page. 10 page. 11 Abstract This paper revisits the relation between protention and retension in the work of Husserl, Derrida to Stiegler, with special

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1 page. 9 Archives of the Future Remarks on the Concept of Tertiary Protention Yuk Hui Lecturer, ICAM/IPK, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany 北美館學報 35 期.indd /5/7 下午 06:52:12

2 page. 10 page. 11 Abstract This paper revisits the relation between protention and retension in the work of Husserl, Derrida to Stiegler, with special attention to Husserl s later Bernau manuscripts, which shed new light on this question. Through this historical trajectory, this talk hopes to elaborate on what I developed in On the Existence of Digital Objects the concept of tertiary protention, by which we can understand as technologies of anticipation ranging from debt to prediction. It suggests that tertiary protention, which cannot be reduced to any form of retention, becomes the central question of the current stage of digital automation and constitutes a new regime of politics. In order to inquire into the new ecologies of mind, we will have to systematically examine and integrate the question of tertiary protention. Keywords: tertiary protention, digital objects, phenomenology, archives, tertiary rention 北美館學報 35 期.indd /5/7 下午 06:52:12

3 page. 12 page (College International de Philosophie CIPh) (Jean- François Lyotard) (Jacques Derrida) (Bernard Stiegler) (Jacques Rancière) 1985 (Patrice Vermeren) (Les Immatériaux) 1985 protention (becoming) Gegenwart 1 epochē (the Other of thought) (aufgehoben) retention 1994 Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression archive Arkhē (commencement) (commandment) 1 (Hayim Yerushalmi) (Freud s Moses: Judaism Terminable and Interminable 1991) 1 Jacques. Derrida, Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1995) 1 北美館學報 35 期.indd /5/7 下午 06:52:13

4 page. 14 page. 15 (archive drive) 2 (Jewishness) 3 (différance) (Différance) (archē) 4 différence différance différance (non-word) (non-concept) (après-coup) standing reserve 2 (Heraclitus) (force) 5 traces Nachträglichkeit après-coup Jacques Derrida, Différance, Literary Theory: An Anthology Julie Rivkin Michael Ryan (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2004) (Edmund Husserl) (time-consciousness) (genetic phenomenology) (Ferdinand de Saussure) (archi-writing) (protowriting) 6 triple intentionality Hua X, Zur Phänomenologie des inneren Zeitbewusstesens ( ),Rudolf Boehm (The Hague, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, 1969) 北美館學報 35 期.indd /5/7 下午 06:52:13

5 page. 16 page. 17 Bernau Manuscript Analyses of passive synthesis 11 C C-Manuscripts (metaphysics of presence) B A C 10 (proto-traces) 11 (infinite regress) (Urstrom) (Urpräsentation) (Urdaten) (Urprozes) (Franz Brentano) (self-givenness) (default) 3 (supplement) (image-consciousness) 12 (perception) X (André Leroi-Gourhan) (exteriorized memory) DNA (retentional finitude) 13 (default of origin) (défaut qu il faut) (Gilbert Simondon) C (Eugen Fink) Toine Kortooms Phenomenology of Time Edmund Husserl's Analysis of Time-Consciousness (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2002) C Jacques Derrida, De la Grammatologie (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit, 1967) Francesco Vitale Daniel Ross Daniel Ross, Pharmacology and Critique after Deconstruction, Stiegler and Technics, Christina Howells, Gerald Moore (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013) Bernard Stiegler, Technics and Time 1. The Fault of Epimetheus (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994) 17 13Bernard Stiegler, Technics and Time, 2: Disorientation (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008) 14 Ben Roberts, Stiegler reading Derrida: the prosthesis of deconstruction in technics, Postmodern Culture, Bernard Stiegler, «Discrétiser le temps», Les cahiers de médiologie 2000/1 (N 9), Robert Stiegler reading Derrida 16 Ross, Pharmacology and Critique after Deconstruction 北美館學報 35 期.indd /5/7 下午 06:52:13

