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1 Western Medicine 西医 1 Which of the following bone has no sinus? 下列哪一種骨頭沒有鼻竇? A. Frontal 額骨 B. sphenoid 蝶骨 C. ethmoid 篩骨 D. mandible 下頜骨 2 The skeletal system contains about: 骨骼系統包括多少塊骨頭? A. 326 bones ( 骨头 ) B. 411 bones( 骨头 ) C. 206 bones( 骨头 ) D. 157 bones( 骨头 ) 3 Which of the following is a function of the skeletal system? 下列哪一項是骨骼系統的功 能? A. Blood cell formation 造血 B. Movement 運動 C. Calcium storage 鈣的儲存 D. all of the above 以上皆是 4 The upper jaw bone is called the: 位于 " 上頜 " 的骨頭名為 : A. Mandible 下頜骨 B. Zygomatic 顴骨 C. Maxilla 上頜骨 D. None of the above 以上皆非 5 The bones of the spine are examples of: 脊柱骨屬於哪一種類型的骨? A. A flat bone 扁骨 B. An irregular bone 不規則骨 C. A short bone 短骨 D. A long bone 長骨 6 Sternal angle locates on the joint part of: 胸骨角位于哪两个部分连接处? A. Manubrium of sternum and xiphoid process 胸骨柄与剑突 B. Manubrium of sternum and clavicle 胸骨柄与锁骨 C. Sternal body and manubrium of sternum 胸骨体与胸骨柄 D. Sternum and rib 胸骨与肋骨 7 A ligament is a hand of connective tissue that holds two bones together. 韌帶是由結締組織構成的, 連接兩骨之間的帶狀物 A. True 正確 B. False 錯誤 8 Which of the following muscle works in a voluntary manner? 能夠隨意控制的肌肉是 : A. cardiac muscle 心肌 B. visceral muscle 内臟肌 C. smooth muscle 平滑肌

2 D. skeletal muscle 骨骼肌 9 Which of the following muscles is not a part of the rotator cuff? 下列哪一块肌肉不参与 肩袖 的组成? A. Subscapular muscle 肩胛下肌 B. Deltoid muscle 三角肌 C. Supraspinous muscle, infraspinous muscle 岗上 岗下肌 D. Teres minor muscle 小圆肌 10 Which one of the following tissue has a characteristic of no blood vessel? 無血管是哪一 組織的特點? A. epithelial tissue 上皮組織 B. connective tissue 結締組織 C. muscle tissue 肌肉組織 D. nervous tissue 神經組織 11 The site where the erythrocytes are destroyed is: 紅細胞被破壞的主要場所是在? A. Lymph nodes 淋巴結 B. spleen 脾臟 C. red bone marrow 紅骨髓 D. yellow bone marrow 黃骨髓 12 Which of the following cells can produce a lot of antibody? 下列哪一種細胞能夠產生大量 抗體? A. monocytes 單核細胞 B. T lymphocytes T 淋巴細胞 C. B lymphocytes B 淋巴細胞 D. NK lymphocytes 自然殺傷淋巴細胞 13 A patient was suspected to have bacteria infection, which blood cells will increase? 某病 人懷疑有細菌感染, 其血液中哪一種血細胞可能升高? A. neutrophils 嗜中性粒細胞 B. eosinophils 嗜酸性粒細胞 C. basophils 嗜鹼性粒細胞 D. lymphocytes 淋巴細胞 14 The feature of the mature erythrocyte is that it has no: 以下哪一個特點是成熟的紅細胞所 沒有的? A. biconcave shape 呈雙凹圓盤形 B. hemoglobin 含血紅蛋白 C. ability to change shape 有變形性 D. nuclear 有細胞核 15 Which of the following plays a key role in memory? 記憶中起關鍵作用的是 : A. thalamus 丘腦 B. hypothalamus 下丘腦 C. medulla 延髓 D. limbic system 邊緣腦

