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6 1993 年首辦的法國五月藝術節, 是亞洲最大型的文化盛事之一 每年五至六月, 法國五月均會於兩個月內舉辦超過 120 場文化活動, 吸引逾一百萬人參與 ; 在文化藝術發展蓬勃的香港, 法國五月藝術節已是一項年度主要盛事 法國五月藝術節的目標是無所不包 無處不在 無眾不歡 法國五月無所不包, 展現最紛繁的藝術種類, 從傳統到當代藝術 從繪畫到設計 從古典音樂到嘻哈街舞, 從電影到馬戲, 為觀眾搜羅最優秀的作品 法國五月無處不在, 將表演及展覽帶到不同地區與場所, 從文化中心及大型商場 從公共空間到馬場以至維港等等, 進駐最不尋常 最令人意想不到的地方 法國五月無眾不歡, 透過外展教育計劃 座談會 導賞團 工作坊及大師班, 觸及不同社群, 惠及年輕人及弱勢群體 二十六年來, 法國五月藝術節立足本地 放眼國際, 配合香港的城市歷史及定位, 為作為亞洲國際都會的香港, 增添璀璨魅力 2008 年, 香港藝術發展局頒發 藝術推廣獎 金獎予法國五月藝術節, 表揚法國五月的藝術活動推廣成績 Established in 1993, Le French May is one of the largest cultural events in Asia. With more than 120 programmes presented across two months, it has become an iconic part of Hong Kong s cultural scene that reach out over 1 million visitors each year. The objectives of Le French May are to touch everything, to be everywhere and for everyone. To touch everything by showcasing the most diversified art forms: from heritage and contemporary arts, paintings and design, to classical music and hiphop dance, cinema and circus. To be everywhere by bringing performances to various venues and districts, including the unusual and unexpected: from cultural centres and shopping malls, to public spaces, the racecourse and Victoria Harbour. For everyone because the Festival aims to reach out to the entire community by developing educational programmes, talks, guided tours, workshops and masterclasses, including those that directly benefit the young and less-privileged. For 26 years, Le French May has been both truly international and distinctly local and wishes to contribute to the unique appeal of Asia s World City. Le French May received the Gold Award for Arts Promotion 2008 from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. 法國五月藝術節團隊 LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL IS A PROGRAMME OF 法國文化推廣辦公室 ASSOCIATION CULTURELLE FRANCE HONG KONG LIMITED 鄭志剛 Adrian CHENG 何超瓊 Pansy HO 董事會主席 Chairman of the Board 阮偉文 Andrew S. YUEN 殷佩麗 Paule IGNATIO 朱秋慧 Cecilia CHEUNG 姚金昌玲 Daphne KING 董事 Directors 鄭陶美蓉 Mignonne CHENG 季玉年 Catherine KWAI 法國駐香港及澳門總領事 Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macau 栢海川 Eric BERTI 賀納賢 Benoit ETIENNE 王幼倫 Michelle ONG 何建立 Kin-Lap HO 湯柏燊 Kevin THOMPSON 法國五月藝術節 2018: 向大師致敬 Le French May 2018 Tributes 創意, 很多時候都是來自我們的記憶 印象 甚至是構成我們內心世界的情緒 藝術家比其他人更懂得從大自然 過去 或其他藝術方式取得靈感, 從而創造並表達他們對這世界獨有的見解 法國五月藝術節 2018, 將會透過一系列的節目向各位藝術大師致敬, 探討話題的持續性, 以及重溫一些極具代表性的劇目 我們將重新發掘過去的作品,Angelin Preljocaj 和 Natalie Stuzman 將會表達他們對一些永恆故事的獨有解讀 ; 而法國爵士樂界的明星將會向法國著名歌星 Piaf Trenet 及作曲家 Francis Poulenc 致敬 Rêvolution Dance Company 將會重新演繹 Sauguet 世界知名的 Les Forains, 將芭蕾舞 嘻哈舞 古典以至電子音樂共冶一爐 ; 而法國流行藝術大師們也將會為我們展現半個世紀前到當代的豐富藝術作品 準備於精彩的第二十六屆法國五月藝術節重新體驗你的經典吧! 賈奕楠先生 法國五月藝術節行政總裁 Creation always comes from memories, impressions, emotions which shape our innerworld. Artists more than others have always taken inspiration from the nature, from the past, from other art forms to create their own vision of the world and offer it to our appreciation. The 2018 edition of Le French May will explore this constant dialogue through a series of programmes paying tribute to preceding masters, or revisiting some of the most iconic pieces of the repertoire. Rediscovering works of the past, Angelin Preljocaj and Natalie Stuzman will present their own vision of timeless tales, while the icons of French Jazz will pay tribute to French singers Piaf and Trenet, a well as composer Francis Poulenc. Bridging ballet, hip hop, classical and electro music, the Rêvolution Dance Company will re-interpret Sauguet s world-known Les Forains while the masters of the French pop art will invite us to look at half a century of art up to the most contemporary creations. Be ready to revisit your classics for a 26 th edition full of colours! Mr. Julien-Loïc Garin Chief Executive Officer OF LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL 法國五月藝術節 LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL 行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 賈奕楠 Julien-Loïc GARIN 表演藝術部主管 Head of Performing Arts 夏莉絲 Alix HILTEBRAND 視覺藝術部主管 Head of Visual Arts 雷蕾 Laure RAIBAUT 市場策劃部主管 Head of Marketing 古彼爾 Pierre-Louis GUILLON 合作夥伴項目主管 Head of Partnerships and Events 蘇建雄 Sébastien HUE 2 項目主任 ( 表演藝術 ) Programme Officer (Performing Arts) 李璀瑤 Monet LI 教育及外展經理 Education and Outreach Manager 鍾敏婷 Mandy CHUNG 平面設計師 Senior Graphic Designer 劉寶琪 Kiki LAU 市場策劃主任 Marketing Officer 李伊然 Silvia LI 合作夥伴項目主任 Partnerships and Events Officer 陳子軒 Gi Hin CHAN 3

7 法國五月藝術節自一九九三年首度舉辦以來, 一直大受歡迎, 現已成為香港一年一度的焦點文化盛事 過去多年, 法國五月團隊悉心呈獻各式各樣的精彩活動, 致力把法國的藝術文化精粹帶到香港, 並不斷豐富節目內容, 力求做到 無所不包 無處不在 無眾不歡 香港是亞洲區內最多法國人居住的地方, 是法國的長期合作伙伴 多年來, 香港與法國在貿易 投資 工程 航空 藝術 文化等方面均加強了合作, 關係日益密切 談到藝術和文化合作, 最成功的例子肯定是法國五月 法國五月不僅見證兩地政府 商界及私營機構的長期協作, 也為雙方日後的進一步交流合作, 奠下了穩固的基礎 去年適逢法國五月踏入二十五周年和香港特別行政區成立二十周年, 法國五月與香港政府聯合舉辦了一系列別出心裁的慶祝活動, 包括在香港文化博物館展出來自法國羅浮宮的珍貴藏品, 吸引大量市民參觀 此外, 我們亦首度合辦 光. 影. 香港夜, 把世界著名的法國里昂燈光節帶到香港 期待日後有更多機會與法國五月合作, 在香港舉辦更多不同的活動, 一方面豐富我們的文化生活, 同時促進兩地的交流 踏入新一年, 第二十六屆法國五月繼續為觀眾準備了豐富精彩的節目, 不論是音樂 舞蹈 電影或美食, 都一一包羅 大家一定要把握機會, 參與其中, 盡情體驗別樹一格的法式風情 衷心感謝法國五月團隊 法國駐港澳總領事館及所有其他參與機構, 把這項文化盛事辦得有聲有色 經過多年的努力, 今天的法國五月已不單是一個文化節目, 更是香港展現國際文化都會魅力的重要舞台 我很高興看到法國五月在這二十五年間茁壯成長, 成果豐碩, 謹祝未來的法國五月同樣成功, 繼續在香港大放異彩 林鄭月娥女士香港特別行政區行政長官 香港特別行政區行政長官獻辭 Message from THE Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Since its inception in 1993, the Le French May Arts Festival has established itself as an annual cultural highlight in Hong Kong. With the objective to touch everything, to be everywhere and for everyone, the commitment of the Le French May team grows ever stronger to bring us the best of French arts and culture through a myriad of fascinating choices. Hong Kong, with the largest French community in Asia, has been a long-time partner of France. Over the years, Hong Kong and France have come much closer together in the areas of trade and investment, engineering and aviation, arts and culture and more. Speaking of arts and culture, Le French May has certainly made the grade. It not only bears testimony to the long-standing partnership between our governments, business communities and private sectors, but also lays a solid foundation for our further exchange and co-operation. Last year, to celebrate the Festival s 25 th anniversary and the 20 th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Le French May staged a series of unprecedented events in collaboration with the Hong Kong Government. Among them was the exhibition of the valuable collections from the Louvre Museum at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, which received an overwhelming response from the public. We also worked together to bring Lumieres Hong Kong, inspired by the world-renowned festival of lights in the French city of Lyon, to our city for the first time. I look forward to more of such collaboration opportunities in the future to enrich Hong Kong s cultural scene and promote exchanges between Hong Kong and France. Stepping into its 26 th edition, Le French May is ready to delight its audiences, once again, with another diverse and exciting programme of events, ranging from music to dance, cinema to gastronomy. With so much going on during the festival, it is high time for us to enjoy a great truly French experience. My heartfelt gratitude to the Le French May team, the Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, and the many others who have contributed to the fruition of this cultural spectacular. Thanks to their years of hard work, Le French May has gone beyond just a cultural festival. It is now a valuable contributor to the city s appeal as an international cultural metropolis. I applaud the achievements of Le French May over these twenty five years and wish the Festival continuing success in the years to come. Mrs Carrie Lam Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 自 1993 起, 香港便與法國結下每年五月的不解之緣 從享譽國際的舞台及藝術作品 令人垂涎三尺的美酒佳餚 到領先潮流的時裝服飾, 每年 法國五月藝術節 均呈獻令人目不暇給的節目, 讓本地人能藉此機會細味法國文化, 亦令五月成為文藝愛好者到訪香港的好時機 我衷心祝賀法國文化推廣辦公室再度舉辦這項藝壇盛事, 並為我們呈獻超過 150 個精采節目 法國五月藝術節 不但有助豐富旅客的體驗, 更鞏固了香港作為亞洲藝術文化樞紐之一的地位 旅發局一向致力推廣藝術文化作為香港其中一項主要的旅遊體驗, 以及旅發局地區推廣計劃的主要元素之一, 以鼓勵更多旅客在城中探索, 感受香港多元化和充滿活力的旅遊體驗 旅發局會透過網上平台, 包括官方網頁 和旅業網, 以及各種旅客資訊渠道, 向業界夥伴及海外旅客推廣 法國五月藝術節 最後, 我希望每一位參與的旅客不但享受這場文化盛宴, 亦在香港這個亞洲盛事之都, 有一次美妙難忘的旅程! 林建岳博士, GBS 香港旅遊發展局主席 香港旅遊發展局主席獻辭 Message from THE Chairman of the Hong Kong Tourism Board Since 1993, the month of May has been about all things French in Hong Kong from acclaimed performing and visual arts to celebrated food and wines, and influential and stylish offerings from the world s fashion capital. Thanks to the feature-rich programmes of Le French May, the month of May is not only a wonderful time for us Hong Kongers to appreciate French culture, but also one of the best times of the year for culture and art lovers to visit Hong Kong. I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the Association Culturelle France - Hong Kong Limited for organising such a profound and spectacular event. With more than 150 events organised each year, Le French May is one of the most celebrated cultural festivals on Hong Kong s tourism calendar. The authentic French expressions of the arts and lifestyle presented in various Le French May programmes have become part of Hong Kong s cultural mosaic, admired by visitors from around the world. These authentic experiences of French culture serve to enrich visitors intown experience and reinforce Hong Kong s position as one of Asia s key arts and culture hubs. At the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), we strive to promote arts and culture as essential parts of the city s identity and as core elements of our latest district promotions, encouraging visitors to come and explore the many aspects of Hong Kong s diverse and vibrant lifestyle. The HKTB is pleased to support this initiative by promoting Le French May events to our trade partners and overseas visitors through our online platforms, including the website, the PartnerNet trade portal and our various visitor information channels. I wish every visitor to this sumptuous feast of culture and the arts a wonderful time and an unforgettable stay in Hong Kong - Events Capital of Asia. Dr Peter LAM, GBS CHAIRMAN OF THE HONG KONG TOURISM BOARD 法國五月藝術節 LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL 4 5

8 法國五月 藝術節自 1993 年成立以來, 其宗旨是為香港 澳門及法國之間的文化交流與藝術欣賞提供一個平台 二十六年後, 這個為期兩月 擁有百萬觀眾的文化節, 其精神前所未有地抖擻蓬勃 法國五月 將繼續專注於分享才藝天份 培育本土藝術及將法國最佳創意精髓引入本地, 融入我們的日常生活中 去年, 法國五月 的銀禧紀念一直代表著一個重要的里程碑, 其重點節目包括了羅浮宮的珍品展覽 法國廣播愛樂樂團的音樂節目及巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞團的舞者 在此成功的基礎上及在觀眾的忠實支持下, 我們將於未來二十五年內, 以最具創意 最引人入勝及最精彩絕倫的節目, 繼續為大家提供娛樂 為了向過去的大師及其創作的影響力 致敬,2018 年藝術節將為大家上演一系列重溫 經典 的節目 重塑膾炙人口的大師級作品以及試驗不同的表演技能 藝術節由難得一遇的法國波普藝術大師的展覽展開序幕 這些藝術家包括塞撒 伊夫 克萊因 妮基 桑法勒 當代藝術家班恩及貝納 維尼 2018 年的藝術節將透過藝術家的靈感啟程 其它精彩亮點節目包括獲獎的女高音及指揮娜塔莉 史圖茲曼, 她將會重新演繹古典時代最優美的作品 從威尼斯到凡爾賽 ; 安傑林 柏歷卡將帶領其舞者上演中國聊齋故事的 畫壁 ; 安妮 卡赫將為大家重溫伊蒂 琵雅芙的經典金曲 ; 當今的爵士樂大師將重塑傳奇爵士巨星的歌曲 ; 安東尼 埃吉亞將聯手城市室樂團把 20 世紀的 街頭藝人 蛻變成一場混合嘻哈 古典及電子的音樂盛宴 藝術節承蒙觀眾 香港特區政府 香港賽馬會連同其贊助商及合作夥伴的支持, 現已成為亞洲最觸目的文化盛事之一 今天的 法國五月, 將繼續扮演本地文化機構的角色, 致力為觀眾帶來歡樂而努力 同時, 教育年輕一代 接觸弱勢群體及殘疾人士是我們永不間斷的使命 我們謹此衷心感謝您年復一年對藝術節的支持, 並期待再次與您分享更多豐富多姿 令人雀躍的節目 祝大家有一個愉悅的 法國五月! 法國五月董事會主席前言 FOREWORD BY THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF LE FRENCH MAY Since its establishment in 1993, Le French May Arts Festival had the objective to be a platform for cultural exchanges and art appreciation between Hong Kong, Macau and France. 26 years later, the spirit of the festival is stronger than ever. It has now become a 2-month, 1-million-audience cultural festival which continues to focus on the sharing among talents, the nurturing of the local art scene, and bringing the best of French creations to the territory while integrating them into our everyday life. Last year, the Silver Jubilee of Le French May has been a landmark edition, with major programmes such as the exhibition of the treasures from Le Louvre, the concert of the Radio Franc Philharmonic Orchestra or the dancers of the Paris Opera Ballet. Building on this success and the faithful support of our audience, we are moving ahead the next 25 years with planning the most creative, surprising and enriching programmes for everybody s delight. Paying tributes to the masters of the past and their impact of the creation, the 2018 edition is presenting a selection of programmes revisiting the classics, reinventing the favourite masterpieces or playing with the codes of the repertoires. Opening with a rare exhibition of the French Pop Art masters from Cesar to Yves Klein, Niki de Saint Phalle to contemporary artist Ben or Bernar Venet the 2018 edition will embark to a journey through the artist s inspiration. The award-winning soprano-conductor Natalie Stutzman will revisit the most beautiful pieces of Classical era from Venice to Versailles, while Angelin Preljocaj will take his dancers out of a Chinese tale in the Painting on the wall ; Anne Carrère will revive Edith Piaf s iconic songs, today s jazz masters will re-invent the jazz legends; Anthony Egea will transform the 20th century Les Forains into a feast of hip hop, classical and electro music, with live performance of the City Chamber Orchestra just to name a few highlights. Thanks to its audience and the continued support of the Hong Kong SAR Government, the Hong Kong Jockey Club together with its sponsors and partners, the festival has grown to be one of the most recognised cultural events in Asia. Le French May is today, more than ever a local cultural institution dedicated to the enjoyment of its audience with an ongoing mission to educate the young generations and reaching out the less-privileged and physically challenged. Once again, we thank you for joining us, year after year, in making the Festival what it has become. We look forward to sharing with you another diverse and exciting programme. Happy French May! 繼去年慶祝法國五月成立二十五周年之後, 今屆法國五月藝術節繼續在香港發放光芒, 並再度為我城上演一系列精彩絕倫的節目, 展現法國豐富多姿的藝術及文化 為此, 我感到欣喜非常 於兩月內舉辦逾一百個節目的法國五月藝術節, 依然是亞洲最盛大的法國藝術節, 同時亦是本地區的主要盛事, 為作為亞洲國際都會的香港, 增添璀璨魅力 2018 年的藝術節以 致敬 為主題 從舞蹈表演到藝術展覽 音樂會或電影都揉合了不同風格流派, 重溫經典 ; 為香港呈獻一系列令人雀躍的節目, 讓大家將再次有機會參與一系列多姿多彩的節目 法國五月的所有節目均為普羅大眾而製作, 真正做到雅俗共賞, 徹底代表了法國的核心 : 一個富創造性 創新多樣及具備文化感染力國家 藝術節每年吸引越來越多的參觀者, 印證了港澳居民對我國及其文化的愛戴, 鞏固了兩地之間的交流 有幸目睹藝術節的成功及大眾對之的喜愛, 我為此引以為傲 此藝術節是引領大家通往法國的卓越及創意之窗, 希望能鼓勵大眾發掘更多法國的精髓 藉此, 我衷心感謝所有成就了此藝術節的董事會 工作團隊, 還有多年來支持我們的贊助商及合作夥伴 第二十六屆法國五月藝術節的節目系列驚喜萬分 魅力非凡 我謹此邀請大家 5 月及 6 月與我們一同體驗法國 樂在其中! 柏海川先生 法國駐香港及澳門總領事 法國駐香港及澳門總領事序言 Message FROM the Consul General of France in Hong Kong AND MACAU After celebrating an amazing 25 th anniversary last year, I am very happy that Le French May Arts Festival keeps growing in Hong Kong and proposes again another spectacular edition, presenting the best of French arts and culture. With more than 100 programs across two months, Le French May Arts Festival remains the biggest French festival in Asia and a key event in the region, contributing every year to the dynamism and attractiveness of Hong Kong as a world city. In 2018, the Festival presents an exciting array of programs around the theme of Tributes, from dance performances to art exhibitions, concerts or movies mixing the genres and revisiting the classics. We will once again get the chance to attend a rich and sophisticated program, accessible and generous, at the heart of what France is: a country of creation, diversity and innovation, where cultures and inspirations meet. Attracting every year more and more visitors, the festival embodies the strong attachment of people from Hong Kong and Macau to our country and culture, fostering the strong relationship between us. I am very proud to witness its success and popularity and I do hope that it will inspire people to discover more about France and all it has to offer. The festival is a window over France s excellence and creativity, and I would like to deeply thank all those who make it possible: my fellow Board Members, the working team and the faithful sponsors and partners. This 26 th edition promises to be yet again very exciting, full of discoveries and enchantment. I do hope you will enjoy the program and will join us in May and June for this great French experience! Mr Eric Berti CONSUL GENERAL OF FRANCE IN HONG KONG AND MACAU 法國五月藝術節 LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL 阮偉文博士 Dr Andrew S. YUEN 6 法國五月董事會主席 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF LE FRENCH MAY 7

9 法國五月藝術節感謝 LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL THANKS 成為 2018 法國五月藝術節主要合作伙伴 FOR BEING THE MAJOR PARTNER OF LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL 2018 香港賽馬會很榮幸連續七年支持法國五月藝術節, 成為這個年度藝術文化盛事的主要合作伙伴 今年法國五月藝術節將以 向大師致敬 為主題, 為大家呈獻經典大師級作品 馬會亦欣然贊助多個世界級表演節目及展覽, 當中包括為藝術節拉開帷幕的 尼斯學派 從波普藝術到偶發藝術 展覽, 帶大家回到 1977 年, 向首個在龐比度中心舉行的展覽致敬 ; 重新演繹的永恆經典歌劇 卡門 ; 由兩名法國鋼琴家四手聯彈, 並與本地知名沙畫家海潮攜手炮製的世界首演特別版 梁祝 ; 及以現代手法重現 1945 年的經典芭蕾舞作品 流浪藝人 都市芭蕾 藝術 文化及保育 是馬會慈善信託基金四大策略範疇之一, 希望為香港注入藝術文化活力 豐富市民的生活及推動創意共融 馬會亦致力保育香港的文化古蹟, 重點項目包括與政府攜手保育活化中區警署建築群 大館 為了讓更多市民可以欣賞到法國五月藝術節的精彩節目, 馬會很高興再次支持 賽馬會社區拓展藝術教育計劃, 包括捐助逾 1,000 張門券予基層學生, 並為視障及聽障人士安排特備節目 馬會喜見今年的藝術節, 為本地藝術團體帶來與國際知名表演者同台演出的機會 同時, 我們亦加入嶄新元素, 為在學及剛畢業的大學生提供一系列實習 學徒和職場體驗, 希望透過與頂尖藝術家並肩工作, 可以啟發本地新一代表演者 策展人及藝術行政人員 我衷心感謝香港特別行政區政府 法國領事館及法國文化推廣辦公室對藝術節的支持, 並希望每一位參加者都可盡情享受這個藝術文化盛事 葉錫安博士, GBS CBE JP 香港賽馬會主席 香港賽馬會主席獻辭 Message FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF The Hong Kong Jockey Club It is the Club s great pleasure, as a Major Partner of Le French May, to support Hong Kong s annual festival of French arts and culture; an event we have been proud to support for the last seven years. This year, under the theme of Tributes, Le French May is celebrating iconic repertoire, and in support of this the Club s Charities Trust is delighted to bring a number of world-class performances and exhibitions to Hong Kong. These include the opening programme, School of Nice - From Pop Art to Happenings, which pays tribute to Centre Pompidou s inaugural exhibition in 1977; Carmen, a reinterpretation of the all-time classic opera; The Butterfly Lovers, a world premiere performance featuring French pianists Duo Jatekok and local sand artist Hoi Chiu; and Les Forains, Ballet Urbain, a contemporary version of the original ballet masterpiece first performed in Arts, Culture and Heritage is currently one of four strategic areas of focus for the Club s Charities Trust. Through its support, the Club aims to build a culturally vibrant Hong Kong, to enrich citizens lives and to promote social inclusion. It also seeks to preserve Hong Kong s cultural heritage, notably through its partnership with the Government to restore and revitalise the Central Police Station compound, Tai Kwun. The Trust is therefore especially pleased to support the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Outreach and Arts Education Programmes, aimed at sharing Le French May with the wider community. This includes more than 1,000 complimentary tickets for less-privileged students as well as programmes for the visually and hearing impaired. It is also pleasing to see the collaboration between local arts groups and internationally renowned performers taking part in Le French May. In a new initiative this year, university students and fresh graduates will take up internship, apprenticeship and job-shadowing opportunities. We hope this chance to work alongside world-class practitioners will further inspire Hong Kong s performers, curators and arts administrators. My sincere thanks to the Government of the Hong Kong SAR, the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and the Association Culturelle France Hong Kong. I hope everyone will enjoy this truly memorable extravaganza of arts and culture in Hong Kong. Dr Simon S O IP, GBS CBE JP 法國五月藝術節 LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL 8 Chairman of THE HONG KONG JOCKEY CLUB 9


