香港春季拍賣總評 General Overview 巴勃羅 畢加索陶瓷珍藏 Picasso Ceramic Collection 開啟新時代的序幕 盛况空前的畢加索陶瓷珍藏 The beginning of the New Generation Great success of Picasso Ce

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2013 香港春季拍賣 2013 Spring Sale Hong Kong 成交率 80% 成交總額約 4 千 6 百萬港元 Rate of Successful Bids 80% Total Sales value approx. 46 Million HKD 自 2008 年進入香港市場到現在 伊斯特拍賣迎來了第 9 次的 2013 香港春季拍賣 今年起拍賣會的會場遷移到了臨海的五星級酒店 香 港萬麗海景酒店 在會場臨近的香港會議展覽中心 世界最大的藝 術博覽會 香港巴塞爾藝博會 佳士得拍賣會等也同期舉行 受益 於此 本次 2013 香港春季拍賣 吸引了大量新的藏家 可謂一场空 前壯大的 藝術盛典 5 月 24 日起 繼三天的預展后 26 日下午 2 點 珠寶 鐘錶 裝飾 藝術 東洋美術專場陸續開拍 同日 5 點 巴勃羅 畢加索陶瓷珍 藏 當代藝術 近代美術專場也陸續開拍 提到主要作品 首當其 衝的要數最受矚目的 A. 莫迪里安尼的油畫作品 黑色瞳孔的女人 另有巴黎畫派的莫裡斯 尤特里羅 藤田嗣治等作家的作品 私人 收藏的近 60 件畢加索的陶器作品 薩爾瓦多 達利的兩件組作品 格 雷琴的胸像 聞名世界的日本具象大師白髮一雄 日本現代美術界 的領軍人物草間彌生 奈良美智等 還最新推出了阿莫索羅 勞聯 本等東南亞作家的作品 此外還有世界著名珠寶設計大師陳世英的 作品 水晶觀音像 明清時期珍品 黃花梨雕青白玉鑲嵌雲龍座屏 私人收藏的 D.H 西巴魯斯系列作品等 經過了嚴格甄選的 290 件精 品共同組成了本場成交率超過 80% 成交額直逼 4 千 6 百萬港元的 高水準拍賣會 Lot 598 亞美迪歐 莫迪里安尼 / 黑色瞳孔的女人 A. Modigliani Femme Aux Yeux Noirs 61.0 x 50.0cm 成交預測價格 / Estimation HKD 15,000,000-23,000,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 13,620,000 Since the first advance from 2008, the 9th Est-Ouest Auctions 2013 Spring Sale Hong Kong has took its place at a new venue of the 5 Star, the Renaissance Harbour View Hotel. With the multiplier effect of the world largest art fair Art Basel and other auction houses such as Christie s auction, which took place at the Hong Kong Convention, Exhibition Center right next to the hotel, 2013 Spring Sale Hong Kong have brought interest to many new customers everyday, and showed great excitement that suits the Festival of Art. 經久不衰的東洋金銀製人氣作品 Stable popularity of Oriental gold and silver works 倍受矚目的莫迪里阿尼以外 聚集了大師級作品的當代美術展廳 Modigliani and other masterpieces from the Fine Arts The auction preview was held for 3 days starting from 24th May, Jewelleries & Watches, Western Decorative Arts, Oriental Arts auction started from 2PM, 26th May, and Ceramic Collection of Picasso, Fine & Contemporary Arts auction started from 5PM on the same day. Major works starring from the top lot of this auction, the oil painting of A. Modigliani s Femme Aux Yeux Noirs, the Ecole de Paris artists, Uthorillo, T. Foujita, and about 60 pieces of Picasso Ceramic works from a Private Collection, a unique 2 set piece A Pair of Torse de Gretchen from S. Dali, world famous SHIRAGA Kazuo of the Gutai group followed with KUSAMA Yayoi and NARA Yoshitomo of the Japanese Contemporary artists, also introducing F. Amorsolo and L. Lianbien of the Southeast Asian artists. World famous Jewellery designer of Hong Kong, Crystal Statue of Goddess of Mercy by Wallace Chan, a valuable Chinese Quince Celadon Jade Inlayed Flying Dragon Screen from MingQing period, single owner collection of D.H. Chiparus works, with quality, conducted by total of 290 lots and the auction resulted in 80% successful bid ratio and total sales of about 46 Million HKD.

香港春季拍賣總評 General Overview 巴勃羅 畢加索陶瓷珍藏 Picasso Ceramic Collection 開啟新時代的序幕 盛况空前的畢加索陶瓷珍藏 The beginning of the New Generation Great success of Picasso Ceramic Collection 日本藏家歷經 10 年所藏的巴勃羅 畢加索陶器珍藏成為了本次春季拍賣的 一大亮點 拍賣會前就備受關注 自國內外而來的諮詢絡繹不絕 然而 58 件陶器作品全部以高於估價 3 至 13 倍的高額成交 這在伊斯特 30 年歷史中也極其少見 超乎了所有人的預料 這一歷史性的成功也就此成 為了畢加索陶器拍賣新的里程碑 Pablo Picasso Ceramic Collection Sale, from a Private collector in Japan who spent more than 10 years collecting them, there were some positive responses inside and outside the country prior to auction. However, no one has expected the realized prices of all 58 lots has been auctioned up to 3 to 16 times the estimation, a very rare experience during the last 30 years of Est-Ouest Auctions' history. The successful Picasso Ceramics Sale in the history has begun. 預展會的反響 The outcome of the Preview 進入預展會場 畢加索陶器珍藏的龐大佈陣首先映入眼簾 玻璃展示柜和展 墻並用 一旦進入這個被色彩鮮豔 充滿粗 犷刚劲 生命力的畢加索陶器作 品所充斥的空間 所有來場者都不由面露笑容 許多藏家都把作品放在手中 仔細的觀察和確認著作品的狀態 并不時欣喜若狂地發出驚呼 爲什麽藝 術大師的作品這麼便宜 大家對陶器作品的版數 系列的標記等進行了 詢問 也有很多新的藏家慕名而來 這正是畢加索作品所獨具的 作品的力 量 之魅力所在 其中一半以上的客人都參加了競拍 The Picasso Ceramic Collection was exhibited in a large area close to the entrance of the preview venue. Occupying the walls and showcases, the atmosphere of the vivid and energetic Picasso Ceramics provided happiness to the visitors who stepped in. Art lovers taking each pieces one by one in hands, taking time to check the conditions of the works, editions, numbers and literature information for each items, asking questions with great joy, is it really possible to buy these grandmaster works at this price? Many new collectors were charmed by the originality of Picasso s Power of Artwork, which led most of them to visit and participate in the auction. 盛况空前的拍賣之末 After the Sale with Great Success 為何會有如此好的結果呢 首先藏品是由同一個收藏家提供 作品的狀態十 分優良 有一半的作品都被裝裱 保護完好 可見收藏家對作品的重視程度 爲了完全地表達傳遞出作品的魅力 我們在展示的方案上窮盡其思 至今 為止歐美和日本藏家是收藏畢加索的陶器作品的主要力量 而這次的作品主 要被以香港為中心的亞洲藏家拍得 在 2012 年香港文化博物館舉行了 巴黎 畢加索展 的背景之下 畢加索在香港越來越受到藏家的歡迎和喜愛 即使 是在國際上飽受讚譽的 20 世紀巨匠畢加索 其陶器作品在經濟方面也是令 人比較能夠承受的 此外 對於中華圈的收藏愛好者來說 陶器 是一種比較容易接受的素材 當然畢加索的作品本身就具備超越時代 感動人們的力量 加之目前的時機 市場等因素 共同造就了這樣的成果 從本次拍賣結果看來 也許在亞洲各國間將會掀起畢加索陶器作品的風潮 我們相信以本次拍賣為契機 今後畢加索陶器作品的市場評價和價值將有 所提升 但不希望這僅成為一種期貨購買式的泡沫現象 What was the reason for this great success as a result in this auction? If we had to state some reasons, perhaps the works are new on the market and were from a single owner collection. Most of the collection was in so called mint, condition of all works were extremely good. Say for example, almost half of the works was beautifully framed in colours, lets us imagine how much the owner affectionately collected each items. And the planning was thoroughly done prior to the auction's preview to present these charming works. Usually, collectors from Europe and Japan are interested in Picasso ceramics, but the successful bidders of this sale were mainly new Asian collectors based in Hong Kong. In the background of this market, there was an exhibition called PICASSO Masterpieces from Musee National Picasso, Paris at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum in 2012. Picasso was becoming very popular in Hong Kong and the value of the 20th century grandmaster Picasso is internationally stable, and ceramic works are more reasonable in price which gave people interest in buying the piece. Another reason could be the essence of ceramics that roots in the cultural background in their own country, especially easier for the Chinese art lovers to enter. Of course, Picasso s bright and creative works of art has the power to fascinate people over the generations. Perhaps the time was right, with the right people led to these results. This leading result provided from this sale forecasts the new booming of Picasso ceramics coming from Asian countries. Triggered by this sale, the Picasso ceramics' value should increase in the market to be traded in higher prices are gratifying, however we hope that this will not be the bubble phenomenon of mere speculation. 