3 16 Which valve connects right atrium and right ventricle? 連接右心房和右心室的瓣膜是 : A. Bicuspid valve 二尖瓣 B. Mitral valve 僧帽瓣 C. Tricuspid valve 三尖瓣 D. Semilunar valve 半月瓣 17 The coronary arterires start from: 冠狀動脈始于何處? A. Right ventricle 右心室 B. Left ventricle 左心室 C. Pulmonary artery 肺動脈 D. aorta 主動脈 18 The blood arrived at lungs comes from: 到達肺的血液來自 : A. left atrium 左心房 B. pulmonary arteries 肺動脈 C. pulmonary veins 肺靜脈 D. right ventricle 右心室 19 The pacemaker of a normal heart is: 正常心脏的起搏点是 : A. Ventricular muscle 心室肌 B. Aatrioventricular bundle 房室束 C. Sinoatrial node 窦房结 D. Right and left branches of AV bundle 左 右束支 20 The common opening of the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct is located in: 膽總 管和胰管的共同開口位于 : A. duodenum 十二指腸 B. hepatic common duct 肝總管 C. ileum 回腸 D. caecum 盲腸 21 Which of the following functions of gallbladder is wrong? 有关胆囊的功能, 下列哪一项 是错误的? A. Stores bile 储存胆汁 B. Concentrates bile 浓缩胆汁 C. Adjusts gallbladder's pressure 调节胆道压力 D. Secrets bile 分泌胆汁 22 The blood contained a lot of nutrients absorbed in small intestine flows to: 從小腸吸收了 大量營養的血液流向 : A. Hepatic artery 肝動脈 B. Hepatic vein 肝靜脈 C. Hepatic portal vein 門靜脈 D. Common hepatic duct 肝總管 23 The small intestine vein goes to: 小肠静脉汇入下列哪一条静脉? A. Inferior vena cava 下腔静脉

4 B. Superior vena cava 上腔静脉 C. Portal vein 门静脉 D. None of the above 以上皆非 24 The order of the small intestine (from upper to lower) is: 小肠自上而下的顺序是 : A. Jejunum, ileum, duodenum 空肠 回肠 十二指肠 B. Ileum, jejunum, duodenum 回肠 空肠 十二指肠 C. Duodenum, jejunum, ileum 十二指肠 空肠 回肠 D. Duodenum, ileum, jejunum 十二指肠 回肠 空肠 25 Inner layer of the digestive tract is covered with: 消化道内面的膜是 : A. Serosa 漿膜 B. Mucosa 粘膜 C. Synovium 滑膜 D. Fascia 筋膜 26 The eustachian tube connects: 咽鼓管通向 : A. External ear 外耳 B. middle ear 中耳 C. inner ear 内耳 D. all of the above 以上都是 27 The increase of growth hormone in an adult will cause: 一個成年人的生長激素增多會引 起 : A. gigantism 巨人症 B. cretinism 呆小病 C. dwarfism 侏儒 D. acromegaly 肢端肥大症 28 Which of the following can produce hormone 下列哪一個部位能夠產生激素? A. cerebrum 大腦 B. cerebellum 小腦 C. thalamus 丘腦 D. hypothalamus 下丘腦 29 The epinephrine is released by: 腎上腺素是哪裏分泌的? A. zona glomerulosaa 球狀帶 B. zona fasciculate 束狀帶 C. zona reticularis 網狀帶 D. medulla 髓質 30 The main regulation of hormones is: 激素調節的方式主要是 : A. nervous regulation 神經調節 B. self regulation 自身調節 C. positive feedback regulation 正反饋調節 D. negative feedback regulation 負反饋調節 31 The normal adult heart rate at rest is: 成人安靜時心率為 :

5 A / minute 次 / 分 B / minute 次 / 分 C / minute 次 / 分 D / minute 次 / 分 32 A normal adult s breath is times per minute 正常成人每分钟呼吸为 : A B C D How many pairs of spinal nerve are there? 脊神經有多少對? A. 26 B. 30 C. 31 D The fibers of the spinal ventral root conduct: 脊神經前根纖維傳遞 : A. motor order to spinal cord 運動指令到脊髓 B. motor order leaves spinal cord 運動指令離開脊髓 C. sensory information to spinal cord 感覺信息到脊髓 D. sensory information leaves spinal cord 感覺信息離開脊髓 35 The spinal nerves are: 脊神經屬於 : A. sensory nerves 感覺神經 B. motor nerves 運動神經 C. sensory and motor nerves 混合神經 D. visceral nerves 内臟神經 36 The toothache involves which of the following nerves? 病人牙痛, 牽涉到什麽神經? A. Facial 面神經 B. trigeminal 三叉神經 C. vagus 迷走神經 D. hypoglossal 舌下神經 37 Which of the following cranial nerves contains parasympathetic nerve fiber? 下列那一些 腦神經包含有副交感神經纖維? A. III, IV, V, VI B. III, V, VII, X C. III, VII, VIII, IX D. III, VII, IX, X 38 Muscle atrophy of the shoulder points to lesions in? 肩部肌肉萎縮代表以下哪一個部 位損傷?

