¤j®a¨Ó¾Ç LaTeX Version 1.0

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1 L A TEX Version By Edward G.J. Lee edt1023@info.sayya.org

2 Knuth TAOCP(The Art of Computer Programming) L A TEX L A TEX Unix-like MS Windows cygwin Mac OS X TEX/L A TEX Vim GNU Emacs/XEmacs NEdit WinEdt UltraEdit Kile TEX/L A TEX L A TEX L A TEX L A TEX L A TEX environment L A TEX preamble i

3 title page Table of Contents abstract Footnote Marginal note L A TEX L A TEX itemize enumerate description ii

4 rule underline box L A TEX L A TEX L A TEX alltt doc exscale fontenc graphpap ifthen inputenc latexsym makeidx newlfont oldlfont showidx syntonly tracefnt L A TEX AMS-L A TEX babel cyrillic graphics psnfss array calc dcolumn delarray hhline longtable tabularx iii

5 afterpage bm enumerate fontsmpl ftnright indentfirst layout multicol rawfonts somedefs showkeys varioref verbatim xr xspace theorem tabbing tabular tabular tabular array tabularx booktabs colortbl color colortbl threeparttable dcolumn longtable iv

6 picture picture picture epic PSTricks PDFTricks PSTricks PDFTricks METAPOST METAPOST METAPOST METAPOST METAPOST L A TEX METAPOST METAPOST includegraphics math mode math inline mode math display mode fraction v

7 array L A TEX amsthm Contents Cross References hyperlink index Bibliography thebibliography BibTEX Appendix input include crop marks GNU vi

8 1 TEX Donald E. Knuth 1 Knuth TAOCP(The Art of Computer Programming) TEX TEX Knuth TEX TEX Knuth Milwaukee, Wisconsin; U.S. citizen 1956 Case Institute of Technology 1960 California Institute of Technology Nancy Jill Carter Ph.D Stanford (Computer Science) TAOCP(The Art of Computer Programming) :) 1977 TAOCP TEX TAOCP 1986 ACM 1 1

9 KNUTH $2.56 :-) $2.56 Knuth 256 pennies is one hexadecimal dollar. TEX $655.36(2 16 pennies) (Free Software Foundation) 2 GNU/Linux GNU/Linux Unicode GNU/Linux Unicode 1996 Dr. Dobb s Journal (Free Software) 3 Richard M. Stallman TEX WEB WWW Web literate programming C Silvio Levy CWEB 4 TEX WEB WEB Pascal literate code Knuth 1992 Stanford/Oxford TAOCP 20 TAOCP

10 L A TEX Knuth 1996 Mathematisch Centrum (MC, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, CWI) TEX User Group(NTG) 6 NTG Knuth TEX METAFONT :-) TAOCP(The Art of Computer Programming) :-) 1. Fundamental Algorithms 1968 ISBN Seminumerical Algorithms 1969 ISBN Sorting and Searching 1973 ISBN Combinatorial Algorithms (a) 4A, Enumeration and Backtracking (b) 4B, Graph and Network Algorithms (c) 4C, Optimization and Recursion 5. Syntactic Algorithms the theory of context-free languages 7. Compiler techniques L A TEX TEX macro 6 TEX User Group 3

11 L A TEX TEX macro Knuth Plain TEX Leslie Lamport 7 macro L A TEX TEX/L A TEX L A TEX TEX TEX L A TEX L A TEX TEX macro eplain TEX, ConTEXt, TEXinfo TEX macro L A TEX L A TEX 3 Project 8 HTML markup HTML HTML :-) 1.3 L A TEX Peter Flynn A beginner s introduction to typesetting with L A TEX 9 L A TEX TEX Knuth METAFONT OpenType, TrueType, Adobe Type1 L A TEX TEX/L A TEX L A TEX Unix-like Knuth TEX 10 7 Leslie Lamport 1985 CSL L A TEX DEC Systems Research Center L A TEX ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/info/beginlatex/beginlatex.pdf 10 Knuth Public Domain TEX TEX TEX American Mathematical Society, AMS 4

12 L A TEX MS DOS, OS/2, MS Windows, Mac OS, Unix-like TEX PDA e.g. the Sharp Zaurus TEX/L A TEX L A TEX L A TEX Project 11 packages SGML/XML/HTML news://comp.text.tex CTAN 12 L A TEX WYSIWYG dvi/ps/pdf GUI LyX 13, TEXmacs 14 L A TEX TEX/L A TEX programmer Office MS Windows :-) L A TEX Knuth TEX TEX XML formatter TEX/L A TEX

13 TEX/L A TEX TEX the program TEX macro pre/post L A TEX package/macro L A TEX macro L A TEX L A TEX package/macro TEX/L A TEX TEX/L A TEX 6