當代藝術 近代美術 Fine & Contemporary Art Enthusiasm leads to World Record 狂熱 繼而開創世界紀錄 除了日本 法國 瑞士 美國等各國的書面委託 更有貫穿了全場的歐美 香港藏家的電話委託 就在這異常緊張和興奮的氣氛中 畢加索陶器珍藏 專場拉開了帷幕 從第一件色彩鮮豔的作品 501 號 母雞花瓶 競拍開始 電話委託的競標牌 便此起彼伏 稍有停頓 會場内的競標牌也接連舉起 最後以超出了估價 3.3 倍的價格成交 會場氣氛不斷升溫 之後的陶器作品也一路攀高 每一件都 超出了估價 505 號的作品 山羊的側臉 也超過了預測價格的 3.5 倍 以 41.3 萬港幣成交 躍居畢加索陶器珍藏拍賣排行榜的第二位 成交價格榮登 榜首的是 以畢加索最後摯愛的女性雅克琳 洛克為主題的 戴花帽的女人 這也是送拍收藏家特別鍾愛的一件作品 在送拍的時候 十分的猶豫不決 可見收藏家對這幅作品的喜愛程度 該作品最終以高於估價約 4 倍的 64 萬 港幣成交 爲了拍得這件最珍貴的作品 電話委託和會場內的競爭異常激烈 大家都相互不退讓 會場内的競標牌被接連舉起 隨著拍賣師的錘聲 會 場內的沸騰炙熱化為經久不斷掌聲 迴蕩在每個角落 其中以高倍率的成交是中間階段的 534 號作品 停在樹上的鳥 作品為白 色的盤底上勾畫了一隻惹人憐愛的小鳥 估價為 1 萬到 1.5 萬港幣 在互不 讓步的電話委託和會場客人的競爭中 價格不斷攀升 最後高出估價 15 倍 以 15.3 萬港幣成交 會場內再次響起了熱烈的掌聲和歡呼聲 下面的 550 號作品 鬥牛士和公牛 是在拍賣的最後階段的一件色彩鮮豔 的彩繪盤 這件以畢加索喜歡的闘牛為題材的有韻律的作品 估價為 1.2 萬 到 2 萬港幣 最終也以高於估價 14 倍的 17.7 萬港幣成交 無論如何 這類 作品在拍賣史上從未有過如此的價格伸展 想必是歷史上的最高成交記錄 几乎每一件作品成交后 都會聽到熱烈的掌聲和歡呼喝彩聲 連續的高額 成交使畢加索陶器珍藏拍賣專場至始至終充斥著戲劇性的氛圍 最終 58 件作品都以高倍率成交 總成交金額大約為 990 萬港幣 成交率 100% The auction begun with a wondering mood of tense atmosphere and uplifting feeling, received many placed bid forms from Japan, France, Switzerland, United States Telephone bid line was occupied with collectors from Europe and Hong Kong. When the auction begun with Lot 501, bright coloured Hen Subject, telephone bidder started bidding against each other and when the bids starts to slow down, a collector at the venue takes place and bid against them. From the start, the realized price of 3.3 times the estimation made the venue so excited, following lots were all realized way above the estimated prices. Lot 505 Goat s Head in Profile was realized for 413,000HKD more than 3.5 times the estimation, which marked 2nd highest realized price during this auction. The highest realized price marked of all was the plaque of Picasso s beloved women Jacqueline, Woman with Flowery Hat. The consigner loved this plaque and hesitated to consign until the last minute, the realized price for this work ended up at 640,000HKD. The market valued this work for more than 4 times the estimation. Many bidders from telephone and venue heated up bidding against each other trying to buy the top lot of this collection, and the audience with anxiety, watching the auction. When it was hammered, the venue was surrounded by cheers with a great big hand of applause with excitement. One of the lots which quickly arose from the estimation during the auction was Lot 534 the Bird on a Branch, bowl with a lovely bird painted on a white ground, the estimation was 10,000HKD ~ 15,000HKD. The bidder from the venue and the telephone bidder heated-up never to yield an inch, bidding against each other and the price realized was 153,000HKD about 15 times the low estimated price and the venue resounded with surprise. Next was Lot 550 Picador and Bull. This flamboyant picture plate appeared almost at the end, Picasso s favorable motif of bull fight, a work with vibrant taste. The estimation price was 12,000HKD ~ 20,000HKD, realized in more than 14 times its low estimate, 177,000HKD. In any case, these works never marked sales records with this growth rate in the auction before, perhaps this was the highest realized price ever. Many round of applause heard after each lots were realized because of the high successful bids, the sale room's atmosphere was like a show of some kind. Accordingly, all 58 Lots showed remarkable growth rate in the realized price, total resulting in approx. 9,900,000HKD, with a 100% successful bidding rate, the auction became an amazing White Glove Sale. 莫迪里安尼為始 大師級作品相繼成交 繼一開始就進入激烈競拍的歷史性的畢加索陶器專場之後 會場 毫不冷卻的熱烈氣氛延續到了當代藝術 近代美術專場 注目 直指封面的 598 號作品 莫迪里安尼的 黑色瞳孔的女人 20 世紀巴黎畫派的領軍人物莫迪里安尼一生只創作了 400 幅油畫 非常的稀少 在拍賣會場上也甚是少見 預展會期間 多數美術 愛好者都會站在這幅平時只有在美術館才能欣賞到的作品前 久 久不肯離去 莫迪里安尼的競拍一開始 會場里炙熱的空氣瞬間凝結 經過場 內藏家與電話委託的競價 到達 1,362 萬港幣后 拍賣師的錘聲 響起 會場內爆發出熱烈的掌聲和歡呼聲 伊斯特香港拍賣的常客伯納德 巴菲特的作品 3 件全部成交 579 號 水果靜物 在香港和歐美電話委託的競爭下 最終超出高估 價以 59 萬港幣成交 此外 西班牙巨匠胡安 米羅的飛塵蝕刻作品 LE CAISSIER 也同樣高於估價 2 倍以 23.6 萬港幣成交 599 號 藝術界的奇才 薩爾瓦多 達利的作品 格雷琴的胸像 原版青銅 石膏模具兩件 組 也在後期銷售中成交 以畢加索 莫迪里阿尼為首 畫壇大 師顯示了其存在感 成為牽引了本場拍賣會的關鍵 Lot 505 巴勃羅 畢加索 / 山羊的側臉 PICASSO Pablo/GOAT'S HEAD IN PROFILE 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 100,000-150,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 413,000 Lot 514 巴勃羅 畢加索 / 戴花帽的女人 PICASSO Pablo/WOMAN WITH FLOWERY HAT 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 160,000-240,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 637,200 Lot 534 巴勃羅 畢加索 / 停在樹上的鳥 PICASSO Pablo/BIRD ON A BRANCH 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 10,000-15,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 153,400 Lot 550 巴勃羅 畢加索 / 鬥牛士和公牛 PICASSO Pablo/PICADORE AND BULL 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 12,000-20,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 177,000 Lot 597 伯納德 巴菲特 / 水果的靜物 BUFFET Bernard/NATURE MORTE AUX FRUITS 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 300,000-450,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 590,000 Starting with Modigliani, successful bids of the Grand Masters one after another Fine and Contemporary art in response to the flow of astounding bidding of ceramic collection of P. Picasso performed early on, and high successful bid marked historic records after another, rushed in with excitement. The main attention was aimed towards the top lot of the auction on the cover of the catalog, Lot 598 "Femme Aux Yeux Noirs" oil painting of A. Modigliani. Modigliani is the representative painter of the Ecole de Paris of the 20th century and there are only about 400 works of oil paintings left. Because of this, his works are very rare to be auctioned, and usually it is only possible to see them at the museum, so many art lovers who came to the preview took time to admire the painting. When Modigliani s auction started, the heated atmosphere of venue completely changed and was wrapped in tense. The bidding against venue and telephone bid went up to 13,620,000HKD and when the auctioneer hit the hammer, cheers and big hand of applause went up from the audience. B. Buffet, a constant seller in Est-Ouest s Hong Kong Sale, 3 works has been successfully sold, Lot 597 Nature Morte Aux Fruits received bids from Hong Kong and Europe through telephone, went over the high estimate price that realized for 590,000HKD. In addition, Grandmaster of Spain, J. Miro s aquatint work LE CAISSIER was realized over 2 t i m e s t h e estimation, 236,000HKD, Lot 599, of the genius S. Dali s A Pair of Torse De Gretchen was successfully sold during the After Sale, followed by Picasso, Modigliani, grandmasters showed its presence and led the auction. Lot 588 胡安 米羅 (MIRO Joan) LE CAISSIER 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 100,000-150,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 236,000