11 法國五月之友 FRIENDS OF LE FRENCH MAY 法國五月藝術節是個非牟利慈善組織, 致力促進香港與法國之間的文化交流 法國五月之友對藝術節給予支持, 就能為觀眾帶來更多世界級的表演及藝術作品, 使法國五月持續躋身亞洲文化活動的前列 法國五月之友對藝術節的運作實在不可或缺 : 不論是個人還是公司, 他們都給予支持以助提升節目 籌辦及活動傳訊等方面的質素, 並使社區外展及教育計劃得以發展 只需捐助 20,000 港元或以上, 法國五月之友即可享受多項優惠, 包括參與私人聚會以及獨家活動 一切捐助都可予扣稅 支持法國五月! 並藉此機會促進香港的文化活動並提高其吸引力, 同時支持社區 如欲成為法國五月之友, 請瀏覽以下網站並填寫表格以加入我們的大家庭 如欲獲取任何資料或瞭解詳情, 閣下亦可發送電郵至 與我們聯絡 Le French May Arts Festival is a non-profit charitable organisation dedicated to promote the cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and France. By supporting the festival, the Friends of Le French May contribute to offer the audience world class performances and artworks, to maintain it as one of the largest cultural events in Asia. The Friends of Le French May are key to make the festival happen: individuals or companies, their support contribute to enhance the quality of the festival, the organisation and the communication of the events and to develop the community outreach and educational programmes. With contributions from HK$20,000, the Friends of Le French May are entitled to several benefits, going from private invitations to dedicated programmes. Every contribution is tax deductible. Support Le French May! and take the opportunity to contribute to Hong Kong cultural offer and attractiveness and to support the community. To become a Friend of Le French May, please go online and fill the form to join us at or contact us for any information and details: 12 13


13 法國五月藝術節 LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL MAY MON 7 五月 - 精彩節目及表演時間表 PERFORMANCES & Special Events SCHEDULE TUE 1 1 WED THUR FRI SAT SUN 六月 - 精彩節目及表演時間表 PERFORMANCES & Special Events SCHEDULE 5 WED THUR FRI SAT SUN MAY JUN OMMM 聲樂與節奏口技 A Capella & Valley 畫壁 The Painting on the Wall 由威尼斯到凡爾賽 From Venice to Versailles Nathalie Stutzmann 重塑 魔笛 REINVENTING THE MAGIC FLUTE 法式盛薈 French D2 PLACE 梁祝 The BUTTERFLY LOVERS OMMM 聲樂與節奏口技 A Capella & JUN MON TUE 巴黎 - 劇場表演 Paris Laurent Deutsh 熱門爵士樂曲 Cholet Quartet 向浦朗克致敬 約翰 - 基斯杜化 肖萊 艾爾班 達舒 Tribute to Poulenc 2 3 沃爾頓中提琴協奏曲 Adrien La Marca Plays Walton Viola Concerto 爵士音樂會系列 LIVE Jazz Series 重現法國傳奇歌王歌后經典 艾力 勒蘭四重奏 Eric LeLann tribute to Piaf et Trenet 法國五月藝術節 LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL 比才 - 卡門 GEORGES BIZET S Carmen The Elem ants 躍動嘻哈二人組 Hip hop Valley 法式盛薈 French D2 PLACE La Main s Affaire 馬戲 Circus 穆洛娃與日內瓦室樂團 Viktoria Mullova & Geneva Camerata 薩拉班德 Sarabande 流浪藝人 - 都市芭蕾 Les Forains, BALLET URBAIN Make Music, Hong Kong! Le Syndicat du Chrome Valley 貝多芬第三鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: François Frédéric GUY 法式盛薈 French D2 PLACE Le Syndicat du Chrome 玫瑰人生 Le Vie en Rose 色士寧人 Saxiland

14 法國五月藝術節 LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL MAY MON 7 五月 - 展覽時間表 EXHIBITIONs SCHEDULE TUE MAY 8 1 WED THUR FRI SAT SUN 尼斯學派 - 從波普藝術到偶發藝術 School of Nice From Pop Art to Happenings 尼斯學派 - 從波普藝術到偶發藝術 School of Nice From Pop Art to Happenings Nathalie Decoster 意識 - 的巨型雕塑 Consciousness A Monumental Sculpture JUN MON 4 六月 - 展覽時間表 EXHIBITIONs SCHEDULE TUE 5 WED THUR FRI SAT SUN JUN 命運的色彩 - 夏加爾南法時期作品展 MARC CHAGALL, LIGHT AND COLOUR IN SOUTHERN FRANCE 母愛之歌 Patrick Willocq SONGS OF THE WALÉS 法式奇珍 : 由自然科學到藝術 CabinetS of Curiosities: A French Passion 命運的色彩 - 夏加爾南法時期作品展 MARC CHAGALL, LIGHT AND COLOUR IN SOUTHERN FRANCE 母愛之歌 Patrick Willocq-SONGS OF THE WALÉS 法式奇珍 : 由自然科學到藝術 CabinetS of Curiosities: A French Passion 法國五月藝術節 LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL 尼斯學派 - 從波普藝術到偶發藝術 School of Nice From Pop Art to Happenings 命運的色彩 - 夏加爾南法時期作品展 MARC CHAGALL, LIGHT AND COLOUR IN SOUTHERN FRANCE 母愛之歌 Patrick Willocq-SONGS OF THE WALÉS Nathalie Decoster 意識 - 的巨型雕塑 Consciousness- A Monumental Sculpture 法式奇珍 : 由自然科學到藝術 CabinetS of Curiosities: A French Passion 法式奇珍 : 由自然科學到藝術 CabinetS of Curiosities : A French Passion 命運的色彩 - 夏加爾南法時期作品展 MARC CHAGALL, LIGHT AND COLOUR IN SOUTHERN FRANCE 尼斯學派 - 從波普藝術到偶發藝術 School of Nice- From Pop Art to Happenings 母愛之歌 Patrick Willocq SONGS OF THE WALÉS Nathalie Decoster 意識 - 的巨型雕塑 Consciousness- A Monumental Sculpture 母愛之歌 Patrick Willocq-SONGS OF THE WALÉS 法式奇珍 : 由自然科學到藝術 CabinetS of Curiosities: A French Passion 母愛之歌 Patrick Willocq SONGS OF THE WALÉS 法式奇珍 : 由自然科學到藝術 CabinetS of Curiosities: A French Passion 命運的色彩 - 夏加爾南法時期作品展 MARC CHAGALL, LIGHT AND COLOUR IN SOUTHERN FRANCE 母愛之歌 Patrick Willocq SONGS OF THE WALÉS 法式奇珍 : 由自然科學到藝術 CabinetS of Curiosities: A French Passion 展出至 Closing on 26 August, 2018 展出至 Closing on 31 JULY, 2018 展出至 Closing on 19 August,

15 特別鳴謝 SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 特別致謝 SPECIAL THANKS 合作伙伴 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH 表演 法國五月支持者 FELLOWS OF LE FRENCH MAY 有賴法國五月支持者的長期愛戴 藝術節得以持續發展 並令我們的教育及外展活動幫助到更多有需要的人 PERFORMANCES Fellows of Le French May contribute to developing our Festival. Their donation also goes to our educational and outreach activities. From 1000 HKD to 4999 HKD From 500 HKD to 999 HKD BELOW 500 HKD Ms. Amanda Lee Ms. Mabel Cheung Mr. Peter Chan Anonymous (3) Mr. Ivan Wai Chung Wong Mr. Leonard J. More Ms. Samantha Chan Anonymous (1) Ms. Cecil Poon Ms. Chloe de Nouel Ms. Kam Hung Fong 媒體合作伙伴 MEDIA PARTNERS 索取各節目更多詳情 請瀏覽 FOR MORE DETAILS ON PROGRAMMES, PLEASE VISIT: FRENCHMAY.COM 20 21



18 獨家贊助商 Exclusive Sponsor 表演 PERFORMANCES 隆重呈獻 Proudly PresentS 畫壁 The Painting on the Wall 聊齋畫壁的奇想世界 The mystical world of a Chinese novel 3 & 4 MAY 星期四及星期五 THUR & FRI 8:15PM 香港文化中心大劇院 Hong Kong Cultural Centre Grand Theatre 票價 TICKETS: $580/$480/$380/$280/$180 演出長約 1 小時 30 分鐘 於 5 月 4 日節目後設演出者分享會 The performance will last for 1 hour and 30 minutes. On 4 th May the performance will be followed by a sharing session with the artists 年作品 Creation 2016 編舞 Choreography: 安傑林 柏歷加 Angelin Preljocaj 音樂 Music: 尼古拉斯. 葛鼎 Nicolas Godin 服裝 Costumes: 阿瑟丁. 阿拉亞 Azzedine Alaïa 佈景設計及錄像 Set design & videos: 康士坦茲. 紀錫工作室 Constance Guisset Studio 燈光設計 Light design: 艾力. 蘇伊 Éric Soyer The piece has a sensual, calligraphic beauty. LE FIGARO Jean-Claude Carbonne 編舞家安傑林 柏歷加繼 1995 年的 無尾目 2008 年的 白雪公主 (2010 年曾來港演出 ) 和 2010 年的 悉達多 之後, 繼續探討神話故事 今次的取材是他從未試過卻樂意一試的 : 就是亞洲的傳統故事, 因為這個豐富寶藏蘊藏著澎拜詩意 畫壁 讓讀者進入中國聊齋故事的幻想世界, 原來繪畫具有一種 超自然 力量, 要是從不同的角度來解讀, 可以說這舞蹈充滿了虛幻之美和超越凡塵的想法, 呼應原著 幻由人作 的主旨 柏歷加要沉浸在這不尋常的世界當中, 但他並沒有如實搬演聊齋的故事, 而是以之為出發點, 改編成一齣當代舞蹈 柏歷加利用想像力, 將情節轉移到另一個文化交匯的空間, 同時保留了這志怪故事的本質及它喚起的象徵意義 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請詳閱第 122 頁 After L Anoure in 1995, Snow White in 2008 and Siddharta in 2010, Angelin Preljocaj is continuing his exploration of fairy tales by choosing, as he likes to do, a direction so far unexplored in his work, that of the traditional tales of Asia which are, rich sources of great poetic power. Thus, The Painting on the Wall plunges the reader into the fantastical world of Chinese tales and reveals the supernatural power of the art of painting. If different readings are possible, the ideas of illusion and transcendence are omnipresent in the work. Angelin Preljocaj has chosen to immerse himself in the heart of this unusual world. Without literally telling its story, he retains the Chinese tale as the source of a more contemporary adaptation. Angelin Preljocaj harnesses the power of his imagination to transpose the story s plot into a space at the crossing of cultures. He preserves of course, the essence of the tale and the symbolism that it evokes. For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 122 for details. 公開綵排 Open Rehearsal 主辦機構 PRESENTED BY 鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 支持機構 SUPPORTED BY 2 May 2018 ( 星期三 Wed) 6:00pm - 7:00pm 香港文化中心大劇院 Hong Kong Cultural Centre Grand Theatre 免費入場, 需要預先登記 Free admission, registration required: 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 26 27

19 獨家贊助 Exclusive Sponsor 表演 PERFORMANCES 流浪藝人 都市芭蕾 Les Forains, Ballet Urbain 真切的青春與舞蹈慶典 True festival of youth and dance 26 & 27 MAY 星期六 SAT 7:45PM & 星期日 SUN 11AM 香港文化中心大劇院 Hong Kong Cultural Centre Grand Theatre 票價 TICKETS: $600/$490/$380/$240/$140 演出長約 1 小時 15 分鐘, 不設中場休息 兩場節目後均設演出者分享會 The performance will last for 1 hour and 15 minutes with no intermission. Each performance will be followed by a sharing session with the artists. 現場演奏 Live Music: 香港城市室樂團 Hong Kong City Chamber Orchestra & DJ Frank2Louise 藝術總監及編舞 Artistic Director & Choreographer: 安東尼 艾朱亞 Anthony Égéa/ 變革舞團 Compagnie Revôlution 音樂總監及指揮 Musical director and conductor : 菲利普 霍積 Philippe Forget 八位街舞好手重新詮釋 1945 年的熱門芭蕾舞劇 流浪藝人, 詩人導演高克多 (Jean Cocteau) 當年曾譽之為一場 真切的青春與舞蹈盛典 這個描述流浪藝人在市集表演的精彩節目, 在二戰結束後重燃了人們渴求生命的熱情, 歌頌流浪藝人的技藝, 仍然吸引著今天的表演藝術家 變革舞團 創辦人安東尼 艾朱亞, 試圖重現原劇作曲家亨利 索格的詩意境界, 並邀請香港城市室樂團在台下演奏, 現場又配以 DJ Frank2Louise 的電子音樂 古典樂和嘻哈舞, 芭蕾和雜技, 融合為一齣名副其實的城市芭蕾舞, 舞台仿佛馬戲團的表演場地, 台下的音樂人則圍繞著舞者, 以音符與之共舞, 讓小孩及童心未泯的人, 分享創作者的心願, 在娛樂之餘, 心靈也渴望去流浪 去遊歷 去做夢 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請詳閱第 122 頁 Eight hip hop dancers revisit the successful ballet Les Forains in 1945, as a tribute to this true festival of youth and dance (Jean Cocteau). The story about wandering artists doing their fabulous routine in a fair is the very expression of a life taking back its natural rights after a world war, and it still fascinates the performing artists of today. Anthony Égéa from Compagnie Rêvolution tries to restore the poetic dimension of composer Henri Sauguet s work, with the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong playing the ballet score, mixing with DJ Frank2Louise s electronic music. Such a combination of classics and hip hop, ballet and acrobatics, deliver a real Urban Ballet that evokes the cutting-edge parade of a circus, and a striking show that provides a sharing moment for all, when our minds want to wander, to travel and to dream. For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 122 for details. 主辦機構 PRESENTED BY 鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 28 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 29

20 聯 辦 節 目 A S S O C I AT E D P R O J E C T 法 國 五 月 藝 術 節 法國五月這年度與不同的商戶攜手奉上特別禮遇 從餐廳到畫廊 形形色色 適合對法國生活嚮往的您 LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL This year, Le French May teams up with a selection of PARTNERs to provide an array of curated benefits. From dining EXPERIENCES to art gallery s discounts and much more, it is perfect for French lifestyle enthusiasts who enjoy indulging in finer things in life. 會籍專享禮遇 SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP PRIVILEGES: 法國五月表演節目門票八折優惠 20% discount on selected Le French May performances tickets 藝文風潮當夏米娜德遇上陶淵明 Les Salonnières When Chaminade Encounters Tao Yuanming 沙龍女主人是是沙龍的核心 為聚會制定主題和帶領討 論 有吟詩作畫 亦有音樂演出和文學討論 當時蔚為 風潮 在這場跨媒介演出中 女高音鄭之璿和鋼琴家陳 倩婷 聯同舞蹈家華琪鈺和梁嘉能 以夏米娜德的聲樂 和鋼琴作品詠頌自然 詩說人生 在法式風花雪月和陶 淵明的自由生活碰撞下 打開藝術和精神上的追求和想 像 Featuring piano and vocal music of French female composer Cécile Chaminade, in this programme soprano Florence Cheng and pianist Cynthia, together with dancers Chi-Yu Hua and David Leung, will present a cross-discipline arts performance depicting nature, people and life, with full passion and hopes of opening thoughts about living a poetic life and pursuing an ideal spiritual mind, under the inspiration of Chinese poet Tao Yuanming. 精選節目門票預購服務 優先預留最佳位置 Priority booking and reservation of best seats for highlighted programmes 會員通訊附帶的獨家優惠 (法國五月夥伴提供的特別優惠 獨家消息等) Dedicated newsletter with exclusive offers 會員專屬活動 (展覽預展 試酒會 導覽活動 座談會等) Dedicated events for members only (preview of exhibitions, wine tasting, guided tours, special talks, etc...) 詳情請瀏覽我們的網站 (More partners and information can be found on our website) 18 MAY, 2018 (FRI) 9:30PM 藝穗會奶庫 Fringe Club, The Dairy 票價 TICKETS: $260/ $230 有關本節目之詳情 請瀏覽: For information of this programme, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 30 支持機構 SUPPORTEd by 參與商戶 PARTNERs 立即申請 APPLY NOW 31


22 獨家贊助 Exclusive Sponsor 表演 PERFORMANCES 梁祝 The Butterfly Lovers 琴聲化蝶 如幻如沙 Piano performance with Live sand-painting 6 MAY 星期日 SUN 2:30PM 香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong city hall concert hall 票價 TICKETS: $320/$260/$200/$120 演出長約 1 小時, 不設中場休息 The performance will last for approximately 1 hour with no intermission. 沙畫藝術 Sand Painting: 海潮 Hoi Chiu 鋼琴 Piano: 耶提可二重奏 Duo Jatekok 梁祝 貴為中國四大民間傳說之一,2006 年更列入為第一批國家級非物質文化遺產名錄 來自法國炙手可熱的鋼琴二重奏新星 耶提可二重奏 (Duo Jatekok), 夥拍本港著名沙畫藝術家海潮的巧手, 一起為這個中國民間傳說賦予新意 由鋼琴現場演奏古典音樂, 加上沙畫的即時表演, 令演出錦上添花 樂曲選自 : The Butterfly Lovers is one of China s Four Great Folktales. In 2006, it was inscribed in the first batch of The National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of China by the Ministry of Culture. Young and well-acclaimed French pianists Duo Jatekok will perform together with Hoi Chiu, the renowned Hong Kong sand painting artist, and offer an creative interpretation of this Chinese folk legend. The show consists of piano performance of classical music and a live sand drawing of illustrations which the audience will find fascinating. Selected classical music pieces include: 德布西 Debussy 牧神的午後前奏曲 Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faune Hoi Chiu 浦朗克 Poulenc 杜提昂 Trotignon 德布西 Debussy 雙鋼琴奏鳴曲 Sonata for 2 Pianos 三首作品 3 Pieces 月光 - 四手聯彈版本 Clair de Lune (arranged by Henry Woolett for 4 hands) 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請詳閱第 122 頁 For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 122 for details. 合辦機構 CO-PRESENTED BY 鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 學生日場 Student Matinee 5 May 2018 ( 星期六 Sat) 2:30pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong City Hall, Concert Hall 34 鋼琴大師班 Piano Masterclass 5 May 2018 ( 星期六 Sat) 4:00pm-6:00pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong City Hall, Concert Hall 沙畫工作坊 Sand Painting Workshop 5 & 6 May 2018 ( 星期六及日 Sat & Sun) 香港大會堂南會議室 Hong Kong City Hall, Committee Room South 免費入場, 需要預先登記 Free admission, registration required: 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 35

23 獨家贊助 EXCLUSIVE SPONSOR 表演 PERFORMANCES 由威尼斯到凡爾賽 From Venice to Versailles 意大利歌劇與法國舞蹈交織韋華第 盧利和拉莫的音樂盛宴 A feast of Italian opera and French dance music with Vivaldi, Lully and Rameau 11 MAY 星期五 FRI 8PM 香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong city hall concert hall 票價 TICKETS: $580/$480/$380/$280 演出長約 1 小時 45 分鐘, 設中場休息 節目後設演出者分享會 The performance will last for 1 hour and 30 minutes with intermission. The performance will be followed by a sharing session with the artists. 女低音及指揮 Contralto & Conductor: 斯塔茨曼 Nathalie Stutzmann 合奏 Ensemble : 奧菲歐室樂團 Orfeo 55 It s a tour de force not only for singing Stutzmann also shows great prowess as a conductor. Erik Levi, BBC Music Magazine 卡爾達拉 Caldara 卡法利 Cavalli 波諾契尼 Bononcini 盧利 Lully 史格拉第 Scarlatti 韋華第 Vivaldi 康提 Conti 韓德爾 Handel 杜蘭特 Durante 拉莫 Rameau 法科奈里 Falconieri Simon-Fowler 斯塔茨曼將率領法國知名的奧菲歐 55 室樂團, 為觀眾帶來巴羅克時期的器樂和聲樂作品及現代音樂作品, 古樂器及現代樂器均有用上 奧菲歐 55 室樂團的演出方式別樹一幟 斯塔茨曼同時擔任指揮和獨唱者 樂團挑選了一系列 18 世紀的巴羅克音樂, 包括韋華第的意大利歌劇詠嘆調, 及盧利和拉莫所作的法國舞蹈音樂 部分曲目非常獨特, 原本為唱低女低音聲部的男士所作, 曾經一度失傳, 後來才重現舞台 今次將由斯圖茨曼女士獨唱, 她是同輩中最卓越的一位低女低音, 擅於演繹巴羅克音樂 在 來自幽暗的英雄 專輯中, 她演繹多首韓德爾歌劇中較次要的詠嘆調, 憑著豐富情感, 真摯的感染力及華美歌聲所展現出精湛的技巧而為人所稱道 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請詳閱第 122 頁 主辦機構 PRESENTED BY 鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department Nathalie Stutzmann is leading Orfeo 55, a celebrated French ensemble performing instrumental and vocal works of baroque and modern repertoires, both on period and modern instruments. Performances by Orfeo 55 follow a unique format with Stutzmann in two roles as conductor and vocal soloist. The ensemble plays a range of 18 th century baroque music featuring the Italian opera arias of Vivaldi and the French dances of Lully and Rameau. The selected program, which includes rediscovered pieces of the distinctive repertoire traditionally written for male contralto singers, is now being performed by Stutzmann, a female contralto singer. Stutzmann is one of the most distinguished female contraltos of her generation specializing in the baroque repertoire. Her interpretation of Handel s subsidiary operatic arias in the album Heroes from Shadows is noted for the emotional intensity, expressive authenticity, and rich virtuosity of her sumptuous voice. For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 122 for details. 支持機構 SUPPORTED BY 36 37

24 獨家贊助 Exclusive Sponsor 表演 PERFORMANCES 重塑 魔笛 Reinventing the Magic Flute 12 MAY 星期六 SAT 8PM 香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong city hall concert hall 票價 TICKETS: $380/$320/$240/$180 演出長約 1 小時 15 分鐘, 設中場休息 The performance will last for approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes with intermission. 扎伊德四重奏 Quatuor Zaïde 第一小提琴 Violin I : 夏洛特. 馬克萊特 Charlotte Maclet 第二小提琴 Violin II : 蓋爾 - 安妮 米歇爾 Gaëlle-Anne Michel 中提琴 Viola: 莎拉. 千納夫 Sarah Chenaf 大提琴 Cello: 茱麗葉. 沙蒙娜 Juliette Salmona 莫扎特歌劇 魔笛 在維也納首演十年後, 才第一次在法國出現, 改稱為 埃及女神伊西斯之謎 (Isis Mysteries) 此名稱一方面標示作品中的共濟會特色, 另一方面反映當時巴黎的古埃及熱潮 正是在這個環境下, 一位不記名的法國作曲家把 魔笛 的序曲及最有名的詠嘆調改編給弦樂四重奏 莫扎特 17 歲時寫下第四弦樂四重奏 作品揚溢著純真, 但當中可見莫扎特音樂語言的運用愈來愈得心應手 四重奏的四件樂器可視為是歌劇人物, 表達歌劇式的情感 這種革新的手法在莫扎特晚期作品中達到頂峰, 特別是他最後 10 首弦樂四重奏作品 我們將以德布西的印象主義傑作 - 弦樂四重奏, 作品 10- 完結這個音樂會 在這個浩瀚的旅程中, 演奏者需要超越樂器慣用的音色, 描述自然的現象及不同元素, 並模仿其他樂器 ( 如第二樂章中的爪哇嘉美蘭 ) 誠邀一起參與這個揉合音色 調式 織體 異國特色節奏的旅程, 這些在弦樂四重奏曲目中是不會聽到的 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請詳閱第 122 頁 The Magic Flute was first performed in France under the title Isis Mysteries in 1801, ten years after the Vienna premiere. The title referred to the work s masonic character and reflected the prevailing interest in Ancient Egypt at that time in Paris. This was the context that brought an anonymous French composer to write a transcription of the overture and the most famous arias for string quartet. Mozart wrote his fourth quartet at 17. The work is still full of innocence but bears the promise of more and more freedom in musical language. The four instruments can be seen as opera personae and express operatic emotions, a revolution which will be at its height in Mozart s last works and more specifically in his last 10 quartets. We will finish the concert with Debussy s impressionist masterpiece, his string quartet opus 10. In this odyssey, players have to go beyond their instruments usual sounds, describing natural phenomena and elements and imitating other instruments (like the Javanese gamelan in the second movement). An invitation to a journey of colors, modes, textures and exotic rhythms that unheard of in the string quartet repertoire. For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 122 for details. 主辦機構 PRESENTED BY 鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 38 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 39