14 2 TEX/L A TEX TEX Un*x tetex Windows MiKTEX fptex TEX Live CD 1 TUG(TEX User Group) 2 TEX TEX L A TEX METAFONT METAPOST TEX tex Knuth plain TEX TEX L A TEX latex L A TEX 2.1 Unix-like Unix-like tetex tetex packages GNU/Linux distribution FreeBSD packages ftp://cam.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/unix/tetex ftp://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/unix/tetex ftp://dante.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/unix/tetex TEX Live CD 7

15 MS WINDOWS 2.2 MS Windows free MiKTEX fptex Un*x tetex Windows cygwin Windows Un*x Linux-like Unix-like Unix-like Unix-like tetex Unix-like Windows setup.exe tetex cygwin CJK seventeen Mac OS X Mac OS X distribution Mac OS X Un*x tetex [ ]MacOS tetex TEXShop itexmac 8

16 TEX/L A TEX 2.4 TEX/L A TEX free TEX Live CD TUG iso TEX TEX/L A TEX TrueTEX Windows TurboTEX Un*x, DOS, Windows Y&Y TEX Windows pctex Windows VTEX Windows, Linux, OS/2 Scientific Word Windows Textures Macintosh OzTEX Mac OS X Scientific Assistant Mac OS X 2.5 TEX/L A TEX TEX/L A TEX TEX/L A TEX L A TEX 9

17 Vim vim-latex suite GNU Emacs/XEmacs AUCTEX 3 Knuth NEdit AUCTEX Un*x WinEdt shareware Windows UltraEdit shareware Windows

18 Kile L A TEX Qt/KDE 11

19 3 TEX/L A TEX markup 4 L A TEX L A TEX TEX/L A TEX TEX 3.1 L A TEX.tex latex latex your.tex makeindex bibtex latex latex 12

20 3 TEX/L A TEX 3.2. L A TEX latex your.dvi dvips PostScript dvipdfm[x] PDF ps2pdf PostScript PDF pdflatex your.tex PDF 開始 latex 可能不只一次 ps 檔 your.tex dvips ps2pdf pdf 檔 dvipdfm[x] 或 pdflatex 完成 3.2 L A TEX TEX/L A TEX \, backslash % This is my first \LaTeX\ typesetting example. This is my first L A TEX typesetting example. \LaTeX L A TEX L A TEX

21 3 TEX/L A TEX 3.3. L A TEX TEX/L A TEX *.log your.tex log your.log L A TEX \ $\backslash$ \textbackslash % \% NA # \# NA \~{} \textasciitilde $ \$ \textdollar \_{} \textunderscore ˆ \^{} \textasciicircum { \{ \textbraceleft } \} \textbraceright < $<$ \textless > $>$ \textgreater OT1 $ $ \textbar & \& NA 3.3 L A TEX L A TEX em-square em-square glyph em-square em-square glyph glyph reference point baseline Q 14

22 3 TEX/L A TEX 3.3. L A TEX y j 1 cap height mean line x-height baseline reference pointyzdepth width depth height cap height x x-height width totalheight height depth cap height mean line mean line baseline x-height x ex x-height em-square glyph reference point baseline 1 15

23 3 TEX/L A TEX 3.3. L A TEX L A TEX \ [ ] { } L A TEX 2. L A TEX L A TEX 3. Enter Enter L A TEX word Enter 4. Enter L A TEX L A TEX L A TEX L A TEX 5. L A TEX noindent indent 6. L A TEX This is my first \LaTeX typesetting example. \LaTeX This is my first L A TEXtypesetting example. L A TEX typesetting \ L A TEX \ This is my first {\LaTeX} typesetting example. This is my first \LaTeX{} typesetting example. This is my first \LaTeX\ typesetting example. 16

24 3 TEX/L A TEX 3.3. L A TEX This is my first L A TEX typesetting example. 7. % % L A TEX L A TEX This is my fisrt \LaTeX\ document. Give \LaTeX\ a% try. This is my fisrt L A TEX document. Give L A TEX atry. a try This is my fisrt L A TEX document. Give L A TEX a try. Enter % L A TEX L A TEX TEX/L A TEX grave accent Esc F1 apostrophe Enter " ditto marks Please press an Esc key. Please press an Esc key. This sentence. "This sentence." 17

25 3 TEX/L A TEX 3.3. L A TEX Please press an Esc key. Please press an Esc key. This sentence. This sentence. 2. L A TEX.?! : document. Give L A TEX I am Mr. Edward G.J. Lee, G.J. is a abbreviation of my name. I am Mr.~Edward G.J. Lee, G.J. is a abbreviation of my name. I am Mr.\ Edward G.J. Lee, G.J. is a abbreviation of my name. Mr.\ Edward Mr.~Edward ~ TEX tie I am Mr. Edward G.J. Lee, G.J. is an abbreviation of my name. I am Mr. Edward G.J. Lee, G.J. is an abbreviation of my name. Mr. Edward Dr. etc. e.g. i.e. vs. Fig. cf. Mrs. G.J. J L A TEX Well :-) 18