6 A. Thoracic nerves 胸神經 B. Cervical nerves 頸神經 C. Brain stem 腦幹 D. Peripheral nerves 周圍神經 39 The effect of parasympathetic nerve to the metabolism is: 副交感神经对代谢的影响是 : A. Promotes glycogenolysis 促进糖原分解 B. Promote the secretion of adrenalin 促进肾上腺素分泌 C. Promote the secretion of insulin 促进胰岛素分泌 D. Promotes the secretion of thyroid hormone 促进甲状腺激素分泌 40 What will happen when sympathetic nerve is stimulated? 交感神经兴奋时, 出现 : A. Gastro-intestinal movement increases 胃肠运动增强 B. Dilator muscle of pupil contracts 瞳孔开大肌收缩 C. Myocardial contractive power attenuates 心肌收缩力减弱 D. Urinary bladder contracts 逼尿肌收缩 41 The largest cranial nerve is: 最大的自主神經是 : A. trigeminal nerve 三叉神經 B. facial nerve 面神經 C. vestibular nerve 前庭神經 D. vagus nerve 迷走神經 42 Which of the following does not belong to vital sign? 不屬於生命特征的是 : A. cardiac 心跳 B. respiratory 呼吸 C. vasomotor 血壓 D. vomiting 嘔吐 43 Which of the following treatment cannot be used to treat a patient with congestive heart failure? 某病人 診斷有充血性心衰, 哪一個治療措施不能用? A. diuretics 利尿 B. increase the heart rate 增快心率 C. enhance the heart contractility 強心 D. dilate the blood vessels 擴張血管 44 Which of the following functions is not the physiological function of adrenalin? 下列哪一项不是肾上 腺素的生理作用? A. Increase the heart beat 心跳加快 B. Increase the blood pressure 血压升高 C. Contract the smooth muscle of bronchi 支气管平滑肌收缩 D. Increase the blood sugar 血糖增加 45 The main function of mineralocorticoid? 盐皮质激素的作用主要是 : A. Promote the loss of water 促排水 B. Increase sodium and promote the loss of potassium 保鈉排鉀 C. Increase calcium and promote the loss of phosphorus 保鈣排鉀

7 D. Promote the loss of both potassium and sodium 排鉀排鈉 46 Which of the following glands secrets Melatonin? 褪黑激素由下列哪一个腺体分泌? A. Pituitary gland 垂体 B. Pineal body 松果体 C. Corpus callosum 胼胝体 D. Renal corpuscles 肾小体 47 Which of the following nerves regulates visceral activities and controls the involuntary movements of the smooth muscle? 调节内脏活动, 控制平滑肌不随意运动的神经是 : A. Vagus nerve 迷走神经 B. Sympathetic nerve 交感神经 C. Parasympathetic nerve 副交感神经 D. Autonomic nerve 自主 ( 律 ) 神经 48 which of the following central positions controls the voluntary motion of the body? 控制人体随意运动的 中枢部位是 : A. Spinal cord 脊髓 B. Brain stem 脑干 C. Cerebellum 小脑 D. Cerebral cortex 大脑皮质 49 Which of the following vessels blood is least oxygenic? 下列哪一种血管的血液含氧量最少? A. Pulmonary veins 肺静脉 B. Pulmonary artery 肺动脉 C. Aorta 主动脉 D. Coronary artery 冠状动脉 50 Intervertebral disk 椎间盘 A. Connects with the upper and lower vertebral bodies 连接在上下两个椎体之间 B. Connects with the upper and lower articular processes 连接在上下关节突之间 C. Consists annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus 由纤维环和髓核构成 D. A + C 51 Secretion from ductless glands are called 由沒有導管的腺體所分泌的物質被稱之為 : A. enzyme 酶 B. digestive fluid 消化液 C. hormone 激素 ( 荷爾蒙 ) D. excretory fluid 排泄液 52 Endocrine glands that compose the endocrine system 由內分泌腺體組成的內分泌系統 : A. produce the hormone that are secreted into the digestive tract 製造激素並將分泌的激素釋放到消化道中 B. release the hormone into the bloodstream 將激素釋放到血液中 C. release the hormone as rapidly as nerves impulses are transmitted 釋放激素有著如同神經傳導般的迅速 53 All of the following are endocrine glands except? 以下都屬於內分泌腺, 除了 :

