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05 0 No. 05 Vol. 0 970 00006 DOI:0.6/j.cnki.qhdz.0090 paradigm 96 0 970 0

980 979 5 6 980 5 6 980 979 979 998 980 0 988 57 0 6 99

988 979 980 99 99 978 990 988 6 6

995 60 0 980 99 7 995 5 Modern China 975 995

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980 0 80 0 007 8 998 007 009 5 50

tional power of China and the U. S. A. from 990 to 0. The results show that China s comprehensive national power has improved constantly and the relative gap with the U. S. A. the most powerful and most well developed country in the world has been narrowed down very fast. But on the other hand China still has a lot of potential and space in enhancing its comprehensive national power. Basing on the evaluation of comprehensive national power this paper analyzes the main path of improving China s comprehensive national power in the future. The Paradigms in Modern Chinese History Studies Xu Xiuli Since adopted the reform and opening-up policy at the end of 970s China has made a few adjustments regarding its national goals which correspondingly triggered the paradigmatic shifts in the field of modern Chinese history studies. Originated from the study of natural sciences history the concept of paradigm delicately fits the modern Chinese history studies in the new era. Nevertheless there are some deviations in using the concept paradigm by historians both wittingly or unwittingly since it was introduced into the field of modern Chinese history studies from the very beginning. As the two dominating paradigms in modern Chinese history studies revolution paradigm differs from modernization paradigm in two ways first is modern Chinese history a history of revolution or a history of modernization Second should the researcher take the approach of revolution accommodating modernization or vice versa Academically speaking this arduous debate ultimately gave rise to a constructive consensus i. e. different paradigms in modern Chinese history studies should diffuse coexist and be mutually complementary instead of replacing excluding and encompassing each other. This consensus had positive bearings on academic studies in the field. Discussion on the Shao Xian from the Biography of Gao Yun of History of the Northern Wei Dynasty Li Wansheng There is a fact that has being not almost known about the Shao Xian in the Northern Dynasties The Xian was set up at the th year of Huang Xing period A. D. 70 in the Northern Wei Dynasty or later then was repealed at the th year of Tian Ping period in the Eastern Wei Dynasty the third year of Da Tong period of the Western Wei Dynasty A. D. 57. The Xian was under successively Shao Shang Jun of Huai Zhou He Nei Jun and Shao Jun of Si Zhou in the Northern Wei Dynasty and Shao Jun of Dong Yong Zhou in the Eastern Wei Dynasty. The Shao Shang Jun was set up at the th year of Huang Xing period in the Northern Wei Dynasty and was merged into He Nei Jun at the 8th year of the Tai He period A. D. 9 and was set up again at the second year of Xiao Chang period A. D. 56 which was named Shao Jun. After the Northern Wei Dynasty was divided into the Eastern Wei Dynasty and Western Wei Dynasty at the third year of Yong Xi Period A. D. 5 Shao Jun was a military stronghold of the border area of the Eastern Wei Dynasty. The Western Wei Dynasty carried off the Shao Jun from the Eastern Wei Dynasty on the third year of Da Tong Period and maked it into an extremely military strounghold which was in the very critical moment of survival of the Western Wei Dynasty. By the strounghold the Western Wei Dynasty held the wide area of the east side of the Huang He River and its foundation of standing firm and power was established. Shao Jun in the Northern Zhou Dynasty was still an extremely strounghold of military and played a vital role in its stabilization development and eradicating the Northern Qi Dynasty. The Interaction Between the State and the Non-governmental Organizations in Modern China Based on the Construction of Public Health Institution in Beijing Du Lihong In the New Reform of the late Qing Dynasty the public health was set up as the function of the police department. But it had never been efficient and kept up with the world trend. The Christianity and academic nongovernmental organizations propagated the new thoughts of the public health which impacted the institution on 8