26 3 TEX/L A TEX 3.3. L A TEX Knuth Please see Appendix A. Appendix A\null. Appendix A\@. \null Please see Appendix A. We will be there soon. Please see Appendix A\null. We will be there soon. Please see Appendix A. We will be there soon. Please see Appendix A. We will be there soon. HTML PDF PDF Computer Modern Type1 gv/gsview Landscape L A TEX 3. \ldots \dots I m not a good man, but a good husband. I m not a good \ldots\ man \ldots, but a good husband \ldots. I m not a good \dots\ man \dots, but a good husband \dots. I m not a good man, but a good husband. I m not a good... man..., but a good husband.... I m not a good... man..., but a good husband.... Big- 5 0xa14b U+2026 Unicode MIDLINE HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS(U+22EF) Unicode U+22EF Big-5 19

27 3 TEX/L A TEX 3.3. L A TEX 4. hyphen dash - father-in-low fater-in-low en-dash hyphen em-dash dash hyphen I am---a good man. I am a good man. hyphen $-5$ 5 TEX/L A TEX en-dash Big-5 0xa156 em-dash Big-5 0xa158 2 em-dash en-dash 2 20

28 3 TEX/L A TEX 3.4. L A TEX 5. L A TEX L A TEX L A TEX : 3.4 L A TEX environment L A TEX environment \begin{ } \end{ } L A TEX \begin{document} \end{document} document L A TEX L A TEX \documentclass{article} preamble 21

29 3 TEX/L A TEX 3.4. L A TEX \begin{document} \end{document} \documentclass{article} L A TEX article 6 preamble preamble preamble latex example.tex dvips example.dvi => ps example.ps dvipdfm[x] example.dvi => pdf pdflatex example.tex =>.tex.pdf preamble preamble L A TEX TEX \documentclass{article} \usepackage{color} \begin{document} \textcolor{blue}{this is blue color.} \end{document} 22

30 3 TEX/L A TEX 3.4. L A TEX color package TEX/L A TEX macro macro package L A TEX TEX L A TEX preamble \linespread{1.36} \parindent=0pt \linespread 1.36 baseline \parindent 0 L A TEX L A TEX L A TEX L A TEX 23

31 3 TEX/L A TEX 3.4. L A TEX 1 \part{} 0 \chapter{} article 1 \section{} 2 \subsection{} 3 \subsubsection{} 4 \paragraph{} 5 \subparagraph{} L A TEX secnumdepth book/report 2 article 3 book/report \subsection{} subsection article \subsubsection{} L A TEX secnumdepth L A TEX preamble % let the depth of report to subsubsection \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} report 3 subsubsection L A TEX 24

32 4 :-) HTML PDF PDF PDF 4.1 report article chapter % example1.tex \documentclass{report} \begin{document} This is my first {\LaTeX} typesetting example.\\ This is my first \LaTeX{} typesetting example.\\ This is my first \LaTeX\ typesetting example.\\ I am Mr. Edward G.J. Lee, G.J. is a abbreviation of my name.\\ I am Mr.\ Edward G.J. Lee, G.J. is a abbreviation of my name.\\ Please see Appendix A. We will be there soon.\\ Please see Appendix A\null. We will be there soon. \end{document} 25

33 exmaple1.tex latex example1.tex => example1.dvi dvips -Ppdf example1.dvi => example1.ps ps2pdf example1.ps => example1.pdf dvipdfm[x] example1.dvi => example1.dvi example1.pdf pdflatex example1.tex => example1.tex example1.pdf PDF \\ L A TEX \\ \newline \\ \newline Please see Appendix A. We will be there soon.\\[1cm] Please see Appendix A\null. We will be there soon. 1cm 1cm \linebreak[n] n 1 4 Please see Appendix A. We will be there soon.\linebreak Please see Appendix A\null. We will be there soon. Please see Appendix A. We will be there soon. Please see Appendix A. We will be there soon L A TEX 26

34 L A TEX 1. \noindent L A TEX 2. preamble \parindent=0pt 0pt 4.2 L A TEX L A TEX report article % example2.tex \documentclass{report} \begin{document} This is the first experience of \LaTeX. \chapter{aesop Fables} \section{the Ant and the Dove} An ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning. A Dove sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her. The Ant climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank. \section{the Dog in the Manger} A dog lay in a manger, and by his growling and snapping prevented the oxen from eating the hay which had been placed for them. What a selfish Dog! said one of them to his companions; he cannot eat the hay himself, and yet refuses to allow those to eat who can. \chapter{the Eagle and the Arrow} An eagle sat on a lofty rock, watching the movements of a Hare whom he sought to make his prey. 27

