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2017 ANNUAL REPORT Contents 目录 President s Note 校长致辞...2 Director s Note 院长致辞...3 Chinese Language within WKU 西肯塔基大学中文项目...4 Kentucky Chinese Language Teachers 肯塔基州汉语教师...6 Youth Chinese Proficiency Test 中小学汉语水平考试...8 Chinese Exhibition Center at the Confucius Institute at WKU 中华展示中心...10 Model Confucius Institute at WKU 示范孔子学院大楼...12 Chinese Cultural Experience 中国文化体验车...14 Confucius Classrooms 孔子课堂...15 2016 Confucius Institute Day Events 西肯塔基大学孔子学院 2016 年孔子学院日活动...16 The Confucius Mobile Kitchen 中华厨艺展示车...20 Coordination and Arrangement of Performance Tours 成功组织孔子学院大型巡演活动...21 Unforgettable Years - Teachers Perspective 难忘的岁月 推广汉语梦...24 2016 Calendar of Events 2016 年西肯孔院大事记... 29 2016 Chinese Teachers 2016 年汉语教师一览...37

President s Note The Confucius Institute (CI) at Western Kentucky University (WKU) was established in April 2010 in collaboration with Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters in China, and collaborating university partner, North China Electric Power University. Since its establishment, the CI at WKU has been committed to promoting Chinese language and culture in the U.S. and throughout the state of Kentucky. It has grown in significant ways. Presently, the number of registered Chinese language learners has reached 16,297, with 43 Chinese language teachers, and 15 Confucius Classrooms. The number of people involved in the CI cultural activities has grown to 358,978. In addition, more than 10,000 individuals have taken Chinese language exams. The CI at WKU has become one of the largest comprehensive Confucius Institutes in North America and has been recognized worldwide. It has successively won the titles of Excellent Confucius Institute in 2013, and the Model Confucius Institute in 2015 by Hanban/CI Headquarters. WKU integrates the CI into its strategic planning for international development. It provides some 1,700 m 2 area for permanent use for the operations of the CI. In 2016, a global Model CI Building was completed. Covering an area of 700 m 2, the building is the only newly erected CI in North America. Meanwhile, the CI at WKU has developed a 1+2 Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Program, and initiated a new model for training local Chinese language teachers; as one of the first American Confucius Institutes authorized to award the Chinese language teacher qualification certificate, it has helped a total of 59 Hanban teachers to obtain the certificate, making Chinese teaching authorized in the United States. In September 2013, the CI at WKU successfully hosted the first Joint Conference of American Confucius Institutes. September 28 was announced as the Confucius Institute Day by the Kentucky Elected Officials. The CI at WKU continues to be innovative. It pioneered the establishment of a Chinese Cultural Experience Mobile vehicle and a Confucius Mobile Kitchen to promote Chinese culture within the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The two vehicles have travelled over 12,000 km and have received more than 70,000 visitors. Comprehensive reports have been made by the China s People Daily and other media, reaching an audience of over 300 million people. In order to ensure the sustainable development, the CI at WKU constantly expands financing channels. Since 2013, it has received approximately $1.1 million including private financial support from Bowling Green citizens, the Dow Chemical Company, ICSET laboratory, and a Chinese enterprise Black Dragon Double Boiler. The CI at WKU seeks continuous innovation as its foundation and strives to promote the Chinese culture effectively through the platform of the Confucius Institute. After six years of exploration and practice, the CI at WKU has developed a set of mature cultural promotional modes. 校长致辞 : 在中国国家汉办 ( 孔子学院总部 ) 的支持下, 美国西肯塔基大学孔子学院于 2010 年 4 月成立, 其中方合作院校为华北电力大学 自成立以来, 西肯孔院大力开展在美国尤其是肯塔基州的汉语普及和中国文化的传播, 发展迅速, 成果显著 目前孔子学院注册汉语学员数达 16297 人, 汉语教师 43 名, 下设孔子课堂 15 所, 累计文化活动参与人数 358978 人, 已经有 10000 余人参加汉语考试, 跃居为北美规模最大的综合性孔子学院之一, 享誉全球, 先后在 2013 年获得优秀孔院称号 2015 年获得全球示范孔院称号 西肯塔基大学高度重视孔子学院, 将其列入国际化发展战略规划, 为孔子学院提供 1700 多平方米的永久专用场地 2016 年, 占地 700 平方米的全球示范孔院大楼建设完成, 这是北美地区第一所专门为示范孔子学院建造的实体建筑 与此同时, 西肯孔院创建国际汉语教育硕士 1+2 项目, 开创培养美国本土汉语教师的新模式, 同时也是美国首批授权颁发汉语教师资格证的孔子学院, 迄今为止, 共帮助 59 位汉办教师获得了美国汉语教师资格证, 实现美国汉语教学合法化 2013 年 9 月, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院成功主办了美国首届孔子学院联席会议, 肯塔基州议会宣布将 9 月 28 日确定为孔 " 孔子学院日 " 与此同时, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院不断创新, 开创性地建立了中国文化移动车和中华厨艺展示车, 在肯塔基全州内推广中国文化, 行程已达 1.2 万公里, 累计受益人数 7 万余人, 人民网等媒体对西肯孔院做了全方位的报道, 受众人数超过 3 亿, 影响力巨大 为确保孔子学院的可持续性发展, 西肯孔院不断拓展募资渠道,2013 年以来先后收到来自肯塔基州鲍灵格林市市民 美国陶氏化学公司 ICSET 实验室以及中国黑龙双锅集团的赞助资金共约 110 万美元 西肯孔院自成立之初就以不断创新为办院之本, 力求以孔子学院为平台, 最大力度地推广中国文化 经过六年的探索与实践, 西肯孔院已经探索出一套成熟的文化推广模式 2 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

Director s Note The improvement of the teaching quality in Chinese, and the dedication of the new Chinese Learning Center were the most important tasks in the year of 2016. The CI at WKU strives to meet and exceed the goals of the Chinese project through great attention to the continuous improvement of the teaching quality. In 2016, the CI at WKU started using the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program (KTIP) observation tool for the teacher evaluation system. Teaching tools were designed to achieve the following goals: Training Chinese Hanban teachers based on American students needs; Require Chinese Hanban teachers to meet the Kentucky classroom standards; Improve student proficiency in Chinese using the Youth Chinese Test (YCT) as the assessment tool, ensuring that the pass rate exceeds 65%; Develop and revise the CI at WKU s fully articulated curriculum for K-12. Utilizing the KTIP teacher observation tool, it identified strengths and weaknesses in the teachers. This tool allowed the CI at WKU to develop professional development that aimed at providing the proper support. In addition, using the YCT as the chosen assessment tool, has given the teachers, students, and districts the information needed to develop and continued growth of the Chinese program throughout Kentucky. One of the most important aspect of the model CI building (Chinese Learning Center) is to determine the Theme of the building. With so many different functions of the new building, the rooms need to be guided by one theme that flow room to room. The fundamental theme that surrounds the Chinese Learning Center will be documenting the rich 6-years of the Confucius Institute Chinese language and cultural programs at Western Kentucky University. Thus, sharing the full story would really engage and educate those who enter the model CI building. The goals of CI at WKU in 2017 are list below: Increase the number of Chinese Hanban Teachers from 43 to 60 with certification; Dedication of the Chinese Learning Center; Renovation of Chinese Exhibition Center; Complete the Chinese Friendship Garden; Expand the number of Confucius Classroom from 15 to 17; Set up a fully articulated E-Learning platform in western Kentucky; YCT pass rate reaches 75% with more than 2000 participants, annually; Increase the number of HSK scholarships awarded to 10 WKU students per year. Hosted the inaugural 2017 Chinese Bridge Contest, in which around 65 students representing different middle schools, high schools and WKU participated. Host the first Chinese Art Exhibition, in which over 65 pieces of art are on display from 13 Distinguished Confucius Institute Artists. 院长致辞 : 2016 年, 西肯孔院完成了最重要的两项任务 : 第一, 提高中文教学质量, 第二, 新建孔院大楼 - 勤耕楼正式落成 西肯孔院一直以来通过不断提高汉语教学质量, 致力于完成并超越中文推广中的各级指标 2016 年, 西肯孔院开始采用肯州教师培训计划 (KTIP) 的教学评估体系作为评价汉语教学质量的标准化手段, 力求实现以下目标 : 基于美国学生的需求培训汉办中文教师 ; 要求汉办中文教师达到肯州课堂标准 ; 采用青少年汉语水平考试 (YCT) 评估体系以提高学生汉语水平, 确保通过率超过 65%; 开发并完善西肯孔院涵盖 K-12 各个年级的教学大纲 利用 KTIP 教学评估体系, 西肯孔院可以客观评价各位老师教学上的强项和不足 这一体系可以让西肯孔院提供最恰当的支持和帮助, 从而促进老师们的职业技能发展 此外, 利用 YCT 作为汉语教学水平的测试工具, 学生的学习进展可以及时反馈给老师 学生和学区, 从而促进肯州中文项目的持续发展 对于示范孔院大楼 ( 中文学习中心 ) 而言, 最核心的一点就是要明确大楼的 主题 示范孔院大楼中的各个教室都有其独立的功能, 而大楼本身需要融合一个共同的主题 因此, 围绕中文学习中心的基本主题, 孔院大楼记录了六年来西肯孔院在推广中国语言和文化各个项目的过程中所走过的丰富历程 走进示范孔院大楼的每一个人, 都会被这里的故事所吸引, 并从中得到启迪 以下是西肯孔院 2017 年的工作目标 : 持有美国汉语教师资格证的汉办教师数量从 43 位增至 60 位 ; 中文学习中心投入使用 ; 翻修中国展示中心 ; 中美友谊花园竣工 ; 孔子课堂数量由 15 个增至 17 个 ; 在西肯塔基大学创建一个全程对接的汉语网络学习平台 ; YCT 每年参考人数 2,000 以上, 通过率达到 75%; 西肯大学生每年获得 HSK 奖学金人数增加到 10 个 ; 举办 2017 首届汉语桥大赛, 届时预计有来自不同学区各个初中, 高中及西肯塔基大学的 65 位选手参赛 ; 举办首届中国艺术展, 将有来自 13 位孔院特聘艺术家的 65 幅作品参展 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 3

Chinese Language within WKU While the CI at WKU is not an academic unit within WKU, the institute does support initiatives of WKU especially as it relates to the dissemination of the Chinese language and culture. Since 2010, one of WKU s goals were to offer many different Chinese language programs. Initially, the Chinese Flagship was the first installment of the mission. In partnership with the US Department of Defense, Chinese was identified as a critical language, and became a major program in WKU s Honor s College. While this satisfied a sector of WKU students, how to reach and offer Chinese to students as a whole was the next focus. Thus, in 2014, the Modern Languages Department in Potter College of Arts and Letters received approval to launch the major and minor in Chinese. The proficiency-oriented Chinese major is built upon a student-centered curriculum and standards-based assessments. It provides WKU undergraduate students with extensive language training and an in-depth study of Chinese culture and society, which prepares students to use Chinese proficiency in their professional endeavors. As with any new program, the CI at WKU was ready to assist the department to meet the teaching demands by providing highly experienced teachers who would assist the program coordinator with covering the teaching load. Thus, for the past four (4) years, the CI at WKU has provided two teachers who assisted, and taught undergraduate students in the department. There was a huge demand of students wanting to enroll in the program, and our program was there to assist. As stated before, our teachers follow the curriculum, textbooks, and teaching profile dictated by Potter College s Department of Modern Languages. While assisting teachers helped the department meet the initial demand of students, a much longer-termed plan was to be executed. Through a partnership with Hanban/ CI Headquarters, the CI at WKU submitted a proposal and received funding for a full-time position within the Department of Modern Languages to hire a Clinical Assistant Professor to help build the program for the long-term. The responsibility of this non-tenure track position was to help stabilize the Chinese major/minor, but also to aid in the recruitment and application pool for the HSK/HSKK. As students become more proficient, one way to measure their proficiency level is through the HSK/HSKK, which is China s proficiency test for foreigners. In addition, if they passed this test, the CI at WKU through Hanban/CI Headquarters would provide scholarship opportunities for the students to study in China and increase their proficiency in a real-world situation. In the 2013/2014 academic year, a total of 310 students were enrolled in the Chinese language courses offered by the Modern Languages. As of 2016 more than 443 were enrolled in the Chinese language courses offered, of which 60 are currently pursuing a major/minor in the program. As of 2015 more than 134 students have taken the HSK/HSKK and more than 6 were awarded scholarships in 2016. A plan is presently in place to increase the number of students taking the HSK/ HSKK tests and receiving scholarships to study in China. As stated above, the CI at WKU submitted a proposal and received funding for a full-time position within the Department of Modern Languages, the CI at WKU also submitted and received funding for a full-time position within WKU s College of Education to hire a Clinical Assistant Professor. Upon receiving certification through our partnership with the College of Education, another avenue was explored that is providing some great benefits to our program. In 2013, the initial groundwork began on the creation of a 1+2 Masters in the Art of Teaching (MAT) program. This program was initially a partnership between Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters, Beijing Language and Culture University, WKU s College of Education and the CI at WKU. The benefits of this program was to offer an alternative route for our teachers who not only sought Kentucky certification, but wanted a dual degree from WKU. In order for these teachers/students to participate in the program, we needed an MOU in place between the two universities, which outlined what courses would be taken China. Through the partnership, the College of Education would take in six credit hours at their home institution, which would be transferred into WKU as part of the MAT program. Next, students would go through the normal admissions process to be admitted into WKU just like any other international student. In addition, as part of the program, these teachers/students would teach in the school system for a total of 20 hours per week. During the program these teachers would receive a provisional licensure from Kentucky to teach in local schools. Upon completion of the program and successful completion of the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program (KTIP) the teachers would receive not only a MAT degree, but a full Kentucky Certification to teach in Kentucky. The first cohort of six (6) began in the Fall of 2014, through the initial partnership with Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU). These six students completed their degree program in May 2016 and received their MAT degree; however, only three completed their KTIP process and received full Kentucky certification. In an effort to grow the program, the CI at WKU set up a symposium in China in December 2015 to bring more Universities into the table. More than nine (9) universities signed MOU s with WKU, thus, the second cohort of six (6) students arrived in Fall 2016 by way of Beijing Normal University, Hunan Normal University and Beijing Language and Culture University. With the hiring of the Clinical Assistant professor position within the College of Education, it is the responsibility of this person to be the advisor of the Chinese students in the MAT program. 4 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

西肯塔基大学中文项目 : 西肯塔基大学孔子学院 ( 西肯孔院 ) 并不是西肯塔基大学 ( 西肯 ) 的一个教学单位, 但孔院一直鼎力支持西肯的各个项目, 尤其是中国语言和文化的传播 自 2010 年以来, 西肯的目标之一是提供各种不同的中文项目 最初, 中文领航是实现这一使命的第一个项目 西肯与美国国防部合作, 中文被确定为关键语言, 汉语因此成为了西肯荣誉学院的主要项目 这一项目满足了西肯部分学生的需求, 但是怎样深入并为全体学生提供中文教学就成为了西肯孔院的下一个工作重心 于是, 在 2014 年, 西肯波特艺术与文学学院的现代语言系获批成立了中文专业以及中文辅修 中文专业以语言熟练为导向, 设立了以学生为中心的课程和基于标准的评价体系 这一新项目为西肯的本科生提供了拓展语言训练和深度研究中国文化和社会的机会, 从而为学生在其未来职业中能熟练使用中文打下基础 诚如任何一个新项目, 西肯孔院时刻准备着帮助该系满足教学上的各种需求, 举措之一是提供经验丰富的中文老师协助中文专业的教授, 承担部分教学任务 因此, 过去四年的时间里, 西肯孔院每年为该系提供两位教师, 他们在该系协助管理并从事本科生的教学工作 申请参加该项目的学生人数众多, 孔院的出现正好助其一臂之力 如前所述, 我们派出的老师严格遵从波特学院现代语言系制定的课程 教材和教学大纲 在西肯孔院派出协助的中文老师帮助该系满足学生基本需求的同时, 一项更为长久的计划也在进行当中 在西肯孔院的申请下, 国家汉办提供资助, 在现代语言系设立了一个助理教授的全职教席, 以支持中文项目在西肯的长期发展 该教席为稳定中文专业 / 中文辅修的学生人数提供了有力保障, 同时鼓励学生参加 HSK/HSKK ( 汉语水平考试 / 汉语水平口语考试 ) 随着学生语言水平的提高, 衡量他们水平等级的方式之一是参加 HSK/HSKK, 这是为外国人设置的汉语水平考试 另外, 如有学生通过了一定级别的考试, 西肯孔院将通过汉办 / 孔子学院总部为他们提供奖学金留学中国并在真实的语言环境中提高汉语水平创造机会 2013/2014 学年度, 共计有 310 名学生选修由现代语言系开设的各种中国语言课程 在 2016 年, 有 443 位学生参加中文课程的学习, 其中 60 人是中文专业或中文辅修的学生 仅在 2015 年, 就有 134 位学生参加了 HSK / HSKK 考试,2016 年, 有六位学生获得了该项奖学金 目前正在进行一项旨在推动更多学生参加 HSK/HSKK 考试并增加获得奖学金前往中国留学人数的计划 如前所述, 继现代语言系之后, 西肯孔院也设立和资助了一个教育学院的全职教席 通过与教育学院合作, 西肯孔院的中文教师可以获得教师资格认证, 同时, 在 2013 年着手 1+2 教育硕士 (MAT) 项目 该项目最初是由国家汉办 ( 孔院学院总部 ) 北京语言大学( 北语 ) 西肯教育学院和西肯孔院合作进行 这一项目的最大益处是为那些既想通过肯塔基州的教师资格认证又希望从西肯获得硕士学位的中文教师提供了一个途径 为了让这些老师和学生能参加这一项目, 西肯和中国的大学间签署合作协议, 并详细列出哪些课程需要在中国学习 通过这一合作, 西肯教育学院认可学生在中国院校学习的这些课程的学分, 这些学分将转到西肯作为 MAT 项目的一部分 接下来, 参加该项目的学生同其他国际学生一样需要通过西肯研究生院的录取流程 另外, 作为该项目的一部分, 这些老师或学生每周要到各学区开展 20 个小时的教学工作 项目进行期间, 这些老师将会获得肯塔基州授予的临时执照, 可以在当地的学校独立开展教学 在结束该项目并顺利完成肯州教师实习项目 (KTIP) 后, 老师们不仅可以获得教育硕士学位, 还可以获得在肯州教师资格的完全认证 2014 年秋季, 西肯孔院与北语合作启动了这个项目, 首批参与的六位学生已于 2016 年 5 月完成了学业, 并获得了教育硕士学位 他们中有三人最终完成了肯州教师实习项目并获得了肯州教师资格的完全认证 为了进一步发展该项目, 西肯孔院于 2015 年 12 月在中国举办研讨会吸引更多的中国大学参加, 当时有九所中国大学与西肯签署了合作协议 此后, 第二批的六个学生于 2016 年秋季抵达, 分别由北京师范大学, 湖南师范大学和北京语言大学选送 西肯教育学院全职助理教授担任 MAT 项目中国学生的顾问 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 5

