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muddling through Report of the President s Commission of the Patent System (1966), reprinted in ROBERT P. MERGES, PETER S. MENELL, MARK A. LEMLEY, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN THE NEW TECHNOLOGICAL AGE 17-18 (5th Ed., Aspen Publishers, 2010).

Nari Lee muddling through Dan L. Burk=Mark A. Lemley Burk=Lemley

WILLIAM M. LANDES & RICHARD A. POSNER, THE ECONOMIC STRUCTURE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW (Harvard University Press 2003) id. at 16-17 Edmund W. Kitch, The Nature and Function of the Patent System, 20 J.L. & ECON. 265, 276-79, 283-84 (1977). prospect prospect Kitch prospect Mark F. Grady & Jay I. Alexander, Patent Law and Rent Dissipation, 78 VA. L. REV. 305, 308, 316-17, 321, 339 (1992) Rebecca S. Eisenberg, Analyze This: A Law and Economics Agenda for the Patent System, 53 VAND. L. REV. 2081, 2093 (2000) Kitch Kitch, supra note 94, at 284 Mark A. Lemley, Ex Ante versus Ex Post Justifications for Intellectual Property, 71 U. CHI. L. REV. 129, 139 (2004)

Lemley, supra note 96, at 137 id. at 149, Robert P. Merges & Richard R. Nelson, On the Complex Economics of Patent Scope, 90 COLUM. L. REV. 839, 843, 872-74, 885-94 (1990) rent dissipation Grady & Alexander, supra note 95 id. at 322 positive theory id. at 322-50. id. at 349 Grady & Alexander id. at 317Grady & Alexander positive theory id. at 318, 342 reward theory Kenneth J. Arrow, Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Innovation, in THE RATE AND DIRECTION OF INVENTIVE ACTIVITY 609-25 (Richard R. Nelson eds., Princeton University Press 1962). intellectual monopoly

A Joseph A. Schumpeter replacement effect Merges & Nelson, supra note 98, at 873, 877.Wright id. at 888-91, Edward G. Durney Thomas Edison General Electric Merges & Nelson, supra note 98, at 885-88James Watt Burk & Lemley Arrow Burk=Lemley Arrow, supra note 102, at 619-22 efficiency effect

BURK & LEMLEY, supra note 65, at 31 BESSEN & MEURER, supra note 52 Patent Crisis BESSEN & MEURER, supra note 52, at 89-90 Burk=Lemley Merges & Nelson, supra note 98, at 909-16. Merges & Nelson, supra note 98, at 843. id. at 868-70 id. at 875 id. at 880 id. at 909 id. at 909-11; Robert Merges, Intellectual Property Rights and Bargaining Breakdown: The Case of Blocking Patents, 62 TENN. L. REV. 75, 92-94 (1994); Mark A. Lemley, The Economics of Improvement in Intellectual Property Law, 75 TEX. L. REV. 989, 1010-13 (1997) Merges & Nelson, supra note 98, at 913 id. at 916 Dan L. Burk=Mark A. Lemley Lemley, supra note 110, at 1061-65, 1068-71

id. at 1071-72 DOUGLAS BAIRD, ROBERT GERTNER, AND RANDEL PICKER, GAME THEORY AND LAW, 147-53 (Harvard University Press, 1994),

Michael A. Heller, The Tragedy of the Anticommons: Property in the Transition from Marx to Markets, 111 HARV. L. Rev. 621, 633-59, 668-79 (1998). Burk=Lemley Michael A. Heller and Rebecca S. Eisenberg, Can Patents Stifle Innovation? The Anticommons in Biomedical Research, 280 SCI. 698 (1998); Nari Lee Patent Thickets Problem Carl Shapiro, Navigating the Patent Thicket: Cross Licenses, Patent Pools and Standard Setting, in 1 INNOVATION POLICY AND THE ECONOMY 119, 120 (Adam Jaffee, Josh Lerner & Scott Stern eds., The MIT Press 2001). Shapiro Burk=Lemley Burk & Lemley Dan L. Burk & Mark A. Lemley, Policy Levers in Patent Law, 89 VA. L. REV. 1575, 1657 (2003)Burk=Lemley BURK & LEMLEY, supra note 65 Burk=Lemley BURK & LEMLEY, supra note 65

Burk=Lemley BURK & LEMLEY, supra note 65, at 39. Drug Delivery System BESSEN & MEURER, supra note 52, at 89, 106-07, 152 Levin, et al., supra note 14, at 798 BESSEN & MEURER, supra note 52, at 152-55 Burk=Lemley Business Method Exception Nari Lee Bilski et al. v. Kappos, 561 U.S. (2010) Bilski vs. Kappos Matthias Leistner=Manuel Kleinemenke

Burk=Lemley Burk=Lemley BESSEN & MEURER BESSEN & MEURER, supra note 52, at 21-24, 152, 186-87 id, at 190-91 Burk=Lemley Heller & Eisenberg ESTs cdna cdna Burk=Lemley Burk=Lemley

Burk=Lemley Burk=Lemley Burk=Lemley lever Policy Levers Theory Burk=Lemley Rules versus Standards See NEIL K. KOMESAR, IMPERFECT ALTERNATIVES: CHOOSING INSTITUTIONS IN LAW, ECONOMICS, AND PUBLIC POLICY 53-97 (University of Chicago Press 1994).

PETER DRAHOS, A PHILOSOPHY OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, 145-69 (Dartmouth 1996); Peter K. Yu PETER DRAHOS & JOHN BRAITHWAITE, INFORMATION FEUDALISM: WHO OWNS THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY? (Earthscan 2002); Peter Drahos Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt BURK & LEMLEY, supra note 65, at 106 BURK & LEMLEY, supra note 65, at 106-07 capture BURK & LEMLEY, supra note 65, at 107

RESOURCE BOOK ON TRIPS AND DEVELOPMENT, 368-74 (Cambridge Univ. Press 2005) Burk=Lemley ROCHELLE C. DREYFUSS AND GRAEME B. DINWOODIE, VIEWING TRIPS THROUGH A NEOFEDERALIST LENS: ADAPTING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW TO TECHNOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL CHANGE, Part I, Chapter 1, 4 (forthcoming). Coase Coase Coasian world Frank H. Easterbrook, Cyberspace and the Law of the Horse, 1996 U. CHI. LEGAL F. 207 (1996) ProCD, Inc. v. Zeidenberg, 86 F.3d 1447 (7th Cir. 1996) ProCD v. Zeidenberg