35 TITLE PAGE An archer, who saw the Eagle from a place of concealment, took an accurate aim and wounded him mortally. \end{document} report article \chapter{} \section{} \section{} \subsection{} report article book 4.3 title page L A TEX title page L A TEX title author date thanks report/book title page article preamble \maketitle % example3.tex \documentclass{report} \title{aesop Fables} \author{aesop\thanks{thanks to the reader.} \and Nobody\thanks{Thanks to nobody.}} \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketitle This is the first experience of \LaTeX. \chapter{aesop Fables} \section{the Ant and the Dove}

36 TABLE OF CONTENTS \and \date{\today} \\ \maketitle title page 4.4 Table of Contents Table of Contents L A TEX \tableofcontents % example4.tex \documentclass{report} \title{aesop Fables} \author{aesop\thanks{thanks to the reader.} \and Nobody\thanks{Thanks to nobody}} \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents This is the first experience of \LaTeX. \chapter{aesop Fables} \section{the Ant and the Dove} \tableofcontents \maketitle title page example4.toc toc List of Figures, List of Tables 4.5 abstract abstract 29

37 article/report abstract book % example5.tex \documentclass{report} \title{aesop Fables} \author{aesop\thanks{thanks to the reader.} \and Nobody\thanks{Thanks to nobody}} \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} The tale, the Parable, and the Fable are all common and popular modes of conveying instruction. Each is distinguished by its own special characteristics. \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \chapter{aesop Fables} \section{the Ant and the Dove} report artcile abstract summary abstract summary 4.6 L A TEX footnote marginal note L A TEX part report/book article footnotesize 30

38 Footnote \footnote{} L A TEX Dove Dove \footnote{} % example6.tex \documentclass{report} \title{aesop Fables} \author{aesop\thanks{thanks to the reader.} \and Nobody\thanks{Thanks to nobody}} \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents This is the first experience of \LaTeX. \chapter{aesop Fables} \section{the Ant and the Dove} An ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning. A Dove\footnote{Pigeon, an emblem of peace.} sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her. The Ant climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank Marginal note \footnote{} \marginpar{} % example7.tex \documentclass{report} 31

39 \title{aesop Fables} \author{aesop\thanks{thanks to the reader.} \and Nobody\thanks{Thanks to nobody}} \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents This is the first experience of \LaTeX. \chapter{aesop Fables} \section{the Ant and the Dove} An ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning. A Dove\marginpar{Pigeon, an emblem of peace.} sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her. The Ant climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank TEX/L A TEX font font shape L A TEX L A TEX 1993 NFSS(New Font Selection Scheme) TEX L A TEX L A TEX L A TEX 32

40 font encoding TEX OT1(Old TEX text encoding) OT1 OT1 T1 1 OT1 2. font family roman typewriter Knuth Computer Modern Roman Adobe Adobe Times Knuth Computer Modern fonts cmr cmss cmtt Computer Modern Roman Computer Modern Sans Serif Computer Modern Typewriter 3. font series weight width medium bold m b bx sb c medium bold Bold extended Semi-bold Condensed 4. font shape italic slant small caps 1 Cork s TEX extended text encoding Text Companion encoding T1 Type 1 OT1 33

41 n it sl sc normal upright roman Italic Slanted Small Caps 5. font size 10pt 10 point pt L A TEX L A TEX textup \textup{textup} {\upshape textup} italic \textit{italic} {\itshape italic} {\it italic} slant \textsl{slant} {\slshape slant} {\sl slant} small caps \textsc{small caps} {\slshape small caps} {\sc small caps} medium \textmd{medium} {\mdseries medium} boldface \textbf{boldface} {\bfseries boldface} {\bf boldface} roman \textrm{roman} {\rmfamily roman} {\rm roman} sans serif \textsf{sans serif} {\sffamily sans serif} {\sf sans serif} typewriter \texttt{typewriter} {\ttfamily typewriter} {\tt typewriter} upright, medium, roman text, family, series, shape italic \textit{} Plain TEX L A TEX 2.09 L A TEX \begin{itsahpe}, \end{itshape} italic \itshape 34

