A winning road connects opposite sides of the board. 成功用路将棋盘对立的两边连接起来就能获胜 Spaces on the Tak board are connected only by their edges. Roads do not conn

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1 Tak: A Beautiful Game 塔克棋 : 美妙的对弈 Tak is the board game described in Patrick Rothfuss bestselling novel, The Wise Man s Fear. It is an elegant two-player strategy game, a refined diversion from the court of Vintas: 塔克棋是作家 Patrick Rothfuss 的畅销小说 智者之惧 中所描述的棋类游戏 这是一个来自汶塔斯宫廷的精妙的双人策略棋类游戏 : Tak is the best sort of game: simple in its rules, complex in its strategy. Bredon beat me handily in all five games we played, but I am proud to say that he never beat me the same way twice. -Kvothe 塔克棋是最好的游戏 : 规则简单, 策略复杂 在我们对弈的五局中, 布莱登都轻松的击败了我, 但是我很自豪的说, 他从来没有用同一个策略击败我两次 科沃斯 At first, Tak was intriguing but imaginary. Then in 2015, Patrick Rothfuss worked with James Ernest to make it real. Welcome to Tak: A Beautiful Game. 最初, 塔克棋只存在于作家的想象之中 2015 年,Patrick Rothfuss 和 James Ernest 一起合作将其带入现实世界 欢迎来到塔克棋 : 美妙的对弈 About This Edition 版本说明 : The University Edition is the second printed edition of Tak. It is smaller than the original Classic edition, and includes a cloth bag for added portability. 大学版是第二版塔克棋 这个版本比最初的经典版在尺寸上小一号, 并加入一个布袋, 方便你携带出门 We have included a capstone and 21 pieces per side, which is enough to play the 5x5 game. Additional piece sets and alternate game boards are available. To learn more, visit James Ernest Games at jamesernest.com. 我们在套装中包含了每方 1 个将军和 21 个棋子, 可以完成 5x5 棋盘大小的棋局 你可以根据需要购买更多的棋子或不同的棋盘 想要了解更多, 请前往 jamesernest.com Summary of Play 规则概述 : Players will take turns. On each turn you may either place a new piece on an empty space, or move a stack of pieces that is under your control. 黑白双方轮流行动 每个回合中你可以在空格上放置一个棋子, 或者移动你控制的一叠棋子 The goal is to build a road, which is a string of pieces that connects opposite sides of the board. Here are some examples of a winning road: 棋局目标是在棋盘的两边之间搭建一条路, 也就是用连续的平放棋子或将军将棋盘相对的两边连接起来 以下是几个路的例子 :

2 A winning road connects opposite sides of the board. 成功用路将棋盘对立的两边连接起来就能获胜 Spaces on the Tak board are connected only by their edges. Roads do not connect diagonally, and pieces do not move diagonally. 塔克棋盘上的空格只以边相连, 路不能斜向相连, 棋子也不能斜向移动 The game ends if either player makes a road, or runs out of pieces, or if the board is completely full. If the game ends without a road, then the player with the most flat stones wins. Details in the pages that follow. 满足以下情况的时候, 棋局宣告结束 : 一方棋手成功搭建路, 一方棋手用完所有棋子, 或者棋盘上每个空格都被放满 如果棋局结束的时候没有成型的路, 则平放棋子最多的棋手获胜 The Pieces 棋子 : There are two types of Tak piece: stones and capstones. Stones can be played in two ways: flat or standing. 塔克棋的棋子分为两种 : 棋子和将军 棋子可以用两种方式放置 : 平放和竖立 Flat Stones: Usually, stones are played flat, as shown here. 平放 : 大多数情况下, 棋手会平放棋子, 如图所示 : Flat stones can stack, and they can count as part of a road. 平放的棋子可以叠起来, 也可以组成路的一部分 一叠棋子 ( 一叠棋子可以有一枚或多枚棋子组成, 统称一叠棋子或堆叠 ) 由最上方棋子颜色所代表的棋手控制

