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FREE Vol. 15 Issue 10 Locally Owned & Operated 9 TO 5 THE MUSICAL AT BAKER COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Connecting Our Communities Sam & DJ s Come Visit Our NEW LOCATION! 390 W. Macclenny Ave. (Across from Family Dollar) 904-397-0410 All NEW Inventory! Loriann Bliss, Kylie Carter and Blayne Fraser get ready to raise a ruckus in Baker County Community Theatre s 9 to 5, opening next week at the BCHS auditorium. They ve done it again! Our Baker County Community Theater is presenting 9 to 5: The Musical, a play made famous in the late 70 s. Take a trip back in time with the Baker County Community Theatre to a time before computers and cell phones, to a time when apples grew on trees and twitter was something the birds did in the yard. They re going back to 1979, when a gallon of gas ran you 89 cents, pet rocks and disco were the rage and 9 to 5 was the hottest comedy on the big screen. If you ve never been to a production brought to us by the Baker County Community Theater you ve been missing out on great talent, laughs and a lot of fun right here in the auditorium at Baker County High School. A lot of work, time and talents go into preparation for these productions and the results always show it. You will come away from the production with a true appreciation for the efforts this theater group puts forth to bring these productions to life on the stage. They are always great! 9 to 5: The Musical is the community theatre s spring production and runs March 14th through 17th and again March 21st through 24th with 7:30PM evening shows and 2PM Sunday matinees. It has all the great comedy and catchy music you d expect in a musical by country legend, Dolly Parton. 9 to 5: The Musical is the story of three women trying to make their way in a man s world as they work 9 to 5 and struggle to get by. 9 to 5 The Musical, with music and lyrics by Dolly Parton and the book by Patricia Resnick, is based on the seminal hit movie. Set in the late 1970s, this is a hilarious story of friendship and revenge in the Rolodex era. It s outrageous, thought-provoking and even a little romantic. Pushed to the boiling point, three female coworkers concoct a plan to get even with the sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot they call their boss. In a Everything You Need, For Anything You Need To Do. Kubota s full line of hardworking equipment has a proven reputation for high-quality engineering, versatility, power and reliability. RTV-X Series L Series Grand L Series SSV Series Coastal Equipment hilarious turn of events, Violet, Judy and Doralee live out their wildest fantasy giving their boss the boot! While Hart remains otherwise engaged, the women give their workplace a dream makeover, taking control of the company that had always kept them down. Hey, a girl can scheme, can t she? It s laugh out loud funny and also a little thought provoking, with great songs and dances. The screen production in 1979 was a huge hit and wildly popular. Many will remember the song that Dolly Parton performed for the production Working 9 to 5, which was popular on the radio for many years. Who could ever forget this outrageous comedy and now you can come and see it again performed at Baker County High School right here in our home town! Call 259-6286 for reservations in the first four rows. 9 to 5 is rated PG. Check out our TAX SALE Vehicles!!! INSIDE THIS ISSUE FLAMINGO FUND RAISER: There s a Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser for Dreams Come True happening in Baker County, sponsored by Bennett s Feed. This is a great way to raise money for an amazing organization as well as show some good hearted fun to a friend, neighbor, or business ON CAMPUS WORK EXPERIENCE AT BCHS: An agreement between the Baker County School District and the University of Florida Health Jax Physicians, Inc. was approved at the March 04, 2019 school board meeting in Taylor, Florida. This agreement places PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP WITH JOHN REED: Local award winning and widely published nature photographer, John Reed, will conduct a Spring Nature Photography Workshop at Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge on Saturday, March 9 from 8:00AM to 4:00PM (registration begins at 7:30AM). Cost for the workshop is NOTES FROM YOUR COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE: Tips for Growing Tomatoes. They say gardening is cheaper than therapy, and you get tomatoes! But if you ve been having trouble getting tomatoes, allow me to be your horticulture therapist FREE SILVER SNEAKERS CLASSES: On Tuesday, March 5, Raiford Road Church opened its doors to the active older adults of our community with the return of the Silver Sneakers Program. Well over a dozen people came out to be a part of this preventative and restorative exercise class 904-259-4277 5463 Woodlawn Cemetary - Macclenny, FL 32063 2 3 5 5 6

2 HOME TOWN JOURNAL FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2019 WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG Laser Hair Removal Allergy Testing/Immunotherapy IV Therapy MIC Injections Specializing In... Lipo Shot Juvederm Skin Tightening Horomone Therapy Weight Photofacials Loss Therapy Body Contouring Now Accepting Clients! Sizzle Shot Microneedling PRP SlenderShot SkinCare Laser Hair Removal Botox Immonotherapy Contact us for your personalized FLAMINGO FUND RAISER There s a Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser for Dreams Come True happening in Baker County, sponsored by Bennett s Feed. This is a great way to raise money for an amazing organization as well as show some good hearted fun to a friend, neighbor, or business partner. You may be one of the lucky victims to have a flock of pink flamingos show up in your yard. The only way to get rid of them is to have them professionally removed and sent to someone else s lawn. These flamingos roost for about 24 hours in each location! The donations will be in a flock form. To send a medium flock of 10 The Rack Up Thrift Store in Macclenny takes donated items and turns them into cash to help out our local charities. They are in need of donated items for the thrift store. The community has been a great help with donations and flamingos to a friend s yard it will be a 20 donation, to send a Large Flock of 20 flamingos it will be a 30 donation. To ensure you will not be flocked you can purchase Flocking insurance for a 10 donation. So, if you would like to have someone s yard flocked, stop by Bennett s Feed with your donation and they will handle the rest! Don t worry they are professional Flock Handlers! All Flocking s will be anonymous unless the Flockee makes a donation, your name will then be revealed! These are native Baker County Flamingos and must stay within the county! For more information, contact (904) 259-3381 RACK UP LOOKING FOR DONATION ITEMS now coming into the new year, the demand for more GOOD junk is needed. If you have any donations, please stop by the store on US90 to drop off donations. Store hours are Wednesday-Saturday from 10AM to 6PM. Hormone Therapy IV Therapy Weight Loss Therapy 904-653-3223 274 Macclenny Ave E., Macclenny, FL 32063 Like us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram www.beautyandwellnessrx.com beautyandwellnessrx@gmail.com GARDEN CLUB NEWS The Garden Club of Baker County will meet on Thursday, March 14, 2019, 10:00 AM at The Mathis House located at The Glen St. Mary Nurseries in Glen St. Mary, Florida. Even though there s lots to do in our gardens this time of year, it s also an excellent time to select and prepare your favorite houseplants to show off at the Baker County Fair in October summer is perfect time for your babes to grow to their prettiest. With that in mind, Debbie Clark will give you some tips and advice on care of houseplants at our next meeting which will also count towards CEU s for our Master Gardeners. Directions to The Mathis House from east: Highway 90 West or I-10 west to Glen St. Mary, turn left (south) on CR-125, go under I-10. Take second dirt road to right just t before the bridge. The Mathis House is first building on left with parking on the right side of the house. For more information, call 904/259-6064. In-House Financing Now Available! COMMUNITY HEALTH FAIR A t A GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICE RENTAL FEES! PROFESSIONAL SALES & SERVICE Serving ALL YOUR Propane Needs! 1 st CHOICE PROPANE Indus ri l Residen i l Commerci l gricul ur l Locally Owned & Operated Your Only Hometown Gas Company! TUESDAY SPECIAL 12 for 20lb BBQ TANK REFILLS 490 West Macclenny Ave. Spring into health at Central Elementary Center in Sanderson. On March 16th a Community Health Fair will be held from 9AM to noon. There will be great food, and great health information including blood pressure checks, vision and hearing tests, glucose readings and BMI. Sponsored by Faith Bible Church and the Baker County Health Terrenia Staier, Realtor SERVING BAKER COUNTY AND NE FLORIDA Cell: 904-945-2488 Office: 904-964-5424 OF NORTHEAST FLORIDA INC Department, this event aims to focus on health! For more information, contact Jackie Ruise at rsjjbb@gmail.com or call the Baker County Health Department at 904-259-6291. 603 E. Call Street Starke, FL 32091 AmericanDreamFlorida.com Email: tstaier@americandreamflorida.com

WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2019 HOME TOWN JOURNAL 3 GREAT FOOD! FREE DELIVERY to local businesses! 5 Food OFF orders of 20 or more BAKER COUNTY EDUCATION FOUNDATION S 9TH ANNUAL LEAVING A LEGACY SCHOLARSHIP DINNER Alan (Pete) Harvey The Baker County Education Foundation is happy to celebrate its 30th birthday. The Foundation began in 1989 and has given over 1,192,800 to students, teachers, schools, and our community. As we celebrate the Foundation s birthday, we will be honoring two special individuals, Mr. John Kennedy and the late Mr. Alan (Pete) Harvey at our 9th annual Leaving A Legacy Scholarship Dinner. Both of these individuals have made great contributions to the Baker County School District. Mr. Harvey worked in the school system for 37 years as a classroom teacher, Director of Vocational- Technical & Adult Education, Associate Superintendent, and served as Superintendent. After retirement he served as a school board member for 8 additional years. Mr. Harvey served a total of 45 years with the Baker County School District. Mr. John Kennedy is a graduate of Baker County High School. He was instrumental in the founding of the John Kennedy Baker County Education Foundation. At the time of the Foundation s origin, Mr. Kennedy served as President and Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Foundation. Mr. Kennedy remains active in the Baker County School District and is a great supporter of many extracurricular activities. Together these individuals have made great contributions to the Baker County School District. The Leaving a Legacy Scholarship Steak Dinner will be held on Tuesday, April 2nd, at 6:30PM in the Family Life Center at the First Baptist Church of Macclenny. Tickets are on sale for 30 per person. All tickets must be purchased prior to the day of the event and no later than Friday, March 29th. For further information or to purchase tickets, please contact the Superintendent s Office at 259-0428. Also tickets will be available at your school sites. Please contact your front office to purchase them. Proceeds from this event will be used for student scholarships. North Florida Seamless 100% GUTTERS Quality Guarantee! When Quality Counts! Licensed & Insured Owner Freddie Cantrell 904.879.1427 Commercial & Residential Call Now for a Free Estimate! Justin Collins justin@wirenutsinc.com 904-545-4200 St. Come Celebrate With Us! March 16 th ON CAMPUS WORK EXPERIENCE AT BCHS An agreement between the Baker County School District and the University of Florida Health Jax Physicians, Inc. was approved at the March 04, 2019 school board meeting in Taylor, Florida. This agreement places into motion a pilot program for an on-campus work experience for high school students enrolled in the business program. The benefits for all constituents (school, business partner, students and community) are numerous, just to mention a few: the high school will benefit from better school attendance and increased graduation rate of the students employed, thus positively affecting the school grade. Students will have local access to paid employment in the business field, which, upon graduation could result in placement within the organization. UF Health Jax Physicians, Inc. s vested interest is in creating a pipeline of trained employees to transition from school to work. 4-H CLUBS NEED HELP! We need people to help teach subjects at club meetings. If you or someone you know is knowledgeable about chickens, rabbits, cows, or arts & crafts, please contact Shaina at the Extension Office at 259-3520. Electrical Contracting EC1300817 - Insured Residential Commercial Industrial After full-time employment for a period of time, post-grads would be able to complete a paid, inhouse training that would provide them with an industry recognized certification in medical coding and make them eligible for advancement opportunities within the organization. Last, but not least, our community benefits because schoolbased work training improves the marketability of Baker County as a prospective place for others companies to explore expansion, resulting in additional local jobs. The intentions are to initiate the UF Health Jax Physicians, Inc. partnership for the 2019-2020 school year. This will be the second business partnership offering work experience at the High School joining the incredibly successful long-term agreement between Florida Blue (formerly Blue Cross & Blue Shield) and Baker County School District. Lonnie Dunning Lonnie@wirenutsinc.com 904-899-2911 PLASTIC FLOWER POT DONATIONS NEEDED! If you have old, plastic nursery pots laying around, please consider donating them to the Master Gardener Program for recycling. We can accept all sizes, but particularly need gallon and quart sized pots. Feel free to drop them off at the Extension Office, preferably at the back fence near the greenhouse. Thank you! BY Laurie Wall GRAPHIC DESIGN 904-259-9141 editor@hometownjournal.org www.hometownjournal.org Like Us On Facebook! Established 1940 INSURANCE AGENCY Home - Auto - Business Save Money While Protecting What You Love! 904.259.6296 Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 5:30PM 1161-A South 6th Street, Macclenny, FL 32063

4 HOME TOWN JOURNAL FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2019 WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG A Friend To Our Community Serve We Vow To You Like You re Part Of Our Family! 904-259-4600 409 W. Macclenny Ave. - Macclenny, FL 32063 www.forbesfuneralhome.net In Memoriam we BARLOW Ralph W. Bill Barlow Jr., 89, passed away peacefully February 18, 2019, surrounded by his loving family. A funeral service was held on February 23rd at Allen- Summerhill Funeral Home in Deland, FL. Interment followed at DeLand Memorial Gardens. Born and raised in Orlando, Mr. Barlow graduated from Orlando High School in 1947. The same year he became a lineman for Southern Bell Telephone Co. In 1954, Bill married Alice Ferris of Orlando, and they lived in Daytona Beach until 1958, when he transferred to DeLand. Bill, Alice and their four children lived in DeLand until 1968, when he transferred to Jacksonville. The family moved back to DeLand in 1979 and served ad Central Florida district manager until retiring in 1985, after 38 years with Southern Bell/ AT&T. Bill proudly served his country in the US Marine Corp. during the Korean War 1950-1953. He was decorated for valor and received two Purple Hearts for being wounded twice in action. Bill was an avid outdoor sportsman for his entire life, enjoying bull riding, fast pitch softball, fishing, and many types of hunting. He also loved bluegrass music and was an exceptional harmonica player. Bill will be forever missed by his wife of nearly 65 years, Alice; four children, Wade (Janet), Gayle, Karen and Bill (Kate); Formerly Coastal Hearing & Balance Center Free Hearing Screenings To honor the request of families in our community, present the following Obituary notices: Difficulty Hearing or Understanding Clearly? See us for your Comprehensive Hearing Exam! 30 Day Free Trial Guaranteed to help you hear better or your money back Competitive Pricing / Second Opinions Repair / Service on all Makes & Models Most Insurance Accepted H.M. "Hank" Forbes Jr. - FDIC/Owner Hawke M.T. Forbes - Manager Evan Barrett - Funeral Assistant four grandchildren, Brett, Amanda, Shane and Jason; four great-grandchildren, Molly, Masyn, Eddie and Mattie; and many loving nieces, nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by his parents, Ralph and Oza; brothers Jacky and Danny; Sister Jodie; and grandson Randy. Memorial donations may be made to the Marine Corps League Foundation at http://www.mclfoudation.org/memorials. html. Online condolences may be made at www.allensummerhill.com CREWS - Mr. Cecil Elbert Crews, age 72 of Macclenny passed away Friday, March 1, 2019 at Orange Park Medical Center. Mr. Crews was born on September 15, 1946 in Glen St. Mary to the late Mr. Hamilton and Rosa Lee (Starling) Crews. Cecil was a retired correctional officer with the State of Florida. He was greatly loved and will be missed by his family and many friends. He is preceded in death by his father and mother, Mr. Hamilton and Mrs. Rosa Lee (Starling) Crews, as well as his beloved wife of 28 years, Mrs. Vera Mae Crews. A Celebration of Mr. Cecil s Life was held on March 4, 2019 at the funeral home with Bro. Roy Crews officiating. Mr. Crews was laid to rest in Woodlawn Cemetery, Macclenny, on Tuesday, March 5, 2019. Arrangements are under the care and direction of Forbes Funeral Home, Macclenny. (904) 259-4600. Please leave your condolences for the family on the online guestbook at www.forbesfuneralhome.net. DAVIS - Ms. Clarice Wheeler Davis, age 80, of Sanderson, FL, passed away on March 1, 2019 after a long battle with Parkinson s disease. She was raised in Jacksonville and a 1957 graduate of Andrew Jackson HS. Clarice was a wonderful wife, mother, sister, and grandmother who will be forever missed and loved. She was preceded in death by her parents, Charlie and Lessie Wheeler. She is survived by her husband of 57 years, Bud Davis of Glen St Mary, FL; sons, Jason (Tami) Davis and Scott Davis all of Glen St Mary, FL; granddaughters, Brittany and Kristy and great-grandson, Trinton; her sister, Willie Belle Wheeler Booth; brother Charlie (Ann) Wheeler, Jr; numerous extended family members also survive. Funeral services to honor Clarice was held on Monday, March 4th at the Chapel of Guerry Funeral Home. Her interment followed at South Prong Cemetery. Reverend Tommy Richardson officiated services. Arrangements are under the care and direction of GUERRY FUNERAL HOME of MACCLENNY. 