珠寶 & 名錶 有存在感的名錶 暢銷的珠寶 Lot 616 白髪 一雄 (SHIRAGA Kazuo) INSTALLATION 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 130,000-180,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 224,200 Lot 619 山田 正亮 (YAMADA Masaaki) WORK No.295 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 25,000-35,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 112,100 拍賣會前半段的日本作家作品 也顯示出不減的人氣 草間彌生 奈良美 智的油畫 立體 版畫作品全部高額成交 日本具象藝術家白髪一雄的油 畫作品 WORK INSTALLATION 也均超過估價成交 受到以歐美為 中心的回顧展的影響 其氣勢得以助長 戰後抽象畫壇的領頭人山田正亮 的作品 WORK No.295 歷經歐洲的電話委託 東南亞的書面委託和中 國藏家間的激烈競爭后 最終以中國收藏家的勝利而告終 高出估價 4.5 倍以 11.2 萬港幣成交 之後的小野里利信 1966 年威尼斯雙年展的出展作 品 120-E 同樣也被中國的藏家以 39 萬港幣成功拍得 可見除歐美藏 家之外 亞洲的新一代收藏家也對日本前衛藝術家的作品有著濃厚的興趣 和購買慾望 本次拍賣的來訪客人中 也有多數和本次初次登場伊斯特拍賣的作家同國 的新藏家 并針對作品作出大量諮詢 這也許是我們本次拍賣會最大的收 穫吧 本次的拍賣會 東南亞的作家起了很大的影響作用 其中包括菲律賓的阿 莫索羅 費爾南多 勞 聯本 印度尼西亞的斯密特 阿里等 這次拍賣的 成功 和今年 1 月在新加坡舉辦首場拍賣時所做的大量宣傳工作也是密不 可分的 特別是被稱為 菲律賓美術界巨匠 的阿莫索羅 費爾南多的作品 從預 展會開始 就不斷收到大量的諮詢 最終高於估價 5 倍以上以 68.4 萬港 幣成交 可以深深的體會到 東南亞的美術愛好者對藝術品有著很高的意 識 此外 同樣首次在伊斯特上拍的 還有被稱為 中國漆畫之父 的喬 十光的作品 加拿大的 Nakamura Kazuo 也受到本國收藏家的大力支持 最終成功成交 都是十分有潛力的藝術家 現代美術經歷了飛速銷售一空 的時代 曾經強力牽引了整個美術市場 而雷曼衝擊以後 真正有實力的 作家和沒有實力的作家漸漸在市場的選擇下明晰化 取而代之 曾經大肆 追捧現代美術的買主們紛紛轉而把眼光和資金投向巴黎派和印象派大師之 外 開始關注各國的近代美術和日本戰後美術作家 早在 2008 年伊斯特拍賣開始進入香港市場時 就一直致力於介紹這個領 域的作品 至今為止也一直貫徹著這方面的市場開拓 最先進入香港市場 的佳士得 蘇富比當時都還沒有這方面的拍賣記錄 從現在的藝術市場來 看 可以證明我們走在了時代的前端 本次拍賣會上拍了許多優秀的作品 受到了廣大美術愛好者的關注 結果 是令人欣喜寬慰的 開拓包括新加坡在內的東南亞市場是今後的一大課題 進而 繼續走在時代和美術界的先端 介紹更多有實力的作家和優秀的作 品 Lot 604 阿莫索羅 費爾南多 / 収穫 AMORSOLO Fernando /HARVEST 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 120,000-170,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 684,400 Lot 608 喬 十光 / 水郷 3 点 QIAO Shiguang/RIVERSIDE DISTRICT 3 PIECES 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 300,000-450,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 295,000 Lot 620 小野里利信 (ONOSATO Toshinobu) 120 -E 成交預測價格 HKD 360,000-500,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 389,400 Lot 617 草間 彌生 / 抵達的蜆殼 KUSAMA Yayoi/ARRIVING SHELL 成交預測價格 HKD 240,000-340,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 354,000 Japanese artists were arranged in the first half of the auction, with high popularity, KUSAMA Yayoi and NARA Yoshitomo, oil painting, three-dimensional works, and prints were all successfully sold at high price, encouraging the auction with good flow. From the Gutai Group SHIRAGA Kazuo Work and Installation both sold over high estimation, proves the influence in response of retrospective exhibition in Europe is growing. YAMADA who led the Post-War Impressionists, WORK No.295 received many placed and telephone bids from Europe and Southeast Asia, was bid against Chinese art lovers at the venue aggressively and was realized for about 4.5 times the low estimation, 112,000HKD sold to a Chinese art lover. Followed by ONOSATO Toshinobu 120-E was exhibited at the Venice Biennale in 1966 was realized for 390,000HKD again to a Chinese art lover, seeing that Japanese Avant-garde artists were receiving huge attention not only from Europe but from new collectors from Asia. Through this auction, Est-Ouest handled new artists and many visitors from the same country of origin who visited the venue, received many inquiries about the works which was something new that we have gained this time. With a great influence of Southeast Asian artists such as F. Amorsolo and L. Lianben from Philippines, A. Smit from Indonesia, an important data to guide the market share of the future and our promotional advertisement through First Singapore Sale in January became a gratifying outcome. Especially, F. Amorsolo known as the Grandmaster of Philippine Art, received many inquiries during the preview, realized in more than 5 times the estimation, 684,000HKD, and felt the high awareness of Southeast Asian art lovers towards artworks. Also consigned for the first time was the Father of Chinese lacquer painting Qiao Shiguang, Kazuo Nakamura from Canada was successfully sold to an art lover from the same country of origin, these artists left good expectation for the future auctions. Contemporary art, once were selling well and was driving the art market, but after the Lehman Shock, the artists were selected and clearly been sorted by artists with more merit and ones without it. Instead, buying intension and the funds used for the Contemporary arts and other grandmasters of Ecole de Paris and Impressionists, now it is facing towards Modern art of each nation and Japanese Post-War arts. Est-Ouest, since the first advance to Hong Kong in 2008, introduced these arts into Hong Kong for the first time until now, and have been putting effort to explore the new art market. Christie s and Sotheby s who made its advanced into Hong Kong before Est-Ouest did not have a sale for this area of artworks back then, now, by looking at the art scenes, the situation surrounding Hong Kong, it proves that our vision towards the future was never wrong. Blessed with good quality works this season, and meeting intentional art lovers who were able to buy those works, resulted in a bracing feeling. Our major goal is to participate and develop further in Southeast Asian markets including Singapore, and continuously taking initiatives to introduce quality artists and art works. 