Kentucky Chinese Language Teachers When the Confucius Institute was first developed, the heart and soul of the institute was and remains the Hanban Chinese teachers Program. It started with Chinese teachers, who on behalf of their country, believed in a program initially entitled, the Chinese Volunteer and Visiting Teacher Program. These programs are organized, and funded by Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters, who sends approximately 2,700 visiting teachers and 6,000 volunteer teachers abroad to share the Chinese language and culture. Almost 400 of these teachers are stationed in North America, where majority are located in the United States. These teachers leave behind family, friends, and careers to teach Chinese to speakers of other languages. These teachers make a big sacrifice to go abroad, and bring with them passion, experience, and a heart ready to share their talents with those who are willing to learn. The Confucius Institute at WKU program began in April 2010, where the first 11 Chinese teachers graced the South Central Region of Kentucky, and captured the first group of students in the Warren, Barren and Logan counties, reaching approximately 1,600 students, in 11 different schools. The CI program knew that if it were to expand, it would need to increase marketing efforts through community programming, community outreach, meeting with school Superintendents, and working diligently on building relationships with the WKU campus community. Establishing relationships would be paramount to increasing its footprint throughout the state, and gain approval from various stakeholders. Presently, the program has 43 Chinese Hanban language teachers in over 47 schools, in 22 school districts reaching more than 16,297 registered students in its program. The institute has four permanent teachers teaching the Chinese language and culture who are affiliated with the CI at WKU in Field Elementary (Jefferson County Public Schools), St. Francis High School (Louisville, KY), St. Francis Elementary/Middle (Goshen, KY), and Trinity High Schools (Archdiocese of Louisville). While the growth since the beginning was big, there were a number of issues that needed to be addressed. In order for the program to have the opportunity for growth, there was a need to determine how to address the middle and high schools. Early in the program, the elementary schools were the primary placement, because Kentucky certification was not a requirement; however, in order to move into the middle and high schools, the teachers needed to obtain Kentucky certification. During the 2011/2012 academic year, the CI at WKU collaborated with the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences to develop a mode in which these teachers could become Kentucky certified teachers. In order to obtain certification, the selected Hanban teachers needed to go through a one-week rigorous training in China by two of the College of Education professors, attend specific webinars by the College of Education professors, and submit a written portfolio while in China. The written portfolio must contain evidence collected to demonstrate their understanding of Kentucky standards from their current in-class teaching in China. Upon arrival to Kentucky, the candidates participate in an oral interview with WKU faculty from the College of Education. It is only after all the documents are processed and the passing of both written and oral portfolios, candidates are recommended for the Kentucky certification through Kentucky s Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB), which is the certifying agency for all Kentucky teachers. In academic year 2012/2013, seventeen (17) Chinese teachers became the first group in the state of Kentucky to obtain certification through EPSB. To date, fifty-nine (59) CI at WKU teachers have obtained Kentucky certification. The CI at WKU will continue to grow and refine this program based on continual updates by Kentucky s Department of Education. The support from the local school districts in Kentucky have been overwhelmingly positive, thus, resulting in an increase in enrollment of students studying in the Chinese major/minor at WKU. We are grateful to all our stakeholders, especially the Hanban teachers who are qualified for Kentucky certification. 6 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

肯塔基州汉语教师 : 早在孔子学院成立之初, 汉办中文教师 项目就成为了工作的核心, 现在依然如此 西肯孔院的汉语教师队伍最早始于 汉办志愿者项目, 不断发展壮大, 目前大部分是公派教师 志愿者教师项目与公派教师项目皆由国家汉办 ( 孔子学院总部 ) 组织和资助,2016 年派出大约 6,000 名志愿者老师与 2,700 名公派教师到世界各地传播中国语言和文化 在北美大约各有 400 多名志愿者老师和公派教师, 而他们大部分是在美国工作 这些老师远离家人和朋友, 暂别国内的岗位来教授汉语 这些老师牺牲小我, 走出国门, 带着他们的激情 经验和满腔热血来和愿意学中文的人士分享他们的才智 西肯孔院项目开始于 2010 年 4 月, 最初有 11 位中文老师惠及肯塔基州的中南部地区, 首批学中文的学生有 1,600 个, 分布于沃伦县 巴伦县和楼根县的 11 所学校 随着近年来中文项目的不断发展壮大, 以及经验累积, 西肯孔院意识到, 若要项目得以长远发展, 必须加大推广力度, 涉足全州, 这就需要进行社区规划 社区拓展 会晤学区负责人以及和西肯校园社区建立良好的关系, 使相关各方获益 目前, 本项目已有 43 位汉办汉语教师, 分布于 22 个学区的 47 所学校, 承担着 16,297 名注册学生的汉语教学任务 西肯孔院也有四位本土教师在孔院下属的四所孔子课堂教授中国语言和文化, 分别位于菲尔德小学 ( 杰弗逊县公立学区 ), 圣弗朗西斯高中 ( 路易斯维尔市 ), 圣弗朗西斯小学 / 初中 ( 戈森县 ) 和圣三一高中 ( 路易斯维尔总教区 ) 自创办 汉办中文教师 项目以来, 学生和教师人数增长迅速, 但是也面临一些挑战 要想发展该项目, 就必须要开发新的初中和高中的教学点 本项目早期主要布局在各个小学, 因为小学对教师是否获得肯塔基教师认证不做要求 ; 然而, 要到初中和高中开展教学, 老师们首先要通过肯州教师认证 在 2011/2012 学年度, 西肯孔院与教育学院合作, 探索出一种汉语教师认证的模式 要获得认证, 汉办选派的老师首先在国内参加由西肯教育学院两位教授执教的为期一周的高强度培训, 参加教育学院教授组织的网络会议, 并撰写和提交一份书面资料, 该资料包含证据表明老师们利用现有中国课堂的教学经验, 对肯州的教师标准有着深入理解 抵达肯州后, 中文教师要通过证书文件的审核, 书面资料的审阅和面试之后, 才被推荐给肯塔基州职业标准委员会 (EPSB) 进行认证, 最后取得肯塔基州教师资格证 在 2012/2013 学年度,17 位汉语教师通过肯职标委 (EPSB) 的认证, 成为肯州首批通过认证的中文老师 迄今为止, 已有 59 位西肯孔院教师获得了肯州教师认证 西肯孔院将根据肯州教育厅的最新要求继续做好优秀教师的认证工作 西肯孔院多年来一直得到肯州各学区的大力支持, 西肯中文专业和辅修学生的招生人数不断增加 我们要由衷的感谢各界人士, 尤其是取得汉语教师认证的老师对推广中文项目的辛苦付出 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 7

Youth Chinese Proficiency Test For the first couple of years of the CI at WKU program, the focus was squarely on increasing the number of students and increasing the footprint of the program as a whole. With over 16,297 students enrolled in the CI at WKU program, it is important that we ensure that they are not only exposed the Chinese language and culture, but that they are learning and retaining. The only way to ensure proficiency is through assessment. The Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardized test which is directed at examining non-native primary and secondary school students ability to apply Chinese language in their studies and daily lives. It consists of two independent parts, written and oral, which are also independent of each other. In 2014, The CI at WKU had a total of 2,947 students took the test with the passing rate 16.49%. In 2015, a total of 3,686 students took the YCT exam, and of that total 1,446 passed, with a passing rate of 39.23%. Based on the results of 2014 and 2015, the CI at WKU began to develop professional development sessions in an effort to aid the teachers ability to develop lessons and teaching plan to increase proficiency rates of these students. Thus, in 2016, a total of 3,293 students participated in the YCT exam, and 1,832 students passed, yielding a 55.63% passing rate. In 2016, according Mr. Li Peize, General Manager of the Division of Testing at Hanban/CI Headquarters, over 585,000 participated in the YCT/HSK/BCT assessments worldwide, of 8 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

which 14,360 were students from the U.S. The CI at WKU is taking 22.9% of the students from America. The main focus is on continuing to develop professional development session aimed at increasing the passing rates of the students taking the exams. From November December, the CI at WKU recruited an additional 1,010 students to take the YCT, and received an overall passing rate of 86.53% for YCT 1, and a 95% passing rate for YCT 2, see Table below: The K-l2 administrators wholeheartedly support this research-based assessment. They are viewed as summative assessments to measure students progress by the school administrators. The results are also an excellent tool for the teachers to know where the gaps exist, and what areas students are struggling with. The Chinese teachers are encouraged to use the results from the assessments to drive their instruction. These tests are definitely a win-win for CI at WKU, as seen by the commitments of massive student participations and the school administrators support. The YCT assessments inspire the Hanban Chinese teachers and the CI at WKU staff to ask these challenging questions: Are we teaching what we think we are teaching? Are students learning what they are supposed to be learning? Is there a way to teach the Chinese language better, thereby promoting better learning? Through the analysis and reflection of these assessments results, the CI at WKU hopes to continue to provide the students in Kentucky with the Chinese language skills that will allow them to face a world that is continually changing, successfully. 中小学生汉语水平考试 : 近几年, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院发展的重点集中在增加学生数量和扩大项目整体规模上 目前已有超过 16297 名学生成为注册学员 更为重要的是, 西肯孔院要确保学生们不仅只是接触中国语言知识和文化, 更能学以致用 汉语能力水平测试是评估学生熟练程度的重要方法 中小学生汉语水平考试 (YCT) 是一项国际汉语能力标准化考试, 考查汉语非第一语言的中小学生在日常生活和学习中运用汉语的能力 它包括两个相互独立的部分, 笔试和口试 2014 年, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院共有 2947 名学生参加考试, 通过率为 16.49% 2015 年, 西肯孔院共有 3,686 名学生参加了 YCT 考试, 其中 1,446 名考生通过考试, 通过率为 39.23% 依托 2014 年和 2015 年的成果, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院努力开展教师专业技能培训, 帮助教师制定合理的教学计划, 提高课程开发能力, 进而提高学生的学习效率 2016 年, 共有 3,293 名学生参加了 YCT 考试,1,832 名学生通过考试, 通过率上升到 55.63% 国家汉办/ 孔子学院总部汉考国际总经理李佩泽先生表示,2016 年, 全球共有超过 580,000 人参加 YCT / HSK / BCT 评估测试, 其中 14,360 人来自美国, 西肯孔院占美国考生的 22.9% 因此, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院工作的主要重点仍是继续发展教师专业技能培训, 旨在提高考生的考试通过率 从 11 月至 12 月, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院再次增加了 1,010 名学生参加 YCT 考试,YCT 一级考试的总体通过率为 86.53%,YCT 二级考试的总体通过率为 95 % 年度报告请见下表: 肯州中小学管理委员会全力支持这项基于教学研究的测试 它们被学校管理中心视为衡量学生进步的总结性评估 考试结果也是一个非常好的参考依据, 能够帮助老师们了解学生的不同水平以及学生在哪些方面仍然存在问题, 鼓励汉语教师使用考试结果来进一步提高他们的教学水平 汉语水平考试绝对是西肯塔基大学孔子学院的优势项目, 这点从参加考试学生人数之多和学校领导的大力支持就可以看出 YCT 汉语水平考试促使西肯塔基大学孔子学院汉语教师和工作人员提出这些具有挑战性的问题 : 老师的教学是否为有效教学? 学生是否掌握应该学习的内容? 有什么方法能更好地教中文, 从而促进学生更好地学习? 通过对这些考试结果的分析和反思, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院希望继续为肯塔基州的学生提供更好的学习汉语的机会, 帮助他们在不断变化的全球竞争中取得成功 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 9

Chinese Exhibition Center Established on May 20, 2011, the Chinese Exhibition Center (formerly known as the Chinese Learning Center) has a vision of experiencing the Chinese culture without leaving Kentucky. Strategically located at the entrance to the Helm Library, the CEC takes up an area of over 651 square meters (7,000 square feet) and contains seven touch screen videos highlighting Ancient Chinese Science & Technology, Chinese Characters, Famous Philosophers, Paper Cutting, Chinese Musical Instruments, Kong Fu, and Chinese Cities. The Chinese Learning Center fulfills many aspects of the CI at WKU programming. First, with the faculty, staff, and students located on campus, the CEC has proven to provide programming interesting to the campus constituents. This past year, more than 15 programs took place ranging from Moon Festival Celebrations, Peking Opera lectures, Tai Chi demonstrations, and many students focused gatherings. Second, many of our partnering school systems work with us to set up tours to the CEC for their students. Each semester more than 10 schools work with us to bring in more than 700 1,000 students per semester. Here they not only tour the CEC, but participate in activities focused on the Chinese culture and language. 10 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 Presently, the CEC is undergoing a renovation for the first time in five years. It has undergone a new look, and consist of five sections separated by storytelling screens. They include: Education This section will provide history on the philosophers engaged in the academic discipline in China. In addition, the CI has been able to accumulate over 800 volumes of books, updated and displayed with seating areas for those interested in reading and studying in the CLC. Traditional Chinese Music This section, dedicated to Chinese musical instruments. Here we display our newest percussion instrument the Bianzhong, along with Cymbal, Gong, and Temple blocks. Our multiple sting instruments include Guzheng, Erhu, Horsehead fiddle, and Sanxian. Our wind instruments include the Bamboo Flute, Hulusi, Xiao, and Sheng. Traditional Chinese Medicine This section focuses on sharing traditional medical techniques, and displays through our partnership with Xiyuan Hospital of Medical Sciences. This includes a Bronze Statute for acupuncture, Herbs, root, and massage therapy. Modern China This section will educate those on how China has progressed over the decades and display the modern eras from transportation, textile, Philosophy, and architecture.

Other items include: lion regalia, Games, Bamboo, Bronze, Porcelain, Calligraphy, and Furniture. Thanks to the contributions from the WKU community, as well as around the world, several revolving stations located in the CEC to exhibit the gems of the Chinese culture. Over the past five years, the CEC is constantly enriched and expanding with Chinese artifacts and folk arts. In past years, Mr. Ma Chengguo donated 50,000RMB in musical instruments to enhance the collection at the CEC. Mr. Ma has also agreed to provide 50,000RMB for the next four years to provide more artifacts to keep the CEC fresh and exciting. Since its inception, more than 80,000 individuals have toured the CEC, and more than 15,000 students from K-12, University, and community individuals visit our CEC each year. 历史文化 该区将展示中国各大哲学家 思想家从事学术活动的历史 此外, 西肯孔院将收藏的 800 多册中文图书设立图书角, 全部开架展出, 让学生们在琴棋书画氛围的熏陶下, 感受中国文化之美 中国乐器 这一区域用来展示传统乐器, 包括新进的敲击乐器编钟 铜钹 铜锣和木鱼 ; 拉弦乐器有古筝 二胡 马头琴和三弦等 ; 管风乐器有竹笛 葫芦丝 苼和箫等 中医药 该区由西肯孔院与北京西苑中医院合作开展, 专注于中医文化的推广, 并展示了针灸铜人像 草药 食疗和按摩疗法等 现代中国 该区展示中国在交通 服饰和建筑等方面从传统到现代的演变进化. 舞狮 棋牌 竹器 青铜器 文房四宝和古董家具等展品, 更增添了中华文化展示中心的中国特色 感谢来自西肯校园社区以及世界各地的捐赠, 过去五年间, 中华文化展示中心的民间艺术和手工艺品的收藏不断丰富和壮大 : 马成果先生捐赠了 50,000 人民币用于购买中国乐器, 并将在未来的四年里继续资助更多的传统工艺品以保证展示中心不断更新 自开放以来, 平均有 15,000 名以上的中小学生 大学生和社区各界人士来参观学习, 总人数已超过 80,000, 为传播中华文化做出了极大的贡献 西肯孔院的中华文化展示中心 : 中华文化展示中心 ( 即以前的中国文化体验中心 ) 成立于 2011 年 5 月 20 日, 着眼于 不出肯塔基就能体验中国文化 的构想 中华文化展示中心 (CEC) 策略性地坐落于赫尔姆图书馆的入口大厅, 占地面积超过 651 平方米 (7,000 平方英尺 ), 配备 7 个触摸屏, 用于播放中国古代科学与技术 汉字 著名哲学家 剪纸艺术 中国乐器 功夫和中国著名城市的视频 中华文化展示中心履行着西肯孔院规划的诸多职责 首先,CEC 已经为校园内的教职工和学生们举办包括 庆中秋 京剧讲座 太极功夫秀 在内的各种文化活动, 以及其它以学生为中心的聚会 其次, 许多和孔院合作的学区都会安排学生来 CEC 参观 这里每学期都会接待来自 10 多所学校, 多达 700 1,000 人以上的学生参观团 各学校师生不仅前来参观 CEC, 还积极参加围绕中国语言和文化开展的各项活动 目前,CEC 正在经历五年来的首次翻修, 整个展厅将呈现出一个新的面貌 它包括以下四个区域, 每个区域用带故事的屏风隔开 这四大区是 : CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 11

