主辦單位 Chinese American Academic and Professional Association in MN 明州華人學術聯誼會 協辦單位 Minnesota Chinese Cultural Services Center Minnesota Chinese Veterans

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CAAPAM 明州華人學術聯誼會 P.O. Box 25767, Woodbury, MN 55125 2014 年學術研討會 Annual Conference Wellness and Entrepreneurship Sunday, September 14, 2014 9:20 a.m. 4:30 p.m. North Oaks Golf Club 54 East Oaks Rd. North Oaks, MN 55127 (651) 484-8585

主辦單位 Chinese American Academic and Professional Association in MN 明州華人學術聯誼會 協辦單位 Minnesota Chinese Cultural Services Center Minnesota Chinese Veterans Association Science & Technology Division/TECO in Houston The University of Minnesota China Center 明州中華文化服務中心明州榮光聯誼會駐休士頓台北經濟文化辦事處科技組明尼蘇達大學 2014 CAAPAM Directors 理事名單 會長 President 陳慶儀 Maria Arrowsmith 副會長 Vice President 賀廣玉 Kuang-Yu Chien 財務 Treasurer 郭建德 Chien-Teh Kuo 秘書 & 網管 Secretary & webmaster 阮仁華 Jenhua Juan 公關 Public Relations 蘇秉輝 Biing-Huei Su 總務 Logistics 蕭向平 Jack Hsiao 理事 Director 陳立君 Li-Chun Chen 理事 Director 朱煥彰 Peter Chu 理事 Director 李子成 Tzu-Chen Lee 理事 Director 林志誠 Joseph Lin 理事 Director 劉里鵬 Liiperng Liou 理事 Director 王莉茵 Lih-In W. Rezania 理事 Director 溫榕榕 Debra Wen 理事 Director 余大華 Tahua Yu 顧問 Advisor 程惠賢 H.H. Cheng 顧問 Advisor 黃肇鑣 John Huang 顧問 Advisor 高百之 Pai C. Kao 有關本會詳細資料及活動預告, 請瀏覽 www.caapam.org 問題及查詢, 請電郵至 caapam@gmail.com

2014 CAAPAM Annual Conference Program 學術研討會議程 主題 : 養生與創業 Wellness and Entrepreneurship 09:20-09:50 am Registration 報到 09:50-10:00 am Opening Remark 開幕致辭 Chair: Maria Arrowsmith 陳慶儀會長 10:00-11:00 am Title: Starting a Business - Motivation and Key Considerations 創業動機和考慮因素 (Presents in Chinese) Speaker: Dr. Weiwen Xie 謝偉文博士 Moderator: Dr. Tahua Yu 余大華理事 Dr. Xie is currently Executive Director and CTO at Quetica, LLC. He is experienced in innovating and developing new products in financial supply chain management, payment, E-Commerce, and supply chain management. Weiwen has experience in multiple technology startups. He is co-founder, former CIO and chief architect of Syncada from Visa, LLC. and U.S. Bank PowerTrack, one of the largest cloud-based B2B payment networks. He holds a Ph.D in computer science from University of Minnesota. 謝偉文博士獲明大電子計算機系博士, 他曾參與創辦數個科技公司, 例如現在已發展成為雲端網路 B2B 付費系統中最具規模的服務業公司之一的 Syncada 謝博士在創新和開發財務供應鏈管理 付款和電子商務等方面具有深厚豐富的經驗, 現為 Quetica, LLC. 執行董事兼首席技術長 他將分享其創業的心路歷程與經驗, 包含創業的動機與在經營策略 法律 資產結構 市場 銷售 財務和風險管理等諸多方面的考量 1

