Editiors in-chief 旻 Editiors 唐曦 孙斐然 Designer

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Editiors in-chief 旻 Editiors 唐曦 孙斐然 Designer

一 学院简介 Introduction 地理科学学院成立于 2014 年 其前身地理学系成立于 1951 年 地理学是国家一级重点学科 双一流重点建 设学科 上海市一流学科 A 类 和上海市高峰高原学科 在第三次全国学科评估中名列第三 学院拥有国家地理 学理科人才培养基地 地理信息科学教育部重点实验室 国家虚拟仿真教学试验中心 上海市地理教育教学研究基 地 上海高校 立德树人 人文社会科学重点研究基地 上海市实验教学示范中心 环境遥感与数据同化联合实 验室等重点科研机构 学院在 2017 年紧密围绕双一流建设目标 在科学研究 队伍建设 人才培养等方面开展了 大量工作 在城市自然地理学等领域取得重要突破 首次在 Nature Science 子刊上独立发表原创性成果 为 2020 冲击国际一流学科打下坚实基础 学院现有教职工 65 名 其中 正高职称 19 人 副高职称 22 人 中级职称 13 人 其他管理岗位人员 11 人 教育部 长江奖励计划 学者 1 名 国家杰青 1 人 国家优青 1 人 上海市优秀学科带头人 2 名 上海市千人 1 名 上海市曙光学者 1 人 上海市教学名师 2 人 上海市科技启明星 1 名 紫江双百计划 3 人 学院领导班子 Leadership Team 院长 刘敏 书记 段玉山 副院长 周立旻 余柏蒗 副书记 王婷婷 学院简介 Introduction 01

刘敏教授团队在 氮生物地球化学循环及其生态环境效应研究 取得重要进展 于 8 月 2 日在 Science Advances 在线发表 杨毅教授等在 人类活动产生的纳米级颗粒的鉴别和环境毒理学意义 研究取得重要进展 于 8 月 8 日在 Nature Communications 上在线发表相关成果 并选为当期 热点文章 实现了我校地理学在 Nature Science 子刊以第一作者 第一完成单位发表论文的零突破 刘朝顺博士 刘延安博士等与国际学者联合 在 PNAS 上发表原创性论文 1 篇 08 刘敏团队在氮循环微生物作用机制领域取得突破 杨毅团队首次发现可追踪燃煤活动的纳米级颗粒物 该成果以全文形式刊登在 8 月 2 日出版的 Science Advances 期刊上 该成果以全文形式刊登在 8 月 8 日出版的 Nature Communications 期刊上 2017 年度报告 2017 ANNUAL REPORT

彧 闫 珺

Effects of silver nanoparticles on nitrification and associated nitrous oxide production in aquatic environments Science Zheng et al., Sci. Adv. 2017 Yanling Zheng, Lijun Hou, Min Liu, Silvia E. Newell, Guoyu Yin, Chendi Yu, Hongli Zhang, Xiaofei Li, Dengzhou Gao, Juan Gao, Rong Wang, Cheng Liu Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are the most common materials in nanotechnology-based consumer products globally. Because of the wide application of AgNPs, their potential environmental impact is currently a highly topical focus of concern. Nitrification is one of the processes in the nitrogen cycle most susceptible to AgNPs but the specific effects of