3 Standing Stones: You can also place a stone on end, as shown here. 竖立 : 棋手也可以竖立放置棋子, 如图所示 : Standing stones do not count as part of your road, and nothing can be stacked on top of them. 竖立棋子不属于路的一部分, 也不可以在竖立棋子上堆叠其他棋子 ( 但是竖立棋子可以叠在平放棋子上 ) This makes them good for blocking, so they are sometimes called walls. 竖立棋子可以用来阻挡对方的路, 所以有时候它们也被称作为墙 Capstones: Capstones combine the best aspects of standing and flat stones. They do count as part of a road, and they can t have other pieces stacked on top of them. 将军 : 将军集中了平放和竖立棋子的优点 它们可以组成路的一部分, 同时棋手不能在将军上方堆叠其他棋子 In addition, a capstone can move onto a standing stone (of either color) and flatten it. 除此以外, 将军可以移至任意一方的竖立棋子上并将其压平 When the capstone flattens a standing stone, it must act by itself, although this can happen at the end of a longer move. 将军压平竖立棋子时必须用且仅用一颗将军, 但是在压平竖立棋子前将军可以与一叠棋子一同移动 You can find an example of this maneuver on page 5. 具体可以参考第 5 页上的示例

4 Setting Up 预先准备 : The board starts empty. Check that each player has 21 stones and one capstone. (If you are playing on a larger or smaller board, see How Many Pieces? below.) 棋局开始的时候需要清空棋盘, 每个棋手有 21 个棋子和 1 个将军 ( 如果你的棋盘不是 5x5 尺寸的, 请看下面 需要多少棋子 部分 ) In the first game, determine randomly who will go first. After that, you should take turns going first. 第一次对弈时, 双方随机决定谁先行动, 之后双方应该交替先行 On the first turn of the game, each player places one of their opponent s stones. You may play this stone in any empty space, and it must be flat. 在一次对弈时的第一步时, 棋手分别放置一枚对方颜色的棋子, 这个棋子可以放在棋盘的任何位置, 但是必须平放 After this, players play their own stones. 从第二步开始, 每个棋手放置或移动自己颜色的棋子 For example, if White goes first, White plays a Black flat stone, then Black plays a White flat stone, then White takes the first normal turn. 例 : 如果白色先行, 白色棋手第一步需要平放 1 枚黑色棋子, 之后黑色棋手平放 1 枚白色棋子, 之后白色根据一般规则进行对弈 How Many Pieces? 需要多少棋子? You can play Tak on many sizes of board, from 3x3 to 6x6 and larger. The number of pieces depends on the size of the board. Each player uses the following set: 你可以在不同尺寸的棋盘上下塔克棋, 但是棋盘尺寸不同棋子数量也不同 请参照以下表格 :

5 Board Size: 3x3 4x4 5x5 6x6 8x8 棋盘尺寸 : Stones: 棋子数量 : Capstones: 将军数量 : Note: There is no standard for 7x7. This style of board is considered bad luck, and is rarely used. 注 :7x7 的棋盘没有标准的棋子数量 这个尺寸很不吉利, 因此很少有人使用 Calling Tak : You will typically call Tak in a friendly game, but it isn t strictly required. Like check in chess, this is a warning that you are one move from winning. 宣告 塔克 : 出于礼貌, 你可以在即将搭建成路的时候宣告 塔克, 但是这不是必须的 宣告 塔克 和国际象棋中宣告 将军 一样, 用于提醒对方你即将获胜 The Goal 棋局目标 : The goal is to create a road, which is a string of your pieces connecting opposite sides of the board. A road does not have to be a straight line. Standing stones cannot be part of your road, but your capstone can. Spaces do not connect diagonally. 棋局目标是在棋盘的两边之间搭建一条路, 也就是用连续的棋子将棋盘相对的两边连接起来 这条路不一定是一条直线, 可以有弯曲 竖立的棋子不能组成路的一部分, 但是将军可以 路必须以边相连, 不能斜向相连 In the illustration below, Black has won by connecting two opposite sides of the board with a road. Each space along this path has a stack with a black flat stone or capstone on top. 在下方图示中, 黑色棋子成功将棋盘两边相连并搭建成一条路 这条路上的每个空位的最上方 ( 包括堆叠棋子 ) 都是黑色的平方棋子或将军

