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2009 1 65 90 65 1 70 1999 20 80 90 2004 2000 2000 1982 1990 1990 17 2002 2000 1985 2006 2000 2006a 76

2008 65 1980 2008 65 1980 2000 15~49 1 1990 1990 40~44 79.05 13.84 92.89 6.25 0.85 45~49 86.35 8.77 95.12 3.79 1.09 64 50~54 89.07 6.66 95.73 2.89 1.39 55~59 89.16 5.98 95.14 2.96 1.89 60~64 85.92 7.19 93.11 3.78 3.11 1990 1990 1 77

2009 1 50~64 1980 40~54 2008 68~ 82 2 2 1990 50~54 55~ 59 40~44 76.72 15.19 91.91 7.17 0.92 45~49 50~54 83.86 86.28 10.24 8.23 94.1 94.51 4.71 3.93 1.19 1.56 2 60~64 1 55~59 85.91 7.77 93.68 4.12 2.19 60~64 81.36 9.58 90.94 5.43 3.64 3 50~54 55~59 60~64 73.50 74.8 69.93 70 2008 1982 4 3 65 3 80 2000 2000 3 1990 0 1 2 3 45~49 5.90 27.21 36.77 30.11 50~54 5.49 21.01 33.37 40.13 55~59 6.32 18.88 29.46 45.34 60~64 9.07 20.99 27.66 42.27 1 2006b 20 70 2000 80 78

4 1982 1990 2000 1982 1980 65~69 34.41 54.37 1.41 9.27 0.29 0.25 70~74 26.44 59.11 0.95 12.98 0.28 0.24 75~79 19.95 63.02 0.91 15.59 0.28 0.25 80~84 14.73 65.96 1.16 17.66 0.26 0.23 1980 85 11.02 68.29 1.44 18.74 0.23 0.29 27.47 58.49 1.17 12.33 0.28 0.25 2000 1990 65~69 37.09 70~74 28.32 53.80 60.48 1.54 1.09 7.29 9.83 0.23 0.23 0.04 0.05 75~79 21.61 64.63 0.93 12.56 0.23 0.04 80~84 16.02 67.78 1.29 14.63 0.23 0.07 85 12.19 70.03 1.71 15.81 0.21 0.06 29.15 59.41 1.29 9.88 0.23 0.05 2000 65~69 39.18 52.17 0.80 7.58 0.15 0.12 70~74 33.00 56.67 0.60 9.49 0.13 0.11 75~79 24.79 63.94 0.52 10.56 0.09 0.09 80~84 18.31 69.04 0.53 11.86 0.04 0.22 85 13.82 31.62 73.11 58.18 0.91 0.67 11.80 9.28 0.08 0.12 0.28 0.13 1982 1 1990 1 2000 1 5 2000 1982 13.58 21.73 80 2000 6 65 2000 79

2009 1 5 4 1982 1990 2000 1982 65~69 9.27 15.25 11.34 5.38 2.43 1.21 4.72 45.26 1.00 2.18 1.41 0.54 70~74 12.98 14.67 5.24 4.54 1.99 0.83 2.52 50.37 2.29 3.11 0.95 0.52 75~79 15.59 11.54 2.55 4.20 1.65 0.58 1.89 51.80 4.59 4.17 0.91 0.53 80~84 17.66 7.62 1.22 4.15 1.73 0.46 2.32 48.95 8.49 5.74 1.16 0.49 85 18.74 4.30 0.79 4.23 1.69 0.46 4.24 42.56 13.01 8.02 1.44 0.52 12.33 13.58 6.99 4.81 2.10 0.91 3.39 48.09 2.88 3.22 1.17 0.53 1990 65~69 7.29 19.36 11.57 4.24 1.93 0.99 4.26 45.45 1.22 1.89 1.54 0.27 70~74 9.83 17.67 5.26 3.77 1.61 0.62 2.39 52.10 2.65 2.72 1.09 0.28 75~79 12.56 13.44 2.68 3.95 1.54 0.50 2.45 52.88 5.12 3.68 0.93 0.27 80~84 14.63 8.76 1.28 4.45 1.54 0.43 3.57 49.94 9.17 4.68 1.29 0.30 85 15.81 4.86 0.72 5.31 1.29 0.39 6.71 41.64 14.05 7.24 1.71 0.27 9.88 16.41 6.92 4.11 1.71 0.73 3.43 48.92 3.46 2.88 1.29 0.28 2000 65~69 7.58 27.09 7.55 3.32 1.21 0.89 3.51 41.43 0.93 5.41 0.80 0.27 70~74 9.49 23.61 4.88 3.44 1.08 0.61 3.81 45.41 2.04 4.79 0.60 0.24 75~79 10.56 17.10 3.00 3.84 0.84 0.73 6.53 47.72 4.53 4.43 0.52 0.18 80~84 11.86 10.60 2.07 4.81 0.84 0.93 11.70 41.67 9.43 5.30 0.53 0.26 85 11.80 5.92 1.67 5.60 0.64 1.11 16.72 33.32 14.85 7.11 0.91 0.36 9.28 21.73 5.15 3.69 1.04 0.79 5.52 43.42 3.34 5.11 0.67 0.25 6 2000 65~69 9.94 1.91 83.80 0.23 0.07 3.30 0.75 70~74 6.64 2.18 87.14 0.20 0.06 3.54 0.24 75~79 4.70 2.01 89.74 0.14 0.01 3.14 0.25 80~84 3.23 2.06 91.32 0.14 0.02 3.18 0.04 85 2.07 1.69 92.66 0.13 0.13 3.29 0.04 6.45 2.02 87.62 0.18 0.05 3.32 0.35 4 2008 8~10 80

