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2 Content 目录 Importance of PRDC PRDC 的重要影响 Main Agents Involved in PRDC and Their Impact on Production 导致 PRDC 的因素及其对生产的影响 Calculation of Economic Losses 2

3 Content 目录 Importance of PRDC PRDC 的重要影响 Main Agents Involved in PRDC and Their Impact on Production 导致 PRDC 的因素及其对生产的影响 Calculation of Economic Losses 3

4 Piglets weaned / Sow / Year (PSY) is important 每头母猪每年断奶仔猪很重要 Chinese Farms 中国猪场 Focus on 30 PSY 关注于 PSY 达到 30 Importance of PRDC PRDC 的重要影响 Average PSY in each period 2014 各周期平均 PSY Average PSY in each period 2014 各周期平均 PSY Dec-Feb 12-2 月 Feb-May 2-5 月 May-Jul 5-7 月 Jul-Oct 7-10 月 Dec-Feb 12-2 月 Feb-May 2-5 月 May-Jul 5-7 月 Jul-Oct 7-10 月 4

5 Importance of PRDC PRDC 的重要影响 but kg produced / Sow / Year should be the main target! 但每头母猪每年的产肉量才应该是主要目标 Pigs weaned per sow per year, 每年每头母猪断奶仔猪数 MSY x 130 kg /pig = 3120 kg produced /Sow/Year 24 MSY x 130 kg / 头 = 每头母猪每年生产 3120 kg GB 英国 CZ 捷克 CAN 加拿大 SWE 瑞典 AUS 澳大利亚 ITA 意大利 BRA (SC) 巴西南部 SPA 西班牙 USA 美国 BRA (MT) 巴西中部 BEL 比利时 IRE 爱尔兰 GER 德国 FRA 法国 NL 荷兰 DEN 丹麦

6 Importance of PRDC PRDC 的重要影响 Why is PRDC important? PRDC 为什么很重要? Because it directly reduces the amount of pork produced per sow per year 因为它直接导致了每头母猪每年产肉量的减少 6

7 Content 目录 Importance of PRDC PRDC 的重要影响 Main Agents Involved in PRDC and Their Impact on Production 导致 PRDC 的因素及其对生产的影响 Calculation of Economic Losses 7

8 Main Agents Involved in PRDC and Their Impact on Production 导致 PRDC 的因素及其对生产的影响 PRRS costs the pork industry 蓝耳病造成养猪业的损失 $664 million/year 6.64 亿美元 / 年 Combined total of 9.9 million fewer pigs, or 2.41 billion fewer pounds of pork (carcass weight), sold per year in the US 每年销售, 总减产 990 万头生猪折合 24.1 亿磅猪肉 ( 胴体重 ) Pork Checkoff Report, Fall 2011; National Pork Board 猪肉数据报告,2011 年秋 ; 国家猪肉董事会 8

9 Main Agents Involved in PRDC and Their Impact on Production 导致 PRDC 的因素及其对生产的影响 Economic impact of PRDC influenced by: PRDC 造成的经济学影响受以下因素影响 : Types of pathogens involved 所涉及的病原类型 Virulence of pathogens involved 病原的毒力 Prevalence of diseases 发病率 Housing condition 圈舍条件 Management level 管理水平 Production model, one site vs. multiple site 生产模式, 单点式 vs. 多点式 Time and effectiveness of intervention 干涉措施施行的时机和效果 9

10 Main Agents Involved in PRDC and Their Impact on Production 导致 PRDC 的因素及其对生产的影响 But the economic impact of PRDC can be categorized into the following 4 types: 但是 PRDC 造成的经济学损失可以归为 4 类 : Increased apportioned fixed cost 分摊固定成本增加 Reduced return on investment 投资回报率降低 Direct treatment or vaccination 治疗和免疫所支出的费用 Reduced production results due to mortality, poor ADG and higher FCR 由于死亡 日增重和饲料转化率升高造成的生产损失 10

11 Main Agents Involved in PRDC and Their Impact on Production 导致 PRDC 的因素及其对生产的影响 PRRS virus 蓝耳病病毒 Impact on herd productivity in Canada ( ) 蓝耳病对加拿大猪群生产力的影响 ( ) 205 sites / sows 205 个猪场 /42,000 头母猪 Piglets weaned / sow in production 断奶仔猪数 / 生产母猪 PRRS (-) or PRRS (+) no impact 蓝耳 (-) 或蓝耳 (+) 但无影响 PRRS (+) moderate impact 蓝耳 (+) 中度影响 PRRS (++) severe impact 蓝耳 (++) 严重影响 Mortality-Nursery 死亡率 - 保育 1.5% 2.5% 4.3% Mortality-Finisher 死亡率 - 育肥 2.5% 3.7% 6.3% Feed conversion-nursery (6-25 kg) 饲料转化率 - 保育 (6-25kg) Feed conversion-finisher (25-120kg) 饲料转化率 - 育肥 (25-120kg) Average daily gain-nursery (g/day) 平均日增重 - 保育 ( 克 / 天 ) Average daily gain-finisher (g/day) 平均日增重 - 育肥 ( 克 / 天 ) % 10% 11