42 italic % example8.tex \documentclass{report} \title{\bfseries Aesop Fables} \author{aesop\thanks{thanks to the reader.} \and Nobody\thanks{Thanks to nobody}} \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \chapter{aesop Fables} \section{the \textsl{ant} and the \textsl{dove}} \itshape An antwent to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning. \upshape A \textsl{dove} sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her. The \textbf{\textsl{ant}} climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank. \section{the {\it Dog}\/ in the Manger} A \textbf{\textit{dog}} lay in a manger, and by his growling and snapping prevented the oxen from eating the hay which had been placed for them. What a selfish Dog! said one of them to his companions; he cannot eat the hay himself, and yet refuses to allow those to eat who can. \chapter{the \textsc{eagle} and the Arrow} An \textsc{eagle} sat on a lofty rock, watching the movements of a Hare whom he sought to make his prey. An archer, who saw the \textsc{eagle} from a place of concealment, took an accurate aim and wounded him mortally. \end{document} title page Dove slant dog italic 2 ant slant 2 slant italic 35

43 eagle small caps Eagle latex example8.log LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape OT1/cmr/bx/sc undefined (Font) using OT1/cmr/bx/n instead on input line 4. LaTeX Font Warning: Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted. L A TEX OT1/cmr/bx/sc OT1 Computer Modern Roman Bold extended small caps n bx L A TEX {\it Dog}\/ in the} \/ TEX iatlic slanted italic correction L A TEX \textit{} italic correction dog L A TEX {\it } {\itshape } 3 italic correction :-) italic correction 36

44 TEX/L A TEX 10pt 64pt L A TEX pt package 4 10pt 5 指令 實際例子 效果 實際的大小 ( 點數 ) \tiny {\tiny tiny} tiny 5pt \scriptsize {\scriptsize scriptsize} scriptsize 7pt \footnotesize {\footnotesize footnotesize} footnotesize 8pt \small {\small small} small 9pt \normalsize {\normalsize normalsize} normalsize 10pt \large {\large large} large 12pt \Large {\Large Large} Large 14.4pt \LARGE {\LARGE LARGE} LARGE 17.28pt \huge {\huge huge} huge 20.74pt \Huge {\Huge Huge} Huge 24.88pt \begin{small} \end{small} L A TEX TEX 2047pt 5 pdf 12pt 10pt eps 37

45 L A TEX package type1cm package Type 1 6 package Type 1 pk Computer Modern Type 1 free TEX distribution type1cm \usepackage{type1cm} \fontsize{ }{ }\seclectfont pt \seclectfont L A TEX \seclectfont \fontsize{}{} 4.8 L A TEX \verb \verb+ + 6 L A TEX 10pt pt 13pt L A TEX 38

46 verbatim % example9.tex \documentclass{article} \begin{document} The example of \verb \verb{} command and \texttt{verbatim} environment. \section{\textbackslash{}\texttt{verb} command} When you want to express you home directory, you can \verb echo $HOME varient to display your home directory in your sh script. \noindent \verb* This is 4 space here. \section{\texttt{verbatim} environment} Here is a sh script to determine if on GNU/Linux system. \begin{verbatim} #!/bin/sh Date= date %y%m%d if uname = Linux then Mail=/var/spool/mail/edt1023 Target=/mnt/hd else Mail=/var/mail/edt1023 Target=/mnt/pub fi \end{verbatim} \end{document} \verb* verbatim example9 \verb* This is 4 space here. \begin{verbatim*} This is 4 space here. \end{verbatim*} 39

47 \verb \verb \verb \textbackslash $\backslash$ L A TEX2HTML HTML L A TEX L A TEX CJK package TEX distribution CJK package \documentclass{article} \usepackage{cjk} % CJK \begin{document} % CJK Big-5 hwmm \begin{cjk}{bg5}{hwmm} \section{cjk } CJK package \section{ } % % % % % % \end{cjk} \end{document} bg5latex latex Big-5 % 40

48 CJK package CJK package CJK

49 5 Knuth The TEXbook TEX glue box box box TEX box box box box box boxes glue box TEX glue italic correction \linespread \parindent glue L A TEX 5.1 L A TEX L A TEX L A TEX HTML PDF 42

50 pt point, 1/72.27 inch bp Adobe big point, 1/72 inch pc pica, 12pt mm millimeter, 1/25.4 inch cm centimeter, 10mm in inch, 25.4mm TEX/L A TEX point printer point 1/72.27 inch Adobe PostScript big point 1/72 inch print point em M ex x TEX em Knuth Computer Modern em-dash M em-square em em-square M em-square M L A TEX \quad em Knuth The TEXbook em quad 5.2 body :-) body 43

51 L A TEX footer header marginal note Header 6 2 Body 7 Margin Notes Footer 1 one inch + \hoffset 2 one inch + \voffset 3 \oddsidemargin = 62pt 4 \topmargin = 16pt 5 \headheight = 12pt 6 \headsep = 25pt 7 \textheight = 550pt 8 \textwidth = 345pt 9 \marginparsep = 11pt 10 \marginparwidth = 65pt 11 \footskip = 30pt \marginparpush = 5pt (not shown) \hoffset = 0pt \voffset = 0pt \paperwidth = 614pt \paperheight = 794pt paperwidth paperheight 44

