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4 目錄 President's Address by Professor Tony F CHAN 校長陳繁昌教授的講辭 ;t5h~ II*~ I I ~t~hi'ij ~fij~ 4 Honorary Degree Citations 榮譽博士的讀辭 ~.t!±i ij~i The Hon Elsie LEUNG Oi Sie, S 妞, Doctor of Laws honoris causa ~~~tl!j± )*~M~.tI!j± 梁愛詩博士法學榮譽博士 Professor Tobin J MARKS,, Doctor of Science honoris causa Tobin J MARKS~w 教授理學榮譽博士 ~'!j± Professor Eli YABLONOVITCH, Doctor of Engineering honoris causa Eli YABLONOVITCH~w 教授工程學榮譽博士 Il *!j± Dr Simon IP Sik On, Doctor of Laws honoris causa ~'H~3i:tl!j± 5!*~.tI!j± 葉錫安博士法學榮譽博士 Address by Dr Simon IP Sik On 葉錫安博士的講辭 ~~~t!±i ij~mi 24 Medal Citations 獎章得主的讀辭 ~~~~±I ij~1 Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching 28 祁鼓卓越教學服務獎章 W~~~~~RlU%~~ Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body 30 張鑑泉卓越學生服務獎章 5!H!1ii*~~~1:RIH%~~ President's Outstanding Service Award 32 f>l-*~t±:lr~~~ 科大傑出服務獎 President's Cup 34 校長杯 ;tx~;ff Addresses by Graduate Representatives 36 畢業生代表的講辭!IH~~ 1t~ I ij~mi

5 Congregation Programs Prograrns 單位頒授典禮 ~fllftftt~~m 16 November iF11F.116B 年月 16 日 Order of Proceedings 典禮程序 $f!f r Graduates in the School of Engineering 工學院畢業生名錄 I~~jHIH~1::;g tl'z November 年 if 11F.117B 月 17 日 Order of Proceedings 典禮程序 $f!f r Graduates in the School of Business and Management 工商管理學院畢業生名錄 I ]tlj~~~ fljhihi~1::;g tl'z Graduates in the Interdisciplinary Programs Office 跨學科課程事務處畢業生名錄 ~~:t4~f ~~ J$K~H~1::;g ~ Graduates in the HKUST Fok Yingτ\mg Thng Graduate School 香港科技大學霍英東研究院畢業生名錄 ~~M~*~~~**~~**1::;g~ November iF11F.118B 年月 18 日 Order of Proceedings 典禮程序 $f!f r Graduates in the School of Science 理學院學業生名錄 rjll.~~**1::;gtl'z Graduates in the School of Humanities and Social Science 人文社會科學學院畢業生名錄 A)z*±fH4~~~**1::;gtl'z Appendices 附錄 Ilftl~ Degrees Conferred 頭援學位 j]!lj~~1:v: Titles of PhD Theses Completed in l O-11&j':ffl 年博士畢業論文題目 ±**ffi1lj)zjl!! ~

6 President's Address Professor Tony F CHAN Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor, honorands, distinguished guests, colleagues, graduates, ladies and gentlemen: This is the year of the 20th Anniversary of HKUST when we celebrate our achievements in the last two decades. This is also the year of technology, the year of Steve Jobs. 20 years ago, when people in Hong Kong spoke of science and technology, they did so as if it had little to do with our lives or our economy. Today, technology has transformed our lives and entire industries. Technology drives our economic growth and provides the comfort and convenience for modern living. Here at HKUST, our mission is crystal-dear. We don't do just science and technology; we do what is innovative in science and technology because, like Apple, we cannot be competitive without being innovative. Also, like Apple, we excel in business and management as well as the humanities and social sciences, because technology without sound business plans and the human dimension will limit its impact on our economy and our lives. Last month, the World Bank released a book "The Road to Academic Excellence" examining the experience of HKUST, among 11 universities in nine countries, that have grappled with the challenges of building successful research institutions in difficult circumstances. HKUST is featured in a full chapter as a successful example. In mid-october, the New York Times ran an article on this book called "A Recipe for Excellence", in which HKUST was featured prominently. A hundred years ago, the President of Harvard University predicted that it would take 200 years to create a research university. HKUST did it in less than 20. Our success, now studied and copied by our pe~rs around the world, hinges on several factors, of which I will single out only two: the recruitment of top-tier faculty, who combine their individual academic excellence with our collective idealism, that magic found only rarely in universities. The second factor is our emphasis on being unique and on being innovative. We do not want to simply copy what is best; we want to create what is better. The key question is: how do you nurture creativity? Nurturing a culture of creativity takes more than a slogan. It takes thoughtful planning, beginning with our students. We now give our undergraduates time to choose their majors, and time to enjoy their minors, giving them a broad-based education, allowing them to do hands-on research, and exposing them to plays, opera and concerts. We believe that a creative person should have broad interests and a hungry curio~ity, one who wants to know about everything under the sun: chemistry, history, literature, architecture, calligraphy and sociology. Who knows when out of these different things a new idea might be born? Talent is what separates a great university from a good one. We believe that talent is best groomed by the interplay between teaching and research, the interplay between disciplines, and the give and take between the university and the community. 4 I PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS BY PROFES~'OR TONY F CHAN

7 We also believe that solidarity gives us the wings to fly higher and faster. We are giving all these a new name: the 'l-hkust' concept, in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I just came back from a visit to 10 universities in four countries in 10 days in Europe. Every country and every university I visited is focused squarely on China. China is seen partly as a knight in shining armor by a Europe in bad economic shape, and partly as the country where the future is most exciting. Because of our proximity, we in Hong Kong sometimes forget that we are a part of China's future, as it races down the path of technology. Hong Kong is included in China's latest 5-Year Plan. We at HKUST intend to be in the front row seat, as partners and collaborators with our Mainland cousins. At the same time, we are, first and foremost, an international research university. This University has become a multicultural community. Statistically, I am proud to say, we are the most international university in our city, in terms of our faculty and student composition. In Continental Europe, they are dead serious about going international. The so-called Bologna Process has resulted in EU universities adopting a system, with three years of undergraduate education in a native language plus two more years at the master's level in English. Without exception, every top university in Europe is eager to engage us in partnership, as we are the model for fast-rising universities in the East. Universities are for the future, and university education is a preparation for the future, never a narrow job-specific training. As a university of science and technology, we live for tomorrow, a better tomorrow. By 2047, 50 years after our return to Chinese sovereignty, what kind of society will Hong Kong become? Where will we be in relation to China and the world? What role will our graduates play in the new era? The future is our business and these are questions we wrestle with in preparing for it. Of the four honorary graduates this year, two are famous exponents of the rule of law as the cornerstone of our social stability. The two scientists we pay tribute to are masters of innovation that will define our future. Stability and innovation, these are the two essential ingredients for our continued prosperity. If Steve Jobs were alive today, I would dearly love to give him our fifth honorary doctorate this year, for showing the world the triumph of innovation, and for changing the way we live through technology. And that is precisely the mission of this university. Thank you. PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS BY PROFESSOR TONY F CHAN I 5

8 校長講辭 陳繁昌教授 監督先生 副監督先生 各位榮譽博士 各位嘉 賓 各位同事和同學 : 20 年的時間, 發展為一所卓越的研究型大學 科 大的成就已成為世界各地大學參考的模式, 可歸 功於多個因素, 讓我在此提出其中兩項 第一 ' 今年是科大創校 20 周年, 我們共同慶祝科大在過 去 20 年取得的成就 今年是屬於科技的一年 亦 是屬於喬布斯的一年 是延攬優秀的教研人才, 他們以超卓的學術成就 實踐我們共同的理想 ; 這種奇妙的主動關僻 實在 難能可貴 第二, 是科大重視獨特和創意一我們 不只效法最佳的榜樣, 更要創造更佳的楷模 o 但 20 年前, 相信不少香港人談及科技時, 都可能覺 關鍵問題是 : 我們如何孕育創意? 得科技與日常生活或經濟發展並沒有太緊密的關 像 時至今日, 科技已徹底改變了我們的生活和各行各業的發展 科技成為經濟增長的動力, 為我們帶來了舒適 便利的現代生活 科大對自己的使命最瞭如指掌 : 我們重視科技, 更重視其創新能力 蘋果電腦的例子說明, 要有競爭力, 就必須激發創意 又正如蘋果電腦, 科大特別強調商業管理 人文學科與社會科學的融合, 我們深明發展科技必須要有周詳的商業計劃及關顧人的需要 ; 這樣, 科技方可充分發揮對人類生活與經 孕育創意文化並不是單靠口號, 還需要用心規劃, 而且要由培育學生開始 現在, 我們不但讓本科生有更多時間還請主修及副修科目, 更讓他們接受廣博的教育 積極參與研究, 參加話劇 歌劇 音樂會等演出, 以培養多方面的才藝 我們深信有創意的人才, 興趣廣泛 求知若渴, 希望通曉天下事, 不論是化學 歷史 文學 建築 書法還是社會學, 都有所涉獵 因為誰也不能預料這些意念會何時互相融合 激發新意 濟的影響力 上月, 世界銀行出版了 {The Road to Academic 一所大學能成為偉大的大學, 關鍵取決於人才 我們認為培養人才的最佳方法, 是增強教學與研 Excellence> 專書, 特別以九個國家的 11 所大學, 包括以香港科技大學作為對象, 探討建立卓越的研究型大學所要面對的挑戰與各種不同的情況 ; 該書刊更以整個篇章探討香港科大的成功個案 10 月中旬, { 紐約時報 亦以 {A Recipe 究 和學科的主動, 以至加強大學與社群之間立相依存的關係, 讓大學取諸社會 用諸社會 我們相信, 只要團結一心 目標一致, 我們將可振翅高飛 凝聚黑人的力量, 將能發揮更高效益這就是 同一科大 的真諦 for Excellence> 為題, 撰文報導科大的發展歷程 文章引述 100 多年前哈佛大學校長預測, 一所研究 型大學要經過 200 年才可開花結果 ; 科大卻以不足 我較早前往歐淵十天, 緊密的行程包括探訪四個 國家共十間大學 我們到訪的每個國家和大學都 6 I 校長陳繁昌教授的講辭

9 十分重視中國, 他們認為中國發展前景亮麗, 甚至將中國視為拯救歐洲脫離經濟危機的力量 香港鄰近內地, 當內地科技迅速發展, 我們有時甚至忽略自己也可參與創建中國的未來 事實上, 假如香布斯今天尚在世, 我很希望能頒授第五個榮譽博士學位給他, 因為香布斯向全世界彰顯創新意念的重要性, 以創新高奏凱歌, 以科技改善人類的生活一這正是科大的使命 香港於中國最近期的五年計劃內亦佔一席位 在 科大, 我們期望與內地的合作夥伴一同爭取最前 謝謝 o 線的有利位置, 共同努力 與此同時, 科大堅守國際研究型大學的定位, 我們的的校圍著萃多元文化的特色 我可以自豪地說, 從教授和學生群體比例的數字來看, 科大是本港最國際化的大學 歐洲本土正大力推動大學國際化, 歐盟的大學正實行三加二的制度, 包括三年以母語作為教學語言的本科課程, 及兩年以英語進行的碩士課程, 並稱之為 搏洛尼亞進 程 J 在芸芸亞洲大學之中, 科大已成為迅速冒 起的藍本, 我們探訪的每間歐洲頂尖大學都熱切 地希望與科大建立夥伴關像 大學要高瞻遠囑, 大學教育的根本是裝備學生迎接未來, 而不是狹隘的職業培訓 作為一所科技大學, 我們不僅活在當下, 更應目光遠大, 為開創更美好的未來而努力 到了 2047 年 香港回歸祖國 so 年時, 香港將會演變成為一個怎麼樣的社會? 我們與內地 與全球的關偏又會如何? 科大畢業生在新的世代將扮演甚麼角色? 我們以開拓未來為己任 ; 為了迎接未來, 這一連串的問題值得我們深思反省 今天獲頒授榮譽學位的四位傑 出人士, 其中兩位大力推動法治 維持社會穩定 的基石, 另外兩位科學家則是帶領世界邁向未來 的創意大師, 四人同樣值得我們敬佩 o 穩定和創 意, 間是經濟持續蓬勃發展的必要條件 校長陳繁昌教授的講辭 I 7

10 Doctor of Laws honoris causa The Hon Elsie LEUNG Oi Sie Citation There is something magical about the Hon Elsie Leung Oi Sie. For a leader who worries chronically about the city and the country she loves, her face is remarkably free of WOFY lines. Beneath her intensity of purpose there is an uncommon calmness. Long ago, she decided that the law is her life. When asked why she chose law as a career, her once-youthful idealism still rings true in her simple reply: law is the oldest form of social service and her instrument for seeking justice and redress for the common people. Subsequent developments have vindicated her views, as the Hong Kong SAR adapts itself nimbly to its new status as a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. To ossify our legal system as at 30 June, 1997 is to defy the necessity of evolution and Hong Kong's larger, long-term interest. Away from the public eye, she has done things quietly for her community. Her official post might be over, but not her passion for public service. And yet, as a lawyer, she is atypically nonadversarial. She believes that a lawyer should aim at solving a client's problem rather than winning the case, and has faith in alternative dispute resolution, which energizes her life-long interest in mediation, previously seldom heard of but now gaining popularity in Hong Kong legal circles. As the Hong Kong SAR Government's first Secretary for Justice, Dr Leung's place in history is secure. As its former top law officer, she is a perceptive interpreter of the 'One Country, Two Systems' concept. With the Basic Law as the constitutional instrument forming the foundation of our legal system, the common law provides versatility for our legal system to continue its development since it is a living law that evolves with the changes in our society. There needs to be harmonization of the Basic Law and the common law. Years in the rough and tumble of politics have left Dr Leung's social idealism singularly intact. She holds true to the belief that 'Truth will triumph'. For this, she was under the sway of relatives of three generations: her maternal grandfather, a known sympathizer of Dr Sun Yat -sen, was the founder of a newspaper and a patriotic school in Hong Kong. Her maternal uncle, no less a patriot, suffered many indignities during bitter political campaigns but remains bitter-free to the ripe age of 98 years, and her brother, who returned to China to study with the youthful zeal to serve the country, was degraded during the Cultural Revolution, but was later honored as a distinguished pioneer in the exploration of Tarim Petroleum Oilfield. Dr Elsie Leung, not exactly the flag-waving type, did much good in stealth. She is a champion of women's and children's causes. Dr Leung participated in all activities of the 1st and 4th World Conference on Women, International Year of the Child and their aftermath in advocating more rights for women 8 I HONORARY DEGREE CITATIONS

11 and protection of children from abuse. As a lawyer, she witnessed the transition of Hong Kong from a semi-feudalistic society where Tsing Law was part of our law, even though the Tsing Dynasty was by then defunct, into the modern society where same-sex relationship and transsexual issues are openly debated. She became involved with female inheritance issue in the New Territories, and the extension of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimin~t~on against Women (CEDAW) to Hong Kong and anti-discrimination legislation. She also rendered services to NGOs, including an organization which helps the disabled to help themselves. Within her legal profession, she always looks for opportunities for the development of the profession as a whole. During her term of office as a Council Member of the Association of China Appointed Attesting Officers, she helped set up practices and precedents, and an appointment system built on merits and examination. Whilst as Secretary for Justice, she pushed for closer co-operation between Hong Kong law firms and Mainland law firms, and for Hong Kong citizens to obtain qualification to conduct non-litigious practice on the Mainland. In matters of public policy, once she has thought things through, she is ready to face the public, be it friendly or otherwise. With a cast-iron belief in the rule of law, she is Hong Kong's own conviction political leader who is unbothered by personal concerns of fame or blame. That explains her outward calmness in the midst of swirling controversies. She will settle for history simply recording that she is "an ordinary person who encounters extraordinary things unsought". But of course we know that she is more, much more. Mr Chancellor, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you the Hon Elsie Leung Oi Sie, GBM, JP, solicitor, for the award of Doctor of Laws honoris causa. For her professional probity we don't have to look far. Upon leaving the government she returned to her law practice. But to steer clear of possible public perception that she enjoys an unfair advantage in court as a former top law officer, she has voluntarily given up her divorce practice. Instead, she devotes a big chunk of her life to probono work, giving some 20 to 30 lectures a year to schools, organizations and the like. Recently, she went to the United States to take part in a Rule of Law Dialogue between American and Chinese scholars. HONORARY DEGREE CITATIONS I 9

12 法學榮譽博士 梁愛詩博士 讚辭 梁愛詩博士氣質獨特 ; 作為社會頓袖, 她多年來為國為港勞心勞力, 臉上卻沒有留下絲毫歲月的痕跡 在她堅定的意志背後, 有一份非凡的平靜 她很早已決定以法律為她一生所求, 當有人問她為何選擇律師作為終身職業, 她的答案簡單, 並貫徹年輕時的理想 : 她相信法律是最傳統的社會服務, 也是為一般市民爭取公義的良方 梁博士在多年的政治生涯中歷經起伏, 她貢獻社會的信念卻始終如一, 並堅信真理必勝 在這方面, 梁博士深受三代長輩的影響, 其中一位是她的外祖父, 他是孫中山先生的支持者與盟友, 在香港創辦了一份宣傳革命的報章和一所愛國學校 另一位是她的舅父, 同樣忠心愛國, 卻因政治運動吃盡苦頭, 但到 98 歲享年亦始終無怨無 悔, 而她的哥哥, 一位昔日響應號召返國讀書 然而, 她處事卻盡量以和為貴, 她相信律師主要職責, 並非是要贏官司, 而是要為當事人排難解紛, 這便是她終生的職志 ; 以另類於訴訟的解決糾紛方法, 可能結果更佳 o 以前較少用的調解, 現在香港法律界已日漸普遍使用 期望參與建設祖國的青年人, 文革時被打為壞份子, 後來卻獲表揚為開發塔里木油田的先鋒 梁博士貫徹行事低調的作風, 行善助人從不張揚 她竭力爭取婦女及兒童權益, 參與第一次和第四次世界婦女大會 國際兒童年及會後跟進, 例 如呼籲為婦女爭取更多權益, 及防止兒童被虐待 作為香港特區政府首任律政司司長, 梁博士肯定 會在歷史上留名 作為香港特區政府的最高司法 官員, 她解釋 一國兩制 的概念別有見地 基 等 作為律師, 梁博士見誰香港從半封建社會 雖然清朝已滅亡, 但至 70 年代初, 大清律例依然 是香港法律一部分一一過渡至今天同性關靜和變性 本法是憲法性的文件, 它是本港的法律制度的基 人的問題可以公開辯論的社會 o 她曾參與研究新 礎, 而普通法有足夠的靈活性, 讓我們的法律制度繼續發展, 因為它是活的法律, 能隨著社會的變遷而進化, 因此必須協調兩個不同司法管轄區的法律制度 香港特別行政區回歸後成為中國一 界婦女繼承問題 把 消除婦女一切形式歧視公約 伸引至香港及反歧視法例等, 她為多個非政府機構提供服務, 包括幫助傷殘人士自力更生的 機構 部分, 靈活地過渡到這個新角色, 正好證明梁博 士的看法 o 若果香港的法律制度僵化於 1997 年 6 月 在法律專業內, 她努力不懈, 為行業整體謀發 30 日, 便不能順應這個歷史蛻變進程, 更不能保 障香港更大 更長遠的利益 o 展 在她擔任香港中國委托公證人協會理事期 間, 她幫助行業建立業務規則和模式, 使以個人 質素及考試制度作委任評桔的制度得以建立 在 梁博士即使巴離開以往的公職 不再身居高位, 依然為社會默默耕耘, 對公共服務的熱誠完全沒 有減退 o 任職律政司長期間, 她推動香港律師和律師行與 內地同業加強合作, 並爭取香港市民取得內地執 業資格, 從事非訴訟業務 10 I 榮譽博士的糊

13 梁博士廉潔公正, 例子俯拾皆是 o 她離開政府後 原打算重投法律界, 辦理法律事務 o 然而為兔公 原誤以為她曾任司法高官而在法庭上享有特殊優勢, 她自願放棄辦理最擅長的離婚官司 同時, 她付出大量私人時間參與義務工作, 每年向學校 社團等等發表 20 至 30 次演說 最近, 她還前往美國參加中美學者就中國法治對話 公共政策方面, 梁博士擇善固執 力排眾議 她 相信法律有著普世價值, 對其可靠性深信不疑 她是一位有堅定信念的政治領袖, 不受個人榮辱左右 ; 即使面對激昂的議論, 仍能處之泰然 她會欣然接受歷史的評價 r 一個平凡人, 歷經過不凡事 當然, 梁博士絕對是個不凡的人 監督先生, 本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會, 恭 請閣下頒授法學榮譽博士予律師梁愛詩博士 GBM 太平紳士 榮譽博士的讀辭 I 11

14 Doctor of Science honoris causa Professor Tobin J MARKS Citation Prof Tobin J Marks has been given an affectionate nick name: Molecule Master. In Eastern philosophy, a master is someone with a supreme command of a subject with an all-seeing wisdpm. From the 95 named lectureships and awards, the nine editorial board memberships of major journals, the six advisorships of major corporations, the 205 US patents he holds and the 1,025 articles he has published, and with hish-index, which measures a scientist's productivity and impact, at 115, surely he has earned this honorific. to chemistry, designing 'smart' molecules to make better catalysts for new kinds of plastics. Now plastics have been an essential, ubiquitous part of our lives. His new catalysts make possible the production of recyclable, environmentally-friendly plastics, resulting in the emergence of multi-billion industrial processes. When we think that plastics are everywhere in the world and everywhere in our lives, from garbage bags to food packaging, and from computers to wire insulation, we know how important Prof Marks is. It is an irony of life that Prof Marks is doing something big for humanity by unleashing the power of the tiny molecule. Here is a scientist who thinks big by going small. In chemistry, Prof Marks sees a broad canvas for his master strokes. Few of us ever see chemistry as tied to human destiny, but this is what he has to say about the discipline that consumes his life: "The coming decades will present mankind with technical challenges threatening our quality of life. I believe that chemistry offers defining concepts and tools, and hence limitless opportunities, to better human life in many ways." All his adult life he has been doing just that. Prof Marks is nothing if not tenacious. A fellow scientist describes him this way: "If he gets an idea, he pursues it, even if he has to make the molecular compounds himself." He once harbored dreams of being a writer or a historian. But luckily for humanity, he has turned his genius With Prof Marks in hot pursuit, organic lightemitting diodes or OLEDs are about to completely change the flat-panel display industry, with ultra-thin plastic displays for outdoor advertising, computer monitors, personal digital assistants, medical diagnostics and electronic books. OLEDs are good news for the environment as they are self-luminous and do not require backlighting, and are therefore far more energy-efficient than LCDs. Prof Marks is studying how electricity is injected into plastic, how it flows through the material and is turned into light. With OLEDs, a low voltage is capable of producing a very bright light. In his own words, he is onto the exciting idea of "rationally designing completely new structures that selfassemble and generate the desired functions, such as rich color and viewing angle." His new idea will give us "thinner, brighter, sharper and more colorful and flexible displays" than current LCDs. 12 I HONORARY DEGREE CITATIONS

15 Prof Marks has also turned his attention to inorganic materials with uncommon properties, such as being visually transparent while being electrically conductive. They are sure to transform the next generation of television screens, energyefficient windows and next-generation solar energy cells. Mr Chancellor, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you Prof Tobin J Marks, Vladimir N Ipatieff Professor of Catalytic Chemistry and Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern University, for the award of Doctor of Science honoris causa. What Prof Marks embraces in his research is remarkably original and 9.iyerse. Not content with what chemistry yields, Prof Marks' research has gone interdisciplinary, discovering the novel chemical, physical or biological properties of substances. He is unafraid to challenge established dogma, often confronting fundamental problems head on. His research has resulted in huge savings in energy and precious resources. By his impact alone, he is a scientific master of the first order. Less well known is his other accomplishment, mentoring over 100 PhD students and an equal number of postdoctoral fellows, not to mention hundreds of undergraduates. More than 100 of these alumni are now academics fanned out across the world. The list of Prof Marks' accomplishments and awards is so long that it is the despair of anyone trying to chronologically keep up with them. With the professor relentlessly pushing the envelope, the day is not far off when car windshields will display maps, when we can hold Leo Tolstoy's 1,400-page War and Peace in a few thin sheets of recyclable plastic rolled up in our hands. Now that is science we can cheer for. HONORARY DEGREE CITATIONS I 13

16 可 理學榮譽博士 Tobin J MARKS 教技 讚辭 Tobin Marks 教授有 分子大師 之美譽 在東方 哲學中 r 大師 修為登峰造極, 智慧通透圓 垃圾袋 食物包裝 電腦和絕緣電線, 就知道 Marks 教授的研究是何等重要 o 融 o Marks 教授擁有的個冠名講師銜及獎項 身兼 九份主要學術期刊的編輯委員會委員 擔任六家 在 Marks 教授努力的鑽研下, 有機發光二極管 大企業的顧問 擁有 205 項專利, 並曾發表 1, 025 篇 (OLED) 勢必在平面顯示屏行業掀起翻天覆地 論文, 他在用以衡量科學家出版論文和影響力的 的巨變 用這種二極管製造的超薄塑料顯示器將 指數 h-index 是 115 ' 大師稱號是實至名歸 廣泛應用於戶外廣告 電腦顯示屏 個人電子手 帳 醫療診斷設備 電子書等 OLED 對環境保護 世事就是這樣奧妙, Marks 教授為人類所做的 偉大貢獻, 竟始於釋放微小分子的力量 他構 帶來新敢示, 因為 OLED 屏幕能自動發光, 無需使 用背照光, 因此比液晶顯示器更節能 想宏大, 從小處入手進行研究 Marks 教授眼中 的化學探究是一張碩大的畫布, 讓他展示大師 Marks 教授正研究如何將電力注入塑料內, 以及 手筆 很少人察覺化學其實與人類未來緊密相 電力如何流過物料並轉化成光線 有了 LED' 即 連, Marks 教授對苦心鑽研的學科有如此看法 : 使低水平的電壓也能產生強光 o 套用 Marks 教授 在未來數十年, 人類將面臨科技上的挑戰, 甚至會影響生活質素 我認為化學帶來明確的概念和工具, 以至無限機會, 從多方面改善人類生活 這是他研究的寫照 o 的說法, 他正在探索一個精彩的意念, 就是 理性地設計全新結構, 既能自我組合, 亦能提供鮮艷色彩和視角選擇等理想功能 他的新意念將為我們帶來比現有液晶產品 更薄 更光 更鮮 明 更多彩及更靈活的顯示器 Marks 教授有無比的毅力, 與他共事的科學家這 樣說 r 他只要有新的意念, 便會銀而不拾地研 Marks 教授亦致力研究獨特的無機素材, 如透明 究, 即使要自己製造分子化合物也在所不計 他曾夢想成為作家或歷史學家, 尚幸最後他把天 的導電物料 這些材料將改變新一代的電視屏 幕 節能窗戶和太陽能電池 o 賦運用在化學領域, 設計出 智能 分子, 為新 型塑料研發出更好的催化劑 塑料現已成為我們日常生活中不可或缺的材料 Marks 教授研發的強催化劑, 有助生產可再造環保塑料, 價值數十億元計的工業流程亦因此應運而生 只要想想在 Marks 教授研究範圍廣泛, 深具原創性 他並不滿足於化學探究的成果, 因此進行跨學科研究, 並發現了物質裡新的化學 物理或生物特性 他勇於挑戰成規, 迎難而上, 解決根本問題 他的 世界每個角落和日常生活中無處不在的塑料, 如 研究成果大大節省能源和珍貴資源 o 遠, 堪稱為科學泰斗 他的影響深 14 I 榮譽博士的讀辭

17 較少人提及的是, Marks 教授指導逾百名博士生 百多名博士後研究員, 以至數百名本科生 他們當中百多位已成為學者, 在世界各地學術界有所成就 o Marks 教授的成就和獎譽之多, 不勝枚舉 他在開拓前沿知識領域上, 不遺餘力 ; 也許在不久的將來, 我們可能在汽車擋風玻璃顯示地圈, 也能把托爾斯泰長達 1400 頁的小說 戰爭與和平 載錄在數張用可再造塑料製成的膠片上, 放在手中細讀 這真是令人讚歎的科學 監督先生, 本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會, 恭 請閣下頒授理學榮譽博士予美國西北大學催化 化學系 Vladirnir N Ipatieff 教授兼材料科學與工程 學教授 Tobin Marks 教授 榮譽博士的讀辭 I 15

18 Doctor of Engineering honoris causa Professor Eli YABLONOVITCH Citation Prof Eli Yablonovitch is an ambidextrous scientist who is equally adept in handling science and commerce. He may be better known to the world as a distinguished professor at V~ Berkeley, but he is also a co-founder of Luxtera Inc., a Californiabased manufacturer of electronic components, which was selected as one of the World's 50 Most Innovative Companies in 2010 by MIT Technology Review for having demonstrated its superiority at inventing technology in building a better business and a better tomorrow. Prof Yablonovitch was no stranger to industry. After graduating from Harvard with a PhD in Applied Physics, he worked for two years at Bell Telephone Laboratories followed by a stint as a professor at Harvard. He joined Exxon in 1979 to do research on photovoltaic solar energy. Five years later, he became a Distinguished Member of Staff at Bell Communications Research and Director of Solid-State Physics Research. He is now Director of the NSF Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science, a multi-university center based at Berkeley, where he holds the James & Katherine Lau Chair in Engineering. Prof Yablonovitch has had profound influence on both industry and academia. He was one of the two applied physicists who invented the field of photonic crystals in In fact, he is a rare scientist who has an invention named after him, 'Yablonovite', a 3-dimension structure that exhibited a full photonic bandgap that he and his team created. For this achievement, he is revered as one of the fathers of the Photonic Band Gap Concept and is credited with coining the term 'photonic crystal'. Among other things, he was also responsible for developing a technique that is now applied to the majority of semiconductor lasers fabricated throughout the world, including telecommunications lasers, laser pointers and DVD players. He is a man of diverse scientific interests. His current research in quantum computing and quantum communication is ushering in a revolutionary change, in which electrons in semiconductors will store quantum states which can be used to harness astronomical volumes of information. In this hi-tech age, things are getting smaller, with the tiniest features of the chip getting to the molecular level, and things are also getting faster, and of course everything is becoming wireless. For those with an interest in high speed optical communications and high efficiency light-emitting diodes and nano-cavity lasers, Prof Yablonovitch is your man. His work is where the industry's future is. Throughout his career, he has been wrestling with one of the main global issues: energy, specifically solar cells as an alternative source of energy. Prof Yablonovitch began his solar cell research as far back as 1979, when the US was reeling from the oil shock of He looked for and found the ideal material for making solar cells. In his photovoltaic research, he has introduced a light-trapping factor, sometimes called the 'Yablonovitch Limit', that is used commercially in nearly all solar panels. His research work led him to co-found Alta Devices, 16 I HONORARY DEGREE CITATIONS

19 whose goal is to create solar cells of the highest efficiency at the lowest cost. In his continuous quest, Prof Yablonovitch is of the view that for solar efficiency to reach its utmost limit, light extraction physics has to be designed into solar cells. This has led to new solar cell efficiency records being broken. For his many contributions Prof Yablonovitch has been showered with honors 'throughout his career. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, the Optical Society of America and the American Physical Society. He is also a Member of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Sciences. He is the recipient of the Adolf Lomb Medal, the W Streifer Scientific Achievement Award, the R W Wood Prize, the Julius Springer Prize and the Mountbatten Medal, and an honorary doctorate from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. This list, lengthening by the year, is by no means exhaustive. Today we honor a world-leading scientist whose innovative excellence is equaled only by the breadth of research interest. His eyes are trained on the widening horizons of scientific promise, and his ear is kept to the ground of industrial needs and urgency. Mr Chancellor, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you Prof Eli Yablonovitch, James & Katherine Lau Chair in Engineering and Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley, for the award of Doctor of Engineering honoris causa. HONORARY DEGREE CITATIONS I 17

20 工程學榮譽博士 Eli YABLONOVITCH 教授 讀富辛 Eli Yablonovitch 教授是縱橫商界和科學界的科學 家 他是美國加州大學柏克萊分校的傑出教授, Yablonovitch 教授的科學頓域廣泛, 他目前從事 的量子計算及量子通訊研究正進入革命性的新里 亦是加州電子零件製造商 Luxtera Inc. 的創辦人之 程 他發現半導體中的電子能夠儲蓄用來處理海 一 這家公司於 2010 年獲 麻省理工科技創業 評選為全球 50 家最其對意的公司之一, 以表揚其 卓越技術發明能提升商業運作水平 締造美好將 量資訊的量子態 在高科技年代, 物件體積變得 愈來愈小, 晶片上最微細的特徵已變得如分子般 細小另一方面, 物件的運作速度愈來愈高, 一 來 切將以無線通訊聯繫 o Yablonovitch 教授為有志研 究高速光纖通訊 高效發光二極管及納米共振腔 Yablonovitch 教授在工業界廣為人知 他於哈佛 大學取得應用物理學博士學位後, 曾於貝爾電話 雷射的科學家帶來歇迪, 他的研究正是業界的未 來 實驗室工作兩年, 其後於哈佛大學擔任應用物理 學教授 他於 1979 年加入埃克森公司進行太陽能光伏系統研究, 五年後成為貝爾通訊研究公司的傑出研究員及固態物理研究所總監 他現任美國國家科學基金會節能電子科學中心總監 該 Yablonovitch 教授一直努力鑽研全球面對的一個重要問題 : 能源問題 ; 具體來說, 是太陽能電池作為另類能源的前景 1973 年正值美國備受石油危機衝擊之時, Yablonovitch 教授於 1979 年開 中心以柏克萊大學為基地, 由多所大學的團隊組 展太陽能電池研究 o 他幾經努力, 終於找到用以 成 Yablonovitch 教授現為美國加州大學柏克萊分 校 James & Katherine Lau 工程學講座教授 生產太陽能電池的理想物料 他在光伏研究中引 進光捕捉因子 或稱為 Yablonovitch 光極限, 現 已廣泛應用於大多數太陽能電池板上 他並成為 Yablonovitch 教授在工業界和學術界均舉足輕重 此 lta Devices 的創辦人之一, 該公司致力以最他成 他與另一位應用物理學家於 1987 年開拓光子晶 本開發性能最高的太陽能電池 o 經過不斷研 體的學術研究範疇 全球只有極少數的科學家能以其名為自己的發明命名, Yablonovitch 是其中之一, 他發明的 Yablonovite 是呈現全光子能隙的三維結構, 由他領導的科研小組研發 這項成就 究, Yablonovitch 教授相信太陽能要發揮最佳效能以達致效能的極限, 則電池必須使用採光的物理學設計 由此, 他為太陽能電池的效能帶來重大突破 為他贏得光子能隙概念之父的美譽, 而 光子晶 體 便是他自創的名詞 此外, 他發明的另一種 技術現已普遍應用於全球各地大部分組裝的半導 體錯射激光器上, 包括通訊雷射 雷射筆及 DVD Yablonovitch 教授貢獻良多, 屢獲獎譽 他是國 際電機電子工程師學會資深會員 美國光學學 會資深會員及美國物理學會資深會員 他亦是 光碟播放器 18 I 榮譽博士的鵑

21 美國工程學院及美國科學院院士 他獲頒 Adolf Lomb 獎 W Streifer 科學成就獎 RW Wood 獎 Ju1ius Springer 獎及 Mountbatten 獎, 並榮獲瑞典斯德哥爾摩皇家科技學院頒授榮譽博士學位 Yablonovitch 教授獎譽之多, 難以盡錄 今天, 我們要表揚一位於全球有領導地位的科學家, 他的創新科研成就卓著, 與他廣泛的研究興趣同樣教人敬佩 這位科學家目光遠大, 立志開拓科學的疆土, 同時細心, 聆聽業界的需要和訴求 監督先生, 本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會, 恭 請閣下頒授工程學榮譽博士于加州大學柏克萊分 校 James & Katherine Lau 工程學講座教授兼電機 工程與計算機科學教授 E1i Yablonovitch 教授 將博士的輔 I 19

22 Doctor of Laws honoris causa Dr Simon IP Sik On Citation Dr Simon Ip is every inch a gentleman, in conduct and comportment. As an upstanding, leadingfrom-the-front member of society, his three loves in life are law, education and,eguestrianism, in that order. By training he is a lawyer, and a very successful one at that. At the young age of 38, he was elected President of the Law Society of Hong Kong. Upon completing his legal education in England, he joined the largest legal firm in Hong Kong, Messrs Johnson, Stokes and Master in 1972, where he remained for 32 years, culminating as its Chairman and Senior Partner. His law-related contributions to Hong Kong are varied and widely recognized, having served on the Basic Law Consultative Committee, the Advisory Committee on Legal Education, the Law Reform Commission, the Judicial Service Commission, and on the Standing Committee on Legal Aid. Politically, he represented the Legal Functional Constituency as a Legislative Councillor from 1991 to 1995, and chaired the Bills Committee which passed the legislation for the setting up of Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal. But next to law, education is dearest to his heart. He hails from a family of distinguished educators, including among them the first principal of Grantham College. His legal background notwithstanding, Dr Ip was of the view that legal education would somehow take care of itself, with its built-in professional oversight and a ready-made structure; it was the quality of general education that most concerned him. It is a surprise to no one that he has devoted much of his time to educational causes throughout his life. He was a founding Council Member of this University for 10 years. Sitting on its Standing Committee, the Finance Committee and the Conditions of Service Committee, he performed yeoman's service in setting the new University on the right path. Dr Ip remains our Honorary Court Member to this day, continuing to offer us valued advice and guidance. Dr Ip left his larger footprint on the community by his leadership in three pivotal undertakings. First, he served with distinction as the Founding Council Chairman of the Hong Kong Institute of Education, a post which he held for 10 years, helping it to mature into a degree-granting institution. He firmly believed that ultimately, it is the quality of our teachers that will determine the quality of local education. Secondly, as President of the Hong Kong Equestrian Federation, he enabled the brilliant staging of the equestrian events of the 2008 Olympics that put Hong Kong on the world map of equestrian sport. His third game-changing act of public service may have positive consequences far beyond Hong Kong's boundaries. Early in 2009, he helped to inaugurate the LLM Program for Mainland serving judges at the City University of Hong Kong that bridges the chasm of judicial understanding between practitioners of two different legal systems. He fed the program his ideas and found the money for its launch. No one can predict what 20 I HONORARY DEGREE CITATIONS

23 enormous impact it may have on the development of China's legal system. Dr Ip was indeed the right man, in the right place, at the right time. He might modestly describe his unique contribution as being no more than a series of happy coincidences. But there is nothing coincidental about his devotion to educational causes that may hold profound promise for our future. In helping to give birth to the LLM program for Mainland judicial personnel, two of his abiding love~ ~ntersect: law and education corning to meet on a daringly innovative platform. In doing so, he summits a mountain that others might find virtually unclimbable. Dr Ip is a man of faith who finds spiritual comfort in St Francis of Assisi's Serenity Prayer: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." When Dr Ip opens the door to his office, an oasis of tranquility smack in the middle of Hong Kong's noisy business district, one imagines that what he prays for is already there. Mr Chancellor, on behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, I have the high honor of presenting to you Dr Simon Ip Sik On, CBE, JP, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Stewards of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, for the award of Doctor of Laws honoris causa. HONORARY OEGREE CITATIONS I 21

24 法學榮譽博士 葉錫安博士 讀辭 葉錫安博士的言行態度, 盡顯君子之風 葉博士 正直無私, 作為社會領袖, 他熱愛法律 教育及 馬術 o 士在創校初期協助大學訂定正確的發展路向, 至 今仍然是大學顧問委員會的榮譽成員, 繼賴為科 大提供寶貴的意見和指導 o 葉博士是知名律師, 在法律界卓有成就, 於 38 歲之年已獲選為香港律師會會長 在英國完成法律課程後, 他隨即於 1972 年加入本港規模最大的律師事務所存士打律師行, 並工作達 32 年, 最後成 葉博士肩負三項重要公職, 為社會帶來禪益 首先, 他是香港教育學院的創校校董會主席, 建樹良多, 他堅信本地教育水平乃取決於教師的素質, 在出任校董會主席十年期間, 協助教院升格 為該律師行主席及首席合夥人 他對香港法律界 為頒授學位的學術機構 o 第二, 他現為香港馬術 貢獻良多, 備受讚揚, 曾擔任基本法語詢委員會 成員 法律教育誇詢委員會成員 法律改革委員 總會主席, 並協助香港成功籌辦 2008 年奧運馬術 賽事, 令香港在世界馬術運動佔一席位 會成員 司法人員敘用委員會委員, 以及法律援 助常務委員會委員 他亦曾踏足政壇, 於 1991 年至 1995 年間擔任香港立法局議員, 代表法律界功能組別, 出任法案委員會主席, 任內通過在香港設立終審法院的法案 葉博士的第三項重要公職可以說是開創先河, 其影響力更超越香港地域 早於 2009 年, 他協助香港城市大學開辦供內地在任法官修請的法學碩士課程, 從而加深中港兩地司法人員對彼此法制的 理解 葉博士除了構思課程內容, 更為課程籌集 除法律以外, 葉博士最關心的就是教育 o 葉博士 資金 ; 這個課程對中國司法制度作出的貢獻無可 出生於書香世家, 其家族成員更為葛量洪教育學院首任院長 葉博士雖來自法律界, 卻相信法律教育只要有業內人士監察及有完善的架構, 定能循序發展 ; 因此他最關心誓及教育的素質 估量 葉博士掌握天時 地利 人和, 他謙遜地形容自己的成就只是機緣巧合, 事實上, 葉博士對教育事業的奉獻絕非偶然, 而他對教育的貢獻為我們的未來帶來深遠的影響 透過開辦內地司 法人員法學碩士課程, 葉博士將他熱愛的法律和 葉博士奉獻大部分時間推動教育 他曾任香港科 技大學創校校董會成員達十年, 並參與大學的常 教育事業合而為一, 開創前人未達之境, 攀越無 人能及之峰 務委員會 財務委員會及倩遇制訂委員會 葉博 22 I 贈博士的讀辭

25 葉博士在聖方濟的寧靜禱文中找到了心靈的慰藉 I 上帝請賜我安寧的心, 接受我所不能改變的事 ; 賜我勇氣, 改變我所能改變的 ; 賜我智慧, 明辨兩者之別 o J 走進葉博士的辦公室, 就能看見繁囂商業區之中的一片寧靜綠洲 ; 葉博士所祈求的, 早已成就了 監督先生, 本人謹代表香港科技大學校董會, 恭 請閣下頒授法學榮譽博士于香港賽馬會董事局副 主席葉錫安博士 CBE 太平紳士 賭博士的道辭 I 23

26 Address by Honorary Graduate Dr Simon IP Sik On Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor, Council Chairman, President, ladies and gentlemen, It is a great honour and with 9- deep sense of humility that I speak on behalf of the Honorary Graduates, on the conferment of honorary degrees on us today. My fellow Honorary Graduates are all persons of renown and distinction who, in their own ways, have helped to guide human destiny and shape environments. It is indeed my privilege to share the stage with them. We are delighted to be able to celebrate with you, your 20th Anniversary and we wish to congratulate you wholeheartedly, for your being awarded the high accolade, which you richly deserve, of being Asia's top university, according to the Quacquarelli Symonds Asian University Rankings. For a University just 20 years old, this is nothing less than a monumental achievement. Some have called this a miracle, but I think that is being too modest. This was not the work of some divine intervention. Instead, it was the culmination of super human collaborative efforts; the blood, sweat and tears of the people responsible for the conception, birth and upbringing of this fine institution, during the past quarter of a century. I should like to pay tribute to Dr. the Honourable Sir S.Y. Chung, the Founding Chairman, Prof. Woo Chia Wei the 1st President, their successors over the years, all the academic and administrative staff, Council and Court members and students, for this phenomenal success! Ladies and gentlemen, in recent years, Hong Kong has described itself as 'Asia's World City'. As I visit cities in the region, particularly on the Mainland, I detect that some of them have similar aspirations. Many of these cities are thriving business centres, geographically larger than Hong Kong, more populous and have also installed advanced and sophisticated infrastructures. Superficially, not much distinguishes them from Hong Kong. So, I have often wondered what constitutes a World City and how we are different from other cities in the region. Time does not permit me today to go into details, but only to highlight very briefly four essential features that, I believe, set us apart and give us the competitive edge, without which we would lose our hard-earned positioning. These features are what I would call the 'software' of a World City. They are sometimes taken for granted, so their importance is often underestimated. First, a World City is home to global citizens. Hong Kong not only has a sophisticated workforce of highly educated local people, but also a deep pool of top talents from around the globe. Hong Kong is truly cosmopolitan and we must continue to provide an attractive living environment for foreign citizens and their families, so that they would want to work and live here and enjoy a high quality of life. 24 I ADDRESS BY OR SIMON IP SIK ON

27 l Secondly, a World City must have excellent English skills because English is the lingua franca of the globalised world and not just the language of business. Although China is now a global economic power house and much of our business is conducted on the Mainland and in Putonghua, we should not let ourselves be persuaded that English is any less important. Put simply, we would not be a World City without communitywide proficiency in the glob,al: language. Thirdly, a World City must be governed by the rule of law, administered by an independent judiciary that discharges its duties without political interference. In our case, this includes the power of the Courts to interpret, on their own, provisions of the Basic Law, which are within the limits of the autonomy of the Hong Kong SAR. Our legal system enjoys a world class reputation and it underpins our status as a World City. Erosion of trust and confidence in our judicial system, through political interference with the judicial process, would undermine that status and what's more, would jeopardize our future. Lastly, a World City must have a soul and enjoy a rich cultural heritage in the arts, music and literature deeply woven into the fabric of everyday life. It must have world class concert halls and museums that attract visitors the world over to year round programmes, that feature the world's best performers and shows. It must have a soft side, by which I mean it is home to caring citizens who enrich their own lives through the passion of giving, who uphold high standards of common courtesy and social behaviour, who conduct themselves with grace and decorum and who make other people's daily lives more pleasant by wearing a ready smile and lending a willing hand. In short, a World City must be a civil and a civilized place to live in and visit. If we can maintain and build on these strengths, perhaps one day we may transform ourselves from being 'Asia's World City' to being 'the World's Global City'. Fellow graduates, this is a difficult time to be graduating from university and to be embarking on a career. You can all see for yourselves that the world is an uncertain place. Many countries are at war. Europe and America are in serious financial turmoil. The global economy is once more on the brink of another recession. We, in this region are coping well but, being part of the globalised world, we may not be insulated from the effects of these problems. In these very challenging times, I cannot think of any better advice to give to you, on the day of your graduation, than to remind you of the immortal words of the late visionary Steve Jobs - "Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Think different. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition". Fellow graduates, your education, particularly at this University, has equipped you well to face the tough challenges that lie ahead. Don't be afraid to take the future into your own hands and dare to dream the impossible dream. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you again for the great honour you have today bestowed upon my fellow Honorary Graduates and me and I wish you all: Good health, peace and happiness! DR SIMON IP SIK ON I 25

28 榮譽博士的講辭 葉錫安博士 監督先生 副監督先生 校董會主席 校長, 各 位嘉賓 : 因此我經常會間, 一個國際城市應具備什麼條 件? 而香港與亞太區其他城市又為何與別不同? 由於今天時間所限, 我未能詳細探討, 只能扼要 今天我感到十分榮幸, 謙恭地代表各位榮譽博士 點出四個我認為讓香港脫穎而出 保持競爭優 在典禮上致辭 o 各位榮譽博士均是傑出人士, 聲 勢的重要特徵 若果缺少這些優點, 我們便會失 譽卓著, 在各自的頓域上改善人類未來, 塑造更 去得來不易的地位 我稱這些特質為國際城市的 美好的環境 我很榮幸能夠與他們一同接受這份 軟件 J 大家卻有時將這些軟件視作理所當 榮譽 然, 並低估其重要性 我們很高興能一起慶祝科大 20 周年校慶 科 首先, 國際城市必須能夠吸引世界各地的精英 大在 Quacquarelli Symonds 亞洲大學排行榜上高鋸 香港不但擁有教育水平很高的本地人才, 更加匯 榜首, 實至名歸, 我們謹致以衷心祝賀 對於一所創校僅 20 年的大學, 這無疑是莫大的成就 有人形容這是一項奇蹟 ' 但我認為這個說法未免過於謙遜 科大的成就, 不是神蹟 ' 而是集合創校 聚國際人才 香港是名副其實的世界大都會, 我們必須繼續為各地優才以及其家庭成員提供其吸引力的生活環境, 令他們願意留在香港工作, 享受高質素的生活 元老 幾代人在過去四分一世紀從孕育科大的構 思 誕生到培育大學茁壯成長, 付出血與汗 群 第二, 國際城市的市民必須有極高的英語能力, 策群力的驕人成果 o 我謹向創校校董會主席鍾士 由為英語不但是營商語言, 更是世界語言 o 儘管 元博士 創校校長吳家瑋教授 歷任校董會主席 和校長 全體教職員 校董會成員和顧問委員會 委員及同學們致以最崇高的敬意! 中國現在是全球經濟的動力, 不少商業活動在內 地舉行, 而且普通話已普遍應用, 但我們不應以 為英語的重要性已因此降施 如果香港市民並不 精通這種世界語言, 那麼我們便不能成為世界級 各位嘉賓, 在最近幾年, 香港打造為 亞洲國際 的城市 都會 J 但當我走訪亞太區其他城市, 尤其是內 地城市時, 亦發現有類似的發展 ; 其中許多是繁 第三, 國際城市必須建基於法治, 並且要由獨立 榮的商業重鎮, 幅員比香港遼闊 人口也比香港 司法機構執行法律, ~ 不受政治干預 o 以香港來 稍密, 而且同樣擁有先進的基建 從表面看來, 這些城市與香港的分別不大 說, 我們的法院有權在特區的自治範圍內自行解 釋 基本法 條款 我們的法律制度享譽國際, 是香港作為國際城市地位的支柱 o 如果司法程序 26 I 葉錫安博士的講辭

