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1 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 封底 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 封面

2 emerge brighter 晶纯亮白 活力新生 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 封二 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 1P

3 eforea, the global spa experience from Hilton, combines three distinct ranges of treatments focused on organic, natural and scientific, results-driven practices, giving every type of traveler the unique therapeutic journey they seek. eforea 源自希尔顿全球spa经验 结合三大类独特理疗项目 秉承有机 天然 科学之理念 疗程 效果显著 为每位尊贵的客人奉上别具一格的水疗之旅 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 2P SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 3P

4 eforea invites you to explore eforea 邀您体验 the essentials journey, made up of powerful, technologically advanced treatments that show instant results 精华之旅 尖端高科技理疗项目让您在短时间内感受卓越疗效 the escape journey, a set of holistic experiences that integrates nourishing organic plant ingredients and traditional healing practices 世外桃源之旅 采用有机植物精华成分 结合当地传统理疗手法 奉上一系列滋养身心的新鲜体验 the men s journey, a collection of problem-solving re-energizing experiences designed especially for men bringing balance and wellness to the body, wepromise to take you on a transformative journey of the senses, helping you to emerge brighter 魅力男士之旅 专为男性设计的卓越项目 解决健康疲劳问题 恢复肌体能量平衡 重塑健康体魄 展现其非凡活力 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 4P SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 5P

5 the essentials journey 精华之旅 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 6P SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 7P

6 eforea Signature Correcting Facial (With or without Microcurrent) This results-oriented facial corrects skin concerns such as oily congestion, sun damage, fine lines and uneven skin tone. This treatment features a multi-acid exfoliation of the face, neck and décolleté, along with the advanced technology of Microcurrent to provide desired results. It includes deep cleansing massage, hydrating peel-off masque and a signature acupressure scalp massage. A cooling eye and face treatment completes this solutions-driven experience. A personalized home program is included. S eforea特色修颜护理 含/不含微电流技术 专为解决油性毛孔阻塞型肌肤 晒伤 细纹和肌肤色泽不均等肌肤问题 通过复合酸来进行肩颈及面部去角质 并配合高科技微电流美容技术 达到您预期的效果 该疗程含深层洁净按摩 保湿剥离面膜 特色头部经穴按摩 清爽的眼部和面部护理亮颜美肌 疗程包含个人家用护理程序定制 T HE E SSE N T I AL S J O U R N E Y / FACE 精华之旅 / 面部 Customized Cleansing Facial Firming Facial Antioxidant Facial Sensitive Skin Facial Customized to your skin type, this facial provides visible results in a luxurious, relaxing experience. It includes a professional peel exfoliation, a deep-cleansing masque that infuses vitamins and botanical extracts into the skin to nourish and brighten the skin, a relaxing 16-point acupressure facial massage, and acupressure scalp massage to completely rejuvenate. Leaves the skin smooth, hydrated and glowing. Energize, tone, and firm skin while lifting and creating improved muscle tone with advanced Microcurrent technology and red LED light therapy. This customized treatment includes cleansing, toning, light extractions and a multi-acid exfoliation, including glycolic, phytic, lactic and salicylic acids. It concludes with the ultimate in hydration therapy, featuring a cooling and relaxing beauty globe treatment. This collagen-stimulating facial delivers immediate, as well as, long-term results, leaving the skin glowing and rejuvenated. Based on the ancient and influential art of Aromatherapy, this deluxe treatment combines skin renewing organic botanicals with antioxidants and vitamins to leave the skin radiant. Performed in harmony with sounds of nature and a bouquet of organic oils, this aromatic facial infuses moisture into the skin as it imparts vitality and relaxation of the mind. It includes a natural enzyme peel; a deep-cleansing acupressure facial and scalp massage to release facial tension, and the use of cold and warm stones to reduce puffiness and clear energy pathways. Enjoy a revitalizing eye treatment with healing rose porphyry stones, followed by a brow shaping. The ultimate treatment for sensitive skin, this facial corrects, protects and rebuilds skin that has been affected by environmental elements, rosacea, aggressive medical peels and laser treatments. Using natural products and healing techniques, this facial includes a gentle enzyme exfoliation. A unique mineral-rich algae masque is applied to hydrate, calm inflammation and nourish sensitive skin and redness. Bask in a luxurious foot soak and foot massage. An acupressure scalp massage releases tension and clears energy pathways to provide deep relaxation. 定制深层洁净面部护理 紧致面部护理 抗氧化面部护理 敏感性面部护理 根据您的肤质度身定制面部护理疗程 让您在尽享奢 活颜悦色 紧致肌肤 通过微电流技术 LED红光疗 基于古老权威的芳香疗法 结合有机植物精华和独特的 针对敏感性肌肤易受环境影响而造成红斑 痤疮 过 华 尽情放松的同时找回纯净美肤 疗程含专业去角 法提升脸部轮廓 并改善肤质 疗程包括深层净肤和 抗氧化产品 配以维生素精华 带给您容光焕发之精致 敏 以及激光治疗问题 修复改善肤质 使用纯天然 质 深层洁净面膜 为肌肤注入维生素和植物萃取精 调理肤质护理 轻度去脂 并使用复合酸去角质 含 体验 沉浸于有机植物精油的芬芳 自然之音萦绕耳 产品和理疗技术 首先为肌肤做温和的活性酶去角质 华 再现肌肤水润亮泽 16点指压面部按摩法和特色 乙醇酸 植酸 乳酸 水杨酸 尊享补水美容疗法 畔 为肌肤注入水与养分 在唤醒生命活力的同时舒缓 再用富含矿物质的海藻面膜敷面 以补充水分 缓解 头部经穴按摩 彻底焕发肌肤活力 令肌肤光滑细嫩 令您在疗程中倍感酷爽闲适 该疗程能显著激发肌肤 心灵 疗程包括天然活性酶 酵素 去角质 深层面部 炎症 滋养过敏 红肿肌肤 特色头部经穴按摩 起 水润亮泽 自身的胶原蛋白再生 持久亮丽 青春再现 清洁 舒缓放松头部按摩 继而以冷热石交替按摩面部 到缓压和疏通经络的效果 令您深度放松 疗程同时 相应穴位 消除浮肿 疏通经络 玫瑰斑岩的眼周按摩 包含奢华足浴和足部按摩 及修眉令双眸恢复动人光彩 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 8P SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 9P

