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1 Fundamentals of the F AITH 信仰基要 Lesson 1 Introduction to the Bible 第一課聖經介紹 Memorize 2 Timothy 3:16. 背誦經文 : 提摩太后書 3 章 16 節 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 聖經都是神所默示的, 於教訓, 督責, 使人歸正, 教導人學義都是有益的 The best way to memorize Scripture is to write the verse on a small piece of paper, with one phrase on each line. It helps some people to make small pictures next to key words. Keep the paper in a prominent place where you will see it often, or keep it with you in your pocket. The key is to look at it several times each day (many times the first day) and to say it out loud when you do, gradually increasing how much you say from memory. 背誦經文的最佳辦法是將經文抄寫在一小張紙 ( 或卡片 ) 上, 每一句佔一行 有的人還喜歡在關鍵字詞旁邊加注標記 將紙放在顯眼的地方, 方便你常常看見 ; 或將它放在你的口袋裏 背經的關鍵在於每天堅持看幾次 ( 第一天多看幾次 ) 並且同時大聲朗讀, 逐漸不看經文, 憑記憶背誦 The Bible is the Word of God. It claims to be truth, the message from God to man. Second Peter 1:21 says that men spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 聖經是神的話, 是真理, 是神給人的信息 彼得後書 1 章 21 節告訴我們, 聖經的寫作乃是 人被聖靈感動, 說出神的話來 The Scriptures were written by approximately 40 different authors. 聖經由大約 40 位不同作者寫成 They lived in several different countries.. 這些人生活在幾個不同的國家 They lived at different times (1400 B.C. to A.D. 90). 他們生活的年代也不盡相同 ( 最早的在西元前 1400 年, 最晚的在西元 90 年 ) They wrote in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. 他們寫作的文字也不同 : 有的作者用希伯來文, 有的用亞蘭文, 還有的用希臘文 Despite this vast variety, God moved the writers to focus on one unified theme, God s glory in man s redemption, with one central figure Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 儘管有如此巨大的差異, 但是聖靈帶動聖經的作者們專注在一個整體的主題寫下聖言 ; 這個主題就是神的榮耀在人的救贖上得以彰顯 ; 其核心人物 : 就是神子耶穌基督

2 I. The Old Testament (39 books) 舊約全書 (39 本 ) A. The Pentateuch (5 books) 摩西五經 The first five books of the Old Testament were written around 1400 B.C. by Moses. They are often referred to as the Five Books of Moses or the Pentateuch. 聖經舊約全書中的頭五本書寫於大約西元前 1400 年, 作者是摩西, 所以常被稱爲 摩西五經 按照聖經中的順序, 列出這五本書 : 1. The book of beginnings: creation, man, sin, redemption, God s nation 開端之書 : 涉及創造, 人, 罪, 救贖, 及神楝選的國 2. God delivers His people from Egypt 神將祂的子民從埃及拯救出來 3. Priestly laws on holiness and worship through sacrifice and purification 如何分別爲聖與敬拜 : 有關獻祭和潔淨的祭司律法 4. God s people continually disobey and wander in the wilderness for 40 years 神的子民因不斷違背神而在曠野飄流 40 年 5. Moses great discourses to prepare the people to enter the Promised Land 摩西鄭重訓誨以色列民, 預備他們進入迦南應許之地 B. History (12 books) 歷史書 (12 本 ) The historical books are the next 12 books in your Bible following the Pentateuch. They were written between 1400 and 450 B.C. They describe God s dealings with His chosen people, Israel, the Hebrew nation. 在摩西五經之後的十二本書是歷史書 這些書寫於西元前 1400 年到西元前 450 年之間 書中記載神在以色列民族 - 祂的選民中的作爲 List these 12 books in the order you find them in your Bible. 按照聖經中的順序, 列出這十二本書 C. Poetry (5 books) 詩歌書 (5 本 ) The next five books are poetic, describing in poetry and song God s greatness and His dealings with men. 接下來的五本書採用詩歌形式描述神的偉大和祂在人身上的工作 List the five poetic books in order. 按順序列出這五本詩歌書 1. The suffering and loyal trust of a man who loved God 一個愛神之人所經的患難和他在患難中對神的信靠 2. Songs of praise and instruction 讚美與訓誨的詩歌

3 3. God s practical wisdom for daily life 神實用的智慧 4. The emptiness of an earthly life without God 沒有神, 生活是虛空的 5. A portrait of God s love 神的愛 D. Major Prophets (5 books) 大先知書 (5 本 ) A prophet is one who is commissioned by God to deliver His message to men. These next five books are called Major Prophets because they are generally longer than the writings of the Minor Prophets, and they each deal with several themes. They were written from approximately 750 to 550 B.C. 先知是由神差派向人傳聖言的使者 詩歌書之後的五本書之所以被稱作 大先知書, 不僅是因爲它們的篇幅比後面的 小先知書 長, 也因爲書中都有數個主題 這五本書寫於大約西元前 750 到 550 年之間 List these five books in order. 按順序列出這五本書 E. Minor Prophets (12 books) 小先知書 (12 本 ) The last 12 books of the Old Testament were written from approximately 840 to 400 B.C. They are called minor because they are shorter and each deal with only one theme. 聖經舊約中的最後 12 本書寫於大約西元前 840 到 400 年之間 因爲篇幅較短, 且每本書只有一個主題, 所以它們被稱爲 小先知書 List these 12 books in order. 按順序列出這十二本書 II. The New Testament (27 books) 新約全書 (27 本 ) The New Testament, or New Covenant, reveals Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of men. In it we find: 聖經新約全書向我們啓示耶穌基督 - 人類的救贖者 內容包括 : The life of Christ 基督生平 The way of salvation 救恩之路 The beginning of Christianity 基督教會的興起 Instruction for Christian living 有關基督徒生活的教導 God s plan for the future 神對未來的計劃

4 A. History (5 books) 歷史書 (5 本 ) The Gospels are the first four books in the New Testament. List these in the order you find them in your Bible. 四福音書是新約中的頭四本書 按照聖經順序將它們列出來 1. The life of Christ, written especially for the Jews, revealing Jesus Christ as their long-awaited Messiah 基督生平 - 特別寫給猶太人, 揭示基督就是猶太人盼望已久的彌賽亞 ( 救主 ) 2. The life of Christ, revealing Jesus as the obedient Servant of God. The book was written to the Roman world 基督生平 - 特別寫給羅馬時期的人, 揭示耶穌爲神順服的僕人 3. The life of Christ, revealing Jesus as the perfect man, emphasizing His humanity. It was written by Luke, a Greek, to the Greek world 基督生平 - 作者是希臘人路加, 特別寫給受希臘文化影響的人, 揭示耶穌爲完美的人, 強調耶穌的人性 4. The life of Christ, revealing Jesus as the Son of God, stressing His deity. This book was written to all men 基督生平 - 寫給普世的人, 揭示耶穌爲神子, 強調耶穌的神性 Read John 20:31. What two reasons are given for the writing of John s Gospel? 讀約翰福音 20 章 31 節 這段經文告訴我們約翰福音的兩個寫作目的, 是哪兩個? The history of the early church (1 book) is the next book in your Bible. Write its name. 四福音書之後是早期教會的歷史書 (1 本 ), 寫出該書的名字 It is about the beginning and spread of the Christian church. It could be called the Acts of the Holy Spirit, and was written as an evangelistic tool. 使徒行傳記載基督教會的興起和發展, 可謂是 聖靈行傳 該書的寫作目的是見證 ( 傳 ) 福音 B. Letters or Epistles (21 books) 書信 (21 本 ) These next 21 books were written to individuals, to churches, or to believers in general. The letters deal with every aspect of Christian faith and responsibility. 接下來的 21 本書是寫給個人, 教會或一般信徒的書信 信中涉及基督信仰及基督徒責任的各個方面 List these next 21 books in order. 按順序列出這 21 本書 Paul s Letters (13 books) 保羅書信 (13 本書 )

