博雅學院 School of Liberal Arts 隨著澳門科技大學的快速發展, 並順應 一帶一路 國家發展戰略以及粵港澳大灣區進程的加快對人才的需要, 大學對本地人才的培養亦更加重視, 學院順應大學發展於 2020 年 3 月正式更名為 博雅學院 博雅教育是對傳統高等教育人才培養模式的變革,

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博雅學院 School of Liberal Arts 隨著澳門科技大學的快速發展, 並順應 一帶一路 國家發展戰略以及粵港澳大灣區進程的加快對人才的需要, 大學對本地人才的培養亦更加重視, 學院順應大學發展於 2020 年 3 月正式更名為 博雅學院 博雅教育是對傳統高等教育人才培養模式的變革, 這已成為當今全球高等教育界的共識 其目標在於培養完整的人, 強調學生不僅需具備寬厚的知識基礎 跨學科視野以及分析與解決問題的能力, 還應擁有明確的職業發展領域和方向, 同時具備健全的人格和高尚的道德品質等 在全球化時代, 博雅教育更注重培養具有跨文化交流與合作 具備創新意識 終身學習等能力的高素質人才 博雅學院將繼續為本地人士提供產學結合的學士學位課程, 未來也將開設更加多元化的文憑證書及學士學位課程, 學院還將加強與校內各學院協同合作, 並積極開展與國際知名院校的合作, 努力為學生創造更多參與校際及國際學習交流項目的機會 博雅學院新開設了商學士學位課程和款待服務管理學士學位課程, 課程面向本地 內地和國際招生 學院發展至今, 於十多年間, 已培育了數千名學生, 獲取學位, 幫助提升澳門勞動人口的競爭力, 開拓視野, 向上流動, 甚至轉至其他行業, 讓澳門人有更多發展的空間, 能分享到澳門經濟發展的成果

專業認可度 學院現時為英國環境衛生協會 (CIEH) 葡萄酒與烈酒教育信託基金會 (WSET) 的認可培訓機構, 英國特許屋宇工程師學會 (CABE) 學術合作伙伴, 亦獲英國特許屋宇工程師學會 (CABE) 英國特許職業安全及健康學會 (IOSH) 的授權, 開辦該學會認可的專業證書課程 學院亦於 2017 年成為香港財務策劃師學會認可院校, 提供 CFPCM 及 AFPTM 資格認證教育課程 學院使命 1. 培養跨學科, 具創新意識和終身學習能力的人才 ; 2. 推動跨文化的交流與國際合作 ; 3. 服務於本地和區域經濟多元發展 學院願景 建成一所區域內國際化水準高 產學結合互動發展的成規模特色學院 商學士學位課程 課程簡介商學士課程正是圍繞博雅教育的理念和模式而設計的, 整個課程體系由 通識科目 基礎必修 和 專業必修 三大部分組成 通識科目強調跨學科的課程內容和廣博的知識基礎, 包括人文 政治 歷史 當代社會思潮與時事 量化推理 綜合科學等多方面知識, 注重讓學生在跨學科學習中既能學習系統知識, 又能汲取不同學科的思維方式和學習方法 而基礎和專業課程則注重學科的基礎和深度, 使學生從理論和實踐層面真正學會如何進行學術研討, 培養學生獨立觀察 批判思維 表達交流的能力 商學士學位課程 與 工商管理學士學位課程 最大的不同之處是 商學士學位課程 著重實務性, 目標為培養全方位行政管理人才 課程特色完成課程後, 學生能瞭解嶄新的企業營運模式, 以及如何運用各項先進的電子商貿, 協助營運和拓展業務 ; 本課程與傳統商科課程相比, 具有更多的靈活性和延展性 ; 讓學生將商務管理各方面的知識融會貫通於工作上, 提高管理技能如何在不同的行業內整合和應用, 強化其管理知識的運用 以培育具有高質素商務管理知識的全方位行政管理人才為目標 另外, 學生可透過學院的交流活動獲得多元的國際交流或海外學習機會, 成績合格後獲得澳門科技大學商學士學位和在滿足英語要求的前提下, 升讀境外大學的碩士學位 畢業生就業前景 本課程的設計集多元化的管理知識, 主要培養企業的管理人才, 學生在完成課程後, 就業選擇多, 可以從事各行業的行政及管理工作, 出路廣闊