52 pt L A TEX letterpaper a4paper L A TEX Header Footer Body \paperwidth \paperheight \textwidth \textheight \headheight \headsep \footskip \topmargin \marginparwidth \marginparsep \marginparpush \oddsidemargin \hoffset \voffset body body header \hoffset \voffset L A TEX geometry package 2cm preamble \usepackage[margin=2cm]{geometry} 12pt a4paper 40 margin L A TEX 45

53 a4paper 21x29.7cm letterpaper 8.5x11in a5paper 14.8x21cm legalpaper 8.5x14in b5paper 17.6x25cm executivepaper 7.25x10.5in L A TEX % \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{report} a4paper 12pt 10pt/letterpaper 5.3 ~ \quad em L A TEX \hspace{ } \hfill \quad \qquad \thinspace \enspace \dotfill \hrulefill \centering \raggedright \raggedleft \centerline{} em em 1/12 em 1/2 em \hfill \hfill 46

54 \hspace{ } \hspace*{3em} \centerline{} \thinspace \, \, Superman, he said. Superman, he said. grave accent \@ \begin{center}\end{center} \begin{flushleft}\end{flushleft} \begin{flushright}\end{flushright} \begin{raggedright}\end{raggedright} \begin{raggedleft}\end{raggedleft} raggedright raggedleft 47

55 L A TEX quote, quotation, verse quote quotation verse verse \\ quote verse quotation % example11.tex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{cjk} \begin{document} \begin{cjk}{bg5}{hwmm} \section{hspace} \hspace*{2em} \\ \hspace{2em} \\ \hspace{2em} \section{hfill} \hfill{} \section{quad} \quad{} \\ \quad{} \\ \qquad{} \section{dotfill} \dotfill{} \\ \dotfill{} \section{hrulefill} \hrulefill{} \section{center} \begin{center} \end{center} \section{flushleft} \begin{flushleft} \end{flushleft} \section{flushright} 48

56 \begin{flushright} \end{flushright} \section{quote} \begin{quote} An antwent to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning. A Dove sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her. The Ant climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank. \end{quote} \section{quotation} \begin{quotation} An antwent to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning. A Dove sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her. The Ant climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank. \end{quotation} \section{verse} % \begin{verse} An antwent to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning. A Dove sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her. The Ant climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank. \end{verse} \section{centering} \centering \\ % \raggedright \raggedright \section{centerline} \centerline{ } \section{raggedright} \raggedright \section{raggedleft} \raggedleft 49

57 \end{cjk} \end{document} \hspace, \dotfill, \hrulell \quad, \qquad em 10pt em 10pt 2em 5.4 \vspace{ } \bigskip \medskip \smallskip \vfill \parskip = 12pt 11 12pt 6pt 5 7pt 3pt 2 4pt \hfill \bigskip, \medskip, \smallskip \vspace \vspace*{ } L A TEX 4.3 title page L A TEX titlepage % example12.tex 50

58 \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{report} \usepackage{cjk} % packages \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \begin{cjk}{bg5}{hwmm} \begin{titlepage} % titlepage \vspace*{5ex} \begin{flushright} % \Huge\textbf{ \LaTeX} \end{flushright} \rule{\textwidth}{.256ex} \begin{flushleft} % Version 0.1 draft\\ \today \end{flushleft} % \vspace{8ex} % 8ex \hspace{2em}\includegraphics[scale=.75]{cover2.1} % \vspace{8ex} % 2em \begin{flushright} % By Edward G.J. Lee \\ \texttt{edt1023@info.sayya.org} \end{flushright} \end{titlepage} \end{cjk} \end{document} packages PDF titlepage report/book article titlepage titlepage \title, \author \maketitle graphicx package \includegraphics 9 75% METAPOST eps 51

59 ps mpost cover2.mp cover2.1 eps eps item label itemize \begin{itemize} \item \item \begin{itemize} \item \item \end{itemize} \item \item \end{itemize} 52

60 enumerate enumerate (a) (b) description description \begin{description} \item[ ] \item[ ] \begin{description} \item[ ] \item[ ] \end{description} \item[ ] \item[ ] \end{description} item 53

61 rule \rule[ ( )]{ }{ } baseline % example13.tex \documentclass{article} \parskip=3pt \parindent=0pt \begin{document} This is a line. % 1pt 3cm \rule{3cm}{1pt} \rule[1ex]{3cm}{1pt} \rule[-1ex]{3cm}{1pt} \rule{1pt}{3cm} % 3cm 1pt \rule{3cm}{0pt}test. % TEST 3cm \rule{2cm}{3cm} % 3cm 2cm \textcolor{blue}{this is color lines.} \textcolor{red}{\rule{3cm}{1pt}} % \textcolor{green}{\rule[1ex]{3cm}{1pt}} \textcolor{blue}{\rule[-1ex]{3cm}{1pt}} \end{document} 54

