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This component will be assessed through students audio recordings. Students have to submit their audio recordings to their subject teachers by 8 April


2014 SCORING GUIDELINES Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 6 EXCELLENT Demonstrates excellence in 5 VERY GOOD Suggests excellence in 4 GOOD Demonstrates competence in 3 ADEQUATE Suggests competence in 2 WEAK Suggests lack of competence in 1 VERY WEAK Demonstrates lack of competence in 0 UNACCEPTABLE Contains nothing that earns credit TASK COMPLETION DELIVERY LANGUAGE USE provides a very thorough and appropriate response; includes elaboration and detail Smoothly connected sentences provides a thorough and appropriate response; may include elaboration and detail Connected sentences provides an appropriate response Sentences may be loosely connected provides a basic but appropriate answer Disconnected sentences provides an appropriate but incomplete answer Fragmented sentences Addresses prompt minimally or marginally Very disjointed sentences or isolated words Natural pace and intonation, with minimal hesitation or repetition Accurate pronunciation (including tones), with minimal errors Consistent use of register appropriate to situation Smooth pace and intonation, with occasional hesitation and repetition Occasional errors in pronunciation (including tones) Consistent use of register appropriate to situation except for occasional lapses Generally consistent pace and intonation, with intermittent hesitation and repetition May have several errors in pronunciation (including tones), which do not necessitate special listener effort May include several lapses in otherwise consistent use of register appropriate to situation Inconsistent pace and intonation, with hesitation and repetition that interfere with comprehension Errors in pronunciation (including tones) sometimes necessitate special listener effort Use of register appropriate to situation is inconsistent or includes many errors Labored pace and intonation, with frequent hesitation and repetition Frequent errors in pronunciation (including tones) necessitate constant listener effort Frequent use of register inappropriate to situation Very labored pace and intonation, with constant hesitation and repetition Frequent errors in pronunciation (including tones) necessitate intense listener effort Constant use of register inappropriate to situation Mere restatement of the prompt Clearly does not respond to the prompt I don t know, I don t understand, Please repeat, or equivalent in Chinese Not in Mandarin Chinese Blank (although recording equipment is functioning) or mere sighs Rich and appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with minimal errors Wide range of grammatical structures, with minimal errors Appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with sporadic errors Variety of grammatical structures, with sporadic errors Mostly appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with errors that do not generally obscure meaning Mostly appropriate grammatical structures, with errors that do not generally obscure meaning Limited appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with frequent errors that sometimes obscure meaning; intermittent interference from another language Mostly simple grammatical structures, with frequent errors that sometimes obscure meaning Minimal appropriate vocabulary, with frequent errors that obscure meaning; repeated interference from another language Limited grammatical structures, with frequent errors that obscure meaning Insufficient, inappropriate vocabulary, with frequent errors that significantly obscure meaning; constant interference from another language Little or no control of grammatical structures, with frequent errors that significantly obscure meaning