Model Confucius Institute at WKU In December 2013, the CI at WKU began the application process to be designated as a Model CI. A Model CI is more than a program. It is a CI program that is focused, diligent, progressive, and one that has a track record of cutting edge ideas and programming. A Model CI is the future of the Chinese language and culture programming. With the development of the Chinese Major/Minor program, the Chinese Flagship program, Asian Studies program, and the 1 + 2 MAT program, the Chinese language and culture is engrained in WKU, and will be for years to come. The funding for the Model CI was up to $2.8 million for the renovation of an existing building on a university campus used to house the CI staff and provide classroom space for its programming. To be considered, a CI needed to submit an 88-page demonstrating why they should be designated as a Model CI. With over 500 Confucius Institute s worldwide, many CI s were vying for the distinction of a Model CI. During the 9th Annual Global Confucius Institute Headquarters Meeting in Shanghai, China, the announcement was made, selecting the CI at WKU as one of two U.S. CI s to be designated as a Model CI (University of Nebraska-Lincolon was the other). While the CI at WKU has only existed for five years, some of the reasons the CI at WKU was granted the designation is as follows: Increased from 11 Chinese Hanban teachers to 43 teachers (291% Increase); Increased the number of school districts from 4 to 22 (450% Increase); The number of students registered in the program has increased from 1,600 to over 16,296 (919% Increase). The building was completed in August 2016, and consists of three offices for some of the CI staff. There are three classroom spaces, two of which are equipped with Interactive Video Conferencing (IVS) rooms. There is one space, which consists of a Demonstration Kitchen which is designed for faculty, staff, and students to learn more about Chinese cooking techniques and cuisines. The theme of this building is displayed on the fourcharacter idiom in the lobby area to introduce the history of this building and blended with the concept of, it takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred years to rear people for our Chinese language program. Thus, sharing the full story would really engage and educate those who enter the Model CI building. In addition, two individuals have been instrumental in the development of this program are Dr. Gary A. Ransdell and Madame Xu Lin, because they have revolutionized the CI program and took the CI at WKU program to another level. Displayed in the foyer, is a picture showing the logos of over 500 Universities who participate in the CI program, to demonstrate the CI at WKU is one of a big family of CI s around the world. The entire learning environment for the main hall is enriched by the solid rosewood furniture, moon gate, screen, calligraphy, painting, antique and lighting with green plant to reflect the traditional Chinese charm and also have a modern design. The plaque of the Chinese Learning Center in Chinese is placed on the top of the moon gate to encourage students to study assiduously and perseveringly. The development and accomplishment events for CI at WKU between 2011 and 2016 are posted on the right side of moon gate. The CI annual booklet, Confucius China Study Program reports, Chinese Art Exhibition booklet and others 12 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

are displayed on the antique-and-curio shelves. Last, but not least, on the left side of the building, is a Chinese Friendship Garden: Xiu Lin Yuan, which is supported with funds donated by community. They have provided $250,000 for the following: $50,000 toward the building of a Chinese Friendship Garden; $25,000 toward sending WKU students to China; $175,000 toward an interest bearing endowment to be used to support the ongoing operations of the Confucius Institute. The Chinese term for landscape is shan shui, literally mountains and water. Water is the yin, the calm, nurturing, yielding element; mountains are the complementary yang, vertical and powerful. The garden is completed with a soft planting representing water, its spiritual heart, and marked with five monumental stones. These boulders serve as nature s statuary, evoking the awe of ancient mountains, seeming at once solid and transparent, suggesting faces, animals or spiritual forces. These boulders represent the five sacred mountains in China: Bei Heng Shan - Permanent Mountain; Tai Shan - Tranquil Mountain; Song Shan - Lofty Mountain; Hua Shan - Splendid Mountain; and Nan Heng Shan - Balancing Mountain This is the first model CI building built in the north American. The building will provide the classroom for all classes at WKU and plans to host special events such as Chinese teacher training classes, cooking contest, Chinese bridge contest, and festival events. 示范孔子学院 : 2013 年 12 月, 西肯孔院开始示范孔子学院的申请工作 全球共有 500 多所孔院, 每所参与竞选的孔院需要递交一份详细的申请计划书, 力争夺得示范孔院的殊荣 基于西肯塔基大学中文专业 / 中文辅修, 中文领航, 亚洲研究,1+2 教育硕士 (MAT) 等项目的发展, 中国语言和文化已经深深地植根于西肯校园 西肯孔院以中国语言和文化传播为申请示范孔院的优势项目, 具有强大的竞争力, 在 2015 年 12 月第九届全球孔子学院大会上, 荣幸当选为美国的两所示范孔院之一 ( 另一所是内布拉斯加 - 林肯大学 ), 由副总理刘延东亲自颁发荣誉证书, 这不仅仅是一项荣誉, 更多的是对西肯孔院多年来的专注 勤奋 进步 创新意识和长远规划的一种肯定 虽说西肯孔院只有五年的历史, 以下所列的各种成绩让西肯孔院的当选当之无愧 : 汉办汉语教师由 11 位增至 43 位 (291% 的增长 ) 开设汉语的学区数由 4 个增至 22 个 (450% 的增长 ) 注册学习汉语的人数由 1,600 名增至 16,296 名 (919% 的增长 ) 西肯示范孔院利用获得及自筹的资金共计 2,800,000 美元, 于 2016 年 8 月竣工了北美第一所示范孔院新楼并翻修了大学校园里的中华文化展示中心 新楼有三间办公室供孔院员工办公, 另外, 有三间大教室, 其中两间可进行互动视频会议 (IVS); 还有一间教学演示厨房, 可供教职员工和学生学习中国烹饪技巧和了解中华美食文化 这幢大楼的主题体现在大厅里的四字格赋文上 这篇赋文介绍了西肯孔院发展的历史, 也融入了中文项目十年树木 百年树人的理念 因此, 分享这样的故事, 会吸引每个进入示范孔院大楼的人并给他们以启迪 另外, 西肯孔院能发展到今天的规模, 有两位人士功不可没 : 盖瑞 兰斯戴尔博士和许琳女士, 在他们的全力支持下, 西肯孔院步入了一个新的发展纪元 走廊左侧的图片展示着全球 500 多所孔院的标识, 表明西肯孔院是孔子学院大家庭的一员, 愿意和其他孔院分享经验并积极学习他人所长 主厅的整体学习氛围通过红木家具 月亮门 大屏幕 书法 绘画 古董 各型灯具 配上绿色盆栽得以折射出中国传统文化的魅力 中文学习中心的牌匾置于月亮门的上端, 取名为 勤耕楼, 寓以鼓励中文学习者勤奋学习, 持之以恒 月亮门的右侧, 西肯孔院 2011 至 2016 年的发展和成就赫然板上 古董架上, 陈列着西肯孔院年度手册 孔院新汉学计划项目成果报告, 西肯孔院特聘艺术家院藏手册和其他的各种成果的文件材料 在大楼外边的左侧, 是中国特色的花园取名为 秀林苑, 取秀美葱郁的园林之意 这座花园由社区居民捐款修建, 全部的 250,000 美元用于以下的事业 : 50,000 美元用于修建 秀林苑 ; 25,000 美元资助西肯大学生去中国留学 ; 175,000 美元的赠款, 其产生的利息将用于支持孔院的运营 中国风景讲求风水, 强调山水配合的重要性 水为 阴, 代表平和 滋养和柔顺 ; 山为 阳, 代表着直立和强劲 花园种上了各种花草, 代表着水, 并点缀了五块巨石于其间, 代表着中国的五岳, 引发人们对古代名山的景仰 : 北岳恒山的持之以恒 东岳泰山的安之若泰 中岳嵩山的崇高巍峨 西岳华山的壮丽秀美 南岳衡山的平衡中庸 征着不同的精神力量 这是建于北美的第一座示范孔院大楼 新楼可为西肯的所有课程提供教室, 也可用于一些特别的场合, 比如中文教师培训 厨艺比赛, 汉语桥大赛和重大节日庆祝等 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 13

Chinese Cultural Experience individuals in China. The article reached Hanban, specifically Madame Xu Lin (Director General of Hanban/Confucius institute Headquarters), who invited Mr. Cohron to deliver a speech in Shanghai, China at the 9 th Global Confucius Institute Conference, which was attended by over 4,000 individuals. The CI at WKU views the success of the unit as a win-win for all those involved, and is continuing to be a very vital program for the CI at WKU. Kentucky is a very big state with over 173 K-12 school districts, with more than 1,228 schools, and over 655,470 students in public schools throughout the state. This is a vast landscape to cover, as the Confucius Institute at WKU tries to expand its services. So, with the CI at WKU located in Bowling Green, KY, the further away from its home base, how do we bring our program to them. Thus, in September 2013, the Chinese Cultural Experience, was unveiled. Over the past three years, the Chinese Cultural Experience has visited more than 200 sites, and more than 70,000 individuals have visited the mobile unit. The Chinese Cultural Experience, is a 40 x 13 x 10 (ft.) mobile home that has been converted to a Chinese museum on wheels. Inside the CI mobile unit, it is divided into 6 compartments, including Musical Instruments, Chinese inventions, Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Medicine, Games, and Costumes. The fundamental purpose of the Confucius Institute mobile unit The Chinese Cultural Experience was to establish a new innovative and economic way to present our program strategically throughout the state of Kentucky to promote the Chinese language and culture. In September 2015, during our Volunteer In-Service Training, reporters from China came to the U.S. to cover the conference. During the conference, the mobile unit was set up for viewing by those in attendance. The reporters made their way onto the mobile unit, and was instantly amazed by what they saw aboard the unit. However, it was not only what they saw that amazed them, but hearing first-hand how the mobile is being used to share the Chinese culture and language to the students in Kentucky. Mr. Martin Cohron ( 孔茂庭 )who is not only the driver of the unit, but the coordinator of the unit. He gave them a tour of the mobile, and was able to articulate with passion the mission and purpose of the mobile unit. He stated that the mobile unit was his BABY, which touched the reporters who wrote three articles, which were published on October 12, 2015, and read by more than 300 million 中国文化体验车肯塔基州是一个相对较大的州, 全州中小学的学区有 173 个, 拥有学校 1,228 所 在校学生人数 655,470 以上 西肯孔院想要为这些学校和学生服务, 但苦于肯州覆盖面太大, 而西肯孔院坐落在肯州的鲍灵格林市, 对于离孔院偏远的区域, 我们该如何宣传孔院项目呢? 于是,2013 年 9 月, 中国文化体验车 应运而生 在过去的三年里, 体验车 到访了 200 多个地点,70,000 以上的人士参观了这个移动教室 中国文化移动体验车 长 40 英尺, 宽 13 英尺, 高 10 英尺, 由一辆房车改装而成, 是一个车轮上的中国博物馆 孔院移动体验车里划分了 6 个区, 分别是 : 乐器 中国古代发明 书法 中药 棋牌和服饰 孔院移动教室 中国文化移动体验车 旨在开创一种新颖且经济的方式在肯州战略性地开展孔院项目并推广中国语言和文化 2015 年 10 月, 西肯孔院举办了 汉语教师志愿者岗中培训, 人民日报社和新华社的记者们来到美国, 专程报道这次培训大会 大会期间, 移动文化体验车开到会场供与会者参观 记者们踏进了移动教室, 立刻被车上的展品深深吸引 然而, 吸引记者的不仅有他们的亲眼所见, 更有他们亲耳听到的关于移动文化体验车开到肯州各地向当地学生分享中国文化和语言的故事 马丁 科伦先生 ( 中文名孔茂庭 ) 既是移动体验车的司机, 也是讲解员 他带领记者们上车参观, 热情地讲解移动教室的使命和具体目标, 他说移动车就是他的 宝宝 一席讲解深深感动了人民网记者记者, 他们连夜写了三篇文章并于 2015 年 10 月发表, 三亿多中国读者看到了相关报道 文章传到了汉办, 尤其是许琳女士的案头 此后, 她专程邀请孔茂庭先生参加在上海举行的第九届全球孔子学院大会并向 4,000 多与会者做专题演讲 西肯孔院把移动文化体验车的成功视作合作各方间的共赢, 它也将继续成为西肯孔院项目的关键部分 14 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

Confucius Classrooms A Confucius Classroom is a dedicated room within an organization for the dissemination of the Chinese culture and language. While it is used to support the current language and culture classes, it is also intended to reach beyond the classroom, and engage the communities in which they reside. In September 2013, the CI at WKU opened the first affiliated Confucius Classrooms in the state of Kentucky, by partnering with Franklin/Simpson Schools, Barren County, and the Housing Authority of Bowling Green. In fact, Franklin/Simpson has purchased the Beasley House, which is a home that the CI at WKU teachers live, and is the home of their Confucius Classroom. They constructed a Chinese Friendship Garden, which held its dedication on October 20, 2015, in Franklin, KY. In, September 2014, an additional eight affiliated Confucius Classrooms were opened up at Hardin County, Owensboro/Daviess County, St. Francis Elementary/Middle (Goshen, KY), St. Francis High School (Louisville), Logan County High School, Gatton Academy, Cloverport City, and Bowling Green Independent Schools. Each of the classrooms share a special focus, such as Owensboro/Daviess County is specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In fact, Dr. Gene Tice, of Owensboro/Daviess County Confucius Classroom is spearheading this project, and took a trip to China in the summer of 2015 to get more insight into Traditional Chinese Medicine, and seeks to identify potential partnerships with Owensboro Regional Health. In 2015, the CI at WKU added an additional four Confucius Classrooms joined the CI family. These new classrooms are located in Butler County Schools, Boyle County Schools, Trinity High School (Archdioceses of Louisville), and Field Elementary (Jefferson County Public School). In addition, plans are underway to add 10 additional Confucius Classrooms in 2017. 孔子课堂 : 孔子课堂是依附于孔子学院的特色教学点, 用于传播中华语言和文化 孔子课堂不仅用于支持当前的语言和文化教学, 更延伸到课堂之外, 深入到各个社区当中 2013 年 9 月, 西肯孔院在肯州开办了第一批下属孔子课堂, 分别设在富兰克林 / 辛普森学区, 巴伦县, 鲍灵格林房管局 富兰克林 / 辛普森学区还购置了 比斯利之家, 专门用于西肯孔院汉语教师居住之用, 并将居室外一些大的房间用作孔子课堂的教室, 开展中华文化活动 另于 2015 年建成 中华友谊花园, 并举行了开幕典礼 2014 年 9 月, 又有 8 所下属孔子课堂成立, 分别设在 : 哈定县 欧文斯伯勒 / 戴维斯县 圣弗朗西斯小学 / 初中 ( 戈森县 ) 圣弗朗西斯高中( 路易斯维尔市 ) 楼根县高中 盖顿数理高中 克拉夫波特市和鲍灵格林独立学区 每所孔子课堂都确定一个特别的主题, 比如欧文斯伯勒 / 戴维斯县定位在中医中药 事实上, 该项目由孔子课堂负责人吉恩 泰斯博士创办, 泰斯博士于 2015 年夏天到访中国, 并对中医中药有了更深刻的理解 目前他正在积极寻求和欧文斯伯勒地区保健中心的合作来推广中医中药 2015 年, 西肯孔院再添四所孔子课堂 这四所课堂分布于巴特勒县学区 波义耳县学区 圣三一高中 ( 路易斯维尔大主教管区 ) 和菲尔德小学 ( 杰弗逊县公立学校 ) 此外, 我们计划在 2017 年再申请 10 所孔子课堂 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 15

2016 Confucius Institute Day Events September 28 was officially announced as Confucius Institute Day On September 28, 2013 by the Kentucky representative, executor of Warren County, and mayor of Bowling Green on the opening ceremony of first American Confucius Institute Joint Conference hosted by the Confucius Institute (CI) at Western Kentucky University (WKU). Since then, CI at WKU has organized a series of rich and colorful cultural activities to celebrate the Confucius Institute Day every August and September for the purposes of better catering to the needs of teachers, students and other local people in Kentucky. Through these activities, our constituents have a better understanding of these Chinese language and culture, and enhancing the solidarity and unity of the Confucius Institute. CI at WKU has accumulated rich experiences from the celebrations held in the previous three years. Early in December 2015, it had made plans for the 2016 Confucius Institute Day celebrations and got all related staff prepared. In August, the celebration was officially unveiled. 1. The Confucius Mobile Kitchen was unveiled On August 20, eleven teachers from CI at WKU took part in the Multicultural Festival celebration in Owensboro. Two booths were set up by CI at WKU displaying Chinese calligraphy, lanterns, Chinese zodiac, an information table and Chinese games attracted around 2,500 people in attendance. The Chinese food truck was onsite to the venue, which, making its American debut for the cultural festival. 2. CI at WKU held annual Welcome Reception for the Chinese language teachers On August 23, President and Mrs. Ransdell held a Welcome Reception for the CI teachers at his residence. On behalf of the CI at WKU, Dr. Ransdell welcomed the 43 teachers. Also in attendance was more than 100 guests, including the WKU Provost/ VP of Academic Affairs, department heads, deans, Superintendents, school principals, and host families in the school district. The CI at WKU has established cooperative relationships with 43 schools in 20 school districts, and more than 16,297 registered students. In his address, Dr. Ransdell highly praised the work done by Chinese language teachers and thanked them for their efforts to enable Kentucky students to be competitive in today s globalized society. He also expressed gratitude for the support of the Superintends, principals, regional coordinators, and homestay families. 16 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

