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1 de Certeau (E.Said) The Ancient Capital, Chu Tianhsin, urban space, de Certeau, walking, exile

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5 7-11 HANG TEN 191 7 182?(187) Ackbar Abbas Building on Disappearance disappearance presence Abbas 146-166 8 progress profit system loss de Certeau 129-130 7 8 190

6 224183184 A 158-160 / / signifying toponymy liberated space properde Certeau 132 9 183

7 the cave full of shadows suspended symbolic order exit de Certeau 132-133 195 home legend travel exit / exoticism v / /

8 / (187) 10 / 11 170 12 / -- / (To be rooted) Said 183 / 169165 A 10 11 223 43 12 Seymore Chatman Story and Discourse kaleidoscopic Virginia Woolf Story and Discourse 143 Woolf

9 154 155 165 169 170 / / A A inner landscape 197 signifier signified / 181 184 -- 187 -- 168

10 168 racism minority normal deviants common origin blood belonging Yuval-Davis 11-12 205 Robert FrostThe Road Not Taken 218 / A / geography of literal, forbidden or permitted meaning a second, poetic geographyde Certeau 132 151 233 Said exile Said 173177 187

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12 208 city planner 229232 232 232-3 Joseph Conrad Amy Foster Said 180 disorienting Georg Lukacs transcendental homelessness administered world Theodor Adorno not to be at home in one s home James Joyce St. Victor a perfect man Said 182-5

13 rupture 14 14

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Yuval-Davis, Nira. Gender & Nation. London: Sage Publications, 1997. 15