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CO NTENTS THEOR Y OF BORDERLAND STUDIES The Unif ication ofzhongguo( ) andtianxia( ) The Historical Process of Ancient China s Territory Formation Li Dalong( 1) This paper discusses the formation process of ancient China s territory. The paper points out that the wordzhongguohad abundant political meaning besides its geographical and cul2 tural meanings. By taking possession ofzhongguowhich was seen as the center oftianxi2 a, a dynasty can become orthodox. This idea brought a big influence on the formation of an2 cient China s territory. The Han and China s Nort hern frontier et hnic groups had been fight2 ing forzhongguo. Until Qing Dynasty,Zhongguo, the core oftianxia, unified with the multiethnic nation, completing the formation process of ancient China s territory. Key Words :Zhongguo Tianxia Ancient China s Territory The Historical Process On the View of State andtianxia in Ancient China Historical Coordinate of Borderland and Borderline Zhang Wen( 16) Modern concept of state did not exist in ancient China. The view oftianxiawas held by every dynasty. Central dynasties did not think that other surrounding states had equal sta2 tus with themselves. This view which was shaped in Pre - qin period had a far - reaching im2 pact,even accepted by dynasties built by et hnic minorities. Modern concept of borderline ap2 peared in Qing Dynasty. Only when China faced a powerful opponent, the view oftianxia can changed into the modern concept of state. Key Words :Tianxia State Borderline RESEARCHES ON BORDERLAND ADM IN ISTRA TION The Guanshi( ) in the Northern Borderland of Han Dynasty Wang Zijin Li Yujie( 24) Nort hern boundary Guanshi began to play its role in economic exchanging and cultural communication between Han people and t he nort hern borderland et hnic groups since Han Wen Emperor Period. It still existed and functioned during t he war period of Han Wu Emperor. The war damaged t he Guanshi. The Guanshi brought economic prosperity to border area. some Guanshi was unofficial or illegal. Key Words : Han Dynasty Northern Borderland Guanshi A Study on Qing Dynasty s Taxation of grain in Xinjiang : A Discussion Based on the Qing Government Archives about Kuche( ) and Shayaer( ) Kept in Oxford University Wang Dongping Guo Hongxia( 32) Based on t he Qing government archives kept in Oxford University and ot her historical materials, this article discusses several questions about Qing Government s taxation of grain in Xinjiang. For the private land owners and official land users, the two main forms of land occu2 pancy, the tax was not decided by the size of land, but by the harvest, which shows a big dif2 ference with the Central China area. Ten times amount of the seeds was regarded as the actual harvest amount, on which the tax was made. Due to some factors, the tax data of every city 148