29 受到政治因素干擾, 將會損害外界對香港司法制 度的信任和信心, 削弱香港現有的地位, 甚至危 害香港的前途 最後, 一個國際城市必須要有靈魂, 並且有豐富的文化底蘊, 將藝術 音樂 文學等融入市民的日常生活中 我們必須要有世界級的演奏廳和博物館, 全年舉辦精彩的世界級表演, 吸引世界各地人士前來觀賞 我們更須有軟件配合, 就是說市民要彼此關愛 樂善好施 以禮相待 秉持高尚情操, 並且笑容親切, 令大家生活得更加恆意, 活出豐盛人生 一個國際城市, 必須是一個文明 有文化的城市 如果我們能保持及強化這些優勢, 或許有一天香 港會由 直洲國際都會 變成 世界環球都會 各位畢業同學, 你們要離開校門和開展事業, 將會面對不少挑戰 大家都知道, 世界前景極不明朗, 不少國家陷於戰火, 歐美國家的金融市場動盪, 全球經濟再度瀕臨衰退邊緣 雖然我們身處的亞太區能夠應付自如, 但世界已邁向一體化, 我們恐怕難以獨善其身 面對時艱, 我謹以剛離世的香布斯之不朽名言與大家共勉 I 求知若飢 虛心若愚 ; 突破思想框框, 憑著勇氣追隨自己的內心所想與宜覺 各位畢業同學, 大家所接受的教育 尤其是在科 大所學的, 已為大家迎接未來嚴峻的挑戰作充分 準備 于萬不要害怕創造未來, 追尋夢想! 各位嘉賓, 我再次衷心感謝大家, 祝願大家身體 健康 平安愉快! 葉錫安博士的講辭 I 27

30 Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching Professor Amine BERMAK Citation The Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching was established by the University Council in 1994 to commemorate the distinguished service... of Founding Council Member Mr Michael G Gale It is awarded to the faculty member who best exemplifies the continued pursuit of excellence, devotion to teaching and the ability to inspire and motivate others. This year the University is pleased to present the Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching to Prof Amine Bermak of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering. Prof Amine Bermak received his PhD from Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France in He joined the University in 2002 and is currently a professor in the Electronic and Computer Engineering Department. Since his appointment at HKUST, Prof Bermak has demonstrated a very high level of commitment to and success in a wide range of roles as a teacher and as a contributor to the advancement of education at the University. Prof Bermak's enthusiasm and commitment to teaching have been recognized by numerous teaching awards. He is a two-time recipient of the School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, and a four-time nominee for the Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching. Prof Bermak's goal is to provide his students with a solid theoretical foundation strongly linked to practical engineering applications. Students are at the top of Prof Bermak's priorities. He has an open-door policy to encourage students to discuss academic issues and learning difficulties outside the classroom. The result has been very high teaching evaluation scores and warm student comments. Here is a typical example: "We really enjoyed the superb class; we all benefited from his interactive lectures and gained a lot from his courses." Prof Bermak is also fully committed to excellence in research-student supervision. He is the founder and the leader of the Smart Sensory Integrated System Research Lab at the University and a very popular and effective postgraduate supervisor, with one of the heaviest supervision loads in the University. Prof Bermak has given much of his time to administrative service and educational work. He has been Director of the Computer Engineering Program, Director of the Master's Program in IC Design, Chair of the 334 Curriculum Committee for Computer Engineering, a member of the Department's 334 Curriculum Committee; and until recently a member of the University Senate. He has established a new interview scheme to promote Computer Engineering to local secondary schools and has led the departmental career and internship committee 'to facilitate student job placement and internship through active interaction with industry. For his achievements in the classroom, dedication to students and broad contribution to the University's educational mission, Prof Amine Bermak is a worthy recipient of the Michael G Gale Medal, which recognizes, celebrates and rewards distinguished teaching, excellent service and selfless commitment. 28 I MEDAL CITATIONS

31 祁赦卓越教學服務獎章 Amine BERMAK 教授 讀辭 香港科技大學校董會於 1994 年設立 祁赦卓越教 除日常教學外, Bermak 教授亦肩負起培育研究生 學服務獎章 J 以紀念創校校董祁款先生對大學和 之重任 他創辦及領導智能感應集成系統設計研 社會的傑出貢獻 究實驗室, 治學嚴謹, 門生雲集, 他是系內其中 一位研究生教學工作量最繁重的教授 獲頒這個獎項的科大教師熱衷教學, 不斷追求卓 越, 循循善誘, 獻導後學, 堪稱教師的典範 今 年, 大學將祁款卓越教學服務獎頒予電子及計算 機工程學系 Amine Bermak 教授 o 在科大教學生涯裡, Bermak 教授積極參與多項行 政及教育事務, 身兼數職 他是計算機工程學課 程總監 集成電路設計工程碩士課程總監 電子 及計算機工程學系三三四課程籌委會委員, 以及 Amine Bermak 教授於 1988 年在法圈圖魯茲大學取得博士學位, 2002 年加入科大, 現為電子及計算機工程學系教授 Bermak 教授盡責盡心, 他不但是一位出色的老師, 更推動教育發展, 貢獻良 大學教務委員會委員 他制訂系內的優先取錄面試, 向本地中學推廣計算機工程學 他還領導系內的就業及實習委員會與業界積極聯繫 ' 協助學生就業和實習 多 Amine Bermak 教授憑其卓越的教學成就 對學生 Amine Bermak 教授對教學充滿熱誠, 其敬業精神 廣獲各界認同及嘉許 他兩度獲頒工學院最佳教 無私的奉獻, 竭誠推動大學的教育使命, 獲頒科 大祁款教學服務獎章, 實至名歸 學獎, 更獲提名 祁款卓越教學服務獎章 達四次之多 他的教學著重為學生打好理論基礎, 學以致用 Bermak 教授最關心學生, 其辦公室的門戶常為學生而閉, 鼓勵同學在課餘時間前來思辯學術議題, 分享學習疑難 他在歷年教學評桔中得分極高, 贏盡好評 o 誠如他的學生所言 : 我們都很喜歡 Bermak 教授精采絕倫的講學 ; 他授課講求交流主動, 令我們深受歡迪, 獲益良 多 獎章得主的讀辭 I 29

32 Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body HUNG Hin San Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Year 3 The Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body was established by the University Council in 1993 in memory of the late Honorabl~ :Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen, founding Council Member and distinguished public servant. It is awarded to the student who best exemplifies the qualities of caring, constructive and dedicated leadership for which our late colleague is remembered. the campus by joining hands with different groups in organizing fund-raising campaigns for people in need, most notably the fund-raising campaign for the 3-11 earthquake disaster in Japan. As a result of Mr Hung's dedicated effort, the Students' Union, its affiliated student societies and the student body as a whole have achieved greater unity, cohesiveness and efficiency in serving the student community. We are pleased to present the Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body to Hung Hin San. Mr Hung served as the Vice-President (Internal) of the Students' Union in the Session He was highly regarded by students for his proactive and dedicated attitude in serving the student body. Under his leadership, the SU executive members not only effectively expressed students' views on a wide range of important campus issues, but also worked out practical solutions, achieving good outcomes to the benefits of the students and the university community as a whole. During his term of office, he has demonstrated outstanding leadership in balancing competing interests on the issue of conducting election campaigns by student societies on campus. He also worked hard on various campus services such as student catering, bus service and student amenities. Mr Hung has extended his care beyond 30 I MEDAL CITATIONS

33 張鏡泉卓越學生服務獎 孔憲樂 工業工程及工程管理三年級 張鑑泉卓越學生服務獎 由香港科技大學校董 會於 1993 年設立, 以紀念已故校董張鑑泉議員對 大學和社會的卓越貢獻 在孔憲朵同學的竭誠努力下, 學生會 其附屬組 織以至整個學生群體上下一心 團結一致, 更有 效地為同學服務 獲獎的同學具備關懷他人 服務社群的精神和傑 出的領導才能 o 這些特質都是張議員的寫照 今年, 大學將 張鑑泉卓越學生服務獎 授予孔 憲朵同學 孔憲樂同學在 學年期間擔任學生會內務副主席 他積極進取 熱心投入學生事務, 深得同學尊重 在孔同學領導下, 該屆學生會幹事不但能在多項校園重大議題上清晰表述學生意見, 更提供切實可行的解決方案, 惠及同學以至整個大學社群 o 任內, 孔同學在學生組織的競選活動上, 平衡各方利益, 不偏不椅, 展示了極出色的領導才能 他致力提升校園服務的水平, 包括學生膳食 校車服務及文娛設施 除了關心校園事務, 孔同學更將其關愛精神延伸至社會各階層 他與不同組織攜手舉辦籌款活動, 為置乏者雪中送炭 日本 r3 日地震 的災後籌款行動便是孔同學參與籌劃的其中一個慈善項目 獎章得主的讀辭 I 31

34 President's Outstanding Service Award 2011 President's Outstanding Service Award The bedrock of HKUST's academic success is the quality of its faculty and research staff. But perhaps not as well known is the caliber of its administrative and service staff members who have been providing the support to make this success possible. Collectively, they make the University a better place to live and work. The President's Outstanding Service Award was established by the University to recognize non-teaching staff members who have demonstrated exceptional service, dedication, and continued commitment to excellence in their work and who have contributed to the betterment of their work units and the University as a whole. Today, we are pleased to present the President's Outstanding Service Award to the following three awardees (in alphabetical order): Mr CHEUNG Tze Kin Senior Technical Officer of the Materials Characterization and Preparation Facility Tze Kin provides consistently outstanding service in transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and contributes to building the TEM laboratory as the best performing one for characterization of advanced materials and nanomaterials in Hong Kong. He maintains the TEMs in the best working conditions, providing excellent support to research projects in Science and Engineering, and helps keep the down time of the TEM-related machines low, enhancing research efficiency. Through continuous self-learning, he has been able to successfully restore research equipment to working condition on more than one occasion, thus preventing interruption of service. He is enthusiastic in training postgraduate students and other users. Mr Michael CHOI Security Manager of the Facilities Management Office Ms Julie SHING Executive Assistant to the Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies Described as a selfless, low-key and uncomplaining executive assistant, Julie is considered a gem of the University. She has served a number of Vice-Presidents for Research and Development (now renamed Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies), always steering the office smoothly through all these transitions with only a lean team of support staff. She has the ability of quickly grasping the significance of research strategy and of helping to sharpen its implementation plans and working with different units under the Office of the Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies to deliver desired results. She is generous with her time, often discussing difficult issues late into the evening and brainstorming sessions over long weekends. She is looked up to as the anchor for the R&D operations and is the living embodiment of institutional memory. A loyal and long-serving employee, Michael oversees the security operations at the University with utter professionalism and dedication. He is often the first to arrive and the one to take the University's security concerns home with him, especially before major campus events. He has set a very high standard and the model for the security force for local tertiary institutions. Under his watchful eye, HKUST has enjoyed a reputation as a campus community of safety and harmony. He jealously guards the University's image and carries out his duties as if the institution was his own business. Under his leadership, HKUST was awarded the Best Partner Property by the Regional Crime Prevention Office of Kowloon East in I MEDAL CITATIONS

35 2011 年 科大傑出服務獎 科大傑出服務獎 科大在學術方面的成就, 建基於優秀的教研人員 ; 然而其默默耕耘的行政和非教學職員同樣傑出 事實 上, 大學有賴全體教職員的共同努力, 才可締造美好的工作環境 科大透過 科大傑出服務獎 J 表揚非 教學職員在工作上的卓越服務 奉獻和承諾, 為大學不斷作出貢獻, 造福大學社群 今天, 我們很高興頒發 r 科大傑由服務獎 J 予以下三位得獎人 ( 排名以英文姓氏字母排列 ) : 張子健先生 材料測製賞驗所高級技術助理 盛亦華女士 副校長 ( 研發及研究生教育 ) 執行助理 張子健先生敬業樂業, 多年來以純熟技巧操作遊射電 盛亦華女士作為執行助理, 在其工作崗位上無私奉 子顯微鏡 (TEM), 令 TEM 實驗所成為全港分析先進 獻 她作風低調, 並且從不發怨言, 是科大極之重視 材料及納米素材成效最尖端的科研平台 他致力維持 TEM 的良好性能, 為大學的科學及工程學研究提供卓越的支援, 且調控 TEM 相關器材的運作時間, 提升研究效率 他勤於自學, 曾屢次成功修復科研儀器, 確保服務無間 他亦熱心指導研究生, 並為實驗所使用者提供優質服務 的員工 她服務歷任研究及發展副校長 ( 現稱研發及研究生教育副校長 ), 在每次交接期間, 即使人手不 定最充裕, 她仍然確保辦公室運作 11馴頁 她能夠迅速 1 掌握研究策略的要點 協助改善其執行計割, 並與研發及研究生教育副校長辦公室屬下不岡部門合作, 達致最理想的結果 為了完成任務及找出問題的解決方 案, 她不惜付出寶貴的私人時間, 往往討論至夜深甚 蔡文魁先生 校園設施管理處保安經理 至周末 她對科大研究與發展給予重要支持, 亦見證 了科大的發展歷程 蔡文魁先生服務科大 20 年, 盡忠職守, 秉持專業精神帶領大學保安工作 他一馬當先, 舉凡大學舉辦大型校園活動, 必定盡心盡意 全力以赴, 即使回家後仍會反覆研究 在保安工作方面, 蔡先生訂下了極高的服務水平, 為本港大專院校的保安團隊樹立良好楷模 科大校園在他的守護下, 素以安全及和諧見稿 他著力維護大學形象, 竭誠履行職務, 視大學保安工作為己任 在他的帶頓下, 科大獲東九龍總區防止罪案辦公室頒發 2010 至 2011 年度最佳夥伴物業獎 獎章得主的讀辭 I 33

36 President's Cup 2011 President's Cup As a young, dynamic and international university, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has achieved excellence in education and research. To further enhance students' experience in learning, and to encourage creativity, the President's Cup was launched in 2002 as an annual event for undergraduate students to compete for the awards based on outstanding achievements in research and innovation. There are three classes of awards this year, including: President's Cup Winner, Gold Award and Silver Award. The 14 participating teams went through a rigorous selection process culminating in the final competition with winners chosen by the Selection Committee of the University. The President's Cup Winner and the recipients of the Gold Award and Silver Award are as follows: Awards Authors Department Project title President's Cup SONG Yixuan Division of Life Science Investigation of Winner Molecular Pathology of Autism Through Neuroligin Mutation Gold Award LU Siwan Dual Degree Program in Design of Lithium-Ion Technology and Management Batteries for Electric LUO Weicheng Department of Chemical and Vehicles Biomolecular Engineering ZHANG Leiting Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering ZHONG Yuan Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Silver Award CAl Yaxiong Department of Mechanical Full-Field Deformation Engineering Measurement of Wave Propagation Inside Porous Solids Using Digital Image Correlation Method 34 I MEDAL CITATIONS

37 2011 年 r 校長杯 校長杯 作為一所研究型大學, 香港科技大學積極推動研究與創新 為了鼓勵本科生參與研究與創新工作, 科大於 2002 年創辦了 校長杯 競賽 本科生可透過參加每年一度的比賽, 角逐大學頒發的獎項 校長杯 競賽不但可增強同學從事研究的興趣, 更可培養同學在管理研究項目 人際溝通及推介研究成果等方面的技巧和經驗 o 今年 r 校長杯 J 競賽共設三類獎項, 分別為 : 校長杯 金獎及銀獎 14 隊參賽隊伍經過初賽及決賽後, 最後由大學評審委員會選出得勝者 榮獲校長杯 金獎 銀獎之名單表列如下 : 獎項姓名學系轉獎研究項目 校長杯宋怡璇生命科學部通過神經連接蛋白突變研究 自間癥的分子病理及其治療 金獎陸思婉科技及管理學雙學位課程電動車用鈕離子電池新材料 羅偉誠 張雷霆 鐘媛 化學工程及生物分子工程學系 化學工程及生物分子工程學系 化學工程及生物分子工程學系 設計 銀獎蔡亞雄機械工程學系基于數字圖像相關方法的多 孔材料中機械波的全場測量 獎章得主的讀辭 I 35

38 Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Engineering WAN Man Kit Mickey BEng in Mechanical Engineering Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, It is my great honor to stand here and speak on behalf of the Class of 2011 from the School of Engineering. I recall the time when we were still secondary school graduates, we were both grateful and ambitious as we stepped closer to our dreams of being professionals in different fields. At the same time, we became anxious about what would lie ahead in the following years in an unfamiliar place. Today, after three years of university life, I have learnt what HKUST truly stands for. H stands for hope. When we first stepped in here, we were hopeful of what would happen. Likewise, we shall never lose faith in ourselves when overcoming obstacles once we leave school since hopefulness will pave the way to success. U stands for unity. We shall never forget the days when hundreds of us surrounded the basketball courts or the soccer pitch, supporting our teams and cheering for them no matter the results. These intramural competitions made us understand that unity weighs more than individual ability. S stands for sacrifice. While completing reports and meeting deadlines, we worked extra hard overnight and gave up our free time. This was when we learnt that no success comes without sacrifice. T stands for thankfulness. Throughout the years, a lot of people had provided support to us to get through the numerous challenges. Thanks must be given to faculty members and staff, and also our families, friends and those who are here to witness this moment with us. Everyone of us was born to succeed, so dream big, and bear in mind what we have learnt here. K stands for knowledge. Receiving education from a top-ranked engineering school in the world, we have not only acquired academic knowledge, but also learnt different soft-skills and practical skills. Moreover, we had gained insights on worldwide issues on this international campus. I wish you all good luck. Thank you. 36 I ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRES~~TATIVES

39 工學院舉業生代表致辭 告文傑 工學士 ( 機械工程學 ) 各位嘉賓 : S 是犧牲 (Sacrifice) 大學課堂緊湊, 為了在限期前 女報告, 我們不惜通宵達旦及犧牲自己的個人時 我很榮幸能夠代表 2011 年工學院畢業班致辭 間 ; 這使我們明白到成功背後是要有所付出的 回想剛中學畢業時, 向著夢想邁進一大步, 並矢志成為各行各業的專才, 我們是何等興奮 憧憬的同時, 我們也會為未來的發展而感到一點榜徨 最後 'T 是感恩 (Thankfulness) 在大學生涯中, 我們得到不少支持, 才能面對種種挑戰 在此, 我們要感謝各位教授及職員, 亦要感激我們的家長 朋友及在座各位與我們見誰這重要時刻 今天, 我們已度過了三年多姿多栗的大學生活, 也領悟到香港科技大學 (HKUST) 的真正意義 天生我才, 人是為成功而奮門, 因此大家必須胸 懷大志, 並把在科大所學的銘記於心 H 是盼望 (Hope) 正如剛踏進大學時, 我們對未來 在此祝願各位前程似錦! 謝謝! 的事充滿期盼 同樣地, 我們離開校門時, 必須 懷著希望, 當遇上困難時不能對自己失去信心, 這樣才能走向成功的道路 K 是知識 (Knowledge) 能在國際頂尖的工學院接 受教育, 我們不僅汲取到專業學術知識, 更能掌 握軟技能和實際技術 在這所國際化的校園中成 長, 加深了我們對世界事物的洞悉能力 U 是團結 (Unity) 0 相信大家不會忘記我們曾經參加系際比賽, 幾百人不論輸贏, 一起圍著球場, 為自己的學系打氣 ; 我們深深體會團結的力量達勝孤軍作戰 畢業生代表的講辭 I 37

40 Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Business and Management Prashant GALANI BBA in Marketing and Operations Management Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I take great honor and pleasure in representing this excellent class of Today, a time to recognize: The efforts and time people put in for us; The support and the unconditional love we were blessed with. When we first entered HKUST, it was a time to rejoice, revitalize and restart. Today, on the day of our graduation, it is a time to relive, realize and recognize. Today, a time to relive the days: We needed to find the appropriate lifts to our classrooms; We had meals with our new but true friends; And when a smile suddenly sparked. On this auspicious day, we celebrate together those memories made right here at HKUST which are now engraved in our hearts. Today, a time to realize what we have endeavored and achieved; A time to realize all the changes we have had and congratulate each other for making them happen. We witnessed: The change of the University President; The change in ourselves to become responsible and mature adults; We had not only seen the library getting larger but also our dreams and ambitions growing larger; We had not only seen the University's rankings getting higher but also our knowledge gaining within ourselves. I would like to thank: All our professors who taught us with great passion - their great insights and teachings made us feel proud of ourselves; Our teaching assistants for answering our many questions; Our schools and departments for providing us support through the organized events; And our offices for providing facilities so we can study hard and play even harder. I would like to thank our parents and family for their love and for always being with us through thick and thin. Their patience, encouragement and love have brought us here. Take this moment to catch a glimpse of your parents. Look at their ever-lasting smiles and their lips read, "Oh child! You make me proud!" This short speech of mine 'would never be able to do justice to all the emotions felt on this longawaited day. This is the end of the last phase and the beginning of a new one. And our sincere wish to cherish, celebrate and congratulate is only the beginning! Dear class of 2011! Thank you for making life remarkable at HKUST! Congratulations! Well done and best of luck! Thank you! '. 38 I ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES

41 工商管理學院畢業生代表致辭 Prashant GALANI 工商管理學士 ( 市場學及營運管理學 ) 各位嘉賓 : 今天, 是我們表達感激之惰的時候 : 感謝大家為我們付出的心力與時間 ; 午安! 我非常榮幸和高興能代表 2011 年度的優秀畢 謝謝各位對我們毫無保留的支持和厚愛 業生致辭 在此, 我要感謝 : 我們首次踏進科大校園那天, 感到歡欣和雀躍, 有一份重新出發的喜忱 今天, 我們畢業的日子, 亦是一個回顧過去 認識自己和表達感激之惰的時刻 所有教授悉心教導 循循善誘一他們的歡迪和教誨, 讓我們學會感到自豪 ; 感謝助教解答我們許許多多的提問 ; 感謝學院和學系為我們安排各式各樣的活動 ; 更感謝科大所有部門為我們提供設施, 讓我們在 今天, 是一個回顧往昔的時候 : 努力學習之餘, 更能盡情享受大學生活 我們曾經在上課前四處查問電梯的位置 ; 我們與新相識的知心友一起用膳 ; 我們或會會心微笑 ; 在這個喜慶的日子, 讓我們共同回顧那些在科大走過的日子 教我們銘記於心的回憶 我要感謝父母和家人無微不至的愛護, 與我們共同度過順境與逆境 他們的忍耐 鼓勵和關愛, 造就了今天的我們 同學們, 現在請望向您們的父母, 看看他們永遠燦爛的笑容, 彷彿在說 : 我為您感到驕傲! J 今天, 我們知道自己曾經努力爭取 並且取得成 果 ; 我們驚覺彼此已經成長, 並且衷心祝願大家一同 進步 今天是我們期待已久的一天, 我這簡短的講話, 難以盡情表達同學們興奮與不拾的複雜心情 這是一個階段的完結, 也是人生另一個階段的開 始 ; 然而珍重 慶祝和祝賀才剛剛開始! 我們見證了 : 新一屆校長的上任 ; 同學們, 感謝您們令科大的生活美好而難忘! 也見證了自己蛻變成為負責任和成熟的人 ; 我們不僅見到圖書館擴充, 更見誰自已的理想和 讓我們立相勉勵, 祝大家前程錦繡! 志向變得更高更遠大 ; 我們不僅見證科大排名攀升, 自己的知識亦與日 俱增 o 畢業生代表的講辭 I 39

42 Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Science SHAN Shaxuan ESc in Mathematics and Economics Dear Class of 2011, ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon! It's my great honor to be here today and serve as the representative for the Class of 2011 from the School of Science. First of all, I would like to express our gratitude to our professors, tutors, families and friends who have brought us this far with their knowledge and support. Our formative years in HKUST will enable us to excel in the future. We have developed a desire for life-long learning and the capabilities necessary to fulfill our dreams. Some of us experienced the ecstasy of acquiring desired proteins after long lab work. Some of us pulled all-nighters for projects. And perhaps more importantly, thanks to the liberal curriculum and top research opportunities, many of us have found where our talents and interests intersect. Dear friends, the past few years have seen great changes around the globe. The financial crisis has challenged our perceptions of market and state. The natural disasters made us think how to better safeguard human civilization. We have the potential to turn dreams into reality. And we have the responsibility to work hard, as a proud graduate of this great university, to express our gratitude to those who have helped us and create for society a better future. Congratulations again on our achievements and good luck! Thank you. Moreover, we have developed a better sense of social responsibility. We are very lucky to be able to spend a wonderful time in one of the top universities in the world. There are many bright young people who do not have such opportunities and millions of people are struggling against poverty, diseases and warfare. Education is never an end in itself. It is a passage to self-identification, understanding the world and serving the society. '. 40 I ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES

43 理學院畢業生代表致辭 單莎歪 理學士 ( 數學與經濟學 ) 各位嘉賓 : 各位, 過去幾年我們見誰了席捲全球的巨變 ; 金 融危機改變了我們對市場和國家的認知, 世界各 我很榮幸能代表理學院 2011 年度畢業生在此致 辭 地的自然災害促使我們重新思考如何更好捍衛人 類社會的文明 把夢想化作現實是可能的 作為 科大畢業生, 我們更有責任加倍努力, 回饋幫助 首先, 我向各位教授和導師, 家人和朋友表達最 我們的有心人, 為社會創建更美好的明天 摯誠的謝意 今天我們取得的成就全賴您們給我 們的知識和支持 再次恭賀大家取得今天的成績, 並祝前程錦繡! 謝謝! 科大造就我們成長, 讓我們學有所成, 更讓我們充實自己, 在未來的日子裡不斷學習, 實踐夢想 不少理學院的同學曾在實驗室日以繼夜埋首研究, 為取得期望得到的蛋白興奮萬分 ; 有的則為了完成報告挨更抵夜 但更重要的是, 許多同學都透過科大靈活多元的課程和一流的科研機會, 找到了自己的專長和興趣 o 此外, 科大還加深我們對社會的責任感 我們有機會在這所世界一流的學府求學, 感到非常幸運, 反觀世上許多優秀的年輕人卻沒有這種機會, 更有數以百萬計的人在貧窮 疾病和戰亂中掙扎 學海無涯一一教育讓我們認識自我 了解世界 行有益社會的事 畢業生代表的講辭 I 41


45 l 二零 ='~~1ft~ 年十 月十六日 Ji t,\ B 16 November 2011

46 ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING 16 November The Council Chairman declares the Congregation open 2. The President addresses the Congregation 3. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degrees of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING and BACHELOR OF SCIENCE 4. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degrees of MASTER OF SCIENCE and MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY S. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY 6. The Graduate Representative addresses the Congregation 7. The President presents the "Michael G Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching" 8. The President presents the "Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body" 9. The President presents the "President's Cup" 10. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation closed Mace carried by Professor Ross Murch Music by St Bonaventure Col/ege & High School

47 典禮程序 工學院 2011 年 11 月 16 日 1. 大學校董會主席宣佈典禮開始 2. 校長致辭 3. 工學院院長提請頒授工學士學位及理學士學位予畢業生 4. 工學院院長提請頒授理學碩士學位及哲學碩士學位予畢業生 5. 工學院院長提請頒授哲學博士學位予畢業生 6. 畢業生代表致辭 7. 校長頒授 祁殼卓越教學服務獎章 予獲獎之教授 8. 校長頒授 張鑑泉卓越學生服務獎章 予獲獎之學生 9. 校長頒授 校長杯 予獲獎之學生 10. 大學校董會主席宣佈禮成 穆孟德思教授持大學在童基重 重艾德曹 ßJG 孟德隊演奏

48 工學院 I~~ SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Undergraduate Degrees 本科生學位 *fl[.1:.~{ft 叫AUm 品Ed M C A FU H 甘V 回叮A W A R D 口獎就成業學δACADEMIC tachievement 心叮沛雯AWARDS ~nlgmt~ FHCMSHHSC UUHAUUUUH N丸M1此田P馮e創#*^ #*/\ Ms FUNG, APui Man Pearl {,~ylfj~ 清肌J曙y.BEng CENG E.#*^ #*/\ Ms HUANG, W心黃[ i中冉文豪qingqing - 心~mm '冉浩然BEng ELEC Mn,陳'#* #'" Mr CHEN, 川研kWenhao n旭,m羽~-*3t~ 一晨BEng CIVL Hu肌馬#* Mr MA,,t1 Ho Yin 沉-朝1u,~~~ 隆-BEng CIVL 抗孫瀟#* Ms SUN, GYi Chen 悶j皓u3%~S: 潤BEng CIVL NmD自洪暢#* Mr HUNG, Chiu 品'J, 3Lung Desmond #tlj1)jjli 鈞BEng COMP 引;#* Mr HU, NXiaohao i:' 的m胡URj!iJ:h1ilfii'!f:lf BEng ELEC AML#* Mr SUN, Chang ha孫n3% ~ BEng ELEC #* Mr CHAN, Yun Kwan 陳~-*~iJ~SJ BSc COMP&MATH Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management Manαgement 工學士 I ±( ( f~ Im ) 化學工程學 ) 科技及管理學雙學位課程 f4;jst& ~l.l ~~{llll~mljl. Bαchelor Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering Dual Degree Program in Technology αnd and Management 工學士 計算機工程學 I~±(iIT.flIm ) ) 科技及管理學雙學位課程 f4;jst&~l.l~~~{ll~fljl. * Mr CHID, CHIU, Tsz Wa 趙紫華 im~ #* Ms FUNG, Pui Man Pearl 馮沛雯 {,~ylfj~ * * Ms LU, Siwan Mr MA, Ka Wing Joseph 陸思現 ~.m}51j$i! 馬家榮,~%~ * * Mr AU-YEUNG, Yat Hung * Ms CHU, Yan Ting Mandy * Ms LAU, Chung Yan Johanna 歐陽日鴻 ~I$jB{~ 朱恩 婷 *,~,fr' 劉頌恩 ~a0jt~, Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical and Bioproduct Engineering Dual Degree Program in Technology αndmα and Management I ±( 工學士 ( f~ &~!fo/jgg6bim ) 化學及生物產品工程學 ) 科技及管理學雙學位課程 f4;jst&~l.l~~~{ll~fljl. Mr CHAN, Man Yik Mr KOO, Pak Lam 陳文翊古柏霖 Bachelor of Engineering in Civil αnd and Structural Engineering Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management 工學士 I~±(±*&~.Im ) ( 土木及結構工程學 ) 科技及管理學雙學位課程 f4;fj(& ~l.l ~ ~~{ll~fljl. Ms CHAN, Yee Ting 陳義婷 ~-*~~ * * Mr FONG, Wai Ki Mr LAU, KaLok Mr LEE, Byung Soo 方煒奇 :JJ1t~ 劉嘉樂 ~a;j;~ 李炳沫,*rriy* * Mr LEUNG, Hung Cheung 梁鴻祥 ~n-~t-'f ~t"" Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering Dual Degree Program 的 in Technology and Management Mαnagement 工學士 I ±(m:r-im ) ( 電子工程學 ) 科技及管理學雙學位課程 f4;jst& ~l.l~ ~~{ll~fljl. Mr CHUN, Yuk Heng 秦旭 i 豆 # * Ms HUANG, Qingqing 黃清清 ~mm * Ms JIAO, Yang 焦 ~ m 揚 * Mr TANG, Chiu Yat 鄧超溢 ~~JI!!i~ * Ms TANG, Shuk Shul 至 Fan 鄧淑芬 ~~i"z3} * Mr WU, King Cheung 吳景祥 ~:aw * Bachelor of Engineering in Logistics Management and Engineering Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management 工學士 I~±( (!fo/jme1'fljl!&im~) 物流管理及工程學 ) 科技及管理學雙學位課程 f4;jst&~l.l~~~{ll~fljl. * Ms CHEN, Minying Mr ILLEPERUMA, Sanura Bindula 陳敏萱 ~-*~j(~ * * * Mr LUK, Matthew Ho Ming Ms MA, Miu Yin Mr POON, Ngai Dick 陸可明 馬妙賢,~fr.9>.w 潘毅迪 $~~ 48 I 學位頒授典禮!j>{RllJIJl\'#ll! CONGREGATION 酬 N # Academic Achievement Awards 學業成就獎!j> * Ilt ~ ij!! * First Class 臼 Honors 甲等榮譽 ~ il'f,!! 'I ^ A Graduate of 01 日 Dual ualdegr Degree 凹 Program in Technology 日 and Management 日科技及管理學雙學位課程畢業生 WiZA'IJ.!!j>ii!!'!j>i.fIlllrl <i!*:i.

49 Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering Ms HUEN, Yu Mei 搧裕美 J msm~ '3J = DualDeg Degree 陀 e Program in Technology and Management Mr LAM, Ho Yin 林浩延 **$~ 工學士 I ±(f!~im ) ( 機械工程學 ) Ms LEE, Mei Yu 李美瑜 *~JJltr 科技及管理學雙學位課程 f3j.tji& ~t1i!!! fllll*;fi Ms La, LO, Hau Yi 盧巧兒 ll!:i7j5l 呂藹玲 Ms LUI, Oi Ling g~~ * Mr WONG, Siu Keung j1[.5~ 黃肇強 * Mr LUO, Weicheng 羅 m{l~ { 韋誠 Mr MA, Siu Kwan 馬肇均,~.J:lj Ms MAK, Wai Ying 麥惠瑩 *~~ Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science αnd and Mr MO, Chi Ming 毛志銘 =5~~ Computer Engineering Mr NG, Chun Yu 吳鎮宇 ~ij, I ±(1It.f!f4 &1It.f!Im ) 工學士 ( 計算機科學及計算機工程學 ) Ms NG, KaPo 吳家寶 ~*. Ms SHUM, oi OiLan 主字藹蘭 ~~JJ * Mr HONG, Ke 洪柯 Ms SING, Ka Yan ~ tor 成嘉欣 fdgaitjz * Mr TAl, TAI, Lee Loi 戴利來 ~fu* Mr TANG, Kwok Cheung!ml@;flit 鄧國璋 Bαchelor Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering Mr TONG, Hin Wah 湯獻華 mji\ I ±( 工學士 ( 化學工程學 1~ Im ) ) Ms TSANG, Yuen Yan Gena 會現茵 ~~OO Mr WONG, Ka Chun 黃家俊 j1[*{~ Mr CHAN, Chung Kan 陳重勤 Ms YEUNG, Hiu 百 Thng mg 楊曉彤 ~J1H!tlb ~~* Mr CHAN, Kai Shuk 陳啟淑 * Ms ZHONG, Yuan 鍾媛 PI Mr CHAN, Lap Hung 陳立鴻 ~*:li~ Mr CHAN, Lok Kan 陳樂勤 ~*~I!J Mr CHAN, Yung Chi Bachelor Bαchelor of Engineering in Chemical αnd and Bioproduct 陳勇志 ~*~~ Mr CHEUNG, Gabriel Kei Bo Engineering *~~. 張磯實 *:MiTJZ I ±( 工學士 ( 1~ &~!fm~jfbim ) 化學及生物產品工程學 ) * Ms CHEUNG, Hoi Yan 張凱欣 Mr CHEUNG, Kwong Chung *:Y6~! 張光聰 Mr CHEUNG, Yu Hong KaKi *' *Jt 張宇航 Mr CHAN, Ki 陳嘉祺 ~*Kff~ Mr CHONG, Ka Tak jff~1~ 莊嘉德 Ms CHAN, Monlie ~*~3ZfU 陳汶利 Mr CHOW, Chun Ting 周俊廷 ffli{~~ * Ms CHEN, Qi 陳琪 ~* ;EJt Ms FUNG, Sin Man {,~~~X 馮善汶 Ms HUI, Ngai Yee 許艾綺 t3t~ * Ms JU, Yihan 居逸茵 Ms KWAN, KV\ 瓜 N, YukMan 關鈺雯 E~i?1i mm~~ Mr LAU, Wai Seng ~U{l~ 劉偉誠 Ms LAI, Chui Shuen 賴翠旋 l~~nje Mr La, LO, Kin Pong ll!~'f~ 盧建邦 Mr LEUNG, Cho Chark Joe 梁祖澤 ~ffdl~ * Ms SIM, Viola Ms LEUNG, Ka Yan 梁嘉昕 ~K8Jr Mr TAM, Pak Cheong 譚柏昌 ~tel~ * 此 Ms 1s LI, Yunzi 李雲梓 *~W Mr YIU, Wai Kin La, Keung ~t{l~ 姚偉健 Mr LO, Chi 月盧志強 ll!~5~ * Ms YUAN, Mengyao Jlt&:f 袁夢瑤 Ms WONG, Pui Shan 黃佩柵 j1[{jijl\frffit Mr ZHANG, Leiting j1[~~ *mg 張雷霆 Mr WONG, Yin Ho Leon 黃彥皓 Ms XIAO, Jiayi 肯佳儀 ~{ {i * Ms YU, Weiling 于葦淒 T.~ Mr CHAN, Kai Shuk ~JIV~g: $l'jz * Ms ZHONG, Yuan.. Bachelorof of Engineering in Chemical and Environmental Engineering I ±( 工學士 ( and 1~ &ljmim ) 化學及環境工程學 ) Bachelor of Engineering in Civil αnd Structural Engineering Mr CHAN, Kai Sing 陳繼昇工學士 I ±(±*&~:fl'iim ) ( 土木及結構工程學 ) ~*.~ Ms CHAN, Ying Chi 陳盈芝 ~*?Etz Mr CHEUNG, Chun Tung *fi:if!: 張振東 Mr AU, Ka Chung 歐家聰 ~*~,~ Ms CHEUNG, Kok Ting *H1 張玉玉淳 Ms CHAM, Shuk Wun 湛淑媛 ml$l'jzpi Ms CHEUNG, Ming Yan 張明茵 Mr CHAN, CHAì 寸, Chung Pong *SJlOO ~*0~'f~ 陳頌邦 Mr CHEUNG, Pak Shing 張相誠 Mr CHAN, Ka Ho 陳嘉豪 *ts~ ~*Kw: * Mr CHEUNG, Siu Yeung *~Is~ 張兆洋 * Mr CHAN, Wa Chit 陳華哲 ~* f1f Mr CHIM, Chun Yin 詹俊彥 1W{~~ Mr CHAN, Wilson Chin Long 陳展朗 ~*~Jj!Jl 學位頒授典禮 ~lli:jjjtl~j!!l1ll' CONGREGATION 晰的 N I 49

50 Mr CHAU, Chin Heng 周展 ~mh'a i 立 Mr NG, Tsz Him 吳子謙 ~+lll # * Mr CHEN, Wenhao 且陳文豪 ~Jltx~ Mr NGAN, Chun Yip 顏俊業 ~JH~* Ms CHENG, Sau Ngor 鄭繡娥 ~.. ~ Mr NI, Xiaoqiang 倪曉強 {)%~5~ Mr CHENG, Sui Fai 鄭穗輝 ~rm*, Ms POON, Man Hei 潘丈希 ~Y.::ffl- Mr CHENG, Tak Shing 鄭德成 ~~1~~ Mr POON, Yiu Ting 潘耀庭 ~*i~ * Mr CHEUNG, Kit 5.& 張傑 ~ * Ms SHEN, Mengling 沈夢玲 1t~JfJ Mr CHING, Hong Chung ;fjgtp 程臣中 Mr SHI, Hanting 石寒汀 E~n Mr CHOW, Ka Yin ~;!IW 屑嘉賢 Ms SIN, Ka Wai 洗嘉慧 {5t;!l~ Mr CHU, Kim Fung 朱劍蜂 *Ylu!I!$ Ms SID, SIU, Nga Chiu 1f{f!UIi 蕭雅超 Ms CHUNG, Wui Ling 鍾 ~~ijfj ~II 玲 #* Ms SUN, Yi Chen 孫一晨 i%-~ Ms CHUNG, Yik Chun 鍾易真 ~~~ Mr SZE, Chun Po PO 施俊寶 :Mli{~. Ms FAN, Kwok Yin 獎 ~1~t8f i 闢如 Mr TANG, Chun Kit Alan 鄧進傑 ~~;li~ Mr HO, Ming Him 何銘謙 {r:ij~1ll * Ms TAO, Ran 陶然 ~ 1Jft. II" Mr HO, Tsz Sang 何梓生 {r:ijw~ * Mr TONG, Ka Kit 唐家杰 ~*~ * Ms HOU, Xiaomei 侯曉梅曾詠研 Ms TSANG, Wing Yin * Ms HOU, Xiaomei {*~~ Ms TSANG, Wing Yin iwlb1<t8f Mr HUI, Chi Ho 許志豪 lltit~ Mr TSANG, Yat Nam Roy 曾日楠 iwbfflj Mr HUI, Sze Chung llt 許思聰,If!, ~,~ Mr TSUI, Wai Shing 崔偉成 ~{$~ * Ms KAM, Wing Shan 甘泳珊 if~-fldffit Mr WAN, Tsz Yeung 尹子揚 j't+m Mr KWAI, KaLak Lok 桂家樂 * ;fi*~ Mr WONG, Chi Sun 王智生.:E3 l~ Mr KWOK, Yu Hang 郭裕 '~m'i'a '1 豆 Mr WONG, Chi Wai 王智煒.:E3 lrt Mr LAM, Kai Yin ;f;t, :W 林敢賢 Mr WONG, Chun Fai 黃竣徽 Ji~~ Mr LAM, YauLap 林友立 ;f;tizl'l Mr WONG, Chun Pong 王振邦.:EfJR:fG Mr LAU, Siu Cheong 望自兆昌 ~U~Is Mr WONG, Hiu Fai 黃曉暉 Ji~8ij1 Ms LAW, Po Yan 羅寶恩!i\lE =W!t51 _,"" Mr WONG, Hiu Kam 王曉鑫.:E~~ Mr LAW, Siu Lun 羅少麟 ~9. Ms WONG, Ho Wing 黃可穎 JiI'1J;fJ[ Mr LEE, ChiLung 李志龍 *itl~ Mr WONG, King Man 黃敬敏 Ji~mJ: Mr LEE, Ho Yeung 李皓揚 *Silfm Mr WONG, Kwun Kit 黃冠傑 Ji7a~ 黃書涯 Mr LEE, Ming Yeung *15m 李名揚 Mr WONG, Shu Ngai Jiwg Ms LEE, Wai Yu 李慧如 *~PD Mr WONG, Sik Ming 王錫明.:EmSJj Ms LEE, Yuen King *3jfffi 李遠琮 Mr WONG, Tik Wai 黃狄偉 Ji5j({$ Mr LEUNG, Chun Hung 梁俊雄 ~{~:ftt Mr WONG, Yiu Sing 黃耀星 Ji*i * Mr LEUNG, HungSum 梁鴻森 Mr WONG, Yuen Shing 黃遠成 --'.±.~ W~ ~~** Mr LEUNG, Kin Man 梁建文 ~~Y.: Mr YIP, Ho Kuen 葉浩權 ~m;fl Mr LEUNG, Tat Lung 梁達龍 ~~~ Mr YIP, Ka Yin ~=b-",g 葉嘉賢 ~fo! Mr LEUNG, Yiu Cho 梁耀祖 ~*iwd3. Ms YIP, Wing Yan 葉詠欣 ~lb1<jfx Ms LEUNG, Yuet Heung 梁月香 ~JjW Mr YID, YIU, Cheuk Wai 姚卓偉 fr3tj [{$ Mr LI, Chun Shing 李駿誠 *,~~ Mr YID, YIU, Tak Ki 姚德麒 fr3t1~lt!; Mr LI, Chun Yuen 李俊源 *{~~ Mr YU, ChakMan 余澤丈 Zk1lY.: Mr LIANG, Yue 梁越 ~ ~ Ms YUEN, Ling Wai Bonnie 阮羚瑋 ImJ~ft Mr LII, Hing Yu J!fPD 呂慶如 Mr ZHANG, Xi 張西 5.& gs Mr LIN, Sheng Kuo 林聖國 ;f;t~&&i Ms ZHAO, Bingqing 趙冰清 JI:!1{Jj(m Mr LING, Ho 凌美 ~ Mr ZHAO, Kairan 趙愷然 mt~f& * Mr LIU, LID, Wung Tsun 廖宏竣 ~'R13t Mr La, LO, Hoi 魯凱 ~ ~ Ms LONG, Wei Ili 隆薇 ~ Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Environmental 凹的 l Mr LOUIE, 血, Him Wa 雷謙華 mlll'lj Engineering Mr LUI, Chun Fung 呂俊鋒 {~~ :::e* 工學士 ± ((± 土木及環境工程學 *:&Jlu~:::em*) ) Mr LUI, Tze Ken 雷子勤 m+jlj #* Mr MA, Ho Yin 馬浩然 ~1~~ Mr CHAN, Chi Wai 陳智威 ~*3 lwg Mr NG, Cheuk Wai Alex 伍悼煒 ffi1j rt Mr CHAN, Kin Lok 陳建樂 ~*~~ Mr NG, KaHang 吳嘉巨 ~;!I'I'a Mr CHAN, King Hei 陳景熙 ~*fl:~~ Mr CHAN, Kwan Ho 陳鈞浩 ~*~SJ1~ 50 I 學位頒授典禮 ~ifljjj!j\\'j!!!lll CONGREGATION 晰的 N # Academic Achievement Awards 事業成就獎 ~ ~!ill!lit ill! * First C 旭 ss Honors 甲等榮譽 * First Class Honors fil!'/ *' W

51 Mr CHAN, Wai Fung 陳偉峰 ~J1H$~ Ms KOO, Oi Tung 古藹桐 tt~fl8j *:mi 5<: ~~1:f.t./.jj\f Ms CHEUNG, Hei Man 張希敏 Mr KWOK, Chun Tak 郭俊德!'f 3(1,,,, Mr CHEUNG, Yiu Fai 張耀輝 *~'i*' Ms KWONG, Wai Yee 廣.~~' : E 慧宜 Mr CHIANG, CH1ANG, Ka Shing 蔣嘉盛 ~.Mt Mr LAI, LA1, Wing Ming 賴永明 *~*BJl Mr FAN, Pui Kiu 范沛翹 mrrp~ Mr LAM, Cho Wing 林楚榮 **~~ Ms FUNG, Suet Fan 馮雪芬 {,\'g~3} Ms LAM, Hung 林紅 ** tr Mr LAI, LA1, Hiu Fung 黎曉宰 'W~* Mr LAM, Nam Hong 林 ;fif'sj j,,* H 南康 Mr LEUNG, Hang Wai 梁但威 W2'['fim\( Ms LAM, Pui Yan 林佩欣 **1JJiW\ Mr La, LO, Wai Lun Alan 盧緯綸 m!~~ Mr LAU, KaHo 劉嘉浩 ~ti.~ Mr LUI, Ho Kwong 雷皓光 'I'~:Y6 Mr LAD, LAU, KaLung 劉家龍 ~ti*lm Mr NG, Pui Kit 吳培杰 :!ffi!::tg:~ Mr LEE, Chun Ho 李俊自高 *{~Bjlfij Ms POON, Nga Man Amy 潘雅雯 ~Jl~ Ms LEE, Hoi Ting 李凱婷 *M~ Mr SO, Johnny 蘇詠豪 ~~J<~ Mr LEE, Kwan Wai 李君偉 *~{$ 曾盛銘 Mr TSANG, Shing Ming Derek WMt~ * Mr LEUNG, Kwong Shing W2lJ:Mt 梁廣盛 Mr WONG, Hoi Pan 黃凱斌 jfmtj\; Mr LEUNG, Wing Kit 梁永傑 W2*~ Mr YU, Chung Sing 余頌昇 *0Ji~ Mr LI, Wenhan *:t:\i& 李文翰 Mr LID, LIU, Chi Kin 廖梓堅 JJ1if ~ Mr MAK, Yiu On 麥耀安 ~~'i't( Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering Mr NG, Chi Hin 伍志軒 {E~'f I ±Cl'ttjf:flIflHJ!) 工學士 ( 計算機工程學 ) Mr NG, Chun Ho :!ffi!:iji'i 吳鎮淒 Mr NG, Long Lin 吳朗王連 :!ffi!:~jl 1 Mr CHAN, Cheuk Wai William 陳卓威 ~Jlt~m\( Ms NG, Wing Yee :!ffi!:!fji{i 吳穎儀 Mr CHAN, Chun Yin 陳俊彥 ~JIH~@: Ms oar, OOI, Yu Kee Mr CHAN, Chung Tim 陳仲添 ~J1Hrp~ Mr POON, Teng Hin 潘廷軒 ~~'f Mr CHAN, Kin Chung 陳鍵聰 ~*ju~ Ms PUN, Ka PO Po Rachel 潘嘉寶 ~.Jlf Mr CHAN, Kin Fung 陳鍵鋒 ~*m~ * Mr QIU, QID, Qianhao 邱前皓 JJ~lW~ Mr CHAN, King Chun 陳璟俊 ~*31{~ Mr SI, S1, Ngok Ting 施岳廷 :fjfii-ffi~ Ms CHAN, Kwan 陳琨 ~* fee Mr TANG, Chun Ki 鄧峻麒 ~~~l:lt Mr CHAN, Kwun Wai 陳冠維 ~*Jrt*fE Mr TANG, Siu Leung 鄧兆樑 ~~~IS~ Ms CHAN, Man Sin 陳丈倩 ~*:t{~ Mr TANG, Wing Chung 鄧穎聰 ~!f~~,~ Mr CHAN, Man Sze 陳丈詩 ~*:t~ Mr TING, T1NG, Kam Fung Drason 丁錦鋒 T~.m~ Mr CHAN, Wai Wing 陳偉榮 ~*{$~ Ms TONG, Ting Ting 唐庭婷 mje~ Mr CHEUNG, Chi Yeung 張志揚 *~m Mr TSANG, Ho Ming 曾浩銘 W~~ Mr CHEUNG, Ka Yan 張家仁 **1= Mr TSOI, TSar, Pak Pan 蔡百潰 ~sm * Mr CHEUNG, Wai Ting 張偉廷 *{$~ Ms TSUI, Hoi Yin 徐凱研 1~M~ff Mr CHIU, CHID, Chin Fung 趙展楓 m~. Mr WAN, Kwok Wai 11Nt~{$ 溫國偉 Mr CHIU, CHID, Kwok Shing 趙國盛 m~mt Mr WONG, Hing Bing Man 黃慶丈 jf!t:t Mr CHIU, CHID, Lap Wah 趙立華 mj'l'$ Ms WONG, Ka Lai N~R 黃嘉麗 * Mr CHOI, CHar, Tung Faat 蔡冬發 ~~~ Ms WONG, KaPo PO 黃家寶 jf*jlf Mr CHONG, Tsz Mo 莊子武 #±-=fftt Mr WONG, King Yin 王景賢 :=E*'Ii 周浩楊 Mr CHOW, Ho Yeung mmrm Mr WONG, Kwok Fung 王國烽 :=E~~ Mr FAN, Wai Man 范偉丈 m{$3t Mr WONG, Siu Wai 黃肇瑋 jf'ij! Mr FOK, Wing Lun 霍詠麟 m~j<ft Mr WONG, Tsz Chung 黃子聰 jf-=f~,~ Ms 間 FU,, Kit Ting 符潔婷 r~~~' Mr WONG, Yat Lung 王一龍 :=E-i~ Mr FUNG, Cheuk Yin {,\'g j[@: 馮卓彥 Mr WONG, Yi Chun 黃爾津 jfm{$ Mr HO, Tsz Lung 何子龍 {ET-=fi~ Ms WU, Sin Yan 胡善欣 i'ij3~jtx Ms 1P, IP, Hoe Yan 葉浩欣 ~1i5JTX Mr YAU, Shing Fei 邱成飛 JJ~~~ Mr KANG, Kwun Lun 康冠麟 mjrtft Mr YEUNG, Yuk Lung 楊玉龍 m::ei~ Mr KO, Kui Pan 高居斌 ~mtj\; Ms YIP, Y1P, Ho Man 葉浩雯 ~1i5~ Ms KO, Suet Yin 高雪 ~~~ff PH * Mr YIP, Y1P, Kam Wai 葉金煒 ~ift:1! Mr KONG, Kwai Ming 江桂銘 riti~ Mr YUEN, Chun Sing 袁俊聲 :R{~W 學位頒授典禮酬!J! uoll'! lsi!ii! li! CONGREGATION 州州 I 51