8 A. adrenal glands 腎上腺 B. sebaceous glands 皮脂腺 C. pineal gland 松果體 D. pituitary gland 垂體 54 A high concentration of calcium in the blood suggests a disorder of the 血液中血鈣濃度過高代表可能有 哪一方面的疾病? A. thymus gland 胸腺 B. liver 肝臟 C. pancreas 胰臟 D. parathyroid gland 副甲狀腺 55 The hormones regulating blood calcium level are? 下列哪個激素可調節血鈣濃度? A. insulin 胰島素 B. estrogen and progesterone 雌激素 孕酮 C. parathyroid hormones and calcitonin 副甲狀腺激素 降钙素 D. follicle stimulate hormones 卵泡刺激素 56 Which gland produce cortisol? 下列哪一个腺體分泌 " 皮質醇 "? A. parathyroid 副甲狀腺 B. thyroid 甲狀腺 C. adrenal 腎上腺 D. pancreas 胰腺 57 Cushing's disease is characterized by 库欣氏症的特点是 : A. high blood sugar 血糖濃度高 B. central obesity 軀幹肥胖 C. "moon face" 满月臉 D. All of the above 以上皆是 58 Which hormone stimulates cells to take up sugar from the blood 下列那一激素可以降低血液中血糖濃 度? A. glucagon 胰高血糖激素 B. insulin 胰島素 C. glycogen 肝糖 59 During the growth years, hypersecretion of causes gigantism. 在生長的階段 ( 發育期 ), 以下何 者分泌過多會造成巨人症? A. Triiodothyronine 三碘甲腺原氨酸 B. growth hormone 生長激素 C. cortisone 可的松 D. testerone 睾酮 60 Which of the following is/are positive feedback? 以下那一項是正回饋? A. sneeze 打噴嚏 B. the birth of baby 分娩 C. blood clot 血塊 D. None of the above 以上皆非

9 61 Homeostasis means " 穩態 " 是指 : A. maintenance of absolute constant internal environment 維持絕對穩定的內在環境 B. maintenance of relative constant internal environment 維持相對穩定的內在環境 C. maintenance of absolute constant external environment 維持絕對不變的外在環境 D. maintenance of relative constant external environment 維持相對不變的外在環境 62 Where is testosterone made? 睾酮是在那裡製造的? A. epididymis 副睪 B. interstitial cells 間質細胞 C. sertoli cells 塞托利細胞 D. seminiferous tubules 製精細小管 63 What approximate percentage of your body weight is your muscle weight? 肌肉重量大約佔全身重量的多 少百分比? A. 40% B. 50% C. 60% D. 70% 64 Which muscle is not belong to Rotator cuff? 以下哪個肌肉不屬於肩袖肌群? A. deltoid 三角肌 B. tere minor 小圓肌 C. supraspinatus 岗上肌 D. Infraspinatus 岗下肌 65 Which of the following is not muscle of facial expression? 以下哪個肌肉並不負責臉部表情的運動? A. buccinator 頰肌 B. masseter 咬肌 C. orbicularis oris 眼輪匝肌 D. occipitofrontalis 枕額肌 66 Which nerve is located under the piriformis muscle? 以下哪個神經位於梨狀肌之下? A. femoral nerve 股神經 B. median nerve 正中神經 C. tibial nerve 脛神經 D. sciatic nerve 坐骨神經 67 The apex of the lung is situated 肺尖位於 : A. about 25 mm above the level of the medial portion of the first rib 高出第一肋骨內側端上方 2.5 公分 B. about 25 mm above the level of the medial portion of the 2nd rib 高出第二肋骨內側端上方 2.5 公分 C. about 25 mm above the level of the medial portion of the 3rd rib 高出第三肋骨內側端上方 2.5 公分 D. about 25 mm above the level of the medial portion of the clavicle 高出鎖骨內側端上方 2.5 公分 68 Which of the following describes a correct order of the structure in the colon? 以下那組大腸結構排列順 序是正確的? A. descending, transverse, ascending, and sigmoid colon 降結腸, 橫結腸, 升結腸, 乙狀結腸