本次的香港拍賣會以高級品牌腕錶為中心 雲集了多數珍稀的高價 拍品 雖然預展會期間天氣不甚理想 但也有很多客人多次到場細 緻鑒賞拍品 其中尤其引人注目的是百達翡麗 寶璣 積家等頂尖品牌腕錶 全 部都是狀態良好 配件齊全的美品 加上無底價開拍 形成了書面 委託 電話委託和會場多數藏家激烈競價的場面 都超過了估價高 額成交 在珠寶的選擇上 個性與機能性兼備的設計則受到多數客人追捧 比起今年 1 月的新加坡拍賣會 除了優良的品質 拍品的品牌價值 性價比 設計感和機能性都是被競拍者所注重的 例如 36 號的祖母綠鑽石珍珠項鏈 在珍珠項鏈上加以碩大的祖 母綠吊墜裝飾 除了品質優良之外 吊墜可卸的設計也為作品加入 了變化和實用的因素 令人耳目一新 該拍品在預展會中廣受好評 最終以大大超出高估價的價格成交 另外 在上流社會 乃至各國皇室中都享譽盛名的香港籍珠寶設計 師陳世英的作品 水晶觀音像 更是在會場內競拍者間炙熱的爭奪 戰之後 被台灣藏家高額得標 隨著香港拍賣會的連年舉辦 在得到藏家越來越多期待的同時 也 體會到藏家們對作品品質要求的嚴格 令人深感提供作品準確情報 的重要性 Lot 76 哈利温 斯頓 / 鑽石 鉑金 女士腕錶 HARRY WINSTON DIAMOND PLATINUM LADY'S WRISTWATCH 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 250,000-350,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 330,400 Lot 84 愛彼 /125 週年紀念型號黃金腕錶 AUDEMARS PIGUET 125 ANNIVERSARY MODEL GOLD WRISTWATCH 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 40,000-60,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 100,300 Jewellery & Watches Watches showed presence and favorable Jewellery Lot 36 祖母綠石 鑽石 珍珠項鏈 EMERALD AND DIAMOND PEARL NECKLACE 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 150,000-250,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 472,000 Lot 100 陳 世英 / 水晶観音像 Wallace CHAN CRYSTAL STATUE OF GODDESS OF MERCY 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 500,000-800,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 885,000 In this Hong Kong auction we were able to present many luxury brand watches and items with rare values, the weather was not so great during the previews but many people visited several times to check the conditions. Luxury brand watches such as Patek Philippe, Breguet, and Jaeger-LeCoulte were receiving many attentions, the conditions were great, aligned with accessories, and no reserves. These Lots received many placed and telephone bids, also many collectors at the venue were bidding on them, resulting in high successful bids for more than the estimation one after another. Jewelleries on the other hand with their unique and functional designs interested many people. Compared to the Singapore Sale from January, not just the quality, but a brand with a reasonable price, quality and design with functionality were preferred. For example, Lot 36 Emerald Diamond Pearl Necklace a pearl necklace with a design combining large emerald and diamond decorated tops, good quality of course, high utility from the removable top that can be enjoyed by changing the image has been well received from the visitors during the preview, and consequently the successful bid exceeded way above the estimation. Also widely known from the upper classes, celebrities, and Royal families, a jewellery designer from Hong Kong, Wallace Chan, Crystal Statue of Goddess of Mercy has been auctioned fiercely among the participants within the venue and was sold to a collector from Taiwan. Every year the expectation from customers with severe eye increases. We felt the importance of providing reliable information of our works as we renew the auction in Hong Kong. 西洋裝飾藝術 Decorative Arts 初次登場香港拍賣會的 D.H 西巴魯斯珍藏 First introduction in Hong Kong, D.H. Chiparus Collection 在西洋裝飾美術部門登場的作品中 包括裝飾藝術代表雕塑家 D.H 西巴魯 斯的 7 件象牙 青銅雕刻作品 全部作品都在 Alberto Shayo 所著的西巴魯 斯重要文獻 Chiparus Unsculpteur Art Déco 中有相同式樣作品的記載 拍賣會前就陸續有遠自歐洲 北美而來的問詢 并在拍賣會的當日完占了 7 條電話委託熱線 因芭蕾舞者優美的身姿而令人印象深刻的 104 號作品 AYOUTA 高出估價 2 倍 以約 24.8 萬港幣成交后 會場的香港藏家也被電話委託的氣勢感染而 加入了之後的角逐 與電話委託的歐美藏家展開了白熱化的激烈競價 以最高價 53.1 萬港幣成交的是 106 號作品 愛 的承諾 該作品表現的是兩個身著鮮亮藍 色衣衫的舞者細語的情景 因成交價格遠超 了估價的 30 萬 ~45 萬港幣 場內即時爆發 出了熱烈的掌聲 事實上 7 件作品當中有 3 件都是被初次參加競拍的香港客人拍得 至今為止 D.H 西巴魯斯獨具時代性的絕美雕 塑作品群都以歐美藏家為主流 因使用了有 輸出限制的象牙等珍稀材料 想必在新登錄 c 的香港藏家看來這也是其魅力所在 From the Western Decorative Arts, representative artist of Art Deco D.H. Chiparus ivory and bronze figure was auctioned. The unique provenance of this collection is that all the works are introduced in the literature by Alberto Shayo Chiparus Unsculteur Art Déco the same type design, and 3 of the Lot 106 D.H. 西巴魯斯 / 愛的承諾 works are the actual sculpture CHIPARUS Demeter/TENDER PROMISES illustrated in this literature.prior 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 300,000-450,000 to the auction, we received many 成交價格 / Sold HKD 531,000 inquiries from Europe and North America, wanting to bid for all 7 works which occupied all of our telephone bid lines. The impressive beautiful posing of ballerina, Lot 104 Ayouta the successful bid was realized at approx. 248,000HKD, 2 times the estimation, followed by high successful bids after another. Looking at the momentum of the telephone bids, Hong Kong collectors joined the bidding in the middle and showed blistering competition among the Western collectors and successfully won the item. Lot 104 D.H. 西巴魯斯 /AYOUTA CHIPARUS Demeter 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 120,000-200,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 247,800 The highest realized price of 531,000HKD was Lot 106 Tender Promises a scene of two dancers wrapped in costume of bright blue. Exceeding its estimation of 300,000 450,000HKD, the venue was surrounded by cheers and a big round of applause. 3 out of 7 works, were successfully won by a new Hong Kong collector. So far, Western collectors were the mainstream of the D.H. Chiparus beautiful sculptures of that time perhaps the rare materials of ivory due to its export restrictions may also have been reflected to be attractive in the eyes of the new Hong Kong collectors.

接下來的 111 號作品 伊斯法罕波斯絨毯 也是有著 曾由伊朗政府獻給 容許踏足的藝術品 的波斯絨毯中 該絨毯更是產自聞名於頂級絨毯製 2013 年香港春拍選擇了萬麗海景酒店作為新的拍賣會場 連續 3 天舉 辦了預展會和拍賣會 雖然在新會場挑戰會有些不安 但是連日的盛況卻令人欣慰 繪畫部 門中不得不提的是本次的焦點莫迪里安尼的作品 預展會中 在該作 品前無時不刻都有藏家駐足觀賞 初次在伊斯特登場的阿莫索羅的油畫作品被多次詢問 另外 在畢加 索的近 60 件的陶器作品展示柜前 也幾次出現了依次仔細確認全部作 品的客人 這些都令人深感到熱情藏家的存在 珠寶櫃檯仍然人氣異常 屢屢出現工作人員不足的情況 其中也不乏 有多次來場細細確認作品的客人 受益于在周邊會場同時舉行的多數 作的伊斯法罕 在預展會中惹來多數藏家的細細觀賞和討論 因其是無底價上拍 最終以低於估價的約 50 萬港幣成交 被香港藏家收 入囊中 Continuing on to Lot 111 Persian Carpet from Isfahan a fine article with unique provenance of once dedicated to the Afghan King Mohammed as a tribute by the Iranian government. It is said that Persian carpets, the only work of art allowed to tread. this has been produced in Isfahan, the famous producer of the finest carpet. Many art lovers came by to check the stiches of this work were seen during the preview. Since this Lot did not have any reserve, the realized price did not reach its low estimation, was realized at approx. 500,000HKD and made its journey to the Hong Kong collector. 