3. CI at WKU attends the largest cultural festival in Kentucky On September 2, 3, 2016, CI at WKU had 25 teachers volunteer to attend the 14th WorldFest in Louisville, a gathering of more than 100,000 visitors. The festival took place in downtown Louisville, along the beautiful Ohio river, the CI at WKU built a 30 ft X 30 ft tent with 25 booths, in which to exhibit a variety of Chinese culture elements (Chinese traditional clothing, calligraphy, painting, zodiac games, chopsticks demonstration, Tai Chi, shuttlecock, Diabolo, Papercutting, Paper-folding, Chinese chess, Go, Checkers, Mahjong, Tea ceremony, Kung Fu). Throughout the weekend, the CI at WKU booths had a continuous stream of visitors with more than 10,000 people per day. 4. Third Annual Louisville Dragon Boat Festival On September 10, CI at WKU participated the 3 rd Annual Louisville Dragon Boat Festival and won the championship for the second straight year. In addition, St Francis Confucius Classroom affiliated to the CI at WKU came in 1 st place among high school teams. The CI at WKU also set up 20 booths, had the Chinese Cultural Experience Mobile and Confucius Mobile Kitchen onsite, and invited the Amazing China Troupe. The troupe performed face-changing, magic, and the Monkey King, and more. In all, more than 5,000 local people were in attendance, and were crowded around the CI at WKU booths. 5. CI at WKU celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival on campus in partnership with the Department of Modern Language, the Chinese Flagship Program and the WKU Library On September 12, CI at WKU celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival together with the Department of Modern Languages (Chinese Program), the Chinese Flagship Program and the WKU Library. CI at WKU carried out various activities, including a lecture about the history, purpose, and current customs around the Moon Festival. In addition, two exhibition stands were set up at the entrance into the library, exhibiting the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival delicacy and the angelic tale of Chang Er Flying to the Moon. Nearly one thousand students visited and learned about the Moon Festival. 6. Amazing China Art Troupe Performed in Local Primary and Middle Schools Between September 12-16, the CI at WKU invited the Chinese traditional art troupe from New York to give wonderful performances, including Chinese opera and magic, for 10 primary and middle schools in Adair County, Metcalf County, Meade County, Warren County, Simpson County, Hardin County, and Jefferson County schools, in a bid to greet to share the 2016 Confucius Institute Day events. The performances achieved great success, with a total of more than 7,000 students, teachers, and community residents witnessed the performances. The students and teachers expressed sincere gratitude to CI at WKU for the visual display of the traditional Chinese culture. 7. Bowling Green International Festival Ended the Confucius Day Celebration On September 24 marked the climatic end to the series of Confucius Institute Day activities. Various kinds of Chinese culture elements were exhibited to local people through Chinese Cultural Experience Mobile, Confucius Mobile Kitchen and a 30 ft*30 ft tent. Of the 15 booths on display, with over 15 volunteers were involved. More than 15,000 visitors were attracted to the International Culture Festival held in Circus Square Park in Bowling Green. The International Culture Festival has been served as a significant stage for different cultures of various nationalities in Bowling Green, and a large number of visitors attended to understand and experience the variety of cultures in the Bowling Green area. Local news media in the United States, such as Bowling Green Daily, Messenger Inquirer, Louisville Courier Journal, Franklin Favorite, Western Kentucky University News covered the many activities including interviews and reports, which greatly spread the influence of the Confucius Institute in Kentucky. They also represent the great success with fruitful results of the cooperative relationships between between the Confucius Institute at WKU, Hanban/CI Headquarters, Western Kentucky University, and North China Electric Power University. The CI at WKU has now become an important window for the friendship and cultural exchange between China and America. The series of activities to celebrate the Confucius Institute Day, which have promoted the understanding and passion on the Chinese culture. CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 17

西肯塔基大学孔子学院 2016 年." 孔子学院日 " 活动 2013 年 9 月 28 日, 在西肯塔基大学孔子学院主办的美国首届美国孔子学院联席会议开幕式上, 肯塔基州众议员 沃伦县执行法官和鲍灵格林市长正式宣布将每年的 9 月 28 日定为 " 孔子学院日 " 此后每年的八九月期间, 为了更好地满足汉语教师和学生的需求, 服务当地的肯塔基人民, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院都会组织一系列丰富多彩的文化活动来庆祝 " 孔子学院日 " 通过这些活动, 当地的市民对中国语言和文化有了更深入的了解, 促进了孔子学院与当地社区的融合 西肯塔基大学孔子学院在这三年的庆祝活动中积累了丰富的经验 2015 年 12 月初, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院相关工作人员共同参与制定了 2016 年孔子学院日庆祝计划 2016 年 8 月庆祝活动正式启动 1. 孔子学院移动餐车启用 8 月 20 日, 来自西肯塔基大学孔子学院的 11 位老师参加了在欧文斯伯勒举行的多元文化节庆祝活动 西肯塔基大学孔子学院在活动现场设置了 2 个展位, 展示中国的书法 灯笼 生肖以及中国传统游戏, 大约有 2500 人参观体验 中华美食餐车首次在文化节亮相 2. 西肯塔基大学孔子学院举办年度汉语教师欢迎活动 8 月 23 日, 西肯塔基大学校长 Dr. Ransdell 及夫人在其官邸举办了欢迎汉语教师的庆祝活动 校长代表西肯塔基孔子学院欢迎 43 名汉语教师的到来 一同出席欢迎活动的还包括西肯塔基大学负责学术事务的副校长 / 教务长, 部分学院领导 院长, 以及来自各个学区的教育局长 中小学校长和汉语教师接待家庭等 100 多位嘉宾 截止到 2016 年 8 月, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院已经与 20 个学区的 43 所学校建立了合作关系, 汉语课注册的学生达到 16297 名 在校长 Dr. Ransdell 的致辞中, 他高度赞扬了汉语教师的辛勤工作, 并感谢他们为提升肯塔基学生国际竞争力所做的贡献 他还对学区教育局长 中小学校长 项目协调员以及接待家庭对汉语教学项目的支持表示了感谢 3. 西肯塔基大学孔子学院参加肯塔基州规模最大的文化节 9 月 2 日 -3 日, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院的 25 名汉语教师志愿参加了在路易斯维尔市举办的第 14 届世界文化节活动, 有超过 10 万人参与 该文化节在位于俄亥俄河河边的路易斯维尔市市中心举办 孔子学院在活动现场布置了 25 个展位, 向到访的群众介绍了丰富的中国文化元素 ( 包括中国传统服饰 书法 国画 生肖游戏 筷子 太极拳 空竹 剪纸 中国象棋 围棋 跳棋 麻将 茶艺展示 功夫等 ) 整个周末, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院的展位前参观的群众络绎不绝, 平均每天的到访群众超过 1 万人 18 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

4. 第三届路易斯维尔龙舟节 9 月 10 日, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院参加了第三届路易斯维尔龙舟节, 并成功卫冕 此外, 隶属于孔子学院的圣弗朗西斯孔子课堂首次参加龙舟节, 并获得了高中组的第一名 西肯塔基大学孔子学院在活动现场布置了 20 个展位, 并将中华文化移动体验车和中华美食移动车带到了现场 此外, 受孔子学院邀请的 魅力中国 演出团在现场表演了变脸 魔术 京剧 美猴王 等节目 活动期间, 孔子学院的展位前前来体验学习的群众络绎不绝, 总共有超过 5000 名当地群众参与了体验活动 5. 联合现代语言系 中文旗舰项目以及西肯塔基大学图书馆共同举办中秋庆祝活动 9 月 12 日, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院联合现代语言系 中文旗舰项目以及西肯塔基大学图书馆共同举办中秋庆祝活动 孔子学院不仅组织了多种形式的庆祝活动, 还举办了关于中秋节讲座, 讲述了中秋的起源 意义以及相关的习俗 此外, 在图书馆的入口处还设置了两个展位, 展示了中秋节的美食和嫦娥奔月的神话传说 近一千名学生参观学习了 中秋节 的相关文化活动 6. 魅力中国 艺术团在中小学巡演 9 月 12 日 -16 日, 作为 2016 年孔子学院日庆祝活动的重要组成部分, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院邀请纽约的中国传统艺术表演团给多个学区共 10 所中小学的学生带去了精彩的演出 演出活动取得了巨大的成功, 有超过 7000 多名学生 老师和社区群众观看了表演 观看演出的师生们对西肯塔基大学孔子学院表达了由衷的谢意, 感谢他们带来的这场中国传统文化视觉盛宴 7. 2016 孔子学院日庆祝活动在鲍灵格林国际文化节上完美落幕 9 月 24 日鲍灵格林市国际文化节是 2016 年孔子学院日系列庆祝活动的尾声 在中华文化移动体验车 中华美食餐车以及近 1000 平方英尺的展位上, 来自西肯塔基大学孔子学院的十几名汉语老师通过 15 个展台, 向当地群众展示了各种各样的中国文化元素 在鲍灵格林圆形广场公园举办的这场国际文化节共吸引了 1 万 5000 多名游客 国际文化节一直是鲍灵格林地区不同国家和民族展示不同文化的一个重要舞台, 每年都吸引大批周边地区的游客前来感受和体验异域文化 美国当地新闻媒体, 如 鲍灵格林日报 信使调查报 路易斯维尔通讯 Franklin Favorite 西肯塔基大学新闻 等, 对以上孔子学院日系列活动进行了专题采访和报道, 大大提高了孔子学院在美国的影响力 这也是对西肯塔基大学孔子学院 中国国家汉办 西肯塔基大学和华北电力大学多方合作所取得的丰硕成果的全方位展示 西肯塔基大学孔子学院目前已经成为中美友谊和文化交流的重要窗口, 孔子学院日系列活动的举办更增加了美国当地民众对中国文化的了解和喜爱, 树立了孔子学院在美国的品牌形象 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 19

The Confucius Mobile Kitchen The Confucius Institute at WKU is very progressive in its pursuit to expose as many individuals throughout the state of Kentucky to the Chinese language and culture. The institute seeks new and exciting ways to not only engage the students, but the community at large, faculty, and staff it serves. Presently, many affiliated Confucius Classrooms within the state offer Chinese cooking classes, which, has been well received within these communities. In addition, the new Model CI building has a fully equipped demonstration kitchen. With these two programs and equipment, the Confucius Mobile Kitchen concept was spawned. The unit is a 2015 concession trailer, which is 16 ft. in length, and 8.5 ft. in width, and is fully equipped with a refrigerator, freezer, sinks, gas grill, gas stove, fryers, and gas burners. The unit is designed to educate and expose individuals on the various Chinese cuisines. The project is two-fold. First, the CI at WKU seeks to engage students/faculty/staff from both the business and hospitality programs, who will be responsible for developing the business model, marketing, scheduling, recipe development, and food preparation. The group will travel to local area businesses, festivals, schools, and community events to sell food and raise money. The funds earned will go to supporting the mobile kitchen, and send the core group of students/faculty/staff to China and develop their understanding of the different Chinese cuisines. Second, located within the Model CI building, there is a state-of-the-art kitchen, dedicated to teaching individuals how to prepare, and cook traditional Chinese meals. The kitchen will be used as the test kitchen for the students and community members to perfect their recipes, and then execute them for the community through the mobile kitchen. It is also another way to engage the WKU campus community on how to prepare traditional Chinese cooking. In conclusion, this is another way to engage the communities in which the program resides, and what better way to connect and share culture, than through food. The Confucius Mobile Kitchen has been well received and will continue to be an intriguing program within the CI at WKU. 中华厨艺展示车 : 西肯孔院不断寻找新颖的途径, 目标人群不仅有学生, 还包括整个社区居民 目前, 州内很多的下属孔子课堂开设了中国烹饪课, 在社区民众中反响很好 另外, 新建的示范孔院大楼有一个配备齐全的 演示厨房, 紧随这两个项目的开展, 孔院移动厨房 的概念应运而生 中华厨艺展示车由一辆房车改装而成, 长 16 英尺, 宽 8.5 英尺, 车上冰箱 冰柜 水槽 煤气架 煤气灶 煎锅和煤气炉一应俱全 该移动厨房的设计是为了让更多人可以学习和感受各种中华美食 这个项目从以下两个方面开展 首先, 西肯孔院力争与餐饮服务专业的教职员工和学生合作, 由他们负责开发商业模式 进行营销 安排行程 研发食谱并制备食品 团队可以把移动厨房开到各地参加商业庆典 重大节日庆祝 学校以及社区的重大活动, 售卖中华美食并筹集资金 所筹款项将用于支持中华厨艺展示车, 组织核心教职员工和学生到中国学习, 增强他们对中华美食文化的理解 其次, 在示范孔院大楼内, 有一个设备一流的厨房, 用于教授学生如何准备和烹饪中华传统美食 这个厨房可用作学生和社区民众的实验厨房来尝试中华美食的制作, 继而通过厨艺展示车向社区展示舌尖上的美食 这是西肯校园社区学习制作中华美食的又一途径 总之, 中华厨艺展示车是孔院项目直接接触社区居民的另一途径, 一种通过美食来联系和分享文化的更佳方法 中华厨艺展示车已经广受民众喜爱, 也将继续成为西肯孔院项目的重要组成部分 20 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

Coordination and Arrangement of Performance Tours Amazing China Performances Over the past six years, the Confucius Institute at WKU has arranged and organized a number of large-scale, and small-scale performances. In February 2011, the CI at WKU held its inaugural community performance in the Downing University Center on the campus of WKU, were it partnered with Xiamen University who sent an art troupe who performed in front of over 350 WKU faculty, staff and students at WKU. That same year in May 2011, the CI at WKU partnered with Pfeifer University and North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) who sent small-scale performances for the grand opening of the Chinese Learning Center. In 2012, to celebrate the year of the Dragon, the CI at WKU partnered with Hubei University s Dragon and Lion Dance troupe who performed in front of 550 WKU faculty, staff, students, and community members. Nine of the local schools participated and brought over 358 students. 2013 marked a poignant step in the right direction towards WKU s mission of A Leading American University with International Reach. The Confucius Institute at WKU organized and led the WKU Symphony Orchestra to China (78 faculty, staff, and students), and performed at four Chinese Universities in Beijing and Baoding, China (North China Electric Power University - Beijing Campus, Beijing Language and Culture University, Hebei University, and North China Electric Power University - Baoding Campus). More than 4,000 Chinese faculty, staff, students and community members enjoyed the performances, and at the end of each performance, the audience asked for an encore. In January 2014, the CI at WKU hosted a Chinese Opera Troupe in partnership with Binghamton University s Confucius Institute. The troupe performed at Bowling Green Junior High School in front of over 600 junior high school students. In February 2014, the CI at WKU hosted a troupe from Hangzhou Normal University brought an enjoyable Spring Gala entitled An Oriental Monsoon. Then from April 20-26, 2014, the CI at WKU successfully organized Erhu soloist, Ms. Xiaojun Huo s performance tours at WKU, Middle Tennessee State university, University of Tennessee Knoxville, and the Confucius Classroom at Bowling Green Housing Authority. There she played Lovely Night, Bird Songs from the High Mountain, Racing Horses, and Csárdás, and wowed more than 1,800 audience members from Kentucky and Tennessee. From September 19 to 28, 2014, the CI at WKU planned and coordinated the North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) troupe entitled, Love for China, which consisted of 21 members, who performed at 7 different venues, at 4 different CI s. They performed for the CI s at Purdue University, Valparaiso University, Indianapolis, and Western Kentucky University (WKU). The CI at WKU hosted successfully the performances of the NCEPU troupe in both CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 21

Louisville and Bowling Green, Kentucky on September 24 to 26, and 27, 2014, respectively. More than 4,000 Kentucky faculty members, Enhancing the Brand Image of CI in the U.S. with Focus on Chinese Culture students, and citizens experienced the amazing Chinese culture such as Chinese dance, folk music, Peking opera, Chinese martial arts, folk musical instrument, and Chinese calligraphy, which also boosted the reputation and influence of CI at WKU in Kentucky. On November 12, 2015, at the invitation of the CI at WKU, 25 performers from Haunggang Normal University, China, led by the Deputy Mayor (Mr. Zhan Wangmin), and Vice President of Huanggang Normal University (Ms. Wang Qin), brought an enjoyable performance to the students from both Owensboro and Daviess County School systems. The CI at WKU has shifted its focus to expand its programming into places throughout Kentucky to share more about the Chinese culture. This is the first big stage Chinese performance through the CI at WKU in the Owensboro area. Through our partnership with both school districts, they bused in students who enjoyed the performance, which showcased a wide variety of Chinese dances, instrumental acrobatic skills, martial arts, opera and Chinese folk songs. Performers from Huanggang Normal University, were dressed in brightly embellished traditional dresses representing various parts of China, wowed the nearly 1,200 audience members at the Riverpark Center in Owensboro, KY. In February 2016, the CI at WKU hired the Amazing China troupe from the New York Chinese Traditional Art Center (NYCTAC), in which four performers were brought into Kentucky to perform at various schools participating in the CI at WKU program. Unfortunately, due to bad weather, only 5 schools were able to witness the performance. Thus, in September 2016, the CI at WKU brought them back to Kentucky, where they performed at the 2016 Louisville Dragon Boat Festival, and at an additional 9 schools throughout the state of Kentucky. In conclusion, the CI at WKU is very active in engaging the WKU community and sharing the Chinese culture on stage. Plans are underway for bringing in a troupe from North China Electric Power University in May 2017. 成功组织孔子学院大型巡演活动 : 22 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