6 Other Ways to Win 其他胜利条件 : Flat Win: If either player runs out of pieces, or if the board is full, then the game ends. If neither player has a road, then the player with the most flat stones wins. Count only the flat stones on top of stacks, not those buried within stacks. If this is tied, the game is a draw. 更多平放棋子 : 如果一方棋手用完全部棋子, 或棋盘上每个位置都放置了棋子, 则棋局宣告结束并对双方在棋盘上控制的平放棋子数量进行结算 如果双方棋手都没有搭建成路, 棋盘上平放棋子较多的一方棋手获胜 对于堆叠棋子来说, 只计算最上方棋子, 而非被压在下面的棋子 如果双方平放棋子数量一样, 则本局为和棋 Double Road: If a player creates a winning road for both players in the same move, then the active player is the winner. (That is, the player whose turn it is.) 双路 : 如果一个棋手在一步中为双方均搭建一条路, 则完成这个动作的棋手获胜 For example, if White creates both a white road and a black road, then White wins because it is White s turn. 例 : 如果白棋同时搭建了一条白色的路和一条黑色的路, 则白棋获胜 On Each Turn 每个回合的动作 : On your turn you may either place a piece in an empty space, or move one of the stacks under your control. 在你的回合中你可以在空格上放置一枚棋子, 或移动你控制下的一叠棋子

7 Note: If you place your last piece, or if you fill the last space on the board, this ends the game. See Other Ways to Win at left. 注 : 如果你放下最后一枚棋子, 或填满棋盘上每个空位, 则棋局立即宣告结束 Place: You can place a flat stone, standing stone, or capstone in any empty space on the board. 放置 : 你可以在棋盘上任何空位放置平放棋子 竖立棋子或将军 You never play a new piece directly on another one. Stacks form only as a result of movement. 你不可以在其他棋子上放置棋子 堆叠棋子只能由移动产生 Move: You can move one or more pieces in a stack that you control. A stack can be any height, including just one piece. Control simply means that your piece is on top. 移动 : 你可以移动你控制下的一叠棋子中的一个或多个 一叠棋子的高度不限, 甚至可能只有一枚棋子 如果一叠棋子中最上方的棋子是你的颜色, 这叠棋子就在你的控制下 To move a stack, take as many as five pieces off the top (see Carry Limit, at right), and move them in a straight line, dropping at least one piece off the bottom in each space along the way. The pieces that you drop will cover any stacks that are in their path. 移动一叠棋子的时候, 从上方向下取最多 5 枚棋子 ( 更多信息详见携带数量 ), 然后沿一条直线上移动, 每移动一格至少从下方落下 1 枚棋子 你放下的棋子会覆盖路径上其他的棋子 取下棋子时请保持所有棋子原先的相对位置, 因为这会影响棋子下落的顺序 Capstones and standing stones block movement, because they cannot be covered. 由于规则不允许在将军和竖立棋子上放置棋子, 这两类棋子会阻碍棋子移动 For example, this piece cannot move left, because that space is occupied by a standing stone. 比如, 这枚棋子不能向左移动, 因为那个空格有一枚竖立棋子 Standing stones and capstones move by the same rules as flat stones. If the piece above were a capstone, it would also have the option to move left, and flatten the standing stone (see Flattening Walls, at right).