5 General Letters (8 books) 普通書信 (8 本書 ) C. Prophecy (1 book) 預言 (1 本書 ) The last book of the New Testament tells of future events. 聖經新約中的最後一本書是關於將來必成的事, 內容包括 : Return of Jesus Christ 基督的再來 Reign of Jesus Christ 基督的掌權 Glory of Jesus Christ 基督的榮耀 Future state of believers and unbelievers 信徒與非信徒的永恒歸宿 What is the name of this book? 這本書的名字是什麽? III. Christ in the Bible 基督與聖經 The Old and New Testaments are to be viewed together as one unified whole. They portray Jesus Christ as the central figure. 聖經的舊約和新約當被視爲完整的一體, 描述的中心人物是耶穌基督 Read the following verses and complete the phrases on your answer sheet: 閱讀下列經文並填空 : A. Luke 24:27. Christ is seen in: 路加 24:27 聖經中哪些地方見證基督 : B. John 5:39. Jesus said the Scriptures testify of 約翰 5:39 耶穌如何形容聖經與祂自己的關係:

6 The key is Jesus. He is the unifying focus of the entire Bible. 耶穌是整個聖經的焦點和關鍵 Books of the Law 五經 5 Promises of Christ 關於基督的應許 Historical Books 歷史書 12 Anticipation of Christ: 遠望基督 Poetic Books 詩歌書 5 Types, experiences, 預表基督 Prophetic Books 先知書 17 Prophecies 關於基督的預言 Gospels 福音書 4 Manifestation of Christ 基督的彰顯 History 使徒行傳 1 The Church of Christ 基督的教會 Letters 書信 21 基督的教會 Prophecy 啓示錄 1 The Coronation of Christ 基督作王 IV. Why Is the Bible Important? 聖經爲什麽重要? When tempted by Satan, Jesus alluded to Deuteronomy 8:3: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God Matthew 4:4 被撒旦試探時, 耶穌引用申命記 8 章 3 節說, 人活著, 不是單靠食物, 乃是靠神口裏所出的一切話 - 馬太福音 4:4 A. What does 2 Timothy 3:16 say about the Bible? Please write the one correct answer on your answer sheet: 提摩太后書 3 章 16 節怎樣形容聖經? 單項選擇 : 請選擇正確答案 Some of the Bible is inspired by God. 聖經的某些部分是神默示的 There are a few parts which are not inspired. 聖經中有些部分不是神默示的 All of the Bible is inspired by God. 聖經都是神默示的 Only those parts which speak to us in a personal way are inspired by God. 只有跟我們個人有直接關係的部分才是神默示的 B. What do the following verses tell us about the importance of God s Word? 關於聖經的重要性, 以下經文告訴我們些什麽? 1. 2 Timothy 3:15 提摩太後書 3:15 2. Hebrews 4:12 希伯來書 4:12 C. Read Psalm 19:7 8. What four things does God s Word do? 讀詩篇 19 章 7,8 節 神的話有哪四種功效? 1. Psalm 19:7a 詩篇 19 章 7a 2. Psalm 19:7b 詩篇 19 章 7b 3. Psalm 19:8a 詩篇 19 章 8a 4. Psalm 19:8b 詩篇 19 章 8b

7 V. Personal Application 個人操練 A. Based on what you have learned about the Bible, what should be your personal response to it? 對聖經有所瞭解之後, 你個人當如何回應? B. Have you memorized 2 Timothy 3:16? Please write it from memory. 你是否已熟記提摩太後書 3 章 16 節? 請默寫

8 Translations How the Bible Became Ours 我們的聖經是怎麽來的 Original Manuscripts 原稿 Around 1500 B.C. to A.D. 100 寫於西元前 1500 年到西元 100 年間 Sixty-six distinct works; some writers unknown 各有特色的 66 本書 ; 部分作者不詳 Manuscripts in original languages 手抄稿. 原文 into other languages and quotations 翻譯. 外文譯本或引用 A.D : The Vulgate (Jerome s Latin translation) 西元 年耶柔米的拉丁文譯本 : Various Anglo-Saxon partial translations 西元 年各種昂格魯 - 薩克森語系節譯本 1382: Complete translations by John Wycliffe and followers 西元 1382 年威克裏夫及其追隨者完成的完整英文譯本 : First printed translation by William Tyndale 西元 年首次印刷天道譯本 Other translations 其他譯本 1535: Coverdale; 1537: Matthew; 1539: Taverner and Great Bible translation; 1560: Geneva Bible; 1568: Bishop; 1610: Rheim s-douai 1535 年卡佛德爾譯本 1537 馬太譯本 1539 塔文納譯本 1560 日內瓦譯本 1568 比薛譯本 1610 任戴譯本 1611: The King James Version 1611 英文欽定本 More discoveries 更多考古發現 1885: English Revised Version 1885 英文修正譯本 1901: American Standard Version 1901 美國標準譯本 1919: Chinese Bible 譯者補充 : 1919 年中文和合本 1947: Dead Sea Scrolls discovery 1947 發現死海古卷 1952: Revised Standard Version; 1960: New American Standard Version; 1966: The Jerusalem Bible; 1971: Living Bible (Paraphrase); 1973: New International Version; 1979 New King James Version 1952 修正標準譯本 1960 新美國標準譯本 1966 耶路撒冷譯本 1971 生命譯本 ( 意譯 )1973 新國際譯本 1979 新欽定本 Note: all translations have made direct use of the manuscripts in original languages 注 : 所有譯本都直接依據原文手稿

9 Lesson 2 How to Know the Bible 如何認識聖經 Memorize 2 Timothy 2:15. 背誦經文 : 提摩太後書 2 章 15 節 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. 你當竭力在神面前得蒙喜悅, 作無愧的工人, 按著正意分解真理的道 The how of learning and applying the Scripture to life is something every Christian should know. This lesson covers five ways to make the Bible yours: hearing, reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating. 每一個基督徒都應該知道如何學習聖經, 並將所學運用到生活中 這一課介紹五個掌握聖經的辦法, 分別爲 : 聽道, 讀經, 查經, 背誦, 默想 Compare those five methods of learning Scripture to the fingers on your hand. If you hold the Bible with only two fingers, it is easy to lose your grip. But as you use more fingers, your grasp of the Bible becomes stronger. That is also true spiritually. If a person hears, reads, studies, memorizes, and then meditates on the Bible, his grasp of the truths of the Bible becomes firm and part of his life. As the thumb is needed in combination with any finger to complete your hold, so meditation combined with hearing, reading, studying, and memorizing is essential for a full grasp of God s Word. 我們可以將這五個方法比作人手的五個手指 手握聖經時, 只有五指同時用力, 才能把握得牢靠, 否則就容易失手 同樣地, 如果我們同時注重聽道, 讀經, 查經, 背誦和默想, 對聖經真理的把握就會牢靠, 並使之成爲自己生命的一部分 而五個手指中最重要的是拇指, 因爲其他手指必須與拇指合作才能得力 在五個學習聖經的方法中, 默想就是那 拇指 我們在聽道, 讀經, 查經, 背誦時都必須結合默想才能充分掌握神的話 I. Reasons for Understanding the Bible 爲何要瞭解聖經? A. List five reasons for knowing God s Word: 我們之所以要認識神的話, 是因爲 : 1. 2 Timothy 2:15 提摩太后書 2 章 15 節 2. 1 Peter 2:2 彼得前書 2 章 2 節 3. Psalm 119:11 詩篇 119 篇 11 節 4. Psalm 119:38 詩篇 119 篇 38 節 5. Psalm 119:105 詩篇 119 篇 105 節 We study the Scripture because it is sufficient. 神的話是完備夠用的 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16 聖經都是神所默示的, 於教訓, 督責, 使人歸正, 教導人學義都是有益的 提摩太后書 3 章 16 節