魅力中国. 文艺演出在过去的六年中, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院举办了多场不同规模的演出 2011 年 2 月, 西肯孔院邀请厦门大学艺术团来到西肯, 在西肯塔基大学学生活动中心为超过 350 名师生献上了一场来自中国的文化盛宴 同年 5 月, 华北电力大学和西肯孔院联合举办了文艺演出, 庆祝中华文化体验中心落成 2012 年, 为了庆祝龙年, 西肯孔院邀请湖北大学舞龙舞狮队为西肯 550 名师生及社区人士进行了精彩的表演,9 所肯塔基州本地学校及超过 358 名学生参与了该活动 2013 年, 西肯塔基大学提出要建设成为 有国际视野的全球领先高校 在此方针指导下, 西肯孔院带领西肯塔基大学交响乐团 (78 名师生 ) 到中国北京及保定的四所大学 ( 华北电力大学北京校区, 北京语言大学, 河北大学, 华北电力大学保定校区 ) 进行巡演 超过 4000 名中国师生及社区人士观看了他们精彩的表演 每场表演结束时, 观众们都热情地恳请演员们返场 2014 年 1 月, 西肯塔基大学孔子学院邀请纽约宾厄姆顿大学孔子学院的合作京剧团到肯塔基州巡演 京剧团在鲍灵格林市初中为 600 多名学生进行了表演 2014 年 2 月, 西肯孔院邀请杭州师范大学艺术团来西肯演出 艺术团的表演者们为西肯师生带来一场名为 东方季风 春节晚会 同年 4 月 20 至 26 日, 西肯孔院邀请了原 女子十二乐坊 成员 二胡演奏家霍晓君来西肯演出, 并成功举办了霍晓君独奏音乐会 霍晓君女士在到访西肯塔基大学之前, 已在中田纳西州立大学 田纳西州立大学诺克斯维尔分校及鲍灵格林市房屋委员会下设的孔子课堂进行了演出 在西肯, 霍晓君女士演奏了 良宵 高山上的鸟语 以及 赛马 等中国传统二胡曲目, 另外还演奏了意大利名曲 Csárdás 肯塔基州及田纳西州 1800 多位观众有幸聆听了霍女士的精彩演奏 2014 年 9 月 19 至 28 日, 西肯孔院邀请了来自华北电力大学由 21 名成员组成的 中国情 艺术团来美国巡演, 巡演所到的四所孔院分别是普渡大学孔子学院, 瓦尔帕莱索孔子学院, 印第安纳波利斯孔子学院及西肯塔基大学孔子学院 其中,9 月 24 26 27 三天, 西肯孔院在 9 月 24 26 和 27 日成功承办了该演出团在路易斯维尔以及鲍灵格林的三场演出 中国情 艺术团带来了地道的中国舞蹈, 中国民乐, 京剧, 武术及书法表演, 超过 4000 名肯塔基州的教师及市民观看了这令人赞叹的演出 该巡演旨在以中国文化为切入点, 提升孔子学院在美国的影响力 2015 年 12 月,25 名来自中国黄冈师范学院的艺术家受西肯孔院的邀请, 在学院副书记詹王敏先生及副书记王勤女士的带领下, 来到西肯孔院下属学区欧文斯伯勒及戴维斯学区进行演出 西肯孔院希望通过以传播中国文化的方式拓展自己的中文项目 西肯孔院在欧文斯伯勒的多所合作学校组织全体师生观看了该地区史上首次大型中国文艺演出 来自黄冈的演员们穿着美轮美奂的传统服装, 在欧文斯伯勒的 河畔公园中心 为将近 1200 位观众带来了中国经典的民歌 舞蹈 武术及传统乐器表演 2016 年 2 月, 西肯孔院从纽约中国传统艺术中心聘请 魅力中国 演出团, 原计划由四位艺术家在西肯孔院合作开设中文项目的多所学校进行巡演, 但由于暴雪天气, 巡演只进行了四所学校 2016 年 9 月, 西肯孔院又再次邀请他们重回肯塔基州, 在 2016 年路易斯维尔龙舟节上进行了表演 之后他们又在肯塔基州的 9 所学校开展了巡演 总之, 西肯孔院积极地活跃于西肯塔基大学及周边社区, 不遗余力地推广宣传中国文化 我们接下来的计划是邀请华北电力大学艺术团在 2017 年 5 月份来访, 为 4000 名左右中小学学习汉语的学生演出, 同时庆祝示范孔院新楼揭幕盛典 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 23

Teachers Perspective in the U.S. UNFORGETTABLE YEARS A Dream of Disseminating Chinese and my Experience in Kentucky Zhang Yu, Chinese language teacher in the CI at WKU The first experience in America Midday, July, 25, 2015, six of us boarded a plane leaving for America. After 20 hours of flying and transferring, we finally arrived in Bowling Green, where the Confucius Institute at Western Kentucky University (the CI at WKU) is located. Although it was already midnight, what surprised us was that the staff from the CI were still waiting for us at the hotel. Considering our fatigue and hunger after the long journey, they led us to go shopping in a supermarket near our hotel. Eight Chinese teachers strolling in this quiet American city before dawn was absolutely a unique scenario. The warm reception by the staff in the CI made us feeling extremely moved though we were young teachers and far away from our hometowns and far away from our motherland. The next day was our first day of training which lasted a week. First, we went to visit the Chinese Learning Center (CLC), which occupies an area of hundreds of square meters in the entrance hall of the university library. The size and the exhibits surprised me a lot. All sorts of traditional Chinese costumes, musical instruments, tea utensils, porcelains, artefacts and Chinese games such as mahjong and Chinese chess, are all included. To be honest, before I came to America, I had never imagined that the CI at WKU was so big and influential. The visit shocked me and made me full of confidence as well. I believed that with the resource and support from the CI, we would go faster, further and stronger on the way to disseminate the Chinese language and culture. The first sight of the Town On August, 3 rd, 2015, having passed various trainings and examinations, we had to leave the CI at WKU for different school districts. Compared with other teachers who need to work in a school district individually, I was lucky enough to have Zhang Dandan as my partner to teach in Adair County school district. The city where we live and work is Columbia, city of Adair County. This is a typical American rural town, which occupies an area of 1,070 square kilometers and owns a population of 20,000. I was immediately attracted to the harmony between people and nature at first sight of the town. Different from the metropolises in China which are full of high-rise buildings made of concretes, here the lawns are 24 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

verdant and wide, making the city, harmonious and tranquil. It seemed that in no time I found the realm that I had long expected. The second day, the superintendent of the educational board solemnly introduced us two to all the teachers in the school district and we were reported in local newspaper. The town is not that big and the news spread quickly. Thus, when we went out shopping, everybody greeted us with friendliness to show their welcome of the Chinese teachers. As the first batch of Chinese teachers to teach in the district, the superintendent gave us much attention. He let us ride his private plane during our spare time. It was my first time to ride on a private plane in my life, so you can imagine how excited I was. The American teachers enthusiasm touched us deeply though we just settled in our exotic country for the first time. Teaching affairs Adair school district owns four schools. Miss Zhang Dandan was assigned to teach full time in the middle school, so I needed to teach in the high school, the elementary school and the kindergarten. At the beginning, there weren t many high school students in my Chinese class, only ten. They were young adults, so it was very important to maintain their enthusiasm in studying Chinese and to attract more students. One good thing was that they were friendly to the teachers whether they performed well at school or not. So my strategy was that I must make them fond of me in the first class. All the time in my Chinese class, I tried to make use of all kinds of media and resources to make my class atmosphere relaxing and pleasant in order that my students would accept the Chinese language and feel like studying it. In class, sometimes I arranged for time to answer questions and be awarded. Those who answered questions actively would be rewarded with a small gift that I brought from China; other times I would play movies by Jackie Chan, a Kung Fu star known to every American family. American students enjoy all kinds of activities and their school and parents also encourage them to participate. So in class time, I put various activities in my teaching. When we studied sports, I led them to the playground and taught them how to play hacky sack. When we studied foods, we went to a Chines restaurant where the students ordered food in Chinese and tasted some delicious Chinese dishes. Specifically, when studying Chinese food, I also used the school kitchen where the students learned to cook some traditional Chinese food with their own hands; we cooked mooncakes, roujiamo (Chinese-style hamburgers), dumplings and more. When we studied colors, my students put on Chinese costumes in their favorite colors and performed sketches, etc. While the teaching time in the kindergarten and the elementary school lasted only one semester accordingly, my goal in these two schools were mainly with introducing the Chinese culture and some simple Chinese. My teaching subjects were preschool kids. They were smart, cute, vivid, free and restless and they had no sense of fear to teachers. In the first year, I fought a battle of wits and courageously with the kids. Those who talked loudly and randomly in class, those who cried out due to lack of sense of security, and those who suffered hyperactivity and walked around in the classroom, were all subdued by me finally. My wholehearted devotion eventually won the trust and love from the kids. All of these successes made me very proud. CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 25

Getting sufficient preparation is the premise to teaching a good class and if you want to improve the classroom teaching quality and results, you have to ensure one is fully prepared. Specifically, for the kids in kindergarten, they don t have a clear future goal. They just know what is fun and what is not. If it is fun, they will follow the teacher, and if it is not, they will not follow the teacher. That is simple and direct. Therefore, I made every effort to design each of my classes into an ideal pattern which was full of fun and interest. For example, when we studied the Chinese numbers one to ten, I drew the numbers and the cards to make headware and let my students to perform a text-based drama. Though they could speak limited Chinese, all of them were in high spirits and strived to show. Cultural Activities I always keep in mind that I am not only a teacher to teach language, but also an envoy to disseminate the culture. As a Chinese person staying abroad, what you say and what you do transmits the sense of the Chinese culture. We ourselves are vivid brochures of China. Therefore, I always actively participate in all kinds of culture activities in community to disseminate our culture. Chinese Culture Experiencing Mobile On March, 2016, invited by the Adair County school district, the Chinese Culture Experience Mobile of the CI came to demonstrate for the students. This is a decorated RV (12m*2.6m*2.44m) and up till now it is the only the traveling culture experience mobile around the globe. It can be regarded as a museum of Chinese culture. Inside it is divided into 6 units: traditional Chinese musical instruments, Chinese culture themes, Chinese artworks, Chinese games, Chinese calligraphy and traditional Chinese apparels. This is a scenario where I explained to my high school students on site. Although I arranged for some sessions to introduce Chinese culture in class such as tea ceremony and traditional Chinese medicine, my students could get to know something by video and pictures for lack of real things. On the mobile I showed the skills of acupuncture and cupping, the posture of holding a writing brush and performed on some musical instruments. The students were so excited that they tried one after another. When the visit by the high school group was finished, I went on to explain to elementary students. Compared with high school students, the little kids liked traditional Chinese apparels and Chinese toys better. All of them enjoyed the Chinese zodiac. On the mobile there were touch screens and WIFI. When they input their years of birth, they could find their zodiac signs accordingly. Amazing China September, 2016, the Amazing China art troupe from New York came to perform in the gym of Adair County Middle School. I took my high school students there and met with all the teachers and the students of the middle school to watch the special show. The performance consisted of four parts: Changing faces from Sichuan Opera, color ribbons from Peking Opera, magic show and martial arts. What surprised the American audience most was face changing performance. They all tried to figure out how the performer changed faces in such a short time. Climax arose one after another during the show. The students were so enthusiastic that they tried to be a partner of the performer. The whole performance left all the audience a deep impression and they were amazed by the extensive and profound traditional Chinese culture. It was reported by local newspaper and we got plenty of positive feedback from the school district and the students parents. Christmas around the world December, 2016, the principal of the middle school invited the foreign students in the local university to demonstrate the features of their own country on the theme of Christmas. The initiative was to make the students know of the Christmas culture around the world. The picture shows that Miss Zhang Dandan explained to the students how the Chinese spend Christmas and taught them to make Christmas trees. Life in Town Columbia, a typical American town, has no uproar of big cities and no high-rise buildings, but has a blue sky and white clouds as well as birds twittering and fragrance of flowers. Here in early mornings we can find dewdrops surrounding and squirrels running around. We live in a big house rented by the school district and compared to other teachers apartments, our house is a luxurious mansion. We usually commute to school via school bus. Since our house is not that far from school, about 20 minutes walk, every day when we are off work, my roommate Zhang Dandan and I will walk back home. We can make use of the time to work out and inhale fresh air. The Walmart in town can supply all our daily necessities, but if we want to taste some Chinese produce, we have to go to the Asian supermarket. If you can drive, living in America will become much simpler and easier. The Chinese teachers in Kentucky often get together to exchange experiences, offer help to each other and cook some hometown dishes. We can enjoy the warmth of family though we live in an exotic country. On some unique American festivals and holidays, local friends would invite us to join their parties. On Halloween, November, 2015, the grandpa of the host family invited us to participate in the community activities. We helped to make some marshmallows and gave them to visitors for free. 26 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

I Don t Want to Say Goodbye Traditional Chinese culture has a long history and rejuvenates with time. Because of its unique charm, more and more foreigners are attracted to it. I would like to express my appreciation to this great time and the unique Chinese language. It is them that give me confidence and power. I am proud of being a Chinese teacher and I am grateful for experiencing these special two years in my life. It records the trace of my youth and the unforgettable years in my life. My story is coming to an end and your story is to begin. I am expecting more teachers will go in for the business of disseminating Chinese culture and language and will continue to write the chapter of their youth on the vast land of Kentucky. 难忘的岁月. 推广汉语梦, 人在西肯行美国西肯塔基大学孔子学院汉语教师张瑜 美国初体验 2015 年 7 月 25 日中午, 我们一行 6 位老师坐上飞往美国的飞机, 在经历了各种转机历时 20 个小时后终于到达了西肯塔基大学孔子学院的所在城市 Bowling Green 市 虽然到达时间已是午夜, 但令我们意外的是孔院居然还安排了老师接待我们 因为担心我们旅程劳累饥饿, 他们还不辞辛苦的带着我们去酒店附近的超市购物 8 个中国人凌晨漫步走在这个寂静的美国城市里, 确实是一道别样的风景 西肯孔院各位老师的热情接待也让我们这群刚离开家乡, 远离祖国的年轻教师们感到无比温暖和幸福 第二天开始即是为期一周的培训, 我们首先参观了几百平米的中国文化体验展厅, 着实令我惊讶一番 各种中国传统服饰, 乐器, 茶具, 瓷器, 工艺品, 传统玩具包括麻将, 象棋等等, 应有尽有 说实话, 来美国前我并没有想到西肯孔院的规模和影响力是如此之大, 可以在西肯塔基大学的图书馆单独占有一席空间做展示和学习中心, 当天的参观让我为之震撼, 更让我充满信心, 相信依托西肯孔院的强大资源, 我们推广汉语之路必将会更快, 更远, 更强 初见小镇 2015 年 8 月 3 日, 在结束了各种培训与测试之后, 我们依依不舍的离开了西肯孔院总部, 来到各自的学区 和其他独自一人需要任教一个学区的老师相比, 幸运的是, 我和同批的张丹丹老师被共同分到了 Adair County 任教 我们所在的城市是 Adair County 的首府 Columbia 市, 这是一个 1070 平方千米,2 万人口的典型美式乡村小镇 初到这个小镇, 即被这里和谐的人与自然环境所吸引 不同于国内钢筋混凝土高楼林立的大城市, 这里绿草如茵, 视野宽阔, 祥和而宁静 似乎, 一下子找到了那个我期待已久的净土 第二天, 教育局长向全学区的老师隆重的介绍了我们, 当地报纸还为我们做出了特别报道 小镇是个不大 的地方, 消息传播的尤其快, 再出门购物时, 人人都会主动和我们打招呼, 欢迎中国老师的到来 作为这个学区的第一批中文教师, 教育局长也显得尤其重视, 为了丰富我们的业余生活, 特意让我们体验他的私人飞机 这也是我们平生第一次乘坐私人飞机, 激动的心情可想而知 而美国老师们的热情也让初到异国的我们无比感动 工作教学 Adair 学区有四个学校, 张丹丹老师担任初中的全职教师, 而我需要作为兼职老师在高中, 小学以及幼儿园三个学校任教 高中的学生起初并不多, 只有十个人, 由于年龄比较大, 所以如何保持他们学习的积极性并吸引更多的学生来到中文课显得尤为重要 好在孩子们都非常友好, 不论学习成绩如何, 对待老师都没有任何的抵触情绪, 所以我的策略是一上来, 一定要让孩子们喜欢我, 接受我 所以一学期以来, 在这个班的教学上, 我始终尽可能的采取轻松, 愉快, 边学边玩, 劳逸结合的方式, 利用各种媒体手段和资源, 让学生慢慢的接纳汉语并喜欢汉语 课上, 我有时会安排答题有奖环节, 主动回答问题的同学将会得到我从中国带去的小礼物, 有时会播放在美国家喻户晓的功夫明星成龙的电影 美国的孩子喜欢各种各样的活动, 学校和家长也相当赞成学生多多参加活动, 所以, 上课期间, 我就把各种活动溶入我的教学 比如学习运动专题时, 我带领孩子们去操场, 教给他们中国的毽子 学习中国食物专题时, 我们去了中国餐馆, 由孩子们自己用中文点餐, 品尝了中国的美食 而且在学习中国食物专题的时候, 还在学校申请了厨房, 让美国学生自己动手去做中国的传统食物, 例如月饼, 肉夹馍, 饺子等等 学习颜色专题时, 学生们各自穿上自己喜欢的颜色中国衣服, 表演小品等等 而幼儿园和小学的教学时间为每个学校各半年, 由于教学时间不长, 所以在这两所学校主要是介绍中国文化和简单的中文 我的教学对象是学前的孩子, 他们聪明 可爱 活泼 自由 好动, 骨子里没有对老师的畏惧感 所以这一年里, 我没少跟这帮孩子斗智斗勇 上课无所顾虑随时大声说话的孩子 缺乏安全感大哭不止的孩子 身患多动症随意在教室绕场巡视的孩子, 最终都被我 收服 ; 真心付出, 最终收获了孩子们的信任与喜爱 这些成功给我带来的成就感不止一星半点 充分备好课是上好课的前提, 提高课堂教学质量和效果, 首先就是要备好课 特别是对于幼儿园的小朋友, 他们没有远大的学习目标, 他们的眼里只有好玩和不好玩, 好玩他们就学, 不好玩就不喜欢学, 简单直接 所以, 我尽量把每一节课都设计成好玩又有意义的理想模式 比如学习汉语数字一到十, 我做了数字头饰, 用卡纸把课文中的数字方块和跷跷板画出来, 让学生根据课文表演课本剧, 尽管学的汉语知识很有限, 但是他们依然兴致高昂, 争先恐后地表演 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 27