25 表演 PERFORMANCES 23 MAY 薩拉班德 SARABANDE 星期三 WED 8PM 上環文娛中心劇院 Sheung Wan Civic Centre - theatre 票價 TICKETS: $380/$280 演出長約 1 小時, 不設中場休息 The performance will last for approximately 1 hour with no intermission. 大提琴 Cello: Noémi Boutin 雜耍 Circus: Jörg Müller Noémi 演奏三首巴赫著名的大提琴組曲, 並與 Jörg 出神入化的雜技互相配合 Jörg 是一位出色的切爾克斯藝術家, 他的演出糅合肢體表演 劇場 舞蹈及現代藝術 Sarabande 薩拉班德 為巴赫其中一首家傳戶曉的大提琴組曲 (No.1,3, 及 5) 三組意境細膩優雅的樂曲為高空鋼索特技人兼舞者 Jörg 的演出譜寫三場充滿生命力場景 第一幕,Jörg 把點燃了的蠟燭放在桿子的末端, 透過靈巧的身手來保持蠟燭的平衡 微弱和不穩定的火焰雖然脆弱, 但卻具有柔韌的生命力 第二幕, 他在一些吊管間如旋轉木馬般飛躍 旋轉, 時而交錯, 時而接觸, 現場的觀眾都屏息靜氣地看著他歡快地舞動 最後一幕是和諧的第五次延續, 他們之間的相會到了最引人入勝的時刻 從表演一開始, 音樂家以她對音樂細膩的傳繹, 隨著雜耍藝術家的呼吸加劇 每一次, 他都將迷人的 Sarabande 變成了一幅圖畫 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請詳閱第 122 頁 Three of the famous Suites for cello of J.S. Bach played by Noémi Boutin, interlaced in the extraordinary juggleries of Jörg Müller, outstanding Circassian artist who reconciles a pure physical performance with theatre, dance and contemporary art. Sarabande is a triptych rhythmed by the famous Suites for Cello of J.S Bach, No. 1, 3, and 5 from where the cellist expresses delicacy and elegance. Her music comes to embrace around three living pictures performed by the tightrope walker and dancer Jörg Müller. In the first picture, Jorg holds his balance with manipulating a candle lit and putting at the end of a pole. The frail and unstable flame asserts its soft vitality despite its fragility. Then, he flies a merry-go-round of suspended tubes. We contemplate them to spin, to touch, to live together without ever disrupting this merry dance. Finally, it is in the fifth continuation for harmonies so intense and deep as the meeting arrives at its peak. From now on, it is the musician who is suspended, her fragility of interpreter aggravated by the air vaulting which the juggler breathes. And every time, he turns into pictures this mesmerizing Sarabande of Bach. For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 122 for details. 合辦機構 CO-PRESENTED BY 鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 支持機構 SUPPORTED BY 40 Vincent Schaub 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 41

26 獨家贊助 EXCLUSIVE SPONSOR 表演 PERFORMANCES 貝多芬第三鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: François-Frédéric Guy Plays Beethoven 25 MAY 星期五 FRI 8PM 香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong city hall concert hall 票價 TICKETS: $420/$280/$160 BBC Music Magazine He is a highly persuasive Beethovenian. Gramophone The performer and instrument were one. The Washington Post 法國鋼琴大師紀弗朗對德奧浪漫風格作品之詮釋早成為偉大的典範, 在演繹貝多芬的作品方面毫無疑問更是獨具匠心,2017/2018 樂季大師走訪巴黎 華盛頓 首爾及南美多個城市等演奏貝多芬的鋼琴奏鳴曲全集及全套協奏曲, 好評如潮 大師首度訪港, 將與香港國際指揮大賽出爐冠軍卡利及香港小交響樂團演奏貝多芬的第三鋼琴協奏曲, 樂曲充滿壯麗的氣魄, 緩板浪漫典雅, 顯露貝多芬漸趨成熟的寫作風格 卡利現時為德國紐倫堡國家劇院助理音樂總監及首席指揮, 並將出任費沙爾 ( 柏林音樂廳樂團 ) 及泰利曼的助理指揮 此外, 香港小交響樂團與巴黎室樂團聯合委約法國作曲才子馬塞呈獻最新作品, 以他去年訪港所收集到的背景音樂為靈感, 繪出當代聲音畫像 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請詳閱第 122 頁 演出長約 2 小時, 設中場休息 The performance will last for approximately 2 hours with intermission. 指揮 Conductor: 卡利 Gabor Kali 鋼琴 Piano: 紀弗朗 François-Frédéric Guy Described as a hair-raising tour de force by BBC Music Magazine, François-Frédéric Guy is widely regarded as a specialist of Beethoven, a pianist revered for his approach and technique towards German romantics. He has made appearances in prestigious festivals such as the Beethovenfest Bonn, Chopin Festival in Warsaw and La Roque d Anthéron and has worked with renowned conductors including Bernard Haitink and Esa-Pekka Salonen. Guy will make his Hong Kong Sinfonietta début under Gabor Kali, winner of the First Prize and the Orchestra Prize of the 1st Hong Kong International Conducting Competition in Beethoven s Piano Concerto No 3. Assistant Music Director & Principal Conductor of Staatstheater Nürnberg in Germany since 2015, Hungarian conductor Gabor Kali will also conduct the world première of a new work by French composer Pierre-Yves Macé. Commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta and Orchestre de Chambre de Paris, Contre-flux 1 draws inspiration from background music and sounds that the composer heard during his visit to Hong Kong last year. For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 122 for details. 馬塞 Pierre-Yves Macé 柴可夫斯基 Tchaikovsky 貝多芬 Beethoven 逆流 1 由香港小交響樂團及巴黎室樂團聯合委約 Contre-flux 1 Muzak Codex for Orchestra Commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta and Orchestre de Chambre de Paris G 大調第四組曲, 作品 61, 莫扎特風格曲 Suite No 4 in G, Op 61, Mozartiana C 小調第三鋼琴協奏曲, 作品 37 Piano Concerto No 3 in C minor, Op 37 合辦 CO-PRESENTED BY 鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 42 Caroline Dourtre 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 43

27 Ernest and ardent, intense and virtuosic... a sure bow and a pure heart. Le Monde 沃爾頓中提琴協奏曲 Adrien La Marca Plays Walton Viola Concerto 2 JUN 星期六 SAT 8PM 香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong city hall concert hall 表演 PERFORMANCES 票價 TICKETS: $380/$260/$150 演出長約 2 小時, 設中場休息 The performance will last for approximately 2 hours with intermission. 指揮 Conductor: 林敬基 Ken Lam 中提琴 Viola: 拉 馬爾卡 Adrien La Marca 法國中提琴家拉 馬爾卡 2014 年榮獲法國古典音樂大獎的年度新人獎項, 樂評讚揚他為中提界的新英雄, 音樂界的天之驕子 他首次來港, 將與香港小交響樂團於法國五月藝術節中炫技, 演奏英國作曲家沃爾頓的中提琴協奏曲, 他亦是憑此樂曲贏得 2012 年國際普林羅絲大賽的最佳演繹獎 音樂會以日本二十世紀作曲大師武滿徹之 安魂曲 開展, 進入內省及充滿哲學意味的狀態 史達拉汶斯基當年訪日時被此樂曲綿密的音符深深打動, 對作曲家的讚賞無以復加, 也是武滿徹成為國際焦點的重要時刻 同時, 現任美國查爾斯頓交響樂團音樂總監的香港指揮林敬基, 也會帶領樂團演奏西貝遼士最為人受歡迎的第二交響曲 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請詳閱第 122 頁 Named Révélation Soliste Instrumental de l Année at the 2014 Victoires de la Musique Classique, Adrien La Marca has established himself as one of the most exciting rising stars in the classical music scene. Having performed in prestigious venues such as the Wigmore Hall, Konzerthaus Berlin and Concertgebouw Amsterdam, La Marca has made appearances at renowned festivals including the Verbier, Schubertiade, La Roque d Anthéron, Aix-en- Provence and Ravinia. In 2010, he was selected by Gidon Kremer to perform alongside Kremer, András Schiff and Yuri Bashmet at Chamber Music Connects the World. Winner of the Best Interpretation of the Walton Concerto prize at the prestigious 13th International William Primrose Competition, La Marca will be playing Walton s Viola Concerto with the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. Currently Music Director of Charleston Symphony Orchestra and Illinois Symphony Orchestra and Resident Conductor of the Brevard Music Center in the USA, Hong Kong conductor Ken Lam returns to delight Le French May audience with this exquisite programme. For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 122 for details. 武滿徹 Toru Takemitsu 沃爾頓 Walton 西貝遼士 Sibelius 安魂曲 (1957) Requiem (1957) 中提琴協奏曲 Viola Concerto D 大調第二交響曲, 作品 43 Symphony No 2 in D, Op 43 合辦 CO-PRESENTED BY Bernard Martinez 44 45

28 表演 PERFORMANCES 穆洛娃與日內瓦室樂團 Viktoria Mullova & Geneva Camerata 14 JUN 星期四 THUR 8PM 香港大學李兆基會議中心 Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, HKU 票價 TICKETS: $280/$180 演出長約 2 小時 15 分鐘, 設中場休息 節目後設演出者分享會 The performance will last for 2 hours and 15 minutes with intermission. Performance will be followed by a sharing session with the artists. 日內瓦室樂團 Geneva Camerata 指揮 Conductor: 大衛. 格拉斯曼 David Greilsammer 小提琴 Violin: 維多利亞. 穆洛娃 Viktoria Mullova 瑞士日內瓦室樂團音樂總監格拉斯曼憑其獨特的藝術觸覺為香港觀眾帶來一場糅合傳統與創新, 並充滿驚喜的音樂會 格拉斯曼將帶領樂團演奏貝多芬 第八交響曲, 以及當代作曲家祁倫分別以蓋希文的 波吉與貝絲 及德布西的 煙火 為題材而創作改編的兩部首演作品 樂團更邀請了國際知名俄國小提琴家穆洛娃攜手演奏孟德爾遜的 E 小調小提琴協奏曲 如此精心挑選的曲目, 樂迷絕不容錯過! 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請詳閱第 122 頁 From Beethoven s Symphony No. 8 to Gershwin s Porgy and Bess, be ready for an uncustomary orchestral programme wittily compiled by David Greilsammer, the music director of Geneva Camerata. Featuring Tchaikovsky Competition winner, the brillant Viktoria Mullova, the audience will hear her virtuosic techniques as well as matchless interpretative subtlety on Mendelssohn s Violin Concerto in E minor Op. 64. This will surely be one of the most exciting concerts of the year, with more originality brought by Jonathan Keren s composition based on Gershwin s Porgy and Bess (HK premiere), and the orchestral arrangement of Debussy s Fireworks (Asia premiere). For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 122 for details. In a few years time, the Geneva Camerata has earned itself great reputation, name and identity. Le Temps 樂語融融 MUSIC IN WORDS 14 June 2018 ( 星期四 Thur) 6:45pm-7:30pm 講者 Speaker: 大衛. 格拉斯曼 David Greilsammer 主持 Moderator: Prof. Daniel Chua, Chairperson, Department of Music, HKU 香港大學音樂系蔡寬量教授香港大學百周年校園逸夫教學樓 LG/1 排練室 Rehearsal Room, LG/1 Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU 德布西 Debussy 孟德爾遜 Mendelssohn 蓋希文 / 祁倫 Gershwin / Keren 貝多芬 Beethoven 合辦 CO-PRESENTED BY 煙火 前奏曲 ( 祁倫編曲 ) Fireworks : Prelude for Piano (Arranged by Jonathan Keren) E 小調小提琴協奏曲, 作品 64 Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64 波吉與貝絲 主題變奏曲 Variations on themes from Porgy and Bess F 大調第八交響曲, 作品 93 Symphony No. 8 in F major, Op 免費入場, 需要預先登記 Free admission, registration required: 47

29 音樂會 Le Charme du Hautbois 16 JUN 星期六 SAT 8PM 香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong city hall concert hall 票價 TICKETS: $230/$180 表演 PERFORMANCES 演出長約 1 小時 30 分鐘, 設中場休息 The performance will last for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes with intermission. Jérôme Guichard, Yiu Song Lam, Jean-Philippe Vanbeselaere and Hong Kong Wind Kamerata Marie-France MONTANT Le Charme du Hautbois 音樂會將為觀眾帶來多首悅耳的雙簧管及管樂音樂, 包括法國著名作曲家 Jean-Philippe Vanbesealere 為法國雙簧管演奏家 Jérôme Guichard, 著名雙簧管演奏家 管樂雅集總監姚桑琳及管樂雅集攢寫的新作品之世界首演 管樂雅集由著名雙簧管演奏家姚桑琳帶領的管樂雅集, 成員均是本港管樂界精英, 致力推廣室樂演奏, 向觀眾介紹既豐富而又鮮為人知的純管樂合奏曲目 樂團曾獲邀於瑞士 紐約市 東京 台灣 北京 上海及澳門巡迴演出, 同時亦曾應邀在國際現代音樂節 北京中央音樂學院音樂節及多次於 法國五月 藝術節中演出 管樂雅集為 2017 年香港中文大學駐校藝團 曾合作的演奏家包括當代最具影響力的國際殿堂級法國雙簧管大師 Maurice Bourgue 巴松管大師 Martin Gatt 長笛大師 Pierre Yves Artaud 圓號大師 Andre Cazalet 小號大師 GuyTouvron 單簧管大師 Philippe Cuper 及 Florent Heau 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請詳閱第 122 頁 Le Charme du Hautbois will feature an evening of delightful oboe and wind music, highlight of the programme will be the world premiere of a commissioned work by acclaimed French composer Jean-Philippe Vanbesealere for two oboe soloists and wind ensemble, performed by guest artist, renowned French oboist Jérôme Guichard, Hong Kong oboist YIU Song Lam and the Hong Kong Wind Kamerata. Hong Kong Wind Kamerata Led by the renowned oboist Yiu Song-lam, the Hong Kong Wind Kamerata features Hong Kong s most talented wind players who are dedicated to promoting the rich wind repertoire throughout the region. They have toured to Switzerland, New York City, Tokyo, Taiwan, Beijing, Shanghai, Macau and have appeared in festivals like the International Society of Contemporary Music (ISCM), the Music Festival of the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and Le French May Festival. The Hong Kong Wind Kamerata was the Chinese University of Hong Kong s artist in residence in The group has performed with some world class prominent artists, such as the legendary oboist Maurice Bourgue, bassoonist Martin Gatt, flutist Pierre Yves Artaud, hornist André Cazalet, trumpeter Guy Touvron and clarinetists Philippe Cuper and Florent Héau. For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 122 for details. 盧利 Lully 雲貝斯勒 Vanbeselaere 班納德 Bernard 莫扎特 Mozart 皇室宴會音樂 Concert donné au souper du Roy 幻想組曲 - 詼諧曲與舞曲 Scherzo & Danse de La Suite Imaginaire 嬉遊曲 Divertissement C 小調小夜曲 k.388 ( 改編給雙簧管重奏 ) Serenade in c-minor k.388 (arr. for double-reed ensemble) 合辦機構 CO-PRESENTED BY 資助 supported by All rights reserved 48 49

30 聯辦節目 ASSOCIATED PROJECT 表演 PERFORMANCES 表演 PERFORMANCES 聯辦節目 ASSOCIATED PROJECT 耶提可二重奏鋼琴大師班 Duo Jatekok PIANO MASTERCLASS 耶提可二重奏法國風尚 Duo Jatekok La French Touch 樂在中大 法國室樂音樂會 French Music Project at CUHK 德布西講座音樂會之五 Mostly Debussy V 來自兩位獲獎傑出鋼琴家的大師班, 她們將會和大家分享一些鋼琴演奏的建議和心得 兩位鋼琴家 Nairi Badal 和 Adélaïde Panaget 在 Claire Désert 的建議下於 2007 年組成鋼琴二重奏, 演奏當代作曲家 Kurtàg 的作品 Jàtékok 她們二人將這作品沉默內斂 充滿情感的元素一一細膩地呈現出來 Jàtékok 在匈牙利文中意為 遊戲, 亦同時成為 Nairi Badal 和 Adélaïde Panaget 的代表作 Masterclass with gifted pianists and interpretative advice from an award winning Piano Duo. In 2007 Nairi Badal and Adélaïde Panaget formed their duo and, on advice of Claire Désert, performed a contemporary piece by Kurtàg: Jàtékok. This work which would crystallise their harmony together, consists of lyrical miniatures which are meditative, full of feeling and sensitivity. Jàtékok, meaning game in Hungarian, would become their signature. 3 MAY, 2018 (THUR) 11AM 澳門氹仔大學大馬路澳門大學西十一座 (W11) 滿珍紀念書院 Moon Chun Memorial College Hall (W11) Universidade de Macau, Avenida da Universidade, Taipa Macau 費用全免, 請預約留座 FREE ADMISSION, REGISTRATION REQUIRED 門票預訂 Tickets available at: 這是一場四手聯彈的鋼琴演奏會, 以帶有一絲迷人的巴西節奏和音樂, 彰顯法式鋼琴的浪漫經典 Duo Jatekok 演奏的音樂與陸軍俱樂部何鴻燊博士廳美麗神韻的完美契合, 在這理想舒適的環境中得以盡情享受, 描繪出兩位演奏家非凡的敏感, 表現力的豐富, 節奏的強烈, 以及絕對純粹的天賦 This concert - four hands on one piano - features French keyboard classics, given a soupçon of captivating Brazilian rhythm, and in perfect harmony with the exquisite Salão Stanley Ho, Clube Militar de Macau. It is the ideal intimate setting to enjoy music performed by Duo Jatekok, characterised by a remarkable range of sensitivity, expressiveness, rhythmic intensity and sheer unalloyed flair. 3 MAY, 2018 (THUR) 7PM 澳門陸軍俱樂部何鴻燊博士廳 Clube Militar de Macao, Salão Stanley Ho 音樂會票價 CONCERT TICKETS: $100 mop 音樂會及晚餐票價 CONCERT TICKETS + dinner: $300 mop 門票預訂 Tickets available at: TEL: 樂在中大 將帶領聽眾走進香港中文大學校園探索迷人的法國音樂, 從浪漫派作曲家佛瑞到普朗克的流行巴黎曲調 鋼琴家潘曉彤, 單簧管演奏家何敦文, 大提琴家詹蔚雯, 管風琴演奏家林芍彬丶小提琴家顏嘉俊及宋艾樟, 敲擊樂演奏家邵俊傑和 敲擊襄 將聯同香港中文大學音樂系學生演奏一系列的法國室樂作品 French Music Project at CUHK brings together its talented students and performance faculty for collaboration and exploration of French music. Together with students from the Department of Music, pianist Poon Kiu Tung, clarinetist Darren Ho, cellist Jamie Jim, organist Anne Lam, violinist Gary Ngan and Aimee Sung, percussionists Louis Siu and TOOLBOX PERCUSSION will perform chamber music from 19th and 20th century greats, ranging from the master of chanson Faure to the Parisian tunes of Poulenc. 3 MAY, 2018 (THUR) 8PM 香港中文大學, 利希慎音樂廳 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, LEE HYSAN CONCERT HALL 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 有關本節目之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this programme, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 為紀念德布西逝世 100 週年, 黃俊肇博士將於 德布西講座音樂會之五 中講解這位法國作曲巨匠的晚年作品 三位當代作曲家更特此發表新作 Tombeau de Debussy (2018), 並由黃俊肇博士首演 這套鋼琴作品受到德布西音樂的啟發, 包括其晚年作品 大提琴奏鳴曲 及印尼傳統的嘉美蘭 (gamelan) 音樂 Being the last lecture-recital in the series, the Mostly Debussy V will commemorate the 100th anniversary of Claude Debussy s death. Inspired by two Debussyan motives - traditional gamelan music and the composer s monumental late work (Cello Sonata) - a new piano cycle is to be written by three living composers for this special occasion. Tombeau de Debussy (2018) will receive its performance premiere by pianist and dedicatee Lucas Wong. It contains three movements, and it shadows the tempi marking scheme of Debussy s Cello Sonata. 4 MAY, 2018 (FRI) 6:30PM 香港大學李兆基會議中心大會堂 HKU, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, Grand Hall 登記免費入場 FREE ADMISSION, REGISTRATION REQUIRED 有關本節目之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this programme, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 主辦機構 Presented by 支持機構 SUPPORTEd by 主辦機構 Presented by 支持機構 SUPPORTEd by 50 51

31 聯辦節目 ASSOCIATED PROJECT 表演 PERFORMANCES 表演 PERFORMANCES 聯辦節目 ASSOCIATED PROJECT 法現新聲音 TimeCrafters & Clementine Grimault Revolution Sonore Bomsori Kim & Pallavi Mahidhara 新晉音樂家二重奏 Rising Stars Duo Recital 卜心歌 對梅湘的致敬 Xinge Bu tribute to Messiaen HEI 2 愛 Les Favoris Violin & Piano Duo by Elly Lee & Nicole Ho 本場半教學性的音樂會將由時. 刻室樂與法亞混血鋼琴家克萊門汀. 格里莫攜手展現法國文化在吸收眾多元素及革新音樂語言方面的高超能力, 包括德布西受爪哇音樂啟發而創作的 塔 梅湘於二戰作德軍俘虜時創作的 世界末日四重奏 選段, 以及深受法國音樂影響的武滿徹所作的 雨之咒 This casually informative concert by the TimeCrafters and French-Asian pianist Clementine Grimault will bring together a programme of music that showcases the remarkable ability of French culture to assimilate the different elements that come their way and revolutionise the musical language. This includes the Javanese inspired Pagodes by Debussy, selections from Quartet for the End of Time, written by Messiaen when he was held captive by German forces during WWII, and also Rain Spell by the French-influenced Takemitsu. 15 MAY, 2018 (TUE) 8PM 藝穗會奶庫 The Dairy, Fringe Club 票價 TICKETS: $260 藝穗會會員 fringe members: $200 有關本節目之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this programme, please visit: Facebook: reedroommusic 主辦機構 Presented by 贊助機構 SPONSORed by 支持機構 SUPPORTEd by 南韓小提琴家金本索里及美籍印度裔鋼琴家瑪希達拉可謂備受國際矚目 兩位來自茱莉亞和寇蒂斯的高材生, 合共於 14 個國際大賽橫掃 28 座優勝獎座 她們卓越的音樂才華, 在台上魅力四射, 將為飛躍演奏香港的演奏會首度攜手合作, 演繹多首小提琴 鋼琴和二重奏的經典曲目 With 28 top prizes in 14 major international competitions and degrees from Juilliard and Curtis between them, South Korean violinist Bomsori Kim and Indian-American pianist Pallavi Mahidhara are quickly making names for themselves as rising star soloists on the international concert circuit. With dazzling stage personalities and exceptional musicianship, this pair will come together as a duo for the first concert featuring gems of the violin, piano and duo repertoire. 15 MAY, 2018 (TUE) 8PM 香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong City Hall, Concert Hall 票價 TICKETS: $480/ $300/ $200/ $100 門票於飛躍演奏香港網站及城市售票網發售 Tickets available at and URBTIX 有關本節目之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this programme, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by Series Proudly Supported by 梅湘是二十世紀最為重要及具影響力的法國作曲家之一 他試圖將大自然之美以及天主教神秘主義借於音樂呈現出來 在六十餘年的作曲生涯中, 他借鑑鳥歌 印度及峇裡節奏模式, 以及更為傳統的西方音樂半音主義和序列主義藝術形態, 營造一種獨特的作曲風格 此次音樂會將演繹梅湘早中晚期的鋼琴作品以紀念作曲家 110 年冥誕 Olivier Messiaen( ) was one of the most important and influential French composers of the 20th century, a composer who sought to capture in music both the beauty of the nature and the spiritual secrets of Roman Catholic mysticism. The style he created in a compositional career that lasted more than six decades drawing on everything from bird song to Indian and Balinese rhythmic modes, as well as more conventional forms of Western chromaticism and Serial techniques. To commemorate the 110th anniversary of Messiaen s birth, some of his solo piano works from different periods (Huit préludes, Petites Esquisses d oiseaux, Vingt regards sur l Enfant-Jésus etc.)will be presented. 31 MAY, 2018 (THUR) 6PM 明愛專上學院 A319-1 室 Caritas Institute of Higher Education A319-1 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 主辦機構 Presented by 支持機構 SUPPORTEd by 與最愛分享心頭好, 捕捉生活裡的美妙時刻 音樂, 可將那刻永延下去 何詠煕和李賢愛這對夢幻組合, 將從法國及其他曲目中挑選他們最鍾愛的室樂樂曲, 與眾音樂愛好者分享 期待二零一八年六月一日, 何詠煕 李賢愛與您的音樂之旅 Life s fantastic moment can easily be captured in the opportunity of sharing your favorites with your beloved ones. With music as the essence, that moment will last forever! Nicole Ho and Elly Lee, this dynamic duo will share with you music lovers with their favorite chamber music in French repertoire plus more! Hoping that their favorite moments will become yours! June 1st 2018, Come share!! 1 JUNE, 2018 (FRI) 8PM 香港大會堂劇院 Hong Kong City Hall, Theatre 票價 TICKETS: $500/ $220*/ $160 票價優惠 ( 七折 ) 適用於全日制學生 60 歲或以上長者 殘疾人仕及其照顧者 * Concession (30% off) is applicable to full time students/seniors citizens * (age 60 and above)/ people with disability and their minder. 門票於城市售票網公開發售 Tickets available at URBTIX 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請瀏覽 : For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please visit: URBTIX.HK 贊助機構 SPONSOREd by 支持機構 SUPPORTEd by 52 柏斯琴行 卜心歌 53

