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4 , / / /



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23 123


25 %

26 % 46.2 % 30.9 %

27 127 Backgrounds of the Mongol and Se-mu Chin-shih of the Yuan Dynasty: An Analysis Hsiao Ch i-ch ing Abstract The civil service examination system of the Yuan dynasty was a faithful reflection of the unique sociopolitical structure of that period. The fact that the Mongols and the Se-mu were guaranteed a quota of chin-shih successful candidates in the metropolitan examinations) equal to that of the Chinese majority was a salient feature of the Yuan system. The Mongols and the Se-mu were privileged conquering minority groups with cultural backgrounds sharply different from that of the Chinese. Using the List of Chin-shih of A.D and 15 other chin-shih records reconstructed by the author, this paper examines the relationship between the backgrounds of Mongol and Se-mu chin-shih and their success in the examinations from three different perspectives. In terms of the bureaucratic background of their families, more than 80% of the chin-shih had official backgrounds, and less than 20% could be considered new blood in the sense that none of their forebears in the previous three generations had held an office under the Mongol-Yuan regime. These statistics indicate that the main function of the examination system was to open a new door to officialdom for the scions of bureaucratic families. Nevertheless, the system still injected a small but significant amount of new blood into the originally closed Mongol and Se-mu elite stratum. In terms of ethnic background, while the numbers of the chin-shih produced by various Mongolian tribes and clans show no major differences, those produced by various Se-mu groups differed greatly from each other. This

28 128 is because while the Mongols had become an ethnically and culturally homogeneous group by the 14 th century, the Se-mu was constituted of peoples from sharply divergent ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The degree of success achieved by various Se-mu groups in the Yuan examinations was closely related to the original levels of culture these ethnic groups had achieved before entering China. In terms of the marital backgrounds of the chin-shih families, a significant proportion of the chin-shih were from Mongol and Se-mu families that had intermarried with the Chinese. The Chinese mothers in elite families were often educated and exerted great influence on their scions in terms of cultural orientation. In sum, from a social perspective, the chin-shih as a group can be considered an extension of the original Mongol and Se-mu elite stratum. From a cultural perspective, the chin-shih were the products of the most heavily sinicized Mongol and Se-mu families. Key Words: Yuan dynasty, civil service examination, chin-shih, Mongols, Semu

洪麗珠 84 4 人 南人的任官差別只是一種集團主義 collectivism 的用人方法罷了 確實元代 史料中 參用 一詞頗為常見任官與族群對應的狀況除了蒙古人之外色目與漢人 5 並非一直有上與下的差別元代法律上更找不到四等人制的明文規定 應該思考的 是四 等 人或者四類人的存在是否需要法律明文規

洪麗珠 84 4 人 南人的任官差別只是一種集團主義 collectivism 的用人方法罷了 確實元代 史料中 參用 一詞頗為常見任官與族群對應的狀況除了蒙古人之外色目與漢人 5 並非一直有上與下的差別元代法律上更找不到四等人制的明文規定 應該思考的 是四 等 人或者四類人的存在是否需要法律明文規 寓制衡於參用元代基層州縣官員的族群結構分析 * 洪麗珠 臺灣科技部人文社會科學研究中心 前 言 至元二年 1264 元世祖 忽必烈 1260 1294 在位 下詔曰 以蒙古人充各路達魯花 1 赤漢人充總管回回人充同知永為定制 定調路級地方政府用人的族群政 策 二十八年 1291 又詔曰 路府州縣除達魯花赤外長官並宜選用漢人素有聲 望及勳臣故家并儒吏出身資品相應者佐貳官遴選色目 漢人參用庶期於 2 政平訟理民安盜息而五事備矣

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