文化活动我一直记得我们绝不仅仅只是教授语言的老师, 更是一个文化传播的使者, 一个中国人, 在国外你的一言一行都散发着中国文化的气息, 我们自身就是一本活动的中国宣传册 所以我一直积极参与各种社会文化活动, 传播中国文化 1. 中国文化体验车 : 2016 年 3 月, 孔子学院的中国文化体验车受到 Adair County 的邀请来为这里的学生们做展示 这是一辆长 12 米, 宽 2.6 米, 高 2.44 米的可移动运输车, 也是迄今为止全球独一无二的文化体验车 这辆房车可以理解为是一个中国文化博物馆, 内部包括 6 个单元, 中国传统乐器单元, 中国标志和中国文化主题单元, 中国艺术品单元, 中国游戏单元, 中国书法单元和中国传统服饰单元 这是带领我的高中学生们进行现场讲解的场景, 虽然平时课堂上也有中国文化的版块, 介绍过茶道和中医, 但由于缺少设备, 同学们也只是通过影像和图片资料了解, 缺少亲身体验的经历 此次文化体验车的到来让我现场为他们展示的针灸拔罐的手法, 毛笔的手握姿势, 以及乐器的演奏 同学们热情高涨, 纷纷踊跃尝试 在高中讲解结束之后, 我又继续担负起为小学生讲解的工作, 相对于高中生而言, 小学生更喜欢中国的传统服饰和玩具 尤其是生肖这一块, 车上配有电脑和无线网络, 学生可以输入自己的出生年进而查到所对应的生肖 学生们都争先恐后的体验着, 兴奋地欢呼着 2. 魅力中国表演 2016 年 9 月, 魅力中国艺术表演团来到 Adair county 的初中体育馆, 我带领我所教的高中学生和张丹丹老师所在的全体初中师生共同欣赏了这场别开生面的表演, 整场表演分为川剧变脸, 京剧, 魔术和武术等四部分 最让美国师生惊叹的就是变脸, 大家一直分析艺术家们是如 何在这么短的时间做到变脸的 整场表演也不断出现高潮, 同学们的热情极其高涨, 纷纷举手争做表演者的搭档 这次演出给美国师生留下了深刻的印象, 他们都深深折服于博大精深的中国传统文化之中 表演结束后, 当地报纸也做出了相应报道, 同时我们也收到了来自学校和家长的积极反馈 3. 圣诞节专题 2016 年 12 月, 初中校长邀请了当地大学的各国留学生, 让不同国家的留学生根据他们自己国家的特色围绕圣诞节这一主题做展示活动 通过这一活动让更多的学生了解世界各国的圣诞文化 图为初中的张丹丹老师耐心的向初中生讲解中国人如何过圣诞节以及教他们制作圣诞树 小镇生活一个典型美国小镇, 没有大城市的喧嚣, 没有高层建筑, 只有蓝天白云, 鸟语花香 在这里清晨露珠环绕, 松鼠到处奔跑 我们住在学校为我们租住的大 House 里面, 和很多老师的公寓相比, 我们的房子可以算是豪宅 平时上班会有校车接送, 住的地方离学校并不远, 走路 20 多分钟, 所以每天下班我都会和我的室友张丹丹老师步行回到住处, 锻炼身体的同时更是利用这一时间好好呼吸新鲜空气 当地的沃尔玛超市可以解决我们生活必需的各种用品, 一些中国特产可能要去亚超购买, 但是如果会开车, 在美国的生活就会变得无比简单而惬意 身在异乡的教师们也会经常聚在一起交流经验, 互相帮助, 解决生活困难, 共同做一些家乡口味的饭菜, 身在他乡也能感受家的温馨 当然当地的人在美国特有的节日里面也会邀请我们参加聚会活动 2015 年 11 月万圣节, 我们和房东爷爷共同参加了社区的活动, 帮忙免费制作棉花糖, 派送棉花糖 不想说再见中国的传统文化历久弥新, 散发着迷人的魅力, 越来越多外国人被她所吸引, 所以我感谢这个时代, 感谢独具特色的汉语, 是她给了我自信与力量 我为自己是一名国际对外汉语教师而感到自豪, 我为自己生命中这两年特殊的经历而感恩, 这是我青春的足迹, 也是我生命中难忘的岁月 我的故事即将结束, 你的故事即将开始, 期待更多的老师在推广汉语的路上, 在西肯这片广阔的土壤上续写属于你们的青春之歌! 28 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

2016 Calendar of Events January Jan 28-29 Potter Gray Chinese Cultural Activities CI at WKU art teacher was warmly welcomed by over 300 students in Potter Gray for Chinese art and culture introduction. Jan 29:Brownie Bridges Students Visit Confucius Institute The 2 nd grade students learned Chinese calligraphy and drawing pictures of pandas on fans which the tour inspired them to ask a lot of great questions. The paper-cutting was a great challenge but they had so much fun to watch their works of art come to life. February Jan 29-Feb20: Super Saturdays For the next four weeks, 16 students from Bowling Green elementary schools registered in the Chinese Super Saturdays have learned Chinese language, paint and built a working Chinese lantern, did paper-cutting and made Beijing Opera Masks as well as Taiji Kung Fu fan which they were immensely interested in. Feb 3-4: Potter Gray Chinese Culture Course Activity CI at WKU art teacher held activities for over 150 students to paint Chinese Plum Tree, paper cutting, Chinese Calligraphy and the teacher shared short videos of the Chinese New Year. Feb 8-13: Chinese New Year Activities with Panda Express A Chinese New Year celebration event was co-sponsored by the CI at WKU and the Panda Express on WKU s campus which the event involved teaching the attendees how to make Chinese knots, papercutting, writing Chinese characters as well as a tea demonstration, there about 500 students stopped by and participated in the Chinese activities. Feb 13: Chinese New Year Celebration of CI at WKU President Gary A. Ransdell delivered speech to the audience of over 200 people to celebrate Chinese new year. The event took place at the Augenstein Alumni Center, where the attendees shared a traditional Chinese meal, and great conversation. Feb 12-29: Dishman McGinnis Elementary School Chinese Culture Course Activity CI at WKU art teacher and 100 students participated in activities to learn how to say and write Happy New Year and do paper cutting (Monkey). Feb 18-19: Chinese cultural demonstration in Central City Elementary School Three teachers from the CI at WKU, along with the CI mobile unit, set up booths of Chinese calligraphy, chopstick demonstrations, and tours of the mobile unit for the whole school (about 500 students). March March 5 14: Gatton Academy of Western Kentucky University visit China Twelve students from the Gatton Academy of Western Kentucky University, ranking No.1 among American high schools started their trip to China mainly focused on two themes; (1) China s energy policy, and (2) construction between China and the United States. In 2015 the students visited the High School affiliated to Tsinghua University, and this year the Gatton Academy visited the High School affiliated to Shanxi University, both with the aim of establishing a link between high school students of China and the United States. March 7-14: AGM at KUNA invites the CI at WKU CI at WKU teachers were invited as native-speakers to businessperson, as part of AGM at KUNA, which exposes 200 high school students of the challenges and opportunities which are present when studying and working globally. March 16-17: Adair County Elementary School Chinese activities CI at WKU teachers were invited to set up the CI Mobile where more than 1,000 students visited the mobile unit for the two days. March 23: Movie Night CI at WKU held a Chinese movie night, where The Knot was shown by more than 20 students. The movie obtained a lot of awards, like the Golden Horse. April April 7, and 15:Housing Authority Program visited the CI at WKU More than 50 students from the Housing Authority Program visited the CI on April 7th and 15th. Chinese calligraphy and paper folding were demonstrated during the visit. April 13: Boys and girls club visited the CI at WKU CI at WKU Chinese teachers provided tours and fan paintings to over 20 students who came to the CLC for the third time. April 14: WKU Leadership 200 Class visited the CI at WKU More than 30 students visited the Chinese Learning Center of the CI at WKU where they learned how to write Chinese calligraphy. April 15: Tarmac Elementary school visited the CI at WKU More than 22 students visited the Chinese Learning Center of the CI at WKU. They were so excited and learned a lot about the Chinese culture and language. April 19: Dr. Wei-ping Pan (CI Director) Delivered a Speech at BLCU A lecture entitled Confucius Institute and the Development of Western Kentucky University, was delivered by Professor Wei-Ping Pan at Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) with over 50 students majoring in Chinese as a foreign language for our WKU s MAT degree. Dr. Pan introduced the Confucius institute at WKU, Chinese Culture Experience Mobile, Confucius classroom program, Chinese Cuisine Exhibition Mobile, etc. The seminar helped the students have a deeper understanding of the Confucius Institute at Western Kentucky University and raised their interest to join our program. April 22: Potter Gray Elementary School visited the CI at WKU More than 30, first grade students visited the CLC with their teacher Ms. Keriann Pratt. Ms. Pratt said these colorful cultural activities organized by CI all had won great attention in the area of Bowling Green. May April 30-May 4: The CI at WKU Teacher Training Program was held in BLCU Drs. Kay Gandy and Rebecca Stobaugh from WKU s School of Teacher Education gave teacher training to 12 teachers from all over China for 5 days. The training was aimed at preparing the Chinese teachers to have a good command of the Kentucky Standards for World Language Proficiency, and Framework for Teaching to help CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 29

2016 Calendar of Events them put together the portfolios needed for Kentucky certification. May 3: Confucius China Study Program - Approaching Chinese Contemporary Art in 2016 The CI recruited twelve American artists, curators, Museum directors, and academia, took a trip to China in conjunction with the 798 Art Zone. While in China they visited the CI Headquarters, China Central Academy, the 798 Art District, Xi an Academy of Fine Arts, China Art Museum, Today Art Museum, Xi an Art Gallery, the Ullens Center for Art, Haibo Studio which can represent the overall situation of Chinese contemporary art institutions. In addition, faceto-face conversations were held with Xu Bing, Yin Jinan, Su Xinping who are well-known Chinese artists which helped to enhance China/ America cooperation. May 11: Christian Health Care Center teaching Chinese calligraphy The Chinese teachers of the CI at WKU were invited to teach Chinese calligraphy for nearly ten elderly individuals in the Christian Health Care Center. They were very interested in Chinese cultural and calligraphy and looked forward to other Chinese activities. May 15: CI at WKU Delivered a Speech with Chinese teachers in Taiyuan, China Dr. Wei-Ping Pan and Director Yiqing Li from Shanxi Provincial Education Department, came to Taiyuan s Second Foreign Language School to have a talk with more than 60 Chinese teachers from 12 top high schools in the city of Taiyuan. Dr. Pan introduced the CI at WKU about the progress on CI management, development, operations and the future plan. Meanwhile, two Chinese teachers who passed the Hanban Selection Test and are coming to Kentucky in July 2016 gave a clear introduction about the content and procedure of the Hanban Selection Test. June June 13-26: Trinity High School Confucius Classroom Exploration of Chinese Language and Culture The troupe consisted of 20 chaperons and students from Trinity High School Confucius Classroom had completed a 14-day visit and study in China. The group had visited Beijing and Shanxi, which was organized by NCEPU. Shanxi has the fame of Ancient China s Exhibition among which has the riches abundance of architecture, which accounts for over 75% of the country s artifacts. June 14: Owensboro Cub Boy Scout Camp At the Yellow Park in Owensboro, teachers from CI at WKU showed Chinese culture to over100, fifth grade students, which the coordinators, parents and students were very excited and grateful to have a real Chinese cultural experience. June 15: The CI Mobile was Invited to Attend the Kentucky Dam Global Symposium Sponsored by the Kentucky Department of Education, the teachers of CI at WKU delivered a lecture about the Visiting Teacher Program to over 120 conference attendees, in which the CI mobile was also on display. Some principals were very interested in piloting a Chinese program in their school next year. June 18: All-in-Block Party CI at WKU team presented Chinese culture to 200 participants at the Tropicana Casino Lawn, Evansville, IN, which was sponsored by Literacy Center, Indiana Humanities, and the Indiana Department of Education. 30 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 July July11: MOU signed between the CI at WKU and Open University in Beijing, China The CI at WKU and Open University are willing to start the cooperation of the E-learning Chinese Program in the coming year. July 18: Ten New Visiting teachers of CI at WKU Participated in a One-Week orientation at BLCU The 10 newly enrolled teachers of the CI at WKU participated in a one-week orientation before they departed to the WKU due to the deadline of the pre-school training in July 25th. July 25-Aug 1: 37 teachers of CI at WKU for 2016 Academic Year have Two-Week Orientation Aside from the 6 Hanban Volunteer teachers of the 1+2MAT program, the 37 teachers participated in a two-week training about acclimation to the American classrooms as required by the Kentucky Department of Education. July 31: Dr. Wei-Ping Pan Delivered a Speech at the CI Chinese Director s Meeting at Nankai University This is the consecutive forth year for Dr. Pan to be invited to deliver speech for the new CI Chinese Director s being deployed worldwide. The content for this year is how to manage a CI and some good examples of the CI at WKU. August Aug 15-29: Mr. Charles Proffitt visit 13 School districts Mr. Proffitt visited Adair County, Barren County, Butler County, Cloverport, Daviess County, Hardin County, Logan County, Meade County, Metcalfe County, Muhlenberg County, Simpson County, Todd County, Louisville, and Warren County. During his visits, he discussed the current teacher assignments and Confucius Classroom opportunities. He also spoke with the school Superintendent s, points of contacts and principals about their needs for additional teachers and new Confucius Classrooms beginning in 2017. During these visits, districts were informed of the new changes made at the Confucius Institute at WKU, as well as the inclusion of the YCT in late spring for all students taking Chinese. Mr. Proffitt informed the districts this will be the yearly exam given as a measurement of Chinese proficiency and that each district would receive exam results. He also informed the districts about the ongoing work in developing a Kindergarten 12th grade fully articulated Chinese curriculum. Lastly he provided each district with a schedule of teacher visits and would inform them of all 37 classroom observations. Aug 17: Delegates from Zhongnan Minzu University Visited the CI at WKU The delegation visited CI Mobile, CLC and had a meeting with Dean Evans from WKU s College of Education who introduced the 1+2 program. The Vice-President Mr. Miao was very interested in signing an MOU with the CI at WKU in various fields, including the exhibition of minority culture, etc. Aug 20: CI at WKU Participated in the Owensboro Multi- Cultural Festival The CI at WKU had two booths on display to share the Chinese culture including calligraphy, lanterns, Chinese zodiac, information table and games in China. The CI at WKU s mobiles for culture and cuisine also joined the festival, in which the Chinese food truck has completed its debut in the US.

Aug 23: President and Ms. Ransdell Conducted a Welcome Reception for the CI Teachers Dr. Ransdell highly praised the Hanban Chinese teachers for their contribution to Kentucky s students which broadens their international vision and obtain global competition. He also delivered his sincere gratitude to the principals, superintendents and host families for their constant support of the CI at WKU. Aug 24: Twenty-five Students from Chinese Archaeology visited the CLC More than twenty-five students at WKU, who took an Chinese Archaeology class, visited the CLC, which broadened their knowledge about the ancient China and aroused their interest to Chinese language. September Sep 2-3: The CI at WKU s Attended the 17 th Annual WorldFest in Louisville On the Belvedere in Louisville, overlooking the Ohio river, the CI at WKU built a 30 X 30 foot tent to show a variety of authentic Chinese culture, and there were more than 150,000 people who attended the festival. Sep 10: The CI at WKU Successfully Defended Its Championship The CI at WKU won the Open Division championship for the 2 nd time, meanwhile, St. Francis Schools Confucius classroom won the championship in the Scholastic Division (high school competition). The CI at WKU set up 20 booths, the Chinese Cultural Experience and the Confucius Mobile Kitchen. In addition, the CI invited the Amazing China art troupe to give a performance to entertain approximately 5,000 participants in attendance. Sep 10: The CI at WKU Celebrated the Moon Festival In order to let WKU students visually see and feel the Chinese Mid- Autumn Festival, the CI at WKU set up two booths at the entrance of library to demonstrate traditional Mid-Autumn food and the legend of Chang e flying off to the moon. The CI at WKU had teachers there explaining the event to the visiting students. It attracted over one thousand students coming to visit and study the festival. Sep 12-16: Amazing China Performance Troupe Visit Various Schools In order to make Confucius classroom students at the CI at WKU feel the Chinese traditional culture, and to further enhance their interest in learning Chinese, the CI invited performers from Amazing China to perform in ten primary and middle school campus, like Bristow Elementary, Richardsville Elementary, Alvaton Elementary, Todd County Central High School, Adair County Middle School, David T. Wilson Elementary School, Meade County High School, Frederick Fraize Elementary/William Natcher Middle & High Schools (Cloverport Independent Schools), and Adairville Elementary School (Logan County) to perform Beijing Opera, and magic. The show was a great success, attracted over 7000 students, teachers, and community residents to enjoy. Sep 15-17: Members of the CI at WKU attended KWLA Conference (Kentucky World Language Conference) Held in the Crowne Plaza Airport Conference Center, Louisville, Kentucky, teachers of the CI at WKU attended the state conference and had updates on the current Chinese teaching technologies and theories. Dr. Ke Peng, associate professor at Modern Language of WKU, past president of KACLT, introduced Chinese Dual Credit program to the high school Chinese teachers. Sep 23-25: The CI at WKU Held a Professional Development Training for 40 Hanban Teachers The CI at WKU s annual large-scale Chinese language teacher training which was held in the Holiday Inn University Plaza. Over 40 Chinese teachers from more than 20 counties all over Kentucky took part in this great two-day training program. The training consists of seven large courses, covering Classroom Management, E-portfolio, Student Engagement, Projected Based Classroom Management, Instructional Strategies, Formative/ Summative Assessment, YCT marketing and Project Based Student Engagement. During the training process, both experienced and novice teachers showed great enthusiasm to share their insights and ideas on teaching Chinese as a second language, which created an inspiring atmosphere for all of them. Sep 24: The Confucius Institute Day in Bowling Green International Festival The CI at WKU moved all the Confucius Day celebrating activities to the site of the Bowling Green International Festival to give local residents an opportunity to experience Chinese paper cutting, calligraphy, traditional costumes and so on. There were 20 booths set up by the CI at WKU among 160 booths showing different cultures in the festival. All these kinds of activities, together with the Chinese teachers explicit explanations, attracted crowds of local residents to participate and every booth was crowded with. It is reported that the number of visitors to this year s Bowling Green International Festival exceeded 15,000. October Oct 19:Chinese Director of CI at Middle Tennessee State University visited CI at WKU Director Zhao Yingzhen and two teachers visited CI at WKU. Ms. Zhang Wenhui introduced the Chinese Learning Center. Dr. Zhao gave the center a very high praise. After then, Ms. Zhang led Dr. Zhao s group to visit the Model CI, where Mr. Terrill Martin showed the design details to Dr. Zhao. Oct 17-31: Teacher observations Mr. Proffitt conducted 14 teacher observations, 5 teacher visits, and 6 KTIP meetings and he also reviewed 11 Teacher lesson plans for the development of the CI at WKU s articulated K-12 curriculum project. Oct 26-31: Professional Development for CI teachers Mr. Proffitt set up an online training through Adobe Connect - the WKU platform to use for CI teacher meetings, online learning, and webinars. Oct 28: East Meets West - Halloween Festival celebration With the arrival of Halloween, the CI at WKU held an Understanding of Chinese Opera, where participants learned to decorate their own opera mask. The activities were divided into three parts including Chinese opera lectures, Peking Opera production, traditional Chinese clothing rent, which nearly a hundred students participated. November Nov 5: Chinese Cultural Visit to Village Manor Seven Chinese teachers at the CI at WKU drove to Village Manor community to show the Chinese culture of Chinese calligraphy, Chinese painting, Taiji, chess, and paper cutting, attracting about 30 local residents. CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 31

