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行 政 院 國 家 科 學 委 員 會 補 助 專 題 研 究 計 畫 成 果 報 告 ( 水 利 與 地 方 社 會 ( 一 ): 以 三 七 圳 與 社 子 溪 流 域 為 中 心 ) 計 畫 類 別 : 個 別 型 計 畫 計 畫 編 號 :NSC H 執 行 期

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[ ] 1966 [ ] [ 1993]

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,,,,, (,1988: 630) 218

摘 要 生 與 死 所 引 起 的 傷 逝 憂 生, 是 文 學 作 品 中 重 要 的 母 題, 每 個 人 對 死 亡 的 詮 釋 和 面 對 死 亡 的 態 度, 將 會 影 響 其 生 命 思 維 和 處 世 方 式, 透 過 歷 史 時 間 意 識 的 貫 穿, 文 人 對 於 生 死 的



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v NSC 922411H002049 2003 8 1 2004 7 31 9310 26

English abstract This project aims at exploring the medical conceptions of children s bodies and disease in medieval China. From the West Jin to the Tang and Song dynasties, pediatrics not only had conspicuous development in comparison with that of previous dynasties, but was also gradually regarded as a branch of medicine. During this period of time, pediatric experts developed various doctrines concerning children s physical and mental development so as to lay critical foundation for pediatrics. In this project, I intend to take bianzheng (change and steam) and kewu (frightened by stranger) as examples to discuss Chinese physician s theories on phenomenon and process of new born baby s growth and to delve into how physicians understand new born baby s disease caused by external factors. In so doing, we can go further to study how those physicians try to formulate both physical and mental development of a new life. Moreover, by way of exploring physician s diagnosis and treatment on bianzheng and kewu, I set out to examine how physicians put medical doctrine into practice, as well as whether physicians notice any clinical difference between sexes. I will also take socio-cultural context into consideration in order to delve into the development of pediatrics, and how doctors construct the features and theories of children s

physiology and psychology in medieval time. Keywords: bianzheng, changing and steaming, kewu, frightened by stranger, pediatrics, history of medicine, West Jin dynasty, Tang dynasty, Song dynasty, China 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

1990 1995 1997 1993, 1995 1995

Cullen, 2000 1999

1990 1954, 1983 1995 1998 1954, 1983 1986, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1999; Furth, 1987, 1995 / / 1996 1997Furth, 1999 /

: A. 1. 1953 2. 1966 3. 1983 4. 1987 5. 1989

6. 1990 7. 1990 8. 1990 9. 1992 10. 1993 11. 1994 12. 1994 13. 1995 14. 1998 15. : 1999 16. 1998 17. 1997 18. 1998 19. 2000 20. 2001 21. 2004 B. 1. 21 3 (1991) 129-134 2. 1992.2 61-62 3. 20 (1992) 27-41 4. 11 1 (1993) 253-267 5. 23 (1994) 1-29 6. 13 2 (1995) 169-203 7. 25 1 (1995) 61 8. 68 2 (1997) 283-367 9. 13 2

(1997) 3-5 10. 27 3 (2000) 99-101 11. 2 2 (2003) 10-12 12. 16 3 (2003) 59-60 13. 22 3 (2003) 20-23 14. 33 3 (2003) 189-191 A. 1.Rosemary Morris trans, 1991, Jacques Gélis, 1984, History of Childbirth Fertility, Pregnancy and Birth in Early Modern Europe, Boston: Northeastern University Press. 2.Bates, D. 1995, Knowledge and the Scholarly Medical Traditions, Cambridge University Press. 3.Chang, Chia-Feng, 1996, Aspects of Smallpox and Its Significance in Chinese History, PhD Dissertation, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. 4.Furth, Charlotte, 1999, A Flourishing Yin - Gender in China's Medical History, 960-1665, Berkeley: University of California Press. 5.Anne Kinney, 2004, Representations of Childhood and Youth in Early China, Stanford: Stanford University Press. B. 1. Furth, Charlotte, 1995, ''From Birth to Birth: The Growing Body in Chinese Medicine'', in Chinese Views of Childhood, (ed) Anne B. Kinney, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 157-192. 2. Cullen, Christoper, 2000, ''The Threatening Stranger: Kewu in Pre-modern Chinese Paediatrics'', in Lawrence Conrad & Dominik Wujastyk (eds), Contagion: Perspectives from Pre-modern Societies (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited), 39-52.

3. Chang, Chia-Feng, 2003, The Body Both Pure and Susceptible - Images of the Child and the Aetiology of Childhood Disease in Medieval China, in Proceedings of the XXI International Congress of History of Science (Mexico City: Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor, Secretaría de Educación Pública, Estados Unidos Mexicanos).

92 8 1 ~ 93 7 31 NSC92-2411-H-002-049 2003 8 17 ~ 2003 9 6 2003 8 17