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 1 Note: Student responses are quoted verbatim and may contain grammatical errors. In the transcripts of students speech quoted in the commentaries, a three-dot ellipsis indicates that the sample has been excerpted. Two dots indicate that the student paused while. Overview This task assessed ability in the mode of communication by having students respond to a series of questions in a simulated conversation. The task comprised a statement identifying an interlocutor and conversation topic followed by six questions. Students were allotted 20 seconds to speak at each turn in the conversation. Each of the six responses received a holistic score based on how well it accomplished the assigned task. Score: 6 我 參 加 過 的 一 個 最 有 意 思 的 課 外 活 動 是 跟 同 學 們 去 植 樹 我 覺 得 它 很 有 意 思 是 因 為 uh 我 們 互 相 合 作 uh 一 起 鬆 土 掘 地 然 後 把 樹 苗 放 在 c- uh 放 在 地 裏, 讓 它 茁 壯 成 長 我 們 感 覺 很 有 成 就 感 The answer directly addresses the prompt and provides a very thorough and appropriate response including elaboration and detail. Sentences are smoothly connected, and the response is delivered in a natural pace without hesitation or repetition. Rich vocabulary is used with accurate pronunciation: 互 相 合 作 植 樹 鬆 土 掘 地 茁 壯 成 長 成 就 感. The answer also contains a variety of grammatical structures, using 跟 是 因 為 讓 把. Score: 4 我 參 加 最 有 意 思 的 課 外 活 動 是 打 網 球 我 覺 得 打 網 球 是 因 為 很 重 要 的 uh.. 東 西 對 我 因 為 我 能 把 我 身 體 搞 好 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides an appropriate answer. However, it does not elaborate on 最 有 意 思 的 活 動. The pace is generally consistent, with intermittent hesitation. The response demonstrates good pronunciation and tones, and the vocabulary and grammatical structures are mostly appropriate, with some errors that do not obscure meaning. For example, 打 網 球 是 很 重 要 的.. 東 西. It should be 運 動 instead of 東 西 and 打 網 球 是 很 重 要 的.. 東 西 對 我, where 對 我 should be placed before the verb.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 1 (continued) Score: 1 Uh 我 [wo3] 要 [yao3] um.. 我 覺 得 很 好 的 um 活 動, 因 為 我 很 喜 歡 書 法 因 um 我 很 喜 歡 練 習 [lian2 xi3].. 活 動 The answer addresses the prompt minimally. The pace is very labored, and vocabulary is insufficient. In this response, 活 動 and 書 法 are the only two words that relate to the prompt. In addition, the sentences are disjointed and incomplete.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 2 Score: 5 我 覺 得 [jue3 de2] 我 是 最 合 適 的, 因 為.. uh 我 喜 歡 畫 畫 兒 我 對.. 中 國 文 化 很 um 有 很 興 趣 Uh 我 覺 得 [jue3 de2] 比 別 的 人 更 好 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides an appropriate answer with some elaboration. Sentences are well connected and use varied grammatical structures. The pace of delivery and intonation are generally natural, with occasional hesitation and repetition. There are occasional errors in pronunciation and grammatical structures ( 有 很 興 趣 ). Score: 4 因 為 uh 我 不 是, 我 不 是 一 位 中 國 人, 可 是 uh 我 的 父 母 不 是 中 國 人, 可 是 我 自 己 自 學 了 中 國 uh 怎 麼 寫 中 國 uh 中 文 還 有,uh 我 也 喜 歡 中 國 的 畫 畫 兒,um 對 The response provides an appropriate answer in loosely connected sentences. The pace of delivery is generally consistent, with intermittent hesitation and repetition. Vocabulary and grammatical structures are mostly appropriate. Score: 1 我 覺 得 um uh 書 法.. 很 合 適,uh.. 很 多 的 藝 術 和 寫,uh 很 很 難 說 n- d- k-? [ 那 得 看?] The response addresses the prompt minimally with sentence fragments and isolated words. The pace of delivery is labored. Vocabulary is insufficient and inappropriate, with errors that significantly obscure meaning.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 3 Score: 5 中 國 書 法 是 一 個.. 很 有 很 有 歷 史 的 的 藝 術 [yi2 shu1], 差 不 多 有 一 千 年 多 的 歷 史 [li2 shi4],uh 是 用 毛 筆 [bi1] 墨 和 紙 [zhi1] 寫 一 些 字, 這 些 ju4 [ 就?] 是 書 法 The response directly addresses the prompt with a thorough and appropriate answer. The pace and intonation are generally smooth, with occasional hesitation and repetition. The pronunciation has errors ( 歷 史 [li2 shi4]; 紙 [zhi1]) that do not obscure meaning. Vocabulary and grammatical structures are appropriate, with sporadic errors ( 這 些 ju4 [ 就?] 是 ). Score: 3 Uh 國 畫 是 用 毛 筆 畫 的,uh 是 用 黑 顔 色 的.. 油 漆 畫 的 Uh 以 前 人 們 用 水 把 黑 顔 色 調 整 畫 畫 The response addresses the prompt with a basic answer. The pace and intonation are generally consistent. The response uses limited appropriate vocabulary and simple grammatical structures. Score: 2 Uh 中 [zhong3] 國 書 法 [shu4 fa4] 有 各 [ge3] 種 各 樣 的 um.. 各 種 各 樣 的 樣 [yang3] 子,uh 因 為 中 國 有 uh 很 多 的 uh 中 國 的 畫 [hua3] 畫 人,uh 畫 師 很 喜 歡 畫... The response addresses the prompt with an incomplete answer. The pace and intonation are labored, with frequent hesitation and repetition. The response uses minimal appropriate vocabulary and very limited grammatical structures.