在中國圈藏家的支持之下 東洋部門取得了成交率 76.9% 的好成績 雖然也有大量中國大陸藏家前來參加了本次預展會和拍賣會 而東洋部 門的所有成交拍品卻全數被香港的客人收入囊中 這個結果令人著實感 受到了已經第九次在香港舉辦拍賣會的伊斯特之於香港市場的存在感 中國古董當中一直備受矚目的 136 號拍品 黃花梨雕青白玉鑲嵌雲龍作 品 以其宏偉的身姿在預展會中展現了其不可忽略的存在感 拍賣會中 由會場客人成功競得 130 號的 龍泉青釉折沿大盤 134 號的 黑白玉賢人松紋鼻煙壺 135 號的 紫檀茶几 也紛紛成交 陶瓷 玉 木製品等各種用途和材質 的作品在預展會時都屢受好評 另外 112 號的 純金竹紋壺 超過高估價以 38.9 萬港幣成交 可見純金 和純銀製品依然保持著穩定的高需求量 是一個未來也令人期待的類別 和今年 1 月舉行的新加坡拍賣一樣 各中國古董藏家在本次預展會中也 表現出對於高品質官窯瓷器作品的需求和期待 這成為伊斯特在今後的 徵集作品中的一大重要課題 藝 術 活 動 除中國客人 之 外 歐 美 東南亞各國 的客人也多 數 來 場 使 今後拍賣會 更加令人期 待 Lot 111 伊斯法罕產 波斯絨毯 PERSIAN CARPET FROM ISFAHAN 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 800,000-1,300,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 507,400 Oriental Arts 足矣令室內升溫的珠寶 & 名錶展區 Oriental Arts division was supported by the Chinese art lovers, marked 76.9% successful bid rate in result. Many art lovers visited from China thriving the preview and auction this time, Hong Kong local art lovers also competed aggressively and occupied all of the lots with successful bid in Oriental Arts division. It was a result that we could realize in this 9th Sale in Hong Kong that the presence of Est-Ouest has been established in the Hong Kong market. From Chinese Antiques, Lot 136 Chinese Quince Celadon Jade Inlayed Flying Dragon Screen received many inquiries before the auction. Its figure proudly standing with dignity, overwhelming presence from the size has been successfully sold to a participant at the auction venue. Other works such as Lot 130 Longquan Celadon Glazed Plate, Lot 134 Black and White Jade Sage and Pine Pattern Snuff Bottle, Lot 135 Red Sandalwood Table have been successfully sold. Variety of works with different use and materials such as pottery, jades, and wooden crafts, seemed to attract art lovers during the preview. Lot 112 Pure Gold Bamboo Pattern Pot was sold over the high estimation of approx. 389,000HKD, showing stable high demands for the golden and silver works and this genre will be expected hereafter. After the Singapore Sale in January, we received many opinions from Chinese collectors as well as this preview. People were asking for more quality Guanyao works, being able to introduce as much quality Guanyao works as we can will be one of our new tasks for the future auctions. Filled with excitement raising the temperature of the room Hong Kong Preview Fri. 24 - Sun. 26 May venue Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong 2013 Spring Sale Hong Kong transferred to a new venue in Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong, preview was held for three days including the day of the auction. Despite the anxiety in the challenge of the new venue, it was a success every day. From Fine Art, a great attention was paid towards the highlight work by Modigliani and was crowded with visitors during the preview. There were many inquiries for the oil painting by Amorsolo introducing for the first time, and about 60 pieces of Picasso ceramics sector was filled with enthusiastic art lovers checking all the works. Jewellery and Watches were popular like always, sometimes our staffs were short on corresponding to every customer. Some customer even came back 2 to 3 times back to the venue, checking to make sure each pieces one by one until they were satisfied. Also with a synergistic effect due to other art events held around the venue, our new customers who visited were not only Chinese, but many Western and Southeast Asian visitors were seen which resulted from our new trial, from this preview our expectation for our future has been increased. Lot 112 石川 光一 / 純金製竹紋様湯沸 ISHIKAWA Koichi PURE GOLD BAMBOO PATTERN POT 560.8g 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 200,000-300,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 389,400 香港拍賣會報告 Hong Kong Auction Report 新社員 畑 友人 對於我來說 初次體驗的本次香港拍賣會 雖然只有短短三日 卻異常刺激 也許自 己比來場的客人們獲得了更多的感動 萬麗海景酒店的地理位置雖然十分優越 但由於本次會場位於酒店 8 樓 預展會期 間我在酒店周邊進行了引導客人的工作 和會場中不同 向不知道伊斯特拍賣的本 地客人宣傳本次拍賣會的經歷 我想在今 後也会成為一個寶貴的經驗 對於我這個對外語沒有自信的狼狽的工作 人員也溫暖地給予寬容的客人們 我決心 懷著對他們的感恩更加努力 拍賣會當中 不斷出現著白熱化的競價 以及價格猛然攀升的作品 在驚異的同時發現自己引導過的客人 不由感動 今後 我也希望在客人們的培養之下不斷進步 盡到自己的職責 請大 家多多關照 New employee HATA Tomohito For me the first Hong Kong auction has been a very exciting three days. My excitement might have been stronger than the customers who visited. The location of the Renaissance Harbour View Hotel was very good, and since the venue was at the 8th floor of the hotel, I was guiding customers around the hotel. The experience I had talking directly to the locals who are not familiar with Est-Ouest has become a valuable experience that I can use in my future public relations services. I would like to thank all our customers who allowed my challenge in foreign language with patience, and I pledge my further effort. I was surprised by the enthusiastic competition among the bidders, of the impressive multiplication of the estimated price. Thank you very much and from now on I would like to devote myself with the support from our customers and to provide the best services. PICK UP! 5 月 8 日開店以來空前盛況 咖哩烏冬面專門店 我們準備了好吃的咖哩烏冬面 歡迎您的光臨 Great success since the opening from 8th May, Curry Udon Restaurant Prepared with our ultimate Curry Udon Produced by TAKASHI SEKI 東京預展 4 月 29 日 星期一 - 5 月 2 日 星期四 會場 伊斯特五反田會場 和 2013 東京春拍預展同時舉辦的香港春拍預展會場被設置在三樓 緊 湊佈置著的作品令来訪客人感受到本次拍賣內容的濃厚 本次共同預 展會以畢加索陶器珍藏為注目中心 充分體現了伊斯特類別廣泛的作 品的魅力 都營三田線 東京地鐵南北線 白金高輪站步行 5 分鐘 週一 - 週五 都營巴士 古川橋車站約 30 米 東京都港區南麻布 2-15-7 週六 週日 11:30 至 21:30 最後點餐時間 電話 03-5765-6881 週二 店休日 主頁 營業時間 11:30 至 14:30 最後點餐時間 17:00 至 21:30 最後點餐時間 Tokyo Preview Lot 136 黃花梨雕青白玉鑲嵌雲龍座屏 CHINESE QUINCE GREEN JADE INLAYED FLYING DRAGON SCREEN 成交預測價格 / est. HKD 1,000,000-1,500,000 成交價格 / Sold HKD 1,003,000 5 月 24 日 星期五 - 26 日 星期天 會場 香港萬麗海景酒店 香港預展 阿富汗國王穆罕默德 這一特別來歷的珍稀拍品 在被稱為 唯一可以 東洋美術 Mon. 29 April - Thrs. 2 May venue Est-Ouest Gotanda Saleroom 2013 Spring Sale Hong Kong Preview in Tokyo was held at the same time with Spring Sale Tokyo Preview, works were exhibited all over the gallery space on the 3rd floor and many visitors felt the density of the contents, many attention was paid towards Picasso ceramics, Est-Ouest was able to show wide variety of works in this joint auction preview Business hours Mon Fri 11 30 14 30 last order 17 00 21 30 last order Sat & Sun 11 30 21 30 last order Closed on Tuesdays Toei Mita Line / Tokyo Metro Nanboku Line 5 minute walk from Shigane Takanawa Station About 30m from Toei Bus Furukawabashi station 2-15-7 Minani Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo TEL 03-5765-6881 Website