3 978 534 65 405 589 444 1. 7 1990 7 8 65 4 3 2 72.06 67.01 65 66 32 65 1 90 70 2 7 65 65 1 2 3 1 2 3 65~69 7.50 31.67 35.00 25.83 120 9.09 25.00 35.23 30.68 88 70~74 3.33 28.33 38.33 30.00 120 1.25 26.25 42.50 30.00 80 75~79 1.27 24.05 29.11 45.57 79 2.74 24.66 28.77 43.84 73 80~84 3.57 21.43 33.93 41.07 56 2.70 13.51 37.84 45.95 37 85 3.33 23.33 36.67 36.67 30 5.26 21.05 36.84 36.84 19 4.20 27.16 34.81 33.83 4.38 23.57 36.03 36.03 17 110 141 137 405 13 70 107 107 297 195 210 8 65 65 1 2 3 1 2 3 65~69 7.50 33.33 35.00 24.17 120 10.23 26.14 35.23 28.41 88 70~74 4.17 32.50 38.33 25.00 120 1.25 30.00 43.75 25.00 80 75~79 2.53 29.11 29.11 39.24 79 4.11 32.88 27.40 35.62 73 80~84 3.57 26.79 37.50 32.14 56 2.70 13.51 43.24 40.54 37 85 10.00 30.00 36.67 23.33 30 10.53 31.58 26.32 31.58 19 5.19 31.11 35.31 28.40 5.39 27.61 36.03 30.98 21 126 143 115 405 16 82 107 92 297 81

2009 1 2. 1 65 9 9 10 9 10 9 N=589 65~69 70~74 75~79 52.20 49.17 51.24 26.92 20.99 21.49 10.44 10.50 15.70 10.44 19.34 11.57 70 80~84 25.35 33.80 30.99 9.86 85 5.88 44.12 38.24 11.76 45.16 25.81 15.62 13.41 70~74 75~79 85 80 3 73 68.49 20.55 10.96 11 1 75~79 50 2 65 20 85 40 3 10 10 N=589 65~69 10.44 45.60 4.40 2.20 2.20 21.98 0.00 2.75 3.85 6.59 34.44 70~74 19.34 38.67 8.29 2.21 2.21 18.78 0.00 0.00 5.52 4.97 31.49 75~79 11.57 38.84 6.61 5.79 4.13 15.70 0.83 0.83 7.44 8.26 36.37 80~84 9.86 16.90 2.82 5.63 8.45 21.13 1.41 2.82 25.35 5.63 61.96 85 11.76 5.88 0.00 0.00 17.65 20.59 5.88 0.00 32.35 5.88 82.35 13.41 36.33 5.60 3.23 4.24 19.52 0.68 1.36 9.34 6.28 40.00 82

11 N=555 2 3 1 N=178 79 65~69 38.33 51.67 10.00 70~74 33.33 50.88 15.79 75~79 44.12 44.12 11.76 80~84 5.56 77.78 16.67 85 11.11 77.78 11.11 3 33.15 53.93 12.92 2 N=213 65~69 65.15 15.15 10.61 9.09 3 70~74 64.71 4.41 11.76 19.12 65 ~69 75~79 59.46 21.62 13.51 5.41 70~74 80~84 35.71 28.57 14.29 21.43 20 2 85 14.29 42.86 21.43 21.43 56.81 16.43 12.68 14.08 80 3 N=164 20 65~69 65.00 7.50 5.00 22.50 3 70~74 80 75~79 54.17 51.11 8.33 6.67 8.33 24.44 29.17 17.78 80~84 34.78 4.35 52.17 8.70 2 85 25.00 0.00 62.50 12.50 85 51.83 6.71 20.73 20.73 20 12 0 2/3 1/3 2 12 N=444 1/4 0 17.65 82.35 0.00 74 1 33.33 66.67 0.00 2 66.88 29.30 3.82 3 68.71 29.25 2.04 65 ~69 56.31 41.67 2.03 70~74 83