7 eforea Signature Full Body Repair Welcome to our signature journey of the senses. Enjoy this head-to-toe health and sensory experience, synchronized to music. After a cup of herbal tea, we begin with an invigorating therapeutic mineral salt scrub infused with eforea Signature Oil to soothe muscles and release energy flow. Enjoy our customized eforea Head Massage while the body is being massaged and wrapped. Relax with a facial massage and reviving eye treatment with healing rose porphyr stones. The journey ends with a warm foot treatment. eforea特色全身滋养修复护理 eforea特色感官之旅欢迎您 聆听着优美的音乐 享受全身健康舒适体验 采用矿物盐实行全身磨砂 结合eforea特色按摩油 舒缓紧绷肌肉 疏通身体脉络 做完身体按摩 您将享受身 体裹敷 同时体验eforea头部按摩 面部按摩则配合疗效显著的玫瑰斑岩眼周护理 让您彻底放松 最后 温润舒适的足部护理带您结束整个难忘的旅程 Jet Lag Body Remedy T HE E SSE N T I A L S J O U R NE Y / B O DY 精华之旅 / 身体 Inhale the soothing and harmonizing benefits of organic aromatherapy essences as they envelop your senses in this aromatic Vichy experience. Earthly minerals are combined with a nurturing blend of botanicals in a full body exfoliation. A relaxing Swedish massage with healing crystal-rich stones prepares your body for a warm wrap. This indulgent experience also includes a signature scalp massage and a warm foot treatment. The perfect jet lag remedy. Instant Glow Body Polish Slimming Detox Body Wrap After-Sun Rescue A gentle, two step, gentle body exfoliation utilizing granulated pumice stone in a créme base, followed by a loofah scrub with chamomile shower/bath gel, rich in botanicals. The renewing exfoliation is followed by a relaxing massage application of chamomile body spray and chamomile body lotion. Optional application of sunless tanning lotion available in lieu of chamomile spray and lotion. Using an all-natural spirulina algae, this active seaweed treatment imparts essential vitamins, minerals and protein to nourish and revitalize the body. A warm wrap is followed by a revitalizing massage with detoxifying organic juniper and fennel oils. Very effective when used as part of a slimming or nourishing program. The perfect hydrating and remineralizing treatment for dry or sun exposed skin. A warm, mineral-rich crème is blended with individually chosen organic essential oils and applied to the body followed by an enveloping wrap. The face is cleansed and a remineralizing mud or algae gel masque is applied. While in a deep state of relaxation, the guest will enjoy a Chinese acupressure head, face and foot massage. 时差调整身体护理 焕彩新生全身去角质 瘦身排毒身体裹敷 晒后修复护理 有机芳香精华抚慰并调节您的身心 使用芬芳维琪浴 双效双重身体护理 通过浮岩石粒配合乳霜做温和的 使用富含精华维生素 矿物质和蛋白质的纯天然活性 为干燥 晒伤肌肤补充水分和矿物质的完美疗程 采 护理 让您尽情放松 舒缓身心 以缓解长途飞行的 身体去角质 再用富含植物精华的柑橘沐浴露配以丝 螺旋藻 滋养身心 从身体内部焕发活力 补充能量 用温润的富含矿物质的乳霜 配合由您自行挑选的有 疲劳 调整时差 纯天然矿物质配合滋养植物精华的 瓜磨砂 继而配合柑橘油身体喷雾和柑橘油润肤露做 温润裹敷过后 配合有机杜松和茴香精油的活力身体 机精油 全身按摩后继以进行身体裹敷 深层清洁面 全身去角质 配以疗效水晶石瑞士式按摩 温润的身 舒缓性的全身按摩 客人也可自由选择日照古铜色柑 按摩 排除身体毒素 配合瘦身疗法和滋养疗程使用 部 并以矿物泥或海藻凝胶面敷 您能在身心极度放 体裹敷 唤醒身心活力 奢华的体验还包括特色头部 橘油润肤露 效果尤佳 松的状态下 享受中式头部 面部和足部穴位按摩 按摩和足部护理 是旅行中调节紊乱生物钟的不二选 择 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 10P SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 11P