2013 東京春季拍賣 2013 年 5 月 3 日 星期五 會場 伊斯特五反田會場 2013 Spring Sale Tokyo Fri. 3 May 2013 venue Est-Ouest Gotanda Saleroom 合計 1,600 件中國古董珍品登場 Total of 1600 Lots Chinese Antique Collection 熱拍的中國古董 2013 年 5 月 3 日 在五反田會場舉辦的東京春季拍賣上 由一位日本 藏家在 30 年間精選收集的藏品全數上拍 以清代竹雕 木雕筆筒為 中心 鼻煙壺 硯 墨 蟲罐 象牙 玳瑁 剔紅作品等共計越 1,600 件藏品盛大登場 受惠于持續 5 年的香港拍賣會以及事前在亞洲各國的宣傳活動 加之 本場拍賣會配合了東京各大中國古董專場拍賣的日程 預展會吸引了 眾多中國古董愛好者前來 由於作品數量龐大 在預展會上長時間反 復挑選 兩天連續到場的客人不無可見 時隔近五年再次相聚在五反 田會場 也讓多數到場的熟識的日本藏家滿懷感慨 另外 被龐大的 中國古董收藏所震撼的藏家 細細鑒賞著賈列和杜姆兄弟等玻璃作品 的藏家也多數出現在本次預展會 拍賣會當日 在各競價者間展開了可謂白熱化的競爭 還出現了對 10 萬日幣起拍的拍品猛然叫價 100 萬日幣的盛況 從 365 號到 370 號的木製筆筒幾乎都拍出了高於估價 10 倍以上的價 格 423 號的 3 件陶瓷筆筒更是以超出估價 17 倍的價格成交于 230 萬 日幣 封面的 456 號作品象牙雕梅紋筆筒也超出高估價以 437 萬日幣 成交 749 號到 756 號的葫蘆蟲罐被電話委託的客人高價得標 鼻煙 壺中 套料 白玉 瑪瑙鼻煙壺聚集了相當高的人氣 本次拍賣會中被激烈競價并以高價成交的筆筒和蟲罐等多數作品都大 大超出了預料 深刻體會到中國古董的趣味和深度的同時 從眾多作 品中挑選精品的藏家的眼力和執念也令人讚歎不已 預展會 4 月 29 日 星期一 - 5 月 2 日 星期四 會場 伊斯特五反田會場 和香港春拍預展同時舉辦的東京春拍預展因有著龐大數目的中國古 董藏品而備受矚目 筆筒和鼻煙壺的櫃檯甚至時而擁起人牆 藏家 的熱情可見一斑 眾多中國藏家以這個區域的拍品為目標前來 對 中國古董投以極高關注 另外 在西洋裝飾美術的展廳 有多數藏家對音樂盒表現出很大興 趣 平 時 沒 有 聽過的大型音 樂盒的厚重音 色令人印象深 刻 廣 範 圍 類 別的上拍藏品 也不斷勾起來 場者的興趣 Preview Rise in Chinese Antiques 2013 Spring Sale Tokyo took place in Gotanda Saleroom on May 3rd, A Japanese collector who has been collecting for over 30 years of carefully selected Chinese Antique collection were auctioned. From our effort of conducting Hong Kong auctions for 5 years and promotional advertising to the Asian countries beforehand has made its effect, aligning the schedule with other Chinese Antiques auction held in Tokyo, many Chinese collectors came to visit our previews. Because of the volume of the works many collectors took their time to carefully check the works one by one, some people even came 2 consecutive days. Additionally, there were many familiar faces of Japanese collectors, hearing voices of good old Gotanda Saleroom since about 5 years from the last Gotanda Sale and overwhelmed by the volume of the Chinese Antiques, many others were seriously viewing the glass works of Galle and Daum. The auction day was filled with aggressive bidding between foreign collectors. One lot started from 100,000JPY suddenly jumped to 1,000,000JPY from the bidder in the venue and was filled with excitement. Almost all of the Wooden Brush stands from Lot 365 up to 370 were sold for more than 10 times its low estimation, Lot 423, 3 porcelain items of Scenery design brush stand was realized for 2,300,000JPY which is 17 times the low estimation, Lot 456 Ivory plum design brush stand was realized over the high estimation of 4,370,000JPY, and many works exceeded the estimation. Lot 749 to 756 insect case was aggressively being bid between the telephone and the venue, snuff bottles made out of lapis lazuli, white jade, and agate drew lots of attention. From this auction we saw many high successful bids from brush stands and insect cases that exceeded our expectation, felt the depth and interest in the Chinese Antiques and at the same time was astonished by the insights of the art lovers selecting the quality works with passion. Mon. 29 April - Thrs. 2 May venue Est-Ouest Gotanda Saleroom The Tokyo preview of the Spring Sale HONG KONG was held together with the Spring Sales TOKYO, with its overwhelming numbers of Chinese Antique collection which was being focused. Sometimes, crowd of people starring around the brush stand and snuff bottle showcases and also the display tables, we felt the great enthusiasm of the collectors. Most of the Chinese visitors have been coming for this corner, and it shows how high is their attention to the Chinese Antique works. Moreover, there were lots of visitors who stayed at the Western Decorative Arts display room and they showed their interest to the collection of music boxes. It was quite impressive to see how they were so concentrated to hear the heavy sounds played by the music boxes which hardly being heard in usual life. We felt that it attracted the interest of many visitors with our consignment of works which is in wide range of fields. 人氣穩定的西洋裝飾美術 Stable Popularity of Western Decorative Arts 除了熟悉的日本藏家 一些初次接 觸本類藝術品的中國藏家也對其表 現出濃厚的興趣并積極參與了競 價 拍賣由愛彌兒 賈列的早期作 品開始 一路順利進行 估價為 25 萬 ~35 萬日幣的 2 號作品 田園風 景紋花瓶 經過激烈的角逐最終以 超過 50 萬日幣的價格成交 賈列初 期琺瑯作品取得了預料中的高人氣 之後 受到高關注的 23 號作品賈列 Lot 23 愛彌兒 賈列 / 白熊圖案花瓶 的 白熊圖案花瓶 則被會場競標 GALLE Emile/POLAR BEAR VASE 成交預測價格 / est. JPY 3,000,000-5,000,000 者以 287 萬成功拍得 另一焦點作 成交價格 / Sold JPY 2,875,000 品 59 號的蒂芙尼工作室 龜甲吊燈 還吸引了美國競拍者的電話委託 在激烈競價后以 276 萬日幣高於估 價三倍以上成交 本次上拍的巴卡拉和邁森等室內裝 飾品都全數成交 自始至終都有著 穩定的人氣 而 11 件古董音樂盒 更是聚集了國內外的高人氣 均大 幅超過估價成交 使西洋裝飾部門 獲得了成交率 86.3% 的優異成績 另 外 123~125 號 由 COLNAGO 聯合法拉利製作的限量版自行車 140 號 加 山 又 造 的 作 品 小 貓 Lot 59 蒂芙妮工作室 / 龜甲吊燈 TIFFANY STUDIOS 以 及 153~155 號 黒 木 國 昭 的 玻 璃 BANDED TURTLE-BACK TILE CHANDELIER 作品等都得到了藏家的熱烈支持 成交預測價格 / est. JPY 800,000-1,300,000 本次拍賣為半年一次的東京拍賣 成交價格 / Sold JPY 2,760,000 有從遠方專程趕來參加的日本藏 家 也有被中國古董吸引而來並對賈列 杜姆兄弟 音樂盒等中國古 董以外的作品產生了興趣的中國藏家 這些因素疊加起來促成了本 次拍賣會的優良成績 到場的中國藏家超過了 40 人之多 這無疑是 2008 年起舉辦的香港拍賣會開拓了中國市場的成果 通過拍賣會前在 中國媒體上刊登廣告 郵寄圖錄和 DM 等宣傳活動 也讓伊斯特拍賣 為更多人所知 致使本次拍賣會上出現了許多新藏家 Western Decorative Arts resulted in a favor with our familiar Japanese art lovers, in addition with the Chinese art lovers who showed interest in the E.Galle, Daum, and Baccarat works and participated in the bidding for the first time. Auction started with the early works of E. Galle with a good flow. The estimation of Lot 2 Pastoral Life Scenery Vase was 250,000JPY ~ 350,000JPY, bidding between the placed bids and venue raised the successful bid of 500,000JPY in the end that showed the popularity of early Galle works in result. Continuing on with the highlighted Lot 23 E. Galle Polar Bear Vase started slowly and the venue raised the paddle for 2,870,000JPY and successfully won the lot. Another flagship piece was Lot 59 from Tiffany Studio, Banded Turtle-Back Tile Chandelier was aggressively being bid by US collector through telephone bid and was realized for 3 times the low estimation, 2,760,000JPY a high successful bid. The internal decorative works of Baccarat and Meissen was also successfully sold with a stable sales from the beginning, 11 works of antique music box collection received attention from domestic and international customers, successful bids exceeded over way above the estimation, the successful bid rate just for the Western Decorative Arts marked 86.3%. Others such as Lot 123 125, were the world limited edition road bicycles from the collaboration of Colnago and Ferrari, Lot 140 KAYAMA Matazo Young Cat, Lot 153 155 glass works by KUROKI Kuniaki, received many interests from passionate collectors. At this Sale, we were able to meet our well known Japanese collectors who are looking up to our Tokyo Sale conducted once every half year and visited from all over the place in Japan, new Chinese collectors who aimed for the Chinese Antiques showed many interests in Galle, Daum, music boxes, other than Chinese Antiques, and have actually participated in the bidding which multiplied the results. There were more than 40 Chinese collectors visited our auction. From the result of our effort in establishing the Chinese market through our auction in Hong Kong since 2008, as well as the promotional advertising through Media advertisements, Catalogues and DMs, to gain popularity of EstOuest brought many foreign collectors this time. 