52 Bαchelor Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science Mr KO, Wing Hong Alvin 高穎康 rl'il;f1[!j: 工學士 I~±(~.:fIf4~) ( 計算機科學 ) Mr KONG, Cheuk Man 江卓民 ~I i[~ Mr KWAN, Chi Shing 關志成 Im~~ Mr CHAN, Cheuk Man 陳卓丈 Mr KWOK, Kì 月 TOK, Wai Lun 郭瑋麟 ~-* i[x Bft. Mr CHAN, For Ming 陳科鳴 Mr KWONG, Fu Hung 江富雄 ~IMa;t ~-*f4~~ Mr CHAN, Ka Chun Mr KWONG, Kit Chi ~I~~ ~-*%1~ 陳家俊江傑志 Mr CHAN, Ka Ho 陳家豪 Mr LAl, LAI, Ming Lai 黎明禮 :W~ffi; ~-*%~ Mr CHAN, Kai Shing Ms LAI, LAl, Yue Chung 賴裕中 J/i~m$ ~-*~i~ 陳繼盛 Mr CHAN, Kin Leong 陳健亮 Mr LAM, Ho Him ~-*fft7g i*pjill 林可謙 Mr CHAN, Kin Leung ~-* 陳健良 Mr LAM, Ho Tung 林浩東 i*~~* Ms CHAN, Lut Yan Loretta Mr LAM, Hoi Tin i*~7( ~-*1$tFf 陳? 聿 d 肝林海天 Mr CHAN, Pak Hei 陳泊羲 Mr LAM, Tsz Ching 林自青 ~-*~S~ i*e!1f Ms CHAN, See Wing ~U~1j}!J: ~-*}~HJi 陳思穎 Mr LAO, Kam Hong 劉錦康 Ms CHAN, Shuk Man Mr LAU, Ho Wang 劉皓弘 ~-*~fjj: 陳淑敏 ~U~5b Mr CHAN, Tsz Him Hiram Mr LAU, Kam Fai 劉錦輝 ~-*ff!ll:ill 陳祉謙 ~U~1j}*.1!! 扎 Mr 1r ~U7G}el, Mr CHAN, Wai Lung LAU, Leung Yan ~-*1$j' ~ 陳偉龍劉亮恩 Mr CHAN, Wai Man 陳惠民 Mr LAU, Man Hin 劉萬軒 ~UfJlif!f ~-*~~ Mr CHAN, Wing Chuen 陳穎銓 Mr LAU, Wai Lun 劉瑋倫 ~Uft1fflf ~-*ik~~i Ms CHAN, Wing Ki Mr LEE, Chun Ning 陳穎琪李振寧 $t~$ ~-*;f1[~ Ms CHAN, Yuen Sum 陳苑芯 Mr LEE, Ho Bun 李浩斌 $mtltt ~-*:ffi~ * 陳智 Mr CHEN, Zhi Mr LEE, KaHo 李嘉豪 $mr~ ~-* ~ Ms CHENG, Tsz Ching Mr LEE, Ning Hin Lincoln 鄭芷睛李寧鴦 #B1E1If1f $'J IW --::r-." Mr CHEUK, Kin Shing Mr LEE, Tat Shing 卓健成李達成 i[fft~ $~~ Mr CHEUNG, Chi To Mr LEUNG, Chi Wai 張賜濤梁志偉 5jJm. ~~1$ Mr CHEUNG, Chun Yin 張晉彥 Mr LEUNG, Chun Yin 梁俊彥 5Is~ ~1~~ 張浩銘 Mr CHEUNG, Ho Ming Mr LEUNG, Kwok Chun 梁國雋 5j~~~ ~~m Mr CHEUNG, Hung 5j Mr LEUNG, Wing Kin 梁永健張雄 a;t ~*fft Mr CHEUNG, Ka Man 張嘉萬 5j;jffJl Mr LEUNG, Yan Shing 梁恩誠 ~}gl,~ Mr CHEUNG, Ming Kai LI, 張銘佳 Mr U, Hoi Kin 李凱健 5j~~1~ $!mfft Ms CHEUNG, Po PO Yi Ms U LI,, Ka Wing 李嘉穎張寶兒 5j.~ $;jfjfji Mr CHIANG, Tai Ping 蔣帶兵 Mr U LI,, Siu Chung 李兆聰 $~IS~ffi.\ *i1ffi'~ LI, 2fs:={;M :=pg:~ Mr CHIM, Hong Lok Ms U, Yin Yee 詹康樂李彥儀 M!J:~ Mr CHIU, Chi Wah LI, 趙智華 Mr U, Yung Fung 李勇鋒 im~. $~~ Mr CHOI, Kam Kei Mr LIU, Bojin 劉吊金蔡鑑几 ~iiijl ~U~31Z: Ms CHOI, Wan Ting Vivian Mr LO, Chun Him la_ill 盧鎮謙蔡允婷 ~ft~ Ms CHONG, Ka Ling 莊嘉玲 Ms LO, On Ting 羅安婷 fl!i3(~ m:mr:efl Ms CHONG, Pik Ha 莊碧霞 Mr LUI, Man Fung m:~g gx~ 呂丈鋒 Mr CHUN, Man Keung 曾丈強 Mr LUI, Ping Kei 呂秉基 WX5$ g*~ Mr CHUNG, On Yeung Mr LUI, Siu Lung Jeffrey g.~ 呂肇隆鍾安洋 ~3(1'P g~,@t Mr COOK, Hung Lok Matthew Mr LUI, Yat Laam Felix 呂逸嵐 ffl3 fr~ 曲洪樂 Mr FONG, Hau Man tjij,y:'x Mr MAl, MAI, Yuan 麥原 ~ )Jj( 方效丈 Ms FUNG, KaMan Mr MAK, Chi Wai Cary 麥志威馮嘉雯 {,\&mr~ ~~~ Mr FUNG, Man Ho Jeffrey 馮丈皓 Mr MAK, Tak Kwan 麥德君 {,\&X~ ~1!~ * Mr GAO, Xiang 高翔 Mr MOK, Ka Wai 莫家偉 rl'il rn *%1$ 莫錦源 Mr HO, Kin Wa 1jjJfft. 何健華 Mr MOK, Kam Yuen *)i1il5~ Ms HU, Guyue 胡古月 Mr NG, Cho Yeung 伍祖揚 tijjte1fl ffiffgm Ms HUI, Hiu Yi 許曉 J 怡 Mr NG, Ka Long 吳嘉朗 ~mrjl!] ~f~'i~ Ms HUI, Pui Huen 許佩瑄 Mr NG, Kam Cheung 吳錦祥 ~f1jjlnfj[ ~~1j}t$ #* Mr HUNG, Chiu Lung Desmond 洪朝隆 Mr NG, Wing Fung 吳榮鋒 fr!j!jj~ ~~~ Mr HUNG, Man Hong Mr NGAN, Hok Shing 顏學誠洪曼航 #t~7fjjt ~~~~ Mr KO, Chun Yu 高振瑜 Mr POON, Koon Yu 潘冠宇 rl'ilt~filtr?ijgf'=f 高仲銘 * Mr KO, Chung Ming Mr REN, Yinglun rl'il19=j~ 1f:9Hfflf 任英倫 52 I 學位頒授典禮 ~llijll!jj!!!i<lit CONGREGATION 酬 # Academic Achievement Achievemenl Awards 學業成就獎 ~ ~ J!X, &t ij1! * Firsl First Class 臼 Honors Honαs 甲等榮譽 ~ i!fj! I'

53 * Mr SHAO, Yufeng 邵宇峰 B~~~ Mr RAVINDRAN, Sudharshan Ms SO, Shirley 蘇雪宜 l*~h Mr TAM, Tsz Ho Joshua ~-T~ 譚子臭 * Mr SZE, Ka Wai Raymond 施家威 1iffi~WZ Mr WANG, Tianxiao 王天笑 3:.::;R~ Mr TAM, Chi Yiu 譚志耀 ~~Wi Mr YUEN, Ho Tin 袁浩田 :RmEB Mr TAM, Kam Chuen 譚鑑泉 ~ii~ Mr TAM, Kwan Yu 譚鈞譽 ~~SJ. Mr TANG, Arnold Jux 鄧樂天 '$~::;R Bαchelor Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering * Mr TANG, Carman 鄧注丈!i~~:x 工學士 I ±Cm:rIm ) ( 電子工程學 ) Mr TO, Ching Wai HIEtt 杜正煒 Mr TSANG, Kai Him Ronald 曾做謙 ttg)zlll Mr AU, Lap Kwan ~J'[f:f 區立群 曾廣斌 Mr TSANG, Kwong Pan ttjitfrl: Mr AU, Yui Chiu ~~~ 區銳超 Mr TSE, T 凹, Chun Shing 謝振勝 WfJRHJj Ms AU-YEUNG, Lok Man Carmen Helena 歐陽洛雯 ~~m~ Mr TSE, T 妞, Pui Tak 謝沛德 W mi! Mr CAl, CAI, Weiyang ~*fem 蔡維揚 Mr TSUI, TSm, Kai Him 徐敢謙 1~g)z1ll * Mr CAO, Lei 曹磊 ff ~ Mr TSUI, TSm, Wai Keung 徐偉強 1~f*5~ Mr CHAK, Chun Yin 翟俊彥 'i!1~~ Mr VU, Hai Shan 胡海山 tv:jwrlr Mr CHAN, Chak Kam 陳澤金 ~*~~ Mr WONG, Chin Tong 王展堂 3:.Wi1lt Mr CHAN, Chun Ho 陳俊皓 ~J!H~~ Mr WONG, Chun Yim 王鎮炎 3:.~ik Mr CHAN, Hin Piu 陳衍標 ~*mt~ Mr WONG, Kai Hang Herbert 黃散亨 Ng)z-y Mr CHAN, Ho Loi 陳浩來 ~*m* 黃洛慧 * Ms WONG, Lok Wai ---~~g :00:1 ''''; Mr CHAN, Jason 陳新藥 ~**JT~ * Mr WONG, Pui Lap 王培立 3:.:l{fJ'[ Mr CHAN, Kin Fei 陳健飛 ~*M7!t Mr WONG, Tin Long 黃天朗 N::;R~Jl Mr CHAN, Kin Yuen 陳建源 ~*~~~ Mr WONG, Ting Fung 黃挺畢 NtH~ Mr CHAN, King Hei Dickens 陳景熙 ~*jjtw~ Mr WOO, Kai Ho 胡歐海 tv:jg)z~ Mr CHAN, Sze Chung 陳思聰 ~*,IjS!\~,~ Mr WU, Ching Yiu 胡清耀 tv:jm'wi Mr CHAN, Yik Hei 陳易希 ~*~;fff Mr WU, Yan Yuen 胡恩況 tv:j,igl, Jt Ms CHAU, Ho Ying 周可海 J1'fJPJr1;f Mr XING, Yinan 那一男 7f~~~ Mr CHAU, Hong Yeung 周康揚 J1'fJ,*m Mr YAU, Wai Lam 丘偉林 i:f*if* * Mr CHEN, Guowang 陳國望 ~*jg&]~ Mr YEUNG, Cheuk Yuen 楊卓原 m llr * Mr CHEN,Li 陳力 j] ~* Mr YEUNG, Chu Wing 楊柱榮 mtt~ * Mr CHEN, Lu 陳祖 :fjeg ~* Ms YEUNG, Wing Yee 楊穎儀 ~;fflf~ * Mr CHEN, Ming 揀鳴 ~* P,~ Mr YIP, Mou Yum 葉茂欽 ~Dt~ Mr CHENG, Hiu Fung 鄭曉峰 ~~~ Mr YU, Yat Hin 余逸軒 *~ff Mr CHENG, Kam Fai 鄭錦輝 ~~m*' Ms YU, Yuk Ching 余育貞 *W~ Mr CHENG, Ming Hong 鄭銘康 #~~'* 岳洋 * Mr YUE, Yang Ei: 1-4 ~ Mr CHEUNG, Chi Kit 張智傑 ~~{l * Mr YUEN, Ming Kan 源銘勤 ~~~iij Ms CHEUNG, Hoi Yan ~!~f])l~l\ 張凱恩 * Mr YUEN, Siu Hung 阮紹鴻 I!n*B~ Mr CHEUNG, Sing Ho 張星皓 ~~~ Mr YUEN, Yat Hang 袁逸衡 :R~l~r Mr CHIANG, Kai Sang 蔣敵生 ~g)z~ Ms CHID, CHIU, Nga Man m;fft:x 趙雅文 Mr CHIU, CHID, Ngai Hin Adrian m~ljif 趙毅軒 Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science Mr CHOW, Chin Sang 周展生 J1'fJWi~ (Information Engineering) Mr CHOW, Jonathan Hon Chung 周漢宗 J1'fJ~~HK 工學士 I ±Cwt.flf4 - ( 計算機科學一資訊工程 ~-mim) ) Mr CHOW, Man Kwan 周丈軍 J1'fJ:xl'![ Ms CHOW, Tsz Yan 周芷欣 J1'fJ1fiTX Mr FUNG, Shi Sing 馮仕昇 {,~f± f. Ms CHU, WaiYan Yanny 朱蔚甄 *:!illm Mr HAN, Han 韓涵 ~ Ms CHUANG, Si Wing 莊斯穎 Ji±:ltJT;ffl * Ms JIANG, Yu 蔣昱 5! ~ -'-L Mr CHUNG, Shu Kei IHM~ 鍾樹基 Mr LAM, Yuen Kong 林炫港 **~m Ms CHUNG, Shuk Yin B$l5ZJ{ 鍾淑賢 Mr LAU, Ling Kit 劉凌杰 ~U~~ * Mr DAr, DAI, Shuai 戴 ~ 帥 gm Mr LAU, Ngo Chung 劉傲松 ~U{!j(r~ Mr FONG, FaNG, Keng Ho 方鏡皓 :n~~ Mr LEUNG, Lok Ping 梁樂平 ~~zp * Mr FU, Hao 傅皓 {l@: ~ 學位頒授典禮 ~Urllli:J5I!I!!li! CONGREGATION I 53

54 Mr FUNG, Ngai Yiu Dennis 馮毅盎 {;~~i'e Mr HE, Chuan {PI 何 }f[ Mr HO, ChunMan 何竣丈 {PI~:x Mr HO, HoMan 何浩丈 {PI~y: Mr HO, Man Keung 何丈強 {PI:X5~ * Mr HU, Dongchen 胡冬晨 * Mr HU, Dongchen tijj4'>s: #* Mr HU, Xiaohao 胡瀟皓 tijj.~ * Mr HUANG, Baihan 黃柏翰 ~;fb~ Mr HUI, Chun Hin 許振軒 ~HJlZlfif Mr HUI, Wing Fung 許永峰 ~tp7j<. * Mr HUO,Li 1t 霍 1J 力 Mr IP, Kin Wai 葉健偉 ~{Jl{t Mr KHALIFA, 九 Adam Mr KO, WaiLun 高偉倫 ~{t{~ Mr KONG, Wing Shing 1I7J<w: 立永成 Ms LAI, Kar Wai 黎嘉慧 ~jlffi Mr LAI, Wing Kin 黎永健 ~7J<{Jl Mr LAM, Chi Fai 林志輝 **~*f Mr LAM, Ronald Long Kwan 林朗鈞 **~Jl~s; * Mr LAM, Yuk Vincent 林姐 j[g ** Mr LAU,ChiHo 劉志豪 ~U~~ Mr LAU, Chun Kit 劉俊傑 ~U~~ Mr LAU, Jonathan Jing Yeung 摺政揚 ~uj&m Mr LAU, KiChun 劉其進 ~U~:ii Mr LAU, Man Kit 劉敏傑 ~U~J:~ Mr LAW, Kai Ming 羅敢銘!f,ft~~~ Mr LAW, Sau Lak 羅修力 ~{~1J Ms LAW, Yuk Vee Yee 羅鈺儀 ~jjlli{i Mr LEE, Cheuk Fung 李卓宰 **~ Mr LEE, Joy Yu 李載 *~'rntr 俞 李錦昇 Mr LEE, Kam Sing *~.m~ Ms LEE, Pui Van Yan 李蓓茵 *ffioo * Mr LEENE, Lieuwe Berend Mr LEUNG, Chi Kan 梁志勤 W:~i!J Mr LEUNG, Chun Hei 梁俊熙 W:{~I5lB II" Ms LEUNG, Ka Vee Yee 梁嘉儀,*",il'l<; Wjlft~ Ms LEUNG, Sin Yu Olivia 梁善瑜 W:~ffrJ Mr 口 LI,, Ching Yeung 李青陽 *:g~ Ms LI, Huiying *fi!ffl 李慧穎 Mr 缸 LI,, KaHo 李家豪 **~ Mr LI, Man Ling 李萬凌 *;f;& Mr LI, Ruifeng 李瑞丰 *:EIM$ Mr LI, Yin Ming 李燕明 *~~ Mr LIAO, Jiaqing 廖嘉卿 ~jlfg~d Mr LING, Chun Yick 凌俊益 &{~iiit Mr LIU, LID, Hin Leung 廖衍樑 ~1m~ * Mr LID, LIU, Rui 劉瑞 ~U :ElM Mr LO, Lok Hang 盧樂恆.~tli Ms LO, Man Ting 盧敏婷.~J:~ Mr LUI, Chap For 呂集科 g~f4 Mr LUI, Shun Hang 雷信恆 m{st : Mr LUI, Yuk Tat Mr MA, Chenlin Mr MAK, Sin Nang Mr MUKHTARULY, Yeldos Mr NG, Siu To * Mr NG, Wai Chiu Ms NGAI, Suet Ching Mr NGAI, Yu Sik * Mr NGAI, Yuen Tung Mr NING, Bo Mr PAK, Man Lee Ms SHUM, Kin Ling Mr SIEW, Li Bing #* Mr SUN, Chang * Mr SURIA, Omair Aziz Mr TAM, Kam Fung * Mr TANG, King Hung Mr TONG, KaLok Mr TSANG, Chun 百 Thng mg * Mr TSE, Yuk Po PO Mr TSO, Kin Hung Mr TSOI, Po PO Kin Mr WANG, Wei * Mr WANG, Wei * Mr WANG, Wei * Ms WANG, Xi Mr WEI, Kwan Jason Mr WONG, Chi Chong Mr WONG, Ho Ming Mr WONG, Hung Man Mr WONG, Kai To Mr WONG, Kwun Hin Ms WONG, Man Sze Mr WONG, Ming Shing Mr WONG, Vee Yee Man Mr WONG, Yui Ming Mr WONG, Yun Hung Mr WU, SiuLun * Mr YANG, Guosong Mr YAU, Hiu Lam Mr YEUNG, Chak Yin Mr YEUNG, Chin Wan Mr YIM, Fuk Kin * Mr YIN, Jufeng Mr YIP, Kam Lam Mr YU, Sai Hong Mr YUEN, Ka Shing Mr ZHANG, Zheming * Mr ZHAO, Yu * Ms ZHAO, Yuan * Mr ZHUANG, Fuxin 且決達 gt1:~ 馬辰霖 ) 麥善能 ~~ ~ 吳紹滔 ~*mg 吳煒釗 ~1l~Jj 魏雪清 ~~m 魏宇錫 ~:=p~ 魏遠東 ~jj* 寧博 W --r t, 自萬利 s;f;fu 沈建玲 tt~~ 蕭蠣兵.~~ 孫暢 3% ~ 譚金鋒 ~~~ 鄧景鴻 ff~:j:~ 唐家樂 m*~ 曾俊東 ~{~* 謝煜坡 ~11iJffi: 曹健雄 lfimi 蔡寶建 ~.~ ::E 王維 *l ::E 王巖 Mlt ::E 王維 *1 ::E 王茜 & 魏群 ~ M 黃子聰 ~T~'~ 黃浩銘 ~~~~~ 黃雄丈 ~:ti;i:x 黃敢濤 N~. 黃冠軒 N7a:lfif 黃敏詩 N~J:~ 黃明成 N~W: 黃議民 ~~~ 黃銳明 ~~~ 黃潤雄 ~~~:ti;i 那韶麟,~GigJ;f 楊國松 ~~rl 丘曉霖 EJl1a~ 楊澤賢 ~~Jl 楊展雲 ~~~ 閻福建 ~m;~ 尹炬鋒 jt:j: ~ 葉錦林 ~~.m;f* 余世康 5Rt!t& 袁家勝 Jl:t*MJ 張哲銘 5:&rg~ 趙宇 Ml :=p 趙源 Ml ~JJ 庄富新 J.±'i'51JT 54 I 學位頒授典禮 ~i.!z. llj\\'!i!!~ CONGREGATION # Academic Achievement Achievemenl Awards 事業成就獎 ~!!ii! ~!:it ~ * First 凶 Class Honors HonOfs 甲等榮譽 Efl i!il'!if!, if

55 可. Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering Mr WAN, Kai Ming 溫敢明 J3jL\'l~~ (Information and Communication Engineering) Mr WONG, Kwan Wai jf~s;1t 黃鈞偉 I 工學士 ± ( ~.:r 電子工程學 I m - 1" 信息及通訊工程 )~J~J!!i lilt Im) ) Mr WONG, Sun Ting 黃訊霆 jf1jti! Mr WONG, Yat Fung.=E~* 王逸宰楊詩浩 Mr CHENG, Chun Kit K 扯鄭俊傑 Mr YEUNG, Sze Ho ~~~ ~'f 1=1 ~{~~ Mr CHENG, Kin Wai 鄭健唯 Mr YIP, Kin Chung ~19!1ll ~19!~,~ 葉健聰 Mr CHENG, Siu Ho 鄭少豪 ~~jr~ Mr CHEUNG, Yuk Leung 張玉亮 5!EE?TI Bαchelor Bachelor of Engineering in Logistics Management Mr CHOY, Man Kit 蔡文傑 ~)(1~ and Engineering * Mr FANG, Wei 房微 m 11 Mr KWOK, Tik Sang 郭迪生工學士 I ± (!fo/j~ii;fjl!&im ) 物流管理及工程學 ) '~~1:: Mr LAW, WaiMan 羅偉文 ~1t)( Mr 11, LI, Chi Wai Jerry J 3f=tif- 李志衛 JD,IFT Mr CHAN, Chun Man 陳駿丈 ~JU~)( Mr 11, LI, Kwun Chau Pondy pondy 李冠洲 Ms CHAN, Tsz Ki 陳芷淇 ~j!ge1;!t *JGf H[ Mr 11, LI, Yunzhen 李雲臻 Mr CHAN, Wai Chak 陳偉澤 ~J!Ht~ *~~ Mr La, LO, Wing Cheong 盧永昌 Ms CHEN, Yuexi 陳越晰 127J<~ ~J!:i~IltJf Mr LUK, Cheuk Hang 陸卓 ~~~,['71 tm: Mr CHEUK, Shing Faat 卓成發 ~fflg~ Mr SUEN, Wai Chau 1%1tgt 孫偉就 Mr CHOW, Yiu Fai 周耀輝,m])\;i#-' Mr TSAI, Ka Tik 蔡嘉迪 ~.~ * Ms CHU, Kwok Fang Fong *ME 朱個芳 Mr WANG, Su 王溯.=E ~gj Mr CHUI, Ho Chuen ~~~i 崔浩銓 Mr WONG, Chung 黃聰 jf ~Jm * Mr FANG, Kun 15 方棍 ffi~ 何書麟 Mr WONG, Chung Yin 王仲言.=E{rpj Mr HO, Shu Lun 1PT:!1 ;f Mr WONG, Wing Hong 黃永康 --~m :WjJ<;, Mr HO, Wing Pan 何永潰 {PT7J<~ Mr WONG, Wing Hung 黃永雄 jf7j<:u:1e Mr HUI, Tsz Pong t-t:f~ 許子邦 Mr YEUNG, Chi Yung 楊智勇 Ms KO, Suet Lai 高雪麗 ~~:oo ~~ft Mr YU, Yuk Wai 余育模 7RW;fl Mr KWONG, Kam Po 鸝錦波.~~~El Mr LAM, Ka Wai ;f;j\*~.$ 林家緯 Mr LAM, Pui Hang ;f;j\np'['71 林沛 '1 直 Bαchelor Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering Mr LAU, Ka Wai 劉嘉威 ~m.~ αnd and Engineering Management Mα nαgement Mr LAU, Tsz Ching 劉子程 ~U-T~1i 工學士 I ± (I~Im&Imii;fJl! ) 工業工程及工程管理學 ) * Ms LAU, Yik Tsz 劉奕故 ~U~:r:z * Mr LAW, Chung Hong 羅仲康 ~1rpm Mr AU, Jamond i/!{rp)( Mr LEUNG, Chun Ming ~~~ Mr AU, Jamond 區仲丈 Mr LEUNG, Chun Ming 梁駿銘 Mr CHAN, Kwok Ho 陳國豪 Ms LEUNG, Hoi Lam 梁鎧琳 ~J!:i~~ ~~i$ 周浩然 Mr CHAU, Ho Yin Ms 11, LI, Ka Wing 李嘉穎 JEBm~ *.~ Mr CHENG, Kwan Yuen 鄭鈞元 ~~S;5C Ms 11, LI, Lingling 李玲玲 *; fj; fj Mr CHID, CHIU, Yu Hang m*l~ LID, 趙宇衡 * Ms LIU, Xiaoqi 劉曉琪 ~u~:ijt Mr GE, Ching Keung 倪政強 {)lj&5~ Mr La, LO, Chi Chung 盧志聰 12~~,~ Mr KWAN, KV\ 瓜 N, Han Hon Fung 關漢鋒 Ms La, LO, Wai Yan 盧慧茵 mm~l~ 12riOO Ms LAU, Ka Ling 劉嘉玲 ~/N'fj ~U.; fj Ms MAK, Siu Tung 麥小彤 Mr LEUNG, Chi Shing 梁志成 Mr MOK, Siu Lun 莫少麟 ~~fflg ~jr. Mr LEUNG, Man Ho 梁丈豪 WingYan ~)(~ Ms NG, 伍詠欣 11i~'kJTX Mr LEUNG, Ting Fung 梁霆鋒 Mr OR, Chi Ming 柯智明 ~i!~ ;frtj~~ Ms 11, LI, Ling Chit ~~~1i *-V! 李靈捷 Mr SO, Yik Ching 蘇翊程 Ms 11P, LIP, Tsz Ying 聶子盈 mrrki Ms TSANG, Hiu Ying 曾曉瑩 lf~~ Law, 1ill!-lEi~ Mr LOW, Jun Wei Mr TSANG, Sze Wai 會思偉 I=l JD' jh Ms LUK, Wing Nga 陸詠雅 Mr TSE, T 妞, KamMing 謝錦明 ~~~Hl ~~~ Ms SO, Suet Ting 蘇雪婷 Mr TSO, Kwong Chi 曹廣慈 ~~~~ WJJf~ Mr SO, Wing Kin 蘇永健 ~7k19! * Ms WANG, Dongyang 王冬陽.=E~!lMJ Ms TANG, Cho Ying 鄧楚榮 Mr WONG, Chi Wo 黃志和 jf~;fd W~~ Ms TANG, Wing Yan 詞時即改 jf~t$ ~~! J[JTX Mr WONG, Ho Kwan 黃臭坤,&E5'.~11 Ms TSANG, Mei Mei 曾美美 lf~~ Mr WONG, Sung Chi 黃崇智 /... ~s 學位頒授典禮 ~lli)]\tll!!lil1l! CONGREGATION CO~ 側馴 I 55

56 Mr WU, Chun Keung Mr WU, Man Kit Ms YIP, Shuk Wa Mr YU, KaHo Mr YU, Kam Chuen 胡進強 M~5~ 胡文傑 M:x~ 葉淑華 ~~R. 余家浩 7R%m 余鑑泉 7Rii~ Bachelor of Engineering in Mechαnical Mechanical Engineering 工學士.:r.~ ± ((:fi:filt:r:m 機械工程學 ~) ) Mr AU, ChakMan 歇澤文 \ID(~:x Mr CHAN, Cheuk Lam ~-* j[# 陳卓林 Mr CHAN, Ho San 陳豪桑 ~-*~~ Mr CHAN, Wai Kei ~-*{$ffrjt 陳偉祺 Mr CHAN, Yat Fung ~-*B.B: 陳日豐 * Mr CHAU, Man Fai 周丈輝 * Mr CHAU, Man Fai ffl):x*' Mr CHENG, Ka Chun 鄭家進 ~%~ Mr CHENG, Ka Wai 鄭嘉偉 ~.{$ Mr CHEUNG, Sek Kuen 張錫權 ~~tl Mr CHEUNG, Wai Tat 張偉達 ~{$~ Ms CHIU, Mei Yee 趙美 m~{i { 義 Mr CHIU, Yu Yeung 趙宇揚 m'=fijj Mr CHOI, Kin Ming 蔡建明 ~9I~ Mr CHU, Siu Ting 朱肇霆 Mr CHUNG, Kwok Wai 鍾國威.~~ *.~ Mr HO, Chi Yui 何智銳 {PI~~Jt Mr HO, Ming Leung Timothy 何銘亮 {PI~7C Mr HO, Tsz Ho 何子濛 {PIT. Mr HO, Yan Kit 何仁傑 {PIC~ Mr HO, Yun Keung 何潤強 {PI~"jJ5~ Mr HOR, Lung Wai 賀龍威 ~fi~~ * Mr HUANG, Yaojin 黃耀錦 wwi~.m 加 Mr 1r HUNG, Kin Shing Anson 洪健城 ~{9!~ Mr HUNG, Wai Chak 洪瑋澤 ~fif;~ Mr IP, Ching Hong 葉正康 ~IEm Mr 凹 IP,, Kai Hok 葉繼學 ~~~ Mr KE,ChiHo 柯志豪 turig~ Mr KWOK, Ka Yung 郭嘉勇 ~.~ Ms LAM, Lok Ting 林樂婷 #~~ Mr LAM, Tsang Keung 林增強 *f\:f;!lt5~ Mr LAU, Ho Cheung 劉浩翔 ~um~ Ms LAU, KinMan 劉健雯 ~U{9!3!t Mr LAU, Wing Yu 劉永裕 ~U7km Mr LEE, Ka Chun 李家俊 *%{~ * Mr LEUNG, Yan Yam Xenos ~~~~ 梁殷鑫 Mr LI, Chi Yan *~JTX 李慈欣 Mr LI, Kwok To Vincent *~&!ffi 李圓韜 Mr LIN, Kwun Fung Mr LING, Yuk Yin Mr LIU, Chun Kit Jacky Mr La, LO, Yik Ting Mr LU, Zhenyuan Mr MAK, Chun Yeung Ms MAN, Yuk Ying * Mr MIAO, Zhuonan Mr NGAI, Chun Ting * Mr au, OU, Chubin Mr PANG, Chon Fai Mr POON, Tsz Hong Mr PUN, Hong Tat Mr SO, Han Hon Shing Mr SO, Pak Hei Mr SOONG, Zhe Wen Mr TAM, KaLun Mr TANG, Cheuk Lun * Mr TEOH, Yu Xuan * Mr TSANG, Cheung Fung Mr TSANG, Hei Man Mr TSANG, Lok Man Mr TSANG, Tung Sing Mr WAI, King Chung * Mr WAN, Man Kit Mickey * Mr WANG, Jiaqi Mr WONG, Cheuk Kong Ms WONG, Chun Fa Mr WONG, Ka Kit Mr WONG, Ka Yeung Mr WONG, Kwong Pang Mr WONG, Tsz Wai Mr WU, KaKit Kit Mr YANG, Chen * Mr YANG, Tianying Mr YAU, Ping Kuen Mr YEUNG, Pan Mr YEUNG, Tsun Hei Mr YIM, Kwok Leung Mr YIM, Park Ming Mr YU, Cheuk Pan Mr YU, Hiu Fung Kelvin Mr YU, Ho Yin Mr YU, Sai Lung Mr YUNG, Wai Ho * Mr ZHANG, Peng Mr ZHU, Longqian 林冠峰 #JDf. 凌育賢 ~WW 廖俊傑 ~{~~ 盧翊庭 Li~l~ 呂禎原 gt~jjfj: 麥俊陽 ~{~il1)j 文鈺瑩 :xfte~ 繆卓南 ~ j[1 f 魏振庭 ~ti!fg 區初斌 lil'll:fjjxj\ 彭俊輝 W{~*' 潘梓康 $Wm 潘康達 $m~ 蘇漢成 ~~J!w: 蘇柏熙 ~ts~~ 譚嘉麟 ~.D 鄧卓麟 ff~ j[d 張宇軒 ~'=F!/if 曾祥峰 If:f.!f. 曾希丈 If:ffr:X 會樂民 W~~ 會東昇 If*~ 衛景聰 fft~~,i!t 宜丈傑 m:x~ 王家奇.=E%1'lf 黃卓江 w j[~i 玉春花.=E~ft: 黃家傑 w%{~ 黃嘉洋 w.~ 黃廣鵬 WJJrJlJJ~ 黃梓瑋 wwfif; 胡嘉傑 ~.~ 楊辰 ~ ~ 楊天穎 ~7(~Yi 邱炳權 Jl:~mtl 楊斌 ~ xj\ 楊凌情 ~@:* 嚴圓良 I&~~ 嚴 I&tB~ f 百明 余悼彬 7R1J iw 余曉罣 7R~* 余浩然 *m~ 余世朧 7Riit~ 容偉豪 ~{$~ 張鵬 ~ JlJJ~ 朱龍潛 *ft~m 56 I 學位頒授典撞!j\l iiz:llih"'!l!!ll>' CONGREGATION CONGREGATl # Academic Achievemenl Awards 學業成就獎 lit!i! * Firsl First Class 臼 Honors 凹 S 甲等榮譽 III ir/j!iii II # Academic Achievement Awards!j\l * m

57 Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (Building Services) I~±(:fI~Im~- 工學士 ( 機械工程學一屋宇設備 ~~l&fi(j) ) Mr CHAN, Cheuk Hang 陳卓亨 ~j!t~ Mr CHAN, Chun Wah 陳俊樺 ~J!H~:]$ Mr CHAN, Kit Wang 陳杰宏 ~*~* Mr CHEUNG, Wing Shing 張永盛 **~ Mr CHING, Sze Chun 程思 l~jgq'f j 睿 Ms CHOW, Hau In 周厚如 )1'f])!jffrff Mr HO, Siu Fai 何肇輝 {Pf ftf * Ms WANG, v.. 瓜, Liao Liaa :: 王謬 t~ Mr YAM, Tsz Shing 任梓成 {':Eif ~ Mr YIP, Ka Chun 葉嘉俊 ~~{~ Bαchelor Bachelor of Science in Computer Science αnd and Mα Mathematics 理學士 ffi!.~±(litjf:flflj.~&mt~) ( 計算機科學及數學 ) * Mr CHAN, Yiu Wai 陳耀威 ~**imz #* Mr CHAN, Yun Kwan 陳潤鈞 ~*~~~fg * Ms GUO, Hua 郭樺,~ :]$ Mr LIU, Haixiang 劉海翔 ;UmJffl Mr LU, Zhangqi Zhongqi 呂仲琪 {q:t:ijl; Mr SUN, Haa Hao 孫浩 3% ~ * Ms XIAO, Sa 肯 ~ j ~i1 西 Mr XU, Teng 徐騰 1~ JJi * Mr YU, Yue 余躍 * gf * Mr ZHUO, Weipeng 卓偉鵬 l[{:tlll 學位頒授典禮!j!{ITllJ'illl!IIHli CONGREGATION I 57

58 Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位 Wf~~*{1L Master of Science in Civil Infrastructural Engineering Mr THAPA, Niranjan 吋 andmα Management Ms TSANG, Wai 曾慧 1Ii1l- I=! ri 理學碩士 ;f!i!.~lwi±(±*~~im& ( 土木基建工程及管理 ff;f!l!.) ) Mr WANG, ì 月瓜, Chenyu 玉晨羽 I;J:~~ Ms WANG, V\ 瓜, Yinglin I*1[# 王穎林 Mr CAO, Simeng 曹思萌 _ICE-+<- Mr WANG, V\ 且也, Ziheng I=! ID,SA ITtl'i 王子值 Ms CHAI, Chen 柴晨!ij! ;J: Mr WEI, Jinfeng 韋金峰.3fr:~ Mr CHAN, Chi Wing 陳智榮 Mr WONG, Chi Chuen 黃智全 ~*~~ Ji~~ Mr CHAN, Ho Lim Henry 陳額墉 Mr WONG, Hong Ching Justin 黃匡正 ~* Ji~lE Mr CHAN, Max Man Kit 陳文杰 Mr WONG, Ming Hang 黃銘衡 ~*:X~ Ji~~r Mr CHAN, Pak Hong 陳柏康 Mr WONG, Tiu Kai 王調佳 ~*;fsm I~JIil{* Mr CHAN, Sze Lung 陳思灑 Mr XIAN, Chengxing 羨成星 ~*JGl1rf~ ~~ Mr CHAU, Tsz Chun 周梓俊 ffljif 13t Mr XIAO, Mengmeng 校萌萌 i'ra}ja}j Mr CHEN, Nan 陳楠 ~* ;f! j 扎 Ms 1s YAN, Li 燕麗 ~ N Mr CHENG, Yung 月 Lai 鄭鎔禮 #I3~Iii.~ Mr YANG, Zijun 楊子俊 tit13t Mr FAN, Man Lung 范文龍 m:xi~ Mr YIP, Wai Hang 葉偉恆 ~{i!tt& Ms 間 FU,, Mingxiao 符鳴曉 r~~~~ Mr ZHAI, Yubin 翟羽彬 ~~~W Mr GU, Han 顧寒 Mr ZHANG, Hanhui 張翰暉 fiji ~ ~~ffi![ KUMAR, """'- Mr HARIKUMA 氏, Kolakulam Krishnankutty Mr ZHANG, Yi 章易.Ef!. ~ Mr HE, Xuxi 何翊禧 {l:tj~~ Mr ZHI, Zheng 支政 Y: J& Mr HO, Ming Yeung 何明揚 1l:tJ8JH~ Mr ZHU, Hang 朱航 * AA Mr HO, Yung Chi 何勇智 {l:tj~~ Mr HONG, Sio Hang 熊兆 f1~~lstl'i tl..i Mr HUANG, Lifei 黃立飛 Ji:lIlft 且 Master 4α of Science in Computer Science αnd and Mr JIANG, Min 蔣旻 Engineering ~ ~ Mr KONG, Leng Chong 龔令聰 ~1J~,ifft 理學碩士 ;f!i!.~lwi±(lft.:fmf4~&im~) ( 計算機科學及工程學 ) Mr LAI, KaMing 黎家明 ~*fyj Mr LAM, Kai Yan 林敢仁 #$(1= Mr CHAU, Chuck Jee 周卓之 ffll j[z Mr LAU, Geoffrey 劉子年 ~rrt4 Ms CHU, Yeuk Ting 朱若婷 *:EP~ Mr LAU, Wah Fai Waffery 劉華輝 Ms KWOK, Kam Yu Calina 郭錦如 ~rr.#-' B~IMD Mr LEE, Chi Cheung 月李志祥 Ms LI, Xuyang 李旭阻 *~:t$ *j{g~b Mr LEE,SuiLok Lok 李瑞樂 Mr YAU, Kwok Yan 邱國仁 *Jffif~ JJB~1= Mr LEONG, Ka Kit 梁家杰 ~*~ Ms LEUNG, Jennifer Monique Mr 日 LI,, Ka Wai Master of Science in Electronic Engineering **14 李家煒 Mr LI, Yingrui 李英瑞理學碩士 ;f!i!.~lwi±(m:r ( 電子工程學 Im~) ) *~Jffif Mr LI, Zheng 李政 * J& Mr LIANG, Yuantao 梁遠韜 ~i%ltm Ms AU, Hiu Ying Bernice 區曉瑩 ~~~ Ms LIU, Yujing 劉宇娟 ~rr~pflf Mr BARROW, Michael Joseph Mr LU, Zhao 陸釗 ~.i ~fj Mr CHAN, Ka Sum 陳嘉碟 ~*~lim Ms NG, Ka Ying 吳珈瑩 ~~n~ Mr CHANG, Chun Ngok 張進銬 ~~~~ Mr PUN, Chi Sung 潘智崇 1I~1:l~ Mr CHEN, Hao 陳浩 ~* ~ s~ Mr PUN, ManHou 潘丈浩 1I:x~~ Mr CHEN,Li 陳黎 ~* ~ Mr QU, Fuyang 曲福洋 EIE:ti'i'i1 Mr CHOW, Chung Shui 周松水 ffllrl7j<. Mr SO, Chi Chung 蘇子聰 i*t~,ifft Mr CONG, Baisen 叢柏森 ~;fs~ Ms SUN, Jingwen 孫靜雯 f*~~~ Mr DING, Jie T * J\\\ 丁杰 Mr TANG, Siu Kit 鄧紹傑 Mr FENG, Yu {;\ m*b~ 馮宇 ~ r-'-7 Mr TANG, Tze Fai 鄧梓輝 Ms HAN, Ning ~Bif #-' 韓宇 T Mr TANG, Yiu Ming 鄧曜銘 ~BSi~ Mr HO, Hok Kai 何學佳 {l:tj~{* 58 I 單位頒授典禮 ll"1l'lllll:j51!11!1l! CONGREGATION 師

59 Mr HO, Van Yan Yi 何欣意 fsjjfxjts, Mr CHONG, Yik Tong 莊亦棠!f±ztf\~ Mr HUI, Tang Ngai 許登藝 g"f~j!\ I=t 32:-= Mr CHU, Wing Kit 朱永傑 **~ Mr IP, Yu Hin 葉宇軒 ~*$f Mr CHUA, Chong Kheng Mr JIANG, Feng 1I 江峰 ilr~ Mr CHUNG, Ho Bong James i!1ii1b 鍾顧邦 Mr LASTOCHKIN, Anton Mr CHUNG, Ka Lun 鍾嘉倫 i!~{ffil Mr LAU, Ping Cheung 劉炳祥 ~Umt$ Ms FU, Yao 付瑤 f1 ~ Ms LI,Na 李娜 '$ MIl Ms FUNG, Ching In 馮靜安 {,~f ~H Ms LI, Yating 李雅婷 '$Jl~ Mr FUNG, Lai Kin 馮禮健 {,~ffi~{3l Mr LIN, Rui 林銳 # ~Jt Ms GAO, Lanjun 吋 高蘭君 iwlllilll Ms LIU, LID, Hongjie 劉紅捷 ~U*I~ Ms HO, Sze Ling 何詩泠 fsj~1fl Mr LIU, Xia 望 ~U 夏 ~ Mr HO, Tak Kei 何德基 fsj1!~ Ms LIU, LID, Ye 劉煒 ~U J:i! Mr HUA, Zhangliang *ilr.5t 華張良 Ms LOU, Yao 樓瑤 ti fm Ms KAN, Yuk Ting 簡玉婷 M.:r:~ Ms LU, Xi 盧希 LI. Mr KONG, ManHo 江文豪 1I:X~ Mr MA, Lin 馬,% 麟 * Mr KONG, Ting How Ms MA, Ying ~ J,% 馬營 Mr KWAN, Tsz Hung Joseph 關梓洪 1UIt #t: Mr NG, KaMan 吳嘉丈 ~~)( Mr KWOK, Ho Wai 郭浩偉 B~{l Mr OU, Zhicong 區志聰 ~;&;~~ Mr KWOK, Sai Wang 郭世宏 Bt!:t~ Mr REN, Yilun 任伊倫 {:ff1t{ffil Mr LAI, Yiu Chung 黎耀宗 ~*1* 曾智傑 Mr TSENG, Chi Kit 1W~~ Mr LAM, Yin Bun 林彥斌 #~ttt Mr WANG, Keyuan 王柯遠.:HOJ~ Mr LAU, Chun Leung 劉鎮樑 ~U$Jt~ Mr WANG, Weiyu.=EJ** 王唯宇 Mr LAU, Hoi 劉凱 ~tl!m Ms XU, Meng 古口往 ~"F 1 東三 ~ Y 木 Mr LAW, Kwan Ping 羅鈞平 mfe,,- =~S;zp- Mr YE, Peng 肘鵬 ut 1lJ!~ Mr LAW, Pit Shing 羅必成 m&,1!lg Mr YEUNG, Long Sang 楊朗笙 m~jl~ Mr LAW, Wai Sing 羅偉誠 m{l~ Mr YIP, Y 凹 " Chi Ho Eric 葉志豪 ~~fi Ms LEE, Sui Van Yan 李瑞茵 '$flmoo Ms ZHANG, Kexin 張可 ilrpj{j' J 心 Mr LEONG, Chi Kun 梁志權 *"Je.l\ m-±il Mr ZHANG, Le 張樂 ilr ~ Ms LI, Nan 李 '$ 囡 lei Ms ZHANG, Wei 張薇 ilr f,& Ms LI, Wai Sze 李煒詩 '$1l11~ Ms ZHANG, Yan Van 張研 ilr m: Ms LI, Wei 李薇 '$ f,& Mr LIU, Jian 劉健 ~U {3l Mr LIU, Lap Fai 廖立輝 ;g1l#1![ Master of Science in Engineering Enterprise 巾的 E Ms LIU, Xin 劉昕 ~tl Blf Mαnαgement Management Mr LO, Kin To 羅鍵滔 m.m 理學碩士 ~~ij{±(::cm:&~~~) ( 工程企業管理 ) Mr LOK, Tsz Fung 駱子峰,~-=r. 呂 Mr LU, Long g 龍 fi~ Mr AU, Anson Ka Hon 區嘉翰 1ii~~ Mr LUNG, Tsz Yu 龍子儒 fi![-=r{1 Ms BAO, Jie 鮑屜 if!. ~ Mr MA, ChunHo 馬俊豪,%{~~ Mr CHAN, Chun Hong ~JIH~g 陳俊匡 Mr MA, Tao 馬濤,% Jff Mr CHAN, Ho Ting 陳浩霆 ~*1i!f~ Mr MAO, Xinyu =!fjt* 毛新宇 Ms CHAN, Ka Yan Van Karen 陳嘉恩 ~*~}gj, Mr NG, Ka Ho Jeff 吳家皓 ~~ajlf Mr CHAN, Kai Kwong 陳啟光 ~* 7\:; Mr PUN, Shui Kit 潘瑞傑 $fim~ Mr CHAN, Wai Kei 陳偉基 ~*{l Ms QIAN, Tina Kun 錢婷婷 ~~~ Mr CHAN, Wai Ming 陳偉明 ~*{:&ts}j Ms QIU, QID, Qijun 邱祺瑞 JJBff~f! Mr CHAN, Wai Shing 陳偉勝 ~*{:&tlm Ms SHU, Mei 舒眉 ~ ml Mr CHEN, Yitao 揀一濤 ~*~Jff Mr SIAH, Fai 謝輝 W #1![ Mr CHEN, Yu 陳余 ~* Ms SIN, Hiu Ching 單曉晴.~B! Mr CHEONG, Chi Ping 張治平 ilr~zp- * Mr SONG, Bo 宋波 * {Bl Mr CHEUNG, Chin Yeung Ricky 張展揚 ilr!h~ Mr TAM, LokWa 譚樂華 nt~. Mr CHEUNG, Chun Hin 張俊軒 ilr{~$f Mr THOMPSON, Christopher Wayne Mr CHONG, Chi Tat 莊志達!f±~~ Ms TSANG, Ho Van Yan Arabella 曾可欣 1WPJJfX 學位頒授典禮 ~iililiij51j!1!~ CONGREGATION I 59