12 Main Agents Involved in PRDC and Their Impact on Production 导致 PRDC 的因素及其对生产的影响 Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae 猪肺炎支原体 Economic impact 经济影响 感染前 Naive period 感染后 Post infection Mean performance parameters pre and post M Hyo outbreak 支原体肺炎爆发前后的平均生产参数 平均日增重 ADG 饲料转化率 FCR 日均采食量 ADFI 1.99 a % 10% 1.86 b Values in columns with different letters are significantly different. 表中上标字母不同表示差异显著 Source: Diplomate & Gillespie,

13 Kg produced / Sow / Year 公斤肉 / 母猪 / 年 Mortality rate 死亡率 Nursery and Finisher 保育和育肥舍 Main Agents Involved in PRDC and Their Impact on Production 导致 PRDC 的因素及其对生产的影响 Mortality Nursery and Finisher 保育和育肥阶段死亡数 fev/14 mar/14 abr/14 mai/14 jun/14 jul/14 ago/14 set/14 out/14 nov/14 dez/14 13

14 Main Agents Involved in PRDC and Their Impact on Production 导致 PRDC 的因素及其对生产的影响 Kg produced / Sow / Year 公斤肉 / 母猪 / 年 Evaluation of performance data 生产数据评估 Average Daily Gain (ADG) and Feed Conversion (FC) 平均日增重 (ADG) 和饲料转化率 (FC) Monitor herd health status 监控健康状况 Clinical-pathological 临床病理 Laboratorial 实验室 Anatomical-pathological 剖检病理 14

15 Main Agents Involved in PRDC and Their Impact on Production 导致 PRDC 的因素及其对生产的影响 Negative impact on Average Daily Gain according severity of pneumonia and Atrophic Rhinitis 不同程度的肺炎和萎缩性鼻炎对日增重的影响 15

16 Content 目录 Importance of PRDC PRDC 的重要影响 Main Agents Involved in PRDC and Their Impact on Production 导致 PRDC 的因素及其对生产的影响 Calculation of Economic Losses 16

17 Profit/Pig = Output Input 利润 / 猪 = 产出 投入 Output 产出 No. of pig out of door 出栏猪数量 Weight of market pig 出栏猪体重 Culled sows 销售淘汰母猪 Calculation of Economic Losses Input 投入 Appreciation of fixed investment: 固定资产折旧 Farm building 猪舍 Equipment 设备 Infrastructure and slurry 基建和粪污 Genetic: Gilts, Semen 引种 : 后备 精液 Feed cost of market pig 出栏猪只的饲料消耗 Feed cost of pig in inventory (working capital) 存栏猪只的饲料支出 ( 经营资本 ) Pharmaceuticals and vaccines 化药和疫苗 Others 其它支出 17

18 Calculation of Economic Losses Death loss is what kills a pig farm: 死淘率可以让一家猪场破产 : Compare 2 different scenarios: 对比两种不同的情况 : Is it possible that 2 identically build farms, each have 1,000 sows, the same 28 PSY but have totally different economic income? 两家完全一样的猪场, 每家均有 1,000 头母猪, 年 PSY 28 头 两家的收入会不同吗? 18

19 Item 项目 Scenario 1 情况 1 Scenario 2 情况 2 Wean 断奶 50 litters, 11.9 pig/litter 50 窝,11.9 头 / 窝 50 litters, 11.9 pig/litter 50 窝,11.9 头 / 窝 PSY Weaning Wt.(3 week)(kg) 断奶体重 (3 周 )(kg) Nursery Wt.(8 Week)(kg) 保育体重 (8 周 )(Kg) Calculation of Economic Losses Nursery Feed Consumption 保育饲料消耗 Difference in cost of death loss? 死亡损失差异有多大? Roughly difference in income 收入差别大约有多大? Nursery Death& Cull 保育死淘 10% 2% Average feed price 平均饲料价格 Finisher Death& Cull 育肥死淘 5% 2% MSY Market Age/Wt. 出栏日龄和体重 175 days 天 /100 kg 175 days 天 / 100kg Finisher Feed Consumption(kg) 育肥饲料消耗 Average feed price 平均饲料价格

