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自傷行為 67 難化 個人化及妄下結論等 皆是有系統的邏輯謬誤 吳 陳 4 羅 6 憂鬱患者的症狀困擾 自我情緒 人際及生活品質 若只靠個人意志是無法 自行恢復 通常需要藥物或心理治療才能恢復健康 而照顧憂鬱症患者 護理人員需維持溫暖 接納與尊 重的態度 利用治療性溝通技巧 引導表達感受 以 提高健

1.1 对 象 选 取 2012 年 3 月 年 3 月 中 山 市 小 榄 人 民 医 院 儿 科 门 诊 收 治 的 146 例 手 足 口 病 患 儿 为 研 究 对 象, 其 中 男 87 例, 女 59, 年 龄 岁, 平 均 (3.4±1.2) 岁 根 据 就

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壹 前 言 氣 功, 在 數 十 年 前 被 認 為 是 不 科 學 的, 時 至 現 今, 氣 功 或 超 感 知 覺 (extra sensory perception) 並 沒 有 被 取 代 或 消 失, 反 而 漸 漸 被 重 視 的 趨 勢 ( 陳 右 明,2008) 氣 是 什 麼?

2 國 際 經 濟 情 勢 雙 週 報 第 1826 期 本 期 重 點 摘 要 (Abstract) OECD 表 示, 由 於 油 價 走 低 及 數 個 央 行 進 一 步 推 出 貨 幣 寬 鬆 措 施,2015 年 初 全 球 經 濟 前 景 有 所 改 善 OECD 也 警 告, 過 度

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顧, 全 家 生 活 作 息 混 亂, 導 致 整 個 家 庭 二 外 的 症 治 療 及 健 康 問 題 外, 更 需 關 心 家 屬 的 心 級, 家 庭 圖 譜 如 圖 一 個 案 身 高 178 公 面 臨 大 打 擊 與 困 境 頭 部 外 致 死 的 主 要 變 化, 不 需 求 對 家


Quality and Safety improvement in Total Joint Replacement service of Yan Chai Hospital Ms MAK Wai-ping Advanced Practice Nurse Yan Chai Hospital

Total Joint Replacement Centre Yan Chai Hospital The second Total Joint Replacement Centre in Hong Kong Services started in October 2011 18 total joint replacement beds Annual total joint replacement surgery: 500 cases

Total Joint Replacement Centre Yan Chai Hospital A one-stop multidisciplinary centre providing: Pre-admission service Surgery Comprehensive post-operative care Fast track rehabilitation programme

Total Joint Replacement Centre Yan Chai Hospital New initiatives have been adopted to achieve following objectives: To ensure quality services To enhance patients safety To shorten patients length of stay To increase patients satisfaction To increase staff satisfaction

Total Replacement Centre Yan Chai Hospital New initiatives: 1. A peri-operative blood management protocol for total joint replacement surgery 2. Multi-disciplinary Pre-admission Services

Total Joint Replacement Centre Yan Chai Hospital New initiative (1): A peri-operative blood management protocol for total joint replacement surgery

Blood Management Risks of blood transfusion include: Transmission of diseases Allergic reaction Fluid overload Bacterial infection Clerical error Increase length of stay Increase cost

Blood Management Previous studies: Pre-operative Haemoglobin (Hb) level is a major predictor of the risk of blood transfusion.

Blood Management Type & Screen (T&S) investigation needs advanced admission.

Blood Management Pre-operative measure: No T&S for Primary Unilateral Total Knee Replacement surgery if pre-operative Hb > 11gm/dl

Blood Management Intra-operative measures: Meticulous haemostasis Diathermy for dissection Low pressure drain / No drain

Blood Management Post-operative measure: Monitor Hb closely Blood would be cross-match and given only if post-operative Hb < 8gm/dl.

Results From 1 st October 31 st December 2011: Primary Unilateral Total Knee Replacement Received Blood Transfusion Blood Transfusion Rate 97 2 2.06% No increase in co-morbidities

Results Compared with literature: Chance of transfusion after Total Joint Replacement Pre-operative Hb Chance of transfusion <10g 90% 10-13.5g 40% - 60% >13.5g 15% - 25% Our result: Pre-operative Hb Transfusion rate 13.4g 9.09% (10 to 16.1g)

Total Replacement Centre Yan Chai Hospital New initiative (2): Multi-disciplinary Pre-admission Services

Multi-disciplinary Pre-admission Services A series of multi-disciplinary preadmission services are provided at out-patient setting.

Multi-disciplinary Pre-admission Services Orthopaedic Specialty Nurse: Patient Education

Multi-disciplinary Pre-admission Services Orthopaedic Specialty Nurse: Assessment Scoring

Multi-disciplinary Pre-admission Services Anaesthetist: Pre-operative assessment

Multi-disciplinary Pre-admission Services Orthopaedic Surgeon: Explain Operation Sign Consent

Multi-disciplinary Pre-admission Services Medical Social Worker Occupational Therapist Physiotherapist

Multi-disciplinary Pre-admission Services Medical Social Worker: Support Assistance

Multi-disciplinary Pre-admission Services Occupational Therapist: Home Visit Assistive Device

Multi-disciplinary Pre-admission Services Physiotherapist: Education Training

Results After implementation of multidisciplinary team approach: The average length of stay dropped from 15 to 9 days.

No. of Patients C e n t r e Length of Stay (Oct-Dec 2011) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 >D14 Days

Results 97% of patients have expressed excellent or good satisfaction to the services.

Results Patients have found the education session very useful & well-illustrated. By clearing patients doubts, their anxiety levels were reduced.

Results Early communication between staff & patients allows: Build-up trust & rapport Early anticipation of potential discharge problems Home modification need Increase patients compliance

Results As a dedicated team, the morale and communication have also improved among all team members.

Staff Satisfaction Rate C e n t r e Staff Satisfaction Survey of Pre-Admission Services Team (April 2012) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Questions Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Conclusions The low blood transfusion rate is very supportive for eliminating: The need for routine T&S Blood transfusion related complications

Conclusions Hospitalization cost Patient s length of stay Risk of potential error Patient safety Patient satisfaction

References Callaghan, J. J. & Spitzer, A. I. (2000). Blood management and patient specific transfusion options in Total Joint Replacement surgery. The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal, 20, 36-45. Ditmyer, M. M., Topp, R. & Pifer, M. (2002). Preparation for orthopaedic surgery. Orthopaedic Nursing, 21(5) September/October 43-54. Geier, K. (2000). Improving outcomes in elective orthopaedic surgery: A guide for nurses and total joint arthroplasty patients. Orthopaedic Nursing, 19(Suppl), 10-21.

References Mitchell, M.(2000). Nursing Intervention for preoperative anxiety. Nursing Standard, 14(37), 40-43. Wong, M. K., Lee, O. B., Ko, P. S. Leung, M. F., Lam, J. J. & Cheng, A. (2004). Preoperative haemoglobin level as a predictor for blood transfusion in elective Total Joint Replacement. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery (Hong Kong), 8(1), 22-27.


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