60 Mr TSE, Ho Man 謝浩文 ~~x Mr LIU, Guigen 劉貴根 ~U.*N Mr TSE, T 鈕, Sing Wang Jack J 謝昇宏 ~** Ms LIU, Qianrui 劉千睿 ~U=f~ Mr TSE, Wan Chung 謝允中 ~ftr:p Ms LIU, Qiulu 劉秋聰 ~Uf:klff Mr TSE, T 呵, Yun Fat 謝潤發 ~~~~ Mr LIU, Yunong 劉雨農 ~Uffi. Ms TSUI, Po PO Ling 徐寶玲 1~.~ Ms LO, Ho Yan 盧皓昕 Ji:a1!fBJr Mr WAN, Yang 15 方央 Mr LUO, Yiqing *I~w 羅藝青黃冠誠 Mr WANG, Koon Shing Kevin jj7gf~ * Mr MAK, Chung Hang 麥仲阻 ~{q:t'[1[ Mr WANG, Weichen 主偉晨.:E{:tS: Mr OUYANG, Yi J!&X~B~ 歐阻藝 Ms WANG, Yaning 王雅凝.:E~~ Mr SUN, Ruoshi 孫若時 j%;emt.----t::t-=l::i:'~ Mr WONG, ì 月 10NG, Ka Lok 黃嘉樂 W~* Ms SUN, Weijun 句孫瑋璃 j%f!j! Ms WONG, Ling Melanie 王翎.:E 1m Mr SZETO, Ying Lung 司徒應龍 8J 1!Eff!1i~ Ms WONG, Man Ling 黃敏玲 jjfj5(~ Ms TAM, Lung Kwan 譚龍君 IDJIi~;:g Mr WONG, Sze Dik 黃施迪 Nflili~ Ms TAN, Bee Yan Mr WONG, Victor Ho-Kei 黃浩基 jj~~ Mr TSANG, Hin Fung 曾顯鋒 ttb~ Mr XIE, X 阻, Zhelin 謝哲林 ~!f** Ms TSE, Hiu Wa ~~ 謝曉華 Ms XU,Lu 徐酪 1~ lff Mr 玖玖 WANG,, Haiguang.:E~* 王海光 Ms YAN, Yang 嚴揚 JD m Ms WONG, Mei Kei.:E~fl1t 王美旗 Mr YEUNG, Man Kong 楊文剛 mxjlilju Mr WU, Wing Hong 胡永康 tij 7J<m' Mr YU,Lin 俞林 iri if* Ms XING, Miaomiao 那妙妙 HGjzj>jzj> Ms YU, Shiying 俞詩盈 iri~~ Mr YANG, Qingjia 楊清甲 mml Ms YUEN, Pui Yee 袁珮儀 :R~{j Mr YIP, Chi Man 葉智文 ~~x Ms ZHANG, Xuan 張璇 5ffe 'fji Ms YU, Rui T 于睿 ~ Mr ZHANG, Yang 張洋 5ffe 1 Ms ZHANG, Yichi 張亦抽 5ffeW\sfu Ms ZHAO, Tiantian 趙恬田 m'[iseb Ms ZHAO, Yang m 趙陽 [$) Mr ZHAO, Wei 趙瑋 m fl Mr ZHONG, Xiang 鍾翔 ~ ~ Mα Master of Science in Ie IC Design Engineering 理學碩士 111! ~ if! ± ((~njgm 集成電路設計工程 li ~ lit =Ui) ) M Master 囚犯 r of Science in Environment,α Environmental l Engineering 理學碩士 11I!~if! ± ( OlHJaIm~) 環境工程學 ) Mr CHEUNG, Lap Man 5ffe:U.X 張立丈 Mr GUO, Hengda 郭亨達 $G-'?3i. Mr CHAN, Chi Fung 陳志峰 ~-*~. Mr KWOK, Kam Kin 郭錦堅 $G~~~ Ms CHAN, Hiu Ling 陳曉玲 ~-*~~ Mr LEUNG, Hiu Fai ~~*-' 梁曉輝 Mr CHAN, Kwok Fai 陳國輝 ~-*~*-' Mr LIU, Wenyu ~UXf 劉文宇 Mr CHAU, Hong Wang 周康宏 )jlfjm* Mr LIU, Zizheng ~UTlE 劉子正 Ms CHEN, Si 陳斯 ~-* WT Mr LOK, KaHou 陸嘉豪 ~.zg ~ Mr CHENG, Leong 鄭 ~ 亮 7E Ms MA, Yuanbo 馬淵博 ~W*[t:w Mr CHONG, Chi Ting Chris 莊志庭 m:~~ Mr SU, Eric Chen Mr CHOY, Dik Hung 蔡趟鴻 ~~~ Mr TANG, Sida ~JEH~ 湯思達 Mr CHUNG, Chun Yu David 鍾震宇 ~.f Ms WANG, VI 瓜, Shi.:E 王識 ~ Mr GU, Weishi 谷唯實 ~fll. Mr ZHANG, Hongwei 張宏偉 5ffe*{:t <-W Mr HAO, Song 郝本 <-L 公 l WiG ;f~ Ms HUANG, Yijia 黃伊嘉 jj{tt Mr KWAN, KV\ 瓜 N, Kwok Yin 關國賢 Im~Jl Mαster Master of Science in Information Technology Ms LAM, Larissa Wing Ching 林詠菁 #WJ<i!f 理學碩士 111! ~ if! ± ( 資訊科技 ~ tffi fll- tlo ) Mr LAM, Tsz Ho 林梓豪 ;f;lvt ~ Mr LAU, Yiu Fai 劉耀輝 ~U*i*-' Mr AU, Ka Cheong Michael 區家昌 ~~~ Mr LAW, Ka Chun 羅家俊 *I~{3t Mr AVETISYAN, Vardges Mr LEUNG, Ka Lok 梁嘉樂 ~ ~ Mr CAl, CAI, Dongxiang 蔡東翔 ~*~ Mr LEUNG, Kin Pong 梁健邦陳靜持 ~ft;f~ Mr CHAN, Ching Chi ~-*lw:j:~ Ms LI, Jing 李靜 Mr CHAN, Ka Kin Carlos 陳嘉健 Mr LING, Tung David 凌統 ~ ME Ms CHAN, Ka Yan Grace 陳家恩 ~-*~JIgI, '. 60 I 學位頒授典禮 "i>i.!zlll!jlt~lli CONGREGATION 叫 * N Mr CHAN, Ka Kin Carlos ~-* ft

61 l Mr CHAN, Shu Sum 陳樹深 ~-*W~ Mr LI, Chen :$ 李辰 1N Mr CHAN, Sui Hang 陳兆 ~-*~~'Ia 'l'a Mr LI, En :$ 李恩 )g1, Mr CHAN, Tak Lun 陳特崙 ~-*~~W Ms LIANG, Yan 梁燕 ~ ~ Mr CHAN, Wing Kin 陳永健 ~-**~ Mr LIAO, Peng 廖鵬 ~ IIII~ Mr CHAN, Yee Li 陳以理 ~-*,r;j:ei Mr LIN, Chuguang 林楚光 ;f;i\~* Mr CHAU, Ho Laam 周浩嵐 Jjifj~i1Jit Mr LID, LIU, Shengxin 劉聖鑫 ~U~~ Mr CHEN, Zhongyi 陳仲毅 ~-*{q:t~ Ms LIU, Sijing 劉思靜 ~UJGl,mr- Mr CHENG, Chun Hei 鄭雋禧 #~~iji! Ms LIU, Yunqing 劉的清 ~u~m Ms CHENG, Xi 程曦 1~ III Mr LID, LIU, Zhuo 劉卓 ~U li Mr CHEUNG, Hin Ting 張顯庭 5.Rm!JJ! Mr LO, Chi Hung Terence Patrick 盧志鴻 Li~~ Mr CHEUNG, Ka Wai 張嘉偉 5.R" {t Mr LUI, Chong Sing $ 呂中星 Ms CHIB, 血, Saminder Mr LUO, Yi 羅車失 *i f( Mr CHING, Chun Ho 程俊豪 1~{3t~ Mr MA,OhKay 馬浩髏,~m,~ Mr CHIU, CHID, Hing Ho 趙慶豪 m)jf~ Mr NG, KwanPo PO 吳君寶 ~;gjt Mr CHUNG, Pui Kei 鍾培基 ii:eff Ms NI, Zhihua 倪志華 {~~~ Mr CHUNG, Yuk Shing 鍾訣誠 iit71:idi!z Ms PAN, Lin 潘林 $ Mr CUI, Chi ** 崔馳 ~ JmQ Mr POON, Ho Wan 潘吳雲 $~~ Mr DENG, Chao 鄧超 ~~ m Mr QU, Hao 曲 e±! 臭 ~ Mr DING, Ye 丁煒 T ;kf Mr SEE, Nang Man 施能丈 J1tjfijg;;t Mr DONG, Daxiang IAt$ 董大祥 Mr SID, SIU, Ka Ho 蕭嘉豪 JI;ft;~ Mr FAN, Lingsheng 范凌升 m~7t Ms SUEN, Long Yan 孫朗茵 :m~jloo Ms FANG, Yuan 15 方 iii 圓 Mr SUN, Jun :m 孫駿 ~ Mr FENG, Xuechen 馮雪辰 {'\f,j~1n Mr TANG, Chi Hong 鄧子匡 ~~-Tg Mr FU, Sheng 傅昆 W ~ Mr TANG, Ho Yin 鄧浩賢 ~~mjf Mr FUNG, Chi Keung 馮志強 {'\f,j~5 fi Mr TSE, Kwok Bun 謝國斌 ~~ttl: Mr GOPALAKRISHNAN, Mohan Kumar Mr TU, Qiang 涂強 ~ 5 fi Ms GUO, Ruiwen 郭睿丈 ~#;;t Mr WANG, Bing.± 王兵 li /, Mr HU, Tianran 胡天冉 ~::R-14 Mr WANG, Yachao.±5i!m 王 2 包黃普 Ms HUANG, Jin ~ = s Mr WEN, "\ 月 TEN, Jie 1M 溫杰 *)\\\ Mr HUANG, Xiaodong 黃曉東王昌諾 ~~* Mr WONG, Cheong Lok '±~lm Mr HUANG, Yuanpeng 黃遠鵬 ~~I!Jl~ Mr WONG, Hiu Fai Frankie 王曉輝.±~*' Mr HUNG, Cheung Kin Patrick 孔祥堅 :ju$~ Mr WONG, Lap Ming 黃立明 ~J'Lf!Ij Mr ID, IU, Hari 姚正道 PJtIE~ Mr WONG, Sai Ming Simon 黃世銘 ~-tlt~ Mr KHACHIKYAN, Armen Mr WU, Chi Yuen 胡志遠 ~~3i Mr KONG, Xiaolong 孔曉龍 :rla;ai~ Mr WU,Di 吳迪 ~ ill! Mr KWOK, Chok Pang 郭作鵬 ~ffl!jl~ Ms WU, Jiaqi {li;ft;:g:j; 伍嘉琪 Mr KWOK, Yiu Ming 郭耀明 ~*'if!lj Ms WU, Tingyi 吳亭毅 ~"r~ Mr LAI, Hong Yee 黎康宜 ~*H Mr XIA, 九 Chen 夏璟 ]! ~ Mr LAI, Kam Yip 賴錦業 *~Wm* Mr XIE, X 血, Jianting 謝建挺 ~9!m c-'-> Mr LAM, Ka Lok 林家樂 ;f;i\~~ Ms XIE, X 血, Ning 謝宇 ~ T Mr LAM, Man Yu 林民裕 ;f;i\.!;:m Mr XU, Ruotian 徐若天 1~:B'X Mr LAM, Wai Hung 林偉雄 t;f{ta:l Mr XU, Tao 徐濤 1~ J{f Mr LAU, Wing Cheung 劉永祥 ~U*t$ Mr XU, Yisheng 徐突昇 1~~ f. Mr LAU, Wing Keung 劉永強 ~U*5j Ms YANG, Xiaoju 楊曉菊 ma;a%] Mr LAW, YuKan *itjij 羅于勤 Mr YE, Yunde 葉蘊德 ~1i1! Mr LEE, Fook Wing 李褔穎 :$m~~ Mr YEUNG, Ho Kwan 楊浩鈞 mm~sj Mr LEE, Kwun Ting :$lag 李冠霆 Mr YIM, Sze Wang 嚴思泓!t&Jj~M5L Mr LEE, Lap Him :$J'Lilf 李立謙 Mr YIP, Siu Ho 葉紹豪 ~*E~ Mr LEE, Yee Yan 李宜殷 :$H~~ Mr YIP, Tsz Hong Benny 葉子康 ~-T* Mr LEE, Ying Kim 李英儉 :$~{~ Mr YU, Ganchao 虞注超 Ji:~m Mr LEUNG, Ming Tung 梁銘東 ~~~* Mr YUE, Hung Kit 余鴻傑 *~~ Mr LEUNG, San Yiu 梁彙堯 ~~% Mr ZENG, Chuyang 曾初陽 WfJJ~ 學位頒授典禮!l>&ill!ll!!I!!1l>' C CONGREGATION 州酬 N I 61

62 司 Mr ZENG, Jianfeng 曾健烽 ~f!i!1* Mr WU, "\ 月 VU, Zhenyu Z1XR* 巫震宇 Mr ZHANG, Chen 張晨 5l,;: Ms XI, Yu 1m 席宇 * Ms ZHANG, Wenqin 章丈琴 jft:x~ Mr YAM, DikMan f:hm:x 任姐丈 Ms ZHANG, Yue 張悅 5l,[:tt Ms YANG, Yujie 楊宇浩 m*~~ Mr ZHU, Ruwei 朱汝維 *~(di Mr ZHANG, Yi 張毅 5l W: 吋越 Mr ZHU, Yue &:r ~ Ms ZHOU, Chen 周 JWJ,;: 晨 Mr ZU, Kuan 祖寬 j{. 周 mel Mr ZHOU, Tong 桐 Mr ZHOU, Tong JWJ i'illl M Master 囚犯 r of Science in Intelligent Building Technology Master of Science in Mechαnical Mechanical Engineering and Management 理學碩士 ( 機械工程學 ) 理學碩士 ~~ii±(tutj~j!~!fmvh&w~~) ( 智能建築物技術與管理 ) ~~ii±(:fi~::lm~) Mr CHEN, Di 陳迫 ~* ili! Mr CHAN, Po PO Ming 陳寶明 ~Jif.f=JJ3 Mr CHEN, Haiyun 陳海運 ~*~~ Mr CHAN, Shek Chow William 陳錫洲 ~*f~~frl Ms CHEN, Xin 陳馨 ~* ~ Ms CHAN, Wing Lam 陳穎藍 ~**J'[~ Mr CHEUNG, Wai Kin 張偉健 5l1 :f!i! Mr CHAN, Ying Lun Alick 陳應 倫 ~*JJ!{JfH Mr DAVE, Chintan Hasmukhray Mr CHAN, Yiu Hong 陳耀航 ~**ijijfl h Ms 在 s FU, Ka Yin 符嘉如 r.{f;;ltfff Ms CHEN, Yifang 陳藝芳 ~*~35 Ms IP, Wai Hing 葉惠卿 ~~g~p Mr CHENG, Chi Cheong Edmund 鄭志昌 ~±'S JD\l=={ Mr LEUNG, Wai Lok Wesley 梁瑋諾 W::f.&tll:B Mr CHIU, Ying Man 趙英敏 m~ij)( Ms LI, Hanzhu 禮寒竹 WI~t1 Mr CHOI, Chun Yin Gordon 蔡俊賢 ~{;f.uj)l3< /.... ~..R Mr LIANG, Rongrong 梁榮嶸 W:~~ Mr CHONG,, Tuen 軍 len Fuk 莊團褔 m:~tlli Mr LU, Jianbiao,. 呂建標 g~tj 鄒散明 Mr CHOW, Kai Ming ~~'! ;(f=jj3 Mr SHEN, Shi 沈實 ~X Mr HAU, Lok Chun 侯樂俊 1~~1~ Mr SU, Xiangyu 蘇翔宇 ii(m* Mr HO, Chi Chung 何智聰 1i'lJ~~,1!t Mr TO, Ka Kit 杜嘉傑 ;f±;;i~ 胡靜霞 Ms HU, Jingxia ti WR Mr WANG, ì 凡此, Xiaokai 王曉凱 :=ES1aWl Ms HU, Wenying 胡文穎 ti :x!fj'[ Mr WANG, Zelin :=Ewif't 王澤林 Ms HUI, Chi Yan 許智欣 t~jfx Mr WONG, Kwok Kei 黃國基 'I:~~ Mr HUI, Wai Lok 許偉樂 t1 :~ Mr XU, Fanqing 許泛青 t~z1'f Mr KWOK, Chun Yu 郭振宇 "~tjr* Ms XU, Yifan 許韓凡 tlfi&tfl Mr LAl, LAI, Chor Shan 黎鋸山 ~~Ilr Mr YIU, King Chung 跳敬聰 fr}tfdj: ~,1!t Mr LAM, Tsun Hin 林俊軒 if't1~ff Mr ZHANG, Gang 張剛 5l [lr,]u Mr LENG, Zhiyu 冷志宇 ff!l~* Mr ZHANG, Wenlai 張文來 5l:x* Mr LEUNG, Chung On 梁頌安 W:0J'[3( Mr ZHANG, Xiaohua 張嘯華 5ln,l'lJ Mr LI, Guikun 李貴坤 *:1::1:$ Mr ZOU, Xiaoteng 鄒蹺騰 ~~,tmllj 呂 Mr LU, Bin g 彬 W Mr NG, Chi Ngai 吳志藝 ~~~ Mr NG, KamHung 吳錦雄 ~~Ii1u:t Master of Science in Telecommunications Mr NG, Wai 百 Tung mg 吳偉東理學碩士 ~1 :* ~~ii±(~rn~) ( 電信學 ) Mr Sl, SI, Yang I j 司洋 # Ms SIU, Shuk Fan 蕭淑芬.;1'R0= Mr AGARWAL, AGARV\ 且 L, Akash Ms TAM, Sze Man Tania 譚思敏 ~i'glijj: Mr AU, Siu Leung David 區兆良 1i:~[S.a. Mr TANG, Yitao 湯毅韜 ~W:l\!@ Mr BAO, Chenyu {ll';:1:fi 包晨煜 Mr TO, Wai Kin Sammy 杜偉健 ;f±1 :f!i! Ms CAl, CAI, Luyu 蔡睹宇 ~lle&* Mr TSE, Kwok Kan 謝園根常 ~~tn Ms CHANG, Ling 玲 1ft JifJ Mr WAN, Kwok Wah 尹國華 jt~'lj Mr CHEN, Han Mr WANG, Weizhuo 王煒卓 :=E1:.&t~ Mr CHEN, Pengfu 陳鵬褔 ~*IDI~tlli Mr WANG, Yujue :=E.=EH 王玉王玉 Mr CHEN, Xunzhe 陳迅哲 ~*mf1f Mr WONG, Chi Leung 黃子亮 NT~ Ms CHI, Meng 池濛 ~ ~ Mr WONG, Siu Wan 黃兆運 'I:~[S~ Mr CHIN, Chun Man 錢俊民 ~1~~ Mr WONG, Wai Kei 黃偉奇 -f:::t-{.::f:t..-::fo:::: W i'.1'ij 62 I 單位頒授典禮酬!l!uzllllJ31!11!ll! CONGREGATION

63 Mr CHO, Wai Tong 曹偉棠 Vf'&t* Master of Philosophy in Bioengineering Ms DU, Ye H 杜煙 j:f 哲學碩士 'm!!jlij{ ± ( C 生物工程學 ~!fo/jj::.m!!j) ) Ms DU, Yuanyuan 杜因因 HIlIDIlID 馮錦昌 Mr FUNG, Kam Cheong {,\ Wm~ Mr DING, Yonghui T7kf{ 丁永會 Ms GAO, Tianyao 高天瑤 r'i'bxf~ Mr HE, ling Jing 何靜 fpj iw Mr GAO, Yun 高費 r'i'b :if Mr LIN, Li 林立 *f 1I. ~ Ms GE, Rui 葛 ~ IC"C, ï 心玄 Ms WANG, ling Jing.: 王娟 frflj Mr HU, Zheng 胡 tij3 正 IE Mr ISTAFA, Muhammad Saad Ms lin, JIN, Qu :3E 立人互 曲 J±f:! Mα Master of Philosophy in 的 Chemical αand Biomoleculαr Biomolecular Ms LAU, KaMan 劉嘉雯 ;U:tf~ Engineering Mr LAU, Ming Tak 劉明德 ;UEJfH! 哲學碩士 'm!!jlij{±c( 11::!!JIm:&~!fo/J7Ff 化學工程及生物分子工程學 Im!!J) ) Mr LEE, Dick Lim 李迪霖 :$:if!l~ Mr LI, Haizhou 李海洲 :$mj;{th Mr CHAN, Wai Kit 陳偉傑 ~JIH'&t~ Mr LI, Yang :$ 李揚 m Mr HO, Hung Lai 何洪禮 M#!;m! Mr LI, Yipan 李蛇攀 :$iljz;~ Mr HU, Yingwei tij3jj!~ 胡應巍 Ms LIN, Qiuyue 林秋月 *ffxfl Ms LEE, Lai Sheung :$)iift;jt 李麗婦 Mr LID, LIU, Yutao 劉玉濤 ;UJS:JJ Mr LEUNG, Hong Hang 梁佳軒 ~g3ifj LID, 劉哲 Mr LIU, Zhe ;U fir Mr LUI, Yat Chuen 呂溢鑽 g~. Mr LUO, Qingchen 羅清晨 mm~ Ms MAK, Shuk Fong 麥淑芳 ~~75' Mr MAO, Bingnan 毛并楠 'i #i1 J Mr NG, Tsz Nok :!ffi:!:t~ 吳子諾 Mr NG, Chung Hin 吳松軒 :!ffi:!:t'.f}$f 黃熾昌 Mr WONG, Chi Cheong j!fm~ Mr NUNDY, Koushik Kumar Ms YUAN, Mingyue 袁茗 :R~t~t t 兌 Mr PANDEY, Suryansh Ms REN, Yimo 任一沫 {:f:~tfz Mr SHANG, Hang 尚航 #IT JitJt Master of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering 吋 Mr SHAO, Yiming 邵奕明 BG~~ Mr TSUI, Ying Lun 徐英倫 1~~f1fff 哲學碩士 'm!!jlij{±c ( 化學工程學 11::!!JIm!!J) ) Mr WANG, Chao Mr TAM, Sze Kee 譚詩昕 ~'~rjt Mr WANG, VI 瓜, Kun.: 王坤 ref! Mr WONG, Wai Chung 黃偉聰 j!ff1u~ Ms WANG, Mian.: 王冕!! 王超.: 1m Ms WANG, Tianjing.: xfrflj 王天娟 Mr WANG, Xin.: 王昕 SJT 且 Master 4α of Philosophy in Civil Engineering Mr WEN, Cheng 溫成 {B1 mz 哲學碩士 'm!!jlij{±c±*im!!j) ( 土木工程學 ) Mr WONG, Chun Wai 王鎮威.: ~JmlG Mr WONG, Ngai Fung Michael 王毅宰.: ~* Ms CAl, CAI, Shuwen ~1SY~ 蔡舒雯 Mr XIE, X 血, Tao 謝 ~ 陶 JlmJ Ms CHEN,E E 陳娥 ~* fifx Mr XIONG, Wei 熊威 ~~ mlg Mr CHEN, Linxi 陳林熙 ~**f~~ Mr YANG, Zhengyu 楊征宇 i'!ffiie' Mr lin, JIN, Qingxu 金清旭 :3Em1@. Mr YAO, Nan 姚楠 fr:jt i1 J Mr LAU, YunMan ;U~~X 劉 j 間文 Mr YUEN, Man Chung 袁丈聰 :RyJ,~ Mr TSANG, Fan Kong 曾繁廣 W~JJ: Mr ZHANG, Dingfang 張定肪 ~5EWJ Mr ZHU, Feng 朱峰 * ~ Ms ZHANG, Huiyan 張慧研 ~~tet Mr ZHANG, liapeng Jiapeng 張佳鵬 ~f IIII~ Mr ZHANG, Xiaojia 張小佳 ~/N Master of Philosophy in Computer Science and Mr ZHANG, Yongqiang 張永強 ~7k5!i Engineering Mr ZHANG, Zhengchen 章正辰 J1itIE~ 哲學碩士 'm!!jlij{ ± ( C tftjffl 計算機科學及工程學 f~!!j:&i m!!j ) Mr ZHAO, Rui 趙睿!j: Ms ZHAO, Shuang 趙爽 m ~ Ms GAO, Liping 高麗平 r'i'b)ii2fi Mr ZHU, Wenfei 朱文飛 *X~ Ms GAO, Yuan 高元 r'i'b 7t Mr ZOU, Zhiguang 鄒志光 ~G;t:Yt 學位頒授典禮 ~uz!jl!ll'ij!1!li! C CONGREGATION 叫別刪 t 63

64 i*.j.t Mr HONG, WaLun 康華麟 Mα Master of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering Ms LI, Ang 李昂 * tfj 哲學碩士 flf~liji±(~mim~) ( 環境工程學 ) Mr LI, Chenfeng *;1:$ 李晨丰 Mr LI, Haochao 李浩潮 *~~~ Ms HUI, Hur, Lai Ching 許麗貞 ~LfJii~ Mr LI, Jingwei 李經緯 **~*1j[ Mr LEE, Chi Wui 李智 *9 '~1i i 臣 Mr LIN, Xuxiang 林姐祥 t*m:t-cf Mr SO, Siu Hong 蘇兆康 l*~is1* Mr LIN, Yincheng 林銀城 if*~nmjg Mr LID, LIU, He 劉鶴 ~U l~ Mr TANG, Chun Ki Jacky 鄧俊祺!f~{3tffrJt Master of Philosophy in Industriα Industrial l Engineering and Mr YE, Jiancheng 肘建成 ot~m< Logistics Manαgement Management Ms YE, Liangliang 肘亮亮 ut?ti7f3 哲學碩士 flf~liji±(i~im&!fm~~ij!~) ( 工業工程及物流管理學 ) Mr YIN, Hengli 尹琦力 jtfir1j Mr YUEN, Jackson 袁振瑋 $Jif1jt Ms GU, Lei 顧錯 JiJj ~i Ms ZHONG, Lili 1!1J:lz: 鍾力立 Ms LIU, LID, Jia 劉佳 ~U fe Mr THIBBOTUWAWA, THIBBOTUWAV\ 泣, Noyel Deegayu Namal Bandara 會浩德 Mr TSANG, Ho Tak lt~~t!! M Master 由 of Philosophy in Computer Science αand Mr WEERASINGHE, Thilina Wijayantha Technology Ms ZHOU, Xiaoye 周蹺煒 }1'f]~~ 哲學碩士 flf ~liji ± ((lit~:fmf4~ 計算機科學與技術 ~ f:stwd ) Ms LU, Lu Mr PAN, Xiaorui 陸睹 ~.zg ;II 潘曉瑞 1I~~'M Ms XIAO, Jiang 肯 江 Master of Philosophy in Electronic and Computer Engineering 哲學碩士 flf~liji±(~.:r&lit~:fmim~) ( 電子及計算機工程學 ) f:'1 rr Master of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering 哲學碩士 flf ~liji± ((:fm~im~) 機械工程學 ) Mr CHAN, Ka Chung 陳家聰 ~*~~J& Ms CHEN, Kewei 陳柯鴻 ~*fur1~ Mr HE, Peng {5] 何鵬 JlIl~ 黃搏 Mr HUANG, Eo Bo Ji tt Mr KALEEMULLAH, Muhammad Mr LEUNG, Chi Wai 梁智 ~9 ',rt J 惟 Mr CHEN, Lei 陳磊.E±!- ~-* ~ 林嵩 Mr LIN, Song t* r'i'b Mr CHEUNG, King Shan 張景山 ~:itrlr Ms LIU, Li 劉麗 ~U Jii Mr DING, Hua T 華 Mr WANG, Jiaxi 王嘉錫 ::E.~ Ms GUAN, Yue 管現 if 丁 3Ji Mr WU, Jun 吳俊 1ffi!: {3t Ms HOU, Ling 侯玲 {~ ff1 Mr ZHANG, Yanbo 章彥博.~tt 黎景丈 Mr LAI, King Man ~:it:x Mr ZHU, Taishan 朱泰山 Ms LAU, Ka Lai **rlr 劉嘉麗 ~U.Jii Mr LEE, Chi Ming 李志明 *;G;8Jl Mr LEE, Ming Chak 李銘澤 *~-ii~ Doctor of Philosophy in Biòengine Bioengineering 制時梁哲 Mr LIANG, Zhe ~ f1f 哲學博士 flf~tt±(~!fmim~) ( 生物工程學 ) Mr LID, LIU, Xiaosen ~U5f)(~ 劉效森 Mr QU, Chao 屈超 Jl±i m Ms LAW, Ka Yan J Jessica 羅嘉欣 ~ Mr SHI, Yue 史 ~ 樂 * Mr LIN, Ran 林然 Ms SUN, Wanting 孫婉婷 :rim5l!frj} Mr LUO, Xiaoteng 羅曉騰 m~!li Mr WANG, v.. 瓜, Tao : ~ 王滔 ~g Mr SUN, Sheng 孫升 1% 7t 黃嘉銘 Mr WONG, Ka Ming Ji.~ Mr WU, Rentian 1ffi!:{f:5'C 吳任天 Mr YEUNG, ChiHo 楊智豪 m9 '~ Ms XU, Qian 徐倩 T~ f~ r m 浩 Mr YU, Hao Mr YUNG, Ling Sing 于翁凌星 ~~ Mr ZHU, Hongjie 朱宏杰 **~ Ms ZUO, Xin 1L 左昕 BJT 64 I 學位頒授典禮酬 ~Uzlll!ElJ!I!1l1 CONGREGATION

65 Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering Mr LID, LIU, Siyuan 劉思源 ~UJG',~ 哲學博士 fg~ft±( ( 化學工程學 {~~Im~)) Mr LID, LIU, Weich ì 月 Teichen en 劉韋辰 ~U liz Mr WANG, Jiliang :=Eliffit 王繼良 Mr CHEN, Xinqing 陳新慶 Mr WANG, Qi 王琦 :=E f~ ~-**ffj!f Ms CHENG, Yuen Shan 鄭婉珊 j~p5illffll- Mr WU, Kaishun 伍楷舜 {1ir~~ Mr KWOK, Kui Sing G;t8!lf 郭炬聲 Mr YANG, Lei 楊磊 ~ ~ Mr QIN, QlN, 軍旭松 Mr ZHANG, Yu 張宇 5:R f Ms SUO, Yange 索艷格 Mr ZHENG, Wench ì 月 Jenchen 鄭丈深 *WMtr ~X~ Mr WANG, V\ 且, Weiping 汪衛平 1tJZP: Mr ZHENG, Youyi 鄭友 j~1z'i'et '1 台 Mr YU, Yang Yong Mr ZHU, Qijun 朱祺鈞于浦 T ~m *ffllt~~ Doctor of Philosophy in Civtz civil Engineering 哲學博士 fg~ft±(±*im~) ( 土木工程學 ) Doctor of Philosophy in Electronic αnd and Computer Engineering 哲學博士 fg~ft±('~.:r ( 電子及計算機工程學 &i'it1f:flim~)) Mr CAl, CAI, Qipeng 蔡奇鵬 ~~)lij~ Mr CHAN, Hiu Tik ~-*~1(~ 陳曉 j 條 Mr AU YEUNG, Siu Kei 歐陽兆基 1 Z~~ls~ Mr DUAN, Huanfeng 段煥豐 Ms FANG, Lu f~1tl!!!: 15 方略 m Mr GAO, Hui 高輝 Ms HAMDI, Karama ~ *' Mr LEUNG, Kwan Anthony 梁鈞 Mr HUANG, Huang 黃煌 ~ ~~ ~ tl Mr 日 LI,, Zhen 李振 * :j:~ Mr LAW, Man Kay 羅文基 mx~ g ri * 1'* 呂 Mr LU, Hui 慧 Mr LI, Dong 李棟 Mr LU, Youyuan LID, ~.m:ff~j 陸有源 Ms LIU, Bing 劉冰 ~U 17K Mr MAK, Sze Ho 麥斯豪 Mr LIU, Zhaojun 劉召軍 ~:ttjt!t ~UB. Ms WANG, Chao 王超 :=E 1m Mr SUN, Liang 1* 孫亮?TI Ms XU, Jie 徐浩 Mr WANG, Dexin 汪德新 1~ ~s ~ 1,~ ff Ms ZHAl, ZHAI, Hongyan 翟洪艷 Mr WU, ì 月 TU, Rongxiang ~~W@ 伍茉翔 {1i5R~ -='=- Ms ZHANG, Juhui 張菊輝 Mr YUAN,Li 袁理 -R f.l 5:R9ffl*' Mr ZHAN, Chenchang 詹陳長 Jif~JfH~: Mr ZHANG, Jian 張劍 5:R ~U Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science Ms ZHANG, Xiaoxiao 張曉瀟 5:R~1ii Ms ZHAO, Shuyun 趙淑云 哲學博士 fg~ft±(i'it1f:flf3j.~ ( 計算機科學 ) Ms ZHAO, Shuyun m#r:fr Mr LUI, Siu Hang 雷兆 m~ls'l'![ 巨 Mr PAN, Jialin Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Electronic 潘嘉林 $~~ Engineering 哲學博士 fg ~ft ± ((It:fl& 電機及電子工程學 It.:r Im~) ) Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science and Engineering Mr CHEUNG, Chun 張雋 5:R 1!! 哲學博士 fg~ft±(i'it1f:flf3j.~&im~) ( 計算機科學及工程學 ) Mr YANG, Can 楊燦 ~ ~ Mr ZHAO, Xiaojin 趙曉錦 m~.m Mr CAO, Bin 曹斌 WI tjtt Mr ZHENG, Wei 鄭煒 ~ t4 Mr CUI, Weiwei 崔為煒 Mr ZHONG, Zhenyu ~mt4 鍾振宇 W:j:~f Mr FANG, Tian 15 方天 X. Mr HUNG, Ka Lok 熊嘉樂 ~~~~ ~ Mr KEUNG, Yik Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental 的 l Engineering 姜弋 ~ ~ Mr LEE,Chung 李聰 * ~,~ 哲學博士 fg~ft±(:f.ft;ljaim~) ( 環境工程學 ) Mr LIU, LID, Fangming 劉方明 ~U15fYj :::l::;" Ms DAI, DAl, Ji 戴吉 ~ I=l 學位頒授典禮 ~ lli:jli'ijl't~lll CONGREGATION co 附酬 I 65

66 Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Mα Management nαgement 哲學博士 fgtj!tlf±(i~im&!f9jj~ifr~tj!) ( 工業工程及物流管理學 ) Mr CHENG, Hui 程輝 fji!. *.!I! Ms DAI, Hongyan 代宏觀 {~*~~ Mr HU, Zhaolin 胡照林 riij.l~ijifyl\ Mr LI, Ruirui 李睿睿 $1f1f 呂 Mr LU, Liang g 梁 ~ Mr RODRIGO, Weliwitage Don Asanka Sanjeewa Ms SHANG, Yanfen 商艷芬 fflhi@3f Doctor of Philosophy in Mecl Mechanical 的 Engineering 哲學博士 fgtj!tlf±(;fi~imtj!) ( 機械工程學 ) Mr CHAN, Yuen Sing 陳遠星 ~* i Mr CHEN, Zhanqing 陳湛青 ~*mtn Mr KHAN, Shafi Ullah Mr LI, Yinshi 李印實 $SP. gj, Mr LIU, Chong 月劉 ;U 生司區之可 """ Mr LU, Junyong 盧俊勇 111~JJ3 Mr QIN, Daoding 車道鼎.ill~E!Fl Mr REN, Fuzeng 任富增 ff;j'j:~ Mr WANG, Kefeng ::Ef4_ 王科鋒 Mr WU, Qixing 吳其興 ~~. Ms XUE, Zhenlan 薛珍嵐 iw~joo. 孔 Mr 1r ZHENG, Qingbin 鄭慶彬 ~mft Mr ZHOU, Runhua 周潤華 mj1~. 66 I 學位頒授典禮 ~Uzlll!~!I!!ll! CONGREGATION 鵬何


68 二零 '::::"~~ift~j=jt-tb 年十一月十七日 17 November 2011

69 ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS OFFICE HKUST FOK YING TUNG GRADUATE SCHOOL 17 November The Council Vice-Chairman declares the Congregation open 2. The President addresses the Congregation 3. The Dean of Business and Management presents candidates for the Degrees of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION and BACHELOR OF SCIENCE 4. The Dean of Business and Management presents candidates for the Dual Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION and MASTER OF SCIENCE; and the Degrees of EXECUTIVE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, MASTER OF SCIENCE, and MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY S. The Director of Interdisciplinary Programs Office presents candidates for the Degrees of MASTER OF SCIENCE, and MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY 6. The Dean of HKUST Fok Ying Thng Graduate School presents candidates for the Degrees of MASTER OF SCIENCE, and MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY 7. The Dean of Business and Management presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY 8. The Director of Interdisciplinary Programs Office presents candidates for the Degrees of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY 9. The Graduate Representative addresses the Congregation 10. The President presents the "President's Outstanding Service Award" 11. The Council Vice-Chairman declares the Congregation closed Mace carried by Professor Anaimalai V Muthukrishnan Music by St Bonaventure Col/ege & High School

70 典禮程序 工商管理學院 跨學科課程事務處 香港科技大學霍英東研究院 2011 年 11 月 17 日 1. 大學校薰會副主席宣佈典禮開始 2. 校長致辭 3. 工商管理學院院長提請頒授工商管理學士學位及理學士學位予畢業生 4. 工商管理學院院長提請頒授工商管理碩士及理學碩士雙學位 高層管理人員工商管理碩士學位 工商管理碩士 學位 理學碩士學位及哲學碩士學位予畢業生 5. 跨學科課程事務處處長提請頒授理學碩士學位及哲學碩士學位予畢業生 6. 香港科技大學霍英東研究院院長提請頒授理學碩士學位及哲學碩士學位予畢業生 7. 工商管理學院院長提請頒授哲學博士學位予畢業生 8. 跨學科課程事務處處長提請頒授哲學博士學位予畢業生 9. 畢業生代表致辭 10. 校長頒授 科大傑出服務獎 予獲獎之職員 11. 大學校董會副主席宜佈禮成 Anaimalai V Muthu. 的 ishnan 教授持大學模 #: 重文需要害 fi:fg 樂隊演奏

71 I 工商管理學院 Ifij 1ft;fll! ~ we SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Undergraduate Degrees *;P-f.1:: {ll. 本科生學位 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 學業成就獎 i!j*nlgjl,r~ #* Ms GAO, Yuan 高原 r'iiu JJR BBA ECON&FINA #* Ms LAI, Hoi Shuen Vicky jf1~t:\'tl%e 賴愷璇 BBA ECON&FINA #* Ms SRI, SHI, Zhaofang tt.~is7j 史兆方 BBA ECON&FINA #* Ms ZHANG, Jin 張錦 ~ ~m BBA ECON&FINA #* Ms ZHU, Juan 朱鷺 * ~ BBA ECON&FINA #* Ms FENG, Yi {,~ 馮藝 D BBA FINA&ACCT #* Ms 1IN, LIN, Xiaochen if*1bijl: 林曉晨 BBA FINA&ACCT #* Ms MEl, MEI, Lin f~ 梅林 BBA FINA&ACCT ** #* Ms XIA, Jingjing 夏菁菁 J{~~ FlFl BBA FINA&ACCT #* Mr CHAN, Chun Man 陳俊丈 ~JfH~:x BBAMGTO&OM #*^ #*/\ Ms FUNG, Pui Man Pearl {,~1111~ 馮沛雯 BBAGBM #*^ #*/\ Ms HUANG, Qingqing ~mm 黃清清 BBA GBM #* Mr DENG, Binbin 鄧彬斌 ~~fi'}tjb: BSc ECOF #* Mr 11, LI, Xichen 李希晨 ~1ffJl: BSc ECOF #* Ms 而且 WANG,, Yan 王研 :=E m BSc ECOF #* Ms HUANG, Lee Lee 黃莉莉 ~"jfij"jfij BSc QFIN Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics Mr NG, ManHin 吳文軒 ~:x$f αand ndfinα Finance nce 們 #* Ms SHI, Zhaofang 史兆方 tt.~is7j I 工商管理學士 [llj 1j;ElI! i!j ± ((*~ 經濟學及財務學 ~ i!j Ndlt ~ i!j) ) Mr SO, Ka Ho Benjamin 蘇家籲 a~. Ms TIAN, Lulu 回踏踏 B3llE&llE& Mr CHAN, Chun Lam Wilson 陳俊霖 Mr TSUI, Chun Lam 徐俊琳 ~JIH~~ 1~{~fij;j\ 黃家誠 Mr CHAN,Ho Ho 陳豪 Mr WONG, Ka Shing ~* ~ ~~~ Ms CHAN, Wing CHAN, 引 Ting Ki 陳泳岐 Ms WONG, Shuk Ting 黃淑婷 ~*1Jj<iIBZ ~tr~~ Mr CHEUNG, Ming Hong ~~~ 張銘康 Ms WU, Xiaoyue 吳曉明 ~~m Mr CHOW, Cham Kuen mlmm 周湛權 Mr YEI, Tak Sau 余德修 *1!'!{~ * Ms DING, Jie Ms YEUNG, Lai 楊麗丁潔 T ~ m Ji! * Mr FONG, Ka Ming 方家銘 Ms YIP, Kwan Kiu 葉君翹 ~;g~ 7J~~~ Ms FUNG, Hei {,~ HI 馮 H 羲 Mr YUEN, Chor Yiu Jason 阮楚堯 wcjl~ #* Ms GAO, Yuan TI 可主 T r'iiu 原 #* Ms ZHANG, Jin 張錦 JJR ~ ~.m * Ms JIANG, Da 姜達 #* Ms ZHU, Juan 朱堯 ~ ~ * ~ 高愉婷 Ms KO, Yue Ting r'iiu'lmr~~ #* Ms LAI, Hoi Shuen Vicky 賴愷璇 jf1~t:\'tl%e Mr LAM, Man Chun Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics 林丈真 **:x~ andlnformα Information Ms LAM, Man Kuen Systems 林丈娟 **:x~1'i Mr LAM, Pui Hong 林沛康 if*1111~ I 工商管理學士 [llj 1jm\. i!j ±(*~ ( 經濟學及資訊系統學 ~i!j:& ~H1Ui~ i!j) ) * Mr LAU, Ka Ho ~U~~ 劉嘉豪 Ms LEE, Chi Shan ~;t;ft!ffi 李志珊 Mr AU, Tung Ming 區棟銘 m:w~ Mr LEUNG, Shui To ~:ffm1@ 梁瑞泊 Mr CHENG, Fay 鄭逸飛 j!l~~ Ms LEUNG, Wing Yan ~w1<jtx 梁詠欣 Ms CHEUNG, Kit Ying 張潔盈 ~~?EI Mr LUI, Abdul Wahid Nok Hei 雷諾熙 Mr KAM, Chun Hei 甘俊熹 mlm~~ i:t{~~ 古健銘 Mr LUI, Man Chiu 呂丈釗 g:x~u Mr KU, Kin Ming tl{jl~ Ms LUI, Suet Wah 呂雪華 g~ Mr LAM, Ho 林豪 ~ ** Mr LUK, Wing Chung Tony 陸永頌 Ms LAM, Wing Yee 林詠 ~.i7jdjf **w1<{i { 義 Mr LUK, Wing Tung 陸泳通 Ms LO, Lee Sze 勞利斯 ~.i1*ml ~nuwr Mr NG, Ka Ho 吳家浩 Ms MAN, She Sum 丈舒 :X~IL\ J 心 ~~m 72 I 學位頒授典禮!j!lli:j)jl:J~!I!!ll! CONGREGATION # Academic Achievement Awards 畢業成就獎!j! W- mz ~ i!1! * First Class Honors 甲等榮譽 '!1 ~ %\ 111 ^ A Graduate 岫 of 01 Dual 0 個 I Degree 間 Program 日 ram in Technology and Management 日科技及管理學雙學位課程畢業生 tll~bl.""jlil!j!'ll'!j!lli:llm!i'li!w-'t

72 司圖 Mr SHID, SHIU, King Pan 蕭勁斌 lf~xib: Mr LAU, Yuen Hoi 劉源海 i U1)Jjf$ Mr SID, SIU, Ho Kan 蕭浩勤 1f1tfiIJ Ms LEUNG, Fuk Man 梁種敏 *~lljr Mr WONG, Lok Hang 黃諾行 j1f EiT Mr LI, Wing Kit 李榮傑 :$~{l Mr WONG, Pak Kin 王千百堅 ±tb~ Ms La, LO, Ho Yi 盧可怡 rtr~:h~ Mr WONG, Wai Kin 王偉健 ±{1lt~ Mr TONG, Wai Kin 唐偉健 m{llt~ Ms YAU, Nicky Kit Vee Yee 丘潔兒 li~~ Ms WONG, Tsz Shan Karina 黃梓珊 j1ft lfl& Mr YIP, Ho Lam 葉浩霖 ~~~ Ms YIP, Van Yan Ki Candy 葉欣琪 ~JTX~ Ms YUEN, Wai Ling 袁慧玲 ~~~ 容美姬 Ms YUNG, Mei Kay : ~~~ Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics and Professional Accounting Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics.::r:llli~m!*±(~~*&)J~wrwbli ) 工商管理學士 ( 經濟學及專業會計學 ) αndmαnαgement and Management of organizations Org,αnizαtions 工商管理學士.::r:llli~m!*±(#,lli~*bUJUI&~m!*) ( 經濟學及組織管理學 ) Mr CHAN, Koon Ho 陳冠豪 ~j!ugf~ Ms CHAN, Pui Yin 陳珮賢 ~*~W Mr CHID, CHIU, King Sze Clement 招敬斯 :tb:wj/jpf Ms HE, Yingying 何穎穎 {PJ~~ Ms CHONG, Chun Wing 莊晉泳 fffl'f1* ~~g Ms LEE, Ka Wai 李嘉慧 ~:n~jqj'\ Ms HO, MeiKwan 何美君 1PJ~;g Mr LEUNG, Cheuk Shing 梁卓誠 * j[~ Mr LAM, Man Sum 林丈森 ffy:** * Ms NAN, Dong 南冬 l i ~ Mr LAW, Chun Yin 羅俊彥 ff,i1~~ Ms NG, Kei Van Yan 吳紀欣 ~*e.jtx Ms NGAI, Vee Yee Sheuk 魏漪鍊 ~m~ Mr NG, Van Yan Kit 吳仁傑 ~1=1~ Ms WONG, Cho Wai 黃祖蔚 j1fffdlif Mr TSUI, Hin Kan 徐顯芹 1~mU? Ms YEUNG, Althea King Van Yan 楊景欣 ~.ftx * Ms YIM, Man Ting 嚴敏婷 K&llJRfrkf Ms YU, OnKi 余安琪 *~~ Bαchelor Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance αnd and Informαtion Information Systems Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics 工商管理學士.::r:llli~m!*±(Mr9 *&~-m*r.uc*) ( 財務學及資訊系統學 ) αndmα and Marketing Mr CHAN, KaKin Kin 陳家健 ~*~~ 工商管理學士.::r:llli~m!*±(#,lli~*& ( 經濟學及市場學 W;t~*) ) Mr CHAN, Man Chung 陳敏聰 ~*lljr~,1ill Mr CHAN, Phelan Ching-hong 陳正康 ~*IEm 孔的 Ms CHAN, Ka Van Yan Karen ~*1JD)gI, 陳加恩 Mr CHAN, Tim Yu 陳添裕 ~*~* Mr CHAN, Ting Kwan 陳廷鈞 ~*~~SJ Mr CHEN, Zhuowei 陳卓韋 ~* j[~ Mr CHENG, Chi Hang 鄭志 ~-±'Iz[ JD\ d 恆 ' Mr CHENG, Ka Wing 鄭嘉泳 fl~jl;~* Ms CHEUNG, Kai Ni Joey 張佳妮 5:1HE~ Mr CHEUNG, So Yeung 張蘇洋 *a~ Ms CHEUNG, Van Yan Mung 張欣夢 *ftx~ Ms CHEUNG, Yin Wa 張燕華 *~'-' Ms CHIK, Yuen Tink 戚苑婷 mz~frkf Mr CHU, Han Hon Wing 朱瀚榮 *Mr~ Ms CHING, Ka PO Po 程家寶 fj~. Mr CHUANG, Wa Wai 莊樺煒 fffifr! Mr KANTHAN, Aditya Mr HO, Chi Fai 何志輝 1PJ~*. Ms KWONG, Yuen Ching 廣 E 苑菁.~j[H' Mr HUI, Chun Wen 許俊泓 t1~15& Ms LEE, Pui Yu :$1Jfil\$ 李佩茹 Mr KUNG, Wing Kuen II 黨榮權 _~5R "''''il Ms MA, Wing Kwan,~~!~ 馬穎筠 Mr KWOK, Ronald Kai Yeung 郭散洋 ~~Ja)(~ Ms MUI, Wing Yiu Anicia 梅穎瑤 iilt~jjjt Ms LAI, Shun Yun Maggie 黎淳茵 W#~OO Mr YING, Pak Kin 那柏堅 7f~ts~ Mr LAM, Ka Hin 林嘉顯 *:tjl;mi Mr LAW, Samson Chak Sum 羅澤深 ff,i~~ Ms LEUNG, Sin Ting 梁 ~D{:4<~1'f { 青婷 * P3? Bαchelor Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics Mr LEUNG, Tsz Ho *rif: 梁子豪 and Operations Mα Management * Mr LI,Ho :$ 李豪 ~ 工商管理學士.::r:llli~m!*±(#,lli~*&:g~~m!*) ( 經濟學及營運管理學 ) Mr LIN, Hua Po PO 林華波 ff'-'~&: Mr LIN, Wai Hong 連偉康 3!!11ltm Ms AU, Wing Pan ~!f~xib: 區穎斌 * Mr LIU, Shuo 劉朔 i U 9'lA Mr CHAN, Chun Kin 陳俊堅 ~*1~~ Mr LIU, LID, Yunhe 劉雲鶴 i U~t~ 學位頒授典禮!j,!lli:Jll!:fl\'~1lI CONGREGATION 岫盯 I 1 73