10 II. How to Know the Bible 如何學習聖經 A. Hear It 聽道 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17 可見通道是從聽道來的, 聽道是從基督的話來的 羅馬書 10 章 17 節 1. Whom did Jesus say would be blessed (Luke 11:28)? 路加 11 章 28 節中, 耶穌提到怎樣的人是有福的? 2. In proclaiming the Word, what should pastors and teachers do? (See Nehemiah 8:7 8.) 參考尼希米記 8 章 7-8 節, 在宣講神的話時, 牧師, 聖經老師當如何做? B. Read It 讀經 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Revelation 1:3 念這書上預言的, 和那些聽見又遵守其中所記載的, 都是有福的, 因爲日期近了 啓示錄 1 章 3 節 1. Write Revelation 1:3 in your own words (a paraphrase).. 用你自己的話把以上經文的大意寫下來 2. To what did Paul ask Timothy to give his attention? (See 1 Timothy 4:13.) 在提摩太前書 4 章 13 節中, 保羅要提摩太以什麽爲念? If you do not have a daily reading plan, start with the Gospel of Mark or John. At the rate of two chapters each day, you will complete the New Testament in 19 weeks! 如果你還沒有一個每日讀經計劃, 可以嘗試從馬可福音或約翰福音開始, 每天讀兩章 按這樣的速度, 你可以在 19 個星期內讀完整個新約 C. Study It 查經 When the Apostle Paul left Thessalonica, he came to Berea and shared the gospel with unbelieving Jews. What he found was that they were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the Word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so (Acts 17:11). 使徒保羅離開帖撒羅尼迦之後到庇哩亞去向當地的猶太人傳福音 他發現庇哩亞人 賢于帖撒羅尼迦的人, 甘心領受這道, 天天考查聖經, 要曉得這道是與不是 ( 使徒行傳 17:11) In the following two questions, please note what attitudes we should have as we approach study of the Bible. 以下經文告訴我們查經當持怎樣的態度? 1. From Acts 17:11, how did the Bereans receive the Word of God? 在使徒行傳 17 章 11 節中, 庇哩亞人如何對待神的話? 2. How should we search after wisdom or understanding? (See Proverbs 2:4.) 箴言 2 章 4 節告訴我們當如何尋求智慧, 力求明白神的話? Bible study is more than just reading the Bible; it involves careful observation, interpretation, and application. Reading gives you the overall picture, but study helps you think, learn, and apply what you read

11 to your life. 查經不僅僅是閱讀聖經 它包括仔細的察看, 釋經, 和運用 閱讀給我們一個大致的輪廓, 但是查經幫助我們思考, 學習並且將所讀的內容運用到生活中 D. Memorize It 背誦 Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to Thy Word Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee. Psalm 119:9, 11 少年人用什麽潔淨他的行爲呢? 是要遵行禰的話 我將禰的話藏在心裏, 免得我得罪禰 詩篇 119 篇 9,11 節 1. How did God command Israel to remember His Word? 神命令以色列民當怎樣記住祂的話? a. Deuteronomy 11:18a 申命記 11 章 18 節 b. Deuteronomy 11:19 申命記 11 章 19 節 2. Read Matthew 4:4, 7, 10 請閱讀馬太福音 4 章 4,7,10 節 a. During the three confrontations with Satan, what did Jesus do to overcome His temptations? 面對撒旦的三次試探, 耶穌是怎樣勝過誘惑的? b. How might you apply this example to your own life? 耶穌的榜樣給我們什麽啓示? 我們該怎樣將它運用到自己的生活中? 3. Write Psalm 40:8 in your own words. 請將詩篇 40 篇 8 節用你自己的話寫出來 It is easier to memorize with a purpose. Understanding the meaning or application of the passage will make memorizing easier. Therefore, as you begin to memorize a passage, it is suggested always to study also the meaning of the verse(s). 明白經文的意思和用途 - 有目的地背誦經文, 有助於記憶 所以, 在背誦一段經文前, 最好先查考它的意思 E. Meditate on It 默想 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Psalm 1:1 3 不從惡人的計謀, 不站罪人的道路, 不坐褻慢人的座位, 惟喜愛耶和華的律法, 晝夜思想, 這人便爲有福 詩篇 1 篇 1-3 節 Meditation is prayerful reflection on Scripture with a view toward understanding and application. Give prayerful thought to God s Word with the goal of conforming your life to His will. 默想是帶著禱告的心去思想神的話, 以求正確地理解和運用 默想神的話目的是要讓我們的生命合神的旨意 Hear the Word preached. 聽道時可以默想 Read the Bible. 讀經時可以默想 Pray about what you are studying. 根據所查考的聖經禱告時可以默想

12 Reflect on the verses you have memorized. 背誦經文時可以默想 1. How does meditation assist you (Joshua 1:8)? 約書亞記 1 章 8 節告訴我們默想神的話有什麽益處? 2. Do you think God s Word can affect your speech and actions? How? (See Luke 6:45.) 你認爲神的話能改變我們的言行嗎? 路加福音 6 章 45 節是怎麽說的? 3. Besides being diligent in learning God s Word, what else should we do in order to understand it (Psalm 119:73, 125)? 詩篇 119 篇 73,125 節告訴我們, 除了努力學習神的話以外, 我們還當做什麽才能明白神的話? III. The Bible-Study Process 查經步驟 A. STEP 1: PREPARATION 步驟 1 預備 1. What should we do before we approach the Scriptures (1 Peter 2:1 2)? 彼得前書 2 章 1-2 節告訴我們當如何預備自己來到神的話面前? 2. What should be the content of our prayer as we prepare to study God s Word (Colossians 1:9 10)? 參考歌羅西書 1 章 9-10 節, 在預備學習神的話之前我們該怎樣禱告? Spend a short time in prayer before each study. Confess any sin and ask for the Holy Spirit to Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law Psalm 119:18. 每次查經前先花一些時間禱告 省察, 認罪, 祈求聖靈 開我的眼睛, 使我看出禰律法中的奇妙 詩篇 119 篇 18 節 B. STEP 2: OBSERVATION 步驟 2 察看 Observation is asking: What is taking place in the passage? What do I see? 這段經文的內容是什麽? 我觀察到什麽? 1. Ask questions as you read, and write them down. Who? What? Where? When? 這段經文講的是誰? 講了些什麽? 有沒有時間? 地點? 帶著這些問題讀經, 把找到的答案寫下來 2. As you observe the passage, look for: 觀察經文時, 要抓住以下內容 : a. Key words 關鍵字詞 b. Key subjects (people, topics) 主要人物和主題 c. Commands 命令 d. Warnings 警戒 e. Repeated words or phrases 重復的詞句 f. Lists of things 羅列的事項 g. Comparisons (things that are similar; things that are different) 比較 ( 相同之物, 不同之物 ) h. Questions asked or answers given 提出的問題或者對某個問題的回答 i. Anything unusual or unexpected 任何不尋常或出人意外的內容 Note: These are just a few examples of things to look for when observing a passage. 注意 : 不是每段經文都包括以上所有內容 要有耐心, 別輕易放棄!

13 C. STEP 3: INTERPRETATION 步驟 3 解釋 Interpretation is asking: What does it mean? 這段經文是什麽意思? Scripture can be very clear. Whom has God given to teach us (1 John 2:27)? 聖經的意思是明確的 根據約翰一書 2 章 27 節, 神所賜教訓我們的是誰? Finding the most accurate interpretation consists of the following three steps. 正確釋經應包括以下 3 步 : 1. First, begin by asking interpretive questions: 首先, 提出相關問題 : a. What is the importance of: 經文中出現的以下內容有何重要性 : 1) A given word (especially verbs)? 某個字詞, 尤其是動詞 2) A given phrase? 某個短語 3) Names and titles? 姓名, 頭銜 4) Dates? 日期 5) Others? 其他有哪些該注意的? b. What is the meaning of a particular word? 某個字詞的意思是什麽? c. Why did the writer say this? 作者的用意是什麽? d. What is the implication of this word, phrase, or name? 這個詞, 句, 或者名字意味著什麽? 2. Second, to find answers to your interpretive questions, use: 第二, 找出答案 a. The context (the verses before and after the passage you are studying) 根據上下文 ( 所查考經文的上, 下句, 或上, 下段 ) b. Definitions of words 根據字詞的定義 c. Grammar and sentence structure 根據語法和句法結構 d. Other passages of Scripture 參考其他相關經文 e. Bible-study tools 使用學習工具, 如 : 1) Bible dictionary 聖經詞典 2) Concordance 經文彙編 3) Bible handbook 聖經手冊 4) Bible encyclopedia 聖經百科全書 5) Bible commentary 釋經書 3. Third, when interpreting, remember: 第三, 釋經時切記以下幾點 : a. All Scripture will agree. It will not contradict itself. 聖經是和諧一致的, 不會自相矛盾 b. Seek to let the passage speak for itself in its context. Be careful not to draw conclusions that the author did not intend. 尊重經文在上下文中自然合理的意思, 留心不要改變作者的原意 There is only one correct interpretation of any particular passage of Scripture the author s originally intended meaning 每一段經文都只有一個正確的意思, 就是作者的原意 D. Step 4: APPLICATION 步驟 4 應用 Application is asking: What effect will this have on my life? This part of the Bible-study process takes the truths that have been observed and seeks to incorporate them into everyday life and practice. 這段經文對我的生命當有何影響? 這個步驟注重將經文的內容結合到個人的日常生活和實踐當中