6 page. 18 page. 19 (now) (already-there) 17 (singularity) (On the Existence of Digital Objects) (individuation) Kortooms (Phenomenology of Time) C 19 4 c a b 17 Bernard Stiegler, The Theater of Individuation: Phase-Shift and Resolution in Simondon and Heidegger, Kristina Lebedeva Parrhesia Keller, Husserl and Heidegger on Human Experience (Urprocess) E 1 E 4 E 2 E 1 E 3 E 3 E 1 E 2 E 3 1 E 3 2 (Kerndaten) 20 Liliana Albertazzi, Edmund Husserl, The School of Franz Brentano, Liliana Albertazzi, Massimo Libardi, Roberto Poli (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1996) 186 北美館學報 35 期.indd /5/7 下午 06:52:14

7 page. 20 page. 21 (gewaltig) Gewahren (Urdaten) (terminierend) 21 E 2 1 -E 2 E 3 22 (Toine Kortooms) 11 Hua XI directedness Gerichtet-sein (Description of the possible types of empty representation) Leervorstellungen empty representation (primal impression) 21 Edmund Husserl, Hua XXXIII, Rudolf Bernet & Dieter Lohmar (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2001) Edmund Husserl, Hua XI, Margot Fleischer (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1966) (Computational Hermeneutics) recursivity (algorithm) 28 (1) 24 Hua XI Koortooms, Phenomenology of Time Heidegger: la question de l Être et l Histoire Cours de l ENS-Ulm ( )(Paris: Galilée, 2013) (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016) 北美館學報 35 期.indd /5/7 下午 06:52:14

8 page. 22 page. 23 (2) recursion (Turing machine) (Kurt Gödel) (general recursive function) (Benoît Peeters) 32 (earthquake) 29 The Time of Execution Data Browser 06 ed. Helen Prichard (NYC: Autonomedia, 2017) Derrida, Archive Fever Les Nouveaux Chemins de la connaissance France Culture, , 33 PO Flickr (Europeana) PO 20 (long circuits) (short circuits) Archive Manifesto, 34 Archivist Manifesto A Contribution to the Political Economy of Personal Archives, Compromised Data, G. Elmer, G. Langlois, J.Redden (London: Bloombury, 2015) 北美館學報 35 期.indd /5/7 下午 06:52:14

9 Other Worlds: The Native, the National, the Non-Objective page. 24 page. 25 / 1. Gegenwart ( gegen) (warten) (Gegenwart) (ousia, substance) (metaphysics of presence) (metaphysics of substance) review/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/3101the-metaphysics-of-light-and-the-concept-of-truth-in- Gadamer%E2%80%99s-Philosophy-.pdf 2. Bestand Stangding-reserve Everywhere everything is ordered to stand by, to be immediately at hand, indeed to stand there just so that it may be on call for a further ordering (standing-reserve/bestand) 北美館學報 35 期.indd /5/7 下午 06:52:14

35 Archival Turn: Contemporaneity of the History of East Asia page. 10

35 Archival Turn: Contemporaneity of the History of East Asia page. 10 Archives of the Future Remarks on the Concept of Tertiary Protention page. 9 未來的檔案 論第三預存的概念 Archives of the Future Remarks on the Concept of Tertiary Protention Yuk Hui Lecturer, ICAM/IPK, Leuphana University

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Microsoft Word - 08_科普作品選讀示例一_080421.doc

Microsoft Word - 08_科普作品選讀示例一_080421.doc 選 修 單 元 八 科 普 作 品 選 讀 示 例 一 一 學 習 目 標 閱 讀 優 秀 的 科 普 作 品, 拓 寬 閱 讀 面 知 識 領 域 和 生 活 視 野, 寫 作 以 科 學 為 題 材 的 文 章, 提 升 寫 作 能 力, 增 進 對 科 學 的 興 趣, 培 養 審 慎 嚴 謹 的 態 度 與 尚 實 求 真 的 精 神, 以 及 關 心 世 界 仁 民 愛 物 的 人 文 情

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