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IBM 全 球 企 业 咨 询 服 务 部 中 国 五 矿 筑 起 人 力 资 源 信 息 大 厦 2 回 顾 篇 慎 选 巧 选 软 件 平 台 由 于 五 矿 集 团 下 属 的 很 多 公 司 是 最 近 几 年 才 加 盟 的 新 成 员 企 业, 这 些 公 司 所 应 用 的 人 力 资


ABOUT SUNAC SUNAC China Holdings Limited (the Company and together with its subsidiaries, collectively referred to as the Group ), is specialised in t




Fixed Income 1

Why Investing in bonds? 2

CPY Fixed Income Department Overview Professional and experienced team Top-notch client-focused services Offering diversified fixed income products Unique short term investment opportunity (erepo) Market information master Maximum protection for clients' assets 3

Professional and Experienced Team Our professionals possess more than 10 years industry experience, particularly in fixed income Extensive market networks across Asia, Europe and the Middle East which can provide liquidity One-stop trading platform to source a variety of fixed income products Efficient and attractive price discovery mechanism with execution based on various sources 4

Top-notch Client-focused Service We value product suitability for clients Assist our clients in understanding their risk appetite and tolerance level Offer bonds that match with client s risk profile. Provide highlights of bond information 5

Offering Diversified Fixed Income Products We focus on bonds issued by major corporations in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries. 6

Unique Short Term Investment Opportunity erepo erepo allows clients to invest in bonds on a short term basis in exchange for a higher rate of return. erepo includes a repurchase agreement so that investment return rate is fixed. Bonds Start Day of the erepo Contract: Client starts investment (buys bond) and agrees on the investment return rate. Bonds End Day of the erepo Contract (For Example: 30 days later): Client sells back the bond to Core Pacific - Yamaichi and receives the investment principal and investment return. 7

Quick Look at erepo Terms Tenor 7 days to 1 month Return Rate 1.00%-1.50% * Currency HKD/USD Bonds Investment Grade USD bonds Sample Bonds Available for erepo Bond Name Coupon Maturity Rating (Moody s/s&p) Standard Chartered 4.000% July 12, 2022 A3/A- Bank of East Asia 6.375% May 4, 2022 A3/A- Aust &NZ Banking Group (ANZ) 3.450% Aug 8, 2022 Aa3/A- Korea Exchange Bank 3.125% Jun 26, 2017 A1/A- * The Return Rate is for indication only and subject to change. 8

Benefits of erepo 9

Market Information Master Provide bond offering daily indications, important news alert and weekly market insights. 10

Maximum Protection for Clients' Assets Efficient settlement through Euroclear, a renowned and reliable international settlement system. Bonds purchased by clients are securely kept under a client trustee account in Euroclear and segregated from Core Pacific - Yamaichi s assets. 11

Contacts of Fixed Income Department Core Pacific - Yamaichi International (H.K.) Limited 11/F, China Resources Building 26 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Tel: (852)2826-0700 Website: Joyce Wong Direct line: (852) 2826-0820 Email: Agatha Wong Direct line: (852)2826-0744 Email: 12