14 Once we have heard the Word of God, what should be our response (James 1:22)? 雅各書 1 章 22 節告訴我們, 在聽到神的話之後當如何回應? A simple tool to help you apply what you have learned is to put on the SPECS. Is there a: 以下小口訣可以幫助我們總結, 運用所學 : 棄罪, 應許, 效仿, 戒命, 絆腳石 這句經文是否提到 : Sin to forsake? 當棄絕的罪 Promise to claim? 當抓住的應許 Example to follow? 當效仿的榜樣 Command to obey? 當遵守的戒命 Stumbling block to avoid? 當躲避的絆腳石 While there is only one correct interpretation of a given passage of Scripture, there are many applications. 每一段經文只有一個準確的解釋, 卻可從多方面, 不同角度地應用到我們的生命中 E. Bible Study Is a Repetitive Process. 聖經學習是一個反復的過程 When studying a verse, the above Steps 2, 3, and 4 are used over and over. 在查考某句經文時, 以上所列的步驟 2-4( 察看 釋經 運用 ) 可以反復使用 Observe; then interpret; then apply. 你可選擇運用這個步驟對某一經節逐字逐句地學習 You may choose to do this for each word, phrase, or thought. The more passes you make through the verse with these three steps, the deeper its meaning is opened to you. 這三個步驟重復的次數越多, 你對經文的意思也會理解得越透徹 IV. Study Exercise 練習 On your answer sheet, make three columns. Label them Observations, Interpretive Questions, and Interpretations. Using Matthew 6:33: 查考經文 : 你們要先求祂的國和祂的義, 這些東西都要加給你們了 馬太福音 6 章 33 節 Make observations on the text, listing them in the Observations column (first column). Remember, observation is noting who, what, where, and when. (See Step 2: Observations for hints about what to look for.) 仔細閱讀察看經文, 將所觀察到的內容 ( 誰, 什麽, 時間, 地點等等 ) 列在 察看 欄 Write Interpretive Questions about your observations in the second column. Do this by asking questions about what you have observed. (See the first part of Step 3: Interpretation for how to ask yourself interpretive questions.) 就觀察到的內容提出釋經的 相關問題, 記在第二欄 ( 參看步驟第三 ) Write the meaning of your observation in the Interpretations column (third column). The meaning can be derived by answering the questions you have written in the second column. 將經文的意思, 也就是這些問題的答案寫在第三欄 ( 釋經 ) To help you get started, six examples are given in the following chart. (Your answer sheet should be in this same format.) 在下面的表格裏已經列出了 6 個例子供你參考

15 Observations 觀察 1. The verse starts with the conjunction but. 這節經文 ( 原文中 ) 以 但是 開始 2. Key word: seek 關鍵字 : 求. 3. The verb seek is in the present tense. 求 這個動詞的時態是一般現在時 4. Note the use of the word first following seek. 求 之前有 先 這個字 5. Next key word is kingdom. 關鍵字 : 國 6. Righteousness is preceded by the personal pronoun His. 在 國 這個字前有 他的 一詞 Interpretive Questions 解經的相關問題 1. Why does the sentence start with but? 爲什麽要以 但是 開頭? 2. What does it mean? What action does seek require? 它是什麽意思? 它在這裏是一個怎樣的動詞? 3. What does present tense indicate? 這種時態有什麽含義嗎? 4. What is the importance of first? 它有什麽重要性? 5. What does the word kingdom signify? 這個字是什麽意思? 6. Whose righteousness is identified? To whom does His refer? 這裏講的是誰的國? Interpretations 釋經 1. This verse is linked to prior verses. Read 6:31 32 for context. 因爲這節經文承接上文 31,32 節, 參看這兩節經文 2. It means to pursue or search. It is a command. 意思 : 尋找, 追求 它在這裏是一個命令式的動詞 3. I must seek now. 我必須現在就尋求 4. Implies priority. I must seek as a top priority. 意味著首要, 優先 我必須放下其他的事, 首先 求 5. It is a sovereign rule over a specific realm. 是指對一國的統治和主權 6. Looking back to kingdom of God, His refers to God. It is God s righteousness. 從上文可知是神的國 Once you have read over the preceding examples, now make at least three of your own observations, interpretive questions, and interpretations in three columns on your answer sheet, for Matthew 6:33. Use the following format. (Make as many as six if you can.) 看了以上的例子後, 請將你所觀察到的內容, 相關的釋經問題和答案分別記下來 ( 至少 3 個 ): Observations 觀察 Interpretive Questions 解經相關問題 Interpretations 釋經 a. b. c. optional 可繼續練習 d. e. f. Once you have completed the preceding observations and interpretations chart on your answer sheet, write one application for Matt. 6:33 based on your observations and interpretations (refer to SPECS in the Step 4:

16 Application section). 請根據以上練習寫出這節經文對你的影響 ( 至少一方面 ) 參考聖經運用小口訣 : 棄罪, 應許, 效仿, 戒命, 絆腳石 V. Personal Application 個人操練 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33 你們要先求祂的國和祂的義, 這些東西都要加給你們了 馬太福音 6 章 33 節 Every person on earth has the same amount of time to use each week of their lives: 7 days x 24 hours = 168 hours each week. Are the 168 hours in your week being invested well? Should you make any changes? The following table will help you analyze your habits for making the Bible yours. 神給每個人同樣多的時間 : 每個人每星期都有 168 個小時 你每個星期的 168 個小時安排是否明智? 有什麽需要改動的嗎? 以下表格可以幫助你分析自己是怎樣運用神給你的時間的, 該怎樣才能更好地把握聖經 On your answer sheet, make a chart similar to the one which follows. Estimate the average number of hours spent in a typical week in each area. Pray about setting any new standards for how you choose to spend your time. 按下面格式列一個表, 將大概的時間分配列出來 禱告求神指點你當如何制定新計劃, 更好地利用時間 利 Time in the Word 時間分配 My Present Level 目前所花時間 My New Standard 新目標 聽道讀經查經背誦經文 Have you memorized 2 Timothy 2:15? Please write it from memory. 請將提摩太后書 2 章 15 節默寫出來

17 Lesson 3 God: His Character and Attributes 第三課神的屬性 Memorize 1 Chronicles 29:11. 背誦經文 : 歷代志上 29:11 Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is Thine; Thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and Thou art exalted as head above all. 耶和華啊! 尊大, 能力, 榮耀, 強勝, 威嚴都是禰的 ; 凡天上地下的, 都是禰的 ; 國度也是禰的, 並且禰爲至高, 爲萬有之首 I. Introduction 介紹 In the religions of today s world, there are many so-called gods and just as many opinions about what God (or god) is like. The Bible, on the other hand, claims to be the revelation of the one true God. The Bible never tries to prove God, it simply states, In the beginning God (Genesis 1:1). 當今世界上各樣的宗教和它們所宣傳的 神 可謂五花八門, 至於 神 是什麽樣的, 也衆說不一 而聖經則宣稱爲獨一真神的啓示 聖經從不試圖證明神, 而是開門見山地宣佈 : 起初, 神 ( 創世記 1:1) Plunge yourself in the Godhead s deepest sea; be lost in His immensity; and you shall come forth as from a couch of rest refreshed and invigorated. I know nothing which can so comfort the soul; so calm the swelling billows of sorrow and grief; so speak peace to the winds of trial, as a devout musing upon the subject of the Godhead. C. H. Spurgeon, January 7, 1855 盡情投入到那至深的神性的海洋中吧 ; 在神的無限中暢遊, 你會找到安息, 重新得力 我相信, 沒有什麽比默想神更能給靈魂帶來安慰, 更能平息憂傷愁苦風浪, 更能賜平安給試煉中的人 司布真 1855 年 1 月 7 日 A. According to Psalm 89:7 8, list two things true of God. 詩篇 89 篇 7-8 節描述神的哪兩個屬性? B. What statement is made to point to the fact that there is only one God (Isaiah 43:10)? 以賽亞書 43 章 10 節中哪一部分告訴我們只有一位真神? C. What is it that God will not give to another (Isaiah 42:8)? 根據以賽亞書 42 章 8 節, 神必不將什麽給假神? II. The Importance of Knowing God 認識神的重要性 A. Jesus equated knowing God to what (John 17:3)? 在約翰福音中, 耶穌將 認識神 等同於什麽?