32 聯 辦 節 目 A S S O C I AT E D P R O J E C T 本地薑音樂節2018 好法國 Music Lab Festival 2018 So French 悠揚音樂中滲出浪漫情懷 傳統室樂引領你走進十九世紀 的巴黎街頭 歷經莫內 梵谷的渲染下 古典音樂亦建立 了新的里程碑 印象樂派 多以鳥兒 水聲 黃昏與自然 為題 好法國 的曲目聲音色彩瞬間變化 震懾你的心 扉 縱使空間有所規限 卻擁有無限的想像世界 女高音 劉卓昕 鋼琴家黎寶鈴及黃家正 小提琴家區駿熙聚首一 堂 與聽眾親歷華美絢麗的法國樂韻 Beyond the realm of the visual, Debussy, Ravel, Fauré, and the ones that followed them were inspired to paint with music like their painter compatriots. Echoing one another with tone-painting techniques, they forged new realms of compositional style that would influence generations to come. So French is a conceptual concert that combines visual and audio. As well as being a traditional chamber concert, Music Lab artists set off on a journey of artistic indulgence, filled with moments in the ephemeral atmosphere of ever-disappearing sound and ever-moving scenes. 1 JUNE, 2018 (FRI) 8PM 上環文娛中心劇院 Sheung Wan Civic Centre Theatre 票價 TICKETS: $500/ $250/ $200 門票於城市售票網公開發售 Tickets available at URBTIX 有關本節目之詳情 請瀏覽: For information of this programme, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 54 支持機構 SUPPORTEd by 表演 PERFORMANCES 表 演 P E R F O R M A N C E S 聯 辦 節 目 A S S O C I AT E D P R O J E C T Trios Voix 法式小品音樂會 DivertisSement 歌賦五重奏 拉威爾的色彩 Groove Wind Quintet La couleur de Ravel 傳承維也納 Viennese Legacy VANTAGE MUSIC ARTISTS AND FRIENDS Trios Voix是三位本地優秀的音樂家 張貞明(長笛) 陳 敏聰(中提琴)及何靜文(豎琴)於2014所創立 為紀念逝 世百週年的法國作曲家德布西 Trios Voix 將會演奏他 晚期所創作的長笛 中提琴與豎琴奏鳴曲 此曲音色細 緻且富有色彩明暗對比 不僅是音樂史上的創新之作 該編制亦成為了日後作曲家爭相模仿的典範 除了德布 西的名作 同場亦會演奏其他法國知名作曲家 如拉威 爾及易貝爾等改編作品 The Sonata for Flute, Viola, and Harp is considered one of Claude Debussy s finest compositions. According to Debussy, this unique and innovative instrumentation gives the trio a mournful, tender character. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of his death, Trios Voix will perform this iconic piece as well as the works of other French composers including Jacques Ibert and Maurice Ravel. Trios Voix was formed in 2014 by three outstanding local musicians Janet Cheung (Flute), Ringo Chan (Viola) and Judy Ho (Harp). Their performance guarantees the audience a refreshing and engaging journey of musical discovery. 拉威爾的音樂以纖細 豐富的情感和尖銳見稱 以音樂 表現光影色彩的編曲手法更是為人津津樂道 廣為人熟 悉的 波麗露舞曲 曲中的主旋律應該無人不曉 但 他精彩的配器法讓主旋律像在不斷變化 我們更邀請到 飛躍銅管五重奏合作演出一個全新改編版 以更全面地 表現樂曲豐富的色彩 另外 我們還會演奏拉威爾另一 首作品 鵝媽媽 的木管五重奏版本 傳承維也納 音樂會系列為期兩年 紀念傑出作曲家 們所創作的偉大樂曲及對室樂的貢獻 這些來自維也納 的作曲家是浪漫主義的先驅 他們的作品在19世紀在法 國獲得了巨大的迴響 莫扎特是個神童 年少時已在巴 黎演出 但貝多芬和舒伯特的音樂要在在他們去世幾年 後才得到公認 這個系列的開幕音樂會向這些偉大的作 曲家於法國古典音樂的影響致敬 18 JUNE, 2018 (MON) 8PM 22 JUNE, 2018 (FRI) 7:30PM 上環文娛中心演講廳 Sheung Wan Civic Centre, Lecture Hall 票價 TICKETS: $200/ 學生 Student 50% Off 門票於城市售票網公開發售 Tickets available at URBTIX 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情 請瀏覽: For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please visit: URBTIX.HK 主辦機構 Presented by Renown for his spectacular orchestration skills and sentimental melodic lines, Maurice Ravel is regarded as one of the most influential French composers of all time. The melody in his most well-known work Boléro is easily recognizable, but his orchestration creates an illustration that the melody changes every time. Brass quintet Fiesta Brass will join for this piece to acknowledge Ravel s colorful orchestration. Another Ravel s work arranged for Wind Quintet, Ma mère l Oye (Mother Goose) will be performed in this concert. 中華基督教會公理堂演奏廳 The Church of Christ in China China Congregational Church 票價 TICKETS: $150/ $100 有關本節目之詳情 請瀏覽: For information of this programme, please visit: FACEBOOK:GROOVEWINDQUINTET 主辦機構 Presented by Viennese Legacy concert series span a two-year period, celebrating the contributions of illustrious composers to the chamber music repertoire. These composers from Vienna were pioneers in Romanticism and their compositions gained huge popularity in France in the 19th century. Mozart visited and performed in Paris when he was a prodigy. But Beethoven and Schubert were only well-recognised some years after their death. This opening concert of the series pays tribute to these great composers for their musical influence in France. 23 JUNE, 2018 (SAT) 8PM 香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong City Hall, Concert Hall 票價 TICKETS: $400/ $320/ $250/ $180 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情 請瀏覽: For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please visit: URBTIX.HK 主辦機構 Presented by 製作 Produced by 55


34 節目主要贊助及5月20日演出之冠名贊助 performance Major Sponsor and Title Sponsor of 20 May performance 表演 PERFORMANCES 比才 卡門 Georges Bizet s Carmen WED- SUN 7:30PM 星期三至星期日 香港文化中心大劇院 MAY Hong Kong Cultural Centre Grand Theatre 票價 TICKETS: $1,080, $880, $680, $420, $300, $150 演出長 約3小時15分鐘 設中場 休息 The performance will last for approximately 3 hours and 15 minutes with intermission. 早購優惠: 八折(至2018年4月18日) EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: 20%off (Till 18th April 2018) 門票將於2018年3月21日起在城市售票網發售 Tickets are available from 21 March 2018 at URBTIX 監製 Producer: 莫華倫 Warren Mok 指揮 Conductor: 阿貝爾 Yves Abel 導演 Director: 衛斯皮烈尼 Jean-Romain Vesperini 四幕歌劇 An Opera in 4 acts 比 才 經 典 之作 卡門 家傳戶曉 完 美 糅 合了 西 班牙熱 情及法國詩情 美妙旋律配上激昂節奏 繞 梁 三日 教 人 念 念不 忘 男主 角唐 荷 西 為了一 段不能開花結果的愛情 不惜押上一切:仕途 尊 榮 家庭 甚至他青梅竹馬的情侶米凱拉 為要得 到吉普賽女子卡門的愛 Georges Bizet s Carmen is an opera for everyone. Combining Spanish passion with French lyricism, it has music that stays in the mind and rhythms that pound in the heart for days afterwards. Don José throws over everything, career, honour, family, even his childhood sweetheart Micaëla, for a doomed love affair with the gypsy Carmen. 卡 門 是 演 出 次 數 最 多 的 歌 劇 之一 是 一 個 高 舉 自 由 解 放 交 織 著 命 運 與 激 情 的 長 青 故 事- 一個酷愛自由不願受任何束縛的傳奇女 子 一 個甘願被 她 束 縛 的男人 以 及一 個 渴望能 為他解除束縛的女人 Carmen, one of the most performed operas in the world, is a timeless story about passion, destiny but above all freedom liberty! and one unforgettable woman who lives and loves by it, a man consumed by her, and the woman who tries to save him. 香 港歌 劇 院 以 新 穎 鳥巢 型 的旋 轉 舞台 設 計 全 新 演 繹 這 經典 由多位著名演唱家包括 博華斯 蒙 沙爾夫 艾巴罕婭 卡拉爾 維特里及保頓演出 他 們曾於 歐 美 各地 歌 劇 院包 括 紐 約 大 都 會 歌 劇 院 倫敦 皇家歌 劇院 羅馬歌 劇院及莫 斯科大 劇 院表演 今次香港歌劇院的製作為大家帶來他們 於大中華的星級首演 卡門 艾巴罕婭 Varduhi Abrahamyan-16, 18 & 20 May Carmen 卡拉爾 Marie Karall-17 & 19 May 唐荷西 博華斯 Jean-François Borras-16 & 18 May Don José 蒙沙爾夫 Giancarlo Monsalve-17, 19 & 20 May 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情 請詳閱第122頁 For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 122 for details. 合辦機構 CO-PRESENTED BY 鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 米凱拉 李洋 Li Yang-16, 18 & 20 May Micaëla 林穎穎 Colette Lam-17 & 19 May 埃斯卡米洛 維特里 Vittorio Vitelli -16, 18 & 19 May Escamillo 保頓 Jean-Kristof Bouton-17 & 20 May 58 This new production from Opera Hong Kong gives Carmen a modern sheen with an innovative nested rotating set, and features four renowned artists Jean-François Borras, Giancarlo Monsalve, Varduhi Abrahamyan, Marie Karall, Vittorio Vitelli and Jean-Kristof Bouton who have sung at leading opera houses from the Metropolitan Opera House, Royal Opera House in London, Teatro dell Opera di Roma and Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow making their Chinese debuts. 香港歌劇院榮譽贊助及 5月18日演出之冠名贊助 Honorary Patron of Opera Hong Kong & Title Sponsor of 18 May 5月19日演出之獨家贊助 Sole Sponsor of 19 May Performance 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 59

35 表演 PERFORMANCES 巴黎 - 劇場表演 PARIS BY Lorànt Deutsch 漫遊塞納河畔 探索巴黎的秘密! A journey along the Seine to discover all about Paris s secrets 4 & 5 JUN 法國著名演員 Lorànt Deutsch 所著的書於全球銷量超過 200 萬, 繼這個驚人的成績之後, 他不斷續創新挑戰, 製作了一齣令人意想不到的精彩劇場表演, 帶觀眾來一趟巴黎之旅 星期一及星期二 MON & TUE 8PM 上環文娛中心劇院 Sheung Wan Civic Centre - theatre 票價 TICKETS: $380/$280 演出長約 1 小時 30 分鐘, 不設中場休息 The performance will last for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes with no intermission. 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請詳閱第 134 頁 For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 134 for details. Lorànt Deutsch 獨腳戲 One Man Show After the success of his books, selling over two million copies around the world, renown French actor and writer, Lorànt Deutsch crafted a surprising show in which the audience embarks on a lively, fascinating tour of Paris. Lorànt 會和你一起穿越這光影之城, 探索迷人的街道, 認識歷史上舉足輕重的人物 這位迷人, 機智以及大無畏的導遊會為你掀開法國首都之神秘面紗 透過一些有趣或鮮為人知的小故事 別具一格的建築 深厚的文化底蘊及其生活方式, 跟 Lorànt 重新探索巴黎及了解它的歷史 一個半小時的獨腳戲, 揉合歷史 傳奇和神秘故事, 觀眾仿如親歷其境 觀眾能跟著 Lorànt, 一步一步跟上奇幻之旅! 在巴黎的大街小巷中游走, 參觀巴黎舉世聞名的名勝古蹟 一切由一個大銀幕, 一幅互動的巴黎地圖, 一些影片, 動畫及 3D 技術把巴黎呈現於觀眾眼前 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請詳閱第 122 頁 Lorànt walks you through the amazing city of lights, discovering its charming streets and illustrious figures. With his sparkling, sensible and audacious personality, your tour guide will reveal all his secrets about the French capital city to you. Anecdotes and unexpected details will allow you to better grasp Paris history, its unique architecture, culture and way of life. Discover Paris like you have never seen or heard of it before! 1:30 hours of entertaining stand-up, mixing History, legends and mysteries for the greatest enjoyment of the audience. Spectators will follow Lorànt on an exciting path, walking along the Seine and entering magical and famous Parisian monuments. On a giant screen, an interactive map of Paris allows to locate the places and monuments that Lorànt describes us. Videos, animations and 3D reconstructions add to the audience s immersion. For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 122 for details. 合辦機構 CO-PRESENTED BY 鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 協辦 In association with 60 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 61

36 聯辦節目 ASSOCIATED PROJECT 香港歌劇社歌劇狂熱 6 樂無窮 The Opera Society of Hong Kong Opera Fever Six 爵士及流行音樂 JAZZ & POP 香港歌劇社特別為 2018 法國五月 呈獻 歌劇狂熱 6 樂無窮 音樂會 一個集音樂劇和歌劇音樂教育的項目, 讓一班 發燒 歌手和演唱家一展才華 曲目多元豐富, 充滿火熱和激情 這場音樂會將演唱著名法國 意大利等歌劇及音樂劇精彩片段, 為觀眾獻上一個輕鬆愉快的晚上 The Opera Society of Hong Kong s Opera Fever Six concert presents a concert of musical & opera educational program to showcase passionate singers and young professionals Tribute to Le French May The opera repertoire is rich and fiery singers of opera could hardly quench their fever of singing by singing more. This concert highlights favorite French operatic arias and excerpts from all time famous works. A relaxed and enjoyable evening for the audience. 3 MAY, 2018 (THUR) 7:30PM 香港大會堂劇院 HONG KONG City Hall, Theatre 票價 TICKETS: $150/ $120 門票於城市售票網公開發售 Tickets available at URBTIX 索取各節目更多詳情, 請瀏覽 : FOR MORE DETAILS ON PROGRAMMES, PLEASE VISIT: FRENCHMAY.COM 有關本節目之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this programme, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 62 63

37 獨家贊助 Exclusive Sponsor 表演 Live Jazz Series PERFORMANCES 爵士音樂會系列 Live Jazz Series 一連三晚極品法國爵士樂 3 special nights of French jazz music at its best 7-9 星期四至星期六 THUR 香港大會堂劇院 JUN - SAT 8PM Hong Kong City Hall - Theatre 票價 TICKETS: $400/$300 演出長 約 1小時15分鐘 不設中場 休息 The performance will last for approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes with no intermission. 7 JUN, 2018 Jean-Christophe Cholet Quartet: Jazz Greatest Hits 肖萊及特別嘉賓將重新演繹爵士經典 樂曲 與眾同樂 演出者包括鋼琴(約 翰-基斯杜化 肖萊) 色士風(艾爾班 達舒) 低音大提琴 (史塔凡 卡域斯奇) 及鼓手(基斯杜化 拉維尼) 爵 士 音 樂 會 Jean-Christophe Cholet Piano// Alban Darche Saxophone// Stephane Kerecki Double Bass// Christophe Lavergne Drums Jean-Christophe Cholet and special guests will interpret jazz classics to delight everyone. Performers also include Alban Darche on the saxophone, Stephane Kerecki on the double bass and Christophe Lavergne on the drums. 主辦機構 PRESENTED BY 爵士樂講座 Lecture- From Improvisation to Composition and From Composition to Improvisation 9 June 2018 (星期六 Sat) 11:00am-1:00pm 香港大會堂劇院 Hong Kong City Hall - Theatre 免費入場 需要預先登記 Free admission, registration required: 向浦朗克致敬 約翰-基斯杜化 肖萊 艾爾班 達舒 Jean-Christophe Cholet & Alban Darche: Jazz Tribute to Poulenc 主要的意念是從浦朗克的音樂吸取靈 感 譜寫一首原創作品 為他建立一個 紀念墓碑 如同拉威爾為庫普蘭寫的組 曲 庫普蘭之墓 立方體對角線 (Diagonale du Cube)樂隊的可營做 出媲美爵士樂團的音色 亦可以是由雙 鋼琴和管弦樂團演奏的小協奏曲 Jean-Christophe Cholet Piano & Composition// Alban Darche Saxophones & Composition// Nathalie Darche Piano// Pascal Vandenbulcke Flutes// Jean-Louis Pommier Trombone// Matthieu Donarier Saxophones & Clarinets// Olivier Laisney Trumpet// Marie-Violaine Cadoret Violin & Alto// Mathias Quilbault Tuba// Christophe Lavergne Drums// Stéphane Kerecki Double Bass An original piece that takes its inspiration from French composer Francis Poulenc s work and to build him a tombeau (grave), just like what Maurice Ravel did for Couperin. The line-up of La Diagonale du Cube enables the performers to create the sound of a jazz orchestra as well as that of a concertino for two pianos and orchestra. Absolutely No Regrets: 64 8 JUN, 2018 熱門爵士樂曲 約翰-基斯杜化 肖萊四重奏 9 JUN, 2018 重現法國傳奇歌王歌后經典 艾力 勒蘭四重奏 Eric Le Lann: Revisiting Piaf and Trenet s Biggest Hits 法國爵士小號手艾力 勒蘭(Eric Le Lann)將連同鋼琴手保羅 雷(Paul Lay) 低音大提琴手蕭凡 羅瑪諾 (Sylvain Romano)和鼓手唐納德 高圖曼努(Donald Kontomanou) 向著名法國歌手和唱作歌手琵雅芙和 德內致敬 每位樂手會用上兩位前輩 的歌曲作即興演奏 展示出對這些法 語經典歌曲的獨特演繹 Eric Le Lann Trumpet// Paul Lay Piano// Sylvain Romano Double Bass// Donald Kontomanou Drums French jazz trumpeter Eric Le Lann will perform with Paul Lay on piano, Sylvain Romano on double bass and Donald Kontomanou on drums in tribute to the famous French singer and songwriter Edith Piaf and Charles Trenet. Each musician will perform an improvisation of the songs to show their unique interpretations of these French classics. 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情 請詳閱第122頁 For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 122 for details. 鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 65

38 獨家贊助 EXCLUSIVE SPONSOR Dr. Andrew STEPHEN Yuen 表演 PERFORMANCES 22 JUN 色士寧人 Saxiland 星期五 FRI 8PM 香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong city hall concert hall 票價 TICKETS: $400/$300/$200 演出長約 1 小時 45 分鐘, 不設中場休息 The performance will last for approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes with no intermission. 哈巴涅拉色士風四重奏 Habanera Saxophone Quartet 客席指揮 Guest Conductor: 瓦安 馬狄洛辛 Vahan Mardirossian 鋼琴 Piano: 郭品文 Julie Kuok 銅光泛音, 清耳悅心 ; 裊裊餘韻, 色士寧人 法國首屈一指的哈巴涅拉色士風四重奏將與香港城巿室樂團聯手獻藝 這場音樂會是法國五月藝術節特備節目 既有法國音樂, 亦有土耳其作品, 還有充滿探戈色彩的音樂瑰寶 曲目包括費利 費蘭充滿浪漫感的 色士寧人 皮亞梭拉那煙霧迷濛散發著性感 為室樂團而寫的三首樂曲, 以及費茲 薩爾為色士風四重奏及弦樂組而寫 帶著異國風情的四首前奏曲 如此豐富的音樂盛宴, 您又怎能錯過? Step into Saxiland and revel in a new sound world as Habanera, France s leading saxophone quartet, joins forces with City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong for an exhilarating evening of French, Turkish and Tangoinspired music. The programme features the Romance of Ferran s Saxiland, the smoky, sexy tones of Piazzolla s Three Pieces for Chamber Orchestra, and Fazil Say s exotic Four Preludes for saxophone quartet and strings. A must-hear concert! 皮亞梭拉 Piazzolla 費利 費蘭 Ferrer Ferran 費茲 薩爾 Fazil Say 為室樂團而寫的三首樂曲 Three Pieces for Chamber Orchestra 為色士風四重奏及弦樂團而寫的 色士寧人 Saxiland for Saxophone Quartet & Strings 為色士風四重奏 弦樂團及敲擊樂而寫的前奏曲四首 Four Preludes for Saxophone Quartet, Strings & Percussion Arthur Pequin 哈巴涅拉色士風四重奏哈巴涅拉色士風四重奏於 1993 年成立以來, 已成為法國首屈一指的色士風四重奏樂隊 團員四人均畢業自巴黎音樂學院, 是國際知名色士風高手狄昂格勒的學生 迄今樂隊已在全球多個國際室樂比賽中, 包括波爾多 桑圭內蒂 杜塞多夫 大阪等八次奪冠 多年以來, 樂隊定期在法國演出, 又走遍日本 中國 美國 加拿大 歐洲各地獻藝 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請詳閱第 122 頁 Habanera Saxophone Quartet Habanera is France s leading saxophone quartet. Formed in 1993, the group comprises four outstanding saxophone graduates from the Paris Conservatoire and the class of the internationally acclaimed saxophone virtuoso Claude Delangle. The quartet has won as many as eight First Prizes at international chamber music competitions around the world including Bordeaux, Sanguinetto, Düsseldorf and Osaka. Habanera performs regularly in France and all around the world in Japan, China, USA, Canada and Europe. For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 122 for details. 合辦機構 CO-PRESENTED BY 哈巴涅拉色士風四重奏大師班 Saxophone Masterclass by Habanera Saxophone Quartet 23 June 2018 ( 星期六 Sat) 3:00pm-5:30pm 香港文化中心演藝大樓音樂廳後台 7 樓 CR1 CR1, 7/F Hong Kong Cultural Centre - Concert Hall Backstage 鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 支持機構 SUPPORTED BY 免費入場, 需要預先登記 Free admission, registration required: 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 66 67