AgNPs on nitrification in aquatic environments are not well understood. We report the influence of AgNPs on nitrification and associated nitrous oxide (N2O) production in estuarine sediments. AgNPs inhibited nitrification rates, which decreased exponentially with increasing AgNP concentrations. The response of nitrifier N2O production to AgNPs exhibited low-dose stimulation (100% at low doses of AgNPs. This result was confirmed by metatranscriptome studies showing up-regulation of nitric oxide reductase (norq) gene expression in the low-dose treatment. Isotopomer analysis revealed that hydroxylamine oxidation was the main N2O production pathway, and its contribution to N2O emission was enhanced when exposed to low-dose AgNPs. This study highlights the molecular underpinnings of the effects of AgNPs on nitrification activity and demonstrates that the release of AgNPs into the environment should be controlled because they interfere with nitrifying communities and stimulate N2O emission. Discovery and ramifications of incidental Magnéli phase generation and release from industrial coalburning Nature NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 8: 194 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00276-2 Yi Yang, Bo Chen, James Hower, Michael Schindler, Christopher Winkler, Jessica Brandt, Richard Di Giulio, Jianping Ge, Min Liu, Yuhao Fu, Lijun Zhang, Yuru Chen, Shashank Priya & Michael F. Hochella, Jr. Coal, as one of the most economic and abundant energy sources, remains the leading fuel for producing electricity worldwide. Yet, burning coal produces more global warming CO2 relative to all other fossil fuels, and it is a major contributor to atmospheric particulate matter known to have a deleterious respiratory and cardiovascular impact in humans, especially in China and India. Here we have discovered that burning coal also produces large quantities of otherwise rare Magnéli phases (TixO2x 1 with 4 x 9) from TiO2 minerals naturally present in coal. This provides a new tracer for tracking solid-state emissions worldwide from industrial coal-burning. In its first toxicity testing, we have also shown that nanoscale Magnéli phases have potential toxicity pathways that are not photoactive like TiO2 phases, but instead seem to be biologically active without photostimulation. In the future, these phases should be thoroughly tested for their toxicity in the human lung.

Soil dissimilatory nitrate reduction processes in the Spartina alterniflora invasion chronosequences of a coastal wetland of southeastern China: Dynamics and environmental Implications SCI Plant Soil (2017) 421:383 399 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-017-3464-x Dengzhou Gao & Xiaofei Li & Xianbiao Lin & Dianming Wu & Baoshi Jin & Yanping Huang & Min Liu & Xing Chen Aims The invasion of Spartina alterniflora has a significant influence on soil biogeochemistry cycling in coastal wetlands. However, the roles of the S. alterniflora invasion chronosequence in regulating soil dissimilatory NO3 reduction processes (denitrification (DNF), anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANA) and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA)) remains unclear. The objective of this study was therefore to reveal the effects of S. alterniflora invasion on the soil NO3 reduction processes and associated gene abundance. Methods We investigated plant biomass, soil properties, NO3 reduction processes and associated gene abundance of NO3 reduction pathways following S. alterniflora invasion chronosequences of 6, 10, and 14 years compared to Cyperus malaccensis in a coastal wetland of southeastern China. Aboveground biomass and root biomass (0 25 cm soil layers) (mean ± SE) in pure stands of C. malaccensis and S. alterniflora. A schematic illustration of soil NO3. reduction and total N loss in C. malaccensis and S. alterniflora. Concentrations and stable carbon isotope compositions of oxalic acid and related SOA in Beijing before, during, and after the 2014 APEC SCI Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 981 992, 2017 Jiayuan Wang, Gehui Wang, Jian Gao, Han Wang, Yanqin Ren, Jianjun Li, Bianhong Zhou, Can Wu, Lu Zhang, Shulan Wang, and Fahe Chai To ensure good air quality for the 2014 AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, stringent emission controls were implemented in Beijing and its surrounding regions, leading to a significant reduction in PM2.5 loadings. To investigate the impact of the emission controls on aerosol chemistry, high-volume PM2.5 samples were collected in Beijing from 8 October to 24 November 2014 and determined for secondary inorganic aerosols (SIA, i.e., SO2 4, NO 3, and NH+4), dicarboxylic acids, ketocarboxylic acid, and α-dicarbonyls, as well as stable carbon isotope composition of oxalic acid (C2). Our results showed that SIA, C2, and related secondary organic aerosols in PM2.5 during APEC were 2 4 times lower than those before APEC, which is firstly ascribed to the strict emission control measures and secondly attributed to the relatively colder and drier conditions during the event that are unfavorable for secondary aerosol production. C2 in the polluted air masses, which Temporal variations of meteorological conditions, gaseous pollutants and major components of PM2.5 during the 2014 APEC campaign.