73 Mr La, LO, KwunMan 11!9ax 盧冠丈 Mr NG, Kai Fung 吳歐鋒 ~ID:~ Mr La, LO, WingWa Wa *17k. 羅永華 Ms PANG, Pui Lam 彭佩琳 W1Jlll\~ Ms LUK, WaiMan 陸慧敏 ~~~~jz Ms SUEN, So Ming 孫蘇鳴 :m1t*~~ Ms LUO, Yaqing 羅雅清 *I;J1Em Ms WONG, Ka Yi 王家宜.=E~li Mr NG, Kwan Yui Terence 吳坤叡 ~:f;e/lf}z Ms YIP, Ching Yee 葉菁儀 ~.{i * Ms REN,Chun 任 {:f 春 ~ Ms YU, Sui Yan 于萃茵 T~OO * Mr SIT, Kwok Lun 薛國麟 iw~. Mr TONG, Ho Ting 湯浩霆 ~m~ Mr TSE, Yat Kwan 謝逸群 ~~1W Bachelor of Business Administration in Finαnce Finance and Mr TSUI, Shun Fung 崔淳峰 m $. Operations Management * Ms WANG, Yao 王瑤.=E ~ 工商管理學士 Ijfijrgff1l!*±(JIt:r%*&if~tf;E!l!.*) ( 財務學及營運管理學 ) Mr WONG, Ka Cheung 黃嘉翔 ~&rj1 Mr WONG, Kei Kong 黃麒光 ~l:ll;7\:; Mr CHEUNG, ChiMan 張志丈 ~~X Mr WONG, Lap 玉立.=E JL Mr HO, King Wai 何勁威 {aj~~ Mr WONG, Sai Hong 黃世康 ~t!:tm Ms HO, LokMan 何樂敏 1aJ~~jz Mr WU, KaKi 胡家麒 I'ifj~l:ll; Ms KONG, Man Yee 1IfIDl:1i 江敏儀 Ms XIAO, Xiao 肯瀟 ~ Ms LAI, Hiu Ting 黎曉婷 ~~p, Ms YE, Jiang Jiong 肘 Of 煚 ~ * Ms LEUNG, Wai Lun 梁瑋倫 ~f.1jfe Mr YIP, Kwong Ming 葉間明 ~1UfJ~ Ms NG, Wing Sze 吳詠詩 ~WJ<~ Ms YU, Yue 余悅 * tft Ms SO, Ka Ying Queeni 蘇家盈 ffi*~7j:i Ms YUEN, KaMan 袁嘉雯 ~~~ * Ms TIAN, Yuan 回 rn 媛 ~ Mr TSANG, Han Hon Kin 曾瀚鍵 WiiJ~1 Mr WONG, Chi Chung 黃志聰 Ji~~J~ Bachelor of Business Administration in Finαnce Finance Mr WONG, Ka Chun 黃嘉俊 ~Mf{~ andmα Management nαgement of Organizations 黃渡銘 Mr WONG, Tsun Ming ~@:~ 工商管理學士 I jfijtf;e!l!.*±(jlti%* ( 財務學及組織管理學 &*Jl~tf;E!l!.*) ) * Ms BIAN, Guangchen 邊光晨 j!*;;: Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance Ms CHAU, Hoi Yan 周凱欣 )1!f]:MJTX and αnd Professional Accounting Ms CHIU, Sin Ting 趙倩婷 m1~p, Ijfijtf;E!l!.*±(JltI%*&1J~Wilit~) 工商管理學士 ( 財務學及專業會計學 ) Mr HUI, Ka Chang 許嘉昌 ~'T~s a ",,,,s Mr KHAN, Raisuddin Mr CHAU, Kai Hang 周敢 )1!f]ID:tl:[ 1 豆 Mr SZE,Chun 施俊 15ffi {~ * Ms CHEN, Yiyi 陳亦 d 怡 ~*1Fr'Er Mr THAYIB, 血, Arlan * Mr CHEUNG, Kong Hing 張港興 ~mji Ms TSANG, Wing Yan 曾穎欣 W~JTX Ms CHEUNG, Wai Yuk 張慧玉 ~~.::tt Ms YEUNG, Michelle 楊敏瑜 * Mr CHU, Kin Man 朱健民 Ms YEUNG, Michelle ~~jzfiltr * Mr CHU, KinMan *~~ * Mr DIAO, Shuo /) #*# * Ms FENG, Yi 馮藝 i(:g ~ Bachelor of Business Administration in Finαnce Finance Mr FUNG, Ka Po PO 馮家寶 i(:g~. and Marketing * Ms GAO, Fei 高菲 ~ ~ 工商管理學士 Ijfijtf;E!l!.*±(~H%~& ( 財務學及市場學 mf~~) ) * Mr JING, Ruochong 井若沖 :tt~~ Ms KO, Man Lee 高煌利 ~Plflj 黎浩翔 Ms CHENG, WaiChun 鄭惠珍 #j);!:~ Mr LAI, Ho Cheung ~~15rJ1 Ms CHEUNG, Wing Sum 張詠深 ~WJ<~ Mr LAM, Man Fai ;ffx*-' 林女輝 Mr IP, Yu Hin 葉宇軒 ~f'f * Ms LI, Sharon 李雪寧 *~$ Mr LAM, Hong Kiu Jason 林康翹 ;ffm~ * Ms LI, Yuk Yan 李鈺恩 *~I)gl, Ms LEE, Man Yee 李敏儀 *~jz{i * 扎 Ms 1s LI, Zhao 李昭 Bjg * Ms LI, Hiu Laam 李曉嵐 *~J.!!lt * Mr LIANG, Tianyu 梁天予 ~J(.:y Mr LI, Xiaopeng */NIJ:l 李小朋 * Mr LIN, Lu 林路 ** ~ Ms LUK, Ching Man 陸靜雯 ~~~ ~ #*# * Ms LIN, Xiaochen 林曉晨 ;ff~;;: Ms LUNG, Sze Wan 龍施允 fj~15ffift * Ms LIU, LID, Chau Ting 廖舟婷 ~*P' Ms MOK, Suet Kei 莫雪姬 ~~P!2 74 I 學位頒授典禮!lO&llll:l3i~1l! C CONGREGATION 岫帥 # Academic Achievement Achievemenl Awards 學業成就獎!lO* fit &t ill! * First 叫 Class Honors 甲等第譽 fjl!i! ~ II

74 * Ms LU, Shurui 呂妹睿 gfr*~ # * Ms MEI, Lin 梅林 Ms NG, Hon Ping 吳寒冰 ~*{* Mr SHUM, Chun Yu 沈權宇 tt1l' Mr SZE, Shun Ming 施純明 ;OOiml1! f3j3 * Ms WU, Qiong 吳王京 ~ f~ Mr WU, Yihuang 吳奕雖 ~~jj!fg # * Ms MEl, Lin fa # * Ms XIA, Jingjing 夏菁菁 ~~~ FlFl * Ms XU, Wanlu 許碗睹 slfsji!jle! * Mr YIP, Wing Hei 葉永禧 ~*ffi! Mr YUEN, Kin Lun 袁健倫 :R11!1fflj * Ms ZHANG, Hang 張航 5:& rc * Ms ZHANG, Jingtong 張景童 5:&~:M: * Ms ZHANG, Ting 張婷 5:& ~ ** * * * * * * Bαchelor Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Business and Mαnagement Management of Organizations 臼 ations 工商管理學士 I jfij 1 f;eje ~ ± ((: J 環球商業管理及組織管理學 1* jfij ~ 'if HI :& ~1l M& 1 f;eje ~ ) Ms CHAN, Joanna Man Jung 陳文仲 ~-*:x{rp Mr HEUNG, Hop Sang 香俠笙 ~{~~ Ms LAU, Wing Yan Emily 劉穎欣 ~rr!fj[jo: Ms LING, Kok Wing 凌悟穎 ~'I'i!r!ff[ Ms SZE, Ue Tung 施零彤 :oi!i~fij Mr WAN, \i\ 瓜 N, Po PO Ching 尹搏程 j=f~1~1l Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Business αnd and Mar7æting Marketing 工商管理學士 I jfij 1 f;eje ~ ± ((: J 環球商業管理及市場學 1* jfij ~ 1 f;eje:& m;t~ ~ ) Bαchelor Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Business and Economics 工商管理學士 Ijfij1 f:f1l!.~±(: J1*jfij~1 f;eje:&~~~) ( 環球商業管理及經濟學 ) Mr CHENG, Ki Sum ~~~ 鄭其森 Mr CHEUNG, Wang Kwong 張宏光 5:&7. :Y6 * Mr CHOW, Leong Yu Michael 周亮宇 }j!f]'ic' Ms HO, Bianca Caroline {PIJGl,!fJ[ 何思穎 Mr HUANG, Shangbin 黃尚斌 ~fiitta * Ms KONG, Lingbing 孔令兵 :rl~~ Mr LAU, Ho Man 劉浩丈 ~rr~:x Ms MACDONALD, Alexia Grace 麥樂庭 *~ g * Mr PI, Chendong 皮辰冬 Ez:~:3S- * Ms TSOI, Yuen San 蔡宛珊 ~rrl.: ffil- * Ms WONG, Man Ying 黃敏盈 ~fj!xii * Ms XIE, Wenxin 謝丈馨 W:x * Mr YIP, Chi To 葉志滔 ~~m Bαchelor Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Business αndfinαnce and Finance 工商管理學士 Ijfij1 f:f1l!.~±(: JAAjfij~1 f;eje:&mr%~) ( 曙球商業管理及財務學 ) Mr AU, Chi Hang Marco 區智 j&9 l'i'li '1 靈 * Mr CHAN, Kwan Wah 陳君華 ~-*~ * Ms CHID, CHIU, Wing Ki Claire 趙泳淇 m1jkw; 周 Ms CHOW, Wing }j!f] 詠 ~j( Mr HO, Kwan Wa {PI 何昆樺 m;f;j Ms LAI, Ka On 黎嘉安 ~j(;~ Ms LAM, Kit Man 林潔雯 **~~ * Mr LAM, Tin Yan 林天恩 **::;RJ~' Mr SOH, Wee Chean Mr TING, Fun Yan 丁寬仁 TJ[C Ms TSE, T 鈕, Tanya Cheuk Lee 謝卓利 W!lifU Mr ZHOU, Guanyu 周冠宇 }j!f]m' * Ms CHOI, Ka Kei Mr CHUNG, Kim Wah 蔡嘉琪 ~~m 鍾儉樺 ~{~;f;j Ms LAY, Dorothy Hon Man 黎翰文 ~~:x * Ms SO, Wing Yan 蘇詠欣 ilc~j(jo: Mr YIP, Cheuk Man 葉卓現 ~!lif~ Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Business αnd and Operations Mα Management 工商管理學士 I jfij 1 f;eje ~ ± ((: J 環球商業管理及營運管理學 1* jfij ~ 1 f;eje:& if ~ 1 f;eje ~ ) Ms HO, Ai Yeng Desiree 何凱瑩 {PIM~ * Ms TSANG, Ka Man 曾嘉汶 iwj(;~3z: Mr WILLIAMS, Tripp Chen Bαchelor Bachelor of Business Administration in Informα Information Systems αnd and Management of Organizations Organizαtions 工商管理學士 I jfij 1 f;eje ~ ± ((jf 資訊系統學及組織管理學 lffi * f,ffc ~ :& ~1l M& 1 f;eje ~ ) Ms CHAN, Pui N Nei 陳珮妮 ~-*~frje Mr CHENG, Gavin 鄭嘉誠 ~&~ Ms CHEUNG, Ka Man 張嘉敏 5:&&fj!x Ms CHEUNG, Mei Ying 張美英 5:&~~ Ms CHOW, Tik Yan 鄒迪欣 ~~~JO: Ms LAM, Tin Yan 林鋁殷 **~IH~~ Ms LEE, Man Yi 李文意 *:x~ Mr LO, Kai Wing 羅敢榮 ff,fllw:~ Ms LUI, Pauline Mae Reyes 雷凱莉 mmfrj Mr NG, Chi Hang Kevin 吳志 ~;G;'I'l[ '1 宜 Ms NI, Mengxi 倪夢溪 {5r,~~~ Ms PANG, Sum Yi 彭 ~{/I'Er J 心怡 Mr SO, Ka Ho Thomas 蘇嘉豪 ilc&~ Ms WONG, Sze Nga 黃詩雅 ~~~ Ms WONG, Ue Ting 黃煦婷 ~/\\'\t::f --afu,i1 學位頒授典禮 ll'illillil'il!l!llli CONGREGATION 岫何酬 I 75

75 Mr YEUNG, Man Lai mx:rl 楊文禮 Ms LEE, Sze Man 李施敏 *1JfJi~~ Mr YUEN, Wai Man 袁惠民 :R~'!; Ms LEUNG, Suet Mui Tracey 梁雪梅 ~~fa Ms 11, Sze Ting Erica 李斯婷 *:wr~, Bαchelor Bachelor of Business Administration in Information * Mr LID, LIU, Tiemo Tierno 劉鐵摩 ~U.* Ms MANZANILLA URQUIZA, Paulina Systems αnd and Marketing Mr NGAI, Yu Tin 魏雨田 ~mee 工再管理學士 ::Cjfij~;oo~±(~m*f.Vf~&rnt~~) ( 資訊系統學及市場學 Ms NGAN, Yuen Shan 顏婉珊 ~~lffll- Ms PANG, Man Pui 彭丈沛 ~X:1rP Mr BACH, Kin Pong 白建邦 B~1~ Ms WONG, Fung Ki 黃鳳棋 wll.tlt Ms CHAN, Hiu Lok 陳曉諾 ~*IBi :E' Mr WONG, Kai Ling ::E,$(. 王敢靈 Ms CHAN, Yi Chi 陳宜知 ~*H:tD Ms YAU, Hiu Man 邱曉波 JJ~lBirx Ms CHAN, Yuk Yee 陳玉儀 ~J!t:E'{i Mr YAU, Ho Yin 丘浩然 d~~ Mr CHEUNG, Koonho Marïo: Mario: 張冠豪 ~7Df~ Mr YEUNG, Ping Cheong 楊炳昌 m1p3l Mr CHUNG, KaHo 鍾嘉豪 ~;ti~ Mr FUNG, Park Kei 馮柏几 {'l&tsjl Ms HO, Pui Yee 何珮而 {llj~ffij Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Mr HUI, Yu To tfm 許宇濤 Systems and Professional Accounting Ms LAI, Yan Tung Iris 黎恩 彤 1flJ~JJj 工商管理學士 ::Cjfij~;oo~±( (~m*f.vf~ 資訊系統學及專業會計學 &.~frlit~) ) Mr LAPKO, Illya Mr LAW, lia Jia Mr CHAN, Chi Hin 陳智軒 ~*9 '!1!f Ms LEE, Kwok Chu 李圓珠 *~~ Ms CHAN, Hoi Ting 陳凱婷 ~*~frl Mr MA, Siu Hung 馬兆雄 ~~IS1lfE Mr CHAN, King Shing 陳竟成 ~*~m< * Ms MA, Siu Lei 馬少梨 }i!~y~ * Ms CHAN, Ting Ting 陳婷婷 ~*~,~, Ms NG, Nga Ting 吳雅婷 ~:Jl~' * Mr CHAN, Tsz Wai 陳梓維 ~*W*tE Ms NGAI, Shun Yan 魏淳欣 ~~ JVz Mr CHEUNG, Yi Tak 張胎德 ~~i:t{'~ Mr PAN, Chung Fai 潘宗輝 Mr CHOW, Karn Kam Wu 周錦湖 mj.mmj Ms POON, Wai Kuen Crystal 潘偉娟 ~**' ~$~I"l Ms KHOR, Sher Lyn Ms SO, Emily Ying Yin 蘇英如 i\(~tet Mr LAM, Chi Yin Albert 林志彥 ;.ff;g;'@: Mr TAM, Che Chung 譚子聰 ~T~'~ Mr LAM, Yat Long 林逸朗 ~*~~Jj Mr TAN, Kean Ee 陳鍾亦 ~*&!# Ms 11, Pui Shan 李佩珊 *{!lil\lffll- Ms TO, Hin Wah 杜衍嬋 f±irrpf 扎 Mr 1r LUK, Han Hon Kit 陸漢傑 ~.i~~~ Ms TSANG, Hoi Ning 曾凱寧 1f!m~ Mr NG, Yu Hin Spencer 吳雨軒 ~ml/if Mr WONG, Chun Hang 黃俊恆 w{~tli Mr NOMA, Ken 野間健!l!YFJlfJ! Ms WONG, Nga Yan 王雅恩 ::E:JlJ~' * Ms SO, Wing Wa 蘇穎華 ---"jg tf:ffh 黃玉菁 Ji~_ Ms WONG, Yuk Ching Mr SZE, Kwan Wai 施鈞偉 nl!we{$ Mr WU, KarnMing Kam 胡感銘 iij ~~ Mr TAl, TAI, Cheuk Ming 戴卓明 lz j'!:fjfj Ms YEUNG, Lok Kwan Laura 楊樂筠 m~~ Ms TANG, Shirley Wai Man 鄧慧敏 ]f~~~~ Ms YUEN, Hoi Ying 袁海營 :RmJ~ Mr TSANG, Wing Hang, 1fjk'I'l[ 曾永 '1 宜 Ms YUEN, Shuk Yan :RiRJVz 袁淑欣 * Ms TSUI, Ka Ki 徐嘉琪 1~;ti:EJt Mr WONG, Chun Kit 黃俊傑 w{~~ Mr WONG, Ki Yan 黃祈殷 wff!itij~ Bachelor of Business 帥的 Administration in Information Mr YIK,, τìmg Tung Hang 易棟但 ~t*'i'l[ -=h Systems and Operations Mαnagement Management Ms YUAN, Yue 袁悅 R 'I)t 工商管理學士 ::Cjfij~;oo~±(~m*f.Vf~&~~~;oo~) ( 資訊系統學及營運管理學 ) Ms CHAN, Shuk Man 陳淑雯 ~*ir~ Bαchelor Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Mr CHAN, Wai Ming 陳偉銘 ~*{$~ oforg,α Organizations and Marketing Mr CHEUNG, WangYu 張宏裕 ~*m ::c 工商管理學士 jfij~11l!~± ((*JI.~~;oo~& 組織管理學及市場學 rnt~~) ) * Mr DADLANI, Roshan * Mr KE, Ping Fan 柯秉勳 fuj=*jj] Ms CHAN, C Lok Cecile 陳思洛 ~*}Gl,11tr Mr LAM, Yuk Ting 林煌庭 ;.ff~~,,* Ms CHAN, Yin Yee 陳彥而 ~*,@:ffij Ms CHOI, Yi Kwan 蔡懿筠 ~JBt~ 76 I 單位頒授典糧叫 ~&ill!i3!!l!ll!l CONGREGATION 酬 N # Academic Achievement Achievemenl Awards!l'!Ii< 畢業成就獎 ~.\it iii! 不 * First Firsl Class Honors 甲等榮譽 Ej1!(If #1111

76 l Ms CHONG, Yee Han Regina 莊漪嫻 m:~tf~ Bachelor of Business Administration in Manαgement Management Ms CHUA, Hiu Sin Zoe 蔡曉茜 ~~1S of Organizations Org,αnizα 恥的 αnd and Professional Accounting Ms CHUI, Ming Yuk 徐明玉 1~S)13S. 工商管理學士 Ilfti1ff:E1l!.~±(*ll~1ff:E1l!.~:&~~wrlit~) ( 組織管理學及專業會計學 ) Ms CHUNG, Ching Man 鍾靜敏 i!j!j~mj: 何潔 {PJ~,[i't J 怡 Ms HO, Kit Yi Erica Ms CHAN, Chi Wai 陳姿慧 ~*~li 胡嘉桐 Ms HU, Jia Tong Angie iiflb;f1llj Ms CHAN, Hoi Ting Emma 陳凱婷 ~*JVL~ Ms KAM, Lai Kan 甘麗勤 ttmjjj Ms CHAN, Sze Ki 陳詩琪 ~*~;iji; Ms LAM, Chau Wah Candy *;f\fj('$ 林秋華 Ms CHAN, Ying Tung 陳映彤 ~*~m Mr LAU, Chun Hei ~ui~;ffi" 劉俊希 * Ms LAM, PO Po Yan 林寶恩 #W)gl, Ms LAW, Yan Lok 羅恩 樂 *I}gr,~ Ms LAU, Yuk Ling 劉玉玲 ~u.3s:jif'l Ms LEE, KaMan *BmJ: 李嘉敏 Mr LAW, Ming Cheuk 羅銘悼 *I~w Ms LEE, Man Xin 李滿馨 *1j1jlj~ * LAW, 羅唯雛 Mr LA' 刀 ; Wai Lok *lutm : Ms LEUNG, Ka Man 梁嘉敏 ~BmJ: * Ms LEUNG, Chau Ying Isabella 梁秋凝 ~fj({~! Ms LEUNG, Mun Kay Livy 梁敏磯 ~mj:fj Ms LI, Lingxi 李靈溪 *11~ Ms LI, Ka Man *BmJ: 李嘉敏潘蔚如 Ms POON, Wai Yin 1IjffrH Ms LI, Ka Yin 李嘉燕 *~~ Ms TAM, Ka Kei Candice 譚家琦 ~.~J~ Mr LID, LIU, Ho Yeung 廖吳腸 ~~~ Ms TAN, Yiling Ms LID, L 凹, Pik Yan 廖碧恩 ~~}gt, Ms YAM, Wei Yan Becky {fjfjoz 任蔚欣 Ms LO, Chiu Shuen Sally *lsjglli 羅昭璇 Mr YAN, Ho Wai Howard 昕浩為 tff1fr.~ I=t ~\" Ms TAI, TAl, Sin Hang 戴倩荷 lziflff{f Ms YE, Lijing ~M~ 葉麗靜 Ms TAM, Hiu Yan 譚曉恩 ~~)gl, Ms YIP, Y 凹 " Wing Yi ~fj['[i't 葉穎,[ 台 Mr TAN, Felipe Inkuei 譚英奎 ~~ Ms TID, TIU, Lok Sheung 刁樂婦 7J~m Ms TO, WaKwan 杜華君 H'$;g Bαchelor Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Mr TSANG, Kam Tim 曾錦添 ~~m~ and Operations Management Ms TSANG, Man Yee 曾曼 ~~,[i't J 怡工商管理學士 Ilfti1ff:E1l!.~±(rtH~~:&ii~1ff:E1l!.~) ( 市場學及營運管理學 ) Ms TSE, Kammy 謝潔薇 W~~ Ms WONG, Chuen Yuk 黃銓玉 jilff@:.3s: Ms AU, Hiu Ching 區曉晴 1i:~flfJ Ms WONG, Hang Lam 黃幸琳 jilf: )'# Ms CHAN, Yi Lai Mayda 陳依禮 ~*{t<~1 Mr WONG, Hoi Tat Edward 黃凱達 jilfjvli Ms CHAN, Yik Kwan Louisa 陳翊筠 ~*~~ Ms WONG, Kit Shan jilf~frjffi 黃潔柵 Ms CHENG, Tsz Kwan 鄭紫聖 t~~m 黃詩穎 Ms WONG, Sze Wing jilf~fj[ Mr ELHARAR, Noam * Ms WU, Sei Ling Queenie 胡思 靈 iiflj~,li * Mr FISHER, Aaron Wesley 余藝朗 #;rii~jj Mr YANG, Chan Kwan 楊陳筠 ~~*t~ 1J~'R-X * Ms FONG, Ka Ying 方嘉瑩 ~'3.i': Ms YUE, Joanne Karyn 余凱恩 #;JVL)gl, Mr GALANI, Prashant Mr IP, Nga 百 Tung mg 葉雅東 ~JlE* Ms JANG, Pu Rea Me Bachelor of Business Administration in Mαnαgement Management Ms LAM, Wai Yan 林慧欣 *;f\lijoz of Organizations Org,αn 話 α αnd and Operations Management Ms LEE, Man Wei 李汶慧 *~xll 工商管理學士 I lfti1ffj1i!.~± ((#Jl~1ffJ1I!.~:& 組織管理學及營運管理學 ii~1ff:e1l!.~) ) Ms LI, Yuen Sum 李婉璟 *~J!ll* 伍浩楠 Mr NG, Ho Nam iem;ff J #* Mr CHAN, Chun Man ~*i~:x 陳俊文 Mr NG, Ho Wai 吳浩威 ~m'wz Ms CHEUNG, Hiu Yan 張曉茵 *~1!i 伍倩詩 Ms NG, Sin Sze Sincere ie{flf~ Ms CHEUNG, Ka Man *BSlt 張嘉雯 Ms SHE, Suet Ying Maggie 余雪盈 *~m Ms CHOI, Hiu Yin 蔡曉燕 ~~~ Ms SID, SIU, Wan In 蕭蘊研 flllrjf Mr LENTZ, Timon Ms TAM, Man Ting Tammy 譚敏婷 ~.mj:p' ±/.=="" Ms PANG, Yin Ka 彭彥嘉 W :~ Ms TANG, Pui Ying 鄧珮瑩 ~~$~ Ms POON, Yan Yan 1IJOZJOZ 潘欣欣 Ms WONG, Hiu 百 Tung mg 黃曉彤 ~~m Ms SO, Ping Ting 蘇冰婷 ~'1Z~ ~{7 '" Ms YUEN, Oi Sim 阮愛嬋 I!7t~P' Ms WONG, Pui Chu 黃佩珠 jilf1jjil\ji)f( 學位頒授典禮 ~UIlll!Jl\'!I!'.1i! CONGREGATION 酬 N I 77

77 Bachelor of Business Administration in Operations Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics Management αnd and Professionα Professional l Accounting 工商管理學士 ( 經濟學 ) 工商管理學士.::cfilj~;fI~±( ( if~~;fi~&l#~wrrr~) 營運管理學及專業會計學 ) Ms HO, Kai Hung 何啟紅 {i'ij~~i Mr CHAN, Kwai Pan 陳桂 ~*f ~. i 賓 Mr LEUNG, Ting Hei 梁庭曦 ~&gal * Ms CHAN, Shuk Yan 陳淑欣 ~*~fix Mr MING, Ka Ho f l~~ 明家豪 * Mr CHEUNG, Ki Ki 張琪琪 ~;ijt;ijt Mr NG, Muk Yeung 吳牧陽 ~~!WJ Mr NG, TakHung 吳德雄 ~1~:a:1E Mr SHARE, Caleb 7RjiffV? 余進祈 Bachelor of Business Administration in General Mr TANG, King Hei Marcus 鄧景熙 ff~1j~~ Business Manαgement Management Mr TSE, Tsun Wai 謝竣瑋 W~fl Dual Degree Program in Technology Techno~ogy and Management Ms WONG, Sze Yin Celine 黃詩彥 w\b~ 工商管理學士.::c filj ~;fi ~ ± ( 綜合商業管理學 f.* ~ filj ~ ~;fi. ) Mr WONG, Wai Lung 黃偉龍 Wlf.ij --{X>.Jm ;f4:j5i& 科技及管理學雙學位課程 rg;fil! 1!f fllll*:fj.::cfilj~m!}~±(~~~) * Mr AU-YEUNG, Yat Hung 歐陽日鴻 ~!WJB~ Bachelor of Business Administration in Finαnce Finance Mr CHAN, Man Yik 陳文翊 ~*3t~ 工商管理學士.::c filj~;fi ± ((J!H~ 財務學 ~) ) * Ms CHAN, Yee Ting 陳義婷 ~*~fr' * Ms CHEN, Minying 陳敏章 ~*i!!z~ Mr CHAN, Chun Yu ~*{~f 陳俊宇 * Mr CHIU, CHID, Tsz Wa IM~. 趙紫華 Mr CHAU, Cheuk Kwan 鄒卓君 ~~J$:;a * Ms CHU, Yan Ting Mandy *,'el,fr' 朱恩 婷 Ms CHAU, Nga Man 仇雅雯 {11m~ Mr CHUN, Yuk Heng ~:hei:[g 秦旭 '1 宜 * Mr CHEN,Li 陳立 ~* JL * Mr FONG, Wai Ki 方煒奇 lf1:lifif * Ms CHEN, Shuqi ~*fr*ffrjt 陳妹祺 #*/\ #*^ Ms FUNG, Pui Man Pearl 馮沛雯 {,\1,J~m~ Mr FUNG, Chung Hing 馮松興 {,\1,Jtl~ #*/\ #*^ Ms HUANG, Qingqing wmm 黃清清 Mr KAN, KaHo 簡家豪 M~~ * Mr ILLEPERUMA, Sanura Bindula Ms LAU, Wing Ha!jU'WkS 劉詠霞 * Ms JIAO, Yang 1M 焦揚 m Mr LEE, Chi Wang Kelvin 李治弘 $m L Mr KOO, PakLam 古柏霖 tifb~ Ms MAN, Ka Wai 丈嘉慧 X~_ * Ms LAU, Chung Yan Johanna!jU0JVe 劉頌恩 1, Mr PANG, Chiu Yu 彭詔渝 wlill~ * Mr LAU, KaLok 劉嘉樂!jUg~ Mr POTH, Pierre George Mr LEE, Byung Soo $:tri~* 李炳 1 朱 Mr SIN, Yu Lap {JerJL 洗于立 * Mr LEUNG, Hung Cheung 梁鴻祥 ~1J>~t$ Ms WONG, KaMan wgi!!z 黃嘉敏 *"" * Ms LU, Siwan ~.m/~j~'[ 陸思碗 Mr YAU, Chung Yin :Jt0JiJi 尤頌賢 * Mr LUK, Matthew Ho Ming ~.m-ajf l 陸可明 * Mr MA, Ka Wing Joseph J ~~~ 馬家榮 * Ms MA, M 九 Miu Yin 馬妙賢 Ji!~ fr.9>ji Bachelor of Business Administration in Information * Mr POON, Ngai Dick 潘毅迪 11~@ Systems * Mr TANG, Chiu Yat 鄧超溢 ff~m~ 工商管理學士.::c filj ~;fi ~ ± ( 資訊系統學 1t lfihihlfc ~ ) * Ms TANG, Shuk Fan 鄧淑芬 ff~l;z0= Mr WONG, Siu Keung 黃肇強 j'di5~ Mr CHAN, Yik Hong 陳奕康 ~*~I* * Mr WU, King Cheung 吳景祥張喬智 ~1Jt$ Mr CHEUNG, Kiu Chee George ~$9 1 Mr CHEUNG, Siu Sang 張兆生 ~~IS :: Ms FONG, Yin Ting 方嫣婷 J5w fr' Bαchelor Bachelor of Business Administration in General Mr KWOK, Sheung Yam 郭尚鑫 ~#ijtl Business Mα Management nαgement * Ms LAM, Nga Wai 林雅慧 il*m. 工商管理學士.::c filj iff:eli! ± ( 綜合商業管理學 f.* ~ filj ~ ~:ElI! ) Ms LAU, Pui Sze!jUMWf 劉佩斯 Mr LAW, Hong Ming Christopher 羅康銘 Mfii*j\l:g Mr LAU, Joshua Olen Ms LEE, Hiu Yeung 李曉陽 $~!WJ Mr LI, Daryl Chi Sing 李志昇 $-:::f:::s JD,rr Ms TSANG, Luk Chui 會綠翠 W!a~ Mr TSUI, Ming Hei 徐銘禧 1~j\l:gm: 78 I 學位頌授典禮 ~iiz:ilil:jl\'!i!!1i! C CONGREGATION 腳印刷 N # Academic Achievement Achievemenl Awards 學業成就獎 ~ ~ Jj)i, lit ~ * Firsl First Class Honors 甲等榮譽 '!1 iii;' M 'i

78 Mr WONG, Hing Bing Kit 黃慶傑 Ji~{~ Ms WONG, Hiu Yung 汪曉蓉 ±~~ Ms WONG, So Man 黃素汶 Ji~~3Z Ms WONG, Michelle Yuen-kei 黃碗淇 Jiffl[~;!'f; Mr WONG, Yuen Tsung 黃源 j 宗 Ji~,*~* Mr YEUNG, Fat Hong 楊佛康 m{~m Mr XIAO, Yao 向遙 ~ ~ * Ms YEUNG, Sze Sze 楊思 詩 m133 JrJ,a"tl' 'H: Ms YEUNG, Ming Ying Matalie 楊明英 msa~ Ms YUEN, Kar Wing 袁嘉詠 ~~WJ< Bachelor of Business Administration in Manαgement Management Bachelor of Business Administration in Operations of Organizations Mαnagement Management I 工窩管理學士 ft'fj 11f m!.!!l! ± ( 組織管理學 ~Jl~ 1 fm!.!!l! ) I 工商管理學士 ft'fj 1 f m!.!!l! ± ( 營運管理學 if ~ 1 f m!.!!l! ) Ms CHAN, Irene Y. T. 陳鈺婷 ~-*tl~ Ms HUI, Ka Yan 許家欣 l"ff~jvz Mr CHAN, Stephen 陳復時 ~-*111l1ff Mr HUNG, Fan Yeung 孔繁揚 :rl~m Ms CHEUNG, King Chong 張競莊 ~5NJlf Mr LEE, Yee Kwong *~:JI[; 李義光 Mr CHOI, Chik Chau 蔡植洲 ~tit[~1+1 Mr LEE, Yik Yin *~Jf 李奕賢 Mr CHOW, Chin Pang 周展鵬 fflj~iiii,~ Mr LEE, Yin Lok Enoch *~~ 李彥樂 Ms HO, Ho Ling 何顯靈 {j:jj$j. Mr NGAN, Kit Ming 顏傑銘 ~{~~ Mr HO, Ho Shun 何浩淳 {j:jj~~$ Mr NING, Ngai Man 任毅文 ff~)( Ms LAM, Ka Tsing 林嘉澄 ;ff~~ Mr SIM, Yin Han Matthew 沈彥 ~x~t& d 恆 Ms LEE, Wai Ying Cynthia 李慧瑩 *~~ Jill' Mr SID, SIU, Chun Sun JH~~ 蕭俊彙 Ms LEUNG, Cheuk Sze Flora 梁卓思 YJ. i[eel * J(J, Mr TSUI,Chun ~ 徐雋 ~ Ms NG, Wai Sum Florence 吳慧 J 心 Ms WONG, Ching 黃靜 Ms NGAI, Yuen Ming 魏婉鳴 ~~Jrt~~ Mr WONG, Yan ± 王欣 JVz Ms SHUM, Ying Ying 沈迎迎 ~xill1ill1 Mr TUNG, KaLun 童家麟 :ii:~. Mr YAU, Ka Wai 邱嘉威 o:~~~ Bachelor of Business Administration in Professional Mr ZHANG, Chao 張超 ~ m Accounting Ms NG, Wai Sum Florence ~'~1H:J\ Ms WONG, Ching Ji W I 工商管理學士 ft'fj1 fm!.!!l!± ((.~ 專業會計學... lit!!l!) ) Bαchelor Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Mr AU-YEUNG, Kwun Lun 歐陽冠麟 ~~7Gf. I 工商管理學士 ft'fj 1 fm!.!!l! ± ( 市場學 mj$}!!l! ) Mr AU-YEUNG, Pui Wa 歐陽沛華 ~~~f\1. * Ms CHAN, Chung Yee 陳仲儀 ~-*{rp{i Mr CHAN, Chui Shing 陳敘承 ~-**J(* Ms CHAN, Hiu Kwan 陳曉君 ~-*~~ Mr CHAN, Yu Hin 陳宇軒 ~-*fl/if Ms CHAN, Kit Yee 陳傑儀 ~-*~{i Ms CHAN, YukYu YU 陳玉如 ~-*.:E~O * Ms CHAN, Lok Yi 陳樂 J 怡 ~-*~'[i=r Ms CHENG, Oi Wan 鄭藹雲 ~~~ * Ms CHAN, OiMei 陳愛美 ~-*~~ Mr CHIU, CHID, Tuen Wai 趙端偉 JMftffij{;l * Ms CHAN, Po PO Ching 陳寶晶 ~-*.~ Ms DO, Binnali Mr CHAN, Tsz Kit 陳子傑 ~-*-T~ Ms HUI, Lok Wan Brenda 許樂還 gtp~~ Ms CHAN, Tsz Kwan Vivien 陳芷筠 ~-*1ft~ Mr LAM, Chi Seng 林智生 ;ff~~ Ms CHAN, Wai Lan 陳慧蘭 ~-*~Jl Mr LEUNG, Tsz Kin 梁子健 ~-T{9! Mr CHAN, Wang Tung 陳宏東 ~-*; * Mr LI, Ka Ho 李嘉豪 *~~ * Ms CHAN, Wing Sum 陳詠芯 ~-*WJ<Z Mr LIN, Yan Lun 林恩麟 ~*} t. * Ms CHAN, Yuen Yan 陳 ~-*'6tz;1 i i;r;",,, 完恩 Ms LING, Qing 凌青 ~ 1J Ms CHAU, Lam 周琳 fflj f# Mr NG, Ming Cheung Daniel 吳銘章 ~~]j[ Ms CHENG, Sze Lam Eva ~JIf!,f# 鄭思琳 * Ms SID, SIU, Chong Wa 蕭莊樺 JlJlfr. Mr CHENG, Sze Man ~JIf!,@:~ 鄭思敏 Ms SO, Hoi Ki 蘇愷琪 jid'ill;m 1\. 1../... * Mr CHEUK, Chung Yan i[~j[} I, 卓頌恩 Mr SOTO LARRAIN, Rodrigo Alberto * Mr CHEUNG, Chin Fung 張展鋒 ~~~ Mr SZE-TO, Cheuk Ching 司徒卓政 8] 1fE i[li& * Mr CHEUNG, Wai 張偉 ~ {;l Ms TSE, Yuen Tung Jacqueline 謝宛彤 ~5'Bm Mr CHI, Tan Wai Terry *cft~ 紀丹威 Mr WONG, Chun Man 王雋丈 ±~)( 加 Mr 1r CHID, CHIU, Ka Chun JM~~ 趟家駿 Mr WONG, Chun Yiu Edison 黃俊曜 Ji{~Bi Mr CHONG, Sum 莊森 Jlf ** 學位頒授典禮!j!&illl:lli~ll\' CONGREGATION 酬 N I 79

79 Mr CHOY, Tsun Wing 蔡竣榮 ~~~ "",gz Ms SHEK, Yee Ching E~. 石綺菁 * Ms CHU, Man King Grace 朱支荊 *3tffH Ms SIN, Wai Fun 單惠芬 m:0= Ms CHU, Wing Man *!fjifi j( 朱穎敏 Mr SO, Chi Hang ~ibjt/[ 蘇志 1 宜 Mr CHUNG, Kin Cheung.17l. 鍾健章 Ms TSANG, Hiu Tung 曾曉彤 1W~m Ms CHUNG, Yuk Yu 鍾玉如.=tt"tzO * Ms TSANG, Hoi Ting 會凱婷 1W~~ Mr FOK, Patrick Pak Yi 霍柏訢 mts1jt Ms TSANG, Yuen Ching 曾婉貞 1WP~~ Mr FONG, Sin Ho 方善豪 1f'.~ Ms TSE, T 鈕, Sing Ying 謝昇螢 l1m~ftf Ms FU, Hiu Tsang Janice 傅曉崢 {f~u@ * Ms TSOI, Ka Lee :a=<o:fr] 蔡嘉莉 ""'~ IJ Mr HAU, Kwun Fai Alan 侯冠輝 {~7tn' Mr WAN, Ching Kit 沮政傑 {Hi&~ Ms HO, Hong Ni 何康妮 M~PJ Mr WONG, Ho 黃顯 Ji if! Ms HUI, Pui Man 許佩雯 lit{jijl\~ Ms WONG,OiLam Oi :.EII;W 王靄霖 Ms HUI, Yuet Yi 詐 lit'r~'r'&, 悅 'f 台 * Mr WONG, Pak Yiu 黃柏堯 Jits~ Ms 凹 IP,, Tsui Ting 葉翠婷 ~~~ * 扎 Ms i[ s WONG, Pui Yin 黃珮賢 Ji~R Ms IP, Yun Ling 葉潤玲 ~1r,,1J~ Ms WONG, Wai Fong 黃慧芳 Ji~33' Ms KAM, Hiu Yan 甘曉欣 i:f~fij\ 此 Ms i[ s WONG, Yee Suen 黃貝台璿 Ji~i1:Pi * Ms LAI, Cheuk Yan 賴卓欣 )jiji j[fij\ Ms WONG, Yuen Lam 黃苑霖 Ji:ffi;W Mr LAI, Fan Ying 賴勳盈 )jijilij~ Ms WONG, Yui Ling 王蕊鈴 ±~~% Ms LAI, Hiu Yan 黎曉欣 ~~fij\ Mr YAU, LokLai Lai W{-lrlfl 游洛禮 Ms LAI, Ling Ling 賴泠泠 )jiji#l#l Ms YAU, Mei Yin 1i~~ 丘美燕 Ms LAM, Hiu Wai 林曉慧 ;fyj\~~ Ms YAU, Tsz Ching 邱紫晶 Ii~~il Ms LAM, Hoi Yan 林凱欣 ;fyj\~fij\ Mr YE,Fangliang ut1f% 昕方亮 Mr LAM, Kwun Chung 林冠聰 ;fyj\7tn~ Ms YEUNG, Ming Yan 楊明欣 ~~fij\ * Ms LAM, Wing Man 林詠丈 ttw'j<:3t Mr YIP, Man Yiu 葉文耀 ~:3t*i Mr LAU, Hiu Shan 劉曉山 ;U~rll Mr YUEN, Kei Cheuk 阮基灼 rm~1c; Mr LAU, Kai Fat 劉散發 ;UW:~ Mr YUEN, Shan Zheng Derek :R'.i& 袁善政 Ms LAU, Man Lai 劉萬麗 ;UMI! 此 Mr 1r YUNG, Chun Lok 容雋諾 ~~~ Ms LAU, Mei Kwan 劉美筠 ;U~~ Ms LAU, Nga Shuen 劉雅璇 ;U~31i Mr LAU, Sai Hung 劉世雄 ;Utltu:'!E Bachelor of Science in Economics αnd and Finance Ms LAW, Mei Yan 羅美欣 *I~fiJ\ 理學士 ~ if! ± (#~ 經濟及財務學 ~ NtJ!tf% if!) ) Ms LEE, HiuLan 李曉蘭 :zjf~m Ms LEUNG, Hoi Yin 梁凱然 m~~ Mr ABADI, Tami Mr LEUNG, Ming Him 梁銘謙 m~~~ Mr CHAN, ChiHo 陳志豪 ~*ibj~ Mr LEUNG, Tsz Ki 梁子麒 ~-Tl:lt Ms CHAN, Yee Ki Sophia 陳綺琪 Il*~~ Mr LI, Ka Fai Kelvin 李嘉輝 :zjf~*' Ms CHAN, Yu Lee 陳羽莉 ~*~~fr] Ms LI, Ka Wai 李嘉慧 :zjf~~ Ms CHAU, Yan Yan Christy 蔡茵茵 ~OOOO Mr LI, Mang Fung :zjfjfu. 李孟峰 * Ms CHEN, Ling 陳泠 Il* #I Mr LIU, Pak Lun 廖柏麟 ~tbj;t Ms CHENG, Xiuyuan 程修遠 lli[~~it Ms LIU, Sum Kee 廖心祈 ~{j\ffiff Mr CHEUNG, Kan Kit William 張根傑 ijmj~ * Ms LIU, Wenxuan 劉雯愷 ;U~;ti Ms CHOW, Hiu Yan 周曉欣 mj~jvz Ms LO, Lai Ying 盧麗盈 1lI1!~ Mr CHUI, Ching Kit 崔正杰 ~le~ Mr LUI, Ka Hing ~J[. 呂嘉興 Mr CHUNG, King Piu 鍾景標.ft~ Mr LUI, Tak Shing 呂德成 /.gagig 1,,,,, tt* #* Mr DENG, Binbin 鄧彬斌 ~~*~tj\; Ms LUO, Yuhui 羅宇王軍 *I'=Fl$ Mr FONG, Chun Yuen 方俊源 1f1~~~ Mr MA, M 九 Pui Yin 馬沛然,~1rP~ * Mr HO, Ho Lam 何浩霖 1i'lJ"~i!f;W Ms MAK, KaMan 麥嘉敏 *~fi j( * Ms HU, Xue 胡 ~ f2 雪 =r Mr NG, Cheuk Lok 伍卓主任 11i j[~ * Mr HUI, Lok 許洛 lit ~-lr ~I!~ :30: Ms NG, Lai Man 吳麗雯 I: * Ms JIANG, Yue 姜岳 :P:; I-W Ms NG, YuKwan 吳宇君 ~'=F;e Mr JONG, Chung Yin 莊誦賢!I±~i1:iR Mr PANG, Kin Wah 彭建華 'W9!~ Mr KUNG, Hin Hang UHfit/[ 龔衍 宜 Mr PANG, Tsun Kit 彭俊傑 'W1~~ Mr LAU, Kwong Yan Y 注 n ;UJJrC 劉廣仁 Ms POON, Man Sai, 潘蔓茜 ~-~ ~gs Mr LEUNG, Ho Ming 梁皓鳴 ~EfiIf~~ 80 I 學位頒授典禮 1l'lli:!JlUSllJ!!m CONGREGATION 附 GATION # Academic Achievement Awards 學業成就獎 1l' ~ ~ ~!i\\ * First Class Honors Ej3!ff * l!i: 不 First Class Honors 甲等榮譽