8 将军和竖立棋子的移动规则和平放棋子一样 但是上述例子中, 如果移动的棋子是将军, 将 军也可以向左移动并压平竖立棋子 ( 更多信息详见压平棋子 ) Additional Movement Rules 其他移动规则 : Carry Limit: There is no limit to the height of a stack, but there is a limit to the number of pieces that you can move. This carry limit is equal to the width of the board, so in a 5x5 game, you can carry no more than five pieces. 携带数量 : 虽然一叠棋子的高度没有限制, 但是棋手每次可以移动的棋子是有限制的 携带数量的限制和棋盘的边长一样, 在 5x5 的棋盘上, 棋手一次移动的棋子数量不能超过 5 枚 For example, with a carry limit of five, if you have a stack of seven pieces, you must leave at least two of those pieces in the starting space. 例如, 如果携带数量为 5, 而一叠棋子中有 7 枚, 棋手只能移动从上向下数的 5 枚棋子 Flattening Walls: A capstone can, by itself, move onto a standing stone and flatten it. The capstone may be part of a larger stack that is making a longer move, as long as the final step (flattening the wall) is done by the capstone alone. 压平棋子 : 将军可以压平竖立棋子, 但是此时必须单独行动 在压平棋子前, 将军可以与一叠棋子一同移动, 但是最后一步 ( 压平棋子 ) 必须用且仅用一颗将军 You can flatten your own standing stones as well as your opponent s. Note: Aside from flattening it with a capstone, you cannot lay down a standing stone. 棋手可以压平自己的棋子, 也可以压平对手的棋子 注 : 除了将军压平棋子以外, 没有其他压平竖立棋子的办法 Traveling with Tak: You don t need a fancy board to play Tak. You can draw a board on paper, paint it onto a piece of cloth, or play with no board at all. 便携的塔克棋 : 下塔克棋不需要精美的棋盘 你可以在纸上画一个棋盘, 自制布棋盘, 或者不用棋盘就能对弈 To play without a board, use a flat object like a coin or scrap of paper to mark the center space. After a few turns, the shape of the board will come into clear view. 不用棋盘的情况下, 用一个扁平的标记物 ( 硬币, 或者小纸片 ) 来标记棋盘的中央 过了几个回合以后棋盘的形状就会呈现出来 To make this game as portable as possible, we have included a cloth bag for the pieces. Toss it into your backpack, or tie it to your belt, and take Tak with you everywhere! 为了尽量使塔克棋更加便携, 我们在套装中加入了一个布袋来放棋子 把布袋丢到背包里, 你就能随时随地下塔克棋了

9 Movement Example 1 移动示例 1: White controls the stack in this example, because her stone is on top. She will move the stack to the right, taking over Black s stacks. Let s break down this move one step at a time. 在这个例子中白色控制这叠棋子, 因为最上方的棋子是白色的 白色将向右移动这叠棋子, 并捕获黑色的棋子 我们一步一步来看 : Pick a stack and a direction 选择堆叠和移动方向 This is a 5x5 board, so the carry limit is five. White could move the entire stack, or she could choose to leave some pieces behind. She decides to move the entire stack. 这是个 5x5 的棋盘, 因此携带数量为 5 白色可以移动整叠棋子, 或者可以在原位留下一些棋子 白色决定移动整叠棋子 then carry five pieces 携带 5 枚棋子 Moving in a straight line, White must drop at least one piece in each space. These pieces come off the bottom. 白色沿着直线移动, 白色必须在每个格子上留下至少一枚棋子 ( 不包括堆叠原先所在的格子 ) 这些棋子按顺序从堆叠的下方落下

10 In the first space, she drops two pieces, and carries three. 在第一个格子上白色留下 2 枚棋子, 之后带着 3 枚棋子的堆叠继续移动...then carry three pieces... 携带 3 枚棋子 On the next space, she drops two pieces again, carrying just the top piece into the last space. 在下一个格子上, 白色又留下 2 枚棋子, 仅将最上方 1 枚棋子移至最后的格子... and finally one piece. 最后一步携带 1 枚棋子 The final position is shown in the last step. This single move has given White control of three spaces that once belonged to Black. 这里可以看到移动后的结果 在这一步之中, 白色控制了 3 个原先属于黑色的堆叠 Well played, White! 白色棋手干得好! Movement Example 2 移动示例 2:

11 Capstones can move like any other piece. In addition, a capstone can flatten a standing stone, if it does so by itself. In this example, Black will move his capstone two spaces, to flatten White s standing stone. 将军的移动方式和其他棋子一样, 除此以外, 将军可以压平竖立棋子, 但是此时必须单独行动 在这个例子里, 黑色会移动将军 2 个格子, 并压平白色的竖立棋子 Pick a stack and a direction 选择堆叠和移动方向 In the first step, Black could move up to five of these pieces, but he chooses to leave two pieces behind, and move three to the next space. (This leaves Black in control of the starting space.) 黑色可以移动最多 5 枚棋子, 但是他选择在原位留下 2 枚棋子, 只移动 3 枚棋子到下一个格子 ( 这样的话黑色可以继续控制起始的格子 )...then carry three pieces... 携带 3 枚棋子 To flatten the standing stone, the capstone must go alone. Black leaves the rest of the pieces on the second space, and moves the capstone by itself onto the standing stone. 要压平竖立棋子, 将军必须单独行动 黑色将其他棋子留在第二个格子, 将军独立移动到竖立棋子的格子上