mostly occurred before APEC, are abundant and enriched in 13C. On the contrary, C2 in the clean air masses, which mostly occurred during APEC, is much less abundant but still enriched in 13C. In the mixed type of clean and polluted air masses, which mostly occurred after APEC, C2 is lower than that before APEC but higher than that during APEC and enriched in lighter 12C. A comparison on chemical composition of fine particles and δ 13C values of C2 in two events that are characterized by high loadings of PM2.5 further showed that after APEC SIA and the total detected organic compounds (TDOC) are much less abundant and fine aerosols are enriched with primary organics and relatively fresh, compared with those before APEC. Ammonium Production and Removal in the Sediments of Shanghai River Networks: Spatiotemporal Variations, Controlling Factors, and Environmental Implications SCI Lin, X., Li, X., Gao, D., Liu, M., & Cheng, L. (2017). Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122, 2461 2478. Xianbiao Lin, Xiaofei Li, Dengzhou Gao, Min Liu, and Lv Cheng Ammonium (NH4+) pollution and associated processes causing environmental problems in aquatic ecosystems have attracted much attention. However, the microbial pathways of NH4+ production and removal and associated influencing factors in the sediments of urban rivers remain unclear. In this study,microbial pathways of NH4+ production and removal were quantified to examine the NH4+ balance in the sediments of Shanghai river networks. The results indicated that potential rates of gross nitrogen mineralization, dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium, and nitrogen fixation ranged from 0.25 to 25.83 μg N g_1 d_1, from undetectable to 3.47 μg N g_1 d_1, and from 0.07 to 3.05 μg N g_1 d_1, respectively. The potential rates of gross NH4+ immobilization, anammox, and nitrification, as the NH4 +removal processes, ranged from 0.24 to 26.27 μg N g_1 d_1, from 0.01 to 7.97 μg N g_1 d_1, and from 0 to9.62 μg N g_1 d_1, respectively. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, NO3_, NH4+, and total organic carbon hadgreat influences on these Spatiotemporal variations of GNM, Dnra, and NF rates and fractional contribuion. Spatiotemporal variations of GAI, ANA, and NIT rates and fractional contribuion. NH4+ production and removal processes. In addition, the total amounts of NH4+production and removal through microbial pathways in sediments of Shanghai river networks wereestimated at approximately 2.6 105 t N yr_1 and 3.9 105 t N yr_1, respectively. Thus, the net sink of NH4+was 1.3 105 t N yr_1, which accounts for 22% of total inputs of nitrogen in the river networks. These results indicate that microbial processes of removal in sediments can eliminate significant parts of NH4+ generated from microbial pathways and/or inputs from anthropogenic activities in urban rivers. Overall, these results improve understanding of NH4 + production and removal and associated influencing environmental factors and highlight the environmental importance of these processes in regulating the NH4+ budget in highly urbanized riverine ecosystems.