8 the escape journey 世外桃源之旅 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 12P SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 13P

9 eforea Signature Radiance Facial This powerful anti-aging facial will deliver visible results. Designed to reverse the signs of aging, heal,strengthen and protect the skin. This facial taps into the benefits of Marine Collagen to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles combined with Marine Algae packed full of nutrients and vitamins that helps to increase circulation and maintain a healthy skin, while mother of pearl saturates the skin with super hydration, leaving the skin plump and radiant. eforea特色亮泽紧致面部护理 强效抗衰老面部护理 针对衰老和其他各类肌肤问题 改善和保护面部肌肤 利用海洋胶原蛋白 平复面部 皱纹和细纹 结合富含营养素和维生素的海藻 改善面部血液循环 保持肌肤持久健康靓丽 再以珠母精 华按摩肌肤 强效补水 让您的肌肤饱满亮泽 T HE E SC A P E J O U R N E Y / F A C E 世外桃源之旅 / 面部 Melt Away Tension Facial Rebalancing Facial With so much tension held in the upper back and neck area, this is a facial that will work to alleviate stress that shows in your face. By starting with a back steam cleanse, exfoliation and massage. The facial continues with a skin analysis to determine your individual needs, working to address specific skin concerns. A facial that goes beyond the usual realms leaves you refreshed and renewed. Targeting the skin types that are oily, problematic and breakout-prone, this facial sequence integrates products that work to purify and balance.with specific facial techniques and massage techniques designed to cleanse and nourish. This facial works to deeply cleanse, purify and rebalance, leaving your skin clean and refreshed. 悠然舒缓面部护理 平衡脸部护理疗程 颈部和肩背部是最易发生肌肉紧张的部位 该护理能 特别针对油性肌肤 问题肌肤和化脓性痤疮型肌肤设 够释放压力 消除倦容 恢复疲劳 疗程包括肩部的 计 使用特效理疗产品洁净肌肤 恢复水油平衡 特 蒸汽深层洁净 去角质与按摩 根据您的肤质与需要 殊面部护理技巧结合按摩手法深度清洁滋养面部肌 选择合适的产品 悠然舒缓面部护理让您焕发新生 肤 让您的肌肤晶纯亮丽 平衡再生 光彩照人 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 14P SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 15P