80 Mr 日 LI,, Man Kiu 李民橋 *~;ji #* Mr LI, Xichen 李希晨 *:ffij. : Ms LI, Yik Ling 李翊羚 *)ffl~ * Ms LIU, Chang 劉暢 ~U!ME Mr LUNG, Siu Fung 龍兆豐 i~~lsft Ms MA, Sin Ling Faustina 馬善鈴,~~~ Mr NG, Kiu Yan 吳翹殷 :!ffi!:~m~ Mr SHA, Chung Wai 余誦維 7Rlli1:i*fE Ms SIN, Wing Yan 洗穎恩 {'5t~~... II.~\ Ms SID, SIU, On Ting 蕭安婷.3(~ * Mr TAM, Siu Hong 譚兆匡 IDJ~lsg Mr TSANG, Tak Ming 會德銘 1W1~~~ Mr TSANG, Tsz Ming 會梓銘 ~~ * Ms TSANG, Wai Ling 會偉餾 1W{It~ Mr TSUI, Yuk Lun 徐育麟 1~W~ Mr WAN, Ho Yin 溫浩賢 11ii1}~Jl #* Ms WANG, Yan 王研.=E tef * Ms WONG, WONG, Chiu 的 Wai 黃昭懷 NBB'I~ Mr WONG, "\ 月 TONG, Hoi Leong Felix 黃海量 N~;' * Ms YANG, Qin m 楊沁 1)~\ * Ms YANG, Shuyang 楊舒揚 m~m * Mr YANG, Yang 楊洋 Ms YANG, Yishu 楊逸舒 m~~ Mr YU, Kam Chiu William 余錦釗 *~,jmhj * Ms YU, Wai Shan 余惠珊 *~frlffi * Mr ZHANG, Junnan 張俊楠 ~{~ifm * Ms ZHONG, Jiatong 鐘佳桐 jj@fillj * Mr YANG, Yang m # Bαchelor Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finαnce Finance 理學士 ~!J! ± ( tit 計量財務學 It ffu9j!j! ) * Mr CHOI, Man Sum 蔡文森 ~:X~ Ms CHU, Hoi Ying Rosanna 朱凱盈 *WL~ * Mr FU, Alex Chop Hsien 傅習軒 {.f~ii!f 黃莉莉 #* Ms HUANG, Lee Lee Nfrlfrl Mr HUI, Ka Chun 許家駿 ~t~~ ~" Ms IP, Sybil 葉慈沛 ~~rrp * Mr LAI, Kong Keung Louis 黎江強 ~rr5 a Mr LAM, Kwok Pong Jimmy 林國邦 #~*~ * Mr LEE, King Hang 李璟 *~'17i ' 恆 * Mr LEUNG, Tsz Fung 梁子鋒 ~-T~ * Ms LEUNG, Yan Yu Venus 梁茵瑜 ~l!ljilrj * Ms LEUNG, Yeung Yeung 梁洋洋 ~## * Mr LUI, Chun Ho 呂振豪 g:j:!lz~ * Mr NG, Kai Tung Carlton 吳啟東 * Mr NG, Kai Tung Carlton :!ffi!:~* Ms SHUM, Wing Yin 主宇穎如 4~~tef * Mr SO, Kin Ming 蘇建名 ihll'l Mr SUN, Lok Hin Bernard 孫諾軒 f*lmil!f * Mr TAM, Ka Ho Christopher 譚家豪 * Mr TAM, Ka Ho Christopher IDJ%~ Mr WONG, Jonathan Philip 黃俊皓 N{~J'!iff 學位頒授典禮 ~ &: llltl'il9!! 1ll CONGREGATION 酬刪 I 81

81 Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位 1iff~~~f1f Master of Business Administration/Master AdministrationjMaster of Science Mr LI, Zuyu 李祖愉 *ffteitru infinαnciαlanα Financial Analysis Mr LIAO, Fushun 廖褔順 ~miji~ I 工商管理碩士 fllitf;f!l!iji±/;f!i!~iji± / 理學碩士 ((~H~)tfJf~) 財務分析學 ) Mr LIN, Chien Her 林建何 ;f;f\~1i'ij Mr LIN, Jian 林堅 ;f;f\ ~ Ms CHEUNG, Sze Nga Eugenie 張思雅 ij:rjeljfe Mr LIN, Zhihai 林治海 ;f;f\1i1~ Mr SEET, Hok Ying Johny 薛學英 M~~ Ms LIU, Tingting 劉婷婷 ;Ufr'~ Mr TAM, Wang Kei Michael 譚宏基 ~* Ms LUO, Jing m 羅靜 lw Mr WONG, Ching Kan 王政勤.=EJ&Ji1J Mr PANG, Wah 彭華 W Ms WONG, Ching Wan Vivian Viviån 黃青雲 1 '-~?' Fl~ Ms REN, Qian 任倩 {:E {~ Mr SHAO, Xing Jun 邵興軍 BG~lI Mr SHI, Yuechen 史岳臣 1:-ffi Master of Business Administration/Master AdministrationjMaster of Science Mr SONG, Yi 宋義 in * ~ 的 Investment Management 才丈 Mr TIAN, Jie 田 m ~ Ifllitf~lI!iji±/;f!I!~iji±(f~U~tf;f!l!~) 工商管理碩士 / 理學碩士 ( 投資管理學 ) Ms WANG, VI 且也, Guoping 王國蘋.=E~~ Mr WEN, Jianlin 聞劍林 M~U~* Mr LAU, Tat Man Leo 劉達文 ;U~:x Ms WU, Xuejin 吳雪瑾 ~~fi Ms LEUNG, Wai Chi Gloria 梁慧芝 ~~z: Ms WU, Yuet Ying 胡月英 Mr MA, Chun Ho Eric 馬駿豪 ~,~~ Mr XU, Haihong 徐海宏 ~~* Mr RAO, Chetan Umanath Ms XU, Jianzhen 許堅真 ~"f~~ Mr TSANG, Joe Kwong Brilly 曾祖光 itfftei* Mr XU, Liangwen 許良丈 ~"f~:x Mr YAN, Feng 閏 1M! 峰 ~ Executive Master of Business Administration Mr YAN, Xin 閻新 1m fjt Ms YANG, Liming 楊俐明 ~{,fuej)j 高層管理人員工商管理碩士 ~l!tf;f!l!a~ifllitf;f!l!iji± Mr YANG, Weicheng 楊偉正 ~1$lE Ms YANG, Xiaoqian 楊曉倩 ~~{~ Mr BIAN, Zhi Qiang 邊志強 3f~5j Ms YU, Fang 15 方于 Ms CHENG, Xiao Su 程曉蘇 f~~i\( Mr YU, Shui 于水 r 7]<. Ms DENG, Ruiping 鄧瑞萍 ~G:flM~ Mr YU, Taixiang 于太祥 rxt Mr DU, Bin H 杜斌 xfr\: Mr ZHAN, Weibiao 湛煒標 m1tf~ Mr FANG, Zhi -:::e- 15 方志 Je.t\ Ms ZHAO, Ying Jm 趙穎 ;m Mr GAO, Yongzhi 可 I 可主 Z 元 KiτL 正 h 了 Mr ZHENG, Zhiming j!5~sjj 鄭志明 r'i'u*~ Mr GUO, Enxiu 郭恩 修 G}gl,{~ Mr ZHOU, Qing Ping 周清平 m1mlji Ms HE, Caiying 何彩英 {i'ij~~ Mr ZHU, Xiao Min 朱曉敏 *~fjjj: Mr HE, Debin 何德斌 {i'iji!xfr\: Mr HE, Shihong 何世紅 {i'iji!t*i Mr HE, Ying Zhou 何迎洲 {i'ijidi1hi Master of Business Administration Mr HOU, Zhikui 侯志奎 {*~~ Northwestem University 抄一 - HKUST Joint Degree Program 胡 Mr HU, Kui tij.l 奎 ~ Ifllitf;f!l!iji± 工商管理碩士 Mr HUANG, Haifeng 黃海峰 ~~~ 美國西北大學一香港科技大學合辦學位課程 ~~jffi ~t*~ - ~~f41)t*~g. JR~{1lID!!*~ Ms HUANG, LuOu 黃路阻 ~nl!lli Mr 甜 IP,, Ming 葉 ~ 鳴 ~~ Mr ABBINENI, Ravi Theja Ms JIN, Ling 金聆 ~ Jfi?J Mr ABLEITINGER, Markus Ms LAU, Hungying Clara 劉紅英 ;U*I~ Mr AU, Cheuk Yue Stephen 1I: [:m 區卓裕 Mr LEUNG, Siu Yin 梁兆賢 ~~IsJl Mr BEATTY, David James Ms LI, Dan Dan 李單單 *J!/iJ!/i Mr BHURE, Ajay Anantrao Mr LI, Hongwei **{$ 李宏偉 Ms BRIMNER, Beth Ranae Ms LI, Lan 李 蘭 * lii 82 I 學位頒授典禮 ~ill:jlilil'l~jji CONGREGATION 晰的

82 Ms CHAN, Elisa Pui Wai 陳蓓慧 ~J!rm~ Master of Business Administnα Administration tion Ms CHAN, Lilly 工商管理碩士 :::Cjffj~11I!m± Ms CHANG, Cecilia Shih-yi 張師綺 *mp~ Mr CHEUNG, Cheuk Wing Michael 張卓穎 *J i;f~ Mr ABAD GOMEZ, Pablo Mr DARROW IV, Herbert Van Wyck Mr AMERLINCK HUERTA, Iker Fernando Mr DAY, David J M Mr ANAND, Arun Mr EDWARDS, Gavin Timothy Ms AO leong, IEONG, Sao Kun 歐陽秀娟 ~~*frfl Mr FITZPATRICK, Timothy Patrick Mr ARGIOLAS, Carlo Ms FONG, Katherine Tse Ling Ms ARUNRUGTICHAI, Yonkamol Mr GAULT, Michael David Mr ASTAFEV, Alexey Mr GUPTA, Mohit Kumar Mr ATSE, Jean-philippe Mr GUYON, Jean Marie Mr AU, Lap Ming 區立明 ~JLI3JJ Mr HERRIAU, Nicolas Frahcois-Daniel Francois-Daniel Gerard 歐祐誠 Mr AU, Yau Y 訊 1 Shing ~ffrti~ Mr HUANG, HUANG, William 引 Tilliam Mr BENNHOLD, Florian Timm Johannes Mr HURD, Alexander Howard Mr BLANCHARD, Stephane Marie Joseph Mr IP, Keith Ho Lam Ms BOHRA, Shilpa Rajesh R 吋 Ms KOK, Wai Yee Mr CANTWELL, 此, J Jeffrey Brian Mr LAM, Ivan Ms CAO, Ling 曹玲 W li'l Mr LAYES, Joachim Jakob Mr CARINI, Alex Davide Mr LEE, Chi Keung 月 Ms CHAN, Bo Lai 陳寶麗 ~-*.H Mr LEONG, Jonathan Matthew Jit Man 梁捷丈 ~t.l:x Mr CHAN, Chiu Kit Jeremy 陳朝傑 ~-*'Jl~ Mr LI, Zhiyong 李志勇 *75;000 Mr CHAN, Dick Ki 陳姐祺 ~-*~ff~ Mr LIM, How Jit 陳是言 Mr CHAN, Ho Yin Vincent ~-*~ Mr LOH, Derek Ngiap Chien Mr CHAN, Hon Wan 陳瀚雲 ~-*~~ Mr MAK, Wai Keung Patrick 麥偉強 ~{ 5 a Mr CHAN, Hung Cheung 陳洪祥 ~-*#!;ti Mr MAN, Kenny Kai Nin 萬啟年 f.ltj8:1f Ms CHAN, Kit Wah Stephanie 陳潔華 ~-*~ Ms MANTARING, Lourdes Rosario Velez Ms CHAN, Kwok Nga 陳國雅 ~-*~!J1 Mr MOU, Suny Man Kit 繆文傑 ~:x{~ 陳碧瑜 Ms CHAN, Pik Yu ~-*~:ff.j Ms NAH, Siew Noi 藍秀蓮 ~*~ Mr CHAN, Ping Kei 陳炳基 ~-*m~ Mr NAIRNE, Douglas James Ms CHAN, Tat Kwan Mavis 陳達君 ~-*3!;e Mr NG, Hock Seng Ms CHAN, Tze Yan 陳子欣 ~-*-TJV\ Mr NG, Waikit Ms CHAN, Wai Man 陳慧敏 ~-*~m~ Mr PAYNE, James Christopher Mr CHANG, Chuanjian Ken 1%{-tfJ! 常傳健 Mr PUNJYA, Surinder Kumar Ms CHANTANATHAS, Lalida Mr RAHMAN, Md. Mahbub-ur Ms CHAO, Catherine Fushin Mr ROESSEL, Raymond James Mr CHAUDHARY, Kuldeep Mr SATTES, Thomas Fridolin Mr CHEN, Wen 陳文 ~-* :x Mr SUSENO, Dwi Prasetyo Ms CHEUNG, Kit Shan 張潔珊 *~lffij- Mr THAKRAL, Prabsharan Singh Ms CHEUNG, Lok Lam Lorraine 張樂琳.I>'.EE.51;1:t *~~ Mr THONG, Kwee Chee 童貴智 J"!.s Ms CHEUNG, Wing Hang 張穎研 *~~:f Mr TOBOJKA, James Allen Mr CHI, James Chung Man 池頌丈 ~ii~:x Mr TOTLANI, Haresh Suresh Ms CHIM, Tsz Man 詹芷敏 fil1em~ Mr TSAI, Fu Chou 蔡富州 ~i;1h Mr CHINTHIREDDY, Sandeep Reddy Mr TSANG, Terrence Diao-long 曾雕膚 ttjlfhi Mr CHIRLS, Nicholas Benjamin Ms VENKATARAMANI, Padmavathi Ms CHID, CHIU, HoiChu Alison ~~li* 趙海珠 Mr WEHL, Scott Gregory Mr CHID, CHIU, Yu Yeung 趙汝陽 ~&~ Mr WEHSER, Sven Mr CHOI, Chi York Sam 蔡子躍 ~-TJFi Mr WONG, Shun Shing Samson Ms CHONG, Ho Yee Jenny 莊可 m:-aj'i' :r '1 台 Mr ZHANG, Kuang Heng Mr CHOW, Quo Yun Darryl 周國榮 mj~#r Mr ZHU, Zhenghua 朱正華 Ms CHOY, Pik Kwan 蔡碧君 Mr ZHU, Zhenghua *le Ms CHOY, Pik Kwan ~~;e Mr CHUCK, Geoffrey Hiu Nok 卓曉諾 J i~~ 學位頒授典禮!l'iILlllIlli!ll<ll! CONGREGATION 盯 I 83

83 Mr CLARKE, Simon David Mr LAW, Charles Ping Yip 羅秉業 &** Ms COMPEAN CASIMIRO, Lorena Ms LAW, Pui Yan 羅沛欣 &~rpitx Ms DAI, Shuguang 戴曙光 ~Mf7l=: Mr LAW, Wai Yiu Wallace 羅偉堯 &f't~ Mr DESLAURIERS, Etienne 此 Mr IÍr LECOMTE, Gregoire Jean Mr DILLY, Bradford Loar Ms LEE, Bettina Wen-szu 李文思 $xjlsl, Mr DONNADIEU ORTEGA, Luis Octavio Octavia Mr LEE, Chun Tung Isaac 李振東 $:rjr!f! Mr EMILSSON, Erik Norman Mr LEE, Chung-chun 李宗駿 E~~ =P~'" Ms FAN, Elaine Mr LEE, Herbert Sze Han Hon 李思瀚 $,ljsl,mt Ms FOK, Wing Cheung 霍詠璋 mlb1<j.!ioc Mr LEE, Richard Y C Mr FONG, Wai On Eddy 方偉安 hf't3t Ms LEE, Tze Lai Amanda 李子麗 $-=fii Mr FOO, Ian 符龍法 r4nl:i1.t Ms LEE,,"\ Wai 入 Tai Ki 李慧琪 $~~ Mr FUNG, Siu Kei Alfred 馮肇基 {,~. Ms LEE, Yin Lung 李燕儂 $~{J Ms GE,Lan 戈 :X; 嵐 Jit Mr LEONG, Chi Heng Mendel 梁丈韜 ~Xrm Ms GUO, Xiaohui 郭曉暉 $~~B' Mr LEUNG, Andrew Tze Wung 梁智宏 ~~* Ms GURGEL, Autumn Grace Emily Ms LEUNG, Karen Ka Ying 梁家瑩 ~%~ Ms HAN, Cong Sophia 韓聰 ~ ~,~ Mr LI, Cheuk Man 李卓文 $ j[x 扎 Ms IÍs HAN, Tingqian 韓婷芋 ~fr~=f Mr 缸 LI,, Kwun Yan Eric 李觀恩 $ili!}gl, Mr HEINRICH, Karsten Roland Mr LI, Qiujin Jack J 李秋錦 $t;k~1p Ms HO, Ka Yan 何嘉茵 fj:jj;jfl!i Mr LI, Rui 李銳 $ ~~ Mr HO, Koon Chung 何冠聰 fj:jj7tx~,~ Mr LI, Weiduo 李偉多 $f't17 Ms HO, Pui San 何珮珊 fj:jj~:e!ffi Mr LI, Yinan Ms HSU, Tsang 徐璋 1~ f!ji- Mr LI, Yongcheng Yang $~f 李雍程 Ms HU, Wenli Sanny 胡文麗 ~xii Mr LI, Zaibing 黎載兵 'Yi1l!X~ Mr HUANG, Zhiping 黃治平 ~~i1zp: Mr LIANG, Jian 梁堅 ~ ~ Ms HUNG, Lai Sze 洪麗詩 ~iilff Mr LIAO, Chun Hsiung 廖 ~f~1lf { 就住 Ms HWANG, HVI 瓜, Seulgi Mr LIM, Albert Bryant Ms IP, Pui Sze 葉佩詩 ~{)ljl\lff Ms LIN, Michelle Lan Yan 1*MiTX 林蘭欣 Mr IP, Terence Shing Fai.. 葉承暉 ~;.1fi\B' Mr LIN, Ran 林冉 1* fit Mr JAISWAL, Ashok Ms LIN, Xiaoliu ;f;f\bjmw 林曉柳 Ms JIA, Jing 賈靜 jlff Mr LING, Michael ;f;f\m*-' 林清輝 Mr JIANG, Yao 蔣耀 ~ ~i Mr LIU, Bo 劉波 ju 1&: Ms JUAN, Yi-chuan Il7Cfifrf'i 阮儀娟 Mr LIU, Ke 劉可 ju PI Mr KARATAS, Mehmet Kaan Mr LIU, Liang 劉亮 ju -s- 'ic Mr KENATH, Ashish Mr LIU,Peng 劉鵬 ju IlJI Mr KHOR, Chin Keong Mr LIZE, 且, Kilian Ms KIM, Hyoung Mi 金亨美 ~7~ Mr LOK, Ching Tung Terrance 陸政彤 ~~J&m Mr KIM, Kwang Ho Mr LOO, Chun Hei Desmond 盧俊熙 12f~~~ Mr KO, Chih-hsun 柯志勳 toj~ijj Mr LU, Jianpeng 盧健鵬 12~jj)j~ Ms KONG, Sau Ming Julie 江秀明 ~I*Ej)j Ms LUI, Bik Ying 呂碧瑩 g~~ Ms KUNG, Ada Wai Yi Uf't'f'il 龔偉 J 怡 Mr LUI, Lap Kei Ricky 雷立基 m'1z: Ms LAI, Iris Chin Yan 賴展昕 J!iJl~BJT Mr LUO, Zuguang 羅祖光 &ffr.7i=: Ms LAI, L 剖, Olivia 'Yi0JiiTX 黎頌欣 Ms MAN, Man Yan Janice 萬丈欣 f.itxitx Ms LAM, Cheuk Ting Joyce 林卓婷 1* j[fr~ Ms MARKOVIC, 缸, Maja Mr LAM, Chin Hung 林展鴻 ;f;f\~~ Mr MENG, Bojun 蒙伯俊 ~fbf~ Mr LAM, Chun Shing Jerry 林俊盛 ;f;f\f~~ Mr MINGENBACH, Markus 馬自文明 )~l~mej)j Mr LAM, Hin Chun Samuel 林軒 ;f;f\'ff~ ( 雋 Ms MO, MeiLing 巫美玲 ZIl~l4'f Mr LAM, Lai-yuun-xiong 剖 Mr MUNDRA, Varun Mr LAM, Siu Hung 手材召鴻 *MEl~ Ms NEOH, Thian Yee Sharon Ms LAM, Wing Yin 林穎如 ;f;f\~~m Mr NG, Kim Fung ~~U~ 吳劍鋒 Mr LAM, Ying Kit 林英傑 ;f;f\~~ 扎 Ms IÍs NG, Yuk Yin ~~~ 吳玉燕 Mr LAU, Kai Ming Kevin 劉佳鳴 ju@p'~ Ms NOH, Mi Won Ms LAU, Yee Yin 劉懿如 juj:imh Mr NORDENSKJOELD, Hampus Monthan Sven Olof Olaf 84 I 學位領授典禮叫 ~ &Jli!llt~lli CONGREGATION 叫 們 '.

84 Mr NUNEZ RAMIREZ, Cristhian Alejandro Ms WANG, V, 瓜, Yan : 王艷 J@ Mr OEFLER, Tom Ms WANG, Yung Chia a : 7J<{* 王永佳 Mr OGATA, Masayuki Ms WONG, Chui Ngor 黃翠娥 w~frffl Mr OUYANG, Kuo 歐陽闊 ~~IMJ Mr WONG, Chun Ho Howard 黃震豪 wlt~ Mr PAN, Jianbiao Eric 潘鑒標 1I1:\~~!!Ii Mr WONG, Chun Kuen 黃振權 ~"" wj:jlhi Mr POON, Chi Ming 潘志明 1I~E)j Mr WONG, Fung Lung 黃豐龍 W~~~ 潘昭逸 Mr POON, Chiu Yat Christopher 1IBB~ Ms WONG, Ka Yin Jacqueline 黃家如 W*m 音 Mr QIU, Yi J5'~ ìí'~ """ J~ Mr WONG, Ping Sang 黃秉生 W*~ Mr QUINTAVALLE, Livio Bernardo Eolo Ms WONG, Po Mi 黃寶美 w.~ Mr RAMIRO MONROY, Jorge Ms WONG, Pui Yan Veronica 黃沛恩 W fp}gl, Mr RAVINDRANATH, Anoop Kumar Ms WONG, Shin Hang 黃倩前 w{~f{f Ms REN, Qian Helen 任茜 ff: ' Mr WONG, Wing Fai 黃永輝 w7j<*-' Mr RICHARDS, Jonatha'nPaul JonathanPaul Ms WONG, Yuen Man 王婉雯 : ~5!t Mr RONZI, 缸, Pierfrancesco Mr WONG, Yuet Lung 黃粵龍 w.~ Ms SHEN, Xi 11: 沈笙 ~ Mr WOO, Sang Hyun Mr SHENG, Zhi ~ 盛治 m Mr WU, Jian 吳健 ~ {9! Mr SHINDO, Takaaki Ms XIA, Yingying 夏望望 )l~~ Mr SHUEN, Harrison 1*ltf 孫震宇 Ms XIAO, Min 肯臭 ~ ~ Mr SINGH, Raj R 吋 Kumar Mr XIAO, Mingwen 向明文 ~SJl3t Mr SOOD, Deepak Ramesh Chander Ms XIAO, Xiao 向瀟 ~ Ms SUE, Youn-kyoung 11R~HIJ! 徐如慶 Ms XIE, 且, Shaozi Gigi 謝少姿 l1mp~ Mr SUN, Jianfeng 孫劍峰 1*~U~ Ms XU, Jilian 徐積蓮 11Rft~ Mr SUN, Wei 1* 孫瑋 fl Mr XU, Shengyi 11R7T* 徐升奕 Mr SUTANTO, Joe Forresta Ms XU, Weisheng 徐偉生 11R{l~ Mr SUZUKI, J Jeffrey Hayato Ms XU, Yang f 許楊 m Ms SZETO, Mai Yee 司徒美儀 1 j1jt~{~ Mr YANG, Pingzhou 楊平州 mzp:1n Mr TAM, Stephen Hoiwin Mr YANG, Szu Kai Kevin 楊斯凱 mwt~ Mr TAM, Wai Yin 譚偉賢 lll{lr Ms YANG, Yan 楊艷 m J@ Ms TAN, Yee Siang 陳 ~*{~frm { 義婦 Ms YANG, Ying 楊穎 m ffl Ms TANAKA, Takako Mr YE, Xin ~ 葉欣 fij: Ms TAUTE, Beth Ms YEOH, Choo Beng Mr TIAN, Zhaofu 回昭賦 83BBlmt Mr YEUNG, Chun Yu mj:~~~ 楊振羽 Mr TIROSH, Eran Ms YICK, Man Chi 易敏芝 ~fjlz Ms TONG, Sze Man 唐詩敏 mibfjj( Ms YIN, Haichen ~5!:~ffl:S: 殷海晨 Mr TORO ORTIZ, 血, Alejandro Ms YIP, Man Chi 葉敏姿 ~fjj(~ 吉回浩司 Mr TSE, King Kiu 謝景翹 l1mjj~ Mr YOSHIDA, Koji E83~1 j Mr TSO, Chin Hong Bobby 曹展康 lj~1* Mr YU, Bo 俞波 - ~El Ms TSUI, Siu Ying 徐小櫻 11R/N~ Mr YUEN, Lik Kan Ricky 袁歷勤 ~JIlfJJ Mr TSUI, Wai Shing 徐煒誠 11R1l~ Ms YUEN, Pui Yan Carrie 袁佩欣 Ms TSUI, Yeuk Ting Maggie 徐若婷 11R;E=fr' Mr ZENG, Chuanxi Cliff 會川熙 ~- 1t]l[~~ Ms TUNG, Denise Hwei-jen 卡 n 童蕙真 jt~~ Mr ZHANG, Haonan Jerry 張皓南 ~1'!Ilfl J Mr VASWANI, "\ 且, Pradeep pradeep Kumar Ms ZHANG, Hongying 張紅英 ~~I~ Mr VENKATASUBRAMANIAN, Vinod R. Ms ZHANG, Mengying 張步萱 ~~~ Mr VLACHOPOULOS, Dimitrios Mr ZHANG, Shoutong 張首瞳 ~ fili Mr WAN, Kelvin Chi Ho 尹智豪 j:t9 l~ Mr ZHANG, Xijun 章熙俊 """IllB{iC fl."" 'JZ Mr WAN, Man Lok Alexander 溫萬樂 {1ffi.f.!t~ Ms ZHANG, Yibo 張一波 ~~~El Mr WANG, Jian : 王堅 ~ Ms ZHANG, Zhenhua 張珍華 ~~ Mr WANG, Jian : 王堅 ~ Mr ZHENG, Bing 鄭炳 j~ m Mr WANG, Jun : 王俊 {~ Mr ZHUANG, Wenlei 庄文磊 J±3t~ Ms WANG, Min : 王敏 fjj( Mr ZHUO, Liang 卓亮 J 7G c±r Ms WANG, Mingyue : E)jJ=l 王明月 Ms ZOU, Yun 鄒芸 W~ -:r;; Mr WANG, Winston Wen-ting Ms ZUO, Hengjun 左前璃 tc:jifrf! 學位頒授典禮 'l'uz!ll!il!j!jl~ CONGREGATION 酬 I 85

85 Mα Master of Science in Economics Mr ZHOU, Kun 周棍 ffll le] 理學碩士 ;ElIU1JHifi ± ((~~~) 經濟學 ) Ms ZHOU, Lina 周麗娜 fflljiifrjjll Ms ZHOU, Yang 周陽 ffll ~ Mr CHAN, Cheuk Yin 陳卓賢 ~-*lj[w Mr ZHU, Dafeng 祝達峰 WUL~~ Ms CHEN, Yi 陳較 ~-* ~ Mr CHEN, Zhenyu 陳振宇 ~-*fi' Ms CHEUNG, Kung Mαster Master of Science in Financial Analysis 張穹 5i 'fit Mr CHOI, Pak Sing 蔡千百昇理學碩士 ~f ~ ;@. ~liji ± ((Mf9Ht:tlf 財務分析學 ~) ) Ms DU, Fan.H 杜 II E 番 Mr FENG, Xiaojun 馮小駿 {,~/J\~ Mr CHAN, Chris Yin-tsung 陳彥璁 ~-*~fj~ Ms GAO, Xiaowen 高曉文 Mr CHAN, Kwun Po PO 陳冠波 r'i'u~3t ~-*%f~hl Mr HE, Chaoxi 1llJlj!JliJll 何朝禧 Mr CHAN, Shing Choi 陳承才 ~-*:7f\::t Mr HE, Jiasheng 1llJ~7t 何嘉升 Ms CHANG, Yin Wa 鄭燕華 ~~~. Mr HE, Yifeng 1llJ~~ 何毅峰 Mr CHENG, Ho Fung 鄭浩鋒 ~~m~ Mr HSU, Chiao-chih 許喬智 t~9 l Mr CHENG, Wing Chuen 鄭榮泉 ~~~JR Mr HUANG, Ji 黃醬 J[ Ms CHEUNG, Wing Yu 章詠瑜 W ~ JJdw Mr HUANG,,"\ Wenfeng 月 Jenfeng J[:x~ 黃文鋒 Ms CHEUNG, Yee Heng Vanessa 張懿行 5iJi\:f=r Mr JIAN, Ke f".\j 簡佫,[~ h Ms 在 s CHI, Ginnie 池芯穎 ngz*][ Mr JIANG, Nanyu Char ~I1 im 江南雨 Mr CHIU, Chor Kon 趙楚幹 m~~ Ms KE, Huijun i'or~;a 柯慧君 Ms CHONG, Hiu Ling 張曉玲 5i~fl'l Jiajun!l(n~{:f.O Mr LAI, 吋賴嘉俊 Ms CHOW, Ka Yan Jl~3Z ffll~ftx 周嘉欣 Ms LEUNG, Ka Yu 梁家裕 Ms CHOW, Yin Ping Anita ffll~~ 周燕萍 ~~* }jfg 黎舒 Ms LI, Shu Mr COLLISON, James Malcolm ~ Ms LI, Zhuojun 李卓君 #lj[;a Ms FUREY, Niamh Marie Ms LU, Leshu 11!~~ 盧樂書 Ms GUPTA, Yosha ~s Mr LUAN, Yiqun *~ff 架逸群 Mr HO, Chun Wah 1llJfi. 何振華 Ms MA, Sidi 馬思迪 ~JJGl,~ Ms HO, Pui Han 何珮嫻 1llJ~frrJl Mr MI, Jie 米捷 * fj! Ms HO, Uen Ying Cathy 何宛凝 1llJ51rl1~ Mr OKU, Yutaro Mr HUNG, Chung Hei 洪仲熙 l%1~~~ Ms SUN, Lili ~;M;W --.../n" :/ f*jiijii 孫麗麗 Mr JI, Yanbin 冀燕彬 Ms SUN, Xiaofei 孫曉菲 Ms JIAO, Jiao 教妓 f*~* fj: frfj. Mr TANG, Ying Ho 鄧英擷 ~~~. Mr KUNG, Ling Yen 孔令彥 :rlll~ Ms WANG, Shixuan :::E-tltJ%E 王世璇 Ms LAI, Hoi Yan Patricia 黎凱欣 }jfgmftx Mr WANG, Xinxin :::EfTXfTX 王欣欣 Mr LEE, Sui Kam Derek 李瑞錦 #:EIM~~ Ms WANG, Yikun 王藝鈕 :::Efi~i Mr LI, Sai Keung 李世強 #-tlt5 a Mr WANG, Zhongyu 王仲瑜 :::E1~fiN Ms LO, Lai Kwan Thebes 羅麗群 *ljiiff Ms WEI, W 凹, Xining 魏西凝 PakLam ~:Iffl~ Mr LUN, 11ffli'sifsf 倫柏林 Ms XIE, X 血, Jiaru 謝佳儒 Ms PANG, Hoi Yan Vanessa 彭凱欣 W1~1fm ~MfTX Ms XIONG, Shan ~~ 熊珊 II Mr SO, Hing Ping 蘇慶平 ij(~~ Ms XU, Jia 徐佳 1~ {~ Ms TAM, Sin Yue 譚倩如 ~fflftm Ms XUE, Wenhong A Mr TO, Ka Wai Kavin 杜嘉維 H~*fE Mr YANG, Ke 楊可 i1f~t. : /~ ~ ~ -aj Ms WONG, Ka Yee 黃家儀 Ms YANG, Liuqin 楊柳沁 ~i'jjp~t\ Mr WONG, Kai Yan Thomas 王佳欣 :::E@fTX Ms YANG, Mengru 楊步茹 Ms WONG, Man Chee 王曼姿 ~~%i :::E.!f~ Ms YANG, Yiwei 楊禪未 Ms WONG, Pui Yee Christina 王佩 ~jf$* :::E 1H!lU' f, 怡 Mr YOU, Pengfei 游鵬飛 Mr WONG, Tsz Yeung 黃子揚 wllll~~ J[-=rm Mr ZENG, Tao 曾濤 Mr WONG, WONG, Wai 引 Tai Kit 黃偉杰 iw J[{$*, ~fjj. Ms ZHANG, Jixuan 張霄喧 5iW8'i Ms YAN, Yuhua 燕毓華 Mr ZHANG, Yifeng 張一峰 Mr 5i-~ YIP, Kai Yuen James 葉敵元 ~g)(:lc Ms ZHENG, Xuan 鄭璇 ~ J%E Mr YIP, Samuel Wai Keung 葉偉強 ~{$5 a Ms ZHENG, Yuhua 鄭昱華 ~~. Mr YU, Hongwei 于宏威 r'e&lz Ms ZHANG, Ying 張穎 5i!ffi 86 I 學位頒授典禮 ~lli:llllj51!ll!1i! CONGREGATION 印 '.

86 Master of Science Scíence in Global Finance Master of Science Scíence in Information Infonnation Systems Management HKUST - New York University Joínt Degree Program 理學碩士 ( 資訊系統管理學 ) HKUST - New York University Joint Degree Program m!. ~lifi ± ( ~ -m 9iU3c ffm!. ~) 理學碩士 m!. ~ lifi ± ( 環球金融 fft;f;jt ~ J!tlU ) 香港科技大學 ~m~~*~-m~*~~m~lli~~ 紐約大學合辦學位課程 Mr ANG, Kwan Ting 洪鈞庭 m~sjjj! 區恬倫 Mr AU, TimLun m['t;5{ffil Mr CHAN KWOC KEUNG, Christian Ms CHAN, Chung Lam 陳頌琳 ~J!H;Ji:ej;j\ Mr CHAN, Pak Hoe Pablo 陳柏浩 ~*fs~i:!f Ms CHAN, Ngan Ki 陳雁琪 ~*)fi~ Mr CHANG, Pow Cheah Mr CHAN, Wai Man Raymond 陳偉文 ~*{t3t Mr CHEN, Yu-chen 陳禹臣 ~*M Ms CHAN, Wai Yu Joyce 陳惠瑜 ~*ft!jiw Mr CHENG, Wai Lun t~{t{ffil 鄭偉倫 Mr CHEN, Shali 陳沙塵 ~*~9>J][ Mr CHIAM, Tak Shen ~~fl 詹達權 Ms CHEU, Su Yin 丘舒盈 li~m Mr CHOI, Yung Woo 崔榮祐 *~ffrti Mr CHEUNG, Chun Tat 張俊達 ~{~~ Mr CHOW, Chun Pong 周振邦 mltjr:f~ Ms CHEUNG, HoiWai 張海慧 ~W~ Ms CHOW, Lai Ming Esther 周麗明 mllii: 13 張銘強 Jl Mr CHEUNG, Ming Keung ~~5~ Mr CHU,,"\ Wing 月 Ting Lin Kenneth 朱穎林 Ms CHONG, Wai Yan 莊偉恩 #fft}gj, Mr CSEH, Andreas *!ffl** Mr CHOW, Kwok Choi 周國材 ml~t:t Mr DALEFFE AIRES, Rodrigo Ms FAN, Pui Yee 范佩 TI1M{i ( 義 Mr DANDRIEUX, Jean Jacques Ms FONG, Chi Fan Brenda 方志芬 Jj~3"i Mr FERNANDES, Jack Remedios Mr HA, Lok Yin 夏樂賢 JI~W Mr GAFOOR, Duane Rezon Shamuel H 杜甫 "Ii Ms HONG, Wing Yee 康詠儀 m~j<{i Mr GHIBERTI, Caio Daniotti Mr IP, Tsz Yeung 葉子洋 ~-=fy Ms HEO, Kyongsun Mr KWAN, Chun Hung ~mtjra;1 關振雄 Ms HO, Yuen Lam Carmen 何婉林 fi'rr~*f\ 扎 Ms 1s KWOK, Shui Ying 郭瑞瑩 ~1Iffl~ 黎小玲 Ms HSU, Jennifer 許元齡 Bf5C~ Ms LAI, Siu Ling ~/J\f% Mr HUNG, Hoi Ming Raymond 洪海明 mw 13 Jl *f\{si! * m Mr LAMBERT, Jean-christophe Emmanuel 林伯德 Ms JIANG, Cheng 姜澄 'R Mr LAU, Kit Ho Frederick 劉杰豪 ~U~~ Ms KONG, Mellissa Mel1issa Suk Kuan Ms LIU, Wai Ling 廖偉玲 ~{tf% Ms KUOCH, 旦, Celina M 郭美麗 ~~lii: Mr LID, LIU, Wai Man 廖偉民 ~{t~ Mr LAI, Wayne 賴冠維 *~m*fe Mr LUI, Chi Ping 呂子平 g-=fzjs Ms LE, Tu-hien Thi Mr PAU, Anthony Ming Ying 鮑明英 f.(@13jl~ Ms LEUNG, Wai Chi Laureen 梁慧芝 ~fi,z Mr TAM, Tsz Wai 譚子維 ID'Il-=f*t Mr LIANG, Kar Ming Terence 梁嘉名 ~;jfi5 Ms TSUI, Sze Man 徐思敏 1~}EUjJ)( Mr LIM, Kok Leng KaHong *m Mr WAH, 華家康 Mr LIN, Ron Nung 林農 *f\ Mr WANG, Jie Yan.:=EfI'~ 王介彥 Mr LIN, Yung Jed Ian 林永傑 *f\7k~ Mr WAT, Chi Wing Dennis Jlli~~ 屈志榮 Mr LIU, LID, Rick 劉心睿 ~UIC/@: Mr WILLIAMS, John Franklin Ms LU, Xuan 魯璇 ~ f1iff. Mr WONG, Chun Wing N 黃俊穎 --{:f.o"' :5Z:f?, Mr LUI, Chi Hang 呂志 g~,i'l[ i 巨 Mr WONG, Tak Kuen KueÌl Jii!ii 黃德權呂需華 Ms LUI, Laura gt; Mr WONG, Yui Keung 黃銳強 Ji~5j Mr MUFTI, Majid Abdullah K 馬吉德 J~a1~ Mr YU, ChakLam *~~ 余澤霖 Mr OLLO IPARRAGUIRRE, Borja 歐陽博 Wz~t' Mr POON, Wing Fai 潘永輝 ~7k*' Ms SHAIKH, Ilma Hma Master of Science Scíence in Investment Manαgement Management Mr TANG, Chin Sian Ringo 陳敬軒 ~*~'f 理學碩士 m!. ~ lifi ± ((f)t 投資管理學 ~ ffm!. ~) ) Ms THORNTON, Shannon Nora 宋心蘭 *{,\JIj Ms WONG, Yu Pak Connie 黃如白 Ji~DS Mr CHAN, Joe Ka Dik 陳嘉姐 ~*;jfm! Ms YEH, Chia-fen Mr CHAN, Ka Fai 陳嘉輝 ~*K*' Mr YOON, Jee Woong 尹智雄 jf9 la;1 Mr CHAN, Ka Kit 陳家傑 ~**~ Mr YU, Chun Kit Stanley 余俊傑 *{~~ Ms CHAN, Ka Wai 陳嘉慧 ~*jlf~ Mr ZIEMER, Martin Ms CHAN, Kin Hang 陳健 ~*{J!'I'j[ 巨 Mr CHAN, Tsz Fung 陳子豐 ~*-=fft 學位頒授典禮 ~ilillii:f'ji!i!!lll CONGREGATION 酬的 N I 87

87 Mr CHEN, Chi Hung 陳志雄 ~*~n:l Mα Master of Philosophy in Economics Ms CHENG, Wai Lan 鄭蔚蘭 #~~ljlj Mr CHEUNG, Hau Tong,*$ : 張孝堂 哲學碩士 f!f~liji±( ( 經濟學 *,m~ ) ) Mr CHIENG, Yu Kean 鍾楊建.~~ Mr HUANG, Wei 黃暐 N III -H-"jg:~= Mr CHONG, Richard Chua 莊其遠 ffj:/"m Mr TSANG, Tin Ho 會天豪 1W7Z~ Mr CHOW, Chun To 周震濤 }jifj.~ 周 Ms ZHOU, Jing }jifj 曰 ~ 日 Ms CHUNG, Hang Man 鍾杏雯.~~ Mr CHUNG, Lui Ming 鍾磊明.~SJj Ms FISHER LAM, Pan Pan Shanna ;f;i\ww 林彬彬 Master of Philosophy in Finance Ms FUNG, Oi Wing Joanna 馮藹穎 {J ~Jj1~ Mr FUNG, Wai Lung 馮威龍 {,\ OO(;~~ 哲學碩士 f!f~liji±(jtt~ ) ( 財務學 ) Mr HO, Chun Wai 何俊偉 {PJ{~{$ Mr CHEN, Tao 陳濤 ~-* ~ Mr HO, Hin Ting Ronnie 何衍庭 {PJ1rr~ Ms 11, LI, Shuo 李碩 * Wi Mr HUI, Shung Hin Edwin lllf*,f 言午崇軒 Mr 凹 IP,, Chi Kong 葉智剛 ~~jlijju Ms KAN, Sheung 首 Tung mg Julie 簡尚彤 Mn'ITm Master of Philosophy in Information Systems Mr LAI, Cheung Fai 黎長輝 ~:B~JIJ! 哲學碩士 f!f liji ± ( 資訊系統學 i.' mt * ) Mr LAU, Chi Kong 劉智鬧 ~U~jlijjU Ms LAW, Pui Shan 羅佩柵 mfhptfrfhf Mr YU,Chun 俞真 iu ~ Ms LEE, Yen Sing 李延欣 *~fvz Mr LEUNG, Ka Chun 梁嘉晉 'l.y.pli:m.. *:111'11=1 Mr LEUNG, Kwok Chiu 梁國釗 ~~ju Master of Philosophy in Operations Management Ms 11, LI, Ching Han 李靜嫻 *~frr>t\l Ms La, LO, Man Ting 盧敏婷 JtiKiiJ!z~ 哲學碩士 f!f ~ liji ± ( 營運管理學 if ~!!Fi 3]! ) Mr MO, Wai Yip 毛偉業 ~{$* Ms ZHANG, Vue Yue 51 張越 ~ Mr MOK, Chi Chung 莫志宗 ~~* Mr NG, Chi Fai 吳稚日軍 ~flb' Ms NG, Pui San Porscha 吳珮柵 ~~frfhf Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting Mr NICOLETTI, Nicola 哲學博士 f!f~1t±(fn'it ) ( 會計學 ) Mr PO, Tak Pong 蒲得邦 M1~~~ Ms SO, Pui Wan Selly 蘇佩雲 l*fhpt~ 唐豐 Jj- 001 Mr TANG, Feng -"'l. Mr SO, Tat Man 蘇達文 l*~:x Mr YU, Yangxin *m*jt 余揚新 Ms SONG, Ae Ri Ms ZOU, Junqi 鄒堯奇 I~~~ Mr TAM, Kin Wai 譚健威 IDl~OO(; Mr TAM, PakHo 譚伯豪 IDl{B~ Ms TONG, Kwok Wai Isabella 唐國慧 Jj-~~ Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Mr TSANG, Fan Chi 會繁志 1W~~ Ms TSANG, Yuen Yi 曾婉儀 1W~11r{~ 哲學博士 f!f 1t±(~~ ) ( 經濟學 ) Ms TSE, Wing Lam 謝詠琳 ~WJdf* Ms FUKUMOTO, Mayumi 褔木真弓 mi*~i Mr WAN, "VI 瓜 N, Wai Hang Frank 溫偉掉了 1Md$~r Mr HONG, Fuhai ~miw 洪福海 Mr WONG, Calvin Ka Lai 黃家禮 W%.i!i.<a --"""-!!'! o: o Ms JIANG, Kun 姜坤 -= t$ Ms WONG, Ching Ting Angela 黃育事婷 ifi~frt~ /"Pl Mr KU, Kei Tat 古紀達 r5*c~ Mr WONG, Ka Ming 黃家明周 N~~ Mr ZHOU, Ge }jifj 戈 j(; Ms WONG, Ka Van Yan 黃家欣 N~fVz 黃奕善 Mr WONG, Yick Sin ~*'~ /,,= <=t Ms WONG, Zi Wei Germaine 王梓蔚.=E;f ~ ~ Ms YAM, Yui 任蕊 {:f J[}iC, Ms YAU, Hiu Wah 邱曉華 JJ~~. Ms YIP, Ting N ga Tina 葉庭雅 ~~n 88 I 單位領授典禮酬的!ji!&lliIl'i1~li CONGREGATION 前

88 Doctor of Philosophy in Finαnce Finance 哲學博士 fg tt ± ((fft'f9 ) 財務學 ) Mr MAO, Qinghao Mr WANG, v\ 瓜, Ziyang Ms YUAN, Zhibo 毛慶皓=5Jjf~ 玉子洋: -T~ 之博原Doctor of Philosophy in Operations Management i*ztw: Doctor of Philosophy in Operations Management 哲學博士 fg tt±( ( 營運管理學 ;g~ff~ ) ) Ms WANG, Haitian 王海天 Doctor of Philosophy in Management of Organizations Organizαtions 哲學博士 fg tt±(~jh~ff~ ) ( 組織管理學 ) Mr CHEN, Zhijun Ms CHEUNG, Siu Yin 陳志俊 ~-*~{~ 張小燕 5:&/J\~ 學位頒授典禮 Jl'illj)j'[f,I!lI!lll CONGREGATION 叫 I 89

89 跨學科課程事務處 ~!~Lf41i~HJl $ f9j ~ INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS OFFICE Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位 lijf~~!j{lf Master of Science in Em Environmental 枷 Science 理學碩士 ~!IU'li1'l± ( UIWHlJ. ) 環境科學 ) Ms CHAN, Po PO Lam 陳寶琳 ~*W$ Ms FUNG, Choi Hang 馮采行 {'~*1=r Mr LEE, Chi Kit 李志傑 '$~~ Mr LEE, Han 李瀚 '$ ~ Mr LEE, Ho 李擷 '$ Mr LEUNG, Ching Yu 梁呈宇 ~~f Mr LOI, Wai Kit 呂偉杰 g{$~ Ms MAK, Sze Wah Celine 麥絲華 ~**'lj Mr TSANG, Kai Yip 曾繼業 1WHIH* Ms WANG, Yanyan 王艷艷 ~'@'@ Mr WU, Hing Shing 胡興成 iiflj!nj<: Ms WU, Jiatong 吳佳桐 g%{~*il1j Ms XU, Meng 許蒙 l3lf ~ Ms YU, Wing Man 余詠敏 *w'k#j~ Doctor of Philosophy in Atmospheric Em Environmental 的 nmental Science 哲學博士 ( 大氣環境科學 ) Ms ElAN, BIAN, Qijing 下奇蜻 -t~fr~ Mr CHAN, Allen 陳志超 ~*~m Ms LI, Ying 李 '$ 室 ~ Mr LIN, Peng 林鵬 ** J!II~ Ms WONG, Kit Man N~~X 黃潔汶 Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Environmental Science 哲學博士 m-~tt±(1ej~$~mflj.~) ( 海洋環境科學 ) Ms DANG, Fei Ms DASH, Swagatika 黨菲 Master of Science in Environmental Science αnd and Mα Management 理學碩士 m! li1'l±ujmflj. &ffm!) ( 環境科學及管理 ) Mr GUO, Xing 郭,~. 星 Ms LEUNG, Wai Ting 梁慧婷 ~~fr' Mr LIU, Chen 劉辰 ~U ~ Mr LIU, Jingyuan 劉靜遠 ~UN!j131 Ms LO, Pui Kwan 盧沛君 Li1rP;a Ms LU, Lin 盧琳 Li $ Ms LUN, Hauln In 倫巧 {1fffr5~ff Ms MA, Rui 馬 ~ 睿 ~ Mr MAK, Ka Fai 麥嘉暉 ~JfiB!f! Mr SHI, SRI, Dawei 施大衛 :oili::kfltj Master of Philosophy in Atmospheric Environmental Science 哲學碩士 m- li1'l±(:fdi~t~mflj. ) ( 大氣環境科學 ) Mr KONG, Zhiwei 孔智緯 90 I 學位頒授典禮 'l'{illll!j5!j!!!1li C CONGREGATION 州盯

90 可 香港科技大學霍英東研究院 ~mflj.tjt*~.~j;jhijf~ ~ HKUST FOK YING TUNG GRADUATE SCHOOL Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位 ~5'fi~~ftf Master of Science in Electronic Technology 理學碩士 ;J:!I!.~ij{±O~.:rf3}fX~) ( 電子科技學 ) Mr DING, Yuxing Mr HUANG, Weilong Ms LIN, Yingshan Mr PANG, Jiahao Mr XIAO, Qimin Ms ZHU, Yingli T' 丁宇星黃維龍 ~*li![ 林華珊 ift~:effij 龐家果 JlI~~ ~f~ilj)i: 肯琦敏 朱穎莉 **l'!frj Mα Master of Philosophy in Atmospheric Environmental Modeling 哲學碩士 ~~ij{±(*~mlmm~~) ( 大氣環境模型學 ) Mr YAO, Teng 姚騰 學位頒授典禮 ~uz!lill5lj!!!li CONGREGATION 酬 N I 91