Latest Quaternary rapid river incision across an inactive fold in the northern Chinese Tian Shan foreland SCI Zheng et al., Sci. Adv. 2017 Honghua Lu, Lu Cheng, Zhen Wang, Tianqi Zhang, Yanwu Lü, Junxiang Zhao, Youli Li, Xiangmin Zheng This work focuses on the incision process over the Tuostai anticline, a fold of the proximal structure Belt I in the northern Chinese Tian Shan foreland, where the Sikeshu River has incised deeply into the alluvial gravels and the fold's underlying bedrock strata. Field investigation and geomorphic mapping define fiveterraces of the Sikeshu River (designated as T1 to T5 from oldest to youngest) preserved within the Tuostai anticline. 10Be surface exposure dating and optically stimulated luminescence dating constrain stabilization of the highest three terrace surfaces at about 80 ka (T1), 16 ka (T2), and 15 ka (T3), respectively. Around 16 ka, the calculated river incision rates significantly increase from <2 mm/yr to >6 mm/yr. Undeformed longitudinal profiles of terraces T2, T3 and T4 over the Tuostai anticline suggest that this structure may have been tectonically inactive since stabilization of these three terraces.we thus think that the observed rapid river incision over the Tuostai anticline has not been largely forced by tectonic uplift. Instead, the progressively warmer and wetter palaeoclimatic condition within the Tian Shan range and its surrounding area during the period of ~20e10 ka may have enhanced river incision across the Tuostai anticline. A reduced sediment/water ratio might have lowered the gradient of the Sikeshu River. A hierarchical Bayesian regression model for predicting summer residential electricity demand across the U.S.A. SCI Energy 140 (2017) 601e611 Siyan Wang, Xun Sun, Upmanu Lall A hierarchical Bayesian model is developed for predicting monthly residential per capita electricity consumption at the state level across the USA. The summer period is selected to target cooling requirements that are generally directly associated with electricity use compared with winter heating requirements that are derived from a mix of energy sources that has changed over time. Historical monthly electricity consumption data from 1990 to 2013 are used to build a predictive model with a set of corresponding climate and non-climate covariates. A clustering analysis was performed first to identify groups of states that had similar temporal patterns for the cooling-degreedays of each state. Then, a partial pooling model is applied to each cluster to assess the sensitivity of monthly per capita residential electricity demand to each predictor (these are cooling-degree-days, gross domestic product

(GDP) per capita, per capita electricity demand from the previous month and previous year, and the residential electricity price). Most of the predictors are significant for most of the states across USA. The sensitivity of residential electricity demand to cooling-degree-days has an identifiable geographic distribution with a stronger relationship in northeastern United States. This predictive model considers interactions between causal factors at large spatial scales and quantifies the model uncertainty. This study can be applied as guide in the future energy management. Boxplots of posterior distribution of regression coefficient of (a) CDD, (b) GDP, (c) logarithm of electricity price and (d) logarithm of electricity demand in one month previous of the partial pooling model. Effects of sea level rise, land subsidence, bathymetric change and typhoon tracks on storm flooding in the coastal areas of Shanghai SCI 二区 Science of the Total Environment 621 (2018) 228 234 Jun Wang, Si Yi, Mengya Li, Lei Wang, Chengcheng Song We compared the effects of three key environmental factors of coastal flooding: sea level rise (SLR), land subsi-dence (LS) and bathymetric change (BC) in the coastal areas of Shanghai. We use the hydrological simulationmodel MIKE 21 to simulate flood magnitudes under multiple scenarios created from combinations of the key en-vironmental factors projected to year 2030 and 2050. Historical typhoons (TC9711, TC8114, TC0012, TC0205 andtc1109), which caused extremely high surges and considerable losses, were selected as reference tracks to gen-erate potential typhoon events that would make landfalls in Shanghai (SHLD), in the north of Zhejiang (ZNLD)and moving northwards in the offshore area of Shanghai (MNS) under those scenarios. The model results provid-ed assessment of impact of single and compound effects of the three factors (SLR, LS and BC) on coastal floodingin Shanghai for the next few decades. Model simulation showed that by the year 2030, the magnitude of stormflooding will increase due to the environmental changes defined by SLR, LS, and BC. Particularly, the compoundscenario of the three factors will generate coastal floods that are 3.1, 2.7, and 1.9 times greater than the single fac-tor change scenarios by, respectively, SLR, LS, and BC. Even more drastically, in 2050, the compound impact of thethree factors would be 8.5, 7.5, and 23.4 times of the single factors. It indicates that the impact of environmentalchanges is not simple addition of the effects from individual factors, but rather multiple times greater of thatwhen the projection time is longer. We also found for short-term scenarios, the bathymetry change is the most important factor for the changes in coastal flooding; and for long-term scenarios, sea level rise and land subsidence are the major factors that coastal flood prevention and management should address. 32 2017 年度报告 2017 ANNUAL REPORT