39 表演 PERFORMANCES 玫瑰人生 la vie en rose 向法國香頌天后琵雅芙致敬 Tribute to Edith Piaf 20 JUN 星期三 WED 8PM 香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong city hall concert hall 票價 TICKETS: $580/$480/$380/$280 演出長約 2 小時, 設中場休息 The performance will last for approximately 2 hours with intermission. 主唱 Singer: 安妮 卡赫 Anne Carrere 導演 Director: 吉爾 馬薩拉 Gil Marsalla Anne Carrere s soaring voice is used to devastating effect The Guardian, London 演出由尼斯的劇壇鬼才吉爾 馬薩拉 ( G i l Marsalla) 構思兼執導, 並由安妮 卡赫 (Anne Carrere) 主演 法國年輕演員卡赫, 憑其歌藝被譽為伊蒂 琵雅芙 (Edith Piaf) 當之無愧的繼承人 是次演出受到描寫琵雅芙生平的獲獎電影 玫瑰人生 啟發, 特意向這位被喻為 蒙馬特小麻雀 致敬 演出包括兩段 45 分鐘的節目, 通過這位巴黎歌手的職業生涯, 敘述她由潦倒至成名的故事, 同場更投影出一些從未公開的舊照片, 是她那時代巴黎著名地點的珍貴圖像 安妮 卡赫出生於法國南部, 賦有高超的藝術才能, 天生具有舞台魅力 她在知名的 普羅旺斯沙龍 藝術學校修習過聲樂 戲劇和各種舞蹈風格, 十幾歲便展開了自己的舞台事業, 她還受過古典音樂訓練, 能演奏長笛和鋼琴 不過, 她很快就一心一意鑽研傳統法國香頌的演唱藝術 琵雅芙之夜 ( 官方原名為 Piaf!The Show ) 於 2017 年 1 月 6 日在美國紐約卡內基音樂廳舉行, 那是為紀念六十年前琵雅芙曾在此著名音樂廳作最後一場演出 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請詳閱第 122 頁 Conceived and directed by the Nice-based theatrical maverick Gil Marsalla and starring Anne Carrere, a young French performer hailed as Edith Piaf s legitimate musical heiress, La Vie en Rose, is a tribute to The Swallow of Montmartre and was inspired by the award-winning movie La Vie En Rose. In two 45-minute acts, the show narrates the rags-to-riches story of the Parisian singer s career through her unforgettable songs, complemented by a visual tapestry of previously unreleased photographs and images of famous Parisian locations of the Edith Piaf era. Anne Carrere, a native of South of France, famous by her artistic skills and natural charisma, began her stage career in her early teens, after studying voice, acting, and a variety of dance styles at the renowned art school Salonde-Provence. She also followed classical musical training, playing flute and piano. She very soon specialised her art in traditional French chanson. La Vie en Rose (Official show name: Piaf! The Show) was performed at Carnegie Hall on January 6, 2017 on the 60th anniversary of Edith Piaf s last performance at the famous venue. For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please refer to page 122 for details. 主辦機構 PRESENTED BY 鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 支持機構 SUPPORTED BY 製作機構 PRODUCED BY 68 69

40 聯辦節目 ASSOCIATED PROJECT 表演 PERFORMANCES 船塢爵士樂隊星光璀璨三重奏 Dock In Absolute Stellar Trio Le Gai Ensemble 蝶蝶 不休 Papillon 電影 FILMS 船塢爵士樂隊由三名專業音樂家組成 讓 飛利浦 科赫 ( 鋼琴手 ), 大衛 金齊格 ( 低音提琴手 ), 米歇爾 慕斯 ( 打鼓樂手 ) 三人均曾在高級音樂學府深造, 包括波士頓伯克利音樂學院, 位於鹿特丹的柯達藝術大學和薩爾布呂肯音樂學院 2012 年, 本著對爵士樂的共同熱愛, 三人將不同風格的漸進式爵士樂 古典樂和搖滾樂相結合, 融入鋼琴手的獨創曲目, 開創了獨具特色的爵士風格 Dock In Absolute is a stellar trio from Luxembourg comprised of Jean-Philippe Koch on piano, David Kintziger on bass and Michel Mootz on drums, young musicians who breathed new life into the music scene and having studied at the Berklee College of Music Boston, Codarts University of Arts Rotterdam, Hochschule für Musik Saarbrücken. With a shared love of jazz, they combine different styles of progressive Jazz, classical and rock, playing the pianist s own compositions and co created their unique jazz style in Its music is sparkling, varying, forceful, pressing, rich in twists and turns in mood. They have been touring the world with their music. 10 & 11 MAY, 2018 (THUR & FRI) 7:30PM 通利演藝廳, MegaBox Tom Lee Academy Hall, MegaBox 票價 TICKETS: $380/ $280/ $180 門票於以下網站公開發售 Tickets available at ticketflap, 城市售票網 URBTIX 有關本節目之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this programme, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 支持機構 SUPPORTEd by 法國音樂給人一種多變的感覺, 充滿色彩, 時而優雅, 時而激昂, 曲式有時十分抽象及前衛, 就像多變的蝴蝶一樣, 蝶蝶 不休, 色彩萬分 Le Gai Ensemble 將於是次音樂會中演奏法國作曲家 Gounod 及 Francaix 的曲目, 及一些特地為是次音樂會編曲的經典法國香頌及爵士樂, 帶領大家由 19 古典樂走到爵士及法國香頌, 感受及認識法國音樂的發展及變化 歡迎大家於音樂會當晚穿着跟蝴蝶有關的服飾來分享音樂的喜悅! As fluffy and variable and colorful as the butterfly, French music is often described in many different ways: elegant, edgy, beautiful, and sometimes abstract and ahead of their time. Le Gai Ensemble presents music full of flavor and spices by the beloved French composers Francaix and Gounod, and also some newly arranged pop and jazz music for the ensemble. You are most welcome to dress up in the theme of the butterfly and come join us for a drink and music! 21 MAY, 2018 (MON) 8PM 藝穗會奶庫 Fringe Club, The Dairy 票價 TICKETS: $250 ( 包一杯飲品 with one drink) 早鳥 Early Bird: $220 ( 包一杯飲品 with one drink) 有關本節目之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this programme, please visit: Facebook: reedroommusic 主辦機構 Presented by 索取各節目更多詳情, 請瀏覽 : FOR MORE DETAILS ON PROGRAMMES, PLEASE VISIT: FRENCHMAY.COM 70 聯合贊助機構 CO-SPONSORED by 71

41 電影 FILMS 電影節目 獻禮 FRENCH CINEMA: TRIBUTE(S) 6-20 JUN, 2018 太古廣場AMC AMC Pacific Place 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque 太古城中心MOViE MOViE MOViE MOViE Cityplaza 網上購票 ONLINE BOOKING: 獲百老匯電影中心全力支持 香港法國文化協會及 法國五月攜手帶你走進法國著名電影製作人 攝影 師及裝置藝術家艾麗絲華妲的電影藝術世界 出生 於 年 的華妲 是 影 壇 先 驅 早於 法國電 影新浪潮時代她已率先以創新的手法拍攝電影 把當時社會 政治及藝術改革等議題揉合於她的 作品之中 作為其中一位最具才華的法國藝術家 華妲從不 間斷地進行實驗以豐富其電影的藝術表現手法 她無窮的好奇心 熱情和創造力以及獨到敏銳的 藝術觸角 讓她的電影立下劃時代的地位 2017年11月 華妲獲 頒發奧斯卡榮譽獎 成 為第 一位獲得此榮譽的女性導演 獻 禮 將放映十五部向傳奇法國電影人物致敬 的電影 當中包括十部華妲的電影 香港法國文化協會 香港法國文化協會成立於1953年 為香港法語教 學的先驅 本會由本地知名人士組成的一個管理 委員會 管 理 是 一 個自負盈 虧的非 牟 利機 構 致 力於在香港推廣法國語文和文化 促 進多元文化 的交流 主辦 PRESENTED BY 支持 SUPPORTED BY 72 Alliance Française with the support of Broadway Cinematheque and Le French May is excited to invite you in an artistic journey through French Cinema and to plunge into the world of the French filmmaker, photographer and installation artist Agnès Varda. Born in 1928, Varda is a pioneer. Long before the French New Wave, she renewed the way of film-making as well as engaged her work with the social, political, and artistic evolutions. Varda is one of the most creative French artists repeatedly experimenting and enriching cinema s artistic forms of expression. Forever curious, passionate and inventive, Varda s movies propose an accurate and refreshing view on the cinema and our times. On 11 November 2017, Varda received an Academy Honorary Award for her contributions to cinema, making her the first female director to receive such an award. Tribute(s) will present a selection or 15 films featuring the great current and former figures of French Cinema including 10 movies by Agnes Varda. Alliance Française Established in 1953, Alliance Française de Hong Kong a self-financing, non-profit-making association run by a committee formed by local personalities. AFHK have been dedicated to foster French language and culture in the spirit of multicultural dialogue in Hong Kong. 贊助 Sponsored BY 場地贊助 Venue Sponsors 73

42 法式盛薈 French extravaganza at 電影 FILMS 12, 19 & 26 MAY 荔枝角長義街 9 號 ( 荔枝角港鐵站 D2 出口 ) 9 Cheung Yee Street, Lai Chi Kok (Exit D2, Lai Chi Kok MTR Station) 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 今年我們再度與 D2 Place 聯手為您創造獨特法式體驗! 眾所周知, 豐富多彩的娛樂生活 充滿浪漫色彩的法式電影及享譽全球的法式美食, 都盡顯法國人獨特的生活方式 五月, 我們在 D2 Place 準備了 3 部精選法國電影和美味精緻法式佳餚, 期待與您共度浪漫法國夜 電影之夜看法國電影絕對是了解法國文化及浪漫法語的最好方法 與全家人一起來 D2 Place 小型天台影院, 共同享受開心愉悅的法式週六夜晚! 法式市集浪漫法式夜晚當然少不了獨特法式美食 法國五月與 D2 Place 將會帶給您一個法國美食市集, 包括法國芝士 各類麵包 美酒和甜品, 讓你再次發掘法式佳餚的精緻與美味 This year again D2 Place is offering you a French lifestyle experience during Le French May! It is not a secret, French enjoy a very specific lifestyle, from their entertainment to the habits to go out watch films, not to mention their legendary gastronomy appreciated across the globe. In May, come to D2 place and indulge yourself the French way with 3 nights of French cinema and a dedicated French food market! Movie Nights (SATURDAY 12, 19, 26 May, 2018) What s best to learn more about French Culture and the language of romance than watching French films? Enjoy a fun Saturday night out with the entire family; spend a nice evening on D2 Place rooftop like the French do! French Market What would be France without its Gastronomy? Le French May and D2 Place will offer you a French food market to discover or re-discover the best of the French delicatesies: from cheese to Bread, wine to desserts come to taste the very best of La Cuisine Francaise. 主辦 PRESENTED BY 節目贊助 PROGRAMME SPONSORS 74 75



45 獨家贊助 Exclusive Sponsor 展覽 EXHIBITIONS 尼斯學派 從波普藝術到偶發藝術 School of Nice From Pop Art to Happenings Martial Raysse, Nissa Bella, 1964, Collection Musée d Art Moderne et d Art Contemporain de Nice Adagp, Paris, Crédit photo : Muriel Anssens / Ville de Nice 講座 Lecture 30 April 2018 (星期一 Mon) 5:00pm-7:00pm- 講者 Speaker: Alexandre Colliex 1 May 2018 (星期二 Tue) 5:00pm-7:00pm- 講者 Speaker: Helene Guenin 香港大會堂演奏廳 Hong Kong City Hall, Recital Hall 80 兒童色粉工作坊 Children Pigment Pur Workshop 29 April 2018 (星期日 Sun) 10am-11am 29 April 2018 (星期日 Sun) 11am-12noon 1 May 2018 (星期二 Tue) 3pm-4pm 香港大會堂北會議室 Hong Kong City Hall, Committee Room North 5-27 香港大會堂展覽廳 MAY Hong Kong City Hall- Exhibition Hall 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 在 尼 斯 現代當代 藝 術 博 物館(M A M AC)內展 出 的 尼 斯 學 派 從 波 普 藝 術 到 偶 發 藝 術 記 錄 了 戰 後 法 國 最 後 的 關 鍵 藝 術 運 動 以 及 尼 斯 在 6 0 至 7 0 年 代 對 藝 術 史 的 非 凡 貢 獻 當 時 這 些 藝 術 家 被 認 定 為 開 拓 者 並 迅 速 成 為 極 具 影 響 力 的 人物 在 紐 約 和 洛 杉 磯 的 主 要 畫 廊 獲 得 個 展 機 會 M A M AC 的 收 藏 在 法 國 頗 為 獨 特 其 地 位僅 次 於 龐 畢度 藝 術 中 心 (C e n t r e P o m p i d o u) 龐 畢度 藝 術 中 心1 97 7年 在巴 黎 開幕時 便 是 展出了這 些藝 術家的作品 此展覽 回 顧 了 藝 術 史 上 的 這 些 關 鍵 時 刻 並 為 戰 後 法 國的藝 術作出了新的評 價 尼斯學派創建了自己的波普藝 術(Pop Ar t) 比美國的更激進 更大膽 這些藝術家因而被 認 為 是 國 際 波 普 藝 術 運 動 的 先 驅 馬 歇 爾 雷 斯(Mar tial Raysse)和阿曼(Arman)早在安 迪 沃荷(Andy Warhol)及詹姆斯 羅森奎斯 特(James Rosenquist)之前 便以消費主義 及包括大眾觀光在內的娛樂界作創作靈感 塞撒 (C e s a r)的雕塑及吉利(g illi)的木雕 也被認為 是法國波普藝術最具代表性的作品之一 有關本展覽之場地資料 請詳閱第120頁或瀏覽: The exhibition School of Nice From Pop Art to Happenings, designed by the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MAMAC) in Nice, documents the last major art movements in post-war France and illustrates the city s extraordinary contribution to the history of art in the 1960s 70s. At the time, the artists featured in the exhibition were instantly identified as trailblazers, quickly becoming highly influential, and they were granted solo shows in major galleries in New York and Los Angeles. The MAMAC collection is quite unique in France, second only to the Centre Pompidou, which actually opened in 1977 in Paris with an exhibition featuring these very artists. This show revisits these key moments in the history of art and contributes to a new appreciation of post-war art in France. The School(s) of Nice created its own version of Pop Art even more radical and daring than in America. Artists in Nice pioneered the international Pop Art movement. Martial Raysse and Arman preceded Andy Warhol and James Rosenquist in their use of consumer goods and in their fascination with the entertainment industry, including mass tourism. The sculptures of Cesar and the wooden panels of Gilli are among the most iconic images of French Pop Art. For venue information of this exhibition, please refer to page 120 or visit: 五月 MAY 2018 學生導賞團(1)及公眾導賞團(2) School Guided Tours & Public Guided Tours 香港大會堂展覽廳 Hong Kong City Hall, Exhibition Hall (1) 只供教育機構申請參加 For educational institutions enrole only. (2) 歡迎公眾免費參與 需要預先登記 Free admission; Registration required. 主辦機構 鳴謝 支持機構 PRESENTED BY ACKNOWLEDGMENT SUPPORTED BY 81

46 展覽 EXHIBITIONS 連續第三年,PARIS AÉROPORT 為香港帶來了世界級的藝術, 法國著名雕塑家 Nathalie Decoster 將會再臨香江, 與 法國五月 藝術節一同為公眾舉辦一場史無前例的個展 Nathalie Decoster 的作品曾在世界各地展出, 並使雕塑成為她的表達方式 : 她的作品以大型圈架 立方體及其它幾何形狀架內設置巨型與小巧的人像而聞名, 人像的姿勢往往處於搖搖欲墜的狀態 她的作品 使者 (messengers) 便是其中的代表作 由 PARIS AÉROPORT 贊助, 以 意識 (Consciousness) 為題的全新巨型雕塑, 將首次亮相於 法國五月 藝術節 展覽後這件獨一無二的作品將會送返巴黎, 並會被 PARIS AÉROPORT 納入其藝術收藏, 於巴黎戴高樂機場 (Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport) 永久展出, 讓為全世界的參觀者所欣賞 她的作品是對人類之愛的真實宣言, 每一個雕塑都代表著對逝去的時間之反思 Nathalie Decoster 特別為香港創作的作品, 是對人們發出的一張夢想邀請函 連續三年,PARIS AÉROPORT 與 法國五月 藝術節合作, 以提高法國藝術在國外的知名度 這個位於中國及法國的項目象徵著 PARIS AÉRO- PORT 作為兩大洲之間的中轉樞紐 法國五月 藝術節是法國藝術的一個真正催化劑, 旨在於亞洲推廣法國文化 有關本展覽之場地資料, 請詳閱第 120 頁或瀏覽 : 呈獻 PRESENTS Nathalie Decoster 意識- 的巨型雕塑 Consciousness A Monumental Sculpture 9-27 MAY 金鐘太古廣場 LG1 層 Garden Court 中庭 PACIFIC PLACE Atrium, LG1 Garden Court EXHIBITION 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 策展人 Curators: Agnès MABILLE & Camille CHAUMETTE For the third consecutive year, Paris Aéroport is bringing world-class art to Hong Kong with a large-scale unprecedented solo exhibition of famous French Sculptor Nathalie Decoster who is back in Hong Kong! Exhibited all over the world, Nathalie Decoster has made sculpture her way of expression: her huge and small human figures, like messengers, are placed in unstable positions inside large hoops, cubes and other geometric shapes. Specially commissioned by Paris Aeroport, her new unique creation Consciousness will be unveiled for the first time on the occasion of the 2018 edition of Le French May before to join the Art Collection of Paris Aéroport to be permanently exhibited in Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport for all visitors of the world to enjoy. True declaration of love to Humanity, every of the artist s sculpture is a reflection on the passing of time. Together with interactive displays and photographs, her new monumental sculpture Consciousness created for Hong Kong will bring people closer to each other in an invitation to dream. Once again, Paris Aéroport has teamed up with the French May Arts Festival to increase the visibility of French art abroad. This physical installation in China and in France symbolises the mission of Paris Aéroport as a transit hub between two continents as well as that of the French May Festival, a real catalyst of French art, which is to promote French culture on the Asian continent. For venue information of this exhibition, please refer to page 120 or visit: 主辦機構 PRESENTED BY 場地贊助 VENUE SPONSOR 策展人 CURATORS 藝術家 ARTIST 82 83

47 展覽 EXHIBITIONS 母愛之歌 Patrick Willocq SONGS OF THE WALÉS 25 MAY - 31 JUL F22 攝影空間 f22 foto space 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 在非洲剛果民主共和國赤道密林深處,Ekonda 部落的俾格族人世代聚居於此 族中有習俗 : 初為人母的少婦在哺育幼兒期間需隱居生活, 她們被稱為 Walés 婦女在誕下頭胎後, 需回娘家 閉關 生活兩至五年, 並專心養育下一代 這讓母親們可以適時調養身體 學習生活技能 同時保護族中子嗣 出關 之日,Walés 會大肆慶祝一番, 載歌載舞, 以誌重獲自由 新生之欣喜 攝影師 Patrick Willocq 遠赴非洲叢林部落, 探索 Walés 的生活光景 是次展覽的照片中所呈現的 Walés 由原住民女性所扮演, 配上各式背景, 試圖重現 Walés 隱居期間的生活情境, 讓世人可以一睹異國傳統儀式之餘, 亦記錄那些逐漸消失的風土人情 Patrick Willocq,1969 年生於法國史特拉斯堡, 現遊走於在巴黎 香港及金沙薩 Patrick 自學攝影, 旅居異國超過 35 載, 其中 7 年在剛果民主共和國 2009 年, 他重回兒時生活之地剛果後毅然成為全職攝影師 他透過與當地社區的合作, 讓居民活現角色, 把各地風情呈現在世人眼前 2012 年離開跨國企業, 全身投入攝影創作 有關本展覽之場地資料, 請詳閱第 120 頁或瀏覽 : In the equatorial forest of the Democratic Republic of Congo, certain Pygmy women, first time mothers, live in seclusion with their children in the midst of other women who are responsible for their well-being. They are called Walés, which means nursing mothers. During the time of their seclusion, they must create a performance of dances and songs for the big day: their liberation. For several years, Patrick Willocq translated the songs of the Walés into images, which are the subject of this exhibition, to reflect the experiences of these young mothers as closely as possible, actresses who were fully involved in the process, and thus attempt to pierce the mysteries of this tremendously symbolic rite of passage. Patrick Willocq was born in Strasbourg, France, in He lives and works between Paris, Hong Kong and Kinshasa, Patrick, a self-taught photographer, spent more than 35 years abroad, including seven in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It was a return trip to the DRC (where he grew up) in 2009 that turned him into a full-time photographer. In 2012, he decided to quit the professional activities that he had been carrying out for multinationals in Asia Pacific to devote himself to photography. His work is about documenting the world we live in through performative images in collaboration with local communities, turned into actors. Patrick Willocq For venue information of this exhibition, please refer to page 120 or visit: 聯合主辦 JOINTLY PRESENTED BY 84 母愛之歌 放映會暨藝術家分享會 Songs of the Walés Screening & Artist Talk 25 May 2018 (Fri) 7:00pm-8:30pm 亞洲協會香港中心麥禮賢劇場 Miller Theatre, Asia Society 免費入場, 需要預先登記 Free admission, registration required: 85

48 主辦 Organised by: 展覽 EXHIBITIONS 命運的色彩 夏加爾南法時期作品展 MARC CHAGALL, LIGHT AND COLOUR IN SOUTHERN FRANCE 1 JUN - 澳門藝術博物館 26 AUG MacaO Museum of Art 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION Marc Chagall, Large bouquet of gladioli in front of a window (detail), c Archives Marc et Ida Chagall, Paris / ADAGP, Paris - SACK, Seoul, 馬克 夏加爾( ) 20世紀最重要的藝術 家之一 生於白俄羅斯 1950年代移居法國南部 夏加爾受到不同文化滋養 也經歷了戰爭與逃亡的 洗煉 形成獨特的藝術風格 他的藝術與其時代一 致 體現了一種普世價值 和平 藝術家從20世 紀各種藝術運動中汲取靈感 卻又不參與任何一個 運動 作品具有鮮明的個人特徵 繽紛的色彩及溫 暖的光線讓觀眾仿如遊歷於遙遠的夢幻國度 命運的色彩 夏加爾南法時期作品展 探索 藝術家1950年代至70年代作品的光線與色彩 這 段時期的創作受到耀眼的地中海與蔚藍海岸的明 亮風光的啟發 夏加爾於1920年代後期首次發現 這地區 法國南部的強烈的光線對他產生深遠的影 響 使他開始了全新的藝術旅程 1952年及1954 年 夏加爾遊歷希臘 是次旅程亦成為他靈感的泉 源 色彩 在美學及象徵意義上 對夏加爾來說是 不可或缺的 亦構成其作品的內在結構及精神面 貌 藝術家的全新主題創作也漸見雛型 神話般的 生物 美人魚 魚及光芒四射的太陽豐富著他的藝 術創作 為他的繪畫賦予了地中海的氣息 本次展覽為澳門首次舉辦的夏加爾大型作品展 將 展出一系列作品 包括油畫 水粉畫 石版畫 舞台 服飾及掛毯等 將突出藝術家創作中讓人讚嘆的光 線與彩色 展覽由澳門特別行政區政府文化局澳門藝術博物館 主辦 同時感謝法國尼斯夏加爾國立美術館 巴黎 歌劇院的幫助 Bouquinerie de l Institut 龍秀 藝術企劃的協調以及夏加爾遺產管理委員會的慷 慨支持 有關本展覽之場地資料 請詳閱第120頁或瀏覽: One of the major artists of the 20th century, Marc Chagall ( ), born in White Russia (present-day Belarus), settled in the South of France in the 1950s. His world is unique, nurtured by the many cultural influences encountered during his life and marked by war and exile. In tune with his time, his art embodies a universal message of peace. Borrowing from many 20th century art movements but never aligning with one, his oeuvre is distinct and instantly recognisable, with vivid colours and warm light inviting you on a journey to far and imaginary horizons. Marc Chagall, Light and Colour in Southern France explores the omnipresence of light and colour in his work from the 1950s to the 1970s, inspired by the dazzling Mediterranean Sea and bright landscapes of the French Riviera. Marc Chagall had first discovered this region at the end of the 1920s. The intensity of the southern light had a profound effect on him, stimulating an artistic renaissance. Greece, where he travelled in 1952 and 1954, also became a source of inspiration. Colour, in an aesthetic and a symbolic sense, is essential to Chagall, an architecture within the composition and a vector of spirituality. A thematic renaissance was also to take shape, where mythical beings, mermaids, fish and radiant suns adorn his creations, providing a Mediterranean aura to the paintings. This first exhibition in Macao dedicated to Marc Chagall will feature a selection of works (paintings, gouaches, lithographs, costumes and tapestries) which highlight the pre-eminence of light and colour in his creations. Organised by the Macao Museum of Art under the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao S.A.R Government, this exhibition has been made possible thanks to the precious help of the Musée National Marc Chagall in Nice, Opéra National de Paris, in collaboration with Bouquinerie de l Institut, Cécile Léon Art Projects in Paris, and with the generous support of the Chagall Estate. For venue information of this exhibition, please refer to page 120 or visit: 特別支持 With the precious help of 協調機構 In collaboration with Bouquinerie de l Institut, Paris 87