92 二零一一年十 ='~~ift~jit!\8 月十八日 18 November 2011

93 ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS SCHOOL OF SCIENCE SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE 18 November The Chancellor declares the Congregation open 2. The President addresses the Congregation 3. The President presents the Hon Elsie Leung Oi Sie for the Degree of DOCTOR OF LAWS honoris causa 4. The President presents Professor Tobin J Marks for the Degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCE honoris causa 5. The President presents Professor Eli Yablonovitch for the Degree of DOCTOR OF ENGINEERING honoris causa 6. The President presents Dr Simon Ip Sik On for the Degree of DOCTOR OF LAWS honoris causa 7. Dr Simon Ip Sik On addresses the Congregation 8. The Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE 9. The Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degrees of MASTER OF SCIENCE and MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY 10. The Acting Dean of Humanities and Social Science presents candidates for the Degrees of MASTER OF ARTS and MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY 11. The Dean of Science presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY 12. The Acting Dean of Humanities and Social Science presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY 13. The Graduate Representative addresses the Congregation 14. The Chancellor declares the Congregation closed Citations for honorary graduates read by Professor Joseph Hun-wei Lee & Dr Eden Y Woon Mace carried by Professor Xuhui Huang Music by St Bonaventure College & High School

94 典禮程序 理學院 人文社會科學學院 2011 年 11 月 18 日 1. 大學監督宣佈典禮開始 2. 校長致辭 3. 校長提請頒授法學榮譽博士學位予梁愛詩博士 4. 校長提請頒授理學榮譽博士學位予 Tobin J Marks 教授 S. 校長提請頒授工程學榮譽博士學位予 Eli Yablonovitch 教授 6. 校長提請頒授法學榮譽博士學位予葉錫安博士 7. 葉錫安博士致辭 8. 理學院院長提請頒授理學士學位予畢業生 9. 理學院院長提請頓授理學碩士學位及哲學碩士學位予畢業生 10. 署理人文社會科學學院院長提請頒授文學碩士學位及哲學碩士學位予畢業生 11. 理學院院長提請頒授哲學縛士學位予畢業生 12. 害理人文社會科學學院院長提請頒授哲學博士學位予畢業生 13. 畢業生代表致辭 14. 大學監督宣佈禮成 李行館教授 翁以登博士宣讀樂善事博士之鑽詢 直至旭輝教授掙大學毒草 #: 重艾德書院樂隊演奏

95 理學院 ;E]!!J!~ SCHOOL OF SCIENCE Undergraduate Degrees 本科生學位 *f4~~{it ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS A"WλRDS 學業成就獎 *nlgwl~ #* Mr WANG, Yuan 王遠.:E jj BSc BICH #* Mr YANG, Hainan 楊海楠 m~~im BSc BICH #* Mr SHAO, Yuqi 邵瑜琪 B~fifrj~ BScMATH #* Ms WU, Angela Anqi 吳安琪 ~~~ BScMATH #* Ms ZHAO, Zibo 趙子波 m-=r1el BScMBMS #* Mr LEUNG, Ka Hei,,* 梁嘉希 nj.='=::ffl BSc PHYS #* Mr ZHANG, Liangsheng 張良展 ~.J l:~ BSc PHYS Bachelor of Science in Mathemα Mathematics tics and Computer * Ms CHEUNG, Hing Yau Coty 張馨尤 ~~::t Science Ms CHEUNG, Ka Wing 張嘉穎 ~;;IJj1~ 理學士 ij! ±(~ &iit.;f!tn ) ( 數學及計算機科學 ) Mr CHEUNG, Long Yin 張朗然 ~~Jl~ * Mr CHEUNG, Wing Fung 張永豐 ~ik~ * Mr GU, Liyi * IiifJ.- 顧理一 Mr CHIU, CHID, Sung Ngai 趙崇毅 m*~ Ms CHU, Kwan Pik Charlotte 朱君璧 *;;g~ Mr CHU, Wai Leung 朱偉良 *{ :~ Bachelor of Science in Physics αnd and Computer Science * 此 Ms 1s CHUNG, Wai ì 入 Tai Yee 鍾慧儀.~{~ 理學士 ij! ±(!fo/jij! &iit.;f!tf4 ) ( 物理學及計算機科學 ) Mr FOK, Ming Hei Derek 霍銘禧 m~wi! Mr FUNG, Ka Chun 馮嘉俊 i",, 3Z '~='={i? * Mr CHANG, Zhangyu 常章豫 Mr KIANG, Ka Yiu m~~ 1I;;I*i 江嘉耀 * Mr KANG, Peng 康鵬 m!lil~ Ms KIM, Su Jin Ms KONG, Man 江敏 I ~:x: Ms KWAN, KV\ 瓜 N, Hiu Ying 關曉瑩 Jm~~ Bachelor of Science in Physics αndmathemα and Mathematics tics Ms KWOK, KaKi Ki 郭嘉琪 ~;;I~ * Mr LAI, Kit Ho 黎傑豪 理學士 fll! ±(!fo/jij! &~ ) ( 物理學及數學 ) * Mr LAI, Kit Ho ~~~ Mr LAM, Chun Hin Eddie tf~'f 林雋軒 Mr CHAN, Chun Nok 陳俊諾此 ~JiH~ :g: Mr 1r LAW, LokKi 羅樂麒 m~tjt * Mr CHOI, CHO!, Tat Shing ~~~ m{ :~ 蔡達誠 Mr LAW, Wai Kit 羅偉傑 Mr HAN, Yu 韓煜 Ms LAW, Yin Ki ~ m~ff~ 羅彥祺 * Mr HUANG, Cheng 黃成 ~ J& Mr LEE, Ming Ki 李銘棋 $~m * Mr WANG, Shuyuan 王書元.:E~~ s7c Mr LEE, Yat Lam $~!f 李溢藍 * Mr YU, Ka Man 余嘉丈 Mr LEUNG, Kam Kan ~~,ff!tt~ 梁錦根 *~:X: Mr LEUNG, Man Fai ~3<J' 梁丈輝 Mr LEUNG, Tsung Hang ~1*~ 梁涼鐘 Bαchelor Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry Mr LEUNG, Tsz Kin ~-=rfj! 梁子健 理學士 ij! ±(~!fo/j{~ ) ( 生物化學 ) * Mr LI, ManHo $X;W: 李丈豪 * Mr LIN, Chung Yuen Ray 林仲源 tf{rp~j gmm Mr CHAN, Cheuk Him 陳卓謙 ~JIV [~ Mr LID, LIU, Shing Pong 廖成幫 ~J&. Mr CHAN, Chi Fai 陳志輝 Mr LUI, Ho Kuen 呂浩權 ~-*~*' Mr CHAN, KaLok 陳嘉樂 ~-*;;I~ Ms MAN, WingYu 文詠瑜 XWj(fifrj Ms CHAN, Ka Wun 陳嘉媛 ~-*;;I~ Mr MAO, Mao 毛茂 ~ ~ Mr CHAN, Perrin 陳柏據 ~-*;fs~jj Ms NG, Chi Wah 吳芷樺 ~1f:f$ Mr CHAU, Wai Choi * 周瑋材 f;!fjfttt Ms NG, Ka Yin 吳嘉彥 ~K~ Mr CHAU, Wai Yin 周煒然 f;!fj1t~ Mr NG, Kin Nam 吳健楠 ~fj!im Mr CHENG, ChiHo #~9 lm 鄭智浩 * Ms NG, Susanna Sui-sum 伍遂 {Ej~{J\ J 心 * Ms CHEUNG, Hei Nga ~::ffljfe 張希雅 Mr NGAI, Ning Sum Nelson 魏寧璟 ft.~ Ms PAN, Huilin 潘慧琳 ~~~ 98 I 學位領授典禮 "i'llijll!isi!i!!1l! CONGREGATION # Academic Achievement Awards 學業成就獎 "i' ~ fix, ~!J:! * First Class Honors 甲等榮譽 '!l i!fj M i'

96 * Mr PEI, PEl, Langhuan 裴王良撮 ~;EN~ Ms CHOY, Yuen Ping 蔡婉萍 ~~~ * Mr SHI, Yuqian 石呈乾 i:i:2.n Mr CHU, Chuk Kwan 朱卓君 *~:g Ms SZE, Wing Tak 施榮德 mff~1! Mr CHU, Ho Wai William 褚皓瑋 m~f! Mr TAM, ManHei 譚文熙 ~x~~ Ms CHUI, Hiu Tung Barbie 徐曉彤 1~~W Mr TANG, Tsz Chun 鄧子俊 ~~-=f{~ Mr FAN, Chi Ho 范梓浩 mi ~i5 Mr TONG, Wai Sing mf! 唐瑋聲 Mr FONG, Hin Yiu 1J1ij~ 方衍堯 Ms TSANG, Man Maan 曾文 1 曼 Ms FUNG, Wing Yan 馮穎欣 Ms TSANG, Man Maan Wxfrl Ms FUNG, Wing Yan {,~~~JVz 伺錦豪 #* Mr WANG, VI 瓜, Yuan 王遠.=E 3i Mr HO, KamHo {ajwlfi~ Mr WONG, Chi Wai 黃志偉 jt~{t Mr IP, Ming Kit ~EJJj~ 葉明傑 Mr WONG, KaHo 黃嘉豪 jtb~ Mr 凹 IP,, Wing Hei ~7j(1lffl 葉永啼 Mr WONG, Kin Fung 黃健峰 jt{!. * Mr JIN, Xiwan ~;5~ 金汐灣 Ms WONG, Tsz Lo La 黃子瞄 jt-=f~ Ms JIN, Yuan ~ 金遠 3i Ms WONG, WanKi 黃韻琪 jtmj}!; * Mr KELU, Jeffrey Jenkin 盧子軒 Li-=fl\if Ms WONG, Yee Man 王依丈.=Eit<x Ms KWAN, Wing Man 關穎丈 lui!mx Ms WONG, Yuk Hei Sabrina 黃旭希 jt;h.1ff Ms KWOK, Che Kwan 郭芷君 ~l :g Ms XIN, Ye 辛嘩 = ' ~ Ms KWOK, Ka Chi 郭珈池 ~~O~ ~ #* Mr YANG, Hainan 楊海楠 m~;fi j Ms LAM, Ching 林菁 ifyi\ Fl Mr YEUNG, Han Hon Pan 楊漢斌 m1j;ttt Ms LAM, Ki Yan 林岐恩 ifyi\il!5z}gl, Ms YEUNG, Mei Shuen 楊美璇 m~;fi Mr LAM, Siu Pat 林小胡 **;J\585 Mr YEUNG, Yiu Cheong 楊耀鏘 m*'i~ Ms LAM, Ting Wai 林庭瑋 ifyi\~f! Mr YIM, Yan Shun 1D1Z91 " 嚴因信 Mr LAU, Cheuk Kin 劉卓健 ~a~{! Mr YU, Tian 喻天 ntu 7( Ms LAU, Hiu Wai 劉曉蔚 ~a~w Mr YUE, LokMan 庚樂民 ~~B!; Ms LAW, Wun Ting IHJfrI} 羅媛婷 Mr YUNG, Kin Sik 容健軾 ~{!l\irt Mr LEE, Chak Chiu 李澤釗 *~~rj * Ms ZHANG, Chuchu 張楚楚 51H~~ Ms LEE, Hiu Yan 李曉欣 *~fix Mr LEE, Ho Chuen 李浩銓 *mf& Mr LEE, Kai Chuen 李繼全 *Ii~ Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Science Mr LEUNG, Kam Fai 梁錦輝 ~~fft*' Educαtion Education Ms LEUNG, Yuen Man Cathy 梁婉丈 ~~x 理學士 ~ ±(~!fm{~ &f4 ~W) ( 生物化學及科學教育 ) Ms LI, Hoi Tung 李鎧彤 *~iw * Mr LI, Ka Yiu 李嘉耀 * Mr LI, Ka Yiu *gjri Ms LEE, Ching Yan 李靜恩 *~"'~ I'J 'D' Ms LI, Lai Ching 李麗晶 *JI:~ Mr SHEK, Enoch 石純恩 EMUgI, Ms LING, Yin Ting '(Jj-kif} 凌彥婷 3Z : " Mr YAU, Chun Ming 游俊明 ~Ef{~SJl Ms LIU, Chi Ying Lilian 廖子盤 ~-=f"""» ~ 羅苑容 Ms LO, Yuen Yung ~m~ Ms LOCK, Ka Yan 駱嘉欣,~BJVz Bαchelor Bachelor of Science in Biology Ms MUI, Ching Yi 梅清 famji~ '1 白 理學士 ~ ±(~!fm ) ( 生物學 ) Mr NG, LokKwan 吳洛昆 ~~i!rm Mr NG, Yan Lung 吳恩龍 ~,tgrll~ * Mr CHAN, Cheuk Fun 陳卓芬 ~*~0= * Ms PENG, Qing 彭晴 W aj!f Ms CHAN, Hoi Ki 陳凱琪 ~*~J}!; Ms SHAM, Yue Ngan 1x:iJfI 沈魚雁 Ms CHAN, KaPo PO 陳家寶 ~*~]lf * Mr SIT, Han Hon Man 薛瀚丈 lw~x Ms CHAN, Lok Sum Joyce 陳樂沁 ~*~1It\ Ms SO, Kit Ki 蘇潔琪!l*~J}!; Mr CHAN, Shu Him ~*fm~!l*{mii. 陳樹謙 Ms SO, Sin Hang 蘇倩衡 Ms CHAN, Tan 陳丹 ~* ff Ms SONG, Yixuan 宋怡璇 *JI~;fi Ms CHAN, Tsz Ching 陳子禎 ~*-=ff~ Mr TAl, TAI, Li Chau 戴履宙 ~J1im Ms CHAN, Yung 陳蓉 ~*?6 Mr TAM, Kin 譚鍵 ~ Mr CHEONG, Po PO Lun 莊寶麟 m:jfm Mr TANG, Chi Hang 鄧智 ~~~'l:l[ '1 豆 Mr CHEUNG, Nicholas Hiu Chi 張曉智 *~~ Mr TANG, Pak San 鄧梧秦 Wf8~ Mr CHEUNG, Tin Ngai 張天毅 *7(~ * Mr TO, KiFung 堵祺鋒 :f:;j!fmjt~ Mr CHOW, Ho Yin 周浩賢 JWJ~i5Jl Ms 而且 WAN, N, LokHei 溫學曦 ~H~al * Mr CHOW, Wing Ho 鄒永浩 Ms WONG, Cheuk Ling 黃悼玲 * Mr CHOW, Wing Ho 1~7km Ms WONG, Cheuk Ling jt;b i:ef1 學位頒授典禮 lj!{!zjj~ji!.llll CONGREGATION 酬 N I 99

97 Mr WONG, Chun ~ 黃俊 {~ * Ms LAU, Wai Sum 劉蕙璟 ~UJl~ Ms WONG, Hiu Ching Zoe ~~B! 黃曉晴 Mr LAW, Ho Hin 羅浩軒 *te~1=t ='fr.:n Ms WONG, Pui Yee Catherine 黃沛儀 ~1rP{i Mr LEE, Ka Ho 李嘉豪 *;;!~ * Mr WONG, TikKi ~igrf* 黃迪琦 Mr LEE, Tsz Toa 李子涂 *r~ Mr WONG, Wai Lok Harold ~:rt~ 黃瑋樂 Mr LEE, Wing Kit 李永傑 *7k~ Mr YANG, Zhou ~ 楊洲 11+1 Mr LEUNG, Cheuk Fai 梁卓暉 W: I[B!j[ Ms yaw, YO\ 刀, Tracy 在 丘穎韻 li~m Ms LEUNG, Hoi Yi 梁凱宜 w:~' : Ms YUE, Ka Yan *;;!JV\ 余嘉欣 Mr LEUNG, Ka Ming 梁家明 W:*~ Mr YUEN, Pak Hong RfSJ* 袁相康 Mr LEUNG, Kai Wah 梁歐華 ~m:" Mr YUEN, Wing Cheung 阮詠翔 1l7t~J<~ Mr LEUNG, Lok Ki 梁樂淇 W:~1Jt Mr YUEN, Yu Hang R*'I:g: 袁宇 d 阻 * Mr LEUNG, Wai Tung 梁瑋彤 w::rtm Mr YUNG, Man Kuen 容丈權 :&::xtl Ms LEUNG, Wing Nam Ivy 梁詠嵐 W:~J<it Mr LIU, Wai Kam 廖煒途 ~1t~ Bachelor of Science in Biology and Science Educαtion Education Mr La, LO, Pak Ming 盧柏名 LifS15 Mr LUI, KaMing 呂嘉銘 g;;!~ 理學士 ;E]! iij± (~!f9jj 生物學及科學教育 iij &f.{iij ~ Ff) ) Mr MA, Chun Kit 馬俊傑 f.b{~~ Mr MA, Wai Ho 馬偉豪,~{t~ Mr CHAN, Yiu Sang 陳耀生 ~ll1~ Mr MAK, Kai Sheung 麥啟相 ~~if Mr LEE, Chak Ming 李澤銘 *w~41 Mr NG, Cheuk Yin Jason 吳卓賢 ~ I[Jl Mr NG, Pak Sung 吳百在 ~B~ Mr NG, Pak Yu 伍柏如 iliifspd Bαchelor Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Mr NG, Wing Yin 吳穎燃 ~~~ 理學士 ;E]! iij ± ( 化學 it; iij ) Mr NG, YuKwan 吳汝鈞 ~&~SJ Mr NGAN, Ka leong Ieong 顏嘉揚 wf~m * Mr AN,Ke 'il: 安可 PI Ms PAK, Lai Ching 白麗禎 Bif~ Ms AU, Sze Lai 歐施禮 ~:Glli 1 Ms SHEK, Ying Tung 石映彤 Ea;J(m * Mr BAI, Wei 白 B {t 偉 Ms SHING, Pui Yan 成佩恩 it<1jill\,i!, Mr CHAN, Chun Man 陳俊丈 ~JiH~:x Mr SZE, Tat Ming 施達明 :Glli3t~ Mr CHAN, Dickson 陳德舜 ~JIH!~ Mr TAl, TAI, Shing Chiu 戴成超 ~it<~ Mr CHAN, Ka Wai 陳家偉 ~-**{t Ms TAM, Yik Bing 譚亦冰 ~Jj\{7K Mr CHAN, Kwan Keung 陳均強 ~-*:fs]5~ Mr TANG, Tsz Hin 鄧子軒 ~~r!/if Mr CHAN, Lawrence Lok Hang 陳樂衡 ~-*~f~f Mr TING, Gee Shing Raymond 丁子承 Tr:i\ Ms CHAN, Po PO Yi 陳寶怡 ~-*Jf'ri1 Ms TING, Tsz Yuk 了似鈺 T{~n Mr CHAN, Wing Hung 陳永鴻 ~-*7k~ Mr TSANG, Kai Sum 會做森 Wm:~ Mr CHAN, Yung Hau 陳勇孝 ~-*~* Ms TSANG, Sze Long 曾思朗 WJ~,~Jl Mr CHEUNG, Chi Kit 張智傑 ~~~ * Ms TSE, T 凹, KaMan 謝家敏 llm*ji j( Mr CHEUNG, Man Lung ~:xll~ 張文龍 Mr WONG, Koon Man 黃冠丈 J{7Df:x Mr CHEUNG, Shiu Man 張肇文 ~.:x Ms WONG, Wing Sze 黃詠詩 ~~J<lff * Mr CHEUNG, Wai To ~{trm 張偉韜 * Ms WU, Lok Yin 胡樂研 J!iJj~m Mr CHOW, Chak Yan 周澤仁 mw1= Mr YAU, KaHo 邱嘉豪 JJ:~;;!~ Mr FAN, Pak Shing 范柏誠 ~Ms~ * Ms YE, Yuran Qfm~ 卅雨然 Mr HO, Pui Kin 何沛堅 {nr:trp~ * 此 Mr 1r YEUNG, Fuk 1 I 楊福自台 ~ti&el Mr HO, Siu Chung 何兆聰 {nr~is~@' Mr YEUNG, Yat Sam 楊逸一 ~~~ * Ms HU, Di J!iJj 胡迪 3lII Mr YIU, Leong Kan 姚亮勤 t&t'ic!ij Ms HUEN, Priscilla ffr!:glli*~ 蹋施穎 * Ms ZHANG, Yuxin 張語馨 ~~~ Ms KONG, Ho Ting 江皓婷 I~~ Ms KWOK, Ka Lee 郭嘉莉 ~;;!frj Mr LAM, Chak To if*w~ 林澤濤 Bαchelor Bachelor of Science in Chemistry αnd and Ms LAM, KaMan 林嘉雯 if;f;;!~ Science Education Mr LAM, Sheuk Hei if;filftl5ib 林述熙 ~/l" 理學士 ;E]! iij ± ( it; 化學及科學教育 iij & flj. iij ~ Ff ) Ms LAM, Siu Lai 林少麗 if;fyif Mr LAU, Shing Hin 劉承軒 Mr FONG, Kin Hung 方健雄 Mr LAU, Shing Hin ~U:i\!/if Mr FaNG, Kin Hung tj{j!1jje 100 I 學位頒授典禮 ~llilljjj51!ll!1i! CONGREGATION 酬 N # Academic Achievemenl Awards 學業成就獎 ~!If-!iIG fjit!l!! * Flrsl First Class 臼 Honors 甲等榮譽 Ell i!ff ~ 'I

98 Bαchelor Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Ms LAM, Lai I 林麗儀 ;f*h1~ 理學士 ~~±(I&~) ( 數學 ) Mr LAN,On 蘭安 ]If '1l: * Mr LAO, Wing Kwan 劉永均 ;U7]<:fS) Mr AU, ChakLam 歐澤霖 Mr LAU, Tat Cheung ~~~ ;U3t:t$ 劉達祥 * Mr AU-YEUNG, Wai Hin 歐陽韋軒 Mr LAU, Ting Sum Samson 劉庭深 ~~ ff ;UJM~ Mr CHAN, Chak Wa 陳澤華 Ms LAW, LA' 刀 ; Yee Man 羅綺雯 ~*~. *-i~~ Ms CHAN, Ching Man Amy 陳靜丈 Mr LEE, Ka Kin 李家建 ~*lw::)( **91 Ms CHAN, Chuen Wan 棟傳韻 Mr LEE, Man Han Hon 李文翰 ~JIH.rm *::)(~ Mr CHAN, Ho Hin Henry 陳臭軒 Mr LEE, Pui Shing 李沛成 ~*~ff * lp~ Ms CHAN, On Yi 陳安兒 Ms LEE, Wing Yee 李穎儀 ~;'H:!«~*'1l:36 =r?' ll Mr CHAU, Tsz Hong 周子康 Mr LEUNG, Chin Yu 梁展裕 ml-=rm ~mkfft Mr CHEE, KaHo 池嘉豪 ~8Jj~ 1fu.~ Mr LEUNG, Ming Chun 梁明峻 Mr CHENG, Kwok Fai #~~*f 鄭國輝 Mr LEUNG, Sai Hang 梁世鍾 ~tltffm Ms CHENG, Man Tsun LEUNG, Wai 鄭筆 f 秦 Mr,' 月 Tai Kit 梁偉傑 ~1t~ Ms CHENG, Ming Wai ~I l~ 鄭明慧 Ms 11, Chi Kwan 李芷君 *1 ~ Mr CHENG, Pui Sun 鄭培新 Mr 11, Chun Ming ~f:g:*ff *tisjj 李振明 Ms CHENG, Pui Yu #~M=mJ 鄭佩茹 * Mr 11, Penghui 李鵬輝 *1!I1~*' * Mr CHEUNG, Lap Kan 張立勤 ijj1liij Ms 11, Wai Sze 李慧思 *~JIjSl, Mr CHEUNG, Ming Leong Alfred 張明朗 ijjl l~jl Mr 11, Yiu Kwan 李耀坤 *~'it$ Mr CHEUNG, YukLun ijj3s:m 張玉麟 Mr 11, Yu Cheung 李雨翔 *mrill CHID, * Ms CHIU, Ho Yan LID, JEBraJ~ 趙可欣 Mr LIU, Jianchen 劉建辰 ;U91JR Ms CHO, Wing Yee 曹詠誼 'lww"k[ : Mr LO, Kwan Shan 羅坤山 *-it$llr Mr CHONG, Chok Ngai ):(ffffil 莊作藝 Mr LO, Tim Fat 盧添發 11!~~ Mr CHONG, Kit Shing ):(f~~ 莊杰成 Mr LO, Wai Nok *-illlle 羅瑋諾 Mr CHOW, Sheung Chung 周尚宗 Mr LUI, Kam Lung 呂錦龍 g~1fti~ mlffij* ml~;ffl 倫浩然 Ms CHOW, Yi Wing 周懿穎 Mr LUN, Ho Yin 1Jfa~~ Ms CHU, Pui Yin J~~{J;~ *~R 朱珮賢 Mr MA, Chi Hung 馬志鴻 Mr CHUI, Shing Mo 徐成武 Mr MA, Man Wai Raymond 1~~:Itt 馬文煒 J~::)(1! Mr CHUNG, Ching Kit ;friie~ 鍾正傑 Ms MAK, Pui Ki 麥沛淇 * lpzit Mr CHUNG, Ka Chun 鍾家進 Mr MAK, Shing Fung 麥昆峰 ;fri*~ *~ilf Mr CHUNG, Ka Chun 鍾嘉俊 ;fri.1~ Ms MAK, Wing Shan 麥詠珊 *w"klfljf Ms CHUNG, Ying Ting 鍾英婷 Mr MAN, Kong Fard ;fri~jz' 文剛法 ::)(IlilJUl.* Mr FAN, Siu Chung 獎兆聰 ~~Is~~ Mr NG, Chun Lung 伍俊龍 11i1~i~ * Ms FAN, Tianqi ru:7z: Jt 范天琪 Mr NG, YuSum 吳宇森 ~'=F** * Ms FU, Miaoqi 付妙琪 11jzjl: Jt #* Mr SHAO, Yuqi 邵瑜琪 B~;Fjfu: Jt * Mr GAO, Yi 高炮 Mr SHIR, 眠, Cheuk Shing ~~~ r%'j 余悼成 'lli 7J\ Mr HA, She Yeung SID, Ji:ffd:~ 夏社楊 Mr SIU, Chi Kit 蕭智傑.9 l~ Mr HO, Chun Hin 何俊軒 Mr SO, King Cheong. 蘇景昌 1aJ1~l/lf ~:'-:~ Mr HO, Ka Lok 何嘉樂 Mr SUEN, Man Fung 1aJ.~ 孫文學 t%::)(* Mr HUI, Ka Chun 'f.1~ 許嘉俊 Mr SUEN, Shun Yu 1%1i fft 孫信裕 * Mr HUNG, Tsz Fun 洪梓勳 #tif iv Mr TAM, Ling Fung 譚凌丰 ll'~$ Mr JIANG, Lu 姜酪 ~ i! Mr TAM, Siu Kwan 譚兆鈞 ll'~is~tg Mr KONG, Lap Ho 鸝立豪 Mr TANG, ChiChung Chung 鄧志聰.~1L~ ~~~~~ Mr KWOK, Han Hon Kit 郭漢傑 Mr TANG, Yan Kit ~1l~ 鄧欣杰 ~~~~ * Mr KWOK, Sai Hang 郭世 ~tlt'l'a 'Ia Mr TAO, Chun Ming 杜振銘 Hti~ 黎錦康 Mr LAI, Kam Hong Andre Ms TEE, Su Yi 鄭思儀 'W~1ftm ~JIjSl,1~ 唐瑋黎銘煙 Mr LAI, Ming Fai 'W~;tiI! Ms TONG, Wai m l! Ms LAI, Siu Kwan 賴少君 Mr TRAN, Ho Kwong 陳浩光 *~jr~ ~*1i!f7\:; 會超傑 Mr LAM, Chong Kan 林創勤 ffeuiij Mr TSANG, Chiu Kit iwm~ Mr LAM, Kai Chun 藍啟晉 Mr TSANG, Chun Kong 曾震江 ~~~ iwr1i Mr LAM, Kin Hang 林建亨 Mr TSANG, Hiu Tsun Albert 會曉俊 iw1ljlj1~ **91-'7 學位鑽授典禮 ~lli:lllijj\'!i!lll CONGREGATION 酬 側 I 101

99 Ms WANG,Di ~ 瓜, 玉 頓 IIJ][ * Ms WANG, ì 月瓜, Lu 王睹 :FlE& * Mr WEI, Rongwei 魏嶸威 ~.~ Mr WONG, Cheuk Hin Jake 王卓軒 j[lfif Mr WONG, HoTak 黃皓德 wj'1j5i! Mr WONG, Hoi Wai 黃鎧唯 w~ipl * Mr WONG, Ka Wai 黃家煒 * Mr WONG, Ka Wai W%tl Wm*, Mr WONG, Karn Kam Fai 王錦輝 Ms WONG, Man Yee 黃敏 wjljj:{~ { 義 Ms WONG, Wai Wan 王慧雲 ~~ Ms WONG, Yuet Man 黃悅丈 W,[~:x #* 們 Ms WU, Angela Anqi 吳安琪 ~3(~ Ms WU, ì 月 TU, Hoi Yan 胡海恩 ii W,f l, Mr YAU, Chi Ho 邱智豪 J:t~9 l~ Mr YAU, Chi Pan 丘智斌 i:9 ljjt * Mr YE, Xiaofeng 葉曉峰 ~~. Mr YEUNG, Chun Wai 楊鎮偉 ~i~{l Mr YEUNG, Teng 楊騰 ~ HI Ms YI, Weishu 伊唯舒 {ttpl~ Ms YING, Hiu Yu 那曉瑜 :Jf~~fta * Mr YID, YIU, Ting Fung Leo 姚霆鋒 ftm!~ Mr YU, Chan Pui 余燦沛 *~YrP Mr YU, Cheuk To 虞卓濤 g! j[~ Ms YUEN, Ka Man 袁嘉敏 1tJf{iJlJJ: Bachelor of Science in Mathemα Mathematics 白 lcs (Mathematics (Mathemα tics andit Educα Education) 理學士 m!~±(ft~-( 數學一數學及資訊科技教育 ft~&ffiffiflj.t1t~l'f) ) Bαchelor Bachelor of Science in Mαthemα Mathematics tics αnd and Economics 理學士 m!~±(jt~3i!f.1ill~~) ( 數學與經濟學 ) Ms CHAN, Hong Ting 陳康婷 ~JIU~iU Mr CHEN, Yongming Yongrning 陳泳銘 ~* *~ Mr CHEUK, Chi Fu 卓志富 il-±~ )~\m Ms FU, Kit Ying 傅潔檻 {1~fEi. Mr HO, Ying Yu 何應裕 {i=ijjj!m * Mr HU, Jianchang 呼健昌 0Sjl~~ Mr MOK, KaLun 莫嘉麟 ~BM * Ms SHAN, Shaxuan.-YY'lf 單莎萱 * Ms XIAO, Shuyue 向舒月 ~~}=j * Mr XU, Zhiji 許之聽 ljlpzg Mr YAN, Sibo 嚴桐 1 專 Dillt' Ms ZHAO, Jihong 趙冀紅 mji;fi Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biomedical Sciences 理學士 ;fll!~±()j-.:r~!fmb~*:4~) ( 分子生物醫學科學 ) * 此 Ms 1s CAl, CAI, Yilei Mr CHAN, WaLok ì 月 Ja Ms LAM, See Yu Mr LEE, Yu Ming Mr LO, Chun Hin Ms MAN, Chung Yan * Mr MID, MIU, Kai Kei Mr NG, Wang Ki #* Ms ZHAO, Zibo 蔡伊蕾 ~{tt. 陳華樂 ~*.~ 林思語 ;jsfffi.1i )Ci'll=ll=t 李宇鳴 ::f~~~ 盧駿軒 lii &,f 丈頌欣 :x0jf~ 繆歐基 ~~~ 吳宏基 ~*~ 趙子波 m-=f{ez Mr CHENG, Chak Hung 鄭澤洪 #13~~ Ms CHOW, Mei Wa 周美華 yg]~. Mr LAU, Ho Wan 劉浩雲 ~U ~~ Mr 11, Chi Chiu 李智超 ::f9 lm Mr MO, Tak Leung 月 巫德良 Zl3.1!$ Ms PANG, Sau Lan 彭秀蘭 w:%lii Ms SHEK, Tsz Wan April 石紫雲 E~~ Mr SOU, Pak Ki {nfsffilt 仇柏祺 Mr TAl, TAI, Chiu Kei 戴趙基 ~Mi~ Ms TANG, Wan Yu Wendy 鄧運如!i~jitzD Mr TO, Yuk Chun 杜育駿 f±wi & Ms WONG, Tsz Yan 黃芷欣 jt1ejo\ Mr WU, Wai Chun 胡煒俊 ii tl{~ Mr YUEN, Ka Long Dick 袁家朗 :;R%~Jl Bachelor of Science in Physics 理學士 m!~±(!fmm!~) ( 物理學 ) Mr ALVNER, Tim Tirn Kenny Mr BI, Cheng Ms CHAN, Kai Sik Mr CHAN, Si Ming Ms CHAN, Sze Ni Mr CHAN, Wing Hang Mr CHAN, Yik Nam Narn Ms CHEUNG, Yan Yi Mr CHOI, Ka Wai Mr CHOW, Hung Wai Mr CHOW, Kai Kwong Mr CHOW, Sze Lok Mr CHUNG, Shu Ming Mr FOK, Kai Chiu Ms FUNG, Cheok Yin MrFUNG, Kit Mau 畢成 '" fflg 陳 il*{:ldtf { 圭 d 惜陳鋸銘 ~*~,IE\~ 陳思呢 ~*,IjSl,frJE 陳永鐸 ~*7J<~ 陳亦南 ~*W\l i 張欣 5;RJO\'[tt,[ 白 蔡家 ~%{l { 韋周鴻偉 yg]{~{l 周敵光 yg]~:7'6 周思 樂 yg],ijsl,~ 鐘書銘.iI~ 霍啟超 m~m 馮卓賢 {,," '~ j[~:st 5'! {,'" *- '~i~wit 馮傑謀 102 I 學位頒授典禮 "l'lllilll!i3i1l!!ll! CONGREGATION 晰的 N # Academic Achievement Awards 畢業成就獎 "l'l ~ JiIG!it!l\! * First Class Honors 甲等榮譽 ~!if;!if! W

100 Mr HO, Wing Chun 何永俊 {aj7k{~ Mr LAU, Ho Wing 劉浩榮 ~U~~~ Mr HO, Yiu Nam 何耀南 {aj*i~ Mr LO, Shing Kong 羅展綱 *I~~ Mr LAI, Chi Ho 賴志豪 JIi~~~ Mr MAN, Chin Leong 文展亮 -X~Tto Mr LAI, Yan Mong 黎恩望 ~Jf},~ Ms NG, Shuk Kwan 吳淑鈞 ~tj'r~sj Mr LAM, Chun Cheong 林俊昌 #{~ * Ms PAN, Yishan 潘依柵 ~t<frllfr Mr LAM, Wai San #{**H 林偉新 Mr TONG, Pak Lai mfsffl 唐千百禮 Mr LAU, Chun Yip 劉俊業 ~U{~* Mr TSm, TSUI, Wing Hong 徐穎康 1~~Jl)]t * Mr LEE, Chi Hung 李智鴻 $~~~ Mr WONG, \ 月 TONG, Wing Ho 主詠豪.::EWJ<~ 李浩銘 Mr LEE, Ho Ming $~~ Mr YEUNG, Chun Kwong 楊振光 m:ti:jl6 #* Mr LEUNG, Ka Hei 梁嘉希 ~;jf;ffr Ms YU, Wing Yin 余穎賢 7f;"l'iI>i:>C /.,trv,g Mr LEUNG, Kin Cheung 梁鍵璋 ~j!tj!ii Ms YUEN, Kwok Yee 袁個頤 ~e&j[ Ms LEUNG, Michele Wai Yee 梁蕙 ~f!'i' f '1 白 Mr LEUNG, Wan Ho 梁允豪 ~ft~ Mr LI, Pak Ho 李柏豪 $;fs~ Bachelor of Science in Physics αnd and Science Educαtion Education Mr LIU, Yi 劉宜 ~U R 理學士 ;E!I!~±(!fo/J;E!I!~&f3f.~~W)( 物理學及科學教育 ) Mr LO, Chung Ho 盧仲豪 12{r:p~ Mr LO, Yiu Hong 勞耀康 M*~)]t 7:J 'IIt~ Mr LAI, Kar Hei 黎迦希 ~3ml;ffr Mr LUK, Wing Chun 陸永雋 ~.i7k~ Mr MA, Wai Chi 馬瑋智 Jil~J!~ Ms MAK, Chui Chu 麥翠珠 ~~3i)j( Mr NG, PakLam 吳柏林 ~;fs;f* Mr PANG, Ka Fai 彭家輝 w**' Mr TANG, Tak Man 鄧德敏 ~1!llJJ( Ms TANG, Win Man Vitman 鄧穎丈 ~~Jl-x Ms TSm, TSUI, Hoi Shan Trista 徐凱珊 1~'MlIH!- * Mr WONG, Lok Man 黃樂敏 * Mr WONG, Lok Man iff l<s*lljj( ~~* 黃文彬 Mr WONG, Man Pan ~-xw * Mr WONG, Sung Ching Sam 黃崇清 ~*m Ms WONG, Yuen Man 黃婉雯 ~~J1!~ Mr WU, Chung 月 Ting 胡仲庭 i!i {r:p~ * Mr WU, Degang 巫德剛 &i!ijijju Mr WU, Man Chung 胡玟聰 i!i lx~j~t Mr YAM, Chung {:f 任沖 {r:p Ms YAU, Sau Wai 尤秀慧 ::t;*~ Mr YEUNG, Wai Lung mf*lll[ 楊偉龍 Mr YUNG, Yan Lin 翁恩 /.4}g1'~ ~ Ql\ J 憐 #* Mr ZHANG, Liangsheng 張良鹿 ~.a~ * Mr ZHU, Weiming 朱未名 **15 Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics 理學士 ;E!I!~±(~m!fo/JJlI!.~)( 應用物理學 ) Ms AU, Sze Kei 區詩琪 ~@3J't Mr CHAN, Ho Leung 陳浩樑 ~*~1~ Mr CHAN, Man Leong 陳文亮 ~*-xtto Ms CHEN, Xi 陳兮 ~* ~ Mr CHEUNG, Hiu Fung 張曉峰 ~~~ Mr HO, Man Yui 何文銳 {aj-x~3t; Mr LAM, Ho Ching 林浩正 #~IE 學位頒授典禮叫 'l' iiujil J51!I!! li CONGREGATION I 103

101 Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位 Wf~~ f.ft Master of Science in Biotechnology Mr LI, Nan I) 鸝楠 i'i J 理學碩士 ;00 ~ iji ± ( 生物技術 1:. fo/j ihfff ) Ms LI, Qin 李勤 Jj; Mr LI, Yi 李亦 * $ Mr CHAN, Chung Kiu 陳仲翹 Mr LID, LIU, Xunan 劉旭南 ~*1r:pD ~U;h,l J Ms CHAN, Yim Yu 陳艷瑜 ~*,@rifu Mr NG, Alvin Wai Cheung 吳偉翔 ~{1t~ Mr CHEUNG, Tak Lim 1jj:f!JJ: 張德廉 Mr NG, Kwok Leung 吳國良 ~~ffij. Mr CHIANG, Ching Hang *iie-'t 蔣正亨 Mr SHIH, Kim Fung 施劍鋒 1ifl!~U~~ Ms FONG, Chi Mei Grace 方姿薇 15?Jf:fi. Mr SIT, Wai Kiu 薛 j 胃橋 iw~~~ Mr KOT, Ka Fai 葛嘉輝 Mr SO, Wing Shun ~;jf*f i*~jm=t 蘇穎訊 Mr LAI, Hon Man 黎瀚文 Mr SUN, Linghao 孫凌臭 ~m3t f*~~ Ms LAI, PO Po Yi 黎寶儀 ~W{~ Mr TANG, Hon Ping ~G1~ZP: 鄧漠平 Mr LAU, Chun Yiu Vernon 對晉堯 ~Ug% Mr TSU, King Yiu 徐敬堯 1~1Wz% Ms LAU, Jacqueline Siu Nga 劉小雅 ~U/N1E Mr WANG, Fu Lee :::E'i'5fIJ 王富利 Mr LAU, Kin Long 劉健朗 Mr WANG, Sentao 王森桃 ~U~~JJ :::E~;fj~ Mr LEUNG, Tak Kei 梁德基 W:t~~ Mr XU, Ji lllp 許聽 tii Ms MAN, Tin Ying Anita 丈夫盈 3tx7JJ Ms XUE, Yufei 薛琪菲 iw~* Ms NARAIN, Sangeeta Harinarain Mr YAU, Man Chun ~ll13t{~ 游丈俊 Ms POON, Hon Ting 潘侃婷 Mr YAU, Shun Yin ~frl~~ 邱舜賢 JJ:G~Ji Mr PREMCHITT, Tirapon Mr ZHANG, Fan 張帆 Ijj $}L Mr TSANG, Alan Wai Lun 曾偉倫 W{1t{A'fl Ms ZHANG, Fanlu 張玉番瞄 Ijjrl~ Mr TSANG, Pui Ming 會沛銘 W1lP~ Ms ZHANG, Xin 張新 Ijj :;fjt Mr TSE, Chi Sum Sammy 謝智深 Mr ZHANG, Yang 張揚 ~~~ Ms ZHAO, Mei 趙媚 1m p,; Ms ZHAO, Su 1m 趙甦 ~ Mω Master of Science in Mα Mathematics themα tics (Financial Mr ZHAO, Yutong lm::eni 趙玉撞 Mα Mathematics 缸 lcs and Statistics) Stα tistics) Mr ZHUO, Zhenbang ~it;fg 卓鎮邦 Ijj m 理學碩士 ;oo~iji±(~~- ( 數學一金融數學與統計 ~il!!l!~~ JiHgflit) ) Ms BAI, Jixiao 白吉瀟 Mα Master of Philosophy in Biochemistry E~rs. Mr CHAN, Kin Ching 陳建青哲學碩士 ~*~W '& ~iji ± ((1:. 生物化學 fo/j 1t~) ) Mr CHAN, Sui Wai 陳瑞威 ~*:f!m&lz Mr CHAN, Wai 陳威 Ms CHAN, Wan Wai 陳韻煒 ~* &lz ~*Jm~l Ms CHEN, Mengli 陳至要在 Ms HE, Ying 賀 ~*~1fi Ji 瑛 ~ Mr CHEN, Sipeng 陳斯鵬 Ms NG, ShukHan ~*~JfJlll~ ~wr:w*~ 吳淑嫻 Mr CHIK, Yin Yeung 植彥陽 too:' :~ Ms WONG, Hoi Shan :::E:wIJfflt 王凱珊 Mr CHU, KaLok 朱家樂 **~ Mr CHUNG, Tsz Kin 鍾子健 Ml!T~ Mr FANG, Li 此 Master!laster 15 1J of Philosophy in Biology 方力哲學碩士 {,"'7f': '~*""'*jj: '& ~iji ± ((1:. 生物學 fo/j ~) ) Mr FENG, Legeng 馮樂耕 Mr FUNG, Hiu Lap Lawrence 馮曉立 {,~~:li Mr HON, Wai Cheong 韓偉且 ljil{1tj Ms CHIANG, Hei Yin Miranda *i~~~ 蔣熙然 Mr KUI, Ip Chun 雇葉春 FU,Lan ~~W Ms if 傅爛 ~ Mr LAM, Ting Kin James J 林廷堅 Mr KONG, Liangliang fl7g~ 孔亮亮 ~*~~ Mr LEUNG, Chiu Ming 梁釗明 Ms LEE, Shuk Kwan W:~iJ~ *wrtt 李淑君 Mr LEUNG, Ka Wah W:*_ 梁家華 Mr LI,Mu 李牧 * ~ Mr LEUNG, Yee Sau 梁意修 J.}""'{~ Ms SUN, Mingming 孫明明 f*~~ */IT!" ~ Mr LI, Biao 李彪 * ~ 104 I 學位頒授典禮 ~lli!ll1:jl'i$1i! CONGREGATION

102 Mα Master of Philosophy in Chemistry Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry 哲學碩士 rg~ll±( ( 化學 {~~) ) 哲學博士 rg~fw ± ((~!fwj 生物化學 {~~) ) Ms KEUNG, PO Po Yee 姜寶 J 怡 *.'[>& Ms CHEN,Na Na 陳娜 ~* PI Ms LEUNG, Yi Ting 梁宜婷 ~1I~ Ms CHEN, Yue 陳明 :f}:j ~* Mr XU, Ri 許 ljlp B 日 Mr CHOI, Yuk Kwan 蔡玉坤 ~3sJ$.o±.. Mr YUAN, Peng 袁鵬 -R III Mr DIAO, Yarui 刁亞銳 7J5li~jt Ms KWAN, KVi 瓜 N, Hiu Tung Dawna 關曉彤 ~m~m Mr LI,Li Li 李禮 * ffi! Master of Philosophy in Mathemα Mathematics tics Ms LI, Xiuling 李秀玲 **Jf1 哲學碩士 rg~ll±(~~) ( 數學 ) Ms LI, Yanfeng *'@Jil. 李艷鳳 Mr LIU, Wei 劉偉!i&U {t Mr AN, Karl 安嘉 ~ ;;I Mr REN, Lihuan 任立煥 {'f:u:~ Mr CHEN, Yanchu 陳彥初 ~*gg*)] Ms WAN, vi 瓜 N, Oi Wan 沮愛的 ~1l!~~~ Mr LI, Yichu 李奕初 *~f)] Ms WANG, vi 瓜, Xi ::E 王曦 81 Mr LID, LIU, Xiaogang 劉曉剛!i&U~IMJU Mr WANG, Yue ::E 王悅 t~t 王詰 Mr NG, Chi Kin 伍志健 fli~{ft! Mr WANG, ì 凡此, Zhe ::E ±± J:n:t Mr WANG, Chongli ::E*J.l 王崇理 Mr WONG, Siu Lun 黃兆麟 Ji~IS~ Ms WANG, Jingjing 王曰日曰曰日曰 ::E~~ Ms XIE, X 阻, Weilin M{tlit* 解偉琳 Mr YEUNG, Tin Wing 楊天穎 m7(~~ Doctor of Philosophy in Biology Mα Master of Philosophy in Nano Science αand 哲學博士 rg~fw±(~!fwj~) ( 生物學 ) Technology 哲學碩士 rg~ll±(*i-s*flj.~jili!vhffi) ( 納米科學與技術 ) Ms CHEN, Ping 陳萍 ~* ~ Ms GUO, Jiangyang 郭了工揚 $~~Im Ms vi 瓜 NG, Xiang 王湘 Mr WANG, Hao 王臭 Ms WANG, Xiang ::E ml Mr WANG, Hao ::E ~ Ms WANG, Xin ::E 王鑫 ~ Mr YE, Mulin 卅木林 nt*if;t Mr YI, Y1, Xin 伊鑫 {J'f ~ Ms ZHANG, Yifan 張一帆 5N~$fL Mr ZHANG, Tao 'I.!} 5N 張韜 lfs Mr ZHENG, Yuzhong 鄭玉忠 ti) 3sJiS', Mr ZHAO, Guoqing 趙國慶 m~l!lf Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Mαster Master of Philosophy in Physics 哲學博士 rg~fw±( ( 化學 {~~) ) 哲學碩士 rg~ll±(!fwj;f1i!~) ( 物理學 ) Mr AU YEUNG, Siu Fung 歐陽兆煒 ~~~IS1* Mr ANTONY, Mathis Aurelius Mr CHEN, Xiaolei 陳小磊 ~*/NI% Mr CHAN, Chun Kit i I~{~~ 凍俊傑 Mr CHOI, Chun Lung 蔡鎮龍 ~iifj![ Mr CHEN, Guanxiong 陳冠雄 ~*7ti~l Mr FAISAL, FA1SAL, Mahtab Mr CHOW, Yu Ting 周宇霆 jjlf]f~ Mr HU, Jianbing 胡建兵 i!i!:l~~ Mr LEUNG, Ho Ming Dick 梁浩明 ~m~ Ms JIM, J1M, Ka Wai 詹嘉慧 M~_ Mr TIAN, Jiachao 田嘉超 8U~m Mr LIU, Jianzhao 劉建釗!i&U~j\lrj Mr YANG, Liu 楊柳 tjjlj Mr LIU, Peng 柳鵬 l'pp III Mr YANG, Min m 楊旻 ~ Mr NG, Ho Yuen 吳鋪源 ~Mi{j Mr YUE, Zhounan 樂舟南 ~frt1 i Mr POON, Ka Chun 潘嘉俊 ~;;I{~ Mr ZHAO, Shenyang 趙申陽 m$~ Mr WAN, Cheuk Kin 溫掉堅 {1l!;b i~ Mr ZHENG, Yan 鄭岩 #~ ~ Mr WANG, vi 且, Guocang ::E~; - 王國倉 Mr WU, Yuet 胡悅 i!i!:l '1ft Mr XIONG, X10NG, Hao 熊浩 ~~ {~ Ms XUE, Liqin 薛麗琴 iwm~ 學位頒授典禮!J<llli:lll!l5l~1lI CONGREGATION 叫 I 105