2016 Calendar of Events Nov 14: Holiday Tree Decoration Competition by CI at WKU Since the middle of October, the CI at WKU launched a prize contest for WKU organizations, department, and groups that consist of faculty, staff, students, and community members. Each group was asked to design a tree representing their organization, a cause, or purpose. The exhibition aims to showcase the diversity of cultures, special undertakings and major festivals in the world for a variety of topics. A total of seven entries were received and exhibited at the Chinese Learning Center, in which over 2,700 viewers participated in the online voting ballet and one first-place prize was given. The winner was announced on 11/14, which was the National Dance Education Organization - WKU Student Organization Nov 12-20: Thanksgiving visit of CI Chinese teachers Before Thanksgiving Day, Dr. Pan and Ms. Li Bo went to various school districts to visit the teachers of CI at WKU. They talked with the teachers about their work and life. They brought their sincere gratitude to the teachers for their hard-work. The two directors also visited several school district superintendents and principals from whom they received high praise and evaluation of the Chinese teachers. Nov 18-Nov 20: CI at WKU held exhibition in ACTFL, Boston 2016 Founded in 1966, ACTFL is a society of foreign language teachers, foreign language teachers and related educational institutions. Its main purpose is to promote language teaching, to provide languagerelated professional development opportunities, and to establish high-quality English language courses, Language teaching standards and publishing language professional books and periodicals of the development of language teaching resources. In the exhibition, two booths were set up by CI at WKU to explore and share experiences with Chinese and foreign teachers, and to gain fresh perspectives from colleagues sharing which injected a fresh view into the Chinese teaching and culture promotion for CI at WKU in the future. Nov 20-Dec 9: Kentucky Students Take the YCT (More than 1,100) In order to gauge the proficiency progress of the Chinese teaching and improve the quality of Chinese teaching, the CI at WKU uses the YCT examination as the tool to measure Chinese language teaching quality. It involved 15 schools, over 1,100 students, and the whole process took less than one month from the start of the test which reflects the high efficiency of CI at WKU and teachers professionalism. Nov 29-Dec 2: Xiyuan Hospital CACMS delegation visited Kentucky A Xiyuan Hospital delegation arrived in Kentucky after one and half years of communication by the CI at WKU which has substantial achievements within their two-day visit. They visited two local hospitals, one of which is the seventh largest in the United States, the Owensboro Regional Health Hospital and delivered speeches at both places. In addition, they met with local Chinese doctors for a face-toface information exchange of Chinese medicine in the United States and development prospects. The five doctors from Xiyuan Hospital were warmly welcomed by local people, and Owensboro Regional Hospital had great enthusiasm for Chinese medicine that they hoped to find a use for alternative treatment method. The hope was that the hospital leaders and doctors would cooperate with Xiyuan Hospital in the near future. December Dec 8: The conclusion of all 43 CI teacher evaluations With comprehensive planning, professional development, and support, 43 teachers of CI at WKU showed their excellent performance commensurately with Kentucky American teachers. The evaluation system was established by the Educational Professional Standards Board for the purpose of evaluating new teachers in Kentucky, and is based upon the Charlotte-Danielson Model. With this tool, teachers are scored in four domains, with 22 components. Teachers are rated in one of four categories: Ineffective, Developing, Accomplished, or Exemplar. Within each category, one of three levels can be assigned based upon the observation and evidence provided by the teacher. Based upon the rank within each domain, an overall ranking is awarded based on the totality of the observation and evidence. We are happy to announce that 66% of teachers performed at or higher than a level 5 which is considered the average. Dec 9: Meeting with Harbin Normal University The two sides exchanged views on the 1 + 2 MAT project and the Chinese teacher selection and HNU hoped to have more extensive cooperation with CI at WKU. Dec 10: The 11th Global CI Conference at Kunming Dr. Pan and Ms. Li Bo attended the conference and listened to the reports on the future development plan of Confucius Institutes led by Vice Premier Liu Yandong and Minister of Education Chen Baosheng. Dr. Pan made a presentation on How to link up CTCSOL and Kentucky Teacher Certification Standards at the Local Teacher Training Forum. Ms. Li Bo attended the meeting of the Chinese Directors convened by Vice Minister of Education Hao Ping. Dec 12: Dr. Pan visited Shanxi Province and delivered keynote speech Dr. Pan joined Shanxi education community to discuss the Chinese teachers selection and 1 +2 MAT project, and delivered the keynote speech to teachers and students of Taiyuan Second Foreign Language Institute on the theme of Why Should You Choose to Study in the United States. Dec 13-14: WKU Delegation Visited Chinese Testing Institute (CTI), Beijing At the invitation of CTI/Hanban, the four-member delegation from WKU led by Dean Evans conducted a two-day evaluation on How to link up CTCSOL and Kentucky Teacher Certification Standards. They met with experts from Peking University, Beijing Normal University, East China Normal University, Beijing Language University and CTI which conducted in-depth exchanges. The two sides were very satisfied with the outcome of the meeting. Mr. Proffitt of CI at WKU drafted the meeting memorandum for the two sides to follow up in the future. Dec 14: Dean Evans met with Tongji University With the introduction and potential projects of CI at WKU with Tongji University led by Dr. Pan, and Dean Evans exchanged views on the 1 + 2 MAT project. Dec 14: Meeting with Dean MA Jianfei of Hanban Dr. Pan briefed the main work of the CI at WKU to Dean Ma of Hanban, then they discussed 2017 Chinese teachers selection, 2017 Model CI Conference and Local Chinese Teachers Project for 1+2 MAT students which all obtained great support from Dean Ma. Director Zhao Yanqing from Teachers Division, Director Duan Li from Finance Department and Ms. Li Bo also joined the meeting. 32 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

2016 年西肯孔院大事记 一月 : 1 月 28 日 -29 日 :Potter Gray 中国文化课程活动西肯孔院与 Potter Gray 小学举行联谊活动, 孔子学院派出的艺术教师在该校进行中国艺术文化推广课, 受到了学校 300 多名学生的热烈欢迎 1 月 30 日 : Bridge 小学学生参观孔院中国文化展示中心 Bridg 小学再次参观孔子学院, 小朋友尤其喜欢中国书画, 他们在扇子上写字, 画熊猫, 中国剪纸对他们来说是一个挑战, 但看着自己栩栩如生的剪纸作品, 小朋友们都开心而骄傲 二月 : 1 月 29 日 -2 月 20 日 : 西肯孔院 Super Saturdays 中文活动来自 Bowling Green 市小学的 16 名小学生注册了西肯孔院的 Super Saturdays 中文课程, 在这四个星期里, 他们学习汉语 了解中国文化 在灯笼上画中国传统水墨画 画中国脸谱 剪纸, 还有他们尤其感兴趣的太极功夫扇 不用去中国, 他们真真切切的感受到了中国文化的丰富与魅力 2 月 3 日 -4 日 :Potter Gray 小学中国文化课程活动西肯孔院与 Potter Gray 小学举行联谊活动, 孔子学院派出的艺术老师在该校进行中国艺术文化推广课, 受到了该校 150 多名学生的热烈欢迎 课堂中学生们主要进行了中国吹梅及剪纸的各种体验活动, 同时观看了中国新年文化英语短片, 了解并学习了中国新年的文化与习俗等 2 月 8 日 -13 日 : 熊猫快餐中国新年活动为庆祝中国农历新年的到来, 受校园中餐馆熊猫快餐的邀请, 西肯孔院的老师进行了为期一周的新年庆祝活动 活动包括编中国结 中国书法 剪纸 茶艺表演等, 参加活动人数约 500 人, 他们对中国文化表现了极大兴趣 2 月 13 日 : 第六届春节招待会西肯孔院于 2 月 13 日在学校校友会接待中心举行春节招待会, 与孔子学院的汉语老师以及所有关心支持孔子学院发展的校内外热心人士, 共约 200 多人, 一同庆祝中国新年 西肯塔基大学校长 Gary A. Ransdell 出席活动, 在开幕式上致辞, 并为优秀汉语教师颁奖 2 月 18-19 日 :Central City 小学中国文化宣传活动西肯孔院的三位老师受邀到 Central City 小学进行中国文化活动推广, 他们展示了中国书法 筷子使用等, 同行的中国文化移动体验车将浓缩的中国文化介绍给全校 500 多名小学生 2 月 12 日 29 日 :Dishman 小学中国文化课程活动西肯孔院与 Dishman 小学举行联谊活动, 孔子学院派出的艺术老师在该校进行中国艺术文化推广课, 受到了该校 100 多名学生的热烈欢迎 课堂中主要教授了日常汉语及掌握书法书写的基本姿势 同时观看了中国新年文化英语短片并制作了中国传统剪纸 - 猴, 课堂上学生们的学习气氛活跃对中国文化充满兴趣 三月 : 3 月 5 日 -14 日 : 西肯塔基大学盖顿学院访华 12 名来自连续七年名列 华盛顿邮报 之 精英高级中学榜 连续四年被 新闻周刊 和 每日新闻 评为全美高中排名第一的盖顿中学的学生启程前往中国参加由国家汉办资助, 由 西肯孔院举办, 由华北电力大学承办的 2016 年盖顿学院青年领袖研究强化项目 他们主要针对中国能源政策的制定与中美建筑的对比两大主题进行深入的探讨 同时, 继 2015 年盖顿中学访问清华附中后, 盖顿中学此次访问了山西大学附属中学, 旨在建立中美两国高中生之间的交流纽带 3 月 7 日 -14 日 : 商务汉语模拟会议受肯塔基州联合大会的邀请, 西肯孔院的老师们与来自肯塔基州高中的 200 多名学生进行了一次模拟商业会谈, 以帮助他们拓宽视野, 更好的适应全球经济的挑战 3 月 16 日 -17 日 :Adair 学区小学参观中国文化移动体验车西肯孔院的老师受邀到 Adair 学区小学进行中国文化推广活动, 通过中国文化移动体验车的展示, 该学区 1000 多名小学生更加全面深刻的了解了中国 3 月 23 日 : 西肯孔院电影之夜应现代语言学院汉语专业学生对中国电影的喜爱, 西肯孔院又为学生们放映了一场精彩爱情电影 --- 云水谣, 该影片曾获得金马奖 年度影视大奖等多个奖项 共有 20 多名汉语学生观看了此片, 同学们都被这部影片深深吸引和感动 四月 : 4 月 7 日 15 日 : Housing Authority 高中参观西肯孔院来自 Housing Authority 高中的共约 50 名学生参观西肯孔院, 了解中国语言文化知识 孔子学院的老师带领他们参观了中国文化体验中心, 教他们书法以及中国民间艺术 - 折纸 同学们被中国文化丰富而独特的魅力吸引, 不断赞叹 4 月 13 日 :Boys and Girls Club 参观西肯孔院来自 Boys and Girls Club 的 20 名小学生第三次参观西肯孔院 孔子学院的老师深入而详细的讲解了中国文化, 带领小朋友们学会了画熊猫 4 月 14 日 :Lead 200 class 参观西肯孔院大约 30 名来自 Lead 200 class 的学生像往年一样参观西肯孔院 孔院教师给他们详细讲解了中国文化的方方面面, 带领他们体验了书法 4 月 15 日 :Tarmac 小学参观孔子学院来自 Tarmac 小学的 22 名小学生参观了中国文化体验中心 西肯孔院的汉语老师给他们详细讲解了丰富而有趣的中国文化 小朋友们都很兴奋, 对奥妙的中国文化充满好奇与兴趣 4 月 19 日 : 潘伟平院长在北京语言大学讲座潘伟平教授在北京语言大学与对外汉语专业硕士研究生五十余人, 开展了题为 西肯孔院与大学发展 的专题讲座 讲座中, 潘院长就孔子学院的宗旨 中国文化移动体验车 孔子课堂 中华厨艺展示车等内容与广大师生进行了深入探讨 通过本次专题讲座, 加深了留学生对西肯孔院的了解, 理解了西肯孔院在传承中国传统文化方面发挥的重要作用, 燃起了同学们加入西肯孔院汉语师资的强烈愿望 4 月 22 日 : Potter Gray 小学参观孔子学院在 Keriann Pratt 老师的带领下,30 名 Potter Gray 小学的一年级小朋友参观了西肯孔院 孔院教师为他们详细讲解了中国文化, 然后小朋友们学习使用筷子并且进行筷子夹豆子比赛 五月 : CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 33

2016 Calendar of Events 4 月 30 日 -5 月 4 日 : 在北语举办为期 5 天的西肯教师资格证培训此次培训邀请了两位来自西肯塔基大学教育学院的教师 Gandy 博士和 Stobaugh 博士, 对来自全国各地的 12 名汉语教师介绍了肯塔基州的语言学习标准和美国课堂教学要求, 指导参训汉语教师如何进行肯塔基州教师资格证申请材料的准备 5 月 3 日 : 西肯孔院 新汉学计划 - 走近中国当代艺术 启程 12 名美国艺术工作者赴中国与中国艺术学术界 商业界人士们进行了深入交流 他们到访了孔子学院总部 中央美院 西安美术学院 798 艺术区 中国美术馆 今日美术馆 西安美术馆 尤伦斯艺术中心 海波画室等诸多能够代表中国当代艺术整体情况的机构并与徐冰 尹吉男 苏新平等中国知名艺术家进行了面对面的交流, 美国艺术家表示成果丰富, 将会与中国艺术节展开更多的合作 5 月 11 日 : 教会保健中心中文活动西肯孔院的老师应邀到教会保健中心举办书法活动, 共有 10 余名老人参加了此次活动 他们对中国书法极感兴趣, 希望有更多机会学习中国文化语言知识 5 月 15 日 : 潘伟平院长在太原市与教师座谈西肯校长助理潘伟平博士 山西省教育厅国际交流处处长李易青来到山西省太原市第二外国语学校与来自 12 个学校的 60 余名中学教师进行座谈, 介绍西肯孔院的办学理念 历史发展 运营模式和未来规划 ; 此外, 两位顺利通过 2016 年国家汉办公派汉语教师选拔考试的老师介绍了公派汉语教师的选拔流程和考试心得 六月 : 6 月 13 日 -26 日 :Trinity 孔子课堂学员参加 汉语与华夏文明探索 此次来华文化团由美国 Trinity 孔子课堂 20 名高中学生和老师组成, 在中国进行了为期 14 天的学习和访问 华北电力大学负责接待此次访华团组, 先后到访了北京和山西两地, 山西素有 中国古代文化博物馆 之美称, 其古建筑是目前全国遗存下来最丰富的省, 现存辽 宋之前的木构建筑占全国 75% 以上, 让学员们了解了更多面的中国 6 月 14 日 : 欧文斯伯勒童子军军营展示中国文化西肯教师向 100 多名 5 年级学生展示中国文化, 受到老师 学生 家长的热烈欢迎 6 月 15 日 : 中国文化移动体验车受邀参加全球研讨会由肯塔基州教育局赞助, 西肯孔院受邀向 100 多名参会者介绍了公派教师项目, 很多位中小学校长对明年开设汉语课程都十分有兴趣 6 月 18 日 : 西肯孔院受邀参加印第安纳州 All-in-Block 宴会在印第安纳州文化中心和教育局赞助的 All-in-Block 宴会上, 西肯孔院向 200 多名来宾展示了中国文化, 介绍了孔院项目 七月 : 7 月 11 日 : 西肯孔院与国家开放大学签署合作意向书西肯孔院计划明年与国家开放大学合作开展远程教学 7 月 18 日 :10 名教师在北语参加 1 周的汉办教师培训西肯孔院今年有 10 名新增公派教师, 由于 7 月 25 日这些教师必须抵达孔院参加美国课堂岗前培训, 所以 10 名教师仅能参加一周的汉办教师培训, 便马不停蹄的奔赴西肯 7 月 25-8 月 1 日 :37 名汉语教师在西肯孔院参加岗前培训根据美国肯塔基州教育局规定, 新任教师在正式上课前需参加为期 2 周的岗前培训, 西肯孔院今年总共有 43 名教师, 其中 6 名为 1+2MAT 项目的志愿者教师, 其余 37 人按时抵达西肯并参加了为期两周的岗前培训, 培训中教师们更加系统 明确的学习了美国课堂的教学模式, 为今后的教学做好扎实的准备 7 月 31 日 : 潘伟平院长在天津南开大学为即将赴任的中方院长讲座潘伟平院长已经连续四年被邀请为一年一度的中方院长培训做讲座, 今年潘院长主要向各位即将赴任的中方院长们介绍了如何办好一所孔院及西肯孔院的一些优秀案例, 希望对院长们有所启发 八月 : 8 月 15-29 日 : 西肯孔院项目协调员 Proffitts 走访 13 所学区 Proffitts 先生参观了阿黛尔县, 拜伦县, 巴特勒县, 克拉夫特县, 戴维斯县, 哈丁县, 洛根县, 米德县, 梅特卡夫县, 瑞米伦贝格县, 辛普森县, 托德县和沃伦县, 与教师们讨论了当前教师工作情况与孔子课堂情况 此外, 他与学区负责人 指定联系人及校长们商议了 2017 年汉语教师需求计划及新建孔子课堂的申请意向 他向各学区传达了西肯孔院对汉语教学的新政策, 包括将 YCT 考试作为检测学生汉语学习水平的标准化考试, 考试成绩将送达至各个学区 他还通知各学区目前正在进行的幼儿园 -12 年级汉语课程教学大纲编辑工作以及接下来赴 37 课堂听课的计划表 8 月 17 日 : 中南民族大学代表团到访西肯代表团参观了中国文化移动体验车 中国文化体验中心并与教育学院院长 Evans 就 1+2 项目进行了会谈, 苗副校长表示, 中南民族大学希望与西肯展开多个领域的合作, 包括介绍少数民族文化 8 月 20 日 : 西肯孔院参加了欧文斯伯勒地区多元文化节西肯孔院搭建了 2 个展台, 向当地群众们展示书法 灯笼 生肖 信息表和中国游戏 西肯孔院的中国文化体验车也参加了文化节, 与此同时, 中华厨艺展示车在文化节上完成了美国首秀 8 月 23 日 :Ransdell 校长携夫人在官邸为孔院教师举办了欢迎会校长对汉语教师们的工作给予高度赞扬, 感谢他们帮助美国肯州的学生们在当今全球化的世界中具有了竞争力 校长还对在场的学区负责人 各学校的校长们, 区域协调员和当地住家们对孔院工作的支持表示感谢 8 月 24 日 中国考古 课大学生汉语体验活动西肯选修 中国考古 专业的 25 名大学生到西肯孔院中国文化体验中心进行了参观和学习, 孔院的老师为这些学生上了一堂丰富的中国文化体验课, 学生们了解了更多中国的文化和历史, 也提高了对汉语学习的兴趣 九月 : 9 月 2 日 3 日 : 西肯孔院参加路易斯维尔市世界文化节西肯孔院在俯瞰俄亥俄河的 Belvedere 搭建了一个 30 英尺 *30 英尺的的帐篷展示各种原汁原味的中国文化, 有超过 150000 人次的群众参加了该文化节 9 月 10 日 : 西肯孔院再次出征路易斯维尔龙舟节西肯孔院再获冠军成功卫冕, 下设圣弗朗西斯孔子课堂获得高中组冠军 此次搭建了 20 个展台, 出动了中国文化体验车 中 34 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