904-259-2211. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Community Hospice & Palliative Care, 4266 Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville, FL 32257 and to the Parkinson s Foundation. https://parkinson. org/ways-to-give NORMAN Daryl W. Norman, age 62, of Glen St Mary, Florida passed away February 27, 2019 at St. Vincent s Riverside Center for Caring in Jacksonville, Florida. He was born in Glen St. Mary, Florida on November 8, 1956 to Carlos Norman and Thelma Wright Norman. Daryl was a lifelong resident of Baker County and a member of Taylor Church. He was a truck driver for many years. When not working he enjoyed gardening and fishing. Daryl is predeceased by his parents; first wife, Blanch Louis Norman; brothers, Auzzie, Melvin, and Eric Norman. Daryl is survived by his loving wife Cheryl Norman of Glen St. Mary, FL; children, Elizabeth Ann (Derrick)Manning of Sanderson, FL, Debbie Louise (Doug) Mobley of Glen St Mary, FL, and Daryl www.guerryfuneralhome.net 904.259.2211 420 E. Macclenny Ave. Macclenny, FL W. Norman, Jr. of Glen St Mary, FL, Angela (George) Edenfield of Union, SC, Matthew (Neliann) Robinson of Johnson City, TN, Michael (Amber) Walrath of Jacksonville, FL, Thomas (Kayla) Cash of Woodruff, SC; brothers, Riley (Teresa) Norman of Middleburg, FL, Reggie Norman of Middleburg, Fl, Jerry ( Ski Zola) Norman of Sanderson, Fl, Kelly (April) Norman of Baldwin, Fl; sisters, Inez (Gerald) Bennett of Gainesville, Fl, Bernice (Bobby) Crawford of Glen St Mary, FL, Jane Weathington of Sanderson, FL; 4 grandchildren, Austin, Kaleb, Gracie and Faith; 7 step grandchildren. A Celebration of Daryl s Life was held Friday, March 1, 2019 at Taylor Church with Pastor Jim Cox officiating. Interment followed at Taylor Cemetery. Arrangements are under the care and direction of V. TODD FERREIRA FUNERAL SERVICES, 250 North Lowder Street, Macclenny, FL 32063 (904)259-5700. Visit www.ferreirafuneralservices.com to sign the family s guest book. PHILLIPS - Mrs. Savan Susan Woods Phillips, age 53, of Macclenny, Florida died Wednesday, February 27, in Community Hospice, Jacksonville, Florida following an extended illness. Mrs. Phillips was born right here in Baker County and has resided here in Macclenny her whole life. She worked security at North East Florida State Hospital for 25 years and enjoyed anything to do with the Georgia Bulldogs or the Atlanta Braves. She was a loving mother, grandmother and friend. She was preceded in death by her father, Aubrey Lee Woods and her first husband, Anthony Tony Eugene McCormick. She is survived by her husband of 29 years, Robert Sidney Phillips of Macclenny, Florida; Mother, Charlotte Suttors of Macclenny, Florida; Two sons, David W. (Brandi) McCormick of Virginia and Robert M. (Myca) Phillips of Hampton, Arkansas; One step-daughter, Alexis Asbury of St. Louis, Missouri; Four brothers, Aubrey Lee Wood Jr of Sanderson, Florida, William (Kathy) Woods of Jacksonville, Florida, Paul Woods of Sanderson, Florida, and Phillip Woods of Sanderson, Florida; One sister, Becky Hyers of Fernandina Beach, Florida; Three grandchildren, Justin, Jerrod, and Mackenzie McCormick; Long life sisterin-law and Best-Friend, Linda (Mike) Norkavage of Macclenny, Florida; and Boy Friend, Scott Wood. A visitation to honor the life of Mrs. Phillips was held on Monday, March 4, in the Chapel of Guerry Funeral Home, U.S. 90 East, Macclenny, Florida. GUERRY FUNERAL HOME, U.S. 90 East, Macclenny, Florida is in charge of arrangements. www.guerryfuneralhome We Honor Existing Funeral Plans To find out what your options are, call us at 904-259-2806 Financing Available Hearing help for as little as 19 per month Featuring: Beltone, Oticon, Starkey, Phonak, Siemens, Unitron and GN Resound We ll be the first to tell you if you do not need hearing help! Kendall Varney Clinical Audiologist North Florida Hearing & Balance Center NEW LOCATION 904.259.2046 480 West Lowder Street, Macclenny, FL (Baker County Health Department) NEW LOCATION Shannon M. Curry - L.F.D. HONEST. COMPASSIONATE. EXPERIENCED. REASONABLE. Romans 8:28 904-259-2806 WWW.BLACKBURNCURRYFH.COM 380 N. Lowder St., Macclenny, FL

Whisky... A Senator in the USA was once asked about his attitude toward whisky. If you mean the demon drink that poisons the mind, pollutes the body, desecrates family life, and in ames sinners, then I m against it. But if you mean the elixir of a New Year toast, the shield against winter chill, the taxable potion that puts needed funds into public coffers to comfort little crippled children, then I m for it. This is my position, and I will not compromise. CALL TO START SAVING TODAY! 904-259-6702 Stress Less. SAVE MORE. Great rates on savings - this year and always. Term Certificate IRA 6-Month 12-Month 18-Month 24-Month 36-Month ** 48-Month ** 60-Month ** 1.55% APY * 2.25% APY * 2.35% APY * 2.45% APY * 2.65% APY * 2.80% APY * 2.95% APY * 1.56% APY * 2.27% APY * 2.37% APY * 2.47% APY * 2.68% APY * 2.83% APY * 2.98% APY * *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates effective as of February 1, 2019. **One-time step-up options available for 36-60-month certificates. Federally insured by NCUA. Be good to your skin. You ll wear it everyday for the rest of your life. 904-259-3428 FREE Makeup bag with purchase! PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP WITH JOHN REED Local award winning and widely published nature photographer, John Reed, will conduct a Spring Nature Photography Workshop at Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge on Saturday, March 9 from 8:00AM to 4:00PM (registration begins at 7:30AM). Cost for the workshop is 60 in advance. Walkins will be welcome as space permits for an additional 5 fee. The workshop is sponsored by the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Friends of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, and John Reed Photography. For registration and information, call the Richard S. Bolt Visitor Center at 912-496-7836 between 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The 5 entrance fee to the refuge is not included in the workshop cost. If you ve been to the Okefenokee at other times of the year, come see it now in the spring. Nature is nature of course and rolls to its own rhythm, but early spring can be wonderful with cooler temperatures, lower humidity, and fewer biting insects. Depending on weather there is always the chance for a variety of spring wildflower blooms and with warmer temperatures higher probabilities for the alligators to be up and about states Reed. Oke really does have something for everybody. This year we will be spending more time outdoors with hands-on shooting and in the field lessons. There will still be some classroom time too for some lessons on photography. Spend the day enjoying this magical place; learning fundamentals to take memories home though photos you create. 104 E. Macclenny Ave Located across from COA next to Glamour and Grace Like Us On Facebook WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2019 HOME TOWN JOURNAL 5 DON'T MISS THE BREWERY COMEDY TOUR! Nationally Recognized Comedians Join Us SATURDAY MARCH 16 TH 7:00-11:59PM FREE MAKEOVERS NOTES FROM YOUR COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE The UF/IFAS Extension Office in the Ag Center is available to help you with your farming, gardening, landscaping, and 4-H youth development needs by providing educational programming, free consultations and information. Contact the Extension Office at (904) 259-3520 or email baker@ifas.ufl.edu. TIPS FOR GROWING TOMATOES By: Alicia Lamborn, Environmental Horticulture Agent, UF/IFAS They say gardening is cheaper than therapy, and you get tomatoes! But if you ve been having trouble getting tomatoes, allow me to be your horticulture therapist and offer some tips for tomato gardening success: 1) Pick the best varieties for Florida. Select varieties that are resistant to known pests and diseases (including fusarium wilt and nematodes). 