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Yan Oi Tong Chan Wong Suk Fong Memorial Secondary School PAGE 01 School Insight 2 24666802 24629369








PAGE 09 English Learning & Teaching 1. USA Exchange Programme In line with the school s mission of providing an all-round education for our students and heed the call to enrich students other learning experiences (OLE) from the Education Bureau, the department initiated a USA Exchange Programme for our students last year. It aims to provide an opportunity for students to be immersed in an authentic English learning environment for a year. We are confident this programme will have a positive and significant impact on the learning of the participating students in the short and long term. It is also an excellent opportunity for students to acquire first-hand experience of an overseas education, gain new insights of the world outside Hong Kong, and a better appreciation for diversity. Students selected to join this programme are: Catherine Tsang Man O 1. Host Family: -Ipswich State -South Dakota () 2. School: -Ipswich High School -10 th grade 3. Subjects taken: -English, US history, Geometry, Vocal music, Digital photography, Biology, Psychology Wilson Tsoi Chin Cheuk 1. Host Family: -Washington () 2. School: -Medical Lake High School -12 th grade 3. Subjects taken: -US history, Princ Biomedicine, English, Chemistry, Sports medicine, Pre Calculus

PAGE 010 2. Singapore Study Tour Apart from the USA Exchange Programme, the department also organized a study tour to Singapore last July. The aims of the study tour are to broaden students worldview through travel and exploration; to nurture students curiosity by exposing them to new cultures and experiences; to develop the linguistic and interpersonal skills of the students through various interactions with Singaporean students and locals; to foster team spirit and self-discipline through group activities and projects. 3. Differentiated Curriculum (F.1-F.2) A schoolbased curriculum to cater for learners diversity Each student is a unique individual and different in many aspects, be it in his or her cognitive and affective development, ability, motivation, to name but a few. There are also other factors underlying student differences such as innate differences in intelligence, differences in social and economic background, etc. In view of this, the English department has taken significant measures to cater to individual differences when planning the curriculum to facilitate students learning and to ensure each student can develop to his or her potential to the full. To better understand the learning needs of each of our students, the department conducts a diagnostic assessment at the start of the school year, focusing on six key areas of their English learning. The findings are subsequently used to shape and fine tune the curriculum, teaching goals, learner expectations and set appropriate levels of assessments accordingly. Through keeping track of the progress of students, each individual learner s needs is taken care of in a timely and appropriate manner. 4. English Village HKUSPACE - The first ever English Village set up by HKUSPACE provides a virtual environment for students to immerse themselves in realistic English speaking scenarios, such as at the airport, clinic, pharmacy and restaurant, etc. Students use English to express themselves in various English speaking environments. 20 senior form students will join the scenario-based English course. It is hoped that their improved confidence will serve them well in the real world.

PAGE 011 5. Reading Club Programme In order to promote an English reading culture in our school, the department and the School Library have initiated a new reading programme, called The Reading Club Programme this year. It aims to develop students ability to read with understanding and confidence, and to enhance students speaking competency through reading aloud. This fortnightly programme involves a group of volunteers from Harbour City reading with our students. Each volunteer mentors 2 students. Through this programme, we hope to equip our students with the skills of learning to read and reading to learn to increase their overall capacity for life-long learning and whole-person development. 6. ipad-lessons ipads are widely used as a learning tool in the classroom to kindle students interests in the English Language. The ipad also allows teachers to tap into the latest and most exciting educational software and applications to enhance our students English Language learning experience. 7. Small Group Writing Training (NET) A team of native English speakers are employed to provide feedback intensive writing classes to prepare students for the public examinations. The teacher-student ratio is set at 1:4, to provide maximum feedback and personal care and attention for each student. 8. Authentic English Speaking Environment The school has set up a cozy café (Café de Chan Wong) with indoor and outdoor seating to offer our students a relaxing outof-class environment where they can interact freely with a team of native English speakers. Students are also encouraged to spend their lunchtime playing board games or simply chat with the NETs to practise and experience authentic English language oral communication.

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