10 T HE E SC A P E J O U R N E Y / B O DY 世外桃源之旅 / 身体 Invigorate & Revive Body Scrub An energizing full-body exfoliation therapy cleanses the spirit, revitalizes the energy meridians and brings tone and clarity to the skin. Your choice of native Australian aromatic oils are applied to the body, followed by desert salts to exfoliate and purify skin. A warm water massage washes away the stresses of the outside world followed by a MIii Pekiri to relieve muscular tension. A sensory experience for the body that leaves skin invigorated and the spirit revitalized. Rest & Restore Body Wrap Unwind, relax and nourish your body with this complete anti-aging rejuvenation experience. To begin, you will be energized and nourished with a complete mother of pearl body exfoliation. Then you will be cocooned in warm and vitaminpacked pearl and kelp body mud, which works to cleanse and deliver essential nutrients to the skin, while you enjoy an Aboriginal inspired LI TYA PAUDI scalp massage. You will then surrender your body and soul to a rhythmic application of hydrating, body treatment oil to complete this truly holistic experience. Total Healing Body Experience Sound Steps Hand and Feet Repair Unwind, invigorate and celebrate with this complete body rejuvenation experience. After an invigorating exfoliation with your choice of Australian desert salts or aromatic oils, your body will be cocooned in a layer of your chosen silky, warm, mineral-rich Mapi body mud. An Aboriginal inspired LI TYA PAUDI waterfall scalp massage allows you to drift away to another realm and calms the soul. You will then surrender to the healing, grounding and spiritually uplifting rhythmic full-body massage to complete this truly holistic experience. Rescue tired, rough and parched hands and feet with this intensive, soothing and replenishing treatment. Tension from your hands and feet will be soaked away, as they are soothed and nourished with lotions and massaged, leaving them refreshed and renewed. This all-encompassing treatment combines the hands, feet and scalp, working in unison, to relieve the body of tension and stress, while revitalizing and nourishing hands, feet and scalp. You will be revitalized as the massage melts away tension, leaving your body recharged with a balanced equilibrium. 更生活肤全身去角质 休憩再生修复裹敷 身心全方位护理 手舞足蹈护理 青春再现 全身去角质护理 身心舒缓减压 疏通能量 减压 放松 滋润身心 抗衰老 唤活新生 减压 焕发新生 带给您焕发新生的至尊体 精致有效的疗程得以改善手足疲惫 滋润粗 尊享体验带给您从头到脚的全身心舒适体 经络 改善肤质 清洁肌肤 选自澳大利亚 的非凡体验 始于全身珍珠母贝精华去角 验 护理始于提神的去角质 采用选自澳大 糙 干燥的手足 通过按摩和润肤露的渗透 验 包括手 足和头部的全面护理 帮您放 的芳香按摩油 进行身体按摩 以沙漠盐为 质 为身体补充养分 焕发新生 采用富含 利亚沙漠盐或芳香油 为您去除角质 让您 滋润 舒缓手足紧绷的肌肤 疏筋活血 令 松身体紧张肌肉 释放压力 滋养唤醒手 身体去角质 使皮肤明亮柔嫩 温和的水力 维生素的珍珠海藻身体裹敷泥进行裹敷 在富含矿物质的Mapi体泥中 感受丝感嫩 其重新焕发光彩活力 足和头部肌肤活力 舒适的按摩能够缓解压 按摩和MIii Pekiri疗程缓解肌肉紧绷 让 享受深度清洁 让皮肤充分汲取营养精华 滑的独特体验 LI TYA PAUDI头部按摩能 您彻底的放松外部压力 让您的皮肤从内 同时体验LI TYA Paudi土著头部按摩 使 有效放松身心 让您如临梦境 紧凑的全身 到外活力更生 享受全身心的感官体验 用保湿补水的润泽护肤乳 让您尊享全身心 按摩 为您消除身体不适 提神醒脑 精神 的舒适与放松 焕发 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 16P Head-to-toe Revitalization 力 激发身体能量 令身心回归自然平衡 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 17P