12 ...then carry the capstone to flatten the standing stone. 最后移动将军, 压平竖立棋子 With this move, Black has flattened White s standing stone, but has left White in control of the middle stack. This is not perfect for Black, but this type of result is fairly common. 这样, 黑色就压平了白色的竖立棋子 但是白色控制了中间的一叠棋子 这种情况并非完美, 但是在实际对弈中也很常见 To avoid leaving a white piece behind, the capstone would have to start with a black piece below it. 如果要避免让白色控制一叠棋子, 黑色需要在将军的下面有一枚黑色棋子 Note again that capstones can flatten stones of either color (not just the opponent s color, as shown here). 注意将军可以压平双方的竖立棋子 ( 而不只是本例中显示的对方棋子 ) Basic Strategy 基本策略 : You ll quickly find that the simple rules of Tak leave room for a great deal of strategy. 你很快就会发现塔克棋虽然规则简单, 但是富有策略变化 Movement is the key to understanding the game. A tall stack has many options, and a single move can alter the balance of power. 塔克棋的关键在于棋子移动, 较高的一叠棋子可以在不同距离上移动, 有时候一步妙招就能改变双方力量的平衡 You can learn the basics of the game by playing a few games at 4x4. Because there are no capstones at this size, standing stones are quite powerful and you ll learn how to use them for offense as well as defense. 你可以先在 4x4 的棋盘上下几局来熟悉规则 因为 4x4 的棋盘上没有将军, 竖立棋子变得更加重要, 不止可以用来防守, 也可以用来进攻 In the early game, be careful not to make too many moves; you need to put pieces into play, and

13 not just move the pieces you have. 在开局, 注意不要花费太多回合去移动棋子 你需要尽量多的把棋子放到棋盘上, 而不只是 移动你已有的棋子 In the late game, don t be afraid to run out the clock, playing out your pieces, if you are winning on the flats. 在残局中, 如果你的平放棋子数量较多的话, 可以使用拖延战术来换取胜利 Multi-Game Scoring 多局对弈的记分方式 : There is a slight advantage for the player who goes first. So, for a fair contest, you can keep score over multiple games. 先行的棋手有微弱的优势 为了公平起见, 你可以多局对弈并且记分 Your score for winning is equal to the size of the board (25 points in a 5x5 game), plus the number of pieces that remain in the winner s reserve. 赢的一方首先获取与棋盘面积一样的分数 (5x5 的棋盘就是 25 分 ), 另外加上赢家手里未放置的棋子数量 例如, 如果你赢了一局, 同时手里还有 4 枚棋子没有放置, 你得到 29 分 其中包括 25 分棋盘分和 4 分剩余棋子分 For example, if you win with four unplayed pieces, you score 29 points. This is 25 points for the board, and four points for your unplayed pieces. In the long run, better players will score more points by playing more efficiently. 在多局对弈之后, 优秀的棋手会因为落子效率更高而获得更多积分 University Gambling Rules 大学赌博规则 : The game of Tak has recently enjoyed a surge in popularity at the University, where Kvothe studies the arcane arts. 塔克棋最近在科沃斯学习魔法的大学里非常流行 Here is one of many optional systems for placing wagers on the game, devised by Tak historian Daramin Centes. 以下是塔克棋历史学家 Daramin Centes 设计的一个赌博规则 Ante: To begin, each player contributes an ante of ten coins. This creates a pot that will go to the winner of the game. 赌注 : 在开始前, 每个棋手先付 10 枚硬币, 赢家可以赢走这个奖池 Bidding: Players bid, in coins, for the right to go first. The high bidder goes first, and must pay his bid into the pot. (The second player pays nothing extra.)