10 B. ascending, descending, transverse, and sigmoid colon 升結腸, 降結腸, 橫結腸, 乙狀結腸 C. ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colon 升結腸, 橫結腸, 降結腸, 乙狀結腸 D. ascending, sigmoid colon, descending, and transverse 升結腸, 乙狀結腸, 降結腸, 橫結腸 69 If a patient is diagnosed appendicitis, which of the following cell(s) s count higher? 若病人診斷有盲腸炎, 下列那一個細胞數指標會升高? A. monocytes 單核細胞 B. neutrophil 中性粒細胞 C. eosinocyte 嗜酸粒細胞 D. agranulocyte 無顆粒細胞 70 A blood clot transported by the blood stream is a(n) 在血液中流動的血塊稱為 : A. thrombus 血栓 B. embolus 栓子 C. platelet plug 血小板栓塞 71 The base of the heart lies just below the rib. " 心尖 " 位於左側第幾肋間? A. 2nd B. 6th C. 4th D. 5th 72 Which of the following item is nonspecific immunity? 下列哪一項屬於非特异性免疫? A. inflammation 發炎 B. B lymphocytes (B cells) B 淋巴細胞 C. T lymphocytes (T cells) T 淋巴細胞 73 Which of the following organ is primary organ of immune system? 下列哪個是免疫系統中的主要器官? A. thymus 胸腺 B. thyroid 甲狀腺 C. liver 肝臟 D. spleen 脾臟 74 Which of the following organ is secondary organ of immune system? 下列哪個是免疫系統中的次要器 官? A. thyroid 甲狀腺 B. liver 肝臟 C. appendix 闌尾 D. thymus 胸腺 75 The function of the T cells is to produce T- 細胞的功能為製造 : A. nonspecific immunity 非特异性免疫 B. specific immunity 特异性免疫 C. cell-medicated immunity 細胞媒介免疫力 D. B+C 76 Which spinous process of thoracic vertebra is at the level of the inferior angle of the scapula? 下列哪一胸椎平肩胛骨下角? A. 6th thoracic veterbra 第六胸椎

11 B. 7th thoracic veterbra 第七胸椎 C. 8th thoracic veterbra 第八胸椎 D. 9th thoracic veterbra 第九胸椎 77 Which of the following cell has a function to breakdown bone? 下列那種細胞能分解骨骼? A. osteocyte 骨細胞 B. osteoblast 造骨細胞 C. osteoclast 破骨細胞 78 Which bones form the TMJ? " 顳顎關節 " 是由哪些骨頭組成的? A. maxilla and mandible 上頜骨與下顎骨 B. maxilla and temporal bone 上頜骨與顳骨 C. maxilla and frontal bone 上頜骨與額骨 D. mandible and temporal bone 下顎骨與顳骨 79 Lordosis is a condition affecting which spinal region? " 脊椎前凸 " 主要影響哪一段脊椎? A. cervical curve 頸椎的曲度 B. thoracic curve 胸椎的曲度 C. lumber curve 腰椎的曲度 D. A+C 80 Blood transported by the pulmonary veins returns to the 血液由肺靜脈運送回到 : A. right atrium 右心房 B. left atrium 左心房 C. right ventricle 右心室 D. left ventricle 左心室 81 Which of the following contains oxygenated blood in an adult human? 人體中哪一部位盛載有含氧血? A. right atrium 右心房 B. pulmonary artery 肺動脈 C. inferior vena cava 下腔静脉 D. pulmonary vein 肺靜脈 82 Fertilization of an ovum by a spermatozoon occurs in the 一個卵子和一個精子是在哪裡受精? A. Cervix 子宮頸 B. Fallopian Tube 輸卵管 C. Ovary 卵巢 D. Uterus 子宮 83 The normal rhythmic beating of the heart is initiated by the - 正常人體心跳的起搏點為 : A. Purkinje fibers 普金氏纖維 B. AV bundle 房室束 C. AV node 房室結 D. SA node 竇房結 84 which valve would be open during ventricular systole? 心室收縮時以下哪一個瓣膜會打開? A. aortic valve and tricuspid 主動脈瓣, 三尖瓣 B. pulmonary valve and bicuspid 肺動脈瓣, 二尖瓣 C. aortic valve and pulmonary valve 主動脈瓣, 肺動脈瓣 D. bicuspid and tricuspid 二尖瓣, 三尖瓣