11 T HE E SC A P E J O U R NE Y / MAS S AGE 世外桃源之旅 / 按摩 Meditation Massage Nurturing Massage Tandem Massage With a focus on instilling a deep sense of mental and physical relaxation, this massage is perfectly suited to the overworked, overtired and sleep deprived. Integrating deep flowing, nurturing and relaxing techniques to create a seamless massage and rhythmic body massage, Pekiri is inspired by traditional Australian Aboriginal techniques, which work to reduce muscular and mental tension and enable the body to start healing itself. A choice of native aromatic oils is prescribed to suit your individual needs to rejuvenate, harmonize or detoxify. An intense and rhythmic body massage inspired by traditional Australian Aboriginal techniques, integrating pressure point work, stretching techniques and spiraling movements, this massage integrates the use of hot Guberra rocks to relieve muscular aches and pains, rebalance and realign energy flow to refresh and renew. Excellent maintenance therapy against the stress of the modern world, this massage enables the body to start healing itself, relieving physical and emotional tension. A choice of native aromatic oils is prescribed to suit your individual needs to rejuvenate, harmonize or detoxify. This comforting and decadent massage involves two therapists working their hands in unison to bring greater harmony to mind, body and spirit. A four-hand rhythmic body massage, inspired by traditional Australian Aboriginal techniques, works the body s energy meridians to renew, refresh and revitalize. It enables the body to start healing itself as a combination of pressure points and spiraling movements that work to ground and uplift, enhancing mind and body wellness. 60 OR 冥想按摩 培育按摩 和谐式按摩 能深度放松身心 专为超负荷工作 劳累过 强效 紧凑的身体按摩源自澳大利亚土著疗 抚慰身心的舒缓按摩由两位理疗师协同完 度 睡眠不足的人群定制 紧凑的身体按摩 法 融合穴位按压 四肢拉伸和旋转运动 成 四手结合 产生强大气场 使身心回归 手法舒缓流畅 深层滋养身心 舒缓压力 并使用热Guberra按压身体相应穴位 缓 和谐 能量通畅 源自澳大利亚土著疗法的 源自澳大利亚土著疗法的Pekiri 有效放松 解肌肉疼痛 平衡身体能量 让您神清气 和谐式按摩 节奏分明 作用于身体能量经 肌肉紧张 缓解心灵压力 激发身体自动修 爽 重获新生 卓越的修护疗程能有效对抗 络 更新能量 提神醒脑 让您的身心宛若 复机能 根据您的个人需求 可选择当地特 工作和生活带来的压力 激发身体自我修复 新生 通过穴位按压和旋转按压技法 激发 色香薰精油 帮您排毒减压 恢复青春活力 机能 根据您的个人需求 可选择当地特色 人体自身修复机能 振奋精神 舒畅身心 平衡身体自然能量 香薰精油 帮您排毒减压 恢复青春活力 60或 平衡身体自然能量 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 18P SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 19P

12 the men s journey 魅力男士之旅 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 20P SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 21P

13 De-Stress Face Treatment T HE M EN S J O U R NE Y / F AC E 魅力男士之旅 / 面部 This masculine treatment includes an exceptionally de-stressing massage technique that relieves muscular tension of the shoulders, neck and jaw. Knowing all men want to look their best, a skin renewal facial treatment is then performed. Cleansing, smoothing and hydrating, the treatment includes a unique anti-oxidant, red wine, hydrating face masque. This treatment will have you feeling and looking your best. Perfect for making that important business or social first impression. 面部减压疗程 融入特效减压按摩技巧 放松面部 肩颈和下颚紧张肌肉 具备肌 肤再生效果的面部护理 专为男士设计 力求尽显男性魅力 疗程 还包括独特的抗氧化 红酒补水面敷 深层洁净 平滑肌肤 补充 水分 令您神清气爽 神采飞扬 令您在出席重要商务和社交活动 时 留下完美第一印象 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 22P SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 23P

