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Chinese Calligraphy

Handscroll Fan Hanging Scroll Album leaf

Zhao Mengfu, Thousand-character Essay in Four Different Scripts.1319. Private Collection, Taiwan. ( ) 1319

Oracle-bone script

( ) ( ) Dong Zuobin, Two Ci-poems in Oracle-bone Script. 1951.

( ) ( )

Oracle bone inscriptions

Oracle-bone inscriptions

1976 114 X 23 Jao Tsung-i, Five-character couplet. 1976. 114 x 23 cm each.

Bronze script

Wu Changshuo, Calligraphy in the Style of Bronze Inscription. Dated 1905. 1905

ink rubbing inscription bronze li-tripod

Seal script

Zhao Mengfu, Record of the Miaoyan Temple at Huzhou. Ca. 1309-1310. Art Museum, Princeton University. 1309-1310

Stele of Mount Tai (section). Qin Dynasty.

A thousand peach blossoms make ten thousand years of medicine; Half an autumn pond makes one mountain for dwelling. Sun Xingyan, Sevencharacter-line Couplet in Seal Script. 1790. Collection of Lechangzai Xuan.

Now and then I call to the moon to inquire about history; Once upon a time I lived with plum blossoms in a mountain. Hong Liangji, Sevencharacter-line Couplet in Seal Script. Late 18th c. 126 x 26.5 cm each. Lechangzai Xuan collection. 18 126 x26.5

With wine and song, I care little for the opinion of others. To express thoughts felicitously through poetry, I feel pleased with myself. Zhu Weibi, Eight-Character Line Verse in Seal Script. 19th c. 132.2 x 30.8 each. Private collection. 19 132.2 x 30.8

Clerical script

Immense is his learning; Immaculate his calligraphy Gui Fu. Couplet in Clerical Script. Late 18th century. 114 x 22.7 cm. each. Private collection. 18 114 x 22.7

Stele for Shi Chen. Eastern Han. Dated to 169.

The art of benevolence equals a good minister. With secret elixirs one becomes an immortal. Yang Shoujing, Five-Character Line Verse in Clerical Script. Dated 1903. 244.6 x 60 cm each. Private Collection. 1905

up curtain to shrimp- Roll feeler shape, summon young lad to sweep the floor, grind fresh ink on newly washed inkstone, write miniature regular script in leisure; Brew tea with crab-eyebubble water, welcome guests arrive at the studio, detailed critique of poems and enthusiastic appreciation of paintings, pick discreetlyfragment dragon camphor for pure burning. Wang Yi, Twenty-twocharacter Couplet. 1801. Lechangzai Xuan. X

Warmed pistils of drooping blossoms peer sideways at the pond; Sunlit tips of slender bamboo ingeniously avoid the hill. Chen Hongshou, Seven- Character Line Verse in Clerical Script. Early 19th century.133 x 29.5 cm. Private collection. 19 133 x 29.5

Regular script

The five ethical norms and hundred practices make true character; The Six Confucian classics and various philosophies make great literature. Sheng Dunda, Seven-characterline Couplet in Regular Script. Late 19th c. 138 x 34 cm. Lechangzai Xuan collection. 19 138 x 34

Yan Zhenqing. Stele of the Yan Family. 8th century 779

Zhao Mengfu, The Huangting Classic. 26.5 x 485.4 cm. Palace Museum, Beijing.

Running script

Su Shi, Poems of the Cold Meal Festival at Huangzhou. 1082. 34 x 119.5 cm. National Palace Museum, Taipei. 1082 34 x 119.5

Zhao Mengfu, A Letter (detail). Early 14th c. Shanghai Museum. ( ) 14

Pristine streams, the joy of the placid; Hollow bamboos, the heart of the ancients. Wang Wenzhi, Five-characterline Couplet in Running Script. Late 18th c. Each 91 x 22 cm. Lechangzai Xuan collection. 18 91x22

x Chen Botao, A Poem in Running Script. Early 20th c. Bei Shan Tang Collection.

