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2013 3 Highlighted Absrtacts tempt of knowledge and authorities among students and hinder dialogue between people with difference opinions. Therefore we may not regard a certain theory as a panacea for all problems but find a right road to develop China s higher education by respecting history and learning from other countries which also takes into consideration both the realistic situation and historical context of China. Key words postmodernism modernism university education General Education Curriculum Reform in Canada Towards the Development of Essential Employability Skills Qian Xiaolong Wang Xia P34 Abstract To tackle graduate unemployment it is necessary for higher education institutions HEIs to carry out teaching and curriculum reform so as to enhance college students employability skills. Ontario Canada first introduced the idea of Essential Employability Skills EES and through an in-depth analysis of the components of EES and careful stratification of EES at different levels established the conceptual framework and unified evaluation system for integrating EES training with general education curriculum. In Ontario today all HEIs are required to assimilate EES training into general education curriculum and students who have passed a certain examination on EES could be awarded a certificate for that. Through a case study of two general education courses in Algonquin College Ontario this paper shows clearly whether it is truly applicable and effective to assimilate EES training into general education curriculum. Key words Canada general education curriculum Essential Employability Skills EES Substandard Narrative Research and Prerequisites for Doing Narrative Research in Higher Education Zhong Hua P54 Abstract The level of educational research is determined by researchers attitude and capability. Based on their research attitude and capability substandard narrative research in education could be divided into research with fake null and inactive narrative. Analyzing substandard narrative research is to help people realize the complexity of narrative research understand the causes for substandard research and promote the creation of necessary prerequisites which would enable researchers to do sincere narrative research and enhance their research competence. To do first rate narrative research in education it is necessary for schools to provide desirable working environment for researchers to be equipped with necessary skills and knowledge and for academic journals to recognize the importance of narrative research too. Key words substandard narrative research narrative research in higher education prerequisites for doing research A Study on the Policies to Build World-Class Universities in Taiwan Bao Shuimei Wang Hongcai P79 Abstract Building world-class universities is not only a means to enhance Taiwan s global competitiveness but also a necessity for the healthy development of higher education in Taiwan. Taiwan has changed its policies from Development Plan for World Class Universities and Research Centers of Excellence to Aim for the Top University Program so as to adjust to different situations better a- chieve the goal and raise the overall level of higher education. Those policies are fairly sensible and flexible attaching equal importance to both science and humanities characterized by clear and feasible objectives as well as fair and rigorous assessment. Key words Taiwan world-class university the top university plan policies