49 聯辦節目 ASSOCIATED PROJECT 展覽 EXHIBITIONS 展覽 EXHIBITIONS 聯辦節目 ASSOCIATED PROJECT Antoine D agata 廖修平 樸素的符號. 高貴的美感 Liao Shiou-Ping Simple Symbols Nobel Aesthetics ANTOINE D AGATA CONTAMINATION / ODYSSEIA 安托奈特. 蘿珊 心之動力 Antoinette Rozan Heart Momentum Gaud/ Jean-Yves Coulot 共鳴 Resonances 香港龍門雅集將在法國五月藝術節 2018 推出 樸素的符號 高貴的美感, 台灣藝術家廖修平的個人展覽 曾於 1965 至 1968 年在法國美術學院就讀的廖修平, 後來移居美國, 進入紐約普拉特版畫中心擔任助教, 從此在全球各地從事藝術教學與創作活動 他生涯持續於琢磨油畫, 而後延伸到版畫領域, 以版畫的傳統媒材與技法, 進一步開發出創新的版畫視野, 也因此享有臺灣現代版畫之父的美譽 For the edition of French May 2018, Longmen Art Projects Hong Kong proposes Simple Symbols & Nobel Aesthetics a project that will focus on the work by Taiwanese artist Liao Shiou Ping. The exhibition will showcase the work of Liao Shiou Ping and show his studies at Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris- from 1965 to and further his trip to United States has influenced his art practice and lead him to develop a distinctive and avant-gardist form of paintings. 29 MARCH - 25 June, 2018 龍門雅集 Longmen Art Projects 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION Odysseia 是 ANTOINE D AGATA 展覽 Contamination 特別創作的項目, 取材自 D AGATA 的文本, 將於 3 月 30 日至 5 月 25 日在 CHARBON 上映, 由 Fabrice Michel 演出 ( 法語演出, 英文字幕 ) 除了 Odysseia, 展覽呈現了 D AGATA 獨特另類的作品, 共有三十個畫作和一部名為 From Atlas 的錄像裝置 Antoine D Agata,Fabrice Michel 和策展者 Lalie Choffel 都是來自馬賽 ( 法國南部 ) Odysseia is a live performance specially created as part of ANTOINE D AGATA exhibition Contamination which runs from March 30 to May 25 at CHARBON. Performed by Fabrice Michel, it was built from D AGATA s own texts (in French with English subtitles). Along with this show, the exhibition pays tribute to the unique and radical work of major artist ANTOINE D AGATA through thirty prints and a video installation. Antoine D Agata, Fabrice Michel and the curator Lalie Choffel are from Marseilles (South of France). 展覽 Exhibition: 30 MARCH- 25 MAY, 2018 表演 Live performance: 8-10 MAY, 2018 CHARBON ART SPACE 展覽 Exhibition: 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 表演票價 Live performance ticket $200 安托奈特 蘿珊的水墨畫與雕塑個人展 她將會展示以不同媒介製成的新作品 : 那會是她畫作與雕塑之間的一個對話 從幻象到現實, 從思想到心靈, 從分離到整體, 從停滯到活動 參觀者將讓自己晃進一種寧靜 一刻真摯的喜悅以及定會接收到一份愛!Rouge Ephémère Gallery 將會展覽這些色彩鮮艷的青銅雕塑以及水墨畫, 為期五週, 屆時藝術家將會在場至展覽完結 Solo Exhibition of Antoinette Rozan s ink paintings and sculptures in structures. The artist will present her new works made of different media: it will be a conversation between her paintings and her sculptures. From illusion to reality, from mind to heart, from separation to unity, from stagnation to movement. The visitor is invited to a digression of peace, a moment of sincere joy and a pack of Love guaranty! Rouge Ephémère Gallery will exhibit these colourful sculptures in bronze and ink on paper for 5 weeks. the artist will be present at the opening and while the exhibition lasts. 25 APRIL - 31 MAY, 2018 ROUGE Ephémère Art Gallery 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 來自 ACG 的 Galina Coulot 策劃的 Resonances 展覽展示了兩位旅居香港的法國藝術家 :Gaud, 雕塑家和畫家, 及攝影家,Jean-Yves Coulot 的作品 Gaud 和 Jean-Yves Coulot 通過雕塑和攝影來探索人類, 並憑藉其敏銳的法國觸覺突出了香港和亞洲人的特點 通過鏡頭對人物的捕捉, 雕塑的詮釋, 該展覽闡述了人是獨一無二的個體, 卻又擁有人類共同的根源 這是欣賞法國高級藝術及探索攝影和雕塑間可能的互動的絕佳機會, 彙集了新視覺及情感 The exhibition Resonances curated by Galina Coulot from ACG HK, features two Hong Kong-based French artists: Gaud, sculptor and painter and Jean-Yves Coulot, photographer. Their French sensitivities explore human beings through sculpture and photography, with a highlight on Hong Kong and Asian people. Based on the sculptural interpretation of a character captured by the camera, this exhibition tells about individuals seen as unique, yet sharing the common roots of humankind. This is a wonderful opportunity to appreciate French fine art and explore possible interactions between photography and sculpture, bringing together new perspectives and emotions. 2-7 MAY, 2018 香港視覺藝術中心 Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 如欲索取本展覽之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this exhibition, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 有關本節目之各項優惠及購票詳情, 請瀏覽 : For concession & ticketing information of this programme, please visit: 如欲索取本節目之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this programme, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 如欲索取本展覽之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this exhibition, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 制作機構 PRODUCed by 場地贊助 VENUE SPONSORED BY 策展機構 CURATed by 88 89

50 聯辦節目 ASSOCIATED PROJECT 展覽 EXHIBITIONS 展覽 EXHIBITIONS 聯辦節目 ASSOCIATED PROJECT Alex Reyval 11,000 尺下的香港 11,000 feet 遠航 Antoine Rameau VOYAGES 朱德華 / Cyril Delettre 對話 Almond Chu/ Cyril Delettre Dialogue Véronique Desjonquères / Gaëlle Schoebel Regards 這個五月期間,YELLOWKORNER 將舉辦 Alex Reyval: 11,000 尺下的香港 展覽, 以響應今年的法國五月節 香港憑著無數的高度城市化和無數的摩天大廈, 素有石屎森林的稱號 此次展覽將通過法國攝影師 Alex Reyval 的鏡頭展示您從未體驗過的香港面貌 在居於香港 7 年的法國藝術家 Antoine Rameau 的第二十次展覽 遠航 中, 結合了他對拼貼藝術及旅遊的熱愛 藝術家透過於不同國家收集回來的圖像, 轉化成新的視覺世界, 作為對星球和居住的人類的美麗的頌讚 法國藝術家 Cyril Delettre 和香港藝術家朱德華將會通過這個展覽, 利用攝影的方法去展示他們對香港的看法 朱德華在其作品中捕捉了一個脫離現實的空間, 當中香港舞蹈團主舞蹈家蘇淑在照片中扮演墮落天使的角色 而 Cyril 則特別喜愛香港晚上的燈光 尤其是那些除了夜鳥在醒, 所有人都在睡覺的夜晚 通過鏡頭獨一無二的焦點, 你可以看到藝術家獨特的視角 我們的藝術作品會讚揚那些未被留意而不被發現的東西 日常生活中的觀察與體驗就是一個持續及強大的靈感來源, 只要我們用心去細察周遭的世界點滴例如 : 跟我們相遇及愛的人 事物及風景的光影, 又或是一個臉上的笑容一個簡單的幫忙 除此之外, 脆弱的生命於任何時候都更需要保障和維護 YELLOWKORNER presents Alex Reyval: 11,000 feet Exhibition, a photographic journey around this fascinating vertical city from a new perspective, shifting the boundaries between imagination and reality. Hong Kong may be a concrete jungle from the outkick but there is a lot of hidden alleyways unseen to many. This exhibition will showcase the faces of Hong Kong that you have never experienced before through the lens of French photographer: Alex Reyval. 2 MAY - 3 JUly, 2018 YellowKorner Hollywood Rd Gallery 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION For his 20th exhibition: VOYAGES, Antoine Rameau, a French artist living in Hong Kong for 7 years, has merged his passions for collage art and travelling. Collecting, in several countries, evocative images of mixed origins, he turned them into his new visual worlds, as elaborate tributes to the beauty and magic of our planet and its people MAY, 2018 凱倫偉伯畫廊 KARIN WEBER GALLERY 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION French artist Cyril Delettre and Hong Kong artist Almond Chu are going to show their crossed point of perspectives towards Hong Kong through this duo exhibition. Almond is capturing a place which is like no other space in reality. Su Shu, the principal dancer in Hong Kong Dance company, is playing the fallen angel in this secret part of town in his photography. Meanwhile, Cyril likes to hunt the special light in town at night, when everybody goes to sleep except the night birds. You will be surprised with the unusual focus through the artists lens. 4 MAY - 4 June, 2018 La Galerie Paris 1839 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION Our work pays tribute to what would remain unknown if we did not pay attention to it. Our daily life is a constant and magnificent source of inspiration if we learn to look at the world around us with our heart: people we meet and love, the light on objects and landscapes, a smile on a face or a helping hand. And beyond these, the simple fact that life is fragile and more than ever needs to be protected and preserved MAY, 2018 香港視覺藝術中心 Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 如欲索取本展覽之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this exhibition, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 如欲索取本展覽之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this exhibition, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 如欲索取本展覽之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this exhibition, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 如欲索取本展覽之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this exhibition, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 90 Véronique Desjonquères Gaëlle Schoebel 91

51 聯辦節目 ASSOCIATED PROJECT 展覽 EXHIBITIONS 展覽 EXHIBITIONS 聯辦節目 ASSOCIATED PROJECT 綠磨坊街 Rue du Moulin-Vert 單維軍 千染萬點 Shan Weijun Between Light and Shade 運動 Movement Rue du Moulin-Vert 位於巴黎 14 區, 蒙帕那斯 (Montparnasse) 附近的小街, 在那裡, 聚集過無數偉大的藝術家, 迎接過很多藝術新星, 亦是在那裡, 趙無極和謝景蘭開始其終生藝術之旅 1948 年, 法國籍中國抽象繪畫大師趙無極 ( ) 和他的藝術家妻子謝景蘭 (Lalan)( ) 從中國移居巴黎 他們定居 Rue du Moulin-Vert 一個小工作室, 成為賈科梅蒂 (Alberto Giacometti) 的鄰居, 並結識皮埃爾 蘇拉吉 (Pierre Soulages) 喬治 馬修 (Georges Mathieu) 等藝術家 在如此紛繁的藝術氛圍下, 趙無極很快建立起他的抒情抽象風格, 而謝景蘭亦開始培養她融合電子音樂 現代舞蹈和繪畫的 綜合藝術 此次展覽特別將趙無極及謝景蘭的作品與他們的著名藝術家朋友皮埃爾 蘇拉吉 (Pierre Soulages) 喬治 馬修 (Georges Mathieu) 漢斯 哈同 (Hans Hartung) 等精選作品並置陳列, 為觀眾提供一個難得機會, 感受當時在 Rue du Moulin-Vert 的藝術氛圍, 以及了解中西方大師在如此特殊的藝術發展時期裡彼此互為的影響 9 MAY - 16 June, 2018 季豐軒畫廊 Kwai Fung Hin Art Gallery 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 如欲索取本展覽之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this exhibition, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by Rue du Moulin-Vert in the 14 arrondissement of Paris, is located near the Montparnasse neighborhood where great artists congregate and each new arrival is welcomed unreservedly. It is also from there where the life-long art journey of Zao Wou-ki and Lalan began. Zao Wou-ki ( ), Chinese-French master of abstract painting, and his artist wife Lalan (Xie Jinglan) ( ), moved to Paris from China in They settled at a studio in Rue du Moulin-Vert, and became the neighbors of Alberto Giacometti. At the euphoric meeting ground for the artistic world, Zao befriended other artists such as Pierre Soulages, Georges Mathieu, etc. Immersing in such artistic atmosphere, Zao soon emerged his lyrical abstract style, while Lalan started to cultivate her integrated art which merged electronic music, modern dance and painting. The exhibition specially puts together the distinctive works by Zao Wou-ki, Lalan and his prominent artistic friends such as Pierre Soulages, Georges Mathieu, Hans Hartung, etc. Recreating the creative vibe of the artistic neighborhood, this exhibition provides an exceptional opportunity for the audience to study side by side the Western and Chinese masters who had significant influence on each other during a very unusual period of art development. 單氏出生於一九六二年, 是當代中國水墨藝術家, 旅居巴黎近三十年 他於無錫輕工業學院畢業之後, 一九九一年移居巴黎, 於巴黎第八大學深造 畫家通過緩慢 沉思 一絲不苟的創作方式, 運用仿如畫彩派的點畫技法, 描寫法國庭院和郊區的寧靜角落 這種創作對他來說是禪宗靜修的一種方法, 同時表現純潔的美和大自然的謐靜 Born in 1962, Shan is a Contemporary Chinese ink artist who has been living in Paris for almost 30 years. After graduating from university in Wuxi he moved to Paris in 1991 to further his studies at Université Paris 8. Painting through a slow, contemplative and deliberate motion, he uses a technique similar to pointillism to depict quiet corners of French gardens and the countryside. This allows him to practice Zen meditation while expressing the beauty of purity and the tranquility of nature. 9 MAY - 30 June, 2018 藝倡畫廊 Alisan Fine Arts 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 如欲索取本展覽之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this exhibition, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 是次聯展由香港紅門與法國巴黎知名畫廊丹尼斯 勒內共同主辦 展覽 運動 將會展出動態藝術與歐普藝術運動發起人的作品 這些大師們曾於 20 世紀參與丹尼斯 勒內畫廊舉辦的運動展覽 展出藝術家包括委內瑞拉裔法籍藝術家卡洛斯 克魯茲 - 迭斯和赫蘇斯 拉斐爾 索托, 匈牙利裔法籍藝術家維特 瓦薩勒利以及以色列裔法籍藝術家雅各布 阿甘 數位年輕法國和拉丁美洲藝術家亦會一同參與展出 A joint exhibition presented by Puerta Roja and the iconic French gallery Denise Rene. Movement will include amongst other masterpieces, historical and recent works by French Venezuelan artists Carlos Cruz-Diez and Jesus Rafael Soto, French Hungarian artist Victor Vasarely and Israeli French artist Yaacov Agam, and other contemporaries that launched the Kinetic and Op art movement at Denise Rene in the 20th century. Alongside the masters, younger French and Latin American artists exploring and further expanding their legacy will also be showcased. 10 MAY - 21 JULY, 2018 紅門 Puerta Roja 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 如欲索取本展覽之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this exhibition, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 92 93

52 聯辦節目 ASSOCIATED PROJECT 展覽 EXHIBITIONS 展覽 EXHIBITIONS 聯辦節目 ASSOCIATED PROJECT David Viegas 香港維度 Hong Kong Dimensions 黃丹 靈感 Huang Dan Inspirations 亞洲 光 希望和活力 Asia - light, hope and dynamism 小橘子個展 - 藍藍的天空 Clementine Chan Très Très Bleu 將以嶄新及深層手法, 通過時與空的對話, 引領您來一趟別具代表性的城市旅程 展覽將呈示各獲獎藝術家如何利用照片作為論述及創作媒介, 從二維到三維, 配以獨特的插畫及拼貼技巧, 顛覆大眾對香港都會 自然 文化古蹟景觀的理解 藝術家 : 葉家偉 Alexis Ip, Camille Levert, Daphne Mandel, Pete Ross, Romain Jacquet- Lagrèze Hong Kong Dimensions takes you on a fresh and deeper journey into our iconic city through ideas in space and time. From 2D expanding to 3D unique artworks and even moving collages, the exhibition celebrates how selected award-winning artists represent and manipulate a place through a variety of mediums whilst toying with established notions on photography, sculpture, and documentation. See the ginormous made miniscule, the manipulated appear natural and cultural heritage made playful. Artists: Alexis Ip, Camille Levert, Daphne Mandel, Pete Ross, Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze. 12 MAY - 16 June, 2018 Blue Lotus Gallery 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 如欲索取本展覽之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this exhibition, please visit: 主辦及策展機構 Presented and Curated by 本展覽來源於中國當代藝術家黃丹的靈感, 特別是她對莫奈印象派風景的親和力 旅程從法國開始, 一直到中國, 黃丹延續了脫離繁華印象主義的特點, 進一步減少了對顏色和形式的關注, 把重點放在本質 於 5 月 19 日星期六下午 3 時正, 方由畫廊將舉行一場特別策劃的法國音樂會 由單簧管 長笛和鋼琴組合而成的 The Taka Taka Trio 三人組將會演奏 Debussy Damase 和 Milhaud 的音樂之外, 還會演奏由 Bechara El Khoury 被 Monet 和 Cézanne 啟發而寫的譜曲 This exhibition traces the inspirations of contemporary Chinese artist Huang Dan, in particular her affinity with Monet s impressionist landscapes. A journey started in France continues in China, as Huang Dan continues the impressionist instinct of stripping away extraneity, further reducing colour and form to focus on the essential. On Saturday, May 19 at 3pm, a concert will be held at the Galerie Ora-Ora with a specially curated programme of French music for clarinet, flute and piano. The Taka Taka Trio will play music by Debussy, Damase and Milhaud and compositions by Bechara El Khoury, inspired by Monet and Cézanne. 17 MAY - 16 June, 2018 Galerie Ora-Ora 費用全免, 音樂會請預約留座 FREE ADMISSION, CONCERT BY REGISTRATION 如欲索取本展覽之詳情, 請瀏覽 :For information of this exhibition, please visit: 富有才華的國際攝影師通過在中國 泰國 柬埔寨 越南 老撾和印度尼西亞旅行, 捕捉亞洲的 光明, 希望和活力 這個獨特而傑出的藝術展吸引我們前去欣賞他們的視野 這些藝術家憑藉敏銳的靈感創造這些藝術作品, 展現出他們對亞洲創新活力, 傳統價值和跨文化影響的獨特視角 希望大家藉此機會體驗斑斕的色彩, 豐富的感情和生動的回憶, 見證亞洲的輝煌 While travelling throughout China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and Laos, talented international photographers have captured Asian «light, hope and dynamism». They invite us to come and admire their vision through this unique and outstanding art exhibition in Hong Kong. With vibrant inspiration, these artists produce original artwork and present their distinctive perspective on Asia s innovative vitality, traditional values and cross-cultural influences. Take this opportunity to discover Asia in all its splendour and its symphony of vibrant colours, intense feelings and deep memories. 30 MAY - 4 June, 2018 香港視覺藝術中心 Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 如欲索取本展覽之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this exhibition, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 藍藍愛藍天! 世界太灰, 藍藍決定要到自由平等博愛的法蘭西國度闖出新天地 她率領的一人 馬卡龍黨 大戰皮皮的 筆黨 角逐法蘭西總統, 希望趕走烏煙瘴氣, 建立一個藍天白雲, 自由翱翔的世界 來到法蘭西, 除了大吃法國甜品外, 不忘到名滿天下的傻浮宮向偶像畫家們致敬!Salut! In this solo exhibition by Clementine Chan, global citizen Bluey returns to France with the aim of making the Macaron (and world) great again! With her one-girl Blue Party, she is running for president against Pipi La Pen in the hope of creating a bluerthan-blue sky, bluer-than-blue moon and bluerthan-blues blues. She also takes a detour to Musée de Fous to pay tribute to her favourite artists of all times. All in all she means to make everything Très Très Blur, ooops, Bleu! 1-18 JUNE, 2018 MUSE, 地庫, 登臺酒店 MUSE, Basement, Hotel Stage 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 如欲索取本展覽之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this exhibition, please visit: 支持機構 SUPPORTed by 主辦機構 Presented by 94 95


54 法式奇珍 : 由自然科學到藝術 CabinetS of Curiosities : A French Passion 從自然科學到自然界的藝術 From the Natural Sciences to the Art of Nature 25 MAY - 19 AUG 城市大學展覽館 CityU Exhibition Gallery 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 展覽 EXHIBITIONS Philippe Calandre 法式奇珍 為觀眾呈現歐洲收藏家數個世紀所蒐羅的各地奇珍, 其中包含了世間罕見的動物和植物 奇異瑰麗的礦物 以及精巧玲瓏的藝術品 由十六世紀開始, 歐洲探險者開始踏足亞洲 美洲 非洲等等的 新大陸, 而這些地方的珍品 ( 包括天然或人造的製品 ) 亦被陸續帶回歐洲 歐洲的收藏家們對這些奇珍趨之若鶩, 他們把來自世界各地的珍品安置於通稱為 珍奇櫃 的櫥櫃或小房間裡, 作為鑑藏和賞玩的對象 正是由這些各式各樣的 珍奇櫃 開始, 歐洲的學者們開始建立起自然科學的分類體系, 為十八和十九世紀的科學研究奠下了基礎 本次展覽將首次向香港觀眾介紹 珍奇櫃 這個充滿魅力的世界, 並探索 珍奇櫃 如何繼續吸引著當代的藝術家和收藏家 是次展覽承蒙於 1831 成立並致力保存 珍奇櫃 傳統的 Maison Deyrolle 及 Musee du Vivant 的支持, 觀眾將有機會欣賞經細心挑選由十八世紀至今的藝術及自然珍品 展品強調自然界的多樣性, 希望觀眾在欣賞之餘, 也意識到自然的美麗與及保存的困難, 而這些都是當代藝術家們所注目的議題 有關本展覽之場地資料, 請詳閱第 120 頁或瀏覽 : 聯合主辦 JOINTLY PRESENTED BY The exhibition Cabinets of Curiosities reveals the ongoing fascination of European collectors with exotic animals, plants, minerals, and art objects, hitherto unknown in the West; such artefacts (natural and artificial) were brought back to Europe during the 16 th, 17 th, and 18 th centuries by shipping expeditions intent on exploring the new continents of Asia, America, Africa, and Oceania. Their beauty, strangeness, and rarity invested these objects with great value and their esteemed owners displayed them as curios in richly decorated cabinets, or small rooms, to the great delight of their fortunate guests. It is such cabinets of curiosities that inspired 18 th and 19 th - century scholars to develop their scientific research and to establish an educational system for the study of the natural sciences. Thanks to the exceptional generosity of the Maison Deyrolle, founded in 1831 and itself a living repository of French practice and knowledge tied to cabinets of curiosities, and to that of the Musee du Vivant, the exhibition will introduce the Hong Kong audience to this fascinating universe for the first time, one that continues to inspire some of the greatest artists and collectors around the world. The exhibition stresses the great diversity and richness inherent in nature, through a careful selection of exceptional artefacts from the 18 th century to the present. In so doing, the exhibition also wishes to educate the public and create awareness about the difficulty of preserving this fragile and beautiful nature, the source of artistic creativity of many Western and Asian contemporary artists. For venue information of this exhibition, please refer to page 120 or visit: 兒童奇珍櫃 DIY 工作坊 Children Cabinet DIY Workshop 五月 May - 七月 July, 2018 城市大學 CityU 免費入場, 需要預先登記 Free admission, registration required: 98 五月至八月 MAY - AUG 2018 (1) (2) 學生導賞團及公眾導賞團 School Guided Tours & Public Guided Tours 城市大學展覽館 CityU, Exhibition Gallery (1) 只供教育機構申請參加 ;For educational institutions enrole only. (2) 歡迎公眾免費參與, 需要預先登記 ;Free admission, registration required. 99