62 underline L A TEX \underline{ } box 9 box box box TEX/L A TEX \frame{ } \fbox{ } \mbox{ } \fbox \framebox[ ][ ]{ } \makebox[ ][ ]{ } \fbox \mbox \fbox \mbox 55

63 \width \height \depth \totalheight \fbox \height \depth 2\width \fbox c l r s center flushleft ushright stretch \fboxrule= \fboxsep= \frame{} \raisebox \raisebox{ ( )}[ ][ ]{ } \rule % example14.tex \documentclass{article} \parskip=3ex \parindent=0pt \begin{document} \frame{this is frame.} \mbox{this is mbox.} \fbox{this is fbox.} \framebox{this is a framebox with no argumant.} \framebox[1.5\width]{this is a framebox.} \framebox[1.5\width][l]{this is a framebox with \texttt{l}.} 56

64 \framebox[1.5\width][r]{this is a framebox with \texttt{r}.} \framebox[1.5\width][s]{this is a framebox with \texttt{s}.} This is baseline. \raisebox{3ex}[5\height]{this is a raisebox which lift 3ex.} This is baseline. \fbox{\raisebox{-3ex}[5\height]{this is a raisebox which lift $-$3ex.}} \fboxrule=1.5pt \fboxsep=8pt \framebox[1.5\width][s]{this is a framebox with \texttt{s}.} \end{document} box L A TEX \parbox[ ][ ][ ]{ }{ } \begin{minipage}[ ][ ][ ]{ } \end{minipage} t b c top bottom center \parbox minipage 0pt 57

65 t, b, c 58

66 6 L A TEX L A TEX document class 1 L A TEX class class class L A TEX L A TEX L A TEX macro 6.1 L A TEX L A TEX \documentclass[ ]{ } 1 style TEX 59

67 6 L A TEX pt, 11pt, 12pt 10pt package 2. a4paper, letterpaper, b5paper, executivepaper, legalpaper letterpaper 3. fleqn 4. leqno 5. titlepage, notitlepage title page article report/book article titlepage title page 6. onecolumn, twocolumn 7. twoside, oneside article/report book oneside 8. landscape portait 9. draft draft 60

68 6 L A TEX openright, openany right-hand page book report article 6.3 L A TEX article report book letter slides minimal L A TEX minimal class class 61

69 7 L A TEX TEX/L A TEX macro $TEXMF/doc $TEXMF\doc => Unix-like => DOS/Windows TEX/L A TEX *.dvi PostScript pdf Unix-like Windows cygwin texdoc texdoc amsguide texdoc -s ams => amsguide.dvi => ams 62

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76 L A TEX babel babel cyrillic graphics graphicx graphics graphicx graphics graphicx graphicx L A TEX psnfss Type1 times, charter, mathptmx Type1 free Type1 txfonts pxfonts array array, tabular

77 L A TEX calc L A TEX counter dcolumn delarray array array array \left \right delarray hhline longtable longtable L A TEX tabular box tabularx tabular

78 L A TEX afterpage L A TEX floating environment bm bm bold math(symbol) \bm{} enumerate enumerate enumerate % example15.tex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{enumerate} \begin{document} \begin{enumerate}[example-1.] \item This is a item 1. \item This is a item 2. \begin{enumerate}[(1)] \item This is a item (1). \item This is a item (2). \end{enumerate} \item This is a item 3. \item This is a item 4. \end{enumerate} \end{document} A, a, I, i, enumerate

79 L A TEX array array enumerate fontsmpl sample package package \fontsample sample sample $TEXMF/tex/latex/tools latex fontsmpl.tex This is TeX, Version (Web2C 7.4.5) (./fontsmpl.tex LaTeX2e <2001/06/01> Babel <v3.7h> and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, nohyphenation, loaded. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/article.cls Document Class: article 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX document class (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/size10.clo)) (./fontsmpl.sty) Please enter a family name (for example cmr ). \family= cmr fontsmpl.dvi dvips dvipdfm[x] ps/pdf OT1 T ftnright L A TEX two-column mode ftnright 72

80 L A TEX indentfirst L A TEX indentfirst package layout package package \layout multicol L A TEX twocolumn \onecolumn \twocolumn multicol multicols \usepackage{multicol} \begin{multicols}{ } \end{multicols} multicol s multicols s multicol package 73

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82 xspace package L A TEX \ {} xspace \xspace \ {} theorem L A TEX theorem L A TEX FAQ news://tw.bbs.comp.tex Chun-Chieh Huang FAQ news://comp.text.tex package bbs/news sh script ltxins.sh your.dtx(or your.ins) *.sty *.tex pdf dvipdfm[x] L A TEX 75