14 加注 : 棋手加注来争取先行的权力 加注最高的棋手把加注金额放进奖池, 并首先落子 ( 另 一个棋手不需要付钱 ) Calling Tak: When a player calls Tak, her opponent must either add two coins to the pot, or resign. 宣告 塔克 : 一个棋手宣告 塔克 的时候, 对方必须在奖池里放进 2 枚硬币, 或者认输 However, a player cannot be forced to pay this penalty twice in a row. The obligation passes back and forth each time a different player calls Tak. You can use a token to help remember who called it last. 但是如果一方连续宣告 塔克, 他的对手只需要付一次钱 直到付钱的棋手宣告 塔克 时才需要由他的对手付钱 你可以用一个小标记物来帮助棋手记住上一次是谁付了钱 End Reward: The winner takes the pot, plus a bonus equal to the number of unplayed pieces in the winner s reserve. For example, if you win with five unplayed pieces, you win the pot plus an additional five coins from your opponent. 结算 : 赢家赢走奖池中所有的钱, 另外, 输家要为赢家手里的每一枚未放置棋子多付 1 枚硬币 比如如果你赢了, 手里还有 5 枚未放置棋子的话, 你可以赢走奖池, 同时对手需要再多给你 5 枚硬币 To learn more about Tak, including its real-world history and the variants, customs, and backstory of the game in the world of Temerant, look for the Tak Companion Book by James Ernest and Patrick Rothfuss. You ll find it in The Tinker s Packs, at thetinkerspacks.com. 如果你想要了解更多的塔克相关信息, 包括其在真实世界的历史和在小说中的变体 习俗和背景故事, 我们向你推荐游戏设计师 James Ernest 和小说作家 Patrick Rothfuss 共同编写的 塔克伴侣 本书在 thetinkerspacks.com 有售 US Tak Association 美国塔克协会 Join the US Tak Association for the latest in Tak news and events! Learn more at USTak.org. 加入美国塔克协会, 实时了解塔克世界的新闻和各类活动! 请前往 USTak.org 了解更多 Translator: Sean Mei 译 : 梅晓春

棋子 : 泰克棋的棋子分为两种 : 棋子和将军 棋子可以用两种方式放置 : 平放和竖立 平放 : 大多数情况下, 棋手会平放棋子, 如图所示 : 平放的棋子可以叠起来, 也可以组成路的一部分 一叠棋子 ( 一叠棋子可以有一枚或多枚棋 子组成, 统称一叠棋子或堆叠 ) 由最上方棋子颜色所代表的棋手控制

棋子 : 泰克棋的棋子分为两种 : 棋子和将军 棋子可以用两种方式放置 : 平放和竖立 平放 : 大多数情况下, 棋手会平放棋子, 如图所示 : 平放的棋子可以叠起来, 也可以组成路的一部分 一叠棋子 ( 一叠棋子可以有一枚或多枚棋 子组成, 统称一叠棋子或堆叠 ) 由最上方棋子颜色所代表的棋手控制 泰克棋 : 美妙的对弈 泰克棋是作家 Patrick Rothfuss 的畅销小说 智者之惧 中所描述的棋类游戏 这是一个来自汶塔斯宫廷的精妙的双人策略棋类游戏 : 泰克棋算是一种最棒的游戏 : 规则简单, 技巧复杂 布雷登轻松地连赢我五盘, 但我可以得意地说, 他从来没以同一种方式打败我两次 科沃斯 最初, 泰克棋只存在于作家的想象之中 2015 年,Patrick Rothfuss 和 James

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目 感恩与代祷 录 编 者 1 牧者心声 勒住你的舌头 龚明鹏 3 见证与分享 我的见证 吴权伟 8 相信就能够看见 卓艳梅 12 再述主恩 爱的雕凿 张英治 19 万怡杉 28 母亲节征文 记念母亲节 凌励立 43 父母的爱和神的爱 曹 红 47 Love Lisa Wang 50 TORONTO CHINA BIBLE CHURCH NEWS LETTER 2007 夏季刊 JUNE, 2007 二零零七年主题 凡事祷告 多伦多华夏圣经教会 目 感恩与代祷 录 编 者 1 牧者心声 勒住你的舌头 龚明鹏 3 见证与分享 我的见证 吴权伟 8 相信就能够看见 卓艳梅 12 再述主恩 爱的雕凿 张英治 19 万怡杉 28 母亲节征文 记念母亲节 凌励立 43 父母的爱和神的爱 曹

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