明年 1 月將在新加坡舉行第二次拍賣會 除了已然成型的遠東地區各 國以外 如何全面打入東南亞市場成為今後的一大課題 據報導 隨 著日元貶值 來日本旅遊的外國觀光 客人已突破空前的 90 萬人 如果在新 加 坡 香 港 的 拍 賣 會 上 提 高 認 知 度 想必會吸引更多的外國藏家來日本拍 賣會 購物 如今 對遠離了日元升 值時代的歐美藏家來說 此時競拍無 疑是高收益的 介於在日本開辦拍賣 會的優勢 希望出品人和競拍者今後 也繼續關注和支持伊斯特拍賣在東京 香港和新加坡這三個市場中的發展 The 2nd Singapore Sales was decided to be held on January next year. In addition to the countries of the Far East Asia which is being well established, it will be a big challenge to find better ways of how to involve this Southeast Asian market in the future. With the current depreciation of the Japanese Yen, present numbers of foreign visitor s tourists to Japan reached the best record with 900 thousand people which heard from the news. Through holding auctions in countries outside Japan like Singapore and Hong Kong, it helps raising the recognition, and we believe that the collectors who are willing to come to Japan to buy will increase. Now, many bids from Western collectors who left during the appreciation of Japanese Yen has returned largely. As well as the benefits from our auctions which we hold in Japan, we think that our consignors and buyers could use any of the three markets we hold. Lot 369 木製筆筒 4 件 成交預測價格 / est. JPY 150,000-250,000 成交價格 / Sold JPY 1,840,000 Lot 756 葫蘆蟲罐 4 件 成交預測價格 / est. JPY 150,000-250,000 成交價格 / Sold JPY 805,000 Lot 456 象牙雕梅紋筆筒 成交預測價格 / est. JPY 2,000,000-3,000,000 成交價格 / Sold JPY 4,370,000 Lot 110 瑞士制 駅式氣缸式音樂盒 SWISS MADE STATION MODEL CYLINDER MUSIC BOX 成交預測價格 / est. JPY 350,000-550,000 成交價格 / Sold JPY 747,500 Lot 123 海伯司達 / 法拉利 CF2-1000 山地車 COLNAGO/FERRARI CF2-1000 ROAD BICYCLE 成交預測價格 / est. JPY 300,000-500,000 成交價格 / Sold JPY 609,500 Lot 140 加山 又造 / 小貓 KAYAMA Matazo/YOUNG CAT 成交預測價格 / est. JPY 800,000-1,300,000 成交價格 / Sold JPY 1,035,000

從世界藝術市場看香港拍賣會 Viewing Hong Kong Auction from the Art Market in the World 各大藝術盛會競相開幕的 5 月 對於香港是一個瀰漫著藝術氣息的季 節 收藏家 藝術商 以及媒體等 一切同藝術關聯的人們從世界各 地聚集而來 手拿著各地發放的宣傳頁或地圖行走著的人們隨處可見 近年來 世界對香港市場的關注日益增強 曾經只在瑞士和美國舉辦 的 巴塞爾藝術博覽會 在 2008 年收購了香港本土的 藝術香港 博 覽會 世界最大規模的藝術博覽會 巴塞爾藝術博覽會 也將其下一 個市場的目標選在了香港 作為亞洲急速發展起來的金融中心 因自 由港口而繁榮起來的香港 加之其作為連接中國這個大國的橋樑的存 在感 這個結果是不難預料的 伊斯特作為日本的拍賣公司 2008 年首次進入香港市場 今年已迎來 第六個年頭 緊接雷曼衝擊的激震之後開辦了首場香港拍賣會 這六 年來針對席捲香港藝術市場的巨大變化 預測時代的需要 並在 日 本拍賣公司的位置 和 何為伊斯特風格 的主題之上不斷摸索著 如今第 9 次拍賣會圓滿結束 這是慎重地舉辦了每次的拍賣會 不斷 積累的失敗經驗而得來的成果 從這一季的得標者地域分佈圖看來 香港客戶仍然高高佔據了總體的 近一半值 這也揭示了伊斯特拍賣在香港的知名度 以香港事務所為 中心展開了向現有的收藏家郵寄圖錄 DM 等一系列營業活動 并在 每次拍賣會時進行報紙夾帶廣告 記者招待會 雜誌和電視廣告等一 系列宣傳活動以吸引新的收藏家 這一季 作為新的嘗試 將一貫使 用的拍賣會場從萬豪酒店搬到了位於藝術中心區域的萬麗海景酒店 藉助地理的便利 多數自鄰近的藝術活動會場而來的藝術界人士 就 此駐足參觀預展會并登記參加了拍賣會 另外 尤其令人欣喜的是 今年 1 月舉辦的 新加坡首場拍賣會 登 錄的東南亞收藏家也專程趕來了香港拍賣會場 由標者地域分佈圖看 來 雖然相對於香港 日本 台灣 中國比率並不算高 但新加坡 菲律賓 印尼等東南亞國家也是榜上有名 受到高度成長的東盟經濟 的鼓舞 藝術品和珠寶等收藏家也開始涉足更寬大的範圍 尤其菲律 賓畫家阿莫索羅 費爾南多的巨大反響已不限於菲律賓和東盟各國 繼中國藝術之後 歐美收藏家也將其炙熱的關注目光投向了亞洲藝術 如今 延續東京和香港拍賣會 伊斯特拍賣將于 2014 年 1 月再度在 新加坡開辦拍賣會 致力於以新加坡這個剛形成的年輕藝術市場為軸 心 將拍賣事業逐漸全方位滲透到東南亞的各地區 通過分析現在市場以及未來市場的需求 以 伊斯特風格 為基本 發掘出在歐美建立起的美術史上不斷烙印的獨特亞洲美術史文脈 從 而創造市場 香港春拍得標者地域分佈 Successful Bidder Regional Breakdown Chart 菲律賓 (Philippines) 3% 加拿大 (Canada) 3% 其他 (etc.) 9% 2014 新加坡拍賣會將在萊佛士酒店隆重舉槌 2014 年 1 月17 日 星期五 - 19 日 星期天 萊佛士酒店 新加坡 作品徵集截止日期 : 2013 年 11月18 日 星期一 In May, various art events are held in Hong Kong and the city is coloured with art during this season. Collectors and Dealers from worldwide, Medias and many art related people gathered holding catalogues and maps delivered in each places and restlessly walking around. In recent years, interest in the Hong Kong market from the world is growing increasingly strong. Recent acquisition of ART HK art fair began in Hong Kong since 2008 by the world biggest art fair Art Basel which has been held only in the United States and Switzerland who have chosen its next target market to Hong Kong. Rapidly growing as a financial center in Asia, Hong Kong is a thriving trade post because of the Freeport, and knowing its position as a bridge between large Country of China existing behind, would be a result that everyone understands. 2014 Singapore Sale at Raffles Hotel Fri. 17 - Sun. 19 January 2014 Raffles Hotel Singapore Consignment Deadline : Monday 18th November 2013 作品徵集中 Welcoming Consignments now It has been our 6th year since Est-Ouest advanced in Hong Kong as a first Japanese Auction House in 2008. Back then, because of the Lehman Shock, our first auction started under severe crisis, within these 6 years we have been putting effort in finding the needs of the time in the major changes surrounding the Hong Kong Art scenes, and to represent the role as a Japanese Auction House and Quality of Est-Ouest. Looking back at 9 auctions conducted in success, it is the result of our experience in building up trial and errors and how we truly think about the importance of every auction. Looking at the successful bidder regional breakdown chart of the sale of this season, percentage share of Hong Kong is still high accounted for nearly half of the total. It is a result that indicates the awareness of Est-Ouest in Hong Kong. In addition to the operating activities of sending DMs and catalogues to our existing art lovers from Hong Kong office, inserting catalogue ads in the newspaper before every auction, and holding press conference and actively receiving interviews by magazines and TVs has led to the acquisition of new art lovers. As a new attempt of this season, we left JW Marriott Hotel, the familiar auction venue for many years. It can be said that relocating to the Renaissance Harbour View Hotel located in the central district of the celebration of art was a major change. Its geographical convenience, we had many art related visitors stopped by from another art event next to our venue, glanced through our preview and registered in bidding for the auction. Also, it was gratifying to see Southeast Asian art lovers who registered during our First Singapore Sale in January, travelled over to Hong Kong to attend our auction. When looking at the successful