14 eforea Signature Three-Part Recharging Massage The ultimate de-stress treatment: Warm bamboo releases tight muscles as it is rolled slowly and firmly over the back and legs. Followed by the most effective men s deep muscle massage technique, which removes tension held in the back, shoulders and neck, sending the body into the deepest sense of relaxation possible. Lastly, all stress disappears with the full-body relaxing massage, which includes a deep head and scalp massage, leaving you totally relaxed and rejuvenated. eforea特色三部曲新生按摩 独特的手法包含加热的天然竹子按摩技术 能有效缓解您紧绷酸痛的肌肉 扎实且深层的肌肉伸展按摩从背 肩 头 让您得 到最深层的缓压感 再加上深度的头皮按摩 让您进入彻底放松的平衡状态 快速恢复精力 T HE M EN S J O U R N E Y / MA S S A GE 魅力男士之旅 / 按摩 Realigning Sports Massage Aimed at the sports enthusiast and/or active gentleman to alleviate muscle soreness, aches and pains. Increasing circulation to heal minor soft tissue injuries and is perfect for pre- or post-physical activities, this deep tissue, tension releasing massage works to ease and eliminate the pain and stiffness accompanying minor muscle strains. A specific and uniquely formulated muscle rub and sports oil are combined for fast and effective results. 活力四射运动按摩 针对体育爱好者和热爱运动的男士所设计 缓解运动后造成的肌肉酸 胀和疼痛感 肌肉组织深度按摩 促进血液循环 修复细小软组织损 伤 松弛肌肉紧张 消除肌肉紧张引起的局部疼痛和肌肉僵硬现象 是运动前后的绝佳选择 结合运动精油和独特的肌肉搓摩技巧 发 挥显著的理疗效果 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 24P SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 25P

15 eforea Signature Body Repair and De-Stress Face Treatment A complete body and face de-stressing treatment combines a warmed bamboo massage and a deep, slow muscle massage of legs, back and shoulders followed by a face cleanse, scrub and moisturizing. Also included is an amazing scalp massage that every man will love. This ultimate de-stress treatment will leave you feeling and looking totally relaxed. S eforea特色身体修复和面部减压 全面的身体修复和面部减压护理 运用温热的竹筒 对腿部 背部和颈部做深度的身体舒缓按摩 以面部深层清洁 磨砂和补水护理 配合减压效果显著的头部按摩 深受 男士客人们喜爱 尊享减压护理 能让您彻底感受到焕然一新的舒适爽快感 T HE M EN S J O U R NE Y / B O DY 魅力男士之旅 / 身体 Total Body Overhaul All-over Detox Hands, Feet, and Scalp Rescue All men will love this deluxe body treatment: A complete body rejuvenating experience offering all over body cleansing and exfoliating, eliminating dull, dead skin cells, while aiding problem skin often found on the hard to reach back area. Targeting both the upper chest and back areas, the body is also treated to a warm, rain-like water massage while reclining as multiple shower heads cleanse the body. A luxurious, relaxing full-body massage follows. To finish, a short, facial detailing treatment which deeply cleanses and moisturizes the skin, and a scalp massage releases all tension. A true body rejuvenating experience you deserve. This treatment commences with a masculine, warmed bamboo massage of the legs to ease muscle tension and muscle tightness. A deep cleansing and exfoliation of the upper back and chest unblocks the skin s pores in those hard to reach areas. Then follows a warm body mud that draws out toxins and renews - excellent for problem or oily skin. The body is then re-hydrated with a luxurious back, shoulder and neck massage. The treatment finishes with a relaxing scalp massage, which releases all head tension, while increasing blood circulation to help nourish the hair and scalp. After a long day, your lower legs and feet are rejuvenated with our sea salt scrub and intense, pressure-point massage. This is followed by a tension releasing neck and shoulder massage, both common problem areas for men with stress. Finally, a deep scalp massage will leave you feeling in a totally relaxed state. 全身奢华焕活新生 全身排毒护理 手足和头皮呵护护理 专为所有男士设计的尊宠疗程 全身奢华焕活新生体验包括全身 全身排毒护理运用温热的竹筒按摩小腿 以强劲的力度有效松弛 在结束一天的旅行或工作之后 通过海盐磨砂和强力穴位按摩缓 深层清洁 去角质 消除暗沉 消灭死皮细胞 并帮助解决容易 肌肉 深度清洁和去角质护理 疏通上背和胸部难以触及部位 解小腿和足部压力 恢复活力 按摩肩颈 男士最容易产生压 被忽视的背部肌肤问题 疗程通过全方位淋浴喷头深层清洁上胸 清洁堵塞毛孔 敷以温润的身体泥 排出身体毒素 同时补充营 力的两个部位 缓解疲劳 释放压力 最后通过深度头部按摩 和背部肌肤 同时享受温和的水力按摩和极度放松的全身按摩 养成分 有效解决各类肌肤问题 油性肌肤极为适用 通过背部 让您全身心沉醉在闲适之中 通过细致的面部护理 深层清洁滋养面部肌肤 配合头部按摩释 和肩颈按摩为身体补充水分和滋养肌肤 舒缓的头部按摩 有效 放所有压力 是您不容错过的活力新生体验 释放压力 促进血液循环 滋养发质和头皮 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 26P SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 27P

