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事業興趣評估 : 原則和方法 梁湘明中文大學教育心理學系 June 8, 2009

主題一 : 甚麼是興趣? 興趣和能力 性格 和價值 觀有何分別

Some Reflection Questions on your INTEREST: When you get free time, what do you want to do? What is your favorite subject in school? When you are in a magazine section of a library/bookstore, what type of magazine will you pick up and read first? When I am, I lose track of time and don t want anyone or anything to disturb me. If someone ask you what your favorite interests are, what would you say?

Interest - Definition. an interest may be defined as a liking/disliking state of mind accompanying the doing of an activity, or the thought of performing an activity. E. K. Strong (1955)

Elements of Interest 關注 (attention) 感受 (feeling) 活動 (activity) 持久性, 耐力 (intensity and duration) 形成生活方向 / 習慣 (pattern, habits, direction)

主題二 : 興趣與能力 興趣不同能力 (ability, competence), 但兩者有明顯關係一 :

我是個有效能的人麼? Self-efficacy Competence 嘗試不同事物 Experience Opportunities 從不同經驗中建立一般和獨特效能感 Specific competence And efficiacy 興趣結晶和具体化 興趣與能力 Crystallization of Specific Interest

Relationship Between Interest and Competence Interest Strong Interest Weak Competence Strong Competence Weak (A) Strengths (C) Develop Competence (B) Develop Interests (D) Low Priority Areas 興趣與能力

主題三 : 興趣和性向 (1 of 3) Holland 相信興趣和性向 ( 性格 ) 是 一個銅幣的兩面 (two sides of a coin)

興趣和性向 (2 of 3) 每一類興趣, 代表著不同的性 格特徵

Some Personality Descriptors of Holland Interest Types 謙虛 坦白 依靠自己的 堅定的 R I A S E C 有智慧的 內向的 學者型獨立的 不平常沒有秩序創作性的敏感的 樂於助人的 令人愉快的 喜歡與人相處 有耐性 有動力的 外向的 精明的 有野心的 謹慎 規則導向的 有效率的 有秩序的 興趣和性向 (3 of 3)

主題四 : 興趣和價值觀 (values) (1 of 2) 擁不同的興趣的人, 有不同的價 值觀

Some Value Descriptors of Holland Interest Types R I A S E C 垂視可見的成果 知識學習 創意 自我表達 社會服務 公平 財務及社會上的成功 準確 賺錢 實質回報 誠實 常識 成就獨立 唯美 理解 忠誠 冒險 責任 節儉 在商務或社會事務上的權力 興趣和價值觀 (values) (1 of 2)

興趣 事業評估 價值觀 能力

主題五 : 興趣測驗有何功 能? 興趣測驗能否告訴我那一科目我最適合讀或應該選擇甚麼職業

No No interest test can tell a person which occupation (or which subject) is the most congruent occupation. 興趣測驗有何功能? (1 of 6)

Yes Interest test can inform a person clusters of occupations (or subjects) that a person might consider, which might bring satisfactions if the person engages in those occupations (or programs of studies) 興趣測驗有何功能? (2 of 6)

No An interest tests provides a test-taker with answers. 興趣測驗有何功能? (3 of 6)

Yes An interest test provides test scores, which serves as information and data for the test taker to consider. 興趣測驗有何功能? (4 of 6)

No An interest test provides information that is strictly related to career choice 興趣測驗有何功能? (5 of 6)

Yes An interest tests provides information in the form of test scores that have implications on: Career choice Choices related to learning and education Choice of leisure activities Other implications that emerge in the interpretation process 興趣測驗有何功能? (6 of 6)

Should Interest Test be the First Tool for Teachers/Counselors to Help Students Identify their Career Interests? 主題六 : 何時適合用興趣測驗?

In a Counseling Context A counselor should assess: what the student s career-related needs are whether the student would benefit from an interest test

Some Considerations If the student has: 1. very weak self-awareness, 2. low in self-efficacy, and/or 3. very limited knowledge about the occupational world An interest test would have very limited utility (might even have negative utility) for these students

Crystallization Students who are in the process of crystallizing their self-identity and/or vocational identity could use information from an interest test to facilitate, expand, and organize their self-understanding

Specification Students who are in the process of specifying their career choice (or choice of subjects) could use test information to explore and confirm their specified choices.

Implementation Students who already have made a career choice (or choice of subjects) could use test data to confirm their choice. Interest test scores might not generate much new insight yet might serve to support choices that are already being implemented.

When is the Best Time to Administer an Interest Tests to Students in at a Secondary Level? 主題七 : 不同的興趣探索 活動

Teachers Should Consider Different Interest Exploration Tools Interest test should seldom be the first tool to use in career guidance in secondary level. Students should be exposed to other interest exploration activities before doing an interest test.

Bridging AB=C A Organize self-understanding B Organize the world of work Three Entry Points of Career Exploration Activities

從興趣代碼到職業代碼 了解事業興趣 以 Holland 興趣代碼作代號 以職業代碼作起點找尋配對興趣的職業

Activity Cluster 1 Knowing an Interest Framework Design a Holland framework game!!