12 85 Which statement is true of the right atrioventricular valve? 下列對於右房室瓣的描述何者正確? A. it is also called the bicuspid 又稱之為 " 二尖瓣 " B. it transmits oxygenated blood 傳輸含氧血 C. it consists of 3 leaflets 有三個瓣膜 86 The valve at the entrance of the aorta is called 主動脈口的半膜被稱之為 : A. aortic semilunar valve 主動脈半月瓣 B. bicuspid 二尖瓣 C. pulmonary semilunar valve 肺動脈半月瓣 D. tricuspid 三尖瓣 87 Blood vessel that carry blood away from the heart are called 將血液帶離開心臟的血管被稱之為? A. artery 動脈 B. vein 靜脈 C. capillary 毛細血管 ( 微血管 ) D. A+B+C A+B+C 88 which of the following is to supply blood to heart tissue? 下列哪一條血管負責供應心臟的血? A. thoracic aorta 胸主動脈 B. coronary artery 冠狀動脈 C. descending aorta 下行大動脈 D. abdominal aorta 腹部大動脈 89 The cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis) of brain is formed by 大腦血管環 ( 威利斯氏環 ) 是由什麼組成? A. external carotid artery 頸外動脈 B. internal carotid artery 頸內動脈 C. vertebral artery 椎動脈 D. A+B 90 Which one of the following series represents the correct path of heart conductive system? 下列何者為正常的心臟興奮傳導途徑? A. AV node, SA node, AV bundle (Bundle of His), right and left branches of the AV bundle, Purkinje fibers 房室結, 竇房結, 房室束 ( 希斯束 ), 左右束支, 普金氏纖維 B. SA node, AV bundle (Bundle of His), right and left branches of the AV bundle, Purkinje fibers, AV node 竇房結, 房室束 ( 希斯束 ), 左右束支, 普金氏纖維, 房室結 C. SA node, AV node, AV bundle (Bundle of His), right and left branches of the AV bundle, Purkinje fibers 竇房結, 房室結, 房室束 ( 希斯束 ), 左右束支, 普金氏纖維 91 the hepatic portal vein is formed by 肝門靜脈是由以下何項組成? A. splenic vein 脾靜脈 B. superior mesenteric vein 腸系膜上靜脈 C. gastric vein 胃靜脈 D. A+B 92 All of the following are superficial vein except 下列除了哪一項之外, 皆是淺靜脈? A. femoral vein 股靜脈 B. cephalic vein 頭靜脈 C. basilic vein 基底靜脈 ( 貴要靜脈 )

13 D. small saphenous vein 小隱靜脈 93 Just below the inguinal ligament, from lateral to medial Which one of the following series represents the correct order? 在腹股溝韌帶下方, 由外向內正確的排序為? A. femoral artery, femoral vein, femoral nerve 股動脈, 股靜脈, 股神經 B. femoral vein, femoral nerve femoral artery, 股靜脈, 股神經, 股動脈 C. femoral nerve femoral artery, femoral vein 股神經, 股動脈, 股靜脈 94 The carotid sinus is 頸動脈竇為 : A. baroreceptor 壓力感受器 B. chemoreceptor 化學感受器 C. receptor 感受器 D. None of the above 以上皆非 95 All of the following are lymphatic system tissue and organ except 以下皆是淋巴系統的組織與器官, 除了 : A. spleen 脾臟 B. thymus 胸腺 C. tonsil 扁桃腺 D. kidney 腎臟 96 The spleen is located in the hypochondrium directly the diaphragm. 脾臟位於 季肋部, 在橫隔膜正 方. A. left, above 左側, 上 B. left below 左側, 下 C. right, above 右側, 上 D. right, below 右側, 下 97 which of the following is splenic function? 下列何者為脾臟的功能? A. defense 防禦 B. blood reservoir 儲存血液 C. hematopoiesis 造血作用 D. A+B+C 98 worn-out and damaged red blood cells are destroyed in the 衰老和破損的紅細胞在哪裡被消滅? A. thymus 胸腺 B. spleen 脾臟 C. tonsil 扁桃腺 D. lymph nodes 淋巴结 99 The thoracic duct originate at 胸導管的起點位於 : A. the cistema chyli 乳糜池 B. the base of the neck 頸的根部 C. the liver 肝臟 D. the armpit 腋下 100 The function of the is to produce mature T cells. 下列何者的功能是製造成熟的 T 淋巴細胞? A. bone marrow 骨髓 B. Spleen 脾臟 C. thyroid 甲狀腺 D. thymus 胸腺