18 B. Rather than boasting in wisdom, might, or riches, what one thing does God say a man should boast about (Jeremiah 9:23 24)? 神教導人不當為智慧, 勇力, 財物誇口, 而當為甚麼誇口?( 耶利米書 9 章 節 ) A right conception of God is basic not only to systematic theology but to a practical Christian living as well I believe there is scarcely an error in doctrine or a failure in applying Christian ethics that cannot be traced finally to imperfect and ignoble thoughts about God. A. W. Tozer 正確認識神不僅是系統神學的基礎, 也是基督徒現實生活的基礎 以我看來, 所有教義上的錯誤和基督徒生活中的失敗, 都可歸咎於對神的認識短淺不足 陶恕 III. How Can One Know God? 如何才能認識神? A. What does Jesus say about the means for knowing God (John 14:8 9)? 根據約翰福音 14 章 8-9 節中耶穌的話, 認識神的途徑是什麽? B. What does Paul say about Christ in Colossians 2:9? 在歌羅西書 2 章 9 節中, 保羅如何形容基督? C. The writer of Hebrews says that God has spoken to us in His Son. How does he describe Him (Hebrews 1:3)? 希伯來書的作者提到神 借著祂兒子曉諭我們 他是如何描述神子的?( 參見 1 章 3 節 ) IV. God s Attributes 神的屬性 A. What Is an Attribute 屬性 的定義 An attribute is a quality or characteristic that is true about someone. Studying the attributes of God allows us to have a limited understanding of God s Person. Even though some concepts exceed the limits of our comprehension, our ideas concerning God need to be as true as possible. 屬性是指某人所具備的本質或特點 學習神的屬性能讓我們對神的位格有一些基本的認識 雖然其中所涉及的許多概念遠遠超出我們的理解能力, 但是, 我們對神的認識必須盡可能地正確 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit 聖父, 聖子, 聖靈 1. Holiness 聖潔 6. Omniscience 無所不知 2. Righteousness 7. Omnipresence 無所不在 and Justice 公義和公平 8. Omnipotence 無所不能 3. Sovereignty 主權 9. Love 慈愛 4. Eternality 永恒 10. Truth 誠實 / 真理 5. Immutability 不變性 11. Mercy 憐憫 Note: these are just a few of God s attributes. 注 : 以上所列只是部分神的屬性

19 B. God s Attributes Defined 神的屬性定義 For each of the following questions, look up the Scripture listed with the given attribute, then write down the part of the verse that best describes that attribute. After this, you will be asked to write out how the attribute personally applies to you, based on your understanding of the attribute. 在以下問題中, 請按所列經文查考相關屬性, 並將經文中你認爲最能體現這些屬性的句子寫下來, 然後根據你對該屬性的理解寫出它對你個人的意義 1. Holiness 聖潔 God s attribute of holiness means that He is untouched and unstained by the evil in the world. He is absolutely pure and perfect. 神的聖潔意味著神全然不受惡的玷污 - 祂是絕對純潔和完美的 For each of the following, write down the part of the verse that best describes God s holiness. 以下經文中的哪一部分最能體現神的聖潔? 請分別寫出來 : a. Exodus 15:11 出埃及記 15:11 b. Psalm 99:9 詩篇 99:9 Because God is holy, we are exhorted to be holy (1 Peter 1:16). We are to be set apart from sin unto God. Our lives are to shine as a reflection of God in an unrighteous world. 因爲神是聖潔的, 祂也要求我們成爲聖潔 ( 彼得前書 1:16) 我們當遠離罪, 爲神分別爲聖 在這不義的世界, 我們的生命當見證神的聖潔 Personal Application: Based on your understanding of God s holiness from these verses, how does it personally apply to you? 個人操練 回應 : 你從這些經文中得到的對神聖潔的認識對你個人有何影響? 2. Righteousness and Justice 公義和公平 Righteousness and justice are derived from the same root word in the original language of the New Testament. The meaning is that of being right or just. 公義 和 公平 都起源于希臘文 ( 新約原文 ) 中的同一字根 意思是 正義的, 正直的 Righteousness designates the perfect agreement between God s nature and His acts. Justice is the way in which God legislates His righteousness. There is no action that God takes in relation to man that violates any code of morality or justice. 公義側重神的屬性與神的作爲之間完美的一致性 公平則是形容神根據祂的公義所定的律法 在與人的關係中, 神行的每一件事都不違背任何道德或公義的法則 There is no law above God, but there is a law in God. 沒有任何律法在神之上, 因爲律法出於神 莊德文圖文聖經百科書 對 公義 的解釋 Righteousness, The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible a. According to Psalm 119:137, God s righteousness is displayed in His upright 根據詩篇 119:137, 神的公義從何彰顯? b. According to Psalm 89:14, justice (righteousness) and judgment (justice) are referred to as 詩篇 89:14 怎樣形容神的公義和公平?

20 c. Personal Application: How does your standard of what is right and just compare with God s standard? 個人操練 回應 : 比較你個人的是非標準與神的標準 3. Sovereignty 主權 The word sovereign means chief or highest; supreme in power; superior in position to all others. 主權 是指擁有至高, 最終極的權力, 超越萬有 For each of the following, write down the part of the verse that best describes God s sovereignty. 以下經文中的哪一部分最能體現神的主權? 請分別寫出來 : a. Isaiah 46:9 10 以賽亞 46:9 10 b. Isaiah 45:23 以賽亞 45:23 The idea of sovereignty is an encouraging one, for it assures the Christian that nothing is out of God s control and that His plans cannot be thwarted (Romans 8:28). 神的主權對基督徒大有安慰, 因爲它讓我們確信 : 神掌管一切, 神的計劃必不能阻擋 ( 羅馬書 8:28) Personal Application: Based on your understanding of God s sovereignty from these verses, how does it personally apply to you? 個人操練 回應 : 你從這些經文中得出的對神主權的認識對你個人有何影響? 4. Eternality 永恒 Since God is eternal, there has never been a time when God did not exist. He had no beginning and will have no end. 神是永恒的, 自互古以來神沒有一刻不存在, 神的存在沒有始, 也沒有終 For each of the following, write down the part of the verse that best describes God s eternality. 以下經文中的哪一部分最能體現神的永恒性? 請分別寫出來 : a. Isaiah 44:6 以賽亞 44:6 b. Isaiah 43:13 - 以賽亞 43:13 Being eternal, God is not bound by time. Having always existed, He sees the past and the future as clearly as He sees the present. With that perspective, He has a perfect understanding of what is best for our lives. Therefore, we should trust Him with all areas of our lives. 神既是永恒的, 就不受時間的限制 永存的神對過去, 現在和未來都暸如指掌 祂完全知道什麽對我們是最好的 所以我們應當將生命的每個方面都交托神, 信靠神 Personal Application: Based on your understanding of God s eternality from these verses, how does it personally apply to you? 個人操練 回應 : 你從這些經文中得出的對神永恒性的認識對你個人有何影響? 5. Immutability 不變性 God s immutability means that He never changes in His nature or purpose. 神的不變性是指神的屬性和目的從不改變