bidders regional breakdown chart, the share rate is still low compared to Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan and China, although Southeast Asian countries of Singapore, Philippines, and Indonesia are showing in the chart. It could be seen in the high growth in the ASEAN economy the vision towards art works and jewelleries have been spreading among the art lovers. The works by F. Amorsolo, a Filipino painter received many inquiries not just from the home country or ASEAN countries, but were also interested by Western collectors who believe in next Asia followed by China. Currently, in addition to the Sale in Tokyo and Hong Kong, Est-Ouest will be holding an auction in Singapore again in January 2014. We are struggling every day to improve the penetration of the auction business in the wide area of Southeast Asia based from the young newborn art market of Singapore. Analyzing the needs in the current market, the needs that will be asked in the future, based on the Quality of Est-Ouest finding context of the unique Asian art history carved in the ongoing history of Western arts, to create the market. 萊佛士酒店 新加坡的外觀 Appearance of Raffles Hotel Singapore 繼今年 1 月開辦的新加坡首場拍賣會 感受到了東南亞藝術市場之無 限可能的伊斯特拍賣就此勢頭決定在新加坡舉辦第二次拍賣會 這次拍賣會將在新加坡最高級名門酒店萊佛士酒店舉辦 該酒店位於行政中心及歷史中心地的市政廳周邊地區 有著傳統風味 的瀟灑外觀和精緻一流的服務水準 是人盡皆知的頂級酒店 在發展 飛速的新加坡可謂是地標性的存在 拍賣會配合著受到新加坡政府支持的東南亞首屈一指的藝術盛會 藝 術舞台 新加坡 2014 的日程 將於 2014 年 1 月 17 日 ~19 日舉辦 從藝術舞臺的會場濱海灣金沙會展中心到萊佛士酒店 1 月的新加坡 遍染著藝術的色彩 伊斯特拍賣作為新加坡藝術領域之一員 今後會在至今為止獲得的經 驗之上 繼續其在美術市場的挑戰 借此機會 誠邀您將珍藏的藏品在弊公司出品上拍 藝術舞台 新加坡 2014 1 月 16 日 星期四 - 19 日 星期日 新加坡舉辦的當代藝術博覽會 作為東南亞首屈一指的藝術盛會備受矚目 Art Stage Singapore 2014 Thrs. 16 - Sun. 19 January Contemporary art fair held in Singapore attracting attention as one of the leading art fair in Southeast Asia http : // 作為拍賣會場的大廳 Ballroom as an auction venue Through the First Singapore Sale held in January this year, Est-Ouest Auctions felt a certain possibility of developing a new art market in Southeast Asia, with the momentum, we will be holding our Singapore Sale for the 2nd time. This time will be held in the finest prestigious leading hotel in Singapore, the Raffles Hotel. The hotel is located in the City Hall area which is an administrative center and also the historic center, as a first-class hotel of where you have the hospitality of top class and elegant appearance to let you feel the tradition and formality and still remains iconic in Singapore s modern remarkable growth. Auction date is aligned with the Art Stage Singapore 2014 Southeast Asia s leading art event with the boost from the Singapore government, scheduled in 17th 19th January 2014. In January, Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Center as a venue of Art Stage, up to this Raffles Hotel, Singapore will be coloured in art. Presenting a part of role in the art scene of Singapore, Est-Ouest will continue to challenge the art market in Asia based on the experience accumulated in our history. If you wish to sell your collection in hand at this great opportunity, please do not hesitate asking us questions to serve you as best possible. 徵集作品 亞洲戰後美術 現代美術 & 當代藝術 西洋裝飾美術 日本 東洋美術 東南亞美術 新藝術風格 & 裝飾藝術 珠寶等 Consignment works Asian Post-War, Fine & Contemporary Arts, École de Paris, Western Decorative Arts, Japanese and Oriental Arts, Southeast Asia, Art Nouveau & Art Deco, Jewellery, and etc. 新加坡 (Singapore) 4% 比利時 (Belgium) 4% 香 港 (Hong Kong) 48% 中国 (China) 7% 法 國 (France) 英國 (UK) 台湾 9% 韓國 (Korea) 印尼 (Indonesia) 馬爾他共和国 (Republic of Malta) 南非 (South Africa) 日本 (Japan) 13% 因長時間電話 BID 而變得發熱的電話 Long telephone bid lasted until it heats the phone 今年 1 月 新加坡首拍預展會情景 Reception party held during the First Singapore Sale this January 吸引了眾多來賓的新加坡首拍拍賣會預展 First Singapore Sale preview crowded with many visitors

2 013 東 京 秋 季 拍 賣 會 2013 年 9 月 28 日 星期六 伊斯特五反田會場 作品徵集截止日期 : 2013 年 7 月 31 日 星期三 Sat. 28th September 2013 Est-Ouest Gotanda Saleroom 2013 Autumn Sale Tokyo to be held Consignment Deadline: Wednesday 31st July 2013 作品徵集中 Welcoming Consignments now 9 月 28 日星期六 下次拍賣會將在伊斯特拍賣五反田會場召開 延續上次東京春季拍賣 決定再次在五反田會場開辦拍賣會 徵集作品包括繪畫 東陽美術 西洋裝飾美術 珠寶 & 名錶等 歡迎隨時與弊公司商談 Saturday 28th September, Est-Ouest Auctions will be holding an auction at Gotanda Saleroom. Continuing on with the previous Spring Sale Tokyo, the venue will be Gotanda Saleroom. We would be pleased to best serve your consideration if you have any paintings, Oriental art, Western Decorative art, Jewellery & Watches for consignment. Please feel free to contact us for consultation. 現代美術 & 當代藝術 Fine & Contemporary Arts 從印象派巨匠作品到白髮一雄 山田正亮 山口長男等日本戰後美術家 草間彌生 奈良美智 村上隆等現代作家 École de Paris, Masterpieces from Impressionists, Japanese Post-War artists such as SHIRAGA Kazuo, YAMADA Masaaki, and YAMAGUCHI Takeo, Modern artists such as KUSAMA Yayoi, NARA Yoshitomo, MURAKAMI Takashi. 西洋裝飾美術 Western Decorative Arts 愛彌兒 賈列 杜姆兄弟 勒內 拉利克 蒂芙尼工作室等新藝術風格 和裝飾藝術作品 巴卡拉 巴伐利亞等餐具 邁森 KPM 維也納風 格等西洋陶瓷 19 世紀青銅 大理石雕刻 銀器 刀具 室內裝飾品等 日本 東洋美術 江戶和明治時期的蒔繪 金工作品 日本刀 陶瓷工藝品 近代日本畫等 明 清時代的陶瓷 書畫 油畫 鼻煙壺 犀牛角等全部中國古董 珠寶 & 名錶 卡地亞 梵克雅寶等名牌珠寶 勞力士 百達翡麗等豪華手錶 從日 常使用的珠寶首飾到高品質的鑽石 寶石等 何不將您的藏品在拍賣會出品呢 E. Gallé, Daum, R. Lalique, Tiffany s Studio and etc. Art Nouveau & Art Déco works, tableware like Baccarat, Bavaria, Western ceramics and porcelain works such as Meissen figures, KPM, Vienna Style, 19th century Bronze and marble sculptures, Interior decorative works such as silver cutleries. Japanese and Oriental Arts Gold lacquer and gold crafts from Edo and Meiji era, Japanese katana, pottery and porcelain works, Modern Japanese Western paintings. Also, ceramics and porcelain, calligraphy of Ming and Qing Dynasty, overall Chinese antiques such as oil painting, snuff bottle, Rhinoceros horn. Jewellery & Watches Brand Jewelleries like Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels, brand watches like Rolex, Patek Philippe, wide-variety of accessories from everyday use to quality diamonds and coloured stones. 現代美術 & 當代藝術 東洋美術 西洋裝飾美術 珠寶 & 名錶等作品廣泛徵集中 Would you like to auction your collection? We welcome varieties of works from Fine & Contemporary Arts, Oriental Arts, Western Decorative Arts, and Jewellery & Watches. 伊斯特拍賣有限公司 / EST-OUEST AUCTIONS Co., Ltd. 五反田總部 香港事務所 141-0022 東京都品川区東五反田 2-5-15 2-5-15 Higashi Gotanda, Shinagawaku Tokyo 141-0022 JAPAN Tel +81 (0)3 5791 3131 Fax +81 (0)3 5791 3133 25/F., China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, HONG KONG Tel +852 3977 2131 Fax +852 3977 2033