2) Determinate or Indeterminate? Determinate bush or patio tomatoes grow to a determinate size, don t require pruning, and have fruit that ripen all at once over a period of 1-3 weeks, making them perfect for growing in containers and canning. Indeterminate vine tomatoes continue to grow and produce fruit throughout the season and require staking and pruning to keep a tidy plant. 3) Timing is everything. Florida s warm weather means we can plant early. Start seeds in containers and transplant to the garden after the danger of frost typically late March or early April here in north Florida. But don t plant too late! Some varieties need time to grow and produce fruit before temperatures soar. When night temps begin to average 80oF, cherry and grape types will continue to flourish but large-fruited varieties will not set fruit. 4) Provide ideal growing conditions. Tomatoes need at least 4 to 6 hours of sun per day and slightly acidic soil (ph 6.2-6.5) amended with organic compost. Mulching is also beneficial. 5) Plant deep & remove flowers. Encourage deeper rooting by removing the lower leaves and burying stems up to the plant s second true set of leaves. Roots will form along the buried stem. Remove flowers present at planting time to promote leafy growth instead of fruit at this early stage. 6) Provide support. Wire cages and stakes are both popular supports for indeterminate varieties. Install support structures soon after planting so as not to disturb the plant s roots. For single stakes placed at the base of each plant, tomato clips or ties will be needed to attach plants as they grow. Alternatively, stakes can be placed between each plant in the row and twine can periodically be weaved through the row of stakes to support plants as they get taller. 7) Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers. Too much nitrogen encourages foliage at the expense of fruit. Consider using a slow-release product to provide a low, continuous supply. 8) Water efficiently. Apply no more than 1-2 inches of water per week. Drip irrigation is preferred because it delivers a precise amount of water and keeps water off the leaves which is important for disease prevention. 9) Prune to keep plants tidy, manipulate fruit size, speed ripening and reduce diseases. Some gardeners prefer to remove suckers that grow from leave axels. With fewer leaves, pruned plants are less dense, have improved airflow and less disease. Removing lower leaves that touch the ground also prevents disease. While removing the suckers ultimately means removing stems that would later produce fruit, a tidier plant allows for closer plant spacing down the row so that total yield is not reduced. For fall tomato crops, topping plants will speed ripening if cold temperatures threaten. For more advice or troubleshooting help with your tomatoes, please contact the Baker County Extension Office at (904) 259-3520, or email photos and requests for information to baker@ifas.ufl.edu. Friday March 15 8:00-10:00PM Tickets 15 904.653.2337 1478 S. 6th Street - Macclenny, FL (Winn Dixie Shopping Center) e IS TOO PRECIOUS TO WASTE IT ON A PHONE CALL Please don t text and drive. YOUR LIFE IS IN YOUR HANDS!

6 HOME TOWN JOURNAL FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2019 WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG Call Bob Chavers today at 904.608.5669 Cypress Mower's Annual Charity POKER RUN GOT WATER PROBLEMS? WATER SOFTENERS SULFUR FILTERS RO UNITS IRON FILTERS Quality Work Guaranteed FREE WATER TEST Check Us Out Online At www.waterboysmacclennyfl.com FREE SILVER SNEAKERS CLASSES SATURDAY MARCH 9, 2019 Bikes, Cars & Trucks Welcome! Benefitting the ARC of North Florida 455 W. Macclenny Ave., Macclenny, FL On Tuesday, March 5, Raiford Road Church opened its doors to the active older adults of our community with the return of the Silver Sneakers Program. Well over a dozen people came out to be a part of this preventative and restorative exercise class. Anna Lewis, the YMCA s Community Development Coordinator, welcomed the guests, along with the Health Department s Sue Combs and Stephanie Bechtel, who helped everyone get settled in with an ice breaker and a chance for everyone to say something about them. Future classes will be comprised of exercise routines that will include cardio respiratory training, strength building, flexibility and balance training, core strengthening, and mind/ body centered exercises, but this first class was to reintroduce the program and get everybody ready to start putting their health back on track. Once introductions were made Sue went over some scary health statistics from Baker County that many of you, nor those present that day, were aware of. We are 58th in the state of 67 counties, in are overall health. Our county struggles with diet and exercise, overuse www.dualstaterealestate.com REAL ESTATE Meet Our New Agent Emily Martin Licensed Sales Associate 904-894-9296 Cell 904-397-0263 Office emartin96@comcast.net of tobacco products and alcohol, and a leader in both diabetes and heart disease. But the real question is why? Most agreed that there is a lack of motivation, a need for education, and a clear concise path that cuts through the hype and the fads to provide helpful and accurate information. But the one thing they need besides good instructors is each other. The fellowship and camaraderie are what make these classes fun and keep each other coming back. Instructors, Michelle Crews and Michelle Escobar, also understand this and what is to need that extra push towards being your best. We are excited to see how these classes will grow and invite any active older adults to please come out to Raiford Road Church Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00am to start their new health journey now! Now Open! 904-653-7973 41 W. McIver Ave in Macclenny What s the difference between death and taxes? Congress doesn t meet every year to make death worse. A ne is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a ne for doing well. Accountant after reading a nursery rhyme to his child, No, son. It wouldn t be tax deductible when Little Bo Peep loses her sheep. But I like your thinking. Did you hear about the cannibal Tax Accountant? She charges an arm and a leg. How do you know you ve got a good tax accountant? He s had a loophole named after him. And the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion? Jail. Dynamite Music by DJ Chuck Superb Food from The Father's Heart REGISTRATION STARTS AT 10AM KICKSTANDS UP AT NOON Prizes at 4:30 - Auction & Raffle to Follow Driver 10 - Passengers 5 For more info call Nikki Chapman at 904-397-0215 @cypressmowersmacclenny JOIN IN THE CLEANUPS FOR THE ST. JOHNS RIVER CELEBRATION The Timucuan Parks Foundation will be participating in the St. Johns River Celebration on Saturday, March 16 by leading cleanups at three preservation parks in Jacksonville. The nonprofit organization is looking for volunteers to join them for the 24th annual event organized by the City of Jacksonville and Keep Jacksonville Beautiful. Volunteers will be removing litter and debris from area parks, boat ramps and neighborhoods around the city. Timucuan Parks Foundation will be leading the cleanup at Ft. Caroline National Memorial at 12713 Fort Caroline Rd. from 9AM to 11AM. Volunteers can also assist Timucuan Parks Foundation in the cleanup at Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park at 500 Wonderwood Drive or Reddie Point Preserve at 4499 Yachtsman Way from 8AM to 11AM. Volunteers for Hanna Park should mention at the entry gate they are cleanup volunteers in order to be admitted free. All volunteers are asked to wear closed-toe shoes and clothes that you don t mind getting dirty. Bring work gloves (if you have them), sunscreen, insect repellent, a hat, sunglasses and a reusable water bottle. Timucuan Parks Foundation will have additional work gloves, equipment and supplies and will provide snacks and water. Pre-registration is not required and participants must be over 18 or accompanied by an adult. Service hour certificates are available for students. For more information, visit https://bit.ly/2xda8nn, call Keep Jacksonville Beautiful at (904) 255-8276 or email info@timucuanparks.org. GOT GOOD NEWS? Give us a call at 259-9141, just send it in to us at editor@hometownjournal.org Why is girlfriend one word but best friend is two words? Because your best friend gives you space when you need it.

WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2019 HOME TOWN JOURNAL 7 BAM BEST Selection BEST Quality BUILDINGS AND MORE 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH!!! 8x8 12x12 10x12 10x16 47 NO CREDIT CHECK! RENT TO OWN! 12x14 23 90 12x20 44 10x24 73 36 12x24 105 51 101 49 154 75 138 67 166 81 18x21 18x26 Starting At: 42x26 21 Starting At: 24x31 117 Starting At: 94 Starting At: 153 1168 W. MACCLENNY AVE. AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR: Member of the Better Business Bureau

8 HOME TOWN JOURNAL FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2019 WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG SPIRITUAL WARFARE Give Diligence to Never Fall Peter wrote a letter to people who had obtained like faith, that they had been given divine power dunamis power. That power was capable of reproducing itself, like a dynamo, and gave them all things that pertain unto life and godliness through knowledge of Christ who called them to glory and virtue. That power gave them exceeding great and precious promises that, as they received and utilized that divine nature, they would escape the corruption in the world through lust (II Peter 1:3-4). To live like Christ, by faith, they needed to add virtue, and then add knowledge, and temperance, and patience, and godliness, and brotherly kindness, and charity. If they allowed these things to be in them, and abound, they would gain knowledge of Jesus Christ (v5-8). If they lacked these things, they would be blind and not able to see afar off, having forgotten that they had been purged from their old sins (v9). For this cause, brethren, Peter wrote, give diligence to make your calling and election sure, for if you do these things, you shall never fall (v10)! Think a moment about that statement. If we work hard at making certain that we are pleasing God, if we do the things Peter wrote about, we shall never fall! Heeding these words will keep us on the straight and narrow path. Peter lived by faith and gave diligence to make sure his calling and election was firm, for he didn t want to fail Christ again. Jesus had told him three times to feed His sheep, and that is what Peter was doing. We are no different than the people to whom Peter penned that letter. We, too, have been called to Christ-like living and for that dunamis power to work within us, for we also have been called to glory and virtue, to partake of that divine nature to have the power to escape the corruption in this world. We must add to our faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity. We must have this power working in us so that we will not be blind, or forget the purging of our old sins. To know that our calling and election is firm, give diligence to never fall! Return next week for more of Spiritual Warfare Bootcamp Which side will you stand on? This column is contributed by: Mamie Cole, ABBA Ministries, PO Box 1091, Glen St. Mary, FL 32040. RECIPE CORNER 1 1/2 cups finely ground graham cracker crumbs 2 tablespoons white sugar 1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted 1 1/4 pounds cream cheese, softened 3/4 cup white sugar 1 cup sour cream 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 3 eggs 3/4 cup key lime juice 1 teaspoon vanilla extract To make Crust: In a bowl stir together the graham cracker crumbs and 2 tablespoons sugar, stir in the butter well. Pat the mixture into the bottom and 1/2 inch up the side of a buttered 10 inch springform pan and bake the crust in a preheated 375 degree F (190 degree C) oven for 8 minutes. Transfer the pan to a rack and cool. In a large bowl with an electric mixer, beat cream cheese and 3/4 cup sugar until smooth, beat in the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in the sour cream, flour, lime juice and vanilla. Beat the mixture until it is smooth. PROM DRESSES Beautiful Dresses 904-408-6212 6924 East Mt Vernon Suite 105, Glen St. Mary, FL (store located on backside of building) Pour the filling over the crust. Bake the cheesecake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes, reduce the temperature to 250 degrees F (120 degrees C) and bake for 50 to 55 minutes longer, or until center is barely set. Let the cheesecake cool on a rack, then chill it, covered, overnight. Remove the cheesecake from the pan and transfer it to a cake stand. For two solid hours, the lady sitting next to a man on an airplane had told him about her grandchildren. She had even produced a plastic-foldout photo album of all nine of the children. She nally realized that she had dominated the entire conversation on her grandchildren. Oh, I ve done all the talking, and I m so sorry. I know you certainly have something to say. Please, tell me... what do you think of my grandchildren?

WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2019 HOME TOWN JOURNAL 9 As I shopped, the following announcement came over the department store s PA system... If someone here has a convertible with the top down, it just started raining... Towels are located in aisle ve. I want to divorce my husband because he has a lousy memory! Why would you want to divorce him for that? Every time he gets around a young woman, he keeps forgetting that he s married! C&C LAND PROS Tree & Debris Removal Extreme Bush Hogging & Mulching As I was admitted the hospital for a procedure, the clerk asked for my wrist, saying I m going to give you a bracelet. Has it got Rubies and Diamonds? I ask coyly. No, he said. But it cost just as much. ANGLICAN CHURCH 9:00AM..................Sunday School 10:00AM.................Holy Eucharist 7:00PM.............. Wednesday Services All are Welcome to our New Church Home! A ½ mile South of I-10 on CR 125 SUDOKU Every Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically. Enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9. WWW.CANDCLANDPROS.COM Unable to attend the funeral after his father died, a son who lived far away called his brother and told him, Do something nice for Dad and send me the bill. A month later, he got a bill for 200.00, which he paid. The next month, he got another bill for 200.00, which he also paid, guring it was some incidental expense. Bills for 200.00 kept arriving every month, and nally the man called his brother again to nd out what was going on. Well, said the other brother, you said to do something nice for Dad. So I rented him a tuxedo. WORDSEARCH Father: Why don t you get yourself a job? Son: Why? Father: So you could earn some money. Son: Why? Father: So you could put some money in a bank and earn interest. Son: Why? Father: So that when you re old you can use the money in your bank account...and you would never have to work again. Son: But I m not working now. EVERY TUESDAY AT 6:30PM Meetings held at Raiford Road Church 1 Mile south of I-10 on SR 121 in Macclenny Call Mike Combs at 904-314-5454 for more info. Clover... WEEKLY WORDWEAVER Two young men were out in the woods on a camping trip, when the came upon this great trout brook. They stayed there all day, enjoying the shing, which was super. At the end of the day, knowing that they would be graduating from college soon, they vowed that they would meet, in twenty years, at the same place and renew the experience. Twenty years later, they met and traveled to a spot near where they had been years before. They walked into the woods and before long came upon a brook. One of the men said to the other, This is the place!. The other replied, No, it s not!. The rst man said, Yes, I do recognize the clover growing on the bank on the other side. To which the other man replied, Silly, you can t tell a brook by it s clover. NEW WEEK NEW RIDDLE Below is the new riddle of the week! Think you know the answer? Call 904-259-9141 with your name and answer. What has 4 fingers and a thumb, but is not living? LAST WEEK S RESULTS! What are the next 3 words in the sequence: j,f,m,a,m,j,j,a,s_,_, and _? October, November, December JEANETTE CREWS alert along bless cloudy clown depart drowsy every express extra follow found least local lure note obtain partnership party reckon result robust series sorry stage start sweet WORD SCRAMBLE Just unscramble the letters and words to fit the squares provided. Call 904-259-9141 to leave your name and answer. RFREGPSOUMT Hint: 90 s classic LAST WEEK S RESULTS! Blockbuster Video THOMAS MONTELEONE system teenager tell timeless under until vocabulary yearn your CONGRATULATIONS! Thanks for playing!!! Specials Rib Eye Steak Fried Catfish Fried Shrimp 7163 E. Mt. Vernon St. HWY 90 in Glen St. Mary across from Baker Salvage 904-259-2525 Open EVERY DAY at 5:30am Sun.- Thurs. 5:30am-2pm OPEN ALL DAY ON FRIDAYS Fridays 5:30am-8pm Saturdays 5:30am-11am PUZZLE SOLUTION ON PAGE 11... Specials Pork Roast & BBQ or Baked Chicken

10 HOME TOWN JOURNAL FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2019 WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG CLASSIFIEDS SELL IT FAST IN THE PAPER THAT EVERYBODY LOVES TO READ! ADVERTISING RATES Classified ads are priced at 6 per week up to 20 words. Additional words are priced at 30 per word. Bold, pictures, borders, etc,. available upon request at 3 per additional feature. We accept cash, check, money order, Visa, Mastercard and American Express. AUTOMOTIVE 2002 SATURN 4 door, silver. Runs good. 2,000 Call 321-210-5443 or 904-292-4340 3/15 COMMERCIAL RENTALS EXECUTIVE SUITES IN MACCLENNY FLORIDA Immediately available executive offices located on South 6th Street in the heart of town in a plaza with high foot traffic. Your own private office with use of a furnished reception lobby area, furnished conference room, furnished lounge area and modern bathroom. Ideal set up for a counselor, manufacturer s rep, entrepreneur, salesperson, real estate agent, temporary office or a satellite office. 6 months minimum lease, 375 per month includes everything except Internet and phone service. You can be set up in business in less than 3 hours. Private parking available. Please call 904-451-5907 or 904-990-7617 to schedule appointment to see the offices or ask for more details. RETAIL SPACE IN MACCLENNY FLORIDA Immediately available just remodeled retail space on S. 6th St. in the heart of the town in a plaza with extremely high foot traffic. This ideal retail space consist of approximately 1,300 square feet and has a retail window and secure stock room. The space has two restrooms and is ready for final tenant amenities. Private employee parking available Reasonable rates. Please call 904-451-5907 or 904-990-7617 to schedule appointment to see the space or ask for more details. RETAIL OFFICE SPACE IN MACCLENNY Immediately available just remodeled retail office space on S. 6th St. in the heart of the town in a plaza with extremely high foot traffic. This ideal retail office space consist of approximately 960 square feet and has a secure stock or file room. The space has a nice restroom and is ready for final tenant amenities. Private employee parking available. Reasonable rates. Please call 904-451-5907 or 904-990-7617 to schedule appointment to see the space or ask for more details. SUBMISSIONS & DEADLINE To place your ad call our office at 904-259-9141 or just stop by our office at 22 N. 5th Street in Macclenny during office hours. Fax it in to 904-259-0836, email it to editor@hometownjournal.org. Also, you can place your ad online by going to www.hometownjournal.org. All ad submissions are due by Tuesday at 5PM. 3 Stop by our office location You can call your ad in and we BIBLE STUDIES EASY BY MAIL WAYS 1 conveniently located in 2 can take it right over the phone. 3 downtown Macclenny at It s that easy! Just give us a call Children 4+, Teens & Adults. 22 N. 5th Street, Macclenny, FL. anytime between 9AM-5PM, Free upon request. Please write: John Mann, To Chrisitian Place Outreach, Your Ad in Open Mon.-Thurs. 9AM-5PM. Monday-Thursday. 904-259-9141 PO Box 7, Worthington Springs, FL 32697 the Home Town Journal! SERVICESECTION LOCAL PROFESSIONALS TO HELP GET THE JOB DONE! QUALI BUILT HOMES, INC. Metal & shingle roofing, New homes, remodels, emergency leak repair. Licensed & insured. Free Estimates. Call Don Burnsed 904-408-1392 or Joe Muncy 904-631-0720. CBC1254669 CCC1328486 BETTER ROOTER LLC Your friend for all your Plumbing & Drain Cleaning needs. 