20 Item 项目 Scenario 1 情况 1 Scenario 2 情况 2 Wean 断奶 50 litters, 11.9 pig/litter 50 litters, 11.9 pig/litter 50 窝,11.9 头 / 窝 50 窝,11.9 头 / 窝 PSY Nursery Feed Consumption 保育饲料消耗 Nursery Death& Cull 保育死淘 10% 2% Nursery feed cost 保育饲料消耗 Nursery Death Loss/Pig 保育死亡损失 / 头 487 Finisher Death& Cull 育肥死淘 5% 2% MSY Market Age/Wt. 出栏日龄和体重 175 days 天 /100 kg 175 days 天 / 100kg Finisher Feed Consumption(kg) 育肥饲料消耗 Finisher Feed cost 育肥料费用 Finisher Feed cost(+dead) 育肥死亡损失 Calculation of Economic Losses Total Death Loss 所有死亡损失 2,447, ,112 20

21 Calculation of Economic Losses Difference in death loss: 死亡损失的差别 Scenario 1 has 1,702,685 RMB more economic losses than good doing scenario 2. 情况 1 比情况 2 多损失 1,702,685 元. Scenario 1 produces 3,000 less pigs, thus earn 1,350,000 RMB less profit. 情况 1 少生产了 3,000 头猪, 因此少挣了 1,350,00 元利润 The total difference is 3,052,685 RMB! 总共差别为 3,052,685 元! 21

22 Calculation of Economic Losses Efficiency is the king! 效率为王! Comparison of 2 slightly different scenarios: 对比两种不同情况 : Is it possible that 2 identically build farms, each have 1,000 sows, 28 PSY and 26.3 MSY have different economic income? 两家建造完全一样的猪场, 每个猪场均是 1,000 头母猪,PSY 28 和 MSY 26.3 两家的收入可能会不同吗? 22

23 Calculation of Economic Losses Item 项目 Scenario 1 情况 1 Scenario 2 情况 2 Wean 断奶 50 litters, 11.9 pig/litter 50 litters, 11.9 pig/litter 50 窝,11.9 头 / 窝 50 窝,11.9 头 / 窝 PSY Weaning Wt.(3 week)(kg) 断奶体重 (3 周 )(kg) Nursery Wt.(8 Week)(kg) 保育体重 (8 周 )(Kg) Nursery Feed FCR 保育料肉比 Nursery Death& Cull 保育死淘 5% 5% Average feed price 平均饲料价格 Finisher Death& Cull 育肥死淘 4% 4% MSY Finisher Feed FCR 育肥饲料转化率 Market Age/Wt. 出栏日龄和体重 189 days 天 /100 kg 175 days 天 / 100kg Average feed price 平均饲料价格

24 Calculation of Economic Losses Item 项目 Scenario 1 情况 1 Scenario 2 情况 2 Wean 断奶 50 litters, 11.9 pig/litter 50 litters, 11.9 pig/litter 50 窝,11.9 头 / 窝 50 窝,11.9 头 / 窝 PSY Weaning Wt.(3 week)(kg) 断奶体重 (3 周 )(kg) Nursery Wt.(8 Week)(kg) 保育体重 (8 周 )(Kg) Nursery Feed Consumption 保育饲料消耗 Nursery Feed FCR 保育料肉比 Nursery Death& Cull 保育死淘 5% 5% Average feed price 平均饲料价格 Nursery feed cost 平均饲料消耗 Finisher Death& Cull 育肥死淘 4% 4% MSY Finisher Feed Consumption(kg) 育肥饲料消耗 Finisher Feed FCR 育肥饲料转化率 Market Age/Wt. 出栏日龄和体重 189 days 天 /100 kg 175 days 天 / 100kg Average feed price 平均饲料价格 RMB/ Pig 猪 Total 共计 1,908,037 RMB Finisher Feed cost 育肥料费用 Total Feed Cost 总共饲料费用

25 Calculation of Economic Losses Lost potential profit 潜在经济损失 =No. Sow MSY Lost profit/pig = 母猪头数 MSY 损失 / 猪 1, =1,922,530 RMB 25

26 Calculation of Economic Losses What could be even worse: 情况可能更糟糕 : Increased pig inventory in scenario 1 requires 1.3 million more working capital for feed. 情况 1 中存栏猪只更多, 额外要求的饲料流动资金高出 130 万元 Imagine a 5,000 sow farm, the increased working capital for feed would be 6.5 million! 如果是一个 5,000 头的母猪场, 需要增加 650 万元的饲料流动资金! 26

27 Calculation of Economic Losses What could be even worse: 情况可能更糟糕 : Increased medication cost and vaccination cost per pig and high disease challenge due to persisting PRDC. 药物和疫苗费用支出增加, 长期的 PRDC 造成猪场疾病压力更大 27

28 Calculation of Economic Losses Conclusion: 结论 Considering efficiency is a function of mortality, ADG and FCR, while PRDC has negative impact on all of them: 由于生产效率与死亡率 日增重和料肉比相关, 而 PRDC 对这些方面均有负面影响 : PRDC means negative efficiency PRDC 意味着负效率 28


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