TOSA Innovative Human Development Programs Education Kuroshio Integrated Sciences Sub-Major Plant Health Care Science Sub-Major Outline of KOCHI Unive

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目 录


TOSA Innovative Human Development Programs Education Kuroshio Integrated Sciences Sub-Major Plant Health Care Science Sub-Major 13

Courses Department of International Studies Humanities and Social Sciences Master's Course Courses Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences Programs 14

Courses Teacher Training Division Educational Sciences Special Needs Education Lifelong Education Division Art and Culture Sports Sciences Living Environments Studies in Education(Master's Course) Courses Field Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences Programs Studies in Education Program School Education Course Special Needs Education Course Curriculum Development Course Teaching Methods Psychology Special Needs Education Teaching and Curriculum Design 15

Department of Natural Science Department of Applied Science Physical Science Course Chemistry Course Biology Course Course Earth Science Course Information Science Course Applied Chemistry Course Marine Bioscience & Molecular Technology Course Disaster Prevention Science Course Studies in Science Master's Course Studies in Applied Science Doctoral Course Programs Fields Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences Studies in Science Studies in Applied Science Natural Science Course Applied Science Course Cooperation Field Marine Science Course Applied Materials Science Course Physical Science Biology Earth Science Information Science Applied Chemistry Marine Bioscience & Molecular Technology Disaster Prevention Science Sea-Floor Resource Science Taxonomy and Geography of Plants 16

Department of Basic Nursing Department of Clinical Nursing Department of Community Nursing Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy Department of Pathology Department of Physiology Department of Biochemistry Department of Functional Genomics Department of Molecular Biophysics Department of Pharmacology Department of Microbiology and Infection Department of Parasitology Department of Immunology Department of Legal Medicine Department of Human Health and Medical Sciences Medical Humanities Section Preventive and Community Medicine Section Hospital Administration Section Department of Laboratory Medicine Department of Radiology Department of Anesthesiology & Intensive Care Medicine Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Department of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nephrology Department of Hematology & Respiratory Medicine Department of Cardiology,Neurology and Aging Science Department of Dermatology Department of Pediatrics Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Neuropsychiatry Department of Surgery Surgery1 Surgery2 linical Oncology and Mnimally Invasive Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Department of Urology Department of Ophthalmology Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Department of Neurosurgery Department of Family Medicine Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Disaster and Emergency Medicine Medical Science Master's Course Nursing Science Master's Course Medicine Doctoral Course Programs Courses Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences Nursing Science Medical Science Course Information Medical Science Course Nursing Course Medicine Life Science Course Clinical Science Course Information Healthcare Science Course 17

Courses Fields Subtropical Agriculture Course Aquaculture Course Food Science Course Life Chemistry Course Crop Science Plant Breeding Vegetable and Floricultural Science Tree Fruits Science Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Agricultural Process Engineering & Greenhouse Technology Ecology of Fish,Basic Marine Ecology Aquatic Environmental Science Fish Disease,Fish Disease Mnagement Aquatic Product Utilization Fish Nutrition Soil Ecology Science Nutritional Chemistry Bioresouece Science Biochemistry and Bioengineering Applied Microbiology Environmental Plant Science Applied Microbiology Bioactive Substance Chemistry Plant Pathology and Biotechnology Animal Reproductive Technology Natural and Environmental Science Course River Basin Environmental Engineering Course Forest Science Course International Field Science Course Entomology Biological and Environmental Systems Soil and Water Conservation Food Production Process Engineering Conservation Biodiversity Applied Meteorology Insect Ecology Bioactive Substance Chemistry Disaster Prevention geotechnical Engineering Environmental Facility Engineering Soil Physics and Soil Conservation Laboratory Water Disaster Prevention Water Quality Engineering Water Use and Environmental Engineering Sustainable Yield Science Forest Measurement Forest and Forest Environmental Economics Wood Physics Chemistry in Wood Substances Silviculture Tropical Fishery Nearshore Environmental Science Tropical Agriculture Tropical Forestry Geographical Information Science International Field Science 18

Agricultural Science Master's Course Programs Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences Agricultural Science Kuroshio Science Doctoral Course Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences Programs Courses Coexistence System Science Course Human Science Course Human Development Programs Courses TOSA Innovative Human Development Programs Green Science Program International Education Program Sports Education Program Departments Fields Bioresource Production Science Deep Seawater Science Plant and Animal Production under Structure Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Applied Bioresource Science Life Environment Conservation Science 19

General Education Subjects 52 Structure and Class Forms of General Education Subjects First-Year (Freshman) Subjects 12 Liberal Arts and Science Subjects Common Major Subjects 22 18 Transformation of Learning Career Formation Scholastics Motivation for Basic Skills Introduction to University Learning Task-Based Practical Seminar First-Year (Freshman) English English Speaking Skills Information Processing Introduction to Scholastics Humanities Social Science Life and Medical Science Achievement Goals and Methods for Education Transform approaches in learning from teacher-orientated to student-orientated instruction Help students envisage their employability for their future careers and what abilities they need to acquire by the time they graduate Help students to raise their understanding of the significance of universities and academe especially with regard to Kochi University Promote and develop students initiative and self-motivated learning Help students understand differences of opinion and viewpoints, to know themselves, and find their own space for improvement Help them understand the significance and method of learning through communication in small groups Students are streamed into classes with students of similar ability based on the results of a placement test Help them learn practical English skills at a level appropriate for university students; motivate them to acquire throughout their academic career the capacity to learn independently; stimulate their interest in language and culture; and help them to gain and develop the basic knowhow; and develop awareness necessary for cross-cultural understanding and international coexistence Provide English language classes taught by native speakers (i.e.english conversation classes) Help students gain the necessary abilities to handle information, i.e. to acquire information literacy Provide introductory instruction to help students prepare for specialized education Motivate students for acquiring and developing a prospective view of specialized education Help them as students to develop a particular identity appropriate for each faculty and department Help them to develop proficiency in Japanese language skills through oral presentations and class summary reports Natural Science First-year subjects Foreign Languages Introductory Subjects Career training and Development Subjects Common major subjects 20 21