11:00-12:00 am Title: Pain Treatment & Management 疼痛治療及其局限性 (Presents in English) Speaker: Dr. Ping-Yee Law 羅秉義博士 Moderator: Dr. Li-Chun Chen 陳立君理事 Ping-Yee Law, Ph.D., Professor of Pharmacology at University of Minnesota. Dr. Law is the Research Council Chair of the Basic Research Center in Molecular & Cell Biology of Drug Addiction. He received B.A. in chemistry from Luther College and Ph.D. in biochemistry from University of Illinois, Champaign- Urbana; and did his post doctoral research at U. of California in San Francisco. Prof. Law will use simple language and examples to explain the basic aspect of pain sensation and management in human. The drugs such as morphine and its congeners are the most powerful pain-killing agents being prescribed. However, the overall use of these drugs is hindered by the possibility of tolerance and dependence or addiction development in patients. To develop a perfect analgesic agent or pain treatment paradigm, his research is in the cellular mechanism for tolerance and dependence. Approaches and techniques used in his studies encompass biochemical, molecular biological, cellular, genetic and proteomic analysis of the components involved. From these studies, an overall mechanism of opioid tolerance and dependence will be developed and tested. 羅秉義博士是明尼蘇達大學藥理學教授, 也是基礎研究中心分子與藥物成癮的細胞生物學研究委員會主席 他將以簡單的語言和例子來解釋人類應該如何面對疼痛及如何有效治療疼痛 12:00-01:30 pm Lunch & Social Hour 午餐及聯誼 01:30-02:30 pm Title: Effect of Intestinal Bacteria to Human Body 腸中共生細菌對身體的影響 (Presents in English) Speaker: Dr. Nicolas Chia 賈立平博士 Moderator: Dr. Pai C. Kao 高百之顧問 Dr. Nicholas Chia is a scientist at Surgical Department of Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He received B.S. in Physics from George Washington University, Ph.D. in Physics from Ohio State Univ., and did his post doctoral research in Biophysics at the Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Many problems in microbiology can be approached from the viewpoint of systems biology. The interface between evolution and systems biology delivers broader notions of how biological evolution operates on metabolic, protein-protein and regulatory networks. His research expands the understanding of future limits and challenges to treat complex diseases, such as cancer or gastrointestinal disorders. 賈立平博士是華人移民的第二代, 先後於喬治華盛頓大學及俄亥俄州立大學獲得物理學士及博士學位, 畢業後在伊利諾大學進行生物物理學方面的博士後研究 ; 目前為梅諾外科學系的研究員 賈博士將介紹腸中共生之細菌的基因科學及其對身體的影響 2

02:30-03:30 pm Title: Importance of Emotions in Qigong Healing 情緒於氣功治療的重要性 (Presents in English Speakers: Mr. Chunyi Lin 林春宜先生 and Chinese) Moderator: Ms. Debra Wen 溫榕榕理事 Mr.Chunyi Lin is a certified international qigong master and the founder and creator of Spring Forest Qigong. He has been teaching qigong and using qigong techniques to help others for more than twenty-five years. Master Lin is also highly skilled in tai chi and Chinese herbal medicine. He is the coauthor of the Amazon.com bestseller, Born a Healer. He is also the coauthor with Dr. Nisha Manek of the Mayo Clinic of a chapter on Qigong in a medical school textbook, The Textbook of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. He is the director of the Spring Forest Center in Minnesota where he works with people from all over the world to help and empower them to overcome serious health challenges and return to optimal wellness. University of Minnesota found that Master Lin s Spring Forest Qigong techniques are helpful in relieving chronic pain. He has been a frequent keynote speaker in many major health conferences in the world. 林春宜, 國際氣功大師 春林氣功創辦人 在長達 25 年之久的教學及氣功治療中, 他的學生遍布世界各國超過 30 萬人 春林氣功治療亦聲名遠播於歐美專業醫療領域 林大師的名著包括與梅友診所醫師合編的醫學院教科書 The Textbook of Complementary and Alternative Medicine 及亞馬遜網站排行第一暢銷書 Born a Healer 除了在氣功領域獨樹一幟, 林大師亦酷愛太極拳及中醫 他將深入淺出講解情緒在氣功修煉上的地位以及對身體健康的影響, 和如何運用正負情緒在五行中的變化來平衡五臟六腑的生理健康 講座中, 他將帶領與會來賓做氣功靜坐療病, 讓大家領略和體會氣功治病的奧秘和情趣 03:30-03:45 Tea Time 午茶 03:45-04:30 Qigong Demonstration 氣功示範及練習 04:30 pm Adjourn 散會 3

感謝! Appreciation 明州華人學術聯誼會誠摯地感激下列公司與朋友們在 2013 年慷慨解囊 3M Company Kuang-Yu Chien 賀廣玉 John C P & Helen Huang 黃肇鑣許東淑 Tzu-Chen Lee 李子成 Lih-In W. Rezania 王莉茵 Biing-Huei Su 蘇秉輝 Tahua Yu 余大華 明州華人學術聯誼會 為非營利組織, 亟需個人及企業資助, 以利本會推動更多服務華人同胞的活動 捐款請寄 :P.O. Box 25767, Woodbury, MN 55125 您捐助 明州華人學術聯誼會 的款項可抵稅 Financial contributions to the Chinese American Academic & Professional Association in Minnesota are tax-deductible. CAAPAM's Tax ID is 41-1853475