Estimated storm flooding in 2030 and 2050. Late Quaternary drainage evolution in response to fold growth in the northern Chinese Tian Shan foreland SCI Geomorphology 299 (2017) 12 23 Honghua Lu, DengyunWu, Lu Cheng, Tianqi Zhang, Jianguo Xiong, Xiangmin Zheng, Youli Li Alluvial units are important in understanding the interactions of antecedent drainage evolution with fold growth along the flanks of active orogenic belts. This is demonstrated by the Anjihai River in the northern Chinese Tian Shan foreland, which at present flows northward cutting sequentially through the Nananjihai anticline, the Huoerguos anticline, and the Anjihai anticline. Three episodes of alluviation designated as fans Fa, Fb, and Fc are identified for the Anjihai River. These three alluvial terrain features comprise a series of terraces, where the topographic characteristics, geomorphologic structure, and up-warped longitudinal profiles indicate continuous uplift and lateral propagation of the Halaande anticline and the Anjihai anticline over the past 50 ky. Shortly after~3.6 kawhen the oldest terrace during the period of the fan Fb sedimentation was formed, significant rock uplift at the overlapping zone of the Anjihai anticline and the Halaande anticline led to the eastward deflection of the antecedent Anjihai River. A series of local terraces with elevation decreasing eastward indicate the gradual eastward migration of the channel of the Anjihai River during the period of the fan Fc sedimentation. Finally the Anjihai River occupied the previous course of the Jingou River when the latter was deflected eastward in response to rock uplift of the Anjihai anticline, presently flowing across the eastern tip of the Anjihai anticline. Terrace-to-river cross sections showing downstreamchanges in the spatial pattern of the alluvial units developed by the Anjihai River.

An intercomparison of multidecadal observational and reanalysis data sets for global total ozone trends and variability analysis SCI Bai, K., N.-B. Chang, R. Shi, H. Yu, and W. Gao (2017), J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 7119 7139, Kaixu Bai, Ni-Bin Chang, Runhe Shi, Huijia Yu, and Wei Gao A four-step adaptive ozone trend estimation scheme is proposed by integrating multivariate linear regression (MLR) and ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) to analyze the long-term variability of total column ozone from a set of four observational and reanalysis total ozone data sets, including the rarely explored ERA- Interim total ozone reanalysis, from 1979 to 2009. Consistency among the four data sets was first assessed, indicating a mean relative difference of 1% and root-mean-square error around 2% on average, with respect to collocated ground-based total ozone observations. Nevertheless, large drifts with significant spatiotemporal inhomogeneity were diagnosed in ERA-Interim after 1995. To emphasize long-term trends, natural ozone variations associated with the solar cycle, quasi-biennial oscillation, volcanic aerosols, and El Niño Southern Oscillation were modeled with MLR and then removed from each total ozone record, respectively, before performing EEMD analyses. The resulting rates of change estimated from the proposed scheme captured the long-term ozone variability well, with an inflection time of 2000 clearly detected. The positive rates of change after 2000 suggest that the ozone layer seems to be on a healing path, but the results are still inadequate to conclude an actual recovery of the ozone layer, and more observational evidence is needed. Further investigations suggest that biases embedded in total ozone records may significantly impact ozone trend estimations by resulting in large uncertainty or even negative rates of change after 2000. Annual zonal mean total ozone deviations from the pre-1980 level during 1979-2009. Improving MODIS snow products with a HMRF-based spatio-temporal modeling technique in the Upper Rio Grande Basin Huang, Y., Remote Sensing of Environment (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2017.10.001 Yan Huang, Hongxing Liu, Bailang Yu, Jianping Wu, Emily L. Kang, Min Xu, Shujie Wang, Andrew Klein, Yaning Chen Seasonal snow cover and its melt dominate regional climate and hydrology in many mountainous regions in the world. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) snow cover products have been widely used for regional hydrological modeling. However, data gaps in snow products due to frequent clouds remain a serious problem, particularly for daily products. This paper presents a spatio-temporal modeling technique for filling up data gaps in daily snow cover estimates, based on time series of Terra/Aqua MODIS

