439 450 Summerson H C, Peterson C H, 1990. Recruitment failure of the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians concentricus, during the first red tide, Ptychodiscus brevis, outbreak recorded in North Carolina. Estuaries, 13(3): 322 331

6 : (Argopecten irradians concentricus) 1565 CULTURED DENSITY OF NEW ARGOPECTEN IRRADIANS CONCENTRICUS LINE IN NURSERY AND ADULT CULTURE STAGE LI Zhi-Min 1, LIU Zhi-Gang 1, LIUFU Shao-Mei 2, ZHONG Yi-Guang 2 (1. Fisheries College of Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, 524025; 2. Zhanjiang Silver Wave Marine Biotechnology Company Ltd., Zhanjiang, 524022) Abstract From Oct. 2011 to Apr. 2012, we conducted experiments on nursery culture and adult culture for new Argopecten irradians concentricus line with the same batch of juveniles in both large and small plate cages to study the effects of stocking density on growth and survival of this species and its relationship with the economic return. Statistic results show that during nursery culture phase, growth performance was the best in density of 180 ind/layer in large plate cage (shell height 30.93mm, survival rate 91.00%) or 120 ind/layer in small plate cage (shell height 30.84mm, survival rate 91.40%); while during the adult culture phase, the most suitable density was 60 ind/layer in large plate cage or 50 ind/layer in small plate cage, for best economic returns. Key words Argopecten irradians concentricus; new line; cultured density; growth; survival; economic benefits