16 additional services - the essentials journey 特别惠赠 精华之旅 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 28P SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 29P

17 A D D I T I O N A L S E R V I C E S / F IR MI NG FACIAL ADD-INS 其他项目 / 面部护理加强型 Express Lifting Express Congestion Express Eyes Short in time, but quick in lifting. This express treatment helps clear the system of excess fluid and toxins while it strengthens individual facial muscles and helps to firm and tighten pores and wrinkles. Collagen production, blood circulation and cell activity are all increased to help create a youthful glow. Clear away unwanted fluids and toxins from the skin while drawing out excess sebum.this upgrade is perfect to treat an oily or congested skin and stabilize it s chemical balance, providing a healthy-looking, clear appearance. Banish dark circles and puffiness with this stimulating and lifting treatment. This program has been designed to help increase circulation and strengthen the muscles around the eyes to brighten, lift and tighten. +20 MIN 速效塑型护理 速效洁净护理 速效眼部护理 快速有效的面部塑形护理 清除面部多余水分 快速排除肌肤毒素 多余皮脂和水分 这一 快速消除黑眼圈和眼袋 活力提神 精心设 和毒素 紧致提升面部肌肉 收缩毛孔 淡化 升级护理最适合油性肌肤或毛孔阻塞型肌肤 计的疗程可以促进眼周微细血管的血液循环 皱纹 同时促进您肌肤自身的胶原蛋白再生 能有效洁净肌肤 稳定肌肤平衡 还您健康 提升眼周肌肤 保持润泽 令其紧致且富有 加速血液循环 提升细胞活力 再现青春活力 纯净亮丽的容颜 弹性 +20分钟 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 30P +20 MIN +20 MIN +20分钟 +20分钟 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 31P

