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1 當代議題 : 變遷的性別角色 Contemporary Issue: Changing Gender Roles 授課 : 朱元鴻 2017 Spring 交通大學社會與文化研究所週二 18:30-21:30 教室 106A 課程大綱 2/14 課程介紹 Course Introduction Topic 1: 背景 Backdrop 2/ 年代美國與歐洲社會性別角色的比較 : Alex de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, vol.2, book 3, pp 托克維爾, 美國的民主 下卷, 頁 Chapter IX, Education of Young Women in the United States Chapter X, The Young Women in the Character of a Wife, Chapter XI, How Equality of Condition Contributes to Maintain Good Morals in America, Chapter XII, How the Americans Understand the Equality of the Sexes 年代一位非裔美國女性觀點 : Anna Julia Cooper, A Voice From the South, pp. 1-35, /28 和平紀念日放假 Peace Day Vacation 3/ 年代台灣農村社會的婦女與家庭 Margery Wolf, The House of Lim. Optional reading: Margery Wolf, Women and the Family in Rural Taiwan. Related Issues: Child Marriage 議題 : 比較 童養媳 與當前南亞 非洲的童婚 1

2 3/14 中國 年代的新文化運動 1980 年代的一胎化政策梁啟超, 創設女學堂啟 (1897) AD%B8%E5%A0%82%E5%95%9F 五四 思潮中的 趙五貞自殺事件 (1919) 胡適, 李超傳 (1919) 魯迅, 娜拉走後怎樣 (1923) E%8C%E6%80%8E%E6%A8%A3 Margery Wolf (1984), The Birth Limitation Program: Family vs. State, Revolution Postponed: Women in Contemporary China, pp Related Issues: Violence against women: Foot-binding/Infibulation/Leblouh; Forced Marriage; Forced Abortion 議題 : 比較纏足與當前阿拉伯與非洲的女陰殘割 催肥 ; 逼婚 ; 強制墮胎 Topic 2: Waves of Western Feminist Movement 3/21 The First Wave Feminism: Women s Suffrage 女性參政權 Mary Wollstonecraft [1792] A Vindication of the Right of Woman. Women's Suffrage First Wave Feminism 3/28 The Second Wave Feminism: Equal Pay, Equal Right, Contraception 同酬 同權 避孕與墮胎 Simon de Beauvoir (1949) The Second Sex. Betty Friedan (1963) The Feminine Mystique. 2

3 Women's Movement 1960s-70s: Roe v. Wade (1973) nx0n4z3sscl9qv1jesrcl8 4/4 春假 Spring Break 4/11 The Third Wave Feminism: Queer, Feminist Sex Wars (on pornography, on prostitution, on BDSM) 卡維波, 什麼是酷兒 pdf Andrea Dworkin Testimony on Pornography (1986) Caught Looking: Feminism, Pornography & Censorship. (1992) Eve Ensler (1996) The Vagina Monologue Topic 3: Gender Issues in South Asia, Middle East, and Africa 4/18 Fawzia Koofi, Just a Girl, The Favored Daughter, pp Somini Sengupta, APOSTATES: When They Dared to Love, CURSE: A Father s Fears, a Daughter s Dreams, The End of Karma, pp /25 Mona Eltahawy, Headsarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution, pp hate-women%3f/ /2 Asef Bayat, Feminism of Everyday Life, Life as Politics: How Ordinary People Changes the Middle East, pp Saba Mahmood, Secularism, Family Law, and Gender Inequality, Religious Difference in a Secular Age, pp

4 Topic 4: Angry Wimmin, Man Going Their Own Way, Herbivore Men: Emerging Issues in Developed Countries 5/9 Radical Feminism, a BBC documentary: Angry Wimmin, Men are the Enemy, Man as a Problem Angry Feminists, Trigglypuff as a Meme Female violence against men prevails in popular Culture: If Men Acted Like Feminists! 5/16 Woman s Reflection on the Anti-male Feminism Helen Smith, Men On Strike, pp. xxiii-40 Christina Hoff Sommers, The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men, 2 nd ed. Preface and No Country for Young men, pp. 1-5, Christina Hoff Sommers and Camille Paglia: The full interview In Defense of Men, What's Left of Them - Present Day Feminism: 5/23 Man Going Their Own Way, Masculinity in Question MGTOW - End of Civilization MGTOW HAS TAKEN JAPAN 4

5 Why Are Men Frightened of Marriage? MGTOW is Becoming Cult-like and Ideological Anne Marie Slaughter on masculinity and feminist double standards 5/30 端午節放假 Dragon Boat Festival 6/6 繳交一頁 ( 約一千字 ) 學期研究報告計畫, 課堂討論 6/13 Potluck Party 課程要求 課堂引言與討論參與占學期成績 50% 約一萬字的學期研究報告, 占學期成績 50% 5

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