Beniefits: Risk($40M) Business Enable Fraud Detection Applying graph mining and machine learning to detect fraudulent networks 图数据挖掘技术在PayPal风险管理中的研究与

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2 Beniefits: Risk($40M) Business Enable Fraud Detection Applying graph mining and machine learning to detect fraudulent networks 图数据挖掘技术在PayPal风险管理中的研究与应用 饶卫雄

3 Motivation 背景 Online Payment System suffers from fraudulent transactions, which result in the loss of customers and service providers. 在线支付系统一旦产生欺诈交易, 导致客户与服务供应商的经济损失 In common scenarios, those transactions occur with patterns: 欺诈交易具有如下模式 : " One account is hacked into by criminals, then multiple fraudulent transactions are submitted to transfer money from that account to somewhere else. " 犯罪分子盗窃在线帐户, 通过欺诈交易进行资金转帐 " Illegal accounts are created and linked to a stolen (or fake) credit card, and then fraudulent transactions are submitted to withdraw money from those accounts. " 关联非法创建的帐户与盗窃或者虚假的信用卡, 通过欺诈交易从该帐户中进行转移资金的 " Customers computers are affected by Special designed virus, and then multiple fraudulent transactions are submitted to transfer their money into one account. " 大量的客户计算机被病毒感染之后, 欺诈交易会将客户资金转移到特定帐户 Every pattern can be seen as a set of accounts and transactions, where those transactions or accounts have strong relations with each other. (e.g. Similar transaction time, Same IP Address, and so forth) 每个模式均可以根据在线帐户与交易的集合纪录进行抽象特征提取 3

4 Objective 目标 We build a transaction graph (or network) based on the relationships of accounts and transactions. So all the historical data can be linked to generate the universal transaction graph. 通过帐户和交易的关联关系, 构建交易图 ( 或者资金转移网络 ), 所有的历史数据均关联至该交易图 By adapting graph mining techniques, we can identify fraudulent networks, which exist as sub-graphs of the universal transaction graph. 使用图挖掘技术, 识别交易图中的欺诈网络子图 By adapting machine learning algorithms, we can cluster those fraudulent networks and generate fraudulent transaction patterns. 使用机器学习算法, 进一步鉴别新式的欺诈交易模式 Finally, with all the models and information above, we can recognize whether a unknown transaction is fraudulent or not. 根据以上的模型和信息, 最终识别一笔未知的交易是否为存在欺诈行为 4

5 Is this payment legitimate? 如何识别一笔支付纪录是合法的呢? GOOD? BAD? 5

6 THE JUDGMENT IS BASED ON The transaction itself and its neighbors 利用交易图中的每笔交易纪录及其邻居信息 $ $

7 TO START WITH THE SIMPLEST CASE Start with the simplest case, with only accounts and transactions information in the graph. 最简单例子 交易图中只存在帐户信息及其交易纪录 For every fraudulent transaction (from historical data), build a network around it. 利用历史数据针对每笔欺诈交易纪录, 构建该欺诈交易纪录对应的子图 Perform a clustering on them based on the graph similarity. 利用特定的图类似度度量方式, 构建聚类算法 7

8 HOW DO YOU DEFINE SIMILARITY? High Similarity $ $ $


10 TO SCALE UP COMPLEX SITUATIONS More information & relations should be taken into consideration (e.g. IP Address, Phone number ) 需要考虑更多的其他信息, 包括 IP 地址, 电话号码, 地址等 With increasing size of data, distributed system with index should be designed to store & process it. 当数据规模急剧增大之后, 可扩展的分布式系统成为必然 How to meet the need of real-time processing? 难点是如何进行实时的处理 10

11 RELEVANT TECHNIQUES Machine Learning Graph Mining Storage Clustering (K- Means) Classification (Bayesian Network) BSP Model (Apache Hama) MapReduce Hadoop(HDFS) Distributed Indexing Heterogenous Graph Model 11

12 DATA STORAGE HADOOP(HDFS) A framework that allows for the distributed storing and processing of large data sets across clusters of computers. Built-in Fault-tolerance and synchronizing mechanism. Designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage. 12

13 DATA STORAGE INDEX An index framework that allows to add index for the dataset based on the data schema. Index framework also helps to improve the real time data processing and query A separate index storage space for better performance and rebuilding 13

14 DATA STORAGE GRAPH A Heterogeneous graph model will be used to present different features of node and edge 通过异构图模型来表达节点和边的不同特征 The similarity of user activity can be change to the similarity of heterogeneous graph 用户行为的类似性可以反映到异构图的类似性 With the support of index framework, the heterogeneous graph can be easily scanned and rebuilt 通过构建图索引框架, 可以非常容易的扫描和构建异构图 14

15 GRAPH MINING APACHE HAMA A pure BSP (Bulk Synchronous Parallel) computing framework on top of HDFS. HDFS 之上的 BSP 计算框架 Designed for massive scientific computations such as matrix, graph and network algorithms. 用于大型科学计算, 比如矩阵, 图和网络算法 Supports message passing paradigm style of application development. 可以支持基于消息传递的应用开发 15

16 APACHE MAHOUT Machine learning and data mining library 机器学习与数据挖掘的开发库 Implemented on top of Apache Hadoop using Map/Reduce paradigm Aapache Hadoop 之上的实现 Scalable to reasonably large datasets 可扩展到大数据集 16

17 HOW DO WE CLUSTER GRAPHS? K-MEANS ALGORITHM A rather simple but well known algorithms for grouping objects, clustering. 非常简单但是广为所用的聚类算法 All objects need to be represented as a set of numerical features. 所有的数据对象均表达成以数值为特征的集合 The similarity is measured by the distance of those features. 通过特征值之间的距离来测量数据对象之间的类似度 17

18 HOW DO WE CLUSTER GRAPHS? SAMPLE FEATURES Number of Nodes Number of Edges Number of restricted accounts to all the accounts Number of different _domain Maximum value of the accounts' creation_time 18


20 HOW DO WE CLASSIFY GRAPHS? Naïve Bayesian 朴素贝叶斯 Supervised learning algorithm Popular classification algorithm Assumptions: All attributes are equally important All attributes are statistically independent 20

21 NAÏVE BAYESIAN MODEL Bayes Rule Posterior probability = Prior probability * likelihood P(C i f 1, f 2, f n ) = P(C i ) * P(f 1, f 2, f n C i ) Where, P(Ci f1, f2, fn) = probability of a feature set F is in category Ci P(Ci) = probability of a given category


23 Research Works in Academic Communities 分布式图的研究问题 Framework: 1. CMU pegasus (KDD 11, ICDM 09 best app paper) 2. CMU PowerGraph, GraphChi (OSDI 12), GraphLab (VLDB 11) 3. MSRA Trinity (SIGMOD 13) Key problem: 1. Graph partition: SPAR (SIGCOMM 10), Sedge (SIGMOD 13), 2. Streaming graph partition (KDD 12) 3. Subgraph query and filtering 23

24 On goging works 正在开展的工作 Graph data collec/on Graph data indexing Graph par//on Graph data load balancing Compression General big graph query processing & analysis framework Knowledge and Data Engineering Research Cluster Graph data caching App- 1: Parallel graph filtering App- 2: Graph Stream data processing App- 3: Graph anaylysis & mining & learrning High Performance and Distributed Compu<ng Research Cluster 24


26 @InfoQ infoqchina 26


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