18 A D D I T I O N A L S E R V I C E S / E X P E R I E NCE ADD-INS 其他项目 / 强效体验 Eye and Lip Rescue Foot and Leg Invigoration Ageless Hands This intensive eye and lip treatment treats the delicate areas that deserve special attention. This specialized treatment is designed to diminish fine lines and wrinkles up to 27%. Improves dark circles and puffiness, and improves clarity for a brighter, more luminescent eye area. The concentrated lip treatment begins by exfoliating the lips with a gentle gommage masque based on eleven plant oils and naturally-derived clay. Following, is a massage to increase circulation and treat fine lines around the mouth. A lip balm with sun protection finishes this luxurious service. Revive weary feet and legs with this treatment designed to renew energy. Begins with a foot soak in thermal mineral salts enhanced with Eucalyptus oil. Rough skin is exfoliated with a creamy Eucalyptus salt mixture and natural pumice paddle. A stimulating massage which includes reflex points with a natural foot balm rich in Menthol, Eucalyptus and Lavender. Your hands reveal your age. Treat your hands to this deluxe experience which incorporates a unique multi-acid, anti-aging hand exfoliation treatment followed by a rejuvenating masque. Hands are soaked in thermal minerals and essential oils, cuticles are enriched with our special Myrrh Nail Oil. Enjoy a deluxe hand, arm and neck massage including reflex points, with organic Ylang Ylang, Melissa and Lavender essences. +30 MIN +30 MIN +30 MIN 眼唇呵护护理 小腿足部活力护理 岁月无痕玉手护理 专为呵护身体敏感部位而设计 可将眼部唇部的细纹和 缓解足部和腿部疲劳 为您注入全新能量 采用含桉树 手部肌肤往往暴露出一个人的实际年龄 极尽奢华的 皱纹精确淡化至原来的27% 眼部护理能有效改善黑眼 油的热矿物盐进行足浴 天然浮岩棒配以乳质桉树油混 岁月无痕玉手护理 包括独特的复合酸 抗衰老手部 圈 收缩眼袋 让眼周肌肤明亮润泽 唇部护理则贴心 合物去除粗糙死皮 富含薄荷脑 桉树和薰衣草精华的 去角质护理 手部裹敷深度滋养 令双手肌肤细滑 周到 先以基于11种植物精油和天然矿物泥制成的去角 天然足部护理膏为您做小腿和足部按摩 恢复您的足部 首先采用热矿物质和精油浸洗双手 再以独特的Myrrh 质膜为唇部去角质 辅以唇部及唇周按摩 促进血液循 活力 护甲油滋养软化指甲周围的死皮 有机依兰 蜜蜂花 环 淡化唇部和唇周细纹 最后涂抹防晒唇膏结束此尊 颐体验 +30分钟 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 32P +30分钟 和薰衣草精华进行手部 胳膊和颈部按摩及穴位按摩 令您尽享舒适呵护 +30分钟 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 33P

19 Pure Vitamin C Ampoule Pro 30 Multi Acid Peel This antioxidant treatment, which improves the quality and appearance of the skin, strengthens skin elasticity and helps prevent premature aging caused by UV exposure. This exclusive 30% multi-acid peel combines glycolic, lactic, phytic and salicylic acids along with naturally-derived botanicals to achieve a safe, yet highly beneficial refining treatment. Effectively reduces the appearance of pigmentation, sun damage, fine lines and problematic skin to promote a brighter, more even skin tone. 纯维他命C精华护理 抗氧化疗程 改善肤质 提升肌肤弹性 防止因紫外线照射而引起的肌肤老化 A D D I T I O N A L S E R V I C E S / P R O DU C T E NH ANCE ME NT S 其他项目 / 加强型 Chitosan Mask with Chamomile Bio-Matrix Sheet This super soothing alginate peel-off masque hydrates, calms and reduces the appearance of redness. Dramatically improves skin texture, tone and color. Recommended for calming and healing the skin. Also soothes irritated or sensitive skin. Dramatically reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This unique masque, rich in soothing and plumping marine extracts, cools, calms and hydrates the skin while nourishing it with easy-to-absorb nutrients. A serum based on your skin s needs is also applied, further enhancing this exclusive treatment. Pro 30复合酸去角质 洋甘菊滋润面膜粉护理 鱼子精华面膜 独家30%复合酸去角质霜 综合乙醇酸 藻蛋白酸盐去角质面膜 对面部肌肤起到 有效减退细纹和皱纹 独特的面敷 富含 乳酸 植酸 水杨酸和天然植物精华 安 补水 呵护 消炎 抗红肿的作用 有效 具有镇静和润滑功效的海洋精华 呵护肌 全且效果显著 能有效解决皮肤色素沉淀 改善肤质 均匀肌肤色泽 推荐用于镇静 肤 补充水分和营养物质 极易吸收 根 晒伤和细纹等各类皮肤问题 改善肤质 肌肤和修复皮肤问题 同样适用于敏感肌 据肌肤需求补充的精华素 能够强化疗程 均匀肤色 让肌肤净白润滑 光泽尽显 肤和受损肌肤 效果 Product Enhacement Add-Ins do not add time to the service 因理疗产品含强化成分 服务时间不得延长 SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 34P SPA_01-水疗宣传册 - 35P


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