Reduction of data gaps of original MODIS SCA on Dec 2, 2006. images. The spatiotemporal modeling technique integrates MODIS spectral information, spatial and temporal contextual information, and environmental association within a Hidden Markov Random Field (HMRF) framework. The performance of our new technique is quantitatively evaluated by comparing our snow cover estimates with in situ observations at 33 SNOTEL stations as well as to original MODIS snow cover products over the Upper Rio Grande Basin during 2006 2008 snow seasons. Mainly due to cloud obscuration, there are as high as 32% data gaps in original Terra/Aqua combined MODIS snow products. Our HMRF technique reduced cloud-cover related data gaps to < 1% and achieved a snow-mapping accuracy of 88.0% for the gapfilled areas. For the areas not covered by clouds, our HMRF-based technique also improved the snow cover estimate accuracy of original MODIS snow products by 3.5%, from 85.1% to 88.6%. When spatiotemporal contextual information and environmental association information are progressively incorporated within the HMRF framework, the overall snow mapping accuracies are improved and omission errors are reduced. Particularly, our HMRF-based technique increased the snow product accuracy by 4.2% during whole transition periods, and by 6.2% in March during snow melt. The snow mapping accuracies were significantly improved over evergreen forests and mixed forests. The spatio-temporal cubic neighborhood. Analysis of Thermal Structure of Arctic Lakes at Local and Regional Scales Using in Situ and Multidate Landsat-8 Data SCI Huang, Y., Liu, H., Hinkel, K., Yu, B.,Beck, R., & Wu, J. (2017).Water Resources Research, 53, 9642 9658. https://doi.org/10.1002/ Yan Huang, Hongxing Liu, Kenneth Hinkel, Bailang Yu, Richard Beck, and Jianping Wu The Arctic coastal plain is covered with numerous thermokarst lakes. These lakes are closely linked to climate and environmental change through their heat and water budgets. We examined the intralake thermal structure at the local scale and investigated the water temperature pattern of lakes at the regional scale by utilizing extensive in situ measurements and multidate Landsat-8 remote sensing data. Our analysis indicates that the lake skin temperatures derived from satellite thermal sensors during most of the ice-free summer period effectively represent the lake bulk temperature because the lakes are typically well-mixed and without significant vertical stratification. With the relatively high-resolution Landsat-8 thermal data, we were able to quantitatively examine intralake lateral temperature differences and gradients in relation to geographical location, topography, meteorological factors, and lake morphometry for the first time. Our results suggest that wind speed and direction not only control the vertical stratification but also influences lateral differences and gradients of lake surface temperature. Wind can considerably reduce the intralake temperature gradient. Interestingly, we found

that geographical location (latitude, longitude, distance to the ocean) and lake morphometry (surface size, depth, volume) not only control lake temperature regionally but also affect the lateral temperature gradient and homogeneity level within each individual lake. For the Arctic coastal plain, at regional scales, inland and southern lakes tend to have larger horizontal temperature differences and gradients compared to coastal and northern lakes. At local scales, large and shallow lakes tend to have large lateral temperature differences relative to small and deep lakes. Air temperature, wind speed, and lake water temperature variation near BRW and RDC sites in summer 2013. Intralake surface thermal structure of lake BRW_104 near Barrow on 1 July, 8 July, 10 July, and 11 August 2013. A New Approach for Detecting Urban Centers and Their Spatial Structure With Nighttime Light Remote Sensing SCI 二区 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING Zuoqi Chen, Bailang Yu, Senior Member, IEEE, Wei Song, Hongxing Liu, Member, IEEE, Qiusheng Wu, Kaifang Shi, and Jianping Wu Urban spatial structure affects many aspects of urban functions and has implications for accessibility, environmental sustainability, and public expenditures. During the urbanization process, a careful and efficient examination of the urban spatial structure is crucial. Different from the traditional approach that relies on population or employment census data, this research exploits the nighttime light (NTL) intensity of the earth surface recorded by satellite sensors. The NTL intensity is represented as a continuous mathematical surface of human activities, and the elemental features of urban structures are identified by analogy with earth s topography. We use a topographical metaphor of a mount to identify an urban center or subcenter and the surface slope to indicate an urban land-use intensity gradient. An urban center can be defined as a continuous area with higher concentration or density of employments and human activities. We successfully identified 33 urban centers, delimited their corresponding boundaries, and determined their spatial relations for Shanghai metropolitan area, by developing a localized contour tree method. In addition, several useful properties of the urban centers have been derived, such as 9% of Shanghai administrative area has become urban centers. We believe that this method is applicable to other metropolitan regions at different spatial scales. 36 2017 年度报告 2017 ANNUAL REPORT