30+ years Experience Licensed, Insured 904-408-9663 CFC142838 3/22 SEPTIC TANKS & DRAINFIELDS Licensed & Insured JOHN WILLIAMS PLUMBING CFC056961 Repairs & New Installation 904-259-4580 COMMERCIAL RENTALS Combo office and workspace. Immediately available on US 90 in MacClenny Florida is a combo work, storage and office. Ideal for contractor or service company with on-site parking 350 per month plus taxes and electricity. Please call 904-451-5907 or 904-990-7617 to schedule an appointment and asked for more details. FREE SWARM REMOVAL Swarm season is here and Bees are swarming. We want to save the honey bees. Call Jim the BeeMan for professional removal. 904-304-5800 FREE BREAD Every Thursday at 77 N. 8th Street in Macclenny (Behind Moody s Chevron) from 9:00AM until gone or 1:00PM. A community service brought to you by First United Methodist Church of Macclenny. Contact: Carol Curtis at 904-259-1841 FREE CLOTHES & SHOES All sizes free clothing available in Maxville. They are open on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of every month. (Unless it falls on a holiday.) Hours: 3-6PM. They are located at 8635 Maxville Blvd. Jacksonville, FL. 32234. Please call the church office for any information or directions. 289-7095. We also take clothing donations. FREE VETERANS SUPPER 2nd Thursday of the month at 6PM at Primitive Baptist Church corner of 5th St. & North Blvd. Call Tony & let him know you are coming. 904-259-2516 GOSPEL SING EVERY 2ND FRIDAY of the month at 7PM. Macclenny Revival Center, 215 North Lowder Street, Macclenny. Call 904-404-6735 for more information. FREE CHURCH SUPPER Last Wednesday evening of the every month at 5:00PM at Old Providence Baptist Church, Price Creek Road, Union County, Florida. The supper is open to the public & will be served in the fellowship hall prior to our 6:00PM mid-week prayer B&W TREE SERVICE, INC. Full line of tree & land services! Tree removal, land clearing, stump grinder, chipper, dump truck, stump removal, bucket trucks, trackhoe & bulldozer, tree trimming. Call us at 904-259-8253. www.treeandlandservices.com P&S HARVEY APPLIANCE REPAIR Parts, service & repairs. Gas or electric appliances. Call 904-635-3518 HODGES HODGES LAWN CARE, INC. Year round service, contracts only, Residential / Commercial, licensed and insured. Celebrating 13 years! Office 904-259-5237 or Cell 904-588-3304 MISCELLANEOUS RACK UP THRIFT STORE Open Wednesday - Saturday 10:00AM - 6:00PM Sell and accept everything. We accept large furniture and electronics. Proceeds benefit local charities. MS. KATHLEEN'S IVY COTTAGE GUILD has a new home at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Macclenny. We meet Thursday nights from 6-9PM. Beginners are welcome. Crochet, sewing, quilting and other crafts. Come and learn with us! For more info call 904-210-3746 or 954-254-9012 NEED TO EARN A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA? The Baker County Adult Education Center now offers online GED Test preparation classes. Adults can complete a high school education anytime, anywhere internet access is available. The online delivery course provides students weekly contact with a certified teacher, and flexibility in preparing for the test. Adults can earn the Florida High School Diploma with successful scores on the GED test. A Career Coach is available to help adults who earn their diploma develop a career training plan. Tuition for the online course is 30. Registration and the initial academic assessment are conducted at the Baker County Adult Education Center. Call 259-0403 for more information. GRACE TECHNOLOGIES FREE Estimates. We can come to your home or office. Computer Repair & Upgrades for all makes, Laptops & all Apple products. Virus and spyware removal. Tablet & Phone Repair Over 20 years experience. All work guaranteed. 904-259-5077 VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED for many tasks including filing, data entry, reception, family greeters, scanning, mailings & general office assistance. Also needed are Attic volunteers for many tasks including taking donations, sorting & pricing, merchandising, cashiers & donation drive coordinators. No experience necessary. All volunteers must complete a background check prior to volunteering. Call Susie Finfrock 352-379-6244 for more information or to apply online go to www.havenhospice.org STEPHEN S TREE SERVICE Tree removal, tree trimming & stump grinding. Licensed & Insured. Free Estimates. FIREWOOD AVAILABLE! Call 904-653-1314. MACC S GLASS Auto Glass, Residential & Commercial. SHOWER ENCLOSURES 33 East Macclenny Ave. 904-259-6070 LOT MODEL SALE! FREE FURNITURE INCLUDED! HUGE 4 BEDROOM 69,900 MANY HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM 904-259-4663 WAYNEFRIERMACCLENNY.COM BRAND NEW 2018 2 BEDROOM HOME ONLY 34,900! WITH FREE THERMAL WINDOWS WAYNEFRIERMACCLENNY.COM 904-259-4663 NO MONEY DOWN USE YOUR LAND! 3 BED - 399 /MONTH 4 BED - 499/MONTH WAYNEFRIERMACCLENNY.COM 904-259-4663 PLANT SALE EVERY SATURDAY 9AM TO 4PM. Fruit trees: apple, pear, peach, plum, fig, blueberry. Blooming Azaleas 1 gal and 3 gal sizes. Large selection of landscaping plants. Located on Lowder Street in MacClenny at P&R Electrical across from Heritage Park Village. Sands Daylily Farm 904-303-1501 ANDERSON QUALITY ROOFING, LLC Metal and Shingle Roofs New Homes / Remodels / Screen Rooms Emergency Leak Repairs. Licensed & Insured Call 904-259-3300 or 904-591-2790 for free estimates. CBC1259558 CCC1330274 C&C RENTAL CLEAN-UP Light hauling & we ll haul off trash! House Cleaning. 904-229-4539 904-408-2634 904-259-9559 P&R ELECTRIC, INC. 904-259-6682 FL EC703 GA EN8186 HEALING IS AVAILABLE! The Women s Center of Jacksonville has provided a grant for Baker County to provide FREE COUNSELING for Survivors of Sexual Assault and/or Childhood Sexual Abuse and their family members. Call Sally Haynes, Florida State Licensed Clinician, 20 Years of Experience, 904-226-4025. NA DISCUSSION & WORKBOOK MEETING. Meetings held first & third Sunday. FUMC Library in Macclenny. Across the street from church. Call Brad anytime 270-564-4115 AL-ANNON MEETINGS MACCLENNY HOUR OF HOPE & HEALING Al-Anon Meeting for family & friends of an alcoholic. Every Thursday! 6PM new comers & 7PM meeting. FUMC Library, 93 N. 5th Street. Brick building with American flag across the street from main church. 904-350-0600 REFORMERS UNANIMOUS ADDICTIONS PROGRAM Meets every Friday night from 7-9PM at Grace Baptist Church in Baldwin. Meal served afterwards. This service is free, & all are welcome. Located at 479 N. Center Street. Contact: 904-266-9532 AA MEETINGS Wednesdays & Fridays at 12:30PM at First United Methodist Church, located at 93 N 5th street BIG YARD SALE Fri & Sat 8AM - 3PM 6288 CR 229 South Glen St. Mary Too much to list, new & used items! Something for EVERYONE! Y'all come on BUY and check out the DEALS! HUGE SALE Saturday & Sunday 9AM till dark. Rain or Shine! 11728 East Confederate Drive in Glen Saint Mary. Antique Fishing gear, camping, original items from mercantile home, yard décor and much more!! BRAD 270-564-4115 Simply send us an email with your ad and we can get it started. You can send an email to editor@hometownjournal.org and we will take it from there! CLASSIFIED RATES ARE JUST 6 FOR UP TO 20 WORDS! WATER PUMP REPAIR 2" or 4" wells - shallow or deep Call 904-259-4580 Licensed & Insured - CFC056961 HAWKINS MOTEL IN BALDWIN All rooms 45 + tax daily. 904-266-4835 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE PLANTS FOR SALE RENTALS BALDWIN VILLAGE APARTMENTS 110 Higginbotham St. - Baldwin, FL 904-266-9594 TTD 1-800-955-8771 Now accepting applications 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments Rental Assistance Available This institution is an equal opportunity provider & employer. FILL DIRT, CULVERTS, DRIVEWAYS, HOUSE SLABS. 904-259-4580 RESOURCES YARD SALES JOHN WILLIAMS PLUMBING Repairs Re-pipes Remodels Drain Cleaning Sump Pumps Water Heaters New Construction CFC056961 904-259-4580 PUMP REPAIR We can fix your pump problems. Just call the Water Boys, 904-608-5669 SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS BUY LOCAL!

WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2019 HOME TOWN JOURNAL 11 HERE! Advertise your business in the paper that everyone loves to read. Week after week we bring you local stories, news, events, jokes, recipes, games & more. Just ask around... Everyone Loves To Read The Home Town Journal! 904-259-9141 editor@hometownjournal.org WATER CONDITIONING 799 South Sixth Street, Macclenny, FL 32063 - Located Across From Save-A-Lot Food Store Water Testing! Established Since 1978 Water Softener Salts! Better Taste Better Health Better on Your Budget Salt Delivery Service Water Softeners Iron Removal Sulfur Filters UPCOMING UF/IFAS EXTENSION CLASSES Neutered male red and white pit mix. Young adult & full of energy. Total wiggle worm! Puppy Alert! Tahlula is a brindle with white female pit/lab mix. She has been BCAC a long time. She is so ready to get out of there and into your heart. Neutered male English bulldog mix He is a senior dog but still full of energy and love. He probably won't chew up your shoes. Neutered male brindle bulldog mix. He is an adult app 3+ years old. He knows basic commands. Very sweet dog! Gardening for Pollinators March 22nd 2:00PM to 4:00PM Held at the Baker County Extension Office located at 1025 W. Macclenny Ave. in Macclenny. Learn which plants and gardening techniques will attract the greatest number of butterflies and bees to your garden. 10 registration includes a set of pollinator field guides (for plants & insects) and a pollinator plant. Register at the Baker County Extension Office (Ag Center) or online at: http:// pollinatorgardening.eventbrite.com Call for more information at 259-3520. Landscaping for Success March 29th 2:00PM to 4:00PM Held at the Baker County Extension Office located at 1025 W. Macclenny Ave. in Macclenny. Perfect for new and experienced gardeners. Topics include top performing plants for our area, landscape design tips, low maintenance practices and common mistakes made by gardeners. 10 registration includes 2 gardening books (Florida-Friendly Landscaping & Guide to Plant Selection and Hunt Bros Pizza PIT STOP DRIVE-THRU CONVENIENCE STORE GLEN ST. MARY PUZZLE SOLUTION H E A D S S T A R N O R I N H A L E T R U E E P A S E A M E N M I T E S U P A D D S C O L O S S I P A S S P R O S V I E D S U L K B R U T G U E S S B P M E R I E E L L W A S H R A G F L E E I N G A I D D O S E R I M O P T I C P O N E P I N T P A R K N E W T U R S A E P A U L E T S I N E N Y C E V I L T I S A N E E R E F E T E S T E R N A D I S T R E E S T E E R Landscape Design) plus a plant of choice. Register at the Baker County Extension Office (Ag Center) or online at: http://landscaping. eventbrite.com More info: (904) 259-3520. Equine Academy March 30th 9:00AM to 2:00PM Held at the Baker County Fairgrounds located at 5567 Lauramore Road in Macclenny. The North Florida Livestock Agents group will address topics to include: Worms & Germs, Equine Nutrition, Saddle Fitting, Farrier Science, Brunswick Grass, Bit Selection, Emergency Health Care, Pasture Fertilization, and Manure Management. Lunch is included G2C 259 00 With this ad Purple, Olive Green & Flat Dark Earth True... Four hours of sleep at age 21: I m ready to party again. Four hours of sleep at age 40: Say one thing to me and i ll smack you in the face. If a person wants to be a part of your life, they will make an obvious effort to do so. Think twice before reserving a space in your heart for people who do not make an effort to stay. Find The POT OF GOLD & You Could Win 20 CASH! Somewhere in this issue, there is a pot of gold hidden in an advertisement! Find the gold and fill out this slip and mail it in to P.O. Box 58 in Glen St. Mary, FL 32040 or you can call in your answer to 904-259-9141. Your name will go into the monthly 20 CASH drawing. You could be the lucky one! Name: Phone: Where did you find the pot of gold: with registration. Pre-registration: 25 Adult, 5 Child. Day of event registration: 50. You may purchase tickets at https://tinyurl.com/ y8xjb7os or pay with check or cash at the Baker County Extension Office (Ag Center). For more information contact Alicia Halbritter, Agricultural Agent at (904) 259-3520. Hydroponic Gardening for the Homeowner April 10th 8:15AM to 12:15PM Held at the UF/IFAS NFREC Suwannee Valley, 8202 CR 417, Live Oak, FL. Topics include hydroponic systems, growing transplants, fertilizer and IPM. Register at www. HomeownerHydro.eventbrite.com FIND THE POT OF GOLD! *Only 1 entry per person, per week! Multiple entries will be discarded. Drawing held before the first issue of the month.

12 HOME TOWN JOURNAL FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2019 WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG Great Deals on FLAT SCREEN TAURUS G2C & G2S SMITH & WESSON EZ SLIDE S BAKER TVs GUNS & GOLD PAWN Loan - Buy - Sell GLOCK 43X 904-259-7800 KEL-TEC PMR30 1159 South 6th Street - Macclenny, FL Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-6PM Sat 10AM-4PM www.bakerpawn.net UPCOMING HUNTER SAFETY INTERNET-COMPLETION COURSES A young man was walking through a supermarket to pick up a few things when he noticed an old lady following him around. Thinking nothing of it, he ignored her and continued on. Finally he went to the checkout line, but she got in front of him. Pardon me, she said, I m sorry if my staring at you has made you feel uncomfortable. It s just that you look just like my son, who just died recently. I m very sorry, replied the young man, is there anything I can MACCS Solu tions For Your Business The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is offering free hunter safety internet-completion courses in three counties during April. Hunter safety courses are designed to help students become safe, responsible and knowledgeable hunters and learn about conservation. Students who have taken the online course and wish to complete the classroom portion must bring the onlinecompletion report with them. All firearms, ammunition and materials are provided free of charge. Students should bring a pen or pencil and paper. An adult must accompany children younger than 16 at all times. Anyone born on or after June 1, 1975, must pass an approved hunter safety course and have a hunting license to hunt alone (unsupervised). The FWC course satisfies hunter-safety training requirements for all other states and Canadian provinces. Daddy, did you know that girls are smarter than boys? No, I didn t know that. There you go. The dates and times are: Alachua - April 6 (8AM until complete) Gainesville Baker - April 13 (8AM to noon) Macclenny and (1PM until complete) Lake City Duval - April 4 (6 to 9PM) Jacksonville and April 6 (8:30AM until noon) Jacksonville The specific location for these classes will be given to those who register in advance. Those interested in attending a course can register online and obtain information about future hunter safety classes at MyFWC.com/ HunterSafety or by calling the FWC s regional office in Lake City at 386-758-0525. A couple was dining out when the wife noticed a familiar face at the bar. She recognized him as an old ame. Honey, she said to her husband, as she pointed out the man, that guy at the bar has been drinking like that since I left him seven years ago. Her husband said, That s silly, no one celebrates that much! &RPSXWHU 1HWZRUNLQJ 5HSDLUV 8SJUDGHV 904.259.5077 33 East Macclenny Ave. - Macclenny, FL 32063 11 N. 4 Street - Macclenny, FL TH You might be a redneck if... You ve ever been arrested for a DUI on a riding lawn mower. You keep your teeth and your gold sh in the same glass. You think Motorola is a fancy name for a car part. You think Hamlet is on the McDonald s breakfast menu. 1014 W Macclenny Ave - Macclenny, FL 32063 Your kids are going hungry tonight because you had to see your maw run her car at the dirt track race. Your dad says, Let s hit the road for dinner, and then grabs a shovel. On average, one out of every thirty words you use can be found in a dictionary. Bring your hunting & fishing pictures by extreme Outdoors to be featured in the paper! MARDI GRAS & ST. PATTYS DAY 999 Dress Up & SAVE 10% 1482 S. 6th Street - Macclenny, FL (Winn-Dixie Shopping Center) Monday-Thursday, 11AM-10PM Friday & Saturday, 11AM-11PM Sunday, 11AM-9PM INC. INC GRACE TECHNOLOGIES do for you? Yes, she said, As I m leaving, can you say Good bye, Mother!? It would make me feel so much better. Sure, answered the young man. As the old woman was leaving, he called out, Goodbye, Mother! As he stepped up to the checkout counter, he saw that his total was 127.50. How can that be? he asked, I only purchased a few things! Your mother said that you would pay for her, said the clerk. Mark Starling caught this nice 5lb 8oz bass in Palestine Lake.