Cursive script

x Zhao Mengfu, Thousand-character Essay in Two Scriptforms. Each 24.7 x 25 cm. Beijing Palace Museum.

Sun Guoting, Manual of Calligraphy. 7th century. National Palace Museum, Taipei.

Attributed to Zhang Xu. Four Classical Poems (detail). 8th century. Lioaning Provincial Museum. ( ) ( )

(Attri) Huaisu, Autobiography. National Palace Museum, Taipei. ( ) 777

Wang Xizhi s Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion and Its Copies

Wang Xizhi. Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (8th century copy) (copied by Feng Chengsu?). Dated to 353. Palace Museum, Beijing. ( ) ( ) 353

Wang Xizhi (307--365)

Qian Xuan, Wang Xizhi Watching Geese. Late 13th century. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 13

Qian Xuan, Wang Xizhi Watching Geese (detail). ( )

Ren Yi, Wang Xizhi Watching Geese. Dated to 1890. 1890

Wang Xizhi. Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (8th century copy) (copied by Feng Chengsu?). Dated to 353. Palace Museum, Beijing. ( ) ( ) 353

Pictorial representation of the Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion. Ink rubbing. 15th century. 15

Pictorial representation of the Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion. Ink rubbing. 15th century. 15

Pictorial representation of the Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion. Ink rubbing. 15th century. 15

Zhu Yunming (calligraphy) & Wen Zhengming (painting), Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion. 15 th 16 th century. Calligraphy: 23.2 X 48.7 cm. Liaoning Provincial Museum. ( ) ( ) 23.2 X 48.7

Zhu Yunming (calligraphy) & Wen Zhengming (painting), Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion. 15 th 16 th century. Painting: 21 X 77.8 cm. Liaoning Provincial Museum. ( ) ( ) 21 X 77.8




Inkstone. Green Duan stone. The Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 18/19

Carved decoration of the Lanting inkstone. Ink rubbings.

Decoration of a ceramic vase. Qing dynasty.

Jade Mountain. 1784. The Minneapolis Institute of Arts.

Jade Mountain (detail)

Wang Xizhi. Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (8th century copy) (copied by Feng Chengsu?). Dated to 353. Palace Museum, Beijing. ( ) ( ) 353

Wang Xizhi. Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (detail) ( )

Wang Xizhi. Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (detail) ( )

Wang Xizhi. Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (8th century copy) (copied by Yu Shinan?). Dated to 353. Palace Museum, Beijing. ( ) ( ) 353

Wang Xizhi. Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (8th century copy) (copied by Yu Shinan?). Dated to 353. Palace Museum, Beijing. ( ) ( ) 353

Wang Xizhi. Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (detail). Ink rubbing. Tokyo National Museum, Japan. ( )

Wang Xizhi. Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (detail). Ink rubbing. Tokyo National Museum, Japan. ( )

Wang Xizhi. Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (detail). Ink rubbing. Tokyo National Museum, Japan. ( )

Wang Xizhi. Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (detail). Ink rubbing. Tokyo National Museum, Japan. ( )

Wang Xizhi, Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (Version of Monk Dugu). Ink rubbing. Tokyo National Museum, Japan. ( )

Zhao Mengfu, Copy of the Dugu Version of the Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion. 14th century. Tokyo National Museum, Japan. 14

Zhao Mengfu, Copy of Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (detail). Dated to 1310. Palace Museum, Beijing. ( ) 1310

Zhao Mengfu. Copy of the Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion. 14th century. Wang Xizhi. Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion.

Yuan Hongshu, Copy of Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion. Dated to 1995. 34.5 x 137 inches. The Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 1995 34.5 x 137

Yuan Hongshu, Copy of Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (detail).

Pristine streams, the joy of the placid; Hollow bamboos, the heart of the ancients. Wang Wenzhi, Five-characterline Couplet in Running Script. Late 18th c. Each 91 x 22 cm. Lechangzai Xuan collection. 18 91x22

Wang Xizhi. Preface to the Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (8th century copy) (copied by Feng Chengsu?). Dated to 353. Palace Museum, Beijing. ( ) ( ) 353