83 ltxpkg.sh package-name[.sty] package package(s) bash script bash Unix-like Mac OS X Windows/cygwin \input.tex package macro edt1023:~$ ltxpkg.sh colortbl The position of this package is at: /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/carlisle/colortbl.sty The preloaded package(s) of colortbl.sty is(are): array,color colortbl package array color packages package packages 76

84 8 L A TEX GNU Emacs L A TEX script L A TEX L A TEX L A TEX TEX 8.1 DM 77

85 TABBING HTML PDF tabbing L A TEX tabbing L A TEX box L A TEX tabbing box box \parbox minipage tabbing row \= Tab column \> \\ \\ tabbing \begin{tabbing} column1 \= column2 \= column3 \\ item1 \> item2 \> item3 \\ itema \> itemb \> itemc \end{tabbing} L A TEX template \begin{tabbing} xxxxxxxxxx\=xxxxxxxxxx\=xxxxxxxxxx \kill column1 \> column2 \> column3 \\ item1 \> item2 \> item3 \\ itema \> itemb \> itemc 78

86 TABULAR \end{tabbing} 10 x \kill x \hspace{6em} tabbing L A TEX \ \ L A TEX tabular tabbing 8.3 tabular L A TEX tabbing tabular & tabular \begin{tabular}[t]{lll} \hline column1 & column2 & column3 \\ \hline item1 & item2 & item3 \\ itema & itemb & itemc \\ \hline \end{tabular} [t] top b bottom c center L A TEX tabular top 79

87 TABULAR bottom center tabbing \hline \hline\hline \begin{tabular}{lll} lll l left r right c center {lll} bar { l l l } bar tabular tabular tabbing tabular 1. p{ } p paragraph } 0 3. \multicolumn{ }{ }{ } lrc 4. \cline{a-b} a-b \cline{2-3} 5. \arrayrulewidth= 0.4pt \arrayrulewidth=1.5pt tabular 6. \tabcolsep= 6pt \arrayrulewidth 80

88 TABULAR 7. \doublerulesep= 2pt \arrayrulewidth 8. \arraystretch \renewcommand L A TEX \arraystretch example16.tex tabular % example16.tex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{textcomp} % for \textcelsius \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} % 1.2 \arrayrulewidth=1pt % 1pt \tabcolsep=12pt % 24pt \begin{document} \centering \section*{specific HEATS (20 \textcelsius\ AND 1 ATM)} \begin{tabular}{@{\sf }lll@{}} % sans serif \hline & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bf Specific Heats} \\ % \cline{2-3} % & $c$ (J/kg$\cdot$K) & $C$ (J/mol$\cdot$K) \\ \hline Aluminum & 900 & 24.3 \\ Copper & 385 & 24.4 \\ Gold & 130 & 25.6 \\ Steel/Iron & 450 & 25.0 \\ Lead & 130 & 26.8 \\ Mercury & 140 & 28.0 \\ Water & 4190 & 75.4 \\ Ice ($-$10 \textcelsius) & 2100 & 38 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{document} textcomp L A TEX pk cm-super Type1 latex example16.tex 81

89 TABULAR dvisp -Pcm-super example16.dvi ps2pdf example16.ps Type1 cm-super Type1 @{} p{} % example17.tex \documentclass{article} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} % 1.2 \begin{document} \centering \section*{yi Syllables Area Character Blocks} \begin{tabular}{@{}llp{6cm}@{}} \hline Start & End & Character Block Name \\ \hline A000 & A48F & Yi Syllables. Yi also known as Lolo, is a script resembling Chinese in overall shaps that is used in the Yunnan province China. \\ A490 & A4CF & Yi Radicals. \hline \end{tabular} \end{document} Basic units of the Yi syllables. \\ p{} 82

90 ARRAY array tabular array tabular 1. m{ } p{} 2. b{ } p{} 3. >{ } l,r,c,p,m,b array } >{ 4. <{ } >{ } 5.!{ } 6. \extrarowheight 8.5 tabularx tabularx tabularx tabular L A TEX \tabular* 83

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92 BOOKTABS 8.6 booktabs L A TEX TEX/L A TEX \arraryrulewidth tabular booktabs \toprule[ ] \midrule[ ] \bottomrule[ ] \cmidrule \cline tabular toprule bottomrule cmidrule \cmidrule[ ]( ){ } \cline 2 3 l / r 0.5em (lr{0.7em}){2-3} example toprule bottomrule midrule cmidrule booktabs tabular arraystretch 85

4 空 間 與 位 置 21 4.1 版 面 大 小.............................. 21 4.1.1 紙 張 大 小.......................... 23 4.2 調 整 橫 向 空 間............................ 24

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