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1 The Influences of Authoritarian Politics on Riligious NPO the Case of Mt. Zion and Falun Dafa



4 Abstract The research is based on the democratization theories The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of how the political democratization economical liberation and social pluralism process transform the religious NPO in Taiwan A Taiwanese Christian sect from Mt. Zion and the Chinese Falum Dafa are cited as examples in the research I hope this study is able to discover what challenges they might face under a dictative regime In 1949 KMT moved from Mainland China to Taiwan In order to recover the mainland they practiced martial law During this period non-kmt parties resisted the authority Some religious group like the Christian sect from Mt. Zion fighted for their land for almost 20 years Action like this also force the government to abandon the martial law and practice democracy since 1987 PRC faced the same challenge For example in 1989 Tian An Men s incident occurred and the following Falum Dafa incident followed in 1990S The tension between the government and religious groups has been occurred These religious NPOs have cooperated with many other social groups working toward social changes Finally the authoritative ruled has been transformed democracy is fulfilled Keyword religious NPO Mt. Zion democratization Authoritarian Politics

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13 7

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16 . NPO NPO NPO 10

17 11

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19 authoritarian politics GNP8.6% % % 24.4% 18.9% 16.7% 13

20 7 Juan J. Linz limited pluralism limited participation

21 mentallity Samuel E. Finer a dictator a small cligue 8 Roy C. Marcidis West BBS / /meeting/

22 . religious NPO John G. Simon

23 the New Testament Church Mt. Zion http new.ccea.org.tw/excel/serice/churview/pie/pie001.htm 17

24 Falun Dafa Cakra-varti-rajan 13 18


26 . Salamon

27 Internation Governmental Organizations IGO Internation Nongovernmental Organizations INGOs Nongovernmental Organizations NGOs The Third Sector Civil Society Organizations CSOs The Independent Sector Nonprofit Organizations NPOs 16 91/

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36 30 28 http//npo.pad.nccu.edu.tw



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86 " " 爲 爲 爲 " 爲 " " " " " " " " " " 爲 " " " " " " 2000 " " " " " " " " " 爲 " " " " " " " " 爲 " " " " 爲 爲 " " " " " " 80

87 " " " " 爲 爲 呐 衆 " " " " " " " " 爲 爲 " "" " 爲 " " " " " 爲


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90 Roy C.Macridis Roy C.Macridis


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