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8 1 Vol. 8 No. 1 2017 1 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Jan., 2017 2011~2015 苟伟民 *, 徐雪梅 (, 133000) 摘要 : 目的 2011~2015,, 方法 2013 2011~2015 1069 结果 1069 115, 10.76% 17.65% (3/17) 15.79% (3/19) 11.76% (4/34) 34.48% (10/29) 33.80% (24/71) 40.00% (12/30) 6.67% (1/15) 42.86% (6/14) 58.33% (7/12) 10.00% (1/10) 71.43% (10/14); 2013, 6.83%, 2012, 1.87% 结论, 关键词 : ; ; ; Monitoring of foodborne pathogens in food of Yanbian region from 2011 to 2015 GOU Wei-Min *, XU Xue-Mei (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of Yanbian Microbiology Laboratory, Yanji 133000, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To understand the contamination situation of major foodborne pathogens in food of Yanbian region from 2011 to 2015 and identify the high-risk foods, so as to provide scientific evidences for the prevention and control of foodborne diseases. Methods The Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus cereus in 1069 food samples of Yanbian region from 2011 to 2015 were monitored according to the national standard method and Manual for China national food contamination and harmful factors risk monitoring in 2013. Results In 1069 samples, 115 strains of pathogenic bacteria were detected and the total detection rate was 10.76%. The pathogen detection rates in cooked meat products, raw animal aquatic products, salad, cooked rice products, infant foods, milk and dairy products, frozen rice products, food for special dietary uses, drinking water, breakfast sandwiches and flows breakfast were 17.65% (3/17), 15.79% (3/19), 11.76% (4/34), 34.48% (10/29), 33.80% (24/71), 40.00% (12/30), 6.67% (1/15), 42.86% (6/14), 58.33% (7/12), 10.00% (1/10) and 71.43% (10/14), respectively. The highest total physical examination rate was in 2013 and it reached 6.83%, followed by 2012, up to 1.87%. Conclusion The main contaminated food in Yanbian region were milk and dairy products, food for special dietary uses, drinking water and flows breakfast. As direct entry foods, cooked meat, salad, * 通讯作者 :,, E-mail: *Corresponding author: GOU Wei-Min, Associate Chief Technician, Yanbian Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Yanji 133000, China. E-mail:

1, : 2011~2015 127 cooked rice products and infant foods may result in a higher risk of foodborne diseases. KEY WORDS: food contamination; food safety; foodborne pathogens; monitoring 1 引言,, [1,2] [3] 2006~2010, 5630, 859, 11 [4], 2000, 2011~2015,, 2 材料和方法 2.1 样品来源 2011~2015 5, 1069 2.2 试剂与仪器 ( ); ( ); VITEK COMPACT ( ) 2.3 检测项目 : O157 ( ) 2.4 检测方法 GB/T 4789-2003 [5], GB/T 4789-2008 [6] 2013 [7] 3 实验结果 3.1 5 种主要病原菌的检出情况 2011~2015 1069,, ( ) ( ) 5, 1 1, ( ) 5 10, 0.94%, 2011 2015 3 1069, 20 ( ), 1.87%, 2011, 3.2% 73, 6.83%, 2012 2013 13.1% 11.8%, 5, 2014 7, 2015 2 1, 2012 2013, 3 表 1 2011~2015 年 5 种主要食源性致病菌的检出情况 Table 1 Detection situation of 5 kinds of major foodborne pathogens in 2011~2015 (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 2011 156 3 1.92 5 3.21 9 5.77 0 0 0 0 2012 153 0 0 1 0.65 20 13.07 0 0 0 0 2013 245 1 0.41 2 0.82 29 11.84 0 0 0 0 2014 188 2 1.06 5 2.66 7 3.72 7 3.72 0 0 2015 327 4 1.22 7 2.14 8 2.45 0 0 2 0.61 1069 10 0.94 20 1.87 73 6.83 7 0.66 2 0.19

128 8

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