Histograms of four morphometric characteristics of the urban centers Average light intensity slope (ULIG) inside the urban centers in the descending order. Sensitivity of NTL threshold value to the urban centers detection. A Graph-Based Approach for 3D Building Model Reconstruction from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds SCI Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 92 Bin Wu, Bailang Yu, Qiusheng Wu, Shenjun Yao, Feng Zhao, Weiqing Mao and Jianping Wu 3D building model reconstruction is of great importance for environmental and urban applications. Airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) is a very useful data source for acquiring detailed geometric and topological information of building objects. In this study, we employed a graph-based method based on hierarchical structure analysis of building contours derived from LiDAR data to reconstruct urban building models. The proposed approach first uses a graph theory-based localized contour tree method to represent the topological structure of buildings, then separates the buildings into different parts by analyzing their topological relationships, and finally reconstructs the building model by integrating all the individual models established through the bipartite graph matching process. Our approach provides a more complete topological and geometrical description of building contours than existing approaches. We evaluated the proposed method by applying it to the Lujiazui region in Shanghai, China, a complex and large urban scene with various types of buildings. The results revealed that complex buildings could be reconstructed successfully with a mean modeling error of 0.32 m. Our proposed method offers a promising solution for 3D building model reconstruction from airborne LiDAR point clouds.

The georeferenced point clouds of the Lujiazui region. A two-step approach to planning new facilities towards equal accessibility SSCI Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 2017, Vol. 44(6) 994 1011 Xiang Li, Fahui Wang, Hong Yi A recent advancement in location-allocation modeling proposes a new objective of minimizing inequality of accessibility. Existing work considers the planning problem as either selecting new sites or adjusting facility capacities, separately. This paper develops a two-step hybrid approach to the problem by optimizing both locations and capacities of facilities towards equal accessibility. A genetic algorithm is first employed to find the best locations to site new facilities, and then a quadratic programming method is used to determine the best capacity of each facility within a pre-defined range. The sequence is consistent with many decision-making practices. Results of a series of experiments demonstrate that location optimization reduces inequality in accessibility more significantly than capacity optimization. The two-step optimization method can be applied for sequential allocation decision-makings towards maximum equal accessibility. Spatial distributions of users and facilities after location optimization, capacity optimization, and capacity optimization. A hybrid model to assess the impact of climate variability on streamflow for an ungauged mountainous basin SCI Clim Dyn (2018) 50:2829 2844 Chong Wang Jianhua Xu Yaning Chen Ling Bai Zhongsheng Chen To quantitatively assess the impact of climate variability on streamflow in an ungauged mountainous basin is a difficult and challenging work. In this study, a hybrid model combing downscaling method based on earth data products, back propagation artificial neural networks (BPANN) and weights connection method was developed to explore an approach for solving this problem. To validate the applicability of the hybrid model, the Kumarik River and Toshkan River, two headwaters of the Aksu River, were employed to assess the impact of climate variability on streamflow by using this hybrid model. The conclusion is that the hybrid model presented a good performance, and the quantitative assessment results for the two headwaters are: (1) the precipitation respectively increased