华厨艺展示车并邀请了 精彩中国艺术团 现场表演变脸 魔术和训大鸟等节目 9 月 10 日 : 西肯孔院在校园内举办中秋庆祝活动听演讲 做月饼, 西肯孔院联合西肯塔基大学现代语言学系汉语专业以及中文旗舰项目的学生和老师, 共同开展了丰富多彩的中秋庆祝活动 在学校图书馆入口处设置了两个展台, 分别展示中秋节传统美食和嫦娥奔月的美丽传说, 专门安排了汉语教师对参观中秋展台的美国学生进行讲解, 短短几天时间, 吸引了近千名学生参观学习 9 月 12 日 -16 日 : 精彩中国艺术团演出为了让西肯孔院下属的孔子课堂的学生进一步感受中国传统文化, 增强汉语学习的兴趣, 西肯孔院特别邀请来自纽约的中国传统艺术表演团, 于 9 月 12 日 -16 日, 走进中小学校园, 为沃伦县 辛普森县 哈定县和杰弗逊县的 10 所中小学带来了精彩纷呈的中国京剧 魔术等表演 演出获得了巨大的成功, 总共超过 7000 多学生 老师和社区居民观看了表演 学校的学生和老师对西肯塔基大学孔子学院为大家带来的这场中国传统文化视觉盛宴表示由衷地感谢 9 月 15 日 -17 日 : 西肯孔院教师参加肯塔基州世界语言大会本届大会在肯塔基州路易斯维尔举办, 西肯孔院教师参加了此次大会并介绍了目前中文教学技术与理念, 西肯现代语言学院教授彭珂介绍了汉语双学分项目 9 月 23 日 -25 日 : 西肯孔院 40 名教师参加岗中培训来自遍布肯塔基州各地近 10 个郡县的 37 名汉语教师共同参与为期 2 天在鲍灵格林市区大学广场的假日酒店举行的岗中培训 培训内容包含 7 大课程, 涵盖了课堂管理 教学技巧 学生评估 YCT 汉语考试推广 教师个人资料库建设及评估各大方面 培训过程中, 新老教师群策群力, 踊跃发言, 在吸收新知识的同时纷纷上台交流传授自己的教学经验与心得, 现场气氛十分热烈 9 月 24 日 : 孔子学院日在鲍灵格林国际文化节上完美收官这一天是孔子学院日系列活动的高潮部分, 西肯孔院全力以赴, 通过中国文化体验车和搭建一个 30 英尺 *30 英尺的帐篷向当地民众们展示各种原汁原味的中国文化, 此次文化节中 160 个展台中西肯孔院占了 20 个展台, 参观人数达 15000 人 十月 : 10 月 19 日 : 中田纳西大学孔子学院中方院长赵映振参观西肯孔院赵院长及两名汉语教师先后参观了西肯孔院的中国文化体验中心和刚建成的示范孔院大楼, 赵院长对中国文化体验中心的陈设和布置以及示范大楼的装修布局赞不绝口并表示一定会参加示范大楼的落成典礼 10 月 17-31 日 :Proffitt 学期末观摩课堂教学 Proffitt 先生进行了 14 次教师观察,5 次教师访问和 6 次 KTIP 会议, 他还审查了 11 个教师课程计划, 不断提高汉语教学质量 10 月 26-31 日 : 教师网络培训 Proffitt 先生为 Adobe Connect 设置在线培训 --WKU 平台用于 CI 教师会议, 在线学习和网络研讨会 10 月 28 日 : 东方遇见西方 - 万圣节活动在万圣节来临之前, 西肯孔院为当地学生举办了一场 了解中国戏曲, 学做京剧脸谱 文化推广活动, 活动分为中国戏曲讲座 京剧脸谱制作 中国传统服饰试穿与租借三部分, 共有近百名学生参加 十一月 : 11 月 5 日 : 乡村部落社区 (Village Manor) 举办中国文化体验活动 7 名孔院汉语教师专程驱车来到乡村部落社区, 向当地居民们展示了中国书法 国画 太极 象棋 围棋 剪纸和折纸等多种中国文化, 吸引了约 30 名当地居民参与 11 月 14 日 : 节日彩妆树闪耀西肯西肯孔院于 10 月中旬发起面向西肯塔基大学各学院 学生团体和社区民众征集节日彩妆树的有奖竞赛活动, 旨在展示各组织或个人对不同文化 特殊事业 世界各国重大节日等各种主题的理解 共收到七件参赛作品并在西肯孔院中国文化中心展出半个月, 通过网上投票的方式, 共有 2700 余名观众参与, 共选出 5 件作品分获一至五等奖 其中, 舞动的芭蕾树 人类的栖息地 分别获得冠亚军 11 月 12-20 日 : 感恩节前教师走访潘伟平院长与李博院长在感恩节到来之际, 分赴各个学区看望孔院的教师们, 与老师们聊聊工作, 说说家常, 为辛苦工作在最前沿的汉语教师们带去最真挚的问候 两位院长也拜访了几位学区负责人与校长, 得到了他们对孔院老师们高度的赞扬和评价 11 月 18 日 -11 月 20 日 : 赴波士顿参加全美外语教学学会及世界语言博览会全美外语教学学会及世界语言博览会 (ACTFL) 成立于 1966 年, 由全美外语教师 外语教学专家及相关教育机构组成的学会, 主要宗旨在倡导语言教学 提供语言相关的专业发展机会 建立高品质语言教学标準 出版语言专业书籍期刊 发展语言教学资源等 本次西肯孔院在博览会中搭设了两个展台, 与中外老师们探讨并分享经验, 也从同行们的分享中获取新鲜视角, 为孔院的汉语教学与文化推广注入新鲜活力 11 月 20 日 -12 月 9 日 : 逾 1000 人参加 YCT 考试为了有效掌握汉语教学进度, 不断提高汉语教学质量, 西肯孔院将 YCT 考试作为孔院汉语教学的抓手, 在 2016 年底进行了一次覆盖 15 个学校, 近 1100 名学生参加的大规模 YCT 考试 此次考试从启动到考卷送回汉考国际为时不到一个月, 体现了西肯孔院一直以来的高效工作作风与孔院汉语教师们的敬业精神 11 月 29 日 -12 月 2 日 : 中国中医科学院西苑医院代表团到访肯塔基州经过西肯孔院与西苑医院一年半的运作和沟通, 西苑医院代表团一行五人抵达肯塔基州, 代表团在肯塔基州的时间只有两天, 但是行程安排却紧张而充实, 到达后稍作休息就开始了旋风般的系列会议和访问活动 两天中参观了两家医院, 其中一家是美国规模第七大的欧文斯伯勒市医院 ; 到访了两所高校 ; 做了两场演讲, 并与本地的华人医生面对面的交流中医在美国的现状与发展前景 西苑医院的五位医生受到当地群众的热情欢迎, 欧文斯伯勒市医院对中医有很大的热情, 他们希望寻找到针对人体的整体治疗方法, 医院领导与医生们希望与西苑医院有进一步的合作 十二月 : 12 月 8 日 : 完成孔院 43 名教师的教学评估工作经过细致的规划与专业培训, 针对西肯孔院 43 名汉语教师的教学评估顺利完成, 本次评估采用美国西肯塔基州教育专业标准 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 35

2016 Calendar of Events 委员会教学评估系统, 基于 Charlotte-Danielson 模型来评估肯塔基州的新教师 这个模型有 22 个组件, 旨在考察教师在四个领域的表现得分, 分别是无效 发展 完成或示范, 在每个类别中, 可以根据教师提供的观察和证据分配三个等级之一, 基于每个领域内的等级, 基于观察和证据的总体情况得出最后等级 我们欣喜的看到 66% 教师的表现达到或高于 5 级这一平均水平 12 月 9 日 : 在昆明哈尔滨师范大学国际处领导会谈商讨两校合作双方就 1+2MAT 项目与汉语教师选拔项目进行了深入沟通, 哈师大非常希望能够与西肯孔院有更加广泛的合作 12 月 10 日 : 参加第 11 届全球孔子学院大会西肯中外方院长参加了此次大会, 听取了国家副总理刘延东 教育部部长陈宝生等领导做的关于孔院未来发展规划的报告 潘伟平院长在本土教师师资培养论坛上做了关于 国际汉语教师资格证与肯塔基州教师资格标准如何衔接 的主旨发言 李博院长参加了由郝平副部长召集的中方院长座谈会 12 月 12 日 : 潘院长赴山西省参加座谈会并做主题演讲潘伟平院长与山西省教育界人士共同探讨孔院教师选拔及 1+2MAT 项目, 并为太原第二外语学院的师生们做了一场主题为 为何选择赴美留学 的专题演讲 12 月 13-14 日 : 西肯代表团赴北京进行中美教师资格证对接评审受汉办汉考国际的邀请, 在西肯孔院的安排下, 西肯四人代表团由教育学院院长 Evans 带队, 在北京进行了为期两天的针对国际汉语教师资格证与肯塔基州教师资格标准如何对接的项目评审工作, 期间与北京大学 北京师范大学 华东师范大学 北京语言大学以及汉考国际的专家们进行了深入的交流 双方对会谈结果非常满意, 西肯孔院 Proffitt 先生起草了会议备忘录, 双方将根据备忘录内容进行后续的对接工作 12 月 14 日 : 教育学院院长 Evans 与同济大学领导会谈首先潘伟平院长向同济大学介绍了西肯孔院的情况与可合作的项目, 之后教育学院院长与同济大学教育学院院长就 1+2MAT 合作项目进行了交流 12 月 14 日 : 向汉办马箭飞主任汇报工作潘院长向汉办马主任汇报了西肯孔院的主要工作情况, 并就 2017 年汉语教师选拔 2017 年全球示范孔院大会 1+2MAT 毕业生转本土教师等重要事宜进行了沟通, 均得到马主任的大力支持, 参加会面的还有师资处处长赵燕清 财务处处长段莉及西肯孔院中方院长李博 36 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017


2016 Chinese Teachers 2016 年汉语教师一览 Bin Mingzhi 宾明智 Franklin-Simpson High School Franklin, KY Li Guodong 李国栋 Anchored Christian School & Holy Lutheran School Bowling Green, KY Cao Liya 曹丽雅 East Hardin Middle School Glendale, KY Li Na 李娜 Metcalfe Middle School & Metcalfe High School Edmonton, KY Chen Lijuan 陈丽娟 Apollo High School Owensboro, KY Li Xiaojing 李晓静 Deer Park Elementary School Owensboro, KY Chou Yuting 侴雨婷 Henry F. Moss Middle School Bowling Green, KY Li Xia 李霞 Barren County High School Glasgow, KY Cui Lili 崔莉莉 Logan County High School Russellville, KY Li Ying 李莹 Todd County Central Middle & High School Elkton, KY Deng Jiacui 邓家翠 Warren Elementary School Bowling Green, KY Liao Zheng 廖筝 Lincoln Elementary School Franklin, KY Guan Chunmei 关春梅 Bristow Elementary School Bowling Green, KY Lin Weipeng 林伟鹏 Morgantown High School Morgantown, KY Ji Hui 季慧 Flaherty Elementary School Ekron, KY Liu Jin 刘晋 Richpond Elementary School Bowling Green, KY 38 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

Liu Jia 刘佳 Richardsville Elementary School Bowling Green, KY Wang Hua 王华 WKU Modern Language Bowling Green, KY Luo Xuan 骆璇 Henry F. Moss Middle School Bowling Green, KY Wang Zhenya 王震亚 Drakes Creek Middle School Bowling Green, KY Luo Shu 骆姝 Richpond Elementary School Bowling Green, KY Wang Ruiling 王瑞灵 Burns Middle School Owensboro, KY Qin Qiuhua 覃秋华 William Natcher Elementary School Cloverport, KY Wang Yahong 王亚红 Butler County Elementary School & Morgantown Elementary School Morgantown, KY Shi Baolin 施宝琳 Franklin-Simpson Middle School Franklin,KY Wu Jiangju 吴江菊 Alvaton Elementary School Bowling Green, KY Tang Zhiwei 唐智为 St. Francis Elementary/Middle School Louisville, KY Wu Wenxi 吴文希 Stuart Pepper Middle School Brandenburg,KY Tao Dandan 陶丹丹 Warren East Middle School Bowling Green, KY Xing Jia 邢佳 Meade County High School Brandenburg, KY Wang Cong 王聪 WKU Confucius Institute Bowling Green, KY Xu Huihui 许慧慧 Alvaton Elementary School Bowling Green, KY CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017 39

2016 Chinese Teachers 2016 年汉语教师一览 Xu Jieqiong 许洁琼 South Warren Middle School Bowling Green, KY Zhang Tianwei 张添威 WKU Modern Language Bowling Green, KY Xu Shuang 许爽 Richardsville Elementary School Bowling Green, KY Zhang Wenhui 张文会 WKU Confucius Institute Bowling Green, KY Zhan Ge 战戈 Henry F. Moss Middle School Bowling Green,KY Zhang Yanjie 张妍杰 WKU Confucius Institute Bowling Green, KY Zhang Dandan 张丹丹 Adair County Middle School Columbia, KY Zhang Yu 张瑜 Adair County Primary School & Adair County High School Columbia, KY Zhang Miao 张妙 Simpson Elementary School Franklin, KY Zhang Juan 张娟 Central City Elementary School Central City, KY Zhang Qin 张芩 WKU Confucius Institute Bowling Green, KY Zhao Yuhan 赵雨涵 Frederick Fraize High School Cloverport, KY 40 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 2017

Contact Information 联系方式 Wei-Ping Pan 潘伟平 Terrill Martin 马泰瑞 Charles Nelson Proffitt Li Bo 李博 Chinese Translations by: Mr. Li Guodong 李国栋 Mr. Zhang Qin 张芩 Ms. Zhang Wenhui 张文会 Ms. Xu Huihui 许慧慧 Ms. Li Xia 李霞 Ms. Ji Hui 季慧 Western Kentucky University 1906 College Heights Blvd. #11067 Bowling Green, KY 42101-1067 Phone ( 电话 ): 270-745-2836 or 270-745-2530 Fax ( 传真 ): 270-745-4165 If you are interested in partnering with the Confucius Institute, please contact us at 西肯塔基大学孔子学院联系方式 ( 电子邮件 ) or at ( 电话 ) 270-745-2836. Western Kentucky University is an equal opportunity institution of higher education and upon request provides reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities. 2017 Western Kentucky University. Printing paid from state funds, KRS 57.375.