學院獎項 School Awards 款待服務管理學士學位課程 課程簡介 p 學院院長梁文慧教授榮獲 2008 2009 & 2010 年度全國旅遊院校最具影響力十大名師 The Dean of Faculty, Professor Aliana Leong won the Top Ten Most Influential Tourism and Hospitality Educator 2008-2010, awarded by the China Hotel Association and China State Education Commission 澳門作為世界旅遊休閒中心, 有著舉世矚目的旅遊 博彩 娛樂產業主導的城市, 需要大量的人力資源投入各類型的現代服務行業中 為配合政策及大環境所需, 以回應澳門社會, 鄰近地區, 和國際對服務型人才培養的需要, 因此博雅學院設立 款待服務管理學士學位課程 本課程既適用於全職學生亦適用於從事休閒 會展 旅遊 酒店 娛樂 餐飲 零售等服務行業的在職人士 課程設計結合理論和實務 專業科目將涵蓋酒店業 文化旅遊業 會展業及零售業四大範 疇 此課程適合有志從事相關服務行業的人士, 提供了系統的基礎 理論知識學習, 同時亦設有充分實踐和實習的機會, 讓學生能學以致 用, 加強應用的能力, 進而增加升學或未來就業的競爭力 p 學院院長梁文慧教授獲 2009 年美國奧蘭多西北密蘇里州立大學舉辦的 ( 藝術與科學國際期刊 ) 國際研討會獲最佳學術論文獎 The Dean of Faculty, Professor Aliana Leong won the Best Conference Paper Award (Orlando 2009), International Journal of Arts & Sciences Conference, hosted by the Northwest Missouri State University, USA. 2009 課程特色本課程與傳統款待服務管理課程相比, 具有更多的靈活性和延展性 以培育具有高質素服務管理知識的應用型管理人才為目標 另外, 學生可透過學院的交流活動獲得多元的國際交流或海外學習機會, 成績合格後獲得澳門科技大學款待服務管理學士學位和在滿足英語要求的前提下, 可選擇升讀境外大學的碩士學位 畢業生就業前景 本課程畢業生的就業面比較廣, 本澳在服務行業方面的專才一直短缺, 現在及未來皆需要大量的人才投入到各服務行業 隨著越來越多知名的國際品牌進駐澳門, 國際企業對管理人才的需求也逐漸增強, 畢業生將會有良好的就業前景 畢業後可從事休閒, 會展, 旅遊, 酒店, 娛樂, 餐飲及零售等服務行業 p 學院院長梁文慧教授的論文榮獲第四屆澳門人文社會科學研究優秀成果論文類一等獎 ( 由澳門基金會, 中國社會科學雜誌社, 廣東省社會科學界聯合會主辦 ) The Dean of Faculty, Professor Aliana Leong won the first prize of the th Macao Outstanding Achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences Research (jointly sponsored by the Macao Foundation, Social Sciences in China Press and Guangdong Social Science Association) for her essay "Nostalgia as Travel Motivation and Its Impact on Tourists Loyalty" 學位課程 Degree Program 修讀年期 Duration of Study (Year) 授課語言 Medium of Instruction 商學士 ( 日間 ) Bachelor of Commerce(Day) 款待服務管理學士 ( 日間 ) Bachelor of Hospitality Management(Day) 商學士 ( 夜間 ) Bachelor of Commerce(Evening) 款待服務管理學士 ( 夜間 ) Bachelor of Hospitality Management(Evening)