2009 1 75 25.68 74.32 25.68 56.14 34.21 9.65 41.18 30.89 2 3 23.57 21.77 3 75 3/4 69.23 19.23 6.41 5.13 69.80 16.78 8.05 5.37 65.54 14.42 3.93 14.04 2.06 13 N=405 65~69 51.67 10.00 0.00 32.50 5.00 0.00 0.83 70~74 65.83 3.33 0.00 25.83 1.67 3.33 0.00 75~79 86.08 3.80 2.53 5.06 1.27 0.00 1.27 80~84 85.71 0.00 1.79 1.79 1.79 8.93 0.00 85 86.67 0.00 0.00 3.33 0.00 10.00 0.00 69.88 4.69 0.74 18.77 2.47 2.96 0.49 14 N=405 65~69 56.67 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.67 1.67 70~74 48.33 43.33 1.67 0.83 2.50 1.67 1.66 75~79 24.05 62.03 7.59 3.80 2.53 0.00 0.00 80~84 28.57 58.93 7.14 1.79 0.00 0.00 3.57 85 10.00 70.00 10.00 6.67 0.00 0.00 3.33 40.49 50.12 3.70 1.73 1.23 0.99 1.73 84

1990 50 95 1 2 70 65 1990 50 65 2008 65 90 1990 45~60 70 1/4 80 1/3 80 30 45 80 70 50 20 6.7 2000 20 65 17.78 65~69 13.79 70~74 17.79 75~79 22.37 80~84 21.13 85 28.4 85

2009 1 2003 75 1/5 65 2000 45~49 50~54 38.23 45.95 1990 50.40 42.71 75 75 86

1. 1999 3 2. 2004 5 3. 2002 1 4. 2000 5. 1985 6. 2006 1949~1999 7. 2006a 20 30~90 8. 2006b 1 9. 2003 87

2009 1 though China s population aging will raise the old population dependency ratio, the Family Planning Policy and public s conceptual change about birth will help decrease children dependency ratio gradually; therefore, the total social dependency ratio will basically keep stable in the coming decades. The author argues that the aging trend will not heavily increase the burden of the staff and workers in the future, and it thus may not have a serious impact on the Pension Insurance System. How Computer Use Have Changed the Wage Structure of Young Workers: Evidence from Yunnan Province Gao Mengtao Yan Ming Bi Lanlan 59 This paper applies Yunnan youth survey data in 2008 to examine whether employees who use computers at work earn higher wage rates. Hierarchy models are estimated to control the unobserved heterogeneity that might be correlated with job -related computer use and earnings. The regression results show that employees who use computers at work earn 33 to 76 percent higher hourly wage and this wage premium is related to the unobserved heterogeneity. This might be a premium to the capacity of learning new skills more effectively and fervidly. The Entrepreneurial Motivation of Chinese University Graduates Gao Riguang Sun Jianmin Zhou Bei 68 This paper conducted exploratory factor analysis to probe the psychological construct of entrepreneurial motivation of university graduates in China. A four-factor model was built: self-actualization, pursuing honor and wealth, social support and family influence. Hierachical Cluster analysis was used to verify the four-factor model of entrepreneurial motivation. In this study, the construct and content of entrepreneurial motivation were also discussed, and the conclusion and implications were presented at the end. An Analysis on the Living Arrangement of the Elderly in Rural China Macro and Micro Observations Wang Yuesheng 76 Using both macro census data and micro village survey data, this paper examines the living arrangement of the elderly aged 65 and above in the countryside. The study shows that at present more than 90 percent of the elderly over 65 in rural areas have at least one survival son, and about 70 percent of the elderly have two or more survival sons. There is a high proportion of the elderly living with one married son and formed a lineal family. However, the elderly parents with more than one son tend to live separately with their sons, and they are more likely to be taken care by sons in rotation when they are unable to take care of themselves. Although their basic needs such as food and clothing are satisfied, the elderly people in rural areas lack of disposable economic resources are not comparable in living conditions with younger generations, and their medical expenditure is much lower. Generally speaking, the livelihood state of the elderly has not improved simultaneously with that of the young people. Factors Determining Farmers Participation in and Level of Rural Social Pension: Village-level Evidence from Rural Shanghai Zhao Deyu Liang Hong 88 Based on a household survey covering all villages of rural Shanghai, the paper describes factors influencing the proportion and the level of farmers participation in rural social pension insurance. It concludes that factors such as geography convenience, population size, economic development level and governance pattern of the collective economy significantly influence farmers incentive of participating in rural social pension insurance, and change its level as well. Empirical Study on Migrant Workers Industrial Injury and Desire for Industrial Injury Insurance Evidence from Seven Cities Xu Daowen 97 Based the data collected in 7 Chinese cities, this paper analyses the situation of industrial injury of migrant workers and builds regression models of desire for industrial injury insurance. It concludes that factors such as gender, industrial type, enterprise type and work feature correlate significantly with occurrence of industrial injury and that factors including understanding of industrial injure insurance, educational level, industrial type, and enterprise type make a notable impact on the desire for participating in the insurance. How Migrant Workers Reside and What Do They Want A Case of Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province Kong Dong 104 The residing status and changing trend are important indicatives of migrant workers livelihood and human development. Based on a sampling survey, this paper reveals such information and its implications to policy-making. 112