(1) What does the I letter in Holland s Theory Stand for Intellectual Intuitive Investigative Independent

(2) Which of the following personality descriptors is most likely to be affiliated with the Artistic interest type? Inflexible Creative Organized Competitive

(3) Which of the following subjects is most congruent with those with a high Enterprising interest? Education Accountancy Journalism Business Administration

(4) Which of the following code is most congruent with the occupation Architect RIA SEC AIR IRA

(5) Tom enjoys taking science and math subjects, he is most likely to have which of the following as his primary interest code? Investigative Social Enterprising Conventional

Activity Cluster 2 Guessing Holland 3-letter code of occupations/subjects

Answer Occupational Codes 1. 土木結構工程師 IRE 2. 消防員 RES 3. 攝影採訪記者 (Reporter) ASE 4. 行政經理 ECS 5. 會計 / 出納員 CER 6. 中學教師 ( 文科 ) SAE

Answer Subject Codes 7. Hotel and Tourism Management ESA 8. English ASE 9. Mechanical Engineering RIE 10. Chinese Medicine IRS 11. Social Work SEC 12. Risk Management Science CIE

Other Worthwhile Activities Identify occupations with similar codes (e.g., card sorting) Ask a friend or a parent on one s interest code Use the Party Exercise to identify interest code

Benefits After a student participated in the above activities, some would already have known their interest code. Students would benefit more from an interest test if they have a good understanding of the framework behind the test.

主題八 Holland 職業 科目分類系統的 制

Holland Classification System Based on the Six Holland Interest/Personality Categories, each occupation is assigned a 3- letter code denoting the types of individuals who are most likely to be found in different occupations (that is, the dominant, secondary, and tertiary types of different occupations).

How Holland Codes were Assigned to Occupations (1 of 2) 1960s, early 1970s Based on interest test information of students and employees who took various interest inventories (interest test scores could be mapped using the Holland system). The early version of Occupations Finders had 501 occupations.

How Holland Codes were Assigned to Occupations 1980s G. D. Gottfredson et al. (1982) classified 12,099 occupations into Holland codes and GED levels Used the early Occupations Finders Occupations as a base, and generate computer programs to assign codes to diverse families of occupations] 1990s 3rd edition of Dictionary of Holland Occupational Code

Latest version of DHOC

O*Net An interactive web-based occupational resources center

Occupational Codes Some Limitations 1. Inexact A code cannot fully reflect the characteristics of an occupation 2. Does not reflect within occupational variations (e.g., same occupation but with diverse characteristics in different contexts) 3. Moderate agreement between different sources Different sources might have slightly different code (e.g., HDOC code not the same as O Net code)

主題九 : 西方事業評估工具 的文化限制

Limitations of Career Interest Test Developed in the Western World They are written in English. Items based on US cultural context Bridging resources (e.g., Occupational Finder) not compatible with the Hong Kong context. Costly and difficult to access.

Efforts are needed to: Develop good bridging resources (occupational and educational finders) Develop an interest assessment instrument that is consistent with the HK cultural context at the language and content levels.

主題十 : 一個本土興趣測 驗

Composition of an Interest Test Items on interested activities Items on interested occupations Items on competence

Step 1 Initial Item Generation We asked a group of associate degree students to write down a list of: activities they do occupations they are interested in and tasks that they are competent at

Step 2 Initial Item Coding Organize these responses into an item pool Set up an expert panel to decide on the Holland code of these activities, occupations, and areas of competence

Step 3 Item Confirming The panel decided on items to be included in the questionnaire (234 items) Items divided into Activities, Occupations, and Competence sections (78 items per section) Inevitability, some items of the interest tests are similar to those of other interest tests developed elsewhere

Step 4: Norming A total of 2122 valid questionnaires were collected from 8 secondary schools, and the distribution of students in different secondary levels was: F.4 826 students F.5 739 students F.6 347 students F.7 210 students

Step 5 Calculating Preliminary Reliability and Validity Information The Internal Consistency Reliability was satisfactory (Overall mean =.80) There were gender differences in all the 6 interest scales: Male > Female in R and I Female > M in A, S, E, and C Students in Science Track > Students in Arts Track in the R and I scales Scale inter-correlation pattern was consistent with Holland s theory. Overall inter-scale correlation for male students was higher than female students.

Inter-Scale Correlation between Adjacent Scales (RI, IA, AS, SE, CE, and RC) : Male =.48, Female =.42 between types separated by one interval (RA, IS, AE, SC, ER, and CI): Male =.44, Female =.35 between types opposite to each other (SR, EI, and AC): Male =.36, Female =.26

Differences in HKCII Scores by Gender and Academic Track Realistic M>F Sci>Arts Investigative M>F Sci>Arts Only 2 CII scales could discriminate between students in Science and Arts tracks (RI, scales). Conventional F>M F>M Artistic M = Male Students F = Female Students Sci = Science Track Students Art = Arts Track Students F>M Enterprising F>M Social P<.001

X2(133)=47.146 CFI=.912 RMSEA=.148

Science Subjects Investigation Hexagon Locations and Subjects Realistic Artistic Arts Subjects Social Conventional Business Subjects Enterprising

Next Steps Recruit schools to use an on-line version of this test and continue the scientific and applied aspects of the project: Examine client satisfaction (e.g., student, teacher) Pursue some follow-up studies on validity of test scores Continue to examine item and scale validity See if a shorter version of the test could be developed