21 For each of the following, write down the part of the verse that best describes God s immutability. 以下經文中的哪一部分最能體現神的不變性? 請分別寫出來 : a. Malachi 3:6 瑪拉基 3 章 6 節 b. Hebrews 6:17 18 希伯來書 6 章 節 The Bible contains numerous promises for those who belong to Him. God can be trusted to keep His Word because He does not change (unlike men, who change all the time!). 聖經中有無數對屬神子女的應許 因爲神不改變, 不像人, 本性善變 Personal Application: Based on your understanding of God s immutability from these verses, how does it personally apply to you? 個人操練 回應 : 你從這些經文中得出的對神不變性的認識對你個人有何影響? 6. Omniscience 無所不知 God s omniscience means that He knows all things, both possible and actual. Nothing ever takes Him by surprise. 神是無所不知的, 無論是實際發生的事情還是可能發生的事情, 祂都全部知曉, 凡事都在祂意料之中 For each of the following, write down the part of the verse that best describes God s omniscience. 以下經文中的哪一部分最能體現神的無所不知? 請分別寫出來 : a. Job 34:21 約伯記 34:21 b. Psalm 139:1 6 詩篇 139 篇 1-6 節 If God is omniscient, then He knew all of our sins (past, present, and future) at the time of our salvation. Yet, He still forgave us and received us into His family forever. What does that say about the security of the salvation for the true believer? 既然神是無所不知的, 在我們重生得救的時候, 我們過去, 現在, 將來的罪祂都知道 然而, 神卻仍然寬恕我們, 給了我們子女的名分 由此看來, 對一個真正的信徒的永生確據有甚麼意義? Personal Application: Based on your understanding of God s omniscience from these verses, how does it personally apply to you, especially regarding your security in Christ (if you are truly saved)? 個人操練 回應 : 如果你真正重生得救了, 根據你對以上經文的理解, 神的無所不知跟你有何關係? 7. Omnipresence 無所不在 God s omnipresence means God is present everywhere in the universe, always and continuously. 神是無所不在的 : 祂總是同時在宇宙的每一個角落, 從不間斷 For each of the following, write down the part of the verse that best describes God s omnipresence. 以下經文中的哪一部分最能體現神的無所不在? 請分別寫出來 : a. Proverbs 15:3 箴言 15:3 b. Psalm 139:7 12 詩篇 139:7-12

22 If God is everywhere, it is foolish to think we can hide from Him. However, it also means that a believer may experience the presence of God at all times and know the blessings of walking with Him. 神既然是無所不在的, 我們若自以爲能夠躲避神, 就是愚蠢的 然而, 對於信徒來說, 神的無所不在卻滿有安慰 因爲這意味著我們能夠隨時隨地有神的同在, 得享與神同行的福氣 Personal Application: Based on your understanding of God s omnipresence from these verses, how does it personally apply to you? 個人操練 回應 : 你從這些經文中得出的對神無所不在的認識對你個人有何影響? 8. Omnipotence 無所不能 God s omnipotence means God is all-powerful, having more than enough strength to do anything. (There is nothing and no one that can stop Him from doing whatever He ordains to do!) 神是無所不能的 - 祂凡事都能, 且不費吹灰之力 沒有任何人或力量能阻攔神成就祂所預定的任何一件事 For each of the following, write down the part of the verse that best describes God s omnipotence. 以下經文中的哪一部分最能體現神的無所不能? 請分別寫出來 : a. Jeremiah 32:17 耶利米 32:17 b. Revelation 19:6 啓示錄 19:6 God s omnipotence is seen in: 神的無所不能彰顯於 : His power to create (Genesis 1:1) 祂創造的大能 ( 創世記 1:1) His preservation of all things (Hebrews 1:3) 祂托住萬有的大能 ( 希伯來書 1:3) His providential care for us (Psalm 37:23 24) 祂對信徒的看顧保守 ( 詩篇 37:23-24) What can you learn from Isaiah 41:10 about God s omnipotence? 從以下經文中, 我們對神的無所不能有何認識? Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness. Isaiah 41:10 你不要害怕, 因爲我與你同在 ; 不要驚惶, 因爲我是你的神 我必堅固你, 我必幫助你, 我必用我公義的手右手扶持你 以賽亞書 41 章 10 節 Personal Application: Based on your understanding of God s omnipotence from this verse, how does it personally apply to you? 個人操練 回應 : 你從這些經文中得出的對神無所不能的認識對你個人如何應用? 9. Love 慈愛 God is love. His love is unconditional; it is not based on the loveliness or merit of the object. 神是愛 神的愛是無條件的, 它不取決於被愛物件的可愛或優點

23 For each of the following, write down the part of the verse that best describes God s love. 以下經文中的哪一部分最能體現神的愛? 請分別寫出來 : a. John 3:16 約翰福音 3:16 b. Romans 5:8 羅馬書 5:8 Love expresses itself in action. God is our example. He demonstrated His love for us in sending Jesus to die in our place (2 Corinthians 5:21). 愛表現在行動上 神的愛正是我們的榜樣 惟有基督在我們還作罪人的時候爲我們死, 神的愛就在此向我們顯明了 ( 羅馬書 5:8, 參見哥林多後書 5:21) Personal Application: Based on your understanding of God s love from these verses, how does it personally apply to you? 個人操練 回應 : 你從這些經文中得出的對神的慈愛的認識你個人如何應用? 10. Truth 誠實 / 真理 God s truth means that He never lies, and He is the only true God. 神是真理, 是誠實的 祂從不撒謊, 祂是唯一的真神 For each of the following, write down the part of the verse that best describes God s truth. 以下經文中的哪一部分最能體現神的誠實? 請分別寫出來 : a. Psalm 31:5 詩篇 31:5 b. Psalm 117:2 詩篇 117:2 God s truth is above all. He is truthful even if all men are found to be liars. Therefore, His words and His judgments always prevail (Romans 3:4). 神的誠實無可比擬 : 即使所有的人都是虛謊的, 神仍然誠實 所以神的話和祂的判定從不落空 ( 羅馬書 3:4) Personal Application: In light of this, how should you personally view God s Word and the truths contained in it? 個人操練 回應 : 認識到神的誠實, 你個人當如何看待神的話和其中的真理? 11. Mercy 憐憫 God s great mercy is the practical expression of His compassion to those who have opposed His will. 神極大的憐憫就是祂向與祂爲敵的人所發的慈愛 For each of the following, write down the part of the verse that best describes God s mercy. 以下經文中的哪一部分最能體現神的憐憫? 請分別寫出來 : a. Psalm 145:8 9 詩篇 145:8 9 b. Psalm 130:3 4 詩篇 130:3 4 God s great mercy is contrasted with man s sin. His mercy is displayed in our salvation (Ephesians 2:4 5). 神極大的憐憫與人的罪對比鮮明 神的憐憫在我們的救恩中彰顯無疑 ( 以弗所 2:4-5)

24 Personal Application: Based on your understanding of God s mercy from these verses, how does it personally apply to you? 個人操練 回應 : 你從這些經文中得到的對神憐憫的認識對你個人有何影響? V. Personal Application 個人操練 In light of the attributes of God discussed in this lesson, please answer the following questions. 根據這一課對神的屬性的探討, 請回答以下問題 : A. How will your prayers be affected? 你的禱告當如何有所改變? B. How would you respond to a major trial in your life, such as the death of a close relative (spouse, child), or an accident that leaves you physically disabled? 當巨大的磨難和試煉到來時, 你會如何面對? 例如 :1) 你親密的家人遭受意外死亡或傷殘 C. Have you memorized 1 Chronicles 29:11? Please write it from memory. 請默寫歷代志上 29 章 11 節

25 Lesson 4 The Person of Jesus Christ 耶穌基督的位格 Memorize John 1:1 and 14. 背誦經文 : 約翰福音 1 章 1,14 節 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. 太初有道, 道與神同在, 道就是神 道成了肉身, 住在我們中間, 充充滿滿地有恩典有真理 我們也見過祂的榮光, 正是父獨生子的榮光 Jesus Christ is the central figure of all human history. There has never been anyone like Him. He is regarded as a great teacher, a religious leader, a prophet, the Son of God, even God Himself. The claims He made, as well as those that others have made about Him, have propelled Him into the center of endless controversies throughout man s history. Wars have been fought about Him; countries have divided over Him; masses of His followers have given their lives for Him. Who is this man called Jesus? 耶穌基督是整個人類歷史上無可比擬的中心人物 祂被視爲偉大的老師, 宗教領袖, 先知, 神子, 乃至神自己 耶穌對自己身份的宣稱和別人對祂的評價使祂成爲古往今來最有爭議性的人物 - 戰爭因祂而起, 國家因祂分裂, 無數的追隨者爲祂捨命 耶穌到底是誰? Pontius Pilate unwittingly summed it up when he said, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ (Matthew 27:22). Before anyone can answer that question for himself, he must first understand who Jesus is. This lesson will introduce Him to you. 對於這一點, 彼拉多無意中爲人們作了總結 : 那稱爲基督的耶穌我怎麽辦祂呢? ( 馬太福音 27:22) 任何人若要知道這個問題的答案, 就必須首先明白耶穌是誰 這一課讓我們來認識耶穌 I. God Who Became Man 神成爲人 Jesus Christ came into the world in human flesh. By coming into the world as a man, He voluntarily set aside the independent use of His divine attributes and took on the form of a man. He was fully human, a man in every way, except He was without sin. This is referred to as the incarnation. 耶穌基督成爲人的樣式來到世上 既有人的樣子, 祂自願放棄使用祂神性的權利, 取了人的形象, 成爲一個完全的人 - 只是祂沒有罪 這就是 道成肉身 A. What does Philippians 2:6 say about Jesus before He was born? 根據腓立比書 2 章 6 節, 耶穌 道成肉身 之前是什麽身份? B. According to Philippians 2:7, what did Jesus do? 腓立比書 2 章 7 節告訴我們些什麽?

