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: The maximum frequency and/or concentration of a hazard in a food at a specified step in the food chain before the time of consumption that provides or contributes to an FSO or ALOP, as applicable. FSO ALOP 1 Codex Procedural Manual Ver.14 DEFINITIONS OF RISK ANALYSIS TERMS RELATED TO FOOD SAFETY 2007/4/23 19 ALOP HACCP FSO ALOP) 2007/4/23 20

ALOP US The Healthy People 2010 Objective 2010 0.25 100,000 (HHS, 2000) 100 1 2007/4/23 21 From ALOP FSO 2007/4/23 22

: The effect in frequency and/or concentration of a hazard in a food that must be achieved by the application of one or more control measures to provide or contribute to a PO or an FSO. 1 PO FSO 1 Codex Procedural Manual Ver.14 DEFINITIONS OF RISK ANALYSIS TERMS RELATED TO FOOD SAFETY 2007/4/23 23 A microbiological criterion for food defines the acceptability of a product or a food lot, based on the absence or presence, or number of microorganisms including parasites, and/or quantity of their toxins/metabolites, per unit(s) of mass, volume, area or lot. 1 1 CAC/GL 21-1997 Principles for the establishment and application of microbiological criteria for foods (pg 1) 2007/4/23 24

: PO PC : n, c, m, M) 2007/4/23 25 Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Powdered Formulae for Infants andyoung Children at Step 4 2007/4/23 26

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