14 101 Which of the following place is B cells activated? B 淋巴細胞在哪裡被激活? A. bone marrow 骨髓 B. Spleen 脾臟 C. thyroid 甲狀腺 D. thymus 胸腺 102 Which of the following cells is to produce the antibody -mediated immunity? 下列哪一種細胞負責制造 特異性抗體免疫? A. neutrophils 中性粒细胞 B. B lymphocytes B 淋巴細胞 C. T lymphocytes T 淋巴細胞 D. Natural killer cells 自然殺傷淋巴細胞 103 The structure which closes off the opening of larynx is the 以下哪一個構造關閉喉口? A. epiglottis 會厭軟骨 B. adam s apple 喉結 C. cricoid 環狀軟骨 D. arytenoid 杓狀軟骨 104 The vocal cord is located at 聲帶位於 : A. pharynx 咽 B. trachea 氣管 C. larynx 喉 105 When breathing in, what happens? 吸氣時 : A. diaphragm flattens, ribs move up and out 橫隔膜變平, 肋骨向上並向外移動 B. diaphragm flattens, ribs move down and in. 橫隔膜變平, 肋骨向下並向內移動 C. diaphragm moves up, ribs move down and in. 橫隔膜上升, 肋骨向下並向內移動 D. diaphragm moves up, ribs move up and out 橫隔膜上升, 肋骨向上並向外移動 106 What is following a definition of even after maximal expiration there always some air left in the lung to prevent them from collapsing 以下何者的定義為 " 指最大呼氣末存留於肺內的氣量 " A. tidal volume 潮氣量 B. vital capacity 肺活量 C. residual volume 殘氣量 D. total lung capacity 肺總量 107 the exchange the gases between blood and cells is called 血液與細胞間的氣體交換被稱為? A. pulmonary ventilation 肺通气 ( 肺通气量 ) B. external respiration 外呼吸 ( 肺泡氣體交換 ) C. internal respiration 內呼吸 ( 組織氣體交換 ) D. None of the above 以上皆非 108 Which of the following organs does have both endocrine and exocrine functions? 下列机构哪一项兼具内 分泌和外分泌功能? A. liver 肝臟 B. parotid gland 腮腺 C. gallbladder 膽囊 D. pancreas 胰臟

15 109 The gall bladder 膽囊 : A. produce the bile 分泌膽汁 B. is attached the pancreas 和胰臟連接 C. store and concentrates the bile 儲存與濃縮膽汁 D. A+C 110 Where is the Oddi s sphincter (sphincter of the hepatopancreatic)? 肝胰括约肌位於 : A. stomach 胃 B. descending part of duodenum 十二指肠下降部 C. horizontal part of duodenum 十二指肠水平部 D. colon esophagus 大腸 111 the head of pancreas is in the curve of the 胰頭的部位被下列哪一器官所包绕? A. small intestine 小腸 B. jejunum 空腸 C. ileum 迴腸 D. duodenum 十二指腸 112 Which of the following is the waves of smooth muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract? 下列哪一项是食物沿著消化道平滑肌順序收縮而完成的一種向前推進的波形運動 A. peristalsis 蠕動 B. an enzyme 酶 C. chemical digestion 化學性消化 D. chyme 食糜 113 Which of the following vitamin is not fat-soluble? 下列哪項不是脂溶性的維生素? A. vitamin A 維生素 A B. vitamin B 維生素 B C. vitamin D 維生素 D D. vitamin K 維生素 K 114 Plasma is made up of water and: 血漿的組成為水和 : A. proteins 蛋白質 B. hormone 激素 C. nutrients and ions 營養和離子 D. all of the above 以上皆是 115 How much blood does the body contain? 血液的重量佔全身重量的多少百分比? A. 2% of the body weight 全身重量的 2% B. 4% of the body weight 全身重量的 4% C. 8% of the body weight 全身重量的 8% D. 10% of the body weight 全身重量的 10% 116 The components of blood that is responsible for clotting is 血液中負責凝血功能的物質為 : A. erythrocytes 紅細胞 B. white blood cells 白細胞 C. platelets 血小板 D. Hemoglobin 血色素