55 展覽 EXHIBITIONS La French Touch MAY Rue Madame - 2 stores kapok - 3 stores 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION Ariane Zagury from Rue Madame fashion group Arnault Castel from Kapok 時裝概念店 rue Madame 創辦人 Ariane Zagury 和本地買手店先驅 kapok 創辦人 Arnault Castel 都是品味獨到的法國人, 二人攜手為 法國五月 藝術節注入時裝元素 Ariane 及 Arnault 將首次為藝術節搜羅多個法國新晉原創品牌, 屆時將有各式互動工作坊及令人期待的全新品牌登場, 以推廣法國時裝的多元面貌 項目名為 La French Touch, 旨在讓公眾親身參與不同活動, 感受突破傳統的零售時裝體驗 Ariane 跟 Ariane 相識多年, 一次閒談間促成了今次 La French Touch 的概念 二人一直渴望合作, 希望藉此合作機會, 讓他們都喜愛的獨立品牌及法國時裝獲得它們應有的關注 有關本展覽之場地資料, 請詳閱第 120 頁或瀏覽 : French luminaries Ariane Zagury of concept boutique rue Madame and Arnault Castel, founder of pioneer select shop kapok join forces to bring a fashion element to Le French May. For their first participate at the festival, Ariane and Arnault will offer an original and genuine curation of young and emerging French brands. Expect a lineup of interactive workshops and exciting new labels aimed at introducing a different perspective of French fashion to Hong Kong. Titled La French Touch, this programme aims to connect with audiences through hands-on activities, where people are welcome to experience fashion beyond the typical retail offering. Arnault and Ariane have known each other for years, and the idea for La French Touch was born over a regular catch up. With a yearning to work on a project together, both felt this would be a good platform to champion their shared love for small brands, French fashion and bring them the attention they deserve. For venue information of this exhibition, please refer to page 120 or visit: 聯合主辦 JOINTLY PRESENTED BY

56 聯 辦 節 目 A S S O C I A T E D P R O J E C T 品茶思源 Fluctuat nec mergitur 向珍貴的法國香水文化致敬 A tribute to the work behind the creations of perfumes 藉着飲奶茶 尋回香港情懷 眾藝術家以茶是故鄉濃為 題材共同創作 品茶思源 藝術系列 楊家美和張駿霖 的雕塑 在濤聲之中呼喚你的名字 以奶茶和鴛鴦作為 染布的材料 使大家回眸冰室的美好時光 麥憬淮的照 片細數往事 而張文婷的法式港味甜品突顯中港法共 融 茶的天下已降臨 時裝和香水的關係環環相扣 工作坊將帶你深入這兩個 飽含創意的領域中 向法國香水界的鼻祖致敬 主講者 Les Parfums de Rosine創造者Marie-hélène Rogeon 及Parfumerie Trésor 創辦人Benny Tung 亦會講解香 水研發的歷程 參家者可以身體驗獨家香氣及與講者進 行研討 This project, directed by May Yeung, explores the voyage of tea from China to Europe and the renaissance of tea culture in Hong Kong, documenting its transformation through interviews with bing sutts, cha chaan tengs, and French cafés. May and Eric Cheung creates an art installation by using Hong Kong milk tea, yuanyang and French coffee as food dyes. Anne Cheung reinvents Hong Kong classics as macarons. Participants are led on a journey reflecting on Hong Kong s intangible cultural heritage. A discovery experience through workshops to understand the close relationship between people of history, fashion, creativity and perfumes. Join the Founder and Creator of Les Parfums de Rosine, Marie-Hélène Rogeon and Hong Kong s Parfumerie Trésor co-founder Benny Tung as we explore how perfumes pay tribute to French creators and influential individuals; the creation process and fragrance journey in experiencing first hand the perfumes discussed during the workshop. Join us now for this exclusive workshop and discovery into the culture of French perfumes. 8 MARCH - 14 JuLY, MAY, 2018 Jouer及染樂工房 Jouer & Dyelicious 展覽 Exhibition: 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 食品染色班 Food Dyeing Class - $400/pax 102 展覽 EXHIBITIONS 聯 辦 節 目 A S S O C I AT E D P R O J E C T Tickets available at and walk-in 主辦機構 Presented by 主辦機構 Presented by 支持機構 Supported by 票價 TICKETS: $100 門票於以下網址及時現場公開發售 如欲索取本節目之詳情 請瀏覽: For information of this programme, please visit: 贊助機構 Sponsored by 展 覽 E X H I B I T I O N S Parfumerie Trésor 如欲索取本展覽之詳情 請瀏覽: For information of this exhibition, please visit: 染樂工房 M.Y. Sculpture 捷榮集團 Tsit Wing Group Dyelicious, 103

57 聯辦節目 ASSOCIATED PROJECT 展覽 EXHIBITIONS Made in French by Feedelon & Fauve Radio at Mahka Feedelon 地攤展示不同法國設計師創新前曕性的產品, 所有產品均百分百於法國設計及生產 來自不同法語區的 DJ 們將會準備一系列他們最喜愛的音樂並現場演出 他們的表演也會同時傳送到網路上讓觀眾們欣賞 下午的時間 DJ 臺將會開放給所有人, 歡迎一同加入分享你喜愛的法國味音樂 另外, 現場準備了一系列精心挑選的法國音樂黑膠唱片, 是時候來挖些好貨了 Feedelon will present the new generation of French designers with innovative products 100% designed and made in France. Supported by a collective of Francophone DJs who will prepare a selection of their favorite music and perform in live on Fauve Radio. Their set will also be retransmitted online. A special vinyl selection of French music only will also be available for sales all the day. Good excuse for digging. 里維埃拉室內設計 Riviera Interiors 加入我們, 參觀普羅旺斯和里維埃拉最好的城堡, 宮殿和歷史建築 名人家鄉如 : 巴勃羅 畢加索和可可香奈兒, 該地區還擁有美麗的家園, 薰衣草田和橄欖樹林 在普羅旺斯和里維埃拉的最好的城堡, 宮殿和歷史家園內進行一場激動人心的旅程 Insight 室內設計學院將帶會給你一些關於如何為你的內飾帶來一絲里維埃拉魅力的提示 Join us for a visual tour of the best castles, palaces and historic homes in Provence and the Riviera. Home to many celebrities, such as Pablo Picasso and Coco Chanel, the region also boasts beautiful homes, fragrant lavender fields and olive groves. Insight School will take you on an inspirational journey inside the best castles, palaces & historic homes in Provence and the Riviera. We ll also give you some tips on how to bring a touch of Riviera glamour into your interiors. 美食節及精彩節目 gastronomy & SPECIAL EVENTS MAY, 2018 Mahka 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 如欲索取本展覽之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this exhibition, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 3-5pm, 26 MAY, 2018 Insight 室內設計學院 Insight School of Interior Design 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 請電郵預約留座 RSVP: 如欲索取本節目之詳情, 請瀏覽 : For information of this programme, please visit: 主辦機構 Presented by 索取各節目更多詳情, 請瀏覽 : FOR MORE DETAILS ON PROGRAMMES, PLEASE VISIT: FRENCHMAY.COM 104 Fauve Radio 105

58 美食 GASTRONOMY 法國五月美食薈普羅旺斯 - 阿爾卑斯 - 藍色海岸大區 LE FRENCH GOURMAY PROVENCE-ALPES-CÔTE D AZUR MAY 2018 香港和澳門 Hong Kong and Macau 法國五月美食薈是法國五月藝術節的美食節目, 每年五月為大眾推介一個法國地區的特色美食佳釀 2018 年, 法國五月美食薈將踏入十週年! 今年五月, 讓我們來到風光明媚的普羅旺斯 - 阿爾卑斯 - 藍色海岸大區, 細聽法國南部的唧唧蟬鳴, 蕩漾一望無際的薰衣草田, 在春風和煦下品嚐地區美食美酒 在整個五月, 香港及澳門的法國五月美食薈合作夥伴, 包括米芝蓮星級大廚和 100 間餐廳 食品及葡萄酒進口和零售商 以及品酒學院, 將精心設計一系列特色菜單, 或舉辦精彩的推廣活動 品酒會和工作坊, 誠邀各位參與法國五月美食薈十週年慶典 我們亦會舉辦各項活動, 例如, 您可親臨於赤柱廣場舉行的法國傳統市集 ( 五月十二號到十三號 ), 與家人朋友體驗傳統法國美食市集, 選購地區特色食材 Le French GourMay is the gastronomic celebration of the Le French May Arts Festival. Each year during the whole month of May, we present to you a distinct French region and its special delicacies. In 2018, for the 10th Anniversary of the festival, Le French GourMay will celebrate South of France, with the region PROVENCE-ALPES-CÔTE D AZUR. With its chirping cicadas, idyllic lavender fields and delightful food and wine, the region is sure to fill the minds of gourmets in Hong Kong and Macau. For the entire month, you can discover specially-crafted menus in the 100 participating restaurants across the cities offered by devoted Michelin-starred chefs, fine dining and bistro style restaurants. You can also enjoy special offers in grocery shops and get involved in themed food and wine tasting workshops. We will also organize various events: The French Traditional Gourmet Market in Stanley Plaza (12 & 13 May) is especially not to miss, bringing you and your family an authentic French grocery market experience on a summerly weekend. 位於法國東南部的普羅旺斯 - 阿爾卑斯 - 藍色海岸, 從羅納河谷南部延伸至地中海沿岸, 是法國第二大最受遊客歡迎的大區 大區的蔚藍晴空 自然風光 深厚文化遺產 著名薰衣草田和山頂村莊使它成為人們夢寐以求的度假勝地 Provence-Alpes-Côte d Azur, the second most visited region in France, located in the southeast, spans from the southern Rhône Valley to the Mediterranean coastline. The region s azure blue skies, natural scenery, remarkable heritage, chirping cicadas, stunning lavender fields and hilltop villages make it a holiday destination where dreams are made of. 主辦機構 PRESENTED BY 籌劃機構 ORGANISED BY

59 美食 GASTRONOMY 這三個地方 - 普羅旺斯 阿爾卑斯和藍色海岸坐擁令人驚嘆的景觀, 更吸引熱愛冒險的旅客前來, 在世上最美麗的海岸線之一 到風景如畫的村莊 至阿爾卑斯山山麓, 體驗豐富精彩的極限戶外運動 在普羅旺斯和羅納河谷之間, 大區的葡萄園擅長將傳統和現代結合起來 普羅旺斯 - 阿爾卑斯 - 藍色海岸是玫瑰葡萄酒的領先者, 更是法國擁有最多葡萄酒品種的地區 其葡萄酒的多樣性和質量獲得國家和世界認可, 受原產地命名保護 ( Appellation d Origine Contrôlée, AOC) The three destinations PROVENCE, ALPES, and CÔTE D AZUR offer a richness of astounding landscapes with an extremely diverse range of activities from one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world to the foothills of picturesque villages and Alpine Mountains. Between Provence and the Rhône river valley, the area s viticulture showcases a talent for combining the secular tradition with modernity. Uncontested leader of rosé wines, Provence-Alpes-Côte d Azur is also the region of France that has the largest variety of wines. This diversity and quality have been recognized in France and internationally by the famous label Appellation d Origine Contrôlée (Controlled Designation of Origin). Those born with an Epicurean soul and connoisseurs of fresh, natural cuisine will find a world of delicious flavors in Provence-Alpes-Côte d Azur with a bounty of sunshine right along. Whether keeping it to the traditions or touching on modern trends, local products are well worth discovering directly through their producers. 講究飲食和追求新鮮天然的美食家將可沉浸在普羅旺斯 - 阿爾卑斯 - 藍色海岸充滿陽光的美味世界中 無論是傳統美食或是與現代融合的菜式, 都非常值得大家一同探索 In restaurants or at home, Hong Kong and Macau residents and visitors will be able to discover the great variety of wines, ingredients, traditional regional dishes and sweets of PROVENCE, ALPES, and CÔTE D AZUR. Get ready for the culinary journey this May! 無論出外用餐或在家中, 香港和澳門的大眾和旅客們都可以在法國五月美食薈期間, 品嚐到普羅旺斯 - 阿爾卑斯 - 藍色海岸大區各種各樣的地道葡萄酒 食材 特色菜餚和糖果 一起準備好, 迎接法國五月南法美食之旅! 欲了解參與餐廳 零售店 工作坊和活動詳情, 請瀏覽 : For the list of the participating restaurants, retailers, workshops and events please visit:

60 快活谷法國五月之夜 精彩節目 SPECIAL EVENTS Le French May in the Valley 9, 16 & 23 MAY 跑馬地馬場 HAPPY VALLEY RACECOURSE 7:15PM ( 第一場賽事 FIRST RACE) 入場費 ENTRANCE FEE: $10 一如往年, 法國五月將於 5 月 9 16 及 23 日連續三個星期三舉行 Happy Wednesday 活動, 讓大家沉醉於法國情懷中 除了刺激的賽馬和世界級表演外, 尚有法國美酒佳餚, 這才是正宗的巴黎派對!5 月 23 日更有 法國賽馬會盃 及 法國五月盃 等精彩賽事, 這包羅法國文化及派對的賽馬盛事絕不能錯過! On the Happy Wednesday nights of May 9, 16 and 23, drink in fabulously French ambience as Le French May brings its annual mix of reasons to be cheerful at Happy Valley. In addition to edge-of-your-seat racing action and world-class performances, our authentically Parisian party will include exquisite French wines and cuisines. With thrilling races including the France Galop and the Le French May Trophy on May 23, it all adds up to an ooh-la-la fusion of French culture and party fun! 9 MAY, 2018(WED) 16 MAY, 2018(WED) 23 MAY, 2018(WED) 聲樂與節奏口技 (Beatbox) - OMMM- 無伴奏音樂 Vocal & Beatbox music with OMMM- A capella 四把聲音 加上人肉 beatbox 和 Dub 音樂大師的組合打破無伴奏音樂 (A Cappella) 的框框 來自巴黎的組合 OMMM 為觀眾帶來百分百聲樂體驗, 當中的藝術世界以聲音為語言, 音樂風格多元, 各種節奏強勁的樂風如流行樂 嘻哈音樂和 trip hop 共冶一爐 這流行聲樂組合於 2008 年成立, 成員都是音樂學校的同學 他們除了創作原創歌曲外, 也會於翻唱歌曲中加入他們的特色 Four voices, a human beatbox and a Dub Master that go far beyond the limits of a cappella. A 100% vocal experience in an artistic universe where the voice is language and plays with different musical styles. An organic and electronic immersion in the powerful rhythms of pop, hip hop and trip hop. Ommm is a Parisbased pop vocal band founded in 2008 by music school classmates. The band compose original songs as well as perform popular covers with its own special touch. The Elem ants 躍動嘻哈二人組 Hip hop DANCE with The Elem ants 二人組 The Elem ants 由 Yanice 和 Sebastian 組成 他們巧妙地把嘻哈舞步中的高難度炫技巧 當代舞的情感, 以及身體和聲音的音樂感融合, 在強勁的 beatbox 節拍及著名歌調下作精彩演出 他們的表演感性又富幽默感, 令人隨之起舞 Marrying the technical virtuosity of hip-hop dance with the contemporary choreographic expression and the musicality of bodies and voices Yanice and Sebastian rock the stage with beatbox beats and famous tunes. With sensibility and humor, they invite the audience to share their encounter under the aegis of their tremendously communicative energy. 放克 (Funk) 及非州節奏 (Afrobeat) - Le Syndicat du Chrome 樂隊 - 法國銅管樂隊 Funk & Afrobeat with Le Syndicat du Chrome French Brass Band Le Syndicat du Chrome 樂隊的藝術取向令人意想不到 - 有新奧爾良銅管樂隊的影子 亦有直接由埃塞俄比亞或尼日利亞音樂取材的迷人旋律 還有 groove trance 銅管樂 ties acid punchlines 中等獲得創作靈感 樂隊的風格涵蓋放克 非州放克 非洲節奏 Gogo 埃塞俄比亞爵士等, 無論在舞台上還是街頭, 六位成員的表演都會令人笑著忘我舞動 Le Syndicat du Chrome s artistic approach is surprising; its influences from New Orleans recount the music of the wildest brass bands. Its captivating melodies are directly imported from Ethiopia and Nigeria. The group s diversity is evident in its performance of groove, trance, brass instruments, ties and acid punchlines. On stage or on the street, Le Syndicat du Chrome plays with funk, afrofunk, afrobeat, gogo or ethio-jazz. Six modern superheroes make everyone dance and smile!

61 法國賽馬日 FRENCH DAY 跑馬地馬場 7PM 23 MAY HAPPY VALLEY RACECOURSE 入場費 ENTRANCE FEE: $10 精彩節目 SPECIAL EVENTS 法國賽馬會 香港賽馬會和法國五月聯合舉辦的法國賽馬日今年已經踏入第十屆, 定於五月二十三日星期三晚跑馬地馬場舉行, 當晚特設法國五月盃及法國賽馬會盃兩場盃賽 除了緊張賽事外, 場內佈置亦將充滿法國色彩, 並備有精彩的法國藝術表演及法式美酒佳餚 法國賽馬會亦將作出相應安排, 讓香港賽馬會為八月十五日在多維爾馬場舉行的其中兩場賽事命名 France Galop, the Hong Kong Jockey Club, Le French May and the Consulate General of France are proud to present the tenth edition of the French Day at Happy Valley Racecourse on 23 rd May 2018 (Wednesday), when two cup races, Le French May Trophy and the France Galop Cup, will be staged. Alongside with the exciting races, the night will also be filled with spectacular French arts performance and delicious wines and cuisine. In reciprocity, the Hong Kong Jockey Club will name two of the races at the meeting to be held at Deauville Racecourse on 15 th August 2018 (Wednesday). 一年一度法國賽馬日旨在加強法國賽馬會與香港賽馬會之間的緊密聯繫, 同時標誌著兩家賽馬會在國際賽馬組織聯盟的工作上協力取得積極成果 際此賽馬運動邁向全球化的時刻, 法國賽馬日當可為雙方的夥伴合作關係奠定鞏固基礎 法國賽馬會是法國唯一的賽馬機構, 負責甄選編排全年賽事, 從而促進育馬事業 該會同時負責訂立和執行賽事規例 簽發練馬師及騎師牌照, 以及訂定馬主協議 法國賽馬會每年均主辦多項大型國際賽事, 包括凱旋門大賽 法國橡樹大賽 法國打吡大賽, 以及舉世知名的多維爾八月賽馬日等 Under the French colours, the French Day enhances the strong links that unite France Galop and the Hong Kong Jockey Club, and all the active work that both racing clubs have achieved within the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities. In times when the sport of racing no longer knows any borders, this event comes as a solid basis to build future partnerships as such. The France Galop is the one and only racing authority in France in charge of promoting breeding through its selective annual racing calendar. It also defines and applies racing rules and delivers training and riding licences as well as ownership agreements. France Galop organizes major international events such as the Qatar Prix de l Arc de Triomphe, the Prix de Diane, the Prix du Jockey Club and the internationally famed August Deauville meeting to name but a few. 合辦機構 CO-PRESENTED BY

62 法國五月 LE FRENCH K11 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 精彩節目 SPECIAL EVENTS 13, 19, 20 & 27 MAY K11 Piazza 今個五月份, 法國五月將於 K11 隆重呈獻出色的法國表演及兩齣法國電影, 為大家傳神演繹法式藝術的動感節拍與精髓 三個各具特色的組合將送上他們最精彩絕輪的秘技 :OMMM 以人肉 beatbox 結合純人聲合唱演繹流行曲, 成就超越 A Capella 的天籟 ;La Main S Affaire 以喜劇融入雜技, 喜感與刺激兼備 ;Le Syndicat du Chrome 以銅管樂團合奏 Afro Funk, 在香港難得一見 星期日 13 May pm, 5pm, 6pm A cappella-ommm 無伴奏音樂四把聲音 加上人肉 beatbox 和 Dub 音樂大師的組合打破無伴奏音樂 (A Cappella) 的框框 以巴黎為基地的組合 OMMM 帶來百分百聲樂體驗, 當中的藝術世界以聲音為語言, 風格多元 各種節奏強勁的樂風如流行樂 嘻哈音樂和 trip hop 共冶一爐 這流行聲樂組合於 2008 年成立, 成員都是音樂學校的同學 他們除了創作原創歌曲外, 也會於翻唱歌曲中加入他們的特色 星期日 20 May pm, 5pm, 6pm 馬戲 Circus Show 兩位馬戲藝術家之間充滿活力的互動 - 相對而又互相影響 他們的演出將令馬戲不再神秘, 並以雜技和一點諷刺來挑戰你的批判性思維 他們技巧高超又幽默, 而這二人組往往喜歡顛倒規則 在這個 雙人舞 中, 每人都扮演一個角色, 一起跳起雜技舞蹈, 他們都會令你捧腹大笑! This May, Le French May is proud to present outstanding French performances and two screenings at K11, giving all the spirit and pulsing energy of French-style arts. Expect only the best tricks and most spectacular moves from three exciting ensembles OMMM, a dynamic human beat box quartet; La Main S Affaire, acrobatics slash comedy duo; and Le Syndicat du Chrome, a jazzy afro funk brass band. 表演 PERFORMANCES Sunday 13 May 2018 at 4pm, 5pm, 6pm A cappella-ommm Four voices, a Human beatbox and a Dub Master that go far beyond the limits of the A Capella style. A 100% vocal experience in an artitisc universe where the voice is language and plays with musical styles. An organic and electronic immersion in the powerful rhythmes of pop, hip hop and trip hop. OMMM is a parisian-based pop vocal band founded in 2008 by music school classmates. They composed theirs own original songs ans perform covers with their own special touch. 星期日 27 May pm, 5pm, 6pm 銅管樂隊 Le Syndicat du Chrome 樂隊 Le Syndicat du Chrome 樂隊的藝術取向令人意想不到 - 有新奧爾良銅管樂隊的影子 亦有直接由埃塞俄比亞或尼日利亞音樂取材的迷人旋律 還有 groove trance 銅管樂 ties acid punchlines 中等獲得創作靈感 樂隊的風格涵蓋放克 非州放克 非州節奏 Gogo 埃塞俄比亞爵士等, 無論在舞台上還是街頭, 六位成員的表演都會令人笑著忘我舞動 星期六 19 May PM 至 4:15PM 電影 媽媽去哪裡? 星期六 19 May :30PM 至 5:45PM 動畫 沒有手的女孩 Sunday 20 May 2018 at 4pm, 5pm, 6pm La Main s Affaire A lively relation between two circus artists : technical osmosis but ideological opposition. How to demystify entertainment and sharpen critical mind with hand to hand acrobatics and a spot of irony? In addition to their techinical skills, the subtle humour of the french duo «La Main S affaire» turns the rules upside down. In this pas de deux, each one has a role to play. They are guided to an acrobatic dance that will offer the public a hilarious moment! Sunday 27 May 2018 at 4pm, 5pm, 6pm Brass Band- Le Syndicat du Chrome Le Syndicat du Chrome artistic approach is surprising; its influences from New Orleans recount the music of the wildest brass bands. Their captivating melodies are directly imported from Ethiopia or Nigeria; in addition to groove, trance, brass instruments, ties and acid punchlines. On stage or on the street, Le Syndicat du Chrome plays with funk, afrofunk, afrobeat, gogo or ethio-jazz. Our six superheroes of modern times make every people around dance and smile! 電影 FILMS SATURDAY 19 May 2018 at 3PM to 4:15PM FILM MY MOM IS IN AMERICA AND SHE MET BUFFALO BILL Sunday 19 May 2018 at 4:30PM 至 5:45PM ANIMATION THE GIRL WITHOUT HANDS 114 合辦機構 CO-PRESENTED BY 場地贊助 VENUE SPONSOR 關於 K11 K11 由創意文化企業家鄭志剛於 2008 年創立 這家原創公司將藝術欣賞 人文體驗 自然綠化及購物消費相互融合, 為大眾帶來前所未有的獨特感官體驗 K11 以商業 文化 科技和慈善事業為根基的生態系統, 是其創始人不斷通過尋求衝擊滯漲產業的方式, 促進跨界文化對話的體現 ABOUT K11 K11 was founded in 2008 by entrepreneur and business innovator Adrian Cheng. The pioneering multi-faceted brand is rooted in culture and interconnected by three core values: art, people and nature. Its ecosystem of business, cultural, technological and charitable enterprises is a manifestation of the founder s constant search for ways to disrupt stagnant industries, and foster crosscultural dialogues. 115