With the rapid development of the university, and in line with the Belt and Road Initiative, as well as the accelerated development of the Greater Bay Area, the university attaches more importance to the cultivation of local talents. To be in line with the development of the university, the school officially renamed to "School of Liberal Arts (SLA)" in March 2020. Liberal Arts education is a reform of the traditional higher education training model, which has become the consensus of the current global higher education. Its goal is to train students not only in having a broad knowledge base, an interdisciplinary vision, the ability to analyze and solve problems with a clear career development field and direction, but most importantly, with a sound personality and noble morale. In the era of globalization, liberal arts education pays more attention to the cultivation of first-rate talents with cross-cultural communication and cooperation skills, an innovative consciousness, and deftness towards lifelong learning. SLA will continue to offer industry-academia collaboration Bachelor's degree programs. There will be a more diverse professional diploma certificate and bachelor degree programs in the future. Our school will strengthen cooperation with other academic units on our campus and actively enhance cooperation with internationally renowned institutions to create more opportunities for students to participate in international exchange programs. The school has launched the Bachelor of Commerce Degree Program and the Bachelor of Hospitality Management Degree Program, which welcomes local, Mainland- China students as well as international students to apply. Over the past decade, thousands of students were graduated from the SLA, we aim to improve the competitiveness of the Macao labor population, broaden students horizon and promote the upward mobility of working people, to create development prospects for Macau citizens. Qualifications The SLA is a Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) Registered Centre, Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) Approved Program Provider, and Academic Affiliate of Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE). We offer accredited courses of many international renowned institutions, including CABE and UK s Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). In 2017, the school became an accredited institution of the Hong Kong Institute of Financial Planners, offering CFPCM and AFPTM accredited education courses. Bachelor of Commerce Course Introduction The Bachelor of Commerce (BOC) offered by SLA is designed around the philosophy and model of liberal arts education. The whole curriculum system consists of three parts: "general education courses", "compulsory subject courses" and "professional compulsory subject courses". General education courses emphasize interdisciplinary curriculum content and broad knowledge base, including humanities, politics, history, contemporary social trends and current affairs, quantitative reasoning, comprehensive science and other aspects of knowledge, so that students can not only learn systematic knowledge in interdisciplinary learning, but also learn the thinking and learning methods of different disciplines. While the basic and professional courses pay attention to the foundation and depth of the subject, so that students can truly learn how to conduct academic discussion from the theoretical and practical level, and cultivate their ability of independent observation, critical thinking and communication. The BOC program focuses on the practical aspect and aims to train inter-disciplinary management talents. Program Features Compared with traditional business courses, this course has more flexibility and extensibility. First, students have a more flexible choice of majors after completing the general education. Students can continue their in-depth study of business courses and be awarded a BOC degree upon completion of credit courses and approval by the academic and teaching committees of the university. The SLA intends to extend teacher and student exchange projects with renowned universities overseas so that students will have ample opportunities for international exchange programs and study abroad opportunities. Upon graduation, SLA students can have the advantages to be admitted to master's degree by an overseas university on the premise of meeting the English requirements. Career Prospects The design of this course includes a set of diversified management knowledge, it mainly trains students to become enterprise management experts, after the completion of the course, students will have a lot of employment options, they can be engaged in various industries of administrative and management work, and will have a broad career prospects. Our Mission 1. Cultivating interdisciplinary, innovative and lifelong learning talents; 2. Promoting cross-cultural exchanges and international cooperation; 3. Serving the diversified development of local and regional economies. Our Vision To be a distinctive school that featured with high level of international standards and industry-academia collaboration.

Bachelor of Hospitality Management Course Introduction As a world tourism and leisure center, Macao is a world-renowned city dominated by tourism, gambling and entertainment industries, which requires a large number of human resources to be invested in various types of modern service industries. To meet the needs of the policy and the general environment, and to respond to the needs of the Macao society, the neighboring regions and the international community for the cultivation of service-oriented talents, the "Bachelor of Hospitality Management" has been established by the SLA. This course is designed for both full-time students and those working in the leisure, convention, tourism, hospitality, entertainment, catering, retail and other service industries. Curriculum design combines theory and practice. Major subjects will cover the four major areas of hospitality, cultural tourism, convention exhibition and retail. Students can be awarded a Hospitality Management degree upon completion of credit courses and approval by the academic and teaching committees of the university. This course is designed for people who are interested in related service industry, provides the basis of system theory knowledge learning, also equipped with sufficient practice and internship, lets the student can put this to use, and enhance the ability of practice and, in turn, increase the competitiveness of the education and future employment. Program Features Compared with traditional Hospitality Management courses, this course has more flexibility and extensibility. The SLA intends to extend teacher and student exchange projects with renowned universities overseas so that students will have ample opportunities for international exchange programs and study abroad opportunities. Upon graduation, SLA students can have the advantages to be admitted to master's degree by an overseas university on the premise of meeting the English requirements. Career Prospect There is a wide range of employment opportunities for graduates who study this program. There has always been a shortage of professionals in the service industry in Macau. With the arrival of more and more famous international brands in Macau, the demand for management talents in international enterprises is gradually becoming stronger, graduates will have a good career prospect. Students can work in leisure, exhibition, tourism, hospitality, entertainment, catering and other service industries. 查詢 Enquiries 校本部地址 University Main Campus: 澳門氹仔偉龍馬路 澳門科技大學 O 座六樓 O607 室 O607, 6/F Block O, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau 擎天匯校區地址 Praia Park Campus: 澳門路環石排灣馬路擎天匯地下 R 座 Est. Seak Pai Van Praia Park, Rés-Do-Chão R, Coloane, Macau 電話 Tel 853 8796 1999 學位課程 Degree Programs 電郵 E-mail sla@must.edu.mo 853 8796 1998 短期課程 Short Courses 傳真 Fax 853 2875 0019 網站 Website http://wwww.must.edu.mo/sla 07/ 2020