16 117 Which of the following cells do not have a nucleus? 下列哪個細胞沒有細胞核? A. monocytes 單核細胞 B. red blood cells 紅細胞 C. eosinocytes 嗜酸粒細胞 D. agranulocytes 無顆粒細胞 118 Which of the following cells defense parasitic worms? 下列哪個細胞能抵禦寄生蟲疾病? A. monocyte 單核細胞 B. lymphcyte 淋巴細胞 C. eosinocyte 嗜酸粒細胞 D. agranulocyte 無顆粒細胞 119 The liquid part of blood after remove the clotting element is 去除凝血元素後的液體部分的血液稱為 : A. plasma 血漿 B. blood 血液 C. serum 血清 D. water 水 120 Both oxytocin and ADH 催產素與抗利尿激素 A. are produced by the hypothalamus 皆由下丘腦製造 B. are steroid hormones 皆是類固醇激素 C. are made in the neurohypophysi s 皆在神經垂體製造 D. None of the above 以上皆非 121 The hormone that has an antagonistic effect of insulin is 下列哪一激素和胰島素相拮抗? A. thyroxin 甲狀腺素 B. pepsin 胃蛋白酶 C. glycogen 糖原 D. glucagon 胰高血糖激素 122 Which of the following is mismatched? 下列何組的配對是錯誤的? A. oxytocine -uterus 催產素 - 子宮 B. parathyroid hormone - bone 甲狀旁腺激素 - 骨 C. ADH - kidney 抗利尿激素 - 腎臟 D. insulin - hypothalamus 胰島素 - 下丘腦 123 All of the following are steroid hormones except 以下何項不屬於類固醇激素? A. ADH (Antidiuretic hormone) 抗利尿激素 B. estrogen 雌激素 C. testosterone 睾酮 D. cortisol 皮質醇 124 Which of the following cranial nerve cannot control the facial expression? 下列哪個腦神經不能控制面部 表情? A. trigeminal nerve 三叉神經 B. oculomotor nerve 動眼神經 C. glossopharynge al nerve 舌咽神經 D. facial nerve 面神經 125 Which of the following cranial nerve is not belong to motor nerve? 下列哪個腦神經不屬於運動神經?

17 A. olfactory nerve 嗅神經 B. abducens nerve 展神經 C. accessory nerve 副神經 D. hypoglossal nerve 舌下神經 126 Injury to which of the following cranial nerve can cause drooping of the upper eyelid, strabismus, dilation of the pupil, diminish pupillary light reflex 下列哪個腦神經損傷會有眼瞼下垂, 眼外斜視以及瞳孔開大 和瞳孔對光反射消失? A. optic nerve 視神經 B. oculomotor nerve 動眼神經 C. trochlear nerve 滑車神經 D. trigeminal nerve 三叉神經 127 Cortisone is type of glucocorticoid, prolong usage may lead to Cushing's disease 可的松是糖皮質激素, 長期使用會引起庫欣氏綜合症 A. TRUE 正确 B. FALSE 错误 128 What is the normal count of Red Blood Cell in adult male? 正常成年男子的紅細胞數量為? A. 2.0x10 12 /L B x10 12 /L C. 5.0x10 12 /L D. 6.0x10 12 /L 129 What is the normal volume of Hb in adult female? 正常成年女子 Hb 含量為? A. 80~120/L B. 110~150/L C. 140~180/L D. 180~220/L 130 Which one of the following major antibody has the function to activate the hypersensitivity reaction? 能 引起 I 型超敏反应的主要抗体是 : A. IgM B. IgA C. IgG D. IgE 131 A human embryo normally implants in the wall of the, where it continue to develop until the baby is born 人類的胚胎在何部位著床, 並生長直到胎兒出生? A. vagina 陰道 B. ovary 卵巢 C. cervix 子宮頸 D. uterus 子宮 132 When an egg is released from the follicle during ovulation, the ruptured follicle becomes the 在排卵期間, 卵子從卵泡中被釋放出, 破裂的卵泡形成 : A. embryo 胚胎 B. cervix 子宮頸 C. corpus luteum 黃體 D. Progesterone 孕酮

18 133 Which of the following is/are secreted by ovaries? 以下哪項是由卵巢所分泌? A. prolactin 催乳素 B. oxytocin 催產素 C. estrogens, progesterone 雌激素, 孕酮 D. A+B 134 Which of the following is/are component of spermatic cord? 下列哪项是精索组成部分? A. seminiferous tubules 生精小管 B. testicular artery, venous plexus 睾丸動脈, 靜脈叢 C. vas deferens 輸精管 D. B+C 135 Sex cells (reproductive cell) like sperm and egg are also called 性細胞 ( 例如, 精子和卵子 ) 也被稱為? A. gonads 性腺 B. zygote 合子 C. chromosomes 染色體 D. gametes 配子 136 The functional unit of the kidney is called a 負責執行腎臟功能的單位被稱為 : A. glomerulus 腎小球 B. renal capsule 腎囊 C. nephron 腎单元 D. calyx 腎盞

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