103 Ms YEONG, Tsz Ying Mr ZHENG, Yizhe Mr ZHOU, Jianhua 楊子瑩 :m-=f~ 鄭一哲 #!l~f1f 周建華 mj9l~ Doctor of Philosophy in Mαthemα Mathematics tics 哲學博士 m~tt±(ft~) ( 數學 ) Mr CAl, CAI, Tao.1$ 蔡濤 'II Mr CONG, Xuri 叢旭日 il1@8 Mr DONG, Chaoping 蓋超平 liil:1f~ Mr KONG, Xinbing 孔新兵 :ru JT~ Mr LEUNG, Chi Man ~~:3t 梁熾丈 Mr 日 LI,, Dong 李東 * Jfr Ms LIN, Yuanyuan 林媛媛 ifif~~ Mr LIU, Dongwen ;UJfr:3t 劉東文 Ms LIU, Jiewei 劉浩瑋 ;U~8f1f; Mr LIU, Zhi ::!::: ;U 劉志 Ie., Mr LO, Ching On Li~~ 盧靜安 Mr ZHU, Ke 朱柯 * tnr Doctor of Philosophy in Mαno Nano Science αnd and Technology 哲學博士 m~tt±(*j7g*n~wttwi) ( 納米科學與技術 ) 扎 Mr 1r CHEN, Shuyu ~Jlf~~ 陳書宇 Ms HONG, Yuning #!;~:f$ 洪煜檸 Ms LAN, Yahui 藍雅慧 jhl~ Mr LUO, Junyan 駱鈞炎,~~SJ~ Mr LUO, Meng 羅 *I 濛 ~ Mr MAN, Ka Lun Michael :3t;J;{ffij 文嘉倫 Mr SHI,Wu 15 石武 :Itt Ms SU, Jing 蘇婿 it( ~F!f Mr WANG, VI 且也, Gan.::E 王干 ~ 黃泰倫 Mr WONG, Tai Lun jli~{ffij Mr WU, Jinbo &~1&z: 巫金波 Ms ZHANG, Mengying 張萌穎 i]'nsji!fy! Doctor of Philosophy in Physics 哲學博士 m~tt±(!fo/jm!~) ( 物理學 ) Mr GAO,"\ 月 vensheng Mr GAO, Wen sheng 高文勝 ~:3tij9J Mr LU, Jianming ~9lf:j)j 路建明 Mr SONG, Hao 宋浩 * ~~ 王吉吉 Mr WANG, VI 瓜, Zhe ±±.::E 1=11=1 Mr YAN, Peng 1& 嚴鵬!lll~ 106 I 學位頌授典權 ~irj)jhl\'!i!!ll1 CONGREGATION co 附 R 酬 N

104 人文社會科學學院 A X1± flflj.~~ 1m SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位 lijf~~~f1t Mα Master of Arts in China Chinα Studies Ms TIU, TID, Tin Oi 刁天愛?J~~.Ir. 文學碩士 }(~iji±(( 中國研究 q:r1j1vf~) ) Mr TONG, Yu 1I!. 童宇 f Mr TSANG, Pong Tat 曾邦達 1"r'f~3t Ms CHENG, Bo 程博 fli:[ Ms WANG, Xiaoxiao tw ::E 王瀟瀟 Ms CHEUNG, Toi Man 張黛丈 Ms WEI, Yao 魏瑤 ij:lh~:t ft J~ Ms DENG, Pan Ms WONG, Hiu Ying 黃曉盈鄧攀 i~ Ji~il ~ 胡可智 Yiming r%'j-p,~ i'ij PJi! Mr GAO, Yirning 高一鳴 Mr WU, Ho Chi Mr GUO, Fei 郭菲 Ms WU, Rou 吳柔 *~ ~ ~ Ms HOU, Wenwen Mr YUEN, King Ho 阮敬豪侯雯雯 * {*~~ lftw:fi Mr HU, Jun 胡俊 i'ij Mr YUNG, Chi Wai 翁志偉 1~ ~~1l Ji m 黃超 Mr HUANG, Chao Mr ZHANG, Xiao 張 ijl iliff: j\ 虎 Ms LAI, Chengwei Ms ZHANG, Xiaozhen 張小珍賴成煒 JIi~~1l ijl/nrt Ms LAM, King Foon 林王京歡 Ms ZHOU, Bingyu 周冰玉 ffl]{7j(:e. 1*JEt~ 周 Mr LIU, Ngai Wing ffl] 廖毅榮 Ms ZHOU, Kai ~~~ M 凱 Mr MA, Huahai Mr ZHU, Yiming Yirning 朱一明馬華海,~ mj *-~ Ms QIU, QID, Xiaojun 仇曉君 {:hflf8~ ~ Ms SHEN, Jing 沈菁 ~X P'l Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Mr SID, SIU, Che Kit 蕭志傑.~1~ 文學碩士 j%/n;jj; }( ~ iji ± ( Oil 通識研究 tif& 1Vf ~ ) Ms SUN, Xiaoqi 孫小棋 Mr TIMONER, Daniel Nicolas Ms WANG, Wenwen Ms ANG, Fan 洪帆 ::E~~ ~ $}L 王雯雯 Ms WU, Xianye ~~rjt 吳弦肘 Mr CHAN, Hon Wai 陳漢威 ~J!UlWG P'l :t fl 陳國容 Mr XIAO, Wan 向挽 Ms CHAN, Kwok Yung ~*~!&= Mr YEUNG, Kwok Wah Mr CHAN, Lap Chi 陳立智 m~ 楊國華 ~*:lli! Ms ZHANG, Linyu 張林昱 Mr CHAN, Ling Fung ijl1*fl ~*{ ~ 陳凌鋒陳沛貞 Ms ZHANG, Wenxin 張雯鑫 Ms CHAN, Pui Ching ijl~;m ~*~rp~ Mr CHAN, Sze Chung ~*J~HJ~ 陳思聰 Ms CHAN, Wai Yee Janet 陳偉 J 怡 ~*{l'l'er Master of Arts in Humanities Ms CHAU, Shui Kan 周瑞勤 ffl]; fffl1lj 文學碩士 }(~iji±(a}(~) ( 人文學 ) Mr CHAU, WaiChung 鄒偉聰 1~1l~J~ Mr CHENG, Hong Wa 131* 鄭康華 陳穎 d 怡 Ms CHAN, Wing Yee Mr CHENG, KaHo ~**J['I'Er I3B~ 鄭嘉豪 Ms CHEN, Chen 陳晨 Mr CHEUNG, Ka Ho 張家豪 ijl%~ ~* ~ Ms CHEN, Shu 陳抒 Ms CHOW, Cheuk Ying 周卓瑩 ffl] ~ ~* IT 周景森 Ms FAN, Guodan Sum ffl].~ m~h 范圍丹 Mr CHOW, King Surn Ms GU, Jia Iii Ms CHOW, Wing Shan 周詠珊 ffl]~1<:eli& Ms JIANG, Fan 1I $}L Po 江帆 Ms CHU, PO Yiu Pauline 朱寶瑤 *W~ Mr LEE, Ka Fai Mr FONG, William Williarn Wing Lun *%*-' 1J! fim 方穎麟李家輝 Mr LEUNG, Ka Yang m]!;fm 1PJI1.Ji$I( *;tm 梁嘉揚 Ms HO, Fung Chu 何鳳珠 Ms LIU, LID, Hongling 劉紅鈴 Mr HO, Hung Shing 何鴻成 1PJ~~ ~U*I~ Ms LO, Chin Hung Nam.!UI 盧展紅 Mr HO, Narn Kit 何南傑 1PJi 1~ Ms LO, Lok Ting 羅樂庭 Ms HUNG, Lai Fan 孔麗芬 m~ljt! ILN0= Mr MAK, Chun Yin 麥晉然 Ms HUNG, Yuk Chun 孔玉珍 IL3S.~ *1ft~ Mr NG, Ka Ho Elvis 吳嘉淒 Mr KO, Wing Hang 高永恆 ~Bit r%'j7k'l:7i zp: Herman 黎重孝 Ms PING, Yao Mr LAI, Chung Hau Herrnan 平瑤 J~ ~:ir.4 Mr TIAN, Chi e3,'mh 田馳 Mr LAI, Sze Kei 黎士機 ~±t~ ~ULj)j\Jl'I!I!!lI 學位頒授典禮酬翩翩 CONGREGATION I 107

105 Mr LAM, Chun 林俊 ~* 1~ Ms LAM, Sze Yan 林詩欣 *~JT1. 1l'1 A Mr LAM, Kai Ho 林繼豪 ~*fflfiit Ms LENG, Ni 冷脆 if1 1J1g Mr LAM, KwokOn 林國安 *~~ Ms LI, Chenguang 李晨光 *]J::JI[; Ms LAU, Pui Sze 劉貝詩 ;uffi!~~ Ms LI, Fangfei 李芳菲 *35'~ Ms LAU, Wai Fung Panny ;U;t(JII, 劉惠鳳 Ms 日 LI,, Yiran 李亦然 2!s:~~ ~I \/1" Ms LAW, Po Kwan 羅謀筠 m7*~ Ms LI, Yuan 黎元 ~ :lc Mr LEE, Chun Hong 李俊康 *1~m Ms LIANG, Chen 梁辰 ~ ~ Ms LEE, Sze Ming 李思明 *JGU~Fj Mr LID, LIU, Junjie 吋 劉俊杰 ;U1~~ Mr LEUNG, Pui Hong Wilfred \ 月 lilfred 梁沛康 ~ mm Ms LU, Yao 魯瑤 ~ It Mr LEUNG, Wing Kai 梁永佳 ~7k1 Mr LUO, Jian m 羅健 1Y! Mr LI, Chi Keung *iisz5$ 李志強 Ms LV, Xintong 呂欣童 JT1.:'i: Mr LI, Hang Pan *t :tfrt 李 巨斌 Ms MA, Mengmeng 馬萌萌,~Efijf!ij Ms LI, Wing Shan 李詠珊 *~7k:Effit Mr MAN, Kit 丈傑?k. ~ Ms La, LO, Sau Mei Jacky 盧秀美 Lft*~ Ms PAK, La Lo S 白鷺 ~ Ms MA, Wing Lam 馬穎藍,~!fl'!!E Ms RON, Moran Mr NG, Chun Hung 則就住 lffi.!:1~1 Mr SU, Yufeng 蘇郁鋒 iih:fb~ Mr NG, Lap Yu 伍立宇 1liJL~ Ms SUN, Shu 1* 孫妹 fr* Mr NG, Man Chun 吳文雋 lffi.!:3tm Ms SZE, Hoi Ming Ada 施凱明 :am1tjli3jj Mr OR, Ching 柯靖 for ftj!f Ms SZE, Mong Yin 施夢如 :am~ph Mr SID, SIU, Ping Lun 蕭秉倫!I~IHRll Ms TANG, Nga Yeung 鄧雅陽 ~WftEiWJ Ms SO, Wing Oi 蘇詠藹 ij(wj(~ Ms TANG, Shuk Kwan 鄧淑君 ~B$J'R1! Ms TAM, Pui Man Rachel 譚佩雯 ~{Hilt~ Ms TANG, Tiantian 唐甜甜 Jl!WW Mr TSANG, Hin Kwan 曾憲君 wr1fi1! Mr TANG, Tommy 鄧湯美 ~B~~ Mr WONG, Ho Yin 黃浩賢 ~1~W Ms TENG, Fangyu 勝芳玉 ~35'.3S: Ms WONG, Kar Pui Kathy 黃嘉佩 ~Jl!f{Hilt Ms TO, Shan Shan 杜珊珊 HIfflIJffif Ms WONG, So Fa Sophia 黃素花 ~*fe Ms TONG, KaMan 湯嘉敏 ~Jl!f~5( Mr YAN, Kwok Ming Farren 殷國明 ~~~EJFj Mr WANG, Pei : 王佩 {Hilt Mr YEUNG, Kai Chung 楊啟聰 ~~~,~ Mr WONG, Chau Sing 黃秋聲 ~f}(jf Ms YEUNG, Yin Chu 楊燕珠 ~~~ Ms XIAO, Qiaoyan 肯巧燕 ~r5~ ftft Mr YIP, Sui Wing 葉瑞榮 ~fim~ Ms XIE, Jing 謝競 [1M Jj!}i'. Mr YID, YIU, KamHo 姚金海 ~b1zi'i Ms YANG, Bing 楊冰 m {* Ms YIP, Oi Lam Irene 葉靄霖 ~B~ Ms YU, Hoi Wan 1R1tJLfWl 余凱韻 M Master 囚犯 r of Arts in Social Science Mr ZENG, Wenjian 曾文健 wr?k.1y! )( ij{ 文學碩士 ±(f±fr -'I- ) ( 社會科學 ) Ms ZHAN, Chen 展晨 ~ ]J: Mr ZHAN, Peixun 詹培勛 ~:f::g:jlj] Ms CHAN, Man Yee 陳敏兒 ~-*~5(~ Ms ZHU, Tingting *~~ Ms CHEN,Lin 陳琳 ~-* Itt Ms CHEN, Qihua 陳綺華 ~-*~. 他前們的切叩師Ms CHEN, Yiwei 陳藝瑋 ~-*~Ht Master of Philosophy in n H u m G n 碩叮文學)Humanities Mr CHEUNG, Ka Chak Simon 張嘉澤牌人5:RJl!f~ ~ ij{±(a)( ) 士朱婷婷云Mr CHEUNG, Pui Lok 張沛諾 5:R m~ 畢Mr CHOW, CHOW, Wing Tin 周永回 f.'fj7ke8 Mr 血 BI,, Yun 朱'" -:r:. 元Ms CHUNG, Nieh if 鍾涅 1.!E Ms CHOO, CHaO, Yuen 鍾* 5t 一Ms FANG, Jingyan 范貫方競研 hid!ph Mr CHUNG, Kwun Ho 蒙Blt~ 何院蕾Mr FU, Chengzhe 傅承哲 1W7i\flf Ms FAN, Xiaolei m~. 孫建衡Ms GUO, Jun 郭君 B :a Mr HO, Kin Hang 1PI9tlj 王彩順夏一Ms HE, Xiao 1PI 何霄 ;If Mr SUN, Shun 豫1* 葉淑JI~ 紅Mr HUI, HDI, Chi Wai 許智偉 Htp~1$ Ms WANG, Caiyu : ~~ 敏Ms JIA, Xinshan 賈昕珊 WSjffffif Ms XIA, Yihong Jf~~r Ms JIANG, Zhuoying 蔣卓穎 J1%!~ Ms YIP, SukMan ~$J'R~5( 108 I 學位頒授典禮 ll"ilzoof,lj!l!1i! CONGREGATION 酬

106 Master of Philosophy Phìlosophy in Social Science 哲學碩士 1?:f ~liq ± ( O±firf4~) 社會科學 ) Mr CHAN, Wing Sun Ms CHEN, Ting Ms LI, Lan Ms LIN, Yu-ling Ms SUN, Qi Mr TO, Chi Wai Ms WANG, Qian Mr XIAO, Dongliang Mr XIN, liyun Jiyun Ms YANG, Fan Ms YU, lia Jia Ms YU, Shanshan Mr ZENG, ling Jing Ms ZHOU, Titi 陳永新 ~-*7k*JT 陳婷 ~-* ~ 李蘭 * lyii 林毓玲 **itjfl 1* 孫琦 fitr 王茜 x 3 肯東亮 ~*'" 'Ji3 辛濟云 : ~~ 楊帆 ~ $}L 於嘉 fj~ I!l. :tm 涂志偉 '/. ~-±{:"'- '\)~\ f. 余珊珊 ~l/ffi-l/ffi- 曾靖 W ~j1f 周直是直是 JWJfrNofrNo Doctor of Philosophy Phìlosophy in Humanities 哲學博士 1?:f~tf±(Aj(~) ( 人文學 ) Ms YANG, Yanni 楊彥妮 Doctor of Philosophy Phìlosophy in Social Science 哲學博士 ( 社會科學 ) 1?:f ~tf ± (f± firf4~) Mr CHEN, Shuo Mr LI, Bing Mr 日 LI,, Nan Mr MA, Chicheng Ms ZHANG, Zhuoni * :% 陳碩 李兵李楠 * i'1 i ~~~ 馬馳騁 張卓妮 *.Ej[Prrl 學位頒授典種 'l>'&lll!fy'!ii<tit CONGREGATION 岫蚵 I 109

107 . SCHOOL OF SCIENCE BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science BSc in Physics and Mathematics BSc in Physics and Computer Science BSc in Biochemistry BSc in Biochemistry and Science Education BSc in Biology BSc in Biology and Science Education BSc in Chemistry BSc in Chemistry and Science Education BSc in Mathematics BSc in Mathematics (Mathematics and IT Education) BSc in Mathematics and Economics BSc in Molecular Biomedical Sciences BSc in Physics BSc in Applied Physics BSc in Physics and Science Education MSc in Biotechnology MSc in Mathematics (Financial Mathematics and Statistics) MPhil in Biochemistry MPhii MPhil in Biology MPhil in Chemistry MPhil in Mathematics MPhil in Nano Science and Technology MPhii MPhil in Physics PhD in Biochemistry PhD in Biology PhD in Chemistry PhD in Mathematics PhD in Nano Science and Technology 1 日 PhD in Physics School Total SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING DEGREES CONFERRED BEng in Chemical Engineering 入 A BEng in Chemical and Bioproduct Engineering ^ A BEng in Civil and Structural Engineering ^ A BEng in Computer Engineering ^ A BEng in Electronic Engineering ^ A BEng in Logistics Management and Engineering ^ A BEng in Mechanical Mechanica1 Engineering ^ A BEng in Computer Science and Computer Engineering BEng in Chemical Engineering BEng in Chemical and Environmental Engineering BEng in Chemical and Bioproduct Engineering BEng in Civil and Structural Engineering BEng in Civil and Environmental Engineering BEng in Computer Engineering BEng in Computer Science BEng in Computer Science (Information Engineering) BEng in Electronic Engineering BEng in Electronic Engineering (Information and Communication Engineering) BEng in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management BEng in Logistics Management and Engineering BEng in Mechanical Engineering BEng in Mechanical Engineering (Building Services) BSc in Computer Science and Mathematics MSc in Civil Infrastructural Infrastructura1 Engineering and Management MSc in Computer Science and Engineering MSc in Electronic Engineering MSc in Engineering Enterprise Management MSc in Environmental Engineering MSc in IC Design Engineering MSc in Information Technology MSc in Intelligent Building Technology and Management MSc in Mechanical Engineering MSc in Telecommunications 在 MPhii MPhil in Bioengineering MPhii MPhil in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering MPhil in Chemical Engineering MPhil in Civil Engineering MPhil in Computer Science and Engineering Engineerlng MPhil in Computer Science and Technology MPhil in Electronic and Computer Engineering MPhii MPhil in Environmental Engineering MPhil in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management MPhii MPhil in Mechanical Engineering PhD in Bioengineering PhD in Chemical Engineering PhD in Civil Engineering PhD in Computer Science PhD in Computer Science and Engineering PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering PhD in Environmental Engineering PhD in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management PhD in Mechanical Engineering School 1btal Thtal 頒授之學位 理學院 理學士 ( 數學及計算機科學 ) 理學士 ( 物理學及數學 ) 理學士 ( 物理學及計算機科學 ) 理學士 ( 生物化學 ) 理學士 ( 生物化學及科學教育 ) 理學士 ( 生物學 ) 理學士 ( 生物學及科學教育 ) 理學士 ( 化學 ) 理學士 ( 化學及科學教育 ) 理學士 ( 數學 ) 理學士 ( 數學數學及資訊科技教育 ) 理學士 ( 數學與經濟學 ) 理學士 ( 分子生物醫學科學 ) 理學士 ( 物理學 ) 理學士 ( 應用物理學 ) 理學士 ( 物理學及科學教育 ) 理學碩士 ( 生物技術 ) 理學碩士 ( 數學一金融數學與統計 ) 哲學碩士 ( 生物化學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 生物學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 化學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 數學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 納米科學與技術 ) 哲學碩士 ( 物理學 ) 哲學博士 ( 生物化學 ) 哲學博士 ( 生物學 ) 哲學博士 ( 化學 ) 哲學博士 ( 數學 ) 哲學博士 ( 納米科學與技術 ) 哲學博士 ( 物理學 ) 學院總人數 工學院 工學士 ( 化學工程學 ) ^ 工學士 ( 化學及生物產品工程學 ) ^ 工學士 ( 土木及結構工程學 ) ^ 土學士 ( 計算機工程學 )^ 工學士 ( 電子工程學 ) ^ 工學士 ( 物流管理及工程學 ) ^ 工學士 ( 機械工程學 ) ^ 工學士 ( 計算機科學及計算機工程學 ) 工學士 ( 化學工程學 ) 工學士 ( 化學及環境工程學 ) 工學士 ( 化學及生物產品工程學 ) 工學士 ( 土木及結構工程學 ) 工學士 ( 土木及環境工程學 ) 工學士 ( 計算機工程學 ) 工學士 ( 計算機科學 ) 工學士 ( 計算機科學一資訊工程 ) 工學士 ( 電子工程學 ) 工學士 ( 電子工程學信息及通訊工程 ) 工學士 ( 工業工程及工程管理學 ) 工學士 ( 物流管理及工程學 ) 工學士 ( 機械工程學 ) 工學士 ( 機械工程學一屋宇設備 ) 理學士 ( 計算棧科學及數學 ) 理學碩士 ( 土木基建工程及管理 ) 理學碩士 ( 計算機科學及工程學 ) 理學碩士 ( 電子工程學 ) 理學碩士 ( 工程企業管理 ) 理學碩士 ( 環境工程學 ) 理學碩士 ( 集成電路設計工程 ) 理學碩士 ( 資訊科技 ) 理學碩士 ( 智能建築物技術與管理 ) 理學碩士 ( 機械工程學 ) 理學碩士 ( 電信學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 生物工程學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 化學工程及生物分子工程學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 化學工程學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 土木工程學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 計算機科學及工程學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 計算機科學與技術 ) 哲學碩士 ( 電子及計算機工程學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 環境工程學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 工業工程及物流管理學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 機械工程學 ) 哲學博士 ( 生物工程學 ) 哲學博士 ( 化學工程學 ) 哲學博士 ( 土木工程學 ) 哲學博士 ( 計算機科學 ) 哲學博士 ( 計算機科學及工程學 ) 哲學博士 ( 電子及計算機工程學 ) 哲學博士 ( 電機及電子工程學 ) 哲學博士 ( 環境工程學 ) 哲學博士 ( 工業工程及物流管理學 ) 哲學博士 ( 機械工程學 ) 學院總人數 'i1 ro6 弓b,2 7勻4, d73 4旬77 4,勻,2 心弓 勻d,A123 1i哇14 1勻i,12 r 2QJ94A54 O,O OJ19 F3445 Ar4 OA6 勻4 O8 Ru5 --r11 or16 bo6 O18 弓12 JU勻,12 v35 QJ639 iyiaq--ti--141i-ir 結可4 弓,h2 cd52j3 ro6 Rd in1 u a20 ua28 AQJ14 nu GJ 凡144 啥勻,22 hro26 cd45 AT84 nu10 nua10 YH64 bq5 h42 92 e弓lc45 d勻12, 旬117,'E46,OA可24161 ia4 -An10 u弓,2 呵7,,ιυ16 呵呵3 ω14212i3 MfU6 弓b,12 ro6747 句13 3勻, rb16 wb51i71.z7 dq13 J I 附錄 'f11ic APPENDICES

108 SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT BBA in Economics and Finance BBA in Economics and Information Inlormation Systems BBAinEc Economics 口 and Management of 01 Organizations BBA in Economics and Marketing BBA in Economics and Operations Management BBA in Economics and Professional Prolessional Accounting BBA in Finance and Information Inlormation Systems BBA in Finance and Management of 01 Organizations BBA in Finance and Marketing BBA in Finance and Operations Management BBA in Finance and Professional Prolessional Accounting BBA in Global Business and Economics BBA in Global Business and Finance BBA in Global Business and Management of 01 Organizations BBA in Global Business and Marketing BBA in Global Business and Operations Management BBA in Information Inlormation Systems and Management of 01 Organizations BBA in Information Inlormation Systems and Marketing BBA in Information Inlormation Systems and Operations Ope~ati9ns Management BBA in Information Inlormation Systems and Prolèssronal Professronal Accounting BBA in Management of 01 Organizations and Marketing BBA in Management of 01 Organizations and Operations Management BBA in Management of Organizations and Professional Accounting BBA in Marketing and Operations Management BBA in Operations Management and Prolessional Professional Accounting BBA in Economics BBA in Finance BBA in General Business Management ^ A BBA in General Business Management BBA in Information Inlormation Systems BBA in Management of 01 Organizations BBA in Marketing BBA in Operations Management BBA in Professional Prolessional Accounting BSc in Economics and Finance BSc in Quantitative Finance MBA/MSc in Financial Analysis MBA/MSc in Investment Management EMBA MBA' MBA 血 MSc in Economics MSc in Financial Analysis MSc in Global Finance MSc in Information Inlormation Systems Management MSc in Investment Management MPhil in Economics MPhil in Finance MPhil in Information Systems MPhil in Operations Management PhDinλccounting Accounting PhD in Economics PhD in Finance PhD in Operations Management PhD in Management of 01 Organizations School Total SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE MA in China Studies MA in Humanities MA in Liberal Studies MA in Social Science MPhil in Humanities MPhil in Social Science PhD in Humanities PhD in Social Science School Total INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS OFFICE MSc in Environmental Science MSc in Environmental Science and Management MPhil in Atmospheric Environmental Science PhD in Atmospheric Environmental Science PhD in Marine Environmental Science Interdisciplinary Programs Olfice Office Total HKUST FOK YING TUNG GRADUATE SCHOOL MSc in Electronic Technology MPhil in Atmospheric Environmental Modeling School Total UNIVERSITY TOTAL 工商管理學院 工商管理學士 ( 經濟學及財務學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 經濟學及資訊系統學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 經濟學及組織管理學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 經濟學及市場學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 經濟學及營運管理學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 經濟學及專業會計學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 財務學及資訊系統學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 財務學及組織管理學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 財務學及市場學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 財務學及營運管理學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 財務學及專業會計學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 環球商業管理及經濟學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 環球商業管理及財務學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 環球商業管理及組織管理學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 環球商業管理及市場學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 環球商業管理及營運管理學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 資訊系統學及組織管理學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 資訊系統學及市場學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 資訊系統學及營運管理學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 資訊系統學及專業會計學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 組織管理學及市場學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 組織管理學及營運管理學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 組織管理學及專業會計學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 市場學及營運管理學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 營運管理學及專業會計學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 經濟學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 財務學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 綜合商業管理學 ) ^ 工商管理學士 ( 綜合商業管理學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 資訊系統學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 組織管理學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 市場學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 營運管理學 ) 工商管理學士 ( 專業會計學 ) 理學士 ( 經濟及財務學 ) 理學士 ( 計量財務學 ) 工商管理碩士 / 理學碩士 ( 財務分析學 ) 工商管理碩士 / 理學碩士 ( 投資管理學 ) 高層管理人員工商管理碩士工商管理碩士 * 工商管理碩士理學碩士 ( 經濟學 ) 理學碩士 ( 財務分析學 ) 理學碩士 ( 環球金融 ) 理學碩士 ( 資訊系統管理學 ) 理學碩士 ( 投資管理學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 經濟學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 財務學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 資訊系統學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 營運管理學 ) 哲學博士 ( 會計學 ) 哲學博士 ( 經濟學 ) 哲學博士 ( 財務學 ) 哲學博士 ( 營運管理學 ) 哲學博士 ( 組織管理學 ) 學院總人數 人文社會科學學院 文學碩士 ( 中國研究 ) 文學碩士 ( 人文學 ) 文學碩士 ( 通識研究 ) 文學碩士 ( 社會科學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 人文學 ) 哲學碩士 ( 社會科學 ) 哲學博士 ( 人文學 ) 哲學博士 ( 社會科學 ) 學院總人數 跨學科課程辦事處 理學碩士 J:!l!~lil!±(fflJj[f-+~) ( 環境科學 ) 理學碩士 J:!l!~lil!±(fflJj[T4~ArgJ:!l!) ( 環境科學及管理 ) 哲學碩士 jlf~lil!±(:*~ffljj[t4~) ( 大氣環境科學 ) 哲學博士 jlf~iw±(*~ffljj[f4~) ( 大氣環境科學 ) 哲學博士 jlf~iw±omi'fffljj[t4~) ( 海洋環境科學 ) 跨學科課程辦事處總人數 ~~f4ii*t\lli.$lj~i!1!aj!l'( 香港科技大學霍英東研究院 理學碩士 J:!l!~lil!±(liTf4~~) ( 電子科技學 ) 哲學碩士 jlf~lil!±(*~ffljj[m~~) ( 大氣環境模型學 ) 學院總人數 ~~I!1!AJ!l'( 全大學合計 ~*$fiilt y39 oo18 nu10 司令13 MQJ9 QJ9 HH45 dn9 yro16 zu ZM13 勻,12 fo6 Rd5937.t17 io31 JA19 哇24 o38 ny97b17 勻,22 q3nu10 qu15 r026,17617 ro16 尸25 3弓,12 白1101 loo48 ny19 rdr5 df53lu55 ru站 弓,52 zd43 HD45 弓37 -,w3h55 J之以3 勻,h2 Ti1 tiz1 ufd3 5 弓3141 勻,2 1 A唾 l13 4nu--whJ m4155n44355^ A Graduates from the Dual Degree Program in Technology 且 and ndm Management 且 earn eam ωo two degrees, BEng 且 and ndbba. 修學科技及管理學雙學位課程之畢業生同時獲頒授工學士及工商管理學士學位 {rji;~f4:jy:r~j:!l!*~*{:iz~1!e;l~*1:[i'ij~jljjjti3n*±rii'ilj~j:!l!*±*{:iz 0, This program is jointly offered by Northwestem Northwestern University 砂且 and ndhkust 此學位課程由美國西北大學與香港科技大學合辦 Jl:l;*{:iz~1!Ei±l~lgjjjffij~**~i'f):!H41Ji:**~ h 附錄 'IHi!< APPENDICES I 111

109 Titles of PhD Theses Completed in SCHOOL OF SCIENCE Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry CHEN, Na. Biochemical Mechanism Underlying the Cardioprotection of Schisandrin B: Glutathione Antioxidant Response and Redox Sensitive ERK/Nrf2 Pathway CHEN, Yue. CHKI in the Maintenance of the G, DNA Damage Checkpoint CHOI, Yuk Kwan. Regulation of the Microtubule-Nucleating Activity of the y-thbulin Ring Complex DIAO, Yarui. Pax7BP, a Novel Pax7-Binding Protein, Bridges Pax7 and the H3K4 Histone Methyltransferase Complex and Mediates the Expression of Pax7 Target Genes in Myoblasts KWAN, Hiu Thng Dawna. Role of G Protein-coupled Receptors and G 14 Signaling in Inflammation LI, Li. Primitive Myeloid Leukocytes Formation and Their Roles in Epimorphic Regeneration in Zebra fish LI, Xiuling. SUMO 1 activating enzyme subunit 1 is Essential for the Maintenance of Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells during Zebrafish Hematopoiesis LI, Yanfeng. Functional Analysis of Dusp27, a Novel Target Gene of the JAKI/STATl Pathway, in Myogenesis LIU, Wei. Dynamic Scaffolding of the INAD Signaling Complex via Conformation-coupled Protein Disulfide Redox Potential Cycling REN, Lihuan. GABA A Receptor Subtype Selectivity and Structure-activity Relationships of Flavonoids WAN, Oi Wan. The Relationship Between Aggregation of Alphasynuclein and the Pathogenesis of Parkinson's Disease WANG, Xi. Stk24 Promotes Myogenic Differentiation via Multiple Mechanisms WANG, Yue. Enhancement of Secretory Hyperexpression of Heterologous Proteins in Escherichia coli WANG, Zhe. Studies of CDKSRAP2 and Myomegalin Isoform 8 in Microtubule Organization at the Golgi Apparatus WONG, Siu Lun. Functional Characterization of CdkS-mediated Phosphorylation of Endophilin BI in Macroautophagy in Models of Parkinson's Disease XlE, Weilin. Alpha-synuclein Impairs Normal Dynamics of Mitochondria in Cell and Animal Models of Parkinson's Disease Doctor of Philosophy in Biology CHEN, Ping. A Novel Species of Cholinesterase in Vertebrates: The Discovery of PRiMA-linked AChE-BChE Hybrid Tetramer and Its Molecular Assembly Mechanism GUO, Jiangyang. Mechanistic Studies on the Osteogenic Effects ofdietary Flavonoids in Cultured Osteoblasts: Potential Drug Development Against Osteoporosis WANG, Hao. Molecular Study of Larval Attachment and Metamorphosis of Two Biofouling Species, Hydroides Elegans and Bugula Neritina YE, Mulin. Initial Study of the Role of Native Interieukin-IS in Generating Thmor-specific Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes in a Dendritic Cell-mediated Ex Vivo System ZHANG, Yifan. Toxicity, Toxicology and Pharmacology Study of Butenolide and Isocyanide as Antifouling Compounds ZHENG, Yuzhong. Chemical and Biological Assessment of an Ancient Traditional Chinese Herbal Decoction - Danggui Buxue Tang Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry AU YEUNG, Siu Fung. Synthesis and Characterization of Organo-borate Solids CHEN, Xiaolei. The Role of the Iterative Polyketide Synthase SgcE in Biosynthesis of the Nine-Membered Enediyne C-I027 CHOI, Chun Lung. Hydrothermal Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Lanthanide Polybenzoates and Related Polymers FAISAL, Mahtab. Fabrication, Light Emission, and Magnetism of Silica Nanoparticles Hybridized with AlE Luminogens and Inorganic Nanostructures HU, Jianbing. Synthesis of Ag Nano- and Microstructures for Surfaceenhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Applications in Chemo- and Biosensing JIM, Ka Wai. Functional Macromolecules Synthesized From Acetylenic Monomers LIU, Jianzhao. Construction of Functional Linear and Hyperbranched Macromolecules from Acetylenic Building Blocks LIU, Pengo The Study of Two-photon-allowed Excited States of Octupolar Chromophric Molecules by Resonance Hyper Raman and Surfaceenhanced Resonance Hyper Raman Spectroscopy NG, Ho Yuen. Ruthenium Complexes Containing Terminal and Bridging Nitrido Ligands POON, Ka Chun. Syntheses and Density Functional Theory Studies of Rhenium and Thngsten Complexes WAN, Cheuk Kin. Development of a United-atom Protein Model Coupled with a Coarse-grained Solvent Model for Biomolecular Simulation WANG, Guocang. Metal Complexes with Bidentate and Tridentate p=o Ligands WU, Yuet. Functionalization of Artemisinin: New Drugs for New Purposes XIONG, Hao. Molecular Dynamics Studies of Amyloid-~ Peptides Monomers and Design of Fluorescent Bioprobes for Aggregation Induced Emission Fluorogens on DNA Surfaces XUE, Liqin. Theoretical Studies of Palladium Mediated or Catalyzed C-C Coupling Reactions YEONG, Tsz Ying. Solvothermal Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Metal Imidazolate Polymers ZHENG, Yizhe. Fabrication of Microfluidic Devices and their Applications in Chemical and Cellular Researches ZHOU, Jianhua. PDMS-based Microfluidic Platforms for Chemical Analysis and High-throughput Screening Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics CAl, Tao. Numerical Simulations of Stellar and Planetary Core Convection CONG, Xuri. The Dual Pair (U(l), U(l,l)) over Dyadic Fields DONG, Chaoping. Spin-lowest K-types and Dirac Cohomology KONG, Xinbing. Statistical Inferences on Jumps of Semi-martingales Using High Frequency Data LEUNG, Chi Man. Several Essays on Real Options Game Models LI, Dong. Statistical Inference for Some Threshold Models LIN, Yuanyuan. Relative Error Estimation and Efficient Estimation of Censored Linear Regression Model LIU, Dongwen. Eisenstein Series on Loop groups LIU, Jiewei. Numerical Simulation of Drop Formation Dynamics in Two Phase Flows LIU, Zhi. On High Frequency Financial Data with Jumps and Microstructure Noise LO, Ching On. Compact and Fredholm Weighted Composition Operators ZHU, Ke. On the LAD Estimation and Likelihood Ratio Test for Time Series Models 112 I ~Hf; APPENDICES

110 Doctor of Philosophy in Nano Science and Technology CHEN, Shuyu. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Solid-Liquid Interfaces HONG, Yuning. Development of Functional Nanomaterials with Aggregation-Induced Emission Characteristics and Exploration of Their Biological Applications LAN, Yahui. Distinct Functions of Different scl Isoforms in Zebrafish Definitive Hematopoietic Stern Cell Initiation and Maintenance LUO, Junyan. Quantum Transport and Quantum Measurement in Mesoscopic Systems: Reduced Density Matrix Approach LUO, Meng. Quantum Dissipation Theory and Applications in Mesoscopic Systems MAN, Ka Lun Michael. Characterization of Wetting Layers and Nanostructures at Surfaces SHI, Wu. Nanostructured Carbons and: Their Electrical Transport Characteristics SU, Jing. Manipulation of Small Liquid Volumes with Microfluidics for Microanalysis and Biological Applications WANG, Gan. MBE-Grown Binary Chalcogenide ld Nanostructures: Synthesis, Structural Analysis and Formation Mechanisms WONG, Tai Lun. TEM Study of the Growth Mechanism, Phase Transformation, and Core/Shell Structure of Semiconductor Nanowires WU, Jinbo. DNA Amplification and Detection in Micro/Nano-fluidic Chip ZHANG, Mengying. Nano/Micro Particle Based Microfluidic Droplet Manipulation and Application Doctor of Philosophy in Physics GAO, Wensheng. Fabrication and Characterization for Visible Chiral Metamaterials LU, Jianming. Transport Properties of Graphene and its Application SONG, Hao. Effects of Geometry on TUrbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection WANG, Zhe. Superconductivity in 4-A Carbon Nanotube Arrays YAN, Pengo Current-Induced Magnetization Dynamics in Magnetic Nanostructures SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Doctor of Philosophy in Bioengineering LAW, Ka Yan Jessica. The Application of Microelectrode Array Technology to Biomedical Research LIN, Ran. Study of Single-cell Electroendocytosis Using Bio-mems Technology LUO, Xiaoteng. Immobilization-Free Electrochemical DNA-Based Bioanalysis SUN, Sheng. Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Phospholipids in Water Under External Electric Field WU, Rentian. Studies of DNA Replication-Initiation Proteins in the Budding Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae XU, Qian. Learning to Predict Protein Location and Network Properties via Knowledge Transfer Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering CHEN, Xinqing. Synthesis and Application of Mesoporous Silica CHENG, Yuen Shan. Towards a Paradigm for Chemical Product Design and Development KWOK, Kui Sing. Development of Crystallization Processes Aided by Phase Diagrams and Workflow QIN, Xusong. Pilot -scale Electrocoagulation-electroflotation of Restaurant Wastewater: Stable DSA Fabrication, Effluent Quality Monitoring, and Operating Cost Control SUO, Yange. Development of Nanoscale Catalysts for Direct Liquid-fed Fuel Cell Applications WANG, Weiping. Construction of Nanoparticles by Self-assembly of Small Aromatic Molecules as Drug Carriers YU, Yong. Preparation and Applications of Aggregation-Induced Emission Materials as Bioprobes Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering CAl, Qipeng. Centrifuge, Analytical and Numerical Modeling of Normal Fault Propagation in Uncemented and Cemented Soils CHAN, Hiu Tik. Inelastic Drift-based Approaches for Preliminary Seismic Assessment of Buildings DUAN, Huanfeng. Investigation of Factors Affecting Transient Pressure Wave Propagation and Implications to Transient Based Leak Detection Methods in Pipeline Systems GAO, Hui. Performance-based Road Asset Management and Optimization System LEUNG, Kwan Anthony. Field and Laboratory Studies of a Saprolitic Hillslope Subjected to Seasonal Variations LI, Zhen. Subspace Identification for Structural Health Monitoring LU, Hui. Evaluation of the Sulfate Reduction-Autotrophic Denitrification Nitrificaiton Integrated (SANI ) Process for Saline Wastewater Treatment LU, Youyuan. Non-destructive Evaluation on Concrete Materials and Structures using Cement -based Piezoelectric Sensor MAK, Sze Ho. Removal Kinetics and Mechanisms of Chromium(VI) and Arsenic(V) in Groundwater by Permeable Reactive Barriers with Environmental Life Cycle Assessment WANG, Chao. Fate of Fullerene Aggregate (nc 60 ) in Wastewater Alum Coagulation and Chlorination Processes XU, Jie. Experimental Study of Effects of Suction History and Wettingdrying on Small Strain Stiffness of an Unsaturated Soil ZHAI, Hongyan. Detection and Formation of New Polar Brominated Disinfection Byproducts in Disinfection of Drinking Waters ZHANG, Juhui. Prediction of Chloride Induced Corrosion in RC Bridge Structures Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science LUI, Siu Hang. Using Machine Learning To Produce Expressive Musical Performance PAN, Jialin. Feature-based Transfer Learning with Real-world Applications Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science and Engineering CAO, Bin. Collaborative and Transfer Learning in Recommendations CUI, Weiwei. Visual Summarization and Exploration of Text Streams FANG, Tian. Image-based Urban Modeling HUNG, Ka Lok. Performance Optimization in IEEE WLANs with Co-channel Interference KEUNG, Yik. The Intrusion Detection, Tracking and Information Collection in Mobile Sensor Networks LEE, Chung. Discrimina:tion of Data-reduced Sustained Musical Instrument Tones LIU, Fangming. Large-scale Peer-assisted Online Hosting, Distribution and Video Streaming Systems: Design, Modeling and Practice LIU, Siyuan. Incomplete Data Analysis in Smart City Applications LID, Weichen. Design and Optimization of High-performance Resilient Network-on-chip Based Multiprocessor System-on-chip WANG, Jiliang. Improving Data Delivery Performance in Wireless Sensor Networks m tt APPENDICES I 113

111 WANG, Qi. The Linear Complexity of Sequences with Desirable Correlation WU, Kaishun, Communication Over Interference in Wireless Networks YANG, Lei. Efficient Image-space Data Reuse in Rendering and Image Processing ZHANG, Yu. A Probabilistic Framework for Learning Task Relationships in Multi-task Learning ZHENG, Wenchen. Learning with Limited Data in Sensor-based Human Behavior Recognition ZHENG, Youyi. Semantic-based Interactive Shape Analysis and Manipulation ZHU, Qijun. Caching and Query Processing of Spatial Data in Mobile Networks Doctor of Philosophy in Electronic and Computer Engineering. AU YEUNG, Siu Kei. Perceptual Video Encryption System: A Multiple 1fansforms Approach FANG, Lu. Digital Image and Video Processing Using Subpixel Rendering HAMDI, Karama. Spectrum Sensing and Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks HUANG, Huang. Quality of Service Optimization of Multiuser Wireless Communication Systems LAW, Man Kay. Ultra-low Power/Energy Harvesting CMOS Sensor Designs in Wireless Sensing Platforms LI, Dong. Advanced Nonlinear Optical Imaging Technology for Biomedical Applications LIU, Bing. CMOS Image Sensor for Computed Tomography Applications LIU, Zhaojun. Flip-Chip Mounted Active Matrix Programmable Monolithic Light Emitting Diodes on Silicon (LEDoS) Displays SUN, Liang. Multi-Antenna Signal Processing Strategies and Performance Analysis for Wireless Communication Systems WANG, Dexin. Direct Comparison Approach to Markov Systems and Its Application to Portfolio Management WU, Rongxiang. Novel Silicon-Embedded Magnetic Devices for Power Electronic Applications YUAN, Li. Process Modeling and Device Technology of GaN Normally Off Power 1fansistors ZHAN, Chenchang. Analysis and Design of High-Performance CMOS Output-Capacitor-Free Low-Dropout Regulators for SoC ZHANG, Jian. Extractive Speech Summarization Using Structural Modeling ZHANG, Xiaoxiao. Power Consumption Optimization in Digital Image Processing Modules for Image Sensor Applications ZHAO, Shuyun. Improvements of Low Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film 1fansistors and the Applications on Active Matrix Displays Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Electronic Engineering CHEUNG, Chun. Adaptation Based on Channel Information in Advanced Wireless Communication Systems YANG, Can. SNP Data Analysis in Genome-Wide Association Studies ZHAO, Xiaojin. Micropolarizing Devices for CMOS Polarization Image Sensors ZHENG, Wei. Time- and Spectral-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscopy of Living Cells and Tissues ZHONG, Zhenyu. MOCVD Grown InP and Related Thin Films on Silicon Substrates for Electron and Photonic Devices Applications Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering DAI, Ji. Formation, Physicochemical Properties and Toxicity Study of Fullerene Aggregates Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management CHENG, Hui. Some Models for Inbound Logistics and Supply Chain Management DAI, Hongyan. Design of 1faceability Systems for Supply Chain Management HU, Zhaolin. Non-convex Stochastic Optimization and Its Application in Environmental Economics and Risk Management LI, Ruirui. Supply Chain Contracting, Channel Management and Extended Warranty Pricing LU, Liang. Some Pricing Models in Production Scheduling and Planning RODRIGO, Weliwitage Don Asanka Sanjeewa. Pressure Related Spatial Summation Effects SHANG, Yanfen. Statistical Process Control for Manufacturing and Service Processes with Binary Outputs Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering CHAN, Yuen Sing. Investigation into Characteristics of Thermal Fatigue Modeling of Lead-free Solder Joints and Optimization of Temperature Cycling Profile CHEN, Zhanqing. Geodesic Iso-contours, Bisectors and Voronoi Diagrams on 1fiangulated Meshes and their Applications KHAN, Shafi Ullah. Multiscale Carbon Fiber-reinforced Epoxy Composites Containing Nanofillers LI, Yinshi. Characteristics of Mass 1fansport in Anion-Exchange Membrane Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells LIU, Chong. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanochannel Flows LU, Junyong. Mechanical Characterization of GaN Epitaxial Thin Films QIN, Daoding. Studies on Three-dimensional Flows of Regular and Ferro Fluids around Circular Cylinders in Channels of Different Widths REN, Fuzeng. Experimental and Computational Studies on Carbonated Apatite WANG, Kefeng. Studies of Protein Effects on Calcium Phosphates Precipitation in Physiological Environments WU, Qixing. Characteristics of Mass 1fansport in Direct Methanol Fuel Cells Operating with Highly-Concentrated Fuel XUE, Zhenlan. Micro-Sensing Techniques and Characterization of Ultrafast Heating and Fluid Flow in a Microspace ZHENG, Qingbin. Synthesis of Graphene Sheets and Their Application for 1fansparent Conductors ZHOU, Runhua. Macroscopic Domain Pattern Selection in Shape Memory Alloys - Effects of Length and Time Scales SCHOOL OF BUS/NESS AND MANAGEMENT Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting TANG, Feng. Two Essays on Fair Value Accounting and Compensation Contracts YU, Yangxin. Two Essays on Financial Reporting Quality ZOU, Junqi. Two Essays in the Accrual Anomaly: Further Examining its Causes and Association with Management Earnings Forecasts Doctor of Philosophy in Economics FUKUMOTO, Mayumi. Empirical Studies of China's Imports and World trade HONG, Fuhai. Essays on International Environmental Cooperation 114 I m it APPENDICES

112 JIANG, Kun. Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets: Theory and Evidence KU, Kei Tat. Three Essays on Industrial Organization ZHOU, Ge. Essays on Financial Bubbles, Monetary Policy, and Economic Growth Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Environmental Science DANG, Fei. Dietary Metal Exposure of Marine Fish and its Toxicological Significance DASH, Swagatika. Antifouling Compounds from the Sponge-associated Marine Bacterium Winogradskyella Poriferorum Doctor of Philosophy in Finance MAO, Qinghao. 1\'10 Essays on Explaining Cross-sectional Anomalies Using Return Decomposition WANG, Ziyang. 1\'10 Essays on Corporate Finance YUAN, Zhibo. 1\'10 Essays on Mutual Funds Study Doctor of Philosophy in Operations Management WANG, Haitian. Classification of Complex Disease Incorporating Interaction Effects and Identifying -Causal SNPs in the Context of Rare Variants Doctor of Philosophy in Management of Organizations CHEN, Zhijun. A Contingency Model of Empowering Leadership on Employee Proactive Behavior: Team Power Distance Climate and Individual Power Distance Belief as the Moderators CHEUNG, Siu Yin. Refinement or Breakthrough? The Link between Goal Orientation, Employee Learning, Creativity and Job Performance SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Doctor of Philosophy in Humanities YANG, Yanni. A Critical Study on Anthologies of Tang Poetry in Late Ming Doctor of Philosophy in Social Science CHEN, Shuo. Essays on Malthusian Economics: New World Crops, Population Growth, and Civil Conflicts in Late Imperial China LI, Bing. Global Business, Local Politics: Essays on Foreign Direct Investment in China LI, Nan. Essays on Cultural Diffusion, Migration, and Human Capital: Investigation from China's Historical Experience MA, Chicheng. Essays on Economics of Conflicts: Piracy and Peasant Rebellions in Historical China ZHANG, Zhuoni. The Household Registration System, Population Migration, and Social Stratification in Contemporary China INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS OFFICE Doctor of Philosophy in Atmospheric Environmental Science BlAN, Qijing. Study of Visibility Degradation over the Pearl River Delta Region: Source Apportionment and Impact of Chemical Characteristics CHAN, Allen. Phenomenological Significance of Urban Morphometry in Regional Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Dynamics LI, Ying. Numerical Studies on Ozone Source Apportionment and Formation Regime and Their Implications on Control Strategies LIN, Pengo Humic-like Substances in the Atmosphere of the Pearl River Delta Region: Sources, Abundance, Elemental Composition, and Redox Properties WONG, Kit Man. Linear Decomposition-based Methodology for Determining the Relative Importance of Wind and Non-wind Phenomena on Observed Air Quality!Ii11i\ APPENDICES I 115



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