26 Jesus was fully human. 耶穌曾經是跟我們一樣的人 C. Describe Jesus human growth and development as a youth (Luke 2:40, 52). 路加福音 2 章 40,52 節怎樣描述耶穌跟常人一樣的成長過程? D. What was Jesus response when He was tired (Mark 4:38)? 根據馬可福音 4 章 38 節, 耶穌疲倦時需要什麽? E. What was Jesus response to the lack of food (Luke 4:2)? 路加福音 4 章 2 節中, 耶穌饑餓時祂的身體有何反應? F. How did Jesus feel after a journey (John 4:6)? 約翰福音 4 章 6 節告訴我們耶穌在長途跋涉後有什麽感覺? G. How did Jesus react when He was grieved (John 11:35)? 約翰福音 11 章 35 節中, 耶穌悲傷時做了什麽? H. What did Jesus say about Himself (Luke 24:39)? 路加福音 24 章 39 節中耶穌自稱爲誰? II. The Man Who Is God 完全的神 Even though Jesus took on the form of a man, He was still fully God. Consider the following marks of deity attributed to Christ. 雖然耶穌取了人的樣式, 但祂仍然是完全的神 請思考基督所體現的以下神性 : A. Attributes of Deity 基督的神性 Attributes of Christ 基督的屬性 Scripture Verses 經文 Sovereign 主權 Matthew 28:18 馬太 28:18 Eternal 永恒 1 John 1:1 2 約翰一書 1:1-2 Unchanging (immutable) 不變性 Hebrews 13:8 希伯來 13:8 All-knowing (omniscient) 全知 Colossians 2:2b 3 歌羅西 2:2-3 Perfect (sinless) 完美 2 Corinthians 5:21 哥林多後書 5:21 Holy 聖潔 Acts 3:14 15 使徒行傳 3:14,15 Truth 誠實 / 真理 John 14:6 約翰福音 14:6 1. Please look up each of the verses in the preceding chart. These describe the attributes of Christ. Which one of these most stands out to you? Briefly explain why. 請查考以上所列有關基督神性的經文 哪一點對於你最突出? 請簡單解釋爲什麽 2. Christ demonstrated His power (omnipotence) during His earthly ministry on many occasions. In each of the incidents below, over what did Jesus show His power? 基督在地上服事時多次彰顯了祂的大能 ( 全能 ) 在以下經文所指的事件中, 耶穌分別顯示了祂在哪方面的大能? a. Matthew 8:23 27 馬太 8:23-27 b. Luke 4:40 路加 4:40 c. Luke 4:33 36 路加 4:33-36

27 d. John 11:43 44 約翰 11: Please read Mark 2:3 12 carefully. (This is one of the most important questions in the entire course!) 細讀馬可福音 2 章 3-12 節, 回答以下問題 ( 問題 a 是整本教材最重要的問題之一!) a. What additional authority did Jesus claim and exercise? 在這一段經文中, 耶穌宣佈且運用了什麽權柄? b. Who alone can forgive sin (Mark 2:7)? 根據馬可 2:7, 只有誰才有權赦罪? c. If Jesus had the authority to forgive sins, and only God can forgive sins, then who is Jesus Christ? 如果只有神才有權赦罪, 而耶穌顯示祂有權赦罪, 那麽耶穌是誰? B. Titles of Deity 屬神的稱謂 For each of the following, list the title used for Jesus: 按以下經文列出耶穌的稱謂 : 1. Matthew 1:23 馬太 1:23 (which means God with Us )( 意思是 : 神與我們同在 ) 2. Philippians 2:10 11 腓立比 2:10-11 (which means Sovereign )( 意思是 : 主 / 王 ) 3. John 8:58 約翰 8:58 (which is a title reserved for God alone see Exodus 3:14). ( 這是神專用的稱謂, 參見出埃及 3:14) C. Statements of Deity 明示耶穌神性的經文 For each of the following Scriptures, write out the key statement: 根據以下經文寫出有關耶穌神性的關鍵句子 : 1. Colossians 2:9 歌羅西 2:9 2. Hebrews 1:1 3a 希伯來 1: John 1:1, 14 (Jesus Christ, The Word, is ) 約翰 1:1,14( 耶穌基督, 道 ) 4. Titus 2:13 提多 2:13 III. The Christ Who Is Savior 救主基督 According to John 3:17, Jesus is the Savior of the world. For each of the following Scriptures, list the title that describes God s saving grace. 約翰福音 3 章 17 節告訴我們耶穌是世人的救主 列出以下經文中體現神的救恩的頭銜或稱謂 : A. John 1:29 約翰 1:29 B. John 6:35 約翰 6:35 C. John 14:6 約翰 14:6 IV. The King Who Comes to Rule 那要統治萬有的君王 Jesus is not just a person of the past. He is the destined King of kings and Lord of Lords (1 Timothy 6:14-15), who will someday reign over all the earth. 耶穌不僅僅是一個歷史人物 祂是預定的萬王之王, 萬主之主 ( 提摩太前書 6:14-15), 將來要統治全世界

28 A. What three things has Christ been given (Daniel 7:14)? 根據但以理 7 章 14 節, 耶穌得了什麽? B. What did Jesus tell His followers in Matthew 25:31 32? 耶穌在馬太福音 25:31-32 節中告訴祂門徒什麽? C. When Christ ascended into heaven forty days after the resurrection, what were the apostles told (Acts 1:11)? 耶穌復活 40 天後回到天上時, 天使告訴使徒什麽?( 使徒行傳 1:11) D. Describe the return of Jesus Christ (2 Thessalonians 1:7b 10). 根據帖撒羅尼迦後書 1 章 7-10 節, 描述耶穌基督再來時的情形 V. Personal Application 個人回應 Please answer the following in light of who Christ is: God, Savior, King, and Ruler. 耶穌基督既是神, 救主, 國王, 請你回答以下問題 : A. How can you best prepare for His second coming? 你當如何最好地預備迎接耶穌的再來? B. What can you do this week to acknowledge who He is? 在這個星期裏, 你能怎樣以行動尊奉耶穌爲你的神, 救主, 國王? C. Have you memorized John 1:1, 14? Please write it from memory. 請默寫約翰福音 1 章 1,14 節

29 Lesson 5 The Work of Christ 基督的事工 Memorize 1 Corinthians 15:3 4. 背誦經文 : 哥林多前書 15 章 3-4 節 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. 我當日所領受又傳給你們的 : 第一, 就是基督照聖經所說, 爲我們的罪死了, 而且埋葬了 ; 又照聖經所說, 第三天復活了 The Scriptures tell us that Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness. 1 Peter 2:24. 彼得前書 2 章 24 節告訴我們 : 祂 ( 耶穌 ) 被挂在木頭上, 親身擔當了我們的罪, 使我們既然在罪上死, 就得以在義上活 I. Man s Need for Christ s Work 人需要基督的救贖 A. According to Romans 3:10-12, of what six things is every man guilty? 根據羅馬書 3 章 節, 每個人都在哪六個方面得罪了神? Romans 3:23 sums up man s problem: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. 羅馬書 3 章 23 節總結了人類的問題 : 因爲世人都犯了罪, 虧缺了神的榮耀 B. To what is man a slave (John 8:34)? 約翰福音 8:34 告訴我們人是什麽的奴隸? C. What is the end result of sin (James 1:15)? 根據雅各書 1:15, 罪的結果是什麽? D. What does Ephesians 2:1 3 tell us; because we were dead in trespasses and sins? 以弗所書 2:1-3 指出我們都死在過犯罪惡之中 : 1. Whom did we follow? 那時我們跟隨的是誰? 2. What kind of children were we? 我們是什麽之子? E. Whose wrath will the children of disobedience experience (Ephesians 5:6)? 以弗所書 5:6 告訴我們誰的憤怒會臨到 悖逆之子?