by 48.5 and 41.0 mm in the Kumarik catchment and Toshkan catchment, and the average annual temperature both increased by 0.1 C in the two catchments during each decade from 1980 to 2012; (2) with the warming and wetting climate, the streamflow respectively increased 1.5 108 and 3.3 108 m3 per decade in the Kumarik River and the Toshkan River; and (3) the contribution of the temperature and precipitation to the streamflow, which were 64.01 ± 7.34, 35.99 ± 7.34 and 47.72 ± 8.10, 52.26 ± 8.10%, respectively in the Kumarik catchment and Toshkan catchment. Our study introduced a feasible hybrid model for the assessment of the impact of climate variability on streamflow, which can be used in the ungauged mountainous basin of Northwest China. The average of downscaled annual temperature in different periods. The slope of downscaled annual temperature in different periods. Understanding job-housing relationship and commuting pattern in Chinese cities: Past, present and future SSCI N. Ta et al. / Transportation Research Part D xxx (2016) xxx xxx Na Ta, Yanwei Chai, Yan Zhang, Daosheng Sun There are debates about whether job-housing balance and short commuting distances could be achieved through government intervention in Western countries. However, few studies have been carried out in developing context. The present study aims to fill in this knowledge vacuum by studying how China s changing socio-spatial context, particularly the spatial ideas of danwei, influences job-housing relationships and commuting patterns from a historical perspective. The results clearly show that the dominant trend in commuting patterns in Chinese cities has changed from intra-danwei commuting before 1978 to reverse commuting from the city center to the inner suburbs in 1978 1998, to longdistance suburb-to-city commuting since 1998. The findings suggest that government intervention could be helpful in achieving shorter commute in China, and that urban planning and policy that promote mixed land-use and job-housing balance should be considered. Some limitations of government intervention are also discussed. Ideal urban structure, job-housing relationship and commuting patterns in the future.

Uneven development, urbanization and production of space in the middle-scale region based on the case of Jiangsu province, China SSCI Habitat International 66 (2017) 106e116 Chao Ye, Mingxing Chen, Jinjun Duan, Dongyang Yang The space in the process of urbanization is undergoing a great transition from physical space to social space. The relations between society and space become more important and complicated than ever. As a critical social theory, production of space means that urbanization has been reshaped by social factors or forces like capital, power and class, so that the urban space finally becomes their production and process. Based on socio-spatial dialectic, the main methodology of spatial production, urban space (re)shapes social relations and processes. The different spatial scales have and continuously produce the different social relations. In the researches about production of space, little work has been done on the index system to assess the extent of production of space and to analyze middle-scale region. This article designs a set of simple index system to reflect the spatial influences of capital, power as well as class, and chooses Jiangsu Province as a typical case because of its rapid and differential urbanization to indicate the process of spatial production from 2000 to 2015. In this index system, capital is represented by fixed-asset investment, real estate investment and foreign direct investment; power is represented by the index of the constructed urban land area; the index reflecting class is the urbanrural income ratio. Based on the analysis of these changing indexes, this paper finds that urbanization in Jiangsu is hybrid process: the forces from capital and power greatly contribute to rapid urbanization and high urbanization level, however, the gaps among the three sub-regions in the province and rural-urban income inequality have not decreased accordingly. Conversely, these gaps enlarge in some periods. This kind of urbanization pattern is characterized by large-scale spatial expansion, and is driven by capital and power, but there are many latent social risks and spatial inequality. In the process of spatial production, space and society interact, entangle and (re) shape the pattern of urbanization in the end. Evolution of urban-rural income proportion of Jiangsu. 40 2017 年度报告 2017 ANNUAL REPORT

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奇点时代的思想极客 科创高峰论坛地理科学学院分论坛 焕庸地理大讲堂 立足学科 弘扬学术 海外研修分享会 手绘城市 用脚步丈量青春 校园主题日定向越野 新年晚会 师生篮球赛 多才多艺 全面发展 68 2017 年度报告 2017 ANNUAL REPORT

毕业典礼 开学典礼 2017 学生工作 Student work 荧光夜跑 研究生迎新接待 爱心跑 为星星起跑 院运动会 院运动会 学生工作 Student Work 69

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