931-33FR-E 1,2,3,4- BTCA DP60 931-33 FR-E BTCA DP60 143.0 177.4 173.7 137.4 141.6 140.3 144.0 119.3 X- DP60 Ea 90.988kJ/mol 99.793kJ/mol lna 20.898 22

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2005 Research of Crease-Resistant Finishing on Natural Bamboo Fabric 2005 5

931-33FR-E 1,2,3,4- BTCA DP60 931-33 FR-E BTCA DP60 143.0 177.4 173.7 137.4 141.6 140.3 144.0 119.3 X- DP60 Ea 90.988kJ/mol 99.793kJ/mol lna 20.898 22.152 DP60 Ea 99.879 kj/mol lna 22.478 BTCA 2

Research of Crease-Resistant Finishingon Natural Bamboo Fabric Abstract Research of Crease-Resistant Finishing on Natural Bamboo Fabric Abstract The effects of anti-crease finishing on bamboo fabric treated by low formaldehyde modified resin 931-33, FR-E and 1,2,3,4-butanetetracarboxlic acid, polymaleic acid, which have been used in the anti-crease finishing effectly, are discussed in this paper. The influence of dosage of finishing agents, curing temperature, curing time, categories and dosage of catalysts and softening agents on anti-crease finishing effects of bamboo fabric is also investigated. The optimized finishing processes of different finishing agents are acquired respectively through testing crease recovery angles, breaking strength, gas permeability and the whiteness of bamboo fabric under different finishing conditions. After finishing, some tests on the structure and properties of treated fabrics are carried out. Meanwhile, simple principium is analysed. The results show that the crease recovery angles of nature bamboo fabric treated by easy-care resin 931-33, FR-E and 1,2,3,4-butanetetracarboxlic acid, polymaleic acid are remarkably improved. The dry crease recovery angles of fabrics treated by four above finishing agents are increased by 143.0 177.4 173.7 and 137.4 respectively, while the wet crease recovery angles of fabrics treated with four above finishing agents are increased by 141.6 140.3 144.0 and 119.3 respectively. At the same time, the breaking strength of finished fabric is apparently decreased. In addition, the figures of WAXD of treated and untreated fibers show that crystallized-area structure of finished fabrics are hardly changed. Moreover, tests of FT-IR spectra show that the stretching-vibration-absorption-peak positions of some groups are significantly deviated. The intensity of them also increased in different degrees. The absorption peaks of new groups generated from some crosslinking reactions are found in the FT-IR spectra. According to the calculation of HPLC and FT-IR, the covalence linking reaction between modified resin or polycarboxylic acid and nature bamboo fiber accords with the hypothetic first-class reaction. The energy of activation (Ea) of reaction between 931-33 DP60 and nature bamboo is 90.988kJ/mol and 99.793kJ/mol, and the frequency genes (lna) are 20.898 and 22.152 respectively obtained by FT-IR. And the energy of activation (Ea) of reaction between DP60 and nature bamboo is 99.879kJ/mol, the frequency genes (lna) is 22.478 obtained by HPLC. Keywords: natural bamboo fabricwrinkle resistant finishingmodified resinbtca polymaleic acid Written by Zheng Chunling Supervised by Zhao Jianping Wang Xiangrong III

1.1 1 1.2 2 1.3 5 1.4 5 2.1 N- 9 2.2 10 2.3 12 2.4 13 2.5 14 2.6 15 2.7 16 3.1 18 3.2 931-33 19 3.3 FR-E 25 4.1 32 4.2 PMADP60 32 4.3 1,2,3,4- BTCA 37 5.1 931-33 43 5.2 FR-E 46 5.3 DP60 48 5.4 BTCA 51 5.5 54 6.1 57

6.2 HPLC 58 6.3 58 6.4 60 7.1 62 7.2 62 7.3 70 8.1 71 8.2 71 8.3 73 8.4 73 75 79

[1] 1.1 1218 [2] 2003 3 5 [3] 2 1

1.67dtex 38mm1.33dtex 38mm2.22dtex 51mm2.78dtex 51mm [3] 1.2 1.2.1 40%53% [4] 180 1 4 -OH-OH 46.50 23.40 21.56 --- 1.23 44.35 31.28 25.41 0.87 1.20 46.47 33.46 22.64 0.65 1.43 49.55 23.00 17.45 --- 1.78 47.88 23.55 18.54 --- 1.93 45.50 30.67 21.12 0.70 1.10 52.57 26.62 23.71 --- 1.03 2

67 2 11 20 75 2 12 11 55 25 20 --- C 6 H 10 O 5 C 6 H 5 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 [4] [5] 31.6% [7] 71.82% [5] 1.2.2 12% 3.5 [7] 3

0.67tex 0.5tex 400 2050 tex [2] 0.5tex 70mm 3/4 [7] 24 71% [8] 4

1.3 T 1.4 1.4.1 5

1.4.2 N- 20 60 Gagliardi Sippee 80 Welch Andrew [10] 1,2,3,4- BTCACADP-60 [10] BTCADP-60 X- 6


-D 1,4 3 40% [9] 3 [10] (1) (2) (3) 8

DP [11] N,N- ( 2D ) 2.1N- N- [12] (1) (2) N- (3) (4) N- N N NCH 2 OH 4,5 [13] (1) (2) (3) () [14] 4,5 N- N-C [9] 4,5 [1315] 9

2D 2D [12] [1617] 200300ppm 150ppm 2D [18] 2D (DMDHEU) [17] 2D -OH-COOH [19] 2.2 [202122] 10

1,2,3,4-BTCAPMA CAIACCA [23] BTCA (175) ph [242526] (TPMA) TPMA CA DP 11