30 Will God Tolerate Sin? 神會容忍罪嗎? Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. Galatians 3:10 凡不常照律法書上所記一切之事去行的, 就被咒詛 加拉太書 3 章 10 節 As studied in Lesson 3, God will assert His holiness and demands conformity to that holiness. Man is faced with: 在第三課裏我們學習了神的聖潔 神強調祂的聖潔, 也要求人效仿祂的聖潔 以下是所有罪人的光景 : Sin Romans 3:23( 有 ) 罪羅馬書 3:23 Having God as his enemy James 4:4b 與神爲敵雅各書 4:4 Subjection to the power of Satan 1 John 5:19 受制於撒旦的權柄約翰 1 書 5:19 Being helpless to save himself Romans 5:6 無力自救羅馬書 5:6 Facing death Romans 6:23 面臨死亡羅馬書 6:23 Condemnation and eternal separation from God 2 Thessalonians 1:9 將要面對神的審判和永遠沈淪帖撒羅 尼迦後書 1:9 F. In the preceding chart, which aspect of man s condition do you think is the most dangerous? Briefly, why do you think so? 以上所列的種種, 你認爲哪一種最危險? 爲什麽? 請簡要回答 II. The Cost of Christ s Work 基督救贖的代價 A. Read Philippians 2:7 8. 讀腓立比 2 章 7-8 節, 回答下列問題 : 1. What are three things Christ did when He came to earth (verse 7)? 第七節描述耶穌基督是怎樣來到世上的 ( 三方面 )? 2. In what way did Jesus humble Himself (verse 8)? 第八節描述耶穌怎樣自己卑微? B. According to Isaiah 53:3, what happened to Jesus on earth? 根據以賽亞書 53 章 3 節的預言, 耶穌在世上的遭遇如何? C. What does forgiveness of sin require (Hebrews 9:22)? 根據希伯來書 9 章 22 節, 罪怎樣才能的赦免? D. What price did Christ pay to redeem us (1 Peter 1:18 19)? 根據彼得前書 1 章 節, 基督爲救贖我們付出了什麽代價?

31 E. Please read Matthew 27:46. 請讀馬太福音 27 章 46 節, 回答下列問題 : a. What did Jesus cry out on the cross? 耶穌在十字架上大聲喊什麽? b. Why did He cry out this? 爲什麽? F. What did God do to Jesus on the cross (Isaiah 53:6)? 從以賽亞 53:6 中可知, 神讓耶穌在十字架上擔當了什麽? III. The Provisions of Christ s Work 基督救贖的果效 Jesus came to earth to pay the price for sin. That price was His own life, which He gave voluntarily (John 10:11, 17 18). His sacrifice was the only way to take away sin for all time (Hebrews 9:12). 耶穌自願來到世上以祂的生命救贖罪人 ( 約翰 10:11,17 18) 祂的舍己是根除罪唯一的途徑 From each of the following verses, describe what we learn about what Jesus death accomplished. 下列經文告訴我們耶穌的死所成就的事情, 用你自己的話總結出來 : A. 1 Peter 3:18 彼得前書 3:18 B. Romans 5:10 羅馬書 5:10 C. 2 Corinthians 5:21 哥林多後書 5:21 D. Galatians 1:4 加拉太 1:4 E. Ephesians 1:7 以弗所 1:7 F. Romans 6:6 7 羅馬書 6:6 7

32 Jesus Christ: 耶穌基督 The Answer to All Man s Problems Concerning Salvation 世人得救之路 Christ s work on the cross and resurrection are the only solution to man s problems. That is why Peter could proclaim of Jesus Christ: 基督在十字架上死, 三日後就復活, 成就了救恩 這是世人得救的唯一道路 所以 使徒彼得宣稱 : Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12 除祂以外, 別無拯救 ; 因爲在天下人間, 沒有賜下別的名, 我們可以靠著得救 使徒行傳 4:12 Man s Problem 人的問題 The Solution in Christ 在基督裏的解決辦法 Scripture 經文出處 Man is guilty of: a. none righteous 無人正義 b. none understands 無人認識神 c. none seeks for God 無人尋找神 d. all turned aside 都入了歧途 e. have become useless 都變爲無用 f. none do good 無人行善 Other problems: g. slaves to sin 被罪奴役 By the obedience of One shall many be made righteous. 因一人的順從, 衆人就成爲義了 The Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding. 神的兒子已經來到, 且將智慧賜給我們,( 使我們認識 真神 ) The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. 人子來, 爲要尋找拯救失喪的人 Ye were going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd. 你們從前好像迷路的羊, 如今卻歸到你們靈魂的牧人監督了 These things make you neither be barren nor unfruitful in Christ. 你們若 有這幾樣, 就必 在 基督上 結果子 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works. 我們原是祂的工作, 在基督耶穌裏造成的, 爲要叫我們行善 Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death 耶穌使我脫離罪和死的律了 Romans 5:19 羅馬 5:19 1 John 5:20 約翰 1 書 5:20 Luke 19:10 路加 19:10 1 Peter 2:25 彼得前書 2:25 2 Peter 1:8 彼得後書 1:8 Ephesians 2:10 以弗所 2:10 Romans 8:2 羅馬 8:2 h. facing death He that heareth My word, and believeth on John 5:24 約翰 5:24

33 面臨死亡 i. facing wrath of God 面臨神的忿怒 Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life. 那聽我話, 又信差我來者的, 就又永生 Being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. 現在我們既靠著祂的血稱義, 就更要借著祂免去神的忿怒 Romans 5:9 羅馬 5:9 Look up the Scripture for each row in the preceding chart. Compare the information with your answers from section I of this lesson. Which verse from the chart stands out as most important to you personally? Why? 查閱上表中所有相關經文, 並且將該表與本課第一部分 (I) 的有關內容作比較 這些經文中最觸動你的是哪一節? 爲什麽? IV. The Motive for Christ s Work 基督救贖的宗旨 A. Why did God save men (John 3:16 and Romans 5:8)? 約翰 3:16 和羅馬 5:8 告訴我們, 神爲什麽要拯救世人? B. Please read 1 Peter 1:3. 請讀彼得前書 1 章 3 節, 回答以下問題 : 1. What attribute of God is demonstrated in His salvation of men? 神的哪一個屬性在對人的救贖中彰顯出來? 2. Why does the author call God s mercy abundant (or great)? 彼得爲什麽形容神的憐憫爲 大憐憫?( 參見羅馬書 5:6,8)(Hint: see also Romans 5:6,8.) V. The Resolution and Continuation of Christ s Work 基督救贖的完成及事工的延續 Christ s death on Calvary finished His redemptive work for man (John 19:30). But salvation s story does not end there. The grave could not hold Christ; He lives and continues the work He began for us. 基督在各各它山上的死完成了救贖大功 ( 約翰 19:30) 但是救贖的故事到此並沒有結束 墳墓不能留住基督, 祂長遠活著, 繼續完成祂爲我們創始的救恩 A. How was Christ declared to be the Son of God (Romans 1:4)? 根據羅馬書 1:4, 基督是怎樣被顯明是神的兒子的? B. After Christ made purification of sin, how was He exalted (Hebrews 1:3)? 根據希伯來書 1:3, 基督洗淨人的罪後, 神如何榮耀祂? C. We experience (spiritual) death through Adam s sin. What benefit do we gain through Christ s resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:21 22)? 因爲亞當的罪, 我們都經歷了屬靈的死 ; 通過基督的復活, 我們得著什麽?( 哥林多前書 15:21-22) The Bible refers to Christ s resurrection as the first fruits. That is an Old Testament term that speaks of the first fruits of the harvest that were set apart for the Lord. When used in the New Testament, first fruits implies a pledge of more harvest to follow. Therefore, Christ s resurrection holds the promise of resurrection

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