63 伙伴節目 PARTNER EVENTS Make Music, Hong Kong! JUN 星期五 FRI 2PM-10PM 星期六 SAT 11AM-10PM 星期日 SUN 11AM-6PM 中環, 詳細地點有待公佈 Central venue to be announced 費用全免 FREE ADMISSION 香港法國文化協會與法國駐香港及澳門總領事館攜手呈獻第一屆 Make Music, Hong Kong! 音樂節 這一連三日的音樂盛典將邀請眾多本地和歐洲樂手一同參與演出 不同風格 種類的音樂, 無論是古典或爵士, 流行或電音, 將一起大放異彩 Make Music, Hong Kong! 音樂節靈感源自於每年六月二十一日 ( 北半球夏季日照最長的一天 ) 在全世界各地舉行的 世界音樂日 Make Music, Hong Kong! 完全免費, 表演者包括專業樂手及業餘愛好者, 在愉快的氣氛中為大眾呈獻各種音樂 是次音樂節誠意邀請全民參與, 除了不同音樂表演, 更有工作坊, 放映會等同期舉行 六月二十二到二十四日, 來和我們一齊慶祝吧! 是次活動獲歐盟駐港澳辦事處的支持以及奧地利 匈牙利 瑞士駐港總領事館 歌德學院和 Italian Cultural Institute 的參與,Make Music, Hong Kong! 音樂節藉此鼓勵與促進歐洲國家與香港間的音樂交流 The Alliance Française and the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong are very proud to present the first edition of Make Music, Hong Kong! a three-day music festival featuring talented local and European artists with a wide range of music genre from classical to jazz, pop to electro. Inspired by the Fête de la Musique which takes place all around the world on 21 June and celebrates the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, Make Music, Hong Kong! will present all music styles in a cheerful atmosphere. It is a free event opened to both amateurs and professional performers, with several stages, workshops, screenings and roundtables. Music will be celebrated for all! Save the date and come celebrate with us! With the support of the European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao, and the participation of the Consulates General of Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Goethe-Institut and the Italian Cultural Institute, Make Music, Hong Kong! will promote and encourage artistic exchanges between European countries and Hong Kong. 合辦機構 CO-PRESENTED BY 共同創立 Co-founded by 參與機構 With the participation of

64 法國五月藝術節 2018 賽馬會社區拓展藝術教育計劃 LE FRENCH MAY 2018 JockEy Club Community Outreach And Arts Education Programmes 賽馬會社區拓展藝術教育計劃 Jockey Club Community Outreach and Arts Education Programmes 法國五月致力造福社會各界, 投入大量資源推廣藝術教育 承蒙香港賽馬會慈善信託基金等合作伙伴的支持, 普羅大眾可以透過參與我們的教育及外展活動去感受法國藝術之精髓! 法國五月透過外展項目 學生計劃 導賞團 工作坊 大師班及免費演出等多種途徑, 致力擴大觀眾層面, 教育年輕一代 法國五月 2018 將向年輕人及弱勢社群免費送出逾 1,500 張節目門票 多個展覽均設有深入淺出的導賞團, 由受訓的導賞員帶領, 預計逾 1,500 人參與 此外, 教育及外展活動將惠及逾 2,000 人, 法國五月藝術節亦會免費派發 10,000 本兒童教育小冊子至本地的學校 法國五月 無處不在, 將藝術帶出文化場所, 深入社區 : 從公共空間到商場, 從街頭到馬場, 法國五月藝術節望與公眾共享藝術, 將藝術融入日常生活 With the aim of benefitting everyone, Le French May places importance on art pedagogy and education. Thanks to the support of partners such as The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the general public experiences the essence of French art by participating our education and outreach programmes. Through its outreach programmes, student schemes, educational tours, workshops, masterclasses and free performances, the Festivasl strives to reach the widest possible audience and contribute to the education of younger generations. The 2018 edition of Le French May will distribute more than 1,500 tickets to youngsters and the less privileged. Over 1,500 visitors will benefit from indepth tours provided by well-trained docents during various exhibitions. More than 2,000 people will be benefited from the education and outreach activities. Besides, 10,000 free children booklets will be distributed to local schools. Over 3000 visitors will benefit from in-depth tours provided by well-trained docents during various exhibitions. 表演藝術 Performing Arts 學生日場 Student Matinee 只供學校申請作教育用途 Reserved for schools with a pedagogical purpose. 梁祝 The Butterfly Lovers 演後分享 Post-Performance Sharing Session 歡迎所有該演出持票者參加 Open to every ticket-holder of the performance. 由威尼斯到凡爾賽 From Venice to Versailles 流浪藝人 都市芭蕾 Les Forains, Ballet Urbain 畫壁 The Painting on the Wall 穆洛娃與日內瓦室樂團 Viktoria Mullova & Geneva Camerata 公開綵排 Open Rehearsal 畫壁 The Painting on the Wall 講座 / 座談會 Lecture/ Talk 流浪藝人 都市芭蕾 Les Forains, Ballet Urbain 爵士音樂會系列 Live Jazz Series 大師班 / 工作坊 Masterclass/ Workshop 流浪藝人 都市芭蕾 Les Forains, Ballet Urbain 爵士音樂會系列 Live Jazz Series 梁祝 The Butterfly Lovers 畫壁 The Painting on the Wall 穆洛娃與日內瓦室樂團 Viktoria Mullova & Geneva Camerata 實習 Internship 表演藝術項目 Performing Arts Programmes 教育及外展計劃 Education & Outreach Programmes 免費門票 Complimentary Tickets 視覺藝術 Visual Arts 講座 / 座談會 Lecture/ Talk 尼斯學派- 從波普藝術到偶發藝術 School of Nice - From Pop Art to Happenings 法式奇珍: 由自然科學到藝術 The Cabinet of Curiosities: A French Passion Nathalie Decoster 意識- 的巨型雕塑 Consciousness - A Monumental Sculpture 公眾導賞團 Public Guided Tours 尼斯學派- 從波普藝術到偶發藝術 School of Nice - From Pop Art to Happenings 法式奇珍: 由自然科學到藝術 Cabinets of Curiosities: A French Passion 學生導賞團 Student Guided Tours 只供學校申請作教育用途 Reserved for schools with a pedagogical purpose. 尼斯學派- 從波普藝術到偶發藝術 School of Nice - From Pop Art to Happenings 法式奇珍: 由自然科學到藝術 Cabinets of Curiosities: A French Passion 放映會 Screening Patrick Willocq 母愛之歌 Patrick Willocq - SONGS OF THE WALÉS 工作坊 Workshop 尼斯學派- 從波普藝術到偶發藝術 School of Nice - From Pop Art to Happenings 法式奇珍: 由自然科學到藝術 Cabinets of Curiosities: A French Passion Nathalie Decoster 意識- 的巨型雕塑 Consciousness - A Monumental Sculpture 實習 Internship 法國五月藝術節 LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL 法國五月藝術節於 2014 年加盟 學校起動 計劃, 與一間本地中學 ( 東華三院邱金元中學 ) 合作, 為學生提供參與文化藝術活動的機會, 擴闊學生眼界 在香港賽馬會慈善信託基金的支持下, 部份教育及外展活動將提拱藝術通達服務, 建立無障礙藝術環境 Le French May wishes to be everywhere, bringing art outside of the cultural venues and into public spaces and shopping malls, onto the streets and the racecourse, where the Festival invites the public to appreciate art as part of daily life. As of 2014, Le French May has been part of Project WeCan and works closely with a local secondary school (T. W. G. Hs. Yow Kam Yuen College) to broaden students horizons and offer them cultural and artistic opportunities. 只供教育機構及非政府組織申請作教育用途 Reserved for educational institutions and nongovernmental organizations with a pedagogical purpose. 由威尼斯到凡爾賽 From Venice to Versailles 流浪藝人 都市芭蕾 Les Forains, Ballet Urbain 梁祝 The Butterfly Lovers 畫壁 The Painting on the Wall 比才 卡門 Georges Bizet s Carmen 尼斯學派 - 從波普藝術到偶發藝術 School of Nice - From Pop Art to Happenings 詳情請瀏覽我們的網頁或電郵至 For details, please go to our website or send to With the generous support of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Art Accessibility service will be provided at some of the education and outreach activities, in order to establish a barrier-free art environment

65 120 藝倡畫廊 Alisan Fine Arts Limited 香港中環擺花街 1 號一號廣場 21 樓 21/F Lyndhurst Tower, 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central AMC Pacific Place 香港金鐘道 88 號太古廣場 Level 1, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway 藍蓮畫廊 Blue Lotus Gallery 柴灣工業城一期永泰道 60 號 16 樓 06 室 1606 Chai Wan Industrial City Phase 1, 60 Wing Tai Road, Chai Wan Charbon Art Space 香港黃竹坑道 44 號盛德工業大廈 8/F B Unit B, 8/F, Sing Tek Factory, 44 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen Chateau Zoobeetle 香港上環西街 38 號 38 Sai Street, Sheung Wan chateau-zoobeetle-hong-kong 染樂工房 Dyelicious 中環鴨巴甸街 35 號元創坊 A 座 S506 室 S506, Block A, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central 藝穗會奶庫 Fringe Club, The Dairy 中環下亞厘畢道 2 號 2 Lower Albert Road, Central F22 攝影空間 F22 foto space 灣仔摩理臣山道 號凱利商業大廈 5 樓 5/F, Amber Commercial Building, Morrison Hill Road, Wanchai Galerie Ora-Ora 中環皇后大道中 80 號 H Queen s 17 樓 17/F, H Queens, 80 Queens Road Central 香港大學百周年校園李兆基會議中心大會堂 HKU,Centennial Campus, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, Grand Hall 香港薄扶林香港大學 The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam 場地指南 VENUE GUIDE 香港島 HONG KONG ISLAND 香港大會堂 Hong Kong City Hall 中環愛丁堡廣場 5 號 5 Edinburgh Place, Central 香港視覺藝術中心 Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre 中區堅尼地道 7A 7A, Kennedy Road, Central en_us/web/apo/va_main.html Insight 室內設計學校 Insight School of Interior Design 柴灣常安街 77 號發達中心 24 樓 24/F Federal Centre, 77 Sheung On Street, Chai Wan web/ Jouer 灣仔秀華坊 1 號 1 Sau Wa Fong, Wan Chai kapok - 灣仔日街 3 號地鋪 3 Sun Street. Wan Chai PMQ 中環鴨巴甸街 35 號 G/F, No.35 Aberdeen Street, Central 凱倫偉伯畫廊 Karin Weber Gallery 中環鴨巴甸街 20 號地下 20 Aberdeen Street,Central, SOHO 季豐軒 Kwai Fung Hin Art Gallery 中環雪廠街 20 號地下 G/F, 20 Ice House Street, Central 法國藝術空間 巴黎 La Galerie- Paris 1839 中環荷李活道 74 號地鋪 74 Hollywood Road, Central 龍門雅集 Longmen Art Projects 香港仔黃竹坑道 21 號環滙廣場 19 樓 室 19F, Global Trade Square, No. 21 Wong Chuk Hang Rd., Aberdeen Mahka Fashion Gallery 上環華里 4 號地下 G/F, 4 Wa Lane, Sheung Wan MOViE MOViE Cityplaza 太古城道 18 號太古城中心 1 期 5 樓 5/F, Cityplaza, 18 Taikoo Shing Road PACIFIC PLACE 金鐘太古廣場 LG1 層 Garden Court 中庭 Atrium, LG1 Garden Court EXHIBITION, 88 Queensway, Admiralty Parfumerie Trésor 上環差館上街 18 號地下 G/F, 18 Upper Station Street, Sheung Wan Puerta Roja 上環皇后大道西 189 號西浦 189 藝術里一樓 1/F, SOHO189 Art Lane, 189 Queen s Road West, Sheung Wan Rouge éphémère 中環荷李活道 89 號 1 樓 B 室 1/F, Flat B, 89 Hollywood Road, Central Rue Madame - 銅鑼灣恩平道 28 號利園 2 期 1 樓 號商舖 Shop , 1/F, Lee Garden 2, 28 Yun Ping Road, Causeway Bay 中環金融街 8 國際金融中心 3 樓 3082A 號舖 Shop 3082A, Podium3, ifc Mall, Central 上環文娛中心 Sheung Wan Civic Centre 上環皇后大道中 345 號 345 Queen s Road Central, Sheung Wan 中華基督教會公理堂演奏廳 Recital Theatre, The Church of Christ in China - China Congregational Church 銅鑼灣禮頓道 119 號公理堂大樓 6 樓 6/F, Congregation House, 119 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay 香港賽馬會跑馬地馬場 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Happy Valley Racecourse 跑馬地黃泥涌道 Wong Nai Chung Rd, Happy Valley YellowKorner 中環荷李活道 58 號 58 Hollywood Road, Central 百老匯電影中心 Broadway Cinematheque 油麻地眾坊街 3 號駿發花園 Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, Yaumatei 城市大學展覽館 CityU Exhibition Gallery 九龍塘香港城市大學學術樓 ( 三 )18 樓 18/F, Academic 3, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong D2 Place ONE 荔枝角長義街 9 號 9 Cheung Yee Street, Lai Chi Kok 香港文化中心 Hong Kong Cultural Centre 尖沙咀梳士巴利道 10 號香港文化中心 Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 登臺酒店 Hotel Stage 佐敦志和街 1 號登臺酒店地庫 MUSE 畫廊 MUSE gallery, Hotel Stage, LG, 1 Chi Wo Street, Jordan 新界 NEW TERRITORIES 香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 崇基學院黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳 Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin 明愛專上學院 Caritas Institute of Higher Education 將軍澳翠嶺里 2 號明愛專上學院 A319-1 室 A319-1, 2 Chui Ling Lane, Tseung Kwan O 場地指南 VENUE GUIDE 九龍 KOWLOON 澳門 MACAU 澳門藝術博物館 Macao Museum of Art 澳門新口岸冼星海大馬路 Av. Xian Xing Hai, Macao (853) kapok - K11 尖沙咀河內道 18 號 3 樓 3/F, K11, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 香港公開大學田家炳中華文化中心 The Open University of Hong Kong Tin Ka Ping Centre of Chinese Culture 何文田牧愛街 30 號香港公開大學 30 Good Shepherd St, The Open University of Hong Kong, Ho Man Tin 通利演藝廳 Tom Lee Academy Hall 九龍灣宏照道 38 號 MegaBox 12 樓 2-20 室 Unit 2-20, Level 12, MegaBox, 38 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon K11 廣場 K11 The Piazza 尖沙咀河內道 18 號 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 澳門陸軍俱樂部何鴻燊博士廳 Salão Stanley Ho, Clube Militar de Macau 澳門南灣大馬路 975 號 975 Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau 澳門大學大學會堂 (W11) University of Macau, University Hall (W11) 中國澳門氹仔大學大馬路 University of Macau, Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China 法國五月藝術節 LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL 121

66 購票須知 法國五月藝術節 2018 節目門票由 2018 年 3 月 14 日起, 於以下票務系統公開發售請瀏覽網站 查詢更多購票詳情及節目資訊 BOOKING INFORMATION Tickets for all programmes of the Le French May Arts Festival 2018 are available at the following ticket systems starting from 14 March, Please visit for ticketing information and programmes details. 法國五月藝術節 URBTIX 城市售票網 適用於以下地點所舉辦的節目 : - 所有康樂及文化事務署場地包括 : 香港大會堂 香港文化中心 上環文娛中心 香港大學李兆基會議中心 售票處開放時間及地點詳情 : 城市售票網票務查詢 : ( 每日上午十時至晚上八時 ) - 所有門票於演出前一小時內, 只在該表演場地之售票處發售 網上購票 : 信用卡電話購票 : ( 每日上午十時至晚上八時 ) 流動購票應用程式 :My URBTIX (3 月 14 日起至演出前一小時止 ) 所有節目門票將於網上 流動購票應用程式及信用卡電話購票熱線發售 購票手續費為每張門票港幣八元 顧客可選擇帶同於網上 / 流動購票應用程式 / 電話購票時所使用的信用卡, 到任何購票通自助取票機或城市售票網售票處的售票櫃檯領取門票, 或以郵遞 / 速遞方式將門票送遞至所提供之地址 郵遞 / 速遞服務提供至演出前七天至三十天止 ( 視乎選擇之送遞方式 ), 郵遞 / 速遞服務須另付費用 網上購票服務所收取的所有手續費及門票送遞費將不獲發還 URBTIX TICKETS TO EVENTS AT: - All LCSD venues include Hong Kong City Hall Hong Kong Cultural Centre Sheung Wan Civic Centre Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre of HKU Counter Booking: Opening hours and address of URBTIX outlets: URBTIX Telephone Enquiries: (10am-8pm daily) - Tickets may only be available at the performance venue one hour before the performance. Internet Booking: Mobile Ticketing App: My URBTIX (From 14 March up to 1 hour prior to the performance) Tickets for all programmes are available on Internet, by Mobile Ticketing App and by Credit Card Telephone Booking. There is a service fee (which is non-refundable) of HK$8 per ticket. Customers may choose to collect tickets at any Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machines or at the sales counter at any URBTIX outlets upon presentation of the credit card used for online booking/mobile ticketing app booking / telephone booking, or by mail/courier to the customer s designated address. Mail/Courier delivery is available until 7 to 30 days before a performance (depending on the delivery method). An extra service fee (which is non- LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL Telephone Credit Card Booking: refundable) will be charged for mail/courier services. Art-Mate 適用於以下地點所舉辦的節目 : 藝穗會 網上購票 : 電話查詢 : 電郵 百老匯戲院 適用於以下地點所舉辦的節目 : 百老匯電影中心 AMC Pacific Place 百老匯電影中心電話購票 : 網上訂票 : (10am-8pm daily) Art-Mate TICKETS TO EVENTS AT: Fringe Club (Service and mailing/delivery fees are subject to change from time to time in accordance with the announcement of URBTIX.) BROADWAY CINEMA TICKETS TO EVENTS AT: Broadway Cinematheque AMC Pacific Place AMC Pacific Place 電話購票 : 網上訂票 : MOViE MOViE Cityplaza 香港太古城道 18 號太古城中心 1 期 5 樓 Internet Booking: Enquiry Hotline: Broadway Cinematheque Phone Ticketing: Online Ticketing: AMC Pacific Place Phone Ticketing: Online Ticketing: 法國五月節目查詢 : MOViE MOViE Cityplaza 5/F Cityplaza, 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Hong Kong Le French May Programme Enquiries:

67 法國五月藝術節 2018 購票優惠 DISCOUNT SCHEME OF LE FRENCH MAY ARTS FESTIVAL * 以下優惠僅適用於指定節目, 不適用於聯辦節目 優惠詳情, 請瀏覽 僅適用於以下指定節目 : 柏歷加舞蹈團 畫壁 耶提可二重奏 X 海潮 梁祝 爵士音樂會系列 熱門爵士樂曲 扎伊德四重奏 魔笛 流浪藝人- 都市芭蕾 爵士音樂會系列 向浦朗克致敬 由威尼斯到凡爾賽 安妮 卡赫 玫瑰人生 爵士音樂會系列 重現法國傳奇歌王歌后經典 1. 半價購票優惠年滿 60 歲的長者 殘疾人士及看護人 全日制學生 綜合社會保障援助受惠人士及香港法國文化協會會員卡持有人 * 均可享門票半價優惠 2. 團體購票優惠 ( 只適用於同一節目 ) 每次購買 6 至 10 張正價門票可獲 95 折優惠 每次購買 11 張或以上正價門票可獲 9 折優惠 3. 套票優惠 ( 適用於不同節目 ) 每次購買 4 至 6 個或以上不同演藝節目的正價門票可獲 95 折優惠 每次購買 7 個或以上不同演藝節目的正價門票可獲 9 折優惠 除上述指定節目, 另外可適用於以下節目 : 香港小交響樂團 : 貝多芬第三鋼琴協奏曲 香港小交響樂團 : 沃爾頓中提琴協奏曲 4. 特別優惠 法國五月藝術節會員卡持有人可獲正價門票 8 折優惠 同時購買各三場爵士音樂會系列正價門票可獲 85 折優惠 備註 購買每張門票, 只可享有上述其中一項購票優惠, 請於購票時通知票務人員 香港法國文化協會及法國五月藝術節會員卡持有人購票優惠只適用於到城市售票網售票處購買門票 訂票須知 一人一票, 所有觀眾不論年齡亦須憑票入場 所有節目恕不招待 6 歲以下觀眾 優惠票數量有限, 先到先得 所有座位安排視乎訂位情況而定 觀眾務請準時入場 遲到及中途離場人士須待中場休息或適當時候方可進場 因應部分場次需求, 本團有權拒絕遲到者或中途離場人士進場 購票人士務請於離開票房前查核所購門票 門票一經售出, 概不退換 學生票持有人進場時, 需出示有效香港全日制學生證, 否則需付全費及手續費 殘疾人士門票持有人進場時, 需出示有效的 殘疾人士登記證, 否則需付全費及手續費 法國五月藝術節有權增減 更換演出者或更改已公佈的節目及座位安排事宜 如有更改, 本會將盡可能於本會網站不時更新 如有爭議, 法國五月藝術節保留最終決定權 有關以下合辦節目的詳細購票優惠, 請參閱該合辦團體的優惠詳情 香港歌劇院 : 比才 卡門 香港城市室樂團 : 色士寧人 管樂雅集 :Le Charme du Hautbois 音樂會 MUSE: 穆洛娃與日內瓦室樂團 香港法國文化協會 : 薩拉班德 香港法國文化協會 : 巴黎 - 劇場表演 The following discount scheme is applicable to below selected programmes and excludes the Associated Project programmes. Please visit www. for details. Applicable to the following selected programmes: The Painting on the Wall Live Jazz Series - Jazz Greatest Hits The Butterfly Lovers Live Jazz Series - Jazz Tribute to Poulenc Reinventing the Magic Flute Live Jazz Series - Revisiting Piaf and Trenet s Biggest Hits From Venice to Versailles La Vie en Rose Les Forains, Ballet Urbain 1- Half-price tickets for senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder, full-time students, Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients and Alliance Française Hong Kong card holders*. 2- Group Booking Discount (Applicable to the same programme only) 5% for 6 10 standard tickets; 10% for 11 or more standard tickets 3- Package Booking Discount (Applicable to different programmes) 5% discount on standard tickets for each purchase of 4-6 different performing arts programmes; 10% discount on standard tickets for each purchase of 7 or more different performing arts programmes; Discount also applicable to the following selected programmes: Hong Kong Sinfonietta: François-Frédéric Guy Plays Beethoven Hong Kong Sinfonietta: Adrien La Marca Plays Walton Viola Concerto 4- Special discount* 20% discount on standard tickets for Le French May Arts Festival membership cardholders; 15% discount for each purchase of standard tickets for all 3 different jazz concerts from Live Jazz Series; Special Notes Patrons can enjoy only one of the above discount schemes for each purchase. Please inform the box office staff at the time of purchase. Discounts for Alliance Française Hong Kong and Le French May Arts Festival membership cardholders are applicable for purchases from URBTIX outlets only. BOOKING DETAILS One person per ticket regardless of age. Persons below 6 years of age will not be admitted. Discounted tickets are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Seat allocation is subject to allocation. Audience are advised to arrive punctually. Latecomers will not be admitted until a suitable break or the intermission. The management reserves the right to refuse admission and readmission of any latecomers. Patrons must check their tickets before leaving the booking counter. No refunds or exchanges can be made after the tickets are sold. Student tickets holders must produce valid proof of identity (local full-time students) for inspection by the venue staff when attending performances. Those who fail to do so will be required to pay the full ticket price and handling charges. People with disabilities must bring the valid Registration Card For People with Disabilities when attending the performances. Those who fail to do so will be required to pay the full ticket price and handling charges. Le French May Arts Festival reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists and/or vary advertised programmes and seating arrangements. Should there be such changes, Le French May Arts Festival will update the relevant information on its website so far as practicable. In case of any dispute, the decision of Le French May Arts Festival is final. For the following programmes which have not mentioned above, please refer to the detailed discount scheme of the co-presenters/presenters. Opera Hong Kong: Georges Bizet s Carmen City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong: Saxiland Hong Kong Wind Kamerata: Le Charme du Hautbois MUSE: Viktoria Mullova & Geneva Camerata Alliance française: Sarabande Alliance française: Paris The Show

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