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 4 Score: 6 如 果 我 們 給 同 學 們 看 一 下 一 個 中 國 書 法 的 記 錄 片, 或 者 別 的 電 影 我 覺 得 他 們 可 以 學 到 uh 中 國 書 法 [fa1] 或 者 畫 畫 畫 的 特 點, 因 為 這 些 記 錄 片 可 以 給 他 [ta3] 們 看 一 下 uh 中 國 文 化 的 特 點, 中 國 文 化 的 uh 獨 特 性 The response provides a very thorough and appropriate answer in connected sentences including elaboration and detail. The pace and intonation are natural, and the pronunciation is accurate. Vocabulary is rich and appropriate, and the response contains a wide range of grammatical structures. Score: 4 我 覺 得, 最 最 好 幫 同 學 了 解 中 國 文 化, 是 要 去 學 學 看 他 們 是 怎 麼 寫 w- 書 法 的 因 為 要 自 己 做 才 能 學 到 以 前 人 [len2] 是 怎 樣 做 的 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides an appropriate answer in loosely connected sentences. Pace and intonation are generally consistent, with intermittent hesitation and repetition. Grammatical structures are mostly appropriate, with errors that do not generally obscure meaning:... 是 要 去 學 學 看. Score: 2 我 覺 得.. 自 自 己 寫 uh 書 法, 對 b- 對 幫 uh 學 生 有 幫 助 他 們 寫 的 uh 他 們 的 字, 因 為 自 己 寫 很.. 讓 你 wu2[ 無?] zhe1[ 這?] The response directly addresses the prompt and provides an appropriate but incomplete answer in fragmented sentences. It does not address the "why" question. The pace is labored, with frequent hesitation and repetition. Vocabulary is minimally appropriate and grammatical structures are limited, with frequent errors that obscure meaning. There is also repeated interference from another language.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 5 Score: 5 我 覺 得 如 果 我 當 uh 社 長 [zhang1], 我 應 該 uh 在 網 上 告 訴 我 們 的, 我 的 同 學 [tong1 xue1] 們 x- 學 書 法 [shu4 fa1] 我 也 覺 得 我 yi- 我 會 uh 告 訴 別 人 uh 關 於 書 法 的 歷 史 [shi1], 讓 [ruang4] 他 們 uh 開 始 學 書 [shu2] 法 The response directly addresses the prompt in connected sentences. It contains some elaboration and detail, including ideas on how to attract more students to the club. The pace is generally smooth, with occasional hesitation. There are some tone pronunciation errors, such as 社 長 [zhang1]; 同 學 [tong1xue1]; 書 法 [shu4fa1]; 歷 史 [shi1]; 書 [shu2] 法. There is one structural mistake: 我 會 告 訴 別 人 關 於 書 法 的 歷 史. Score: 3 Uh 我 可 以 um 給 我 的 同 學 um.. 一 個 地 方, 他 可 以 看 uh 中 國 畫 畫 畫, 也 可 以 談 談 他 的 opinions The response directly addresses the prompt in disconnected sentences. However, it uses limited vocabulary and grammatical structures and is delivered with inconsistent pace and intonation. It also contains an English word (opinions). Score: 2 Uh 我 想 我 有 很 [hen4] 多 uh 書 法,uh h- 對 不 起 um 我 想 uh 關 於 這 個 問 題, 我 應 該 想 [xiang4] 一 想,uh 所 以 我.. 昨 天 可 [ke4] 以, 對 不 起 m- 就 是 The response marginally addresses the prompt by mentioning calligraphy but fails to offer a plan to attract more students to the club. The answer contains insufficient vocabulary and limited grammatical structures.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 6 Score: 6 我 認 為 uh 我 應 該 會 把 活 動 安 排 在 週 末, 因 為 放 課 的 sh- 有 的 人 放 課 的 時 候 也 有 要 參 加 一 些 別 的 課 外 活 動, 有 的 人 放 課 后 會 覺 得 很 累 如 果 是 週 末 的 話, 大 家 差 不 多 都 會 有 時 閒 來 參 加 活 動 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a thorough and appropriate answer. It includes elaboration and detail by explaining why weekdays are not a good time to meet. Sentences are smoothly connected, pace and intonation are natural, and vocabulary is rich and appropriate. A wide range of grammatical structures are used in the response ( 因 為, 有 的, 有 的, 如 果 ). Score: 4 我 覺 [jue1] 得 最 好 的 時 間 是 剛 x- uh 下 學 的 時 候,uh 因 為 uh 人 們 剛 x- 下 學, 很 少 sh- sh- uh 很 少 時 候 有 另 [ling3] 外 的 東 西 做 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides an appropriate answer with intermittent hesitation and several errors in pronunciation (jue1 de instead of jue2 de 覺 得, ling3 wai4 instead of ling4 wai4 另 外 ). Vocabulary is mostly appropriate, with errors ( 下 學 的 時 候,... 有 另 外 的 東 西 做 ) that do not obscure meaning. Score: 1 Uh 我 覺 得 um um uh 最 好 uh 花 uh 花 時 間 最 好 uh 就 是 um 給 uh uh 讓 uh 同 學 們 uh 寫 字, 給 他 們 寫 字,uh 給 他 們 uh 教 一 下 The response addresses the prompt minimally in disjointed phrases. Its pace and intonation are very labored, with frequent hesitation and repetition.