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2013 6 Taiwan Literature Studies No. 4, June 2013. 167 198 Research Article Wú Xiāng Yìn Xiàng and Native Literature: The Formation and Development of Wú Chéng s Poetry in the 1970s 蔡明諺 Tsai, Ming-yen 2013 4 15 2013 5 31 Received: Apr. 15, 2013; Accepted: May. 31, 2013 e-mail:

摘要 關鍵詞 : 現實主義文學 農民文學 現代詩 鄉土詩 169

2013 6 Abstract This paper traces Wú Chéng s poetry in the 1970s, accounting for his attempts at poetic writing. I argue that Wú Chéng s Wú Xiang Yìn Xiàng, published in 1972, retains the traits of modernist literature, no matter in terms of form or topic. His Native Poetry style was not established until the creation of Ní Tu Pian (1974) and the Xiàng Hái Zi Shuo (1977). Wú Chéng status in literature was constructed in close relation to the discussions on the concepts of xiang tu in the 1970s. His Native Poetry was written before the Native Literature Controversy. These works set the model of Native Poetry in the literature history of Taiwan, as he waved good-bye to Modernism and turned his gaze upon the life of his native soil with emotion and intuition. Keywords: Realism literature, Rural literature, Modern poetry, Native Poetry 170

正文 一 在飄搖裡 1944 1962 1 1. 164 1962.06 171

2013 6 2 3 1972 172

4 1962 1963 1965 1965 1965 2. 1955.04 48-50 3. 4 4. 2010.04 259 173

2013 6 1965 1966 5 174

1976 6 7 1967 12 8 5. 13 1966.11 6. 1976.10 147-149 7. 8. 17 1967.12 1976 175

2013 6 1967 176

9 1972 1967 1968 9. 224 1972.08 238-239 177

2013 6 二 吾鄉印象 1972 8 1972 178

1972 1976 1979 1985 1975 10 11 10. 2002.12 124 11. 179

2013 6 12 1973 1974 13 14 1972 1975 15 180

16 12. 9 244-245 13. 2012.11 198-203 14. 7 1965.06 61 68-70 15. 43 16. 1985.06 23-24 181

2013 6 17 1974 1971 18 182

19 1972 1996 20 21 17. 9 251 18. 4 259 19. 261 20. 269 21. 4 2004.07 18-20 183

2013 6 三 鄉土詩人 1975 6 22 23 1974 1973 11 19 24 1974 6 23 1975 1 1 2 16 4 13 25 1975 4 30 1975 5 3 184

26 1975 6 15 Dr. Jeno Platthy 27 28 29 30 31 22. 1975.06 5 23. 1975 4 13 24. 1978.04 227-234 25. 69-72 26. 1975.05.03 9 27. 41 1975.07 80 28. 15 29. 5 1975.10 15-16 30. 38 1976.06 51 31. 274 1976.10 129 185

2013 6 1975 7 26 32 1975 1964 1965 1975 186

1975 8 15 33 1973 7 34 32. 1977.11 123-131 33. 68 1975.08 1 34. 9 1973.07 86 187

2013 6 1975 1976 5 35 1976 10 36 188

1976 37 1979 1976 38 35. 73 1976.06 1 36. 31 130 37. 31 137 38. 43 1976.11 129 189

2013 6 1977 1977 2 1977 11 四 論戰煙硝 1977 4 1979 1977 6 190

39 1975 1977 8 20 40 39. 76 1977.06 8 40. 1977.08.20 12 191

2013 6 1979 41 1977 11 28 42 1980 192

43 1978 9 1979 3 41. 1979.08.09 8 42. 1977.11.28 12 43. 2001.06 271 193

2013 6 1994-1999 2005 1977 1979 1983 44 五 歸來以後 1979 5 194

195 1972 1980 45 1981 10 1983 1983 1984 1988 1980 44. 1983 70 2008.12 45. 1991.06.09 27

2013 6 46 47 1984 4 1983 1984 1988 4 28 1994 196

2005 參考資料 1955.04 1977.11 1976.10 1985.06 2002.12 1978 2010.04 2001.06 1975.06 7 0 2008.12 2012.11 46. 47. 197

2013 6 43 1976.11 122-129 4 2004.07 14-31 274 1976.10 125-146 1975.05.03 9 